Vino es un fanzine contracultural editado en Buenos Aires, trae entrevistas a musicos del palo de la psicodelia,garage,punk,musica underground en general... etc. en ete numero hay entrevistas al mitico Nik Turner (ex Hawkwind) a Tony Bunn (ex Sun-Ra arkestra) y a Dead Elvis (onemanband from Holanda). si queres tu copia en papel manda mail a ////////////////////////////////////
VINO is a countercultural fanzine published in Bueno Aires, interviews with musicians brings psychedelia, garage, punk, underground music in general ... etc. in this issue there are interviews with the legendary Nik Turner (ex Hawkwind) Tony Bunn (ex Sun-Ra Arkestra) and Dead Elvis (OneManBand from Holland). if you want a paper copy sent mail to