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The Ra onale

Storytelling is e most powerful way to put ideas into e world today. —Robe McKee

In marke ng, storytelling is used to create an emo onal investment. Storytelling is effec ve because it has existed roughout history; roughout me, people have enjoyed stories. Forbes

Storytelling is compelling because stories are what people remember. Even when ey forget names and faces, ey rarely forget e story and how it made em feel.

Numerous studies over e years have proven at our brains are far more engaged by storytelling an e cold, hard facts. It’s far easier for us to remember stories an e cold hard facts because our brains make li le dis nc on between an experience we are reading about and one at is actually happening.

â€œâ€Śit can be concluded at e human brain does not dis nguish between reading or hearing a story and experiencing it in real life. In bo cases, e same neurological regions are ac vated. Stories s mulate e mind; it is now in our job descrip ons to send consumers on journeys at lead em to solu ons at solve eir problems and, hopefully, b st our bo om lines.â€?

What happens if we move beyond business-as-usual, and sta building content at is engaging and powerful, by harnessing e energy of e well-told story? Stories are all around us. They are what move us, make us feel alive, and inspire us. Our appe te for stories is a reflec on of e basic human need to understand pa erns of life — not merely as an intellectual exercise but as a personal, emo onal experience. Stories are e way to reach out to people and emo onally connect.

Stories are au en c human experiences. Stories leap frog e technology and bring us to e core of experience. Stories have always been a primal form of co unica on. Stories are about collabora on and connec on. Stories are how we ink. They are how we make meaning of life.

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