The HCOS Weekly 2014 Year End Edition
Farewell, Editor By the HCOS Weekly Team As hard as it is to believe, the school year has finally come to a close. With this new turn of events, we are ready to announce that the HCOS Weekly will be put on hold until the next school year (the 2014-2015 year). A few of us at the HCOS Weekly got together with a plan, one that would honour and commemorate our editor, Jubilee Chiu, whom we couldn't have created the HCOS Weekly without. We decided to write some thank you notes and sign them with mysterious names. Since Jubilee isn't formatting this edition of the paper, she will read and try to figure out who the notes are from once the paper is published. Congratulations on graduating and teaching us so much, Jubilee. We couldn't have been able to do this without you, and we wish you the best with your post-secondary endeavours.
Dear Ms. Chiu. Thank you for being our editor. (Even though you got someone else to do your dirty work some of the time.) Be sure to read this in a British accent. Bye. ~ The Clairvoyant To our beloved Editor, We will miss you! You managed the team so well, nagging when necessary and always being totally un-
A Compilation of Thank You Notes From The HCOS Weekly Team
derstanding! We will miss you, but we know you will leave us in good hands :) ~Unknown HCOS Weekly Clock~ “So long, farewell, auf Wiedersehen, goodbye!” And yes, I just quoted the Sound of Music…well, because it uses the thesaurus and a different language. Anywaaays, you did a totally fab job with the paper this year, Jubs! You are a remarkable person, and I know you will do very exceptional things!!! Thanks a billion for the laughs, the smiles, and everything in between. You will definitely be missed. By the way, I’m changing the “goodbye” in that song to “see you soon.” ~ Mother Abbess xD
Thanks for everything, May you have a lovely life. ~ Unknown Dear Jubilee, I would like to take a moment to thank you for editing this paper. It was an awesome experience working with you and I'm sure you enjoyed the fame and salary as much as I did XD. Thank you for all the work you put into creating the HCOS Weekly, you really made the paper what it is. ~ Jim Davis
To one of my buzzare best friends Jubs! I want to say thank you for being such an amazing editor as well as such a great friend. I would put a pun in, but I’ll save those for later. Hehehe. The paper won’t be the same without you. I’ll miss your advice and encouragement while you’re off animating the world. But you can’t get rid of me. I’ll always be around for you. I’m so Wow, I got around to sending this proud of you twin. in early! Haha, well I’d really just ~ Dorothy like to say that working with the HCOS Weekly has been so much Before I say anything else, let me fun for me... you’ve been a great say right up front that I’m not even Editor, Jubs, and I wish you well in going to try to trick you into thinkyour future! If it weren’t for your ing I’m someone else; my reasonever-needed nagging, skills with ing behind this is that, first off, piecing together the paper, and you’ve already guessed who most guidance for the rest of us, I doubt of the letters are written by (so it’ll we would have even been able to be pretty easy to guess this one), do this. :) Thank you so much for and second, THERE IS NO WAY TO all that you’ve done! FIT ALL I WANT TO SAY INTO A LET~ theethouthy TER THAT DOESN’T SOUND LIKE ME. Dx So long, farewell Where on earth do I start the Auf Wiedersehen, goodnight. thank-you’s and farewells? You’re
an excellent editor, Jubs, and all of us on the newspaper will miss your ninja-editing skills very much – your ability to pull a paper out of nowhere when only 2 or 3 people have actually contributed anything, your talent at reminding us all to send in our articles without sounding like you’re nagging (it is a gift, don’t ever doubt that!), your aptitude for taking something that’s just a cool idea and turning it into an actual reality (the HCOS Weekly, hanging out at Grad (now I’ve totally given myself away xD), and the Yearbook, to name just a few), and the effort and time that you put into each edition. We’re going to miss you TONS, and that’s just as our editor – never mind through HCOS itself and other skype groups. D: However, much as we’ll all miss you, I’ll try not to make this letter too serious and goodbye-ish…because, hey, you graduated! CONGRADULATIONS! (I’m sure you’ve heard that one a lot already, but that’s okay. Also, why is Microsoft Word recognizing it as an actual word. O.o) You made it through high school (and of course elementary), and you may have even learned some stuff…HOORAY! *insert skype party emoticon here*I wish you all the best in your year ahead and the years to come, and thank you, Jubs, for being so awesome! Farewell, and congratulations, Editor!
The HCOS Weekly
~ S.A.B.B.P.T.M. Dear Miss Editor,
Thank you for the amazing contribution you have been to the Heritage Christian Online School! Although I've worked with the HCOS Weekly for the past school year, I feel as if I have barely contributed anything to the group xD Just wanted to let you know that we love you though and are very grateful to have had you running with this idea for the past school In the past year, I’ve had the opyear!! portunity to manage the paper and ~ Your #1 Fan observe the Team members on the side as well. Few possess the key Dear Jubilee, qualities needed in a successful editor so who – you ask – is going to Thanks so much for being the edi- be the next Editor? It is indeed a tor for this paper. Without an large job that requires diligence, editor, the team would be lost and dedication and trained skill. So obthe newspaper would only be a viously I’m not going to just crown draft. The editor is the one who anyone as Editor without doing keeps everything running smooth- background checks and such. ly and makes sure everyone is on time with the deadlines (as well as We’ve actually trained an Editor-Inediting any possible errors. Hence Training the past year. SURPRISE! the EDITor xD). It was great fun The new Editor is extremely funworking with you these couple l o v i n g ( o r s h o u l d I s a y times, and I wish we could have “pun”loving ;D), diligent, eloquent had many more opportunities like with the pen, assertive, a quick that. But all good things must learner, witty, and a great leader. come to an end, so that new things She has proven to exceed expectacan have a chance to spring up. I tions and I believe that she will be also wish the new editor the best a n exce l l e n t s u cce s s o r a n d of luck as he or she carries your Editor :D It is now time to appoint torch on to the next legacy of the the new Editor! Drumroll please… HCOS Weekly. I CROWN JENNICA B. WLODARCZYK AS THE HCOS WEEKLY’S NEW EDIWe will all miss you dearly. TO R , STA RT I N G FA L L 2 0 1 4 ! ! Signed, *Crowds cheer* Indee J As a final note, I’d like to thank the following people for being loyal contributors and often doing more than they are required to in order to improve the paper. We’ve grown so much over the year and it really A Farewell Note was a great learning experience watching each member develop.
Friends! Readers! Countrymen! Oh, and don’t forget to invite me to your wedding. ;D
Lend me your ear-er eyes! Today, I am announcing something very important that will bring both sadness and excitement. As you all know, I’ve graduated with the Class of 2014 just last week, and can no longer be the Editor. It has been a great pleasure working with the Team because they’ve all been incredibly awesome. Thank you, HCOS Team, for your Farewell, Editor notes and letters!! I feel so loved :’)
The HCOS Weekly
First off, I’d like to thank The HCOS Weekly’s founding fathers Jesse Ongkili and Micah Penner for making the paper become a reality in the first place. Without these gentlemen, we’d never have had the privilege of being a part of something so amazing. A huge thank you to Jennica Wlodarczyk, Grace Kelly, Megan Ferguson, Genevieve Ward, Jaleesa Taylor, Joshua Wlodarczyk and Kristina Fedorov for taking your job at the Weekly seriously and never disappointing! Shout out to Davin van Urk, Samara Paine, Kennedy MacInnis, Noah Penner, Emily Pearson and Adley Soames for providing us with fantastic columns once in a while. And to everyone else who’s submitted something before, THANK YOU!
Unknown HCOS Weekly Clock: Kristina Fedorov Awesome alias, Kristi! You're one of the only people I know who can pull off nagging as well as I do ;D Thank you for being an awesome moral supporter all the time. I'll miss you lots! Mother Abess: Jaleesa Taylor I did a terrible job of guessing yours! xD Should've caught on immediately when I read "fab"... thank YOU for everything, Princess Jaleesa :') I'll miss you a lot.
Much confuse. Wow xD (FTR readers, Jennica is my "twin", not Meg. She's impersonating her very well, though xD) Oh I'm glad you'll be sticking around! I'd be very sad to drift from any of you. S.A.B.B.P.T.M.: Genevieve Ward Goodness Gracious (heheh get it? GG?), that's a very long abbreviation. Hahaha ninja-editing skills… you flatter me x’) Indeed, nice nagging is a skill...I shall be sure to make use of it heheh. As for making things happen, I’m tired of things NOT happening so I like to do something about it xD Glad someone agrees that it’s nice for a change! Yes, I shall miss you a ton too ;-; I’m not sure I’m ready for new friends right now, really xD Thank YOU, Gen! I sure will invite you to my wedding…maybe put you in the wedding party ;D ;D
TheeThouThy: Jennica Wlodarczyk Yours was almost impossible to guess hahah xD Thank you for the well wishes and everything you've contributed, twin. You're seriously an amazing asset and it feels right leaving the HCOS Weekly in your hands. Best of luck handling the might be handy to hire an underling early on in the year, Your #1 Fan: Jesse Ongkili eh? ;D Thank you so much, Jes! Though you may not have contributed regUnknown: Grace Kelly ularly, your occasional art and I think it's safe to stop here and say paintings always amaze. You’re an that I basically failed at guessing excellent moral support and you every single letter's author xD always make sure we publish the Thank you, Grace. You've been an paper on time, we appreciate that exceptional part of the paper; your xD Keep painting :’) Your new Anicolumn is one of my favorites :'D me series will rock.
I’ve thoroughly enjoyed my time with all of you and hope to see the Weekly live on after my departure. ATTENTION READERS! Jennica (your fabulous new Editor) will be recruiting new Members for Fall 2014 so if you’re interesting in joining the wonderful Team, send your applications to! Include your name, grade, availability and a general idea of the column you’d be interested in writing up (include a sample, if possible). Thank you once again, and farewell. Jim Davis: Adley Soames Child, you broke my brain. Never in - Jubilee, Editor (2013-2014) a million years would I have guessed your letter correctly xD FAREWELL, EDITOR Yes, I totally enjoyed the fame and LETTER REPLIES: salary. And power. That was very The Clairvoyant: Joshua Wlodar- fun to have heheh. Thank you for czyk your impressive articles, Adley. I have to admit, I did NOT expect Keep being rad...ley ;D ;D this xD I literally said "WHO DARES TO SPEAK OF MY DIRTY WORK DEL- Dorothy: Megan Ferguson EGATION?!" So congratulations on Ah, of our best. Thank disguising yourself very well, Josh! you so much for all you've conThank you for your well wishes, tributed to the paper, and for the too c: sweet words :') BAHAHAH TWIN. You totally had me fooled there.
Indee J: Deanna Burmatoff HAHAHA “...the newspaper would only be a draft…” that would be incredibly silly. Of course, you are right, though I’m not perfect and I make mistakes too… *Is not doing the EDITor job right D:* I wish we could’ve worked together longer as well…you have such great, new ideas for the paper! I mean, you’re INDEANNA. :P She will, indeed! I will be very cross with her if she doesn’t heheh. I shall miss the Team as well… best of luck this fall!
The HCOS Weekly
ConGRADulations, Class of 2014! By Jennica Wlodarczyk The graduation ceremony for HCOS oicially took place on June 13th, 2014, at the Langley Events Centre in Langley, BC. We as a school had more graduating students sent out into the world this year than ever before, as was stated proudly by Pastor Greg Bitgood, HCOS's superintendent, during the ceremonies. We in the audience were given the privilege of seeing so many accomplished young men and women earn their Grade 12 diplomas and scholarships. One student even earned the Austin Jones Memorial Award. The ceremony was professional and held a
faith-focused atmosphere. It was amazing to see the sea of proud faces watching as the HCOS grads exited the room. Overall, Grad 2014 was a successful and memorable event. The HCOS Weekly sta would like to congratulate all of the amazing people who graduated this year. You did it! Photographs on this page of the 2014 HCOS graduation ceremony are owned by Andrew Lukianiuk, and can be found on Thanks to this wonderful photography team for taking excellent pictures of this year's graduation.
The HCOS Weekly
Of Burned Salad and Noodles Al Denté An Article By Simon Eenkooren
rigours. Even as a young child I had a marvellously large appetite. I would eat, and eat, content, happy, sated, awaiting the next course or meal. As I aged, I was expected to provide a bit of labour in exchange for the voracious consumption of edible materials; this was met with some of the most dour disapproval any seven-year-old is capable of. Nevertheless, I realized the efficiency of this trade-off; my parents supplied me with, well, supplies, and I returned those supplies somewhat by doing various chores.
It is with mixed trepidation and anticipation that I agreed to tender this short blurb in to the Weekly, (actually not, but don't tell; it just sounds good if I say that) but under the circumstances I feel that such trivial things as feelings should not get in the way of the circulation of these truths which I desire to expound to you. There dawned on the horizon the day, that fateful day, when the preNow, as a disclaimer, I don't wish cious Maternal Parental Unit decidto project upon you my biased ed (with full support from her husviews of the world. But I do seek to band) that the children (namely enlighten and perhaps relieve you myself, who took no interest in that there are others who think like food other than to eat it) should you do, if you think as I do. And no, learn how to cook. At the tender t h a t w a s n o t m ea n t t o b e age of fifteen, my poor psyche was profound. Quite simply put, I imag- intimidated. I quickly learned that I ine there are a few young men (and had a special set of skills in the young women) who enjoy the culi- kitchen. nary arts. I myself would say that I too enjoy the culinary arts. Espe- One of the first things one learns as cially the consumption of these a cook is how to boil water. Now, said arts. The very thought de- there are only a few simple steps lights me. But I digress. You'll have to boiling water: One must select a to pardon me if I do so; apparently pan (and lid preferably), select and I am able to ramble at length in turn on an element upon the stove, any given direction. Although usu- fill the pan with water, and await ally my rambles are not given any its boiling. Quite simple, one might direction. say. One has undoubtedly heard that a “watched pot never boils” As I was saying, eating makes me and “too many cooks spoil the happy. But (putting aside dietary broth” (I may explain the hygienic concerns) you may say “Good sir, ramifications of the latter idiom at culinary creations requires work – a later date . . .) and I had certainly not only the work of the eater (and heard the former. Thus, being inI assure you it is work) but the nocently carefree about my potwork of those who prepare the watching duties, I wandered from repast!” If you say this, and indeed, my post in front of that stove. if you don't, I will tell you that I am There are only two more things largely acquainted with these you need to know: The first is that I
may or may not have forgotten to put the lid upon the pan, and the second was that when I returned to the element, not only had the water boiled away, but the bottom had also started to bubble. Of course, my skills were only developing. In addition to altering the consistency of a pot's bottom, I managed to decorate the kitchen walls and ceiling with 3D abstract art the exact texture and consistency of red cabbage and carrots, effectively dye the soles of my socks a dubious colour, and burn several salads. Further skills include burning myself whilst transitioning cookie trays, levelling rising bread loaves, and generally inducing a feeling of awe in my fellow cookers and bakers. I have come to love the kitchen. Can you imagine why? *Disclaimer: The events in this excerpt are subject to slight fabrication. But then, most newspaper articles are. ;)*
// Of Burned Salads and Noodles Al Denté: Abridged Version // This is Simon. Simon says Simon eats lots. Simon is a small child. Simon eats proportionally large helping for his diminutive height. Now, please turn your attention to Simon a few years later. This Simon setting the table. This is Si-
The HCOS Weekly
mon sweeping up after the meal. This is Simon doing dishes. Simon is growing up. Simon says chores are boring; they can be. Simon still An Article By Megan Ferguson likes to eat, so he does his chores.
A Thank You
See Simon now! This is Simon's first time in the kitchen preparing the food that he will have to eat. See him scowl. Simon does not think he is a very good cook. Please direct your attention to the stove: This is Simon boiling a pan dry while watching it do so. This is Simon burning a salad. Flambé! Two years later, behold Simon in the kitchen. Simon is cooking noodles, and trying not to lose his own in the process. Behold as Simon lifts the lid off a pan and drips boiling hot condensation on his foot. See Simon rage!
This is just something I wanted to do: to say thank you to all the amazing teachers that Heritage has. Heritage has amazing teachers, and even if I’ve never been your student, I want to thank you nonetheless. Thank you for all your hard work and commitment, your discipleship in teaching the younger generations. Firstly I want to thank Mrs. Allison Ellis, the first teacher with Heritage I remember. You took me through all the way to Grade 7! Thanks for being my support teacher! Next I want to thank Mrs. Pat Mackesy. You inspired me to be a writer! You were enthusiastic and would just talk with me! I still remember the conversations we had. You taught me so much and I still remembered to this day! Thank you. I would not be where I am today without you.
This is Simon at the table. Simon is unhappy. Simon is serving noodles to a Fresian barbarian. Simon presents a single noodle; the man is not pleased! “Too hard,” says the man. Simon knows much about noodles. The noodle Simon presented was perfectly cooked; al dente with the slightest touch of firmness at the center of the noodle. But the Fresian says, “Cook it longer.” Simon is not happy. Simon cooks it much longer. Now the noodles are sodden. Simon knows the Fresian will like this taste very much.
I’d like to thank Mrs. Angela Paine for being so amazing and being one of the best Social Studies teachers I’ve ever had. You were the first online teacher I ever met in real life. I remember your braveness at Capenwray, climbing the tower, and I remember talking with you on the way back. Thank you for being such a great example.
slack off! Thank you for all your support and help! I’d like to thank Mr. Brown and Mr. Ryan Johnston. You both taught me perseverance. Next I’d like to thank Mrs. Pippa Davies, the Student’s Champion! You support our dreams and help us in our journey of learning! You are an AMAZING teacher librarian! The best ever! Thank you for being there for all the students and making learning a joy. How could I thank my teachers without a SPECIAL thank you to Mrs. Heidi Christison known lovingly to students as Mrs. Chris! You encouraged me when I felt there was no hope. You phoned me when I needed help. You took time to send me Bible verses, and you made Science 9 not only bearable, but enjoyable. I can never thank you enough for all that you did for me. Lastly, I want to thank my Mom. I think I speak for all of us when I say that Moms are the ultimate teachers. They teach us 24/7/365 through their words and actions. They loved us from the beginning and taught us almost everything. They taught us our ABC’s our 123’s and how to tie our shoes. My Mom has homeschooled me through thick and thin. Yes, we snapped at each other once in a while, but she gave me some of the greatest gifts I could ever ask for, her love and her time and her knowledge. She will never stop being my teacher and I just want to say thank you. You have taught me so much, and despite my complaining on doing the assignment on climate change, I really appreciate it.
I’d like to thank Mrs. Trish Vandop, Mrs. Hanna Yskes and Mrs. Kathy Kanda my wonderful GPP teachers. Mrs. Vandop, you helped me survive Grade 8 Science! Mrs. Yskes, you aren’t afraid to tell me what needs doing! Mrs. Kanda, you Thank you Mom! taught me to work hard and not to
The HCOS Weekly
Anime Me! Special Art Announcement By Jesse Ongkili Hey guys! Jesse here, just thought I would brandish some of my artistic talent in the papers. UNFORTUNATELY this is the last issue before the Summer... HOWEVER, starting next year we will begin weekly themes for this section of the paper (ie. Pirate, Medieval, Sci-Fi etc) and each week I will DRAW several people from HCOS in that theme! All you gotta do is fire a request to be drawn that week to and I'll do my best to portray you to that Simon Eenkooren
Jennica Wlodarczyk week's category. THIS WEEK, since we're just kicking it o, I thought I would do a few of the contributors and familiar faces at HCOS in ANIME!!!! *o* Or Manga, whichever one you wish to call it... These were originally supposed to be quick less-than-30-minute speed paintings, however I got a bit carried away on Jennica's and... yea, she's got a bit more detail and stu but HOPE YOU ENJOY IT!! And I look forward to seeing YOUR FACE in the upcoming HCOS Weekly issue next year ;) (Note: people drawn are Davin, Simon, Hannah and Jennica.) Davin van Urk
Hannah Garratt
The HCOS Weekly
Super Comics "Year End, Goodbye Editor" by Joshua Wlodarczyk
The HCOS Weekly
Twelve Years A Box Boxes are people too. A Parody of 12 Years A Slave By Micah Penner This is a departure from my comedy and action based films; it's a mixture of equal parts tragic, goofy and disturbing while dealing with racism, bullying and violence in school. Hope you enjoy. w w w.yo u tu b e .co m / wa tc h? v=DUfvLrm-I90
The HCOS Weekly
Weekly LOL: Pun Edition By Jennica Wlodarczyk As friends of Jubilee, most of the HCOS Weekly sta knows that our editor is a huge fan of puns. I decided to put together a little collection of punny pictures as a final HCOS Weekly goodbye present to Jubilee. Wheel miss you a ton, Jubs! Keep on punning, because we all know (Genevieve and I, especially) that your future wouldn't be solidified unless you continued living as a punner.
The HCOS Weekly
e HCOS Weekly Statistics So the HCOS Weekly Team thought it would be neat to show everyone our statistics, as ISSUU keeps track of these things. The stats are dated according to the latest-possible numbers, as we get limited stat history with our current free account. Thank you all for regularly reading The HCOS Weekly!! AS OF: March 11, 2014 2 - 547 3 – 474 AS OF: March 31, 2014 4 – 406 AS OF: April 16, 2014 OCT - 259 5 - 638 6 - 610 AS OF: May 26, 2014 7 – 3637 8 – 971 AS OF: June 9, 2014 NY – 737 9 – 659 10 – 1032 VAL – 2156 11 – 2197 AS OF: June 24, 2014 12 – 1446 13 – 349 CHEC – 156 14 – 444 15 – 341
Have a wonderful Summer! SEE YOU IN SEPTEMBER