The HCOS Weekly: Vol. 2, Ed. 6

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The HCOS Weekly Vol. 2 Edition 6

Remembering Our Soldiers An Article By Taria Soames Corporal Nathan Cirillo, a young soldier from Hamilton, lost his life protecting the Ottawa War Memorial on October 22, 2014. The gunman, Michael Zehaf-Bibeau was responsible for this soldier's death. He was reported to have carried a long rifle or shotgun. The gunman was shot and killed by Kevin Vickers who bravely stood up to him before anymore people could be harmed by the gunman. Many people were deeply affected by the Ottawa shooting, including Nathan Cirillo’s family and friends.

Cpl. Nathan Cirillo

been affected greatly by this and my prayers are with Nathan Cirillo’s family daily. The gunman, Zehaf-Bibeau, was identified as a thirty-two-year-old man from Quebec. The soldier Patrice Vincent was killed in Quebec a little before Nathan Cirillo. Patrice Vincent was killed by a man named Couture-Rouleau. Some people wonder if there is a connection between the two shootings. Police and soldiers have been ordered not to wear their uniforms in public, hoping that they will not target any more officers at arms. People all over Canada mourn the loss of the young soldier. War monuments all across Canada are covered in flowers, wreaths, flags, and other mementos to commemorate the soldiers' lives. My brother, Adley, was in Ottawa last week. He visited the war memorial with a group of other students from HOCS. They let a Canadian flag at the memorial with their names on it. Thousands of people pay their respects to the lost soldier, and I believe that thousands more will hold the memories of these soldiers in their hearts for many years to come.

For many people, the event inspired emotions of anger and sadness. Who would do such a thing? Why would anyone take an innocent life? These questions are let unanswered, and we may never We will remember. know what drove Zehaf-Bibeau to commit such an act. I myself have

The Verse of the Week By Megan Ferguson “He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away.” –Revelation 21:4 This month on November 11th we remember the fallen soldiers that sacrificed their lives for our country. I would bet that every one of you knows someone or have known someone that serves or has served in the Armed Forces: family, friends, and distant acquaintances. It is important to remember the fallen soldiers, but can I be blunt and say that those fighters are dead and gone. The people let behind are the ones who have to pick their shattered selves off the floor and piece their lives back together.


The HCOS Weekly

Those are the people that shed the tears. Perhaps you have personally lost someone close to you. It hurts, regardless of whether they are in the military or. Remember that yes, this world is a broken place, with wars, famine and death, but one day there will be no more death, or mourning or crying or pain. This world will have passed away and a brand new world, a new heaven and a new earth unveiled, forever. There is hope, and as this season of remembering passes us by, I urge you to remember not only those who have fallen, but the ones who were let behind.

Meet Christine Millard

An Interview By Jennica Wlodarczyk 1. What do you think your most unique feature is? · My most unique feature would probably be that I am a ginger. People always spot my family by me first because my hair stands


· I think my favorite part of being homeschooled is the flexibility. I 2. If you could move to any city in have friends that are homethe world, which one would it be, schooled and this allows us to be and why would you move there? able to get together during school hours. Otherwise we would not be · I’m not sure what exact city but it able to get together at all. would be somewhere on the Oregon Coast. I went there on a vaca- 7. If you could ask any fictional tion and didn’t want to leave. I love character a question, who would the scenery, because I take a lot of you ask, and what question would artistic photos, and I love the at- it be? mosphere. It is such a small town community feel and I love that · Fictional is not real, right?? I think feeling. so. Ummmm…. This one is hard. I would probably like to talk to Tony 3. Do you consider yourself an Stark and I would ask him, “Can a artistic person? man not be rich and moral at the same time?” · I don’t consider myself to be artistic at all, unless you count music as 8. What is your favorite type of artistic! cookie? 4. What is your favorite song, and · My mom makes some oatmeal, how does it speak to you? toffee, and craisin cookies that are really good, and I also love choco· This is a really hard question be- late chip and sugar cookies. cause besides God and my family and friends, music is my life! I lis- 9. How do you aim to be an influten to too many bands to count. ence to the people around you? There is one song though that I listened to a lot at camp in the sum- · I aim to influence the people mer. It is called ‘Every Time You around me through music. Music is Run’ by Manafest. I have posted it a very powerful thing in my life, on Music Mondays if you want to and I want to share clean Christian check it out. This song helped me music with others so they can know that wherever I am, no mat- know that there is a positive alterter how tired or messed up, God native out there for any style of will always be there for me. music. This is one of the reasons I started Music Mondays. 5. Where do you see yourself in ten years? 10. If you could give the HCOS Weekly team a piece of advice or · In ten years I see myself as a stay- comment on any of our articles, a t - h o m e m o m w i t h y o u n g what would you say? children. I am really excited to get married and start a family. I know I · I would say that I know that you am a little young now, but I still guys work really hard, and I apcan’t wait. plaud you in all your work, because it turns out great. Thank you 6. What is your favorite part about so much! being a homeschooler?

The HCOS Weekly


with testing. Unfortunately, we came to the conclusion that it just makes a gooey mess. Unless there's a chick inside, which will then make you a murderer when you throw the egg. It's best if you don't do it altogether.

have never seen snow. I tried to bring them a package during my vacation down there, but the snow disappeared...? And now my clothes are wet. Why can't I transport snow??? ~ Befuzzled Answer: Well you see, Befuzzled, snow really dislikes traveling. It Question: I asked my mom if I teleports away, and the wet is could destroy my Math book. She what's let of its mystical teleportasaid no. Why is that? ~ Student tion powers. It's best if you don't Answer: Because math, believe it force it to travel. Hope this helps! or not, is essential to graduating Smart People Answering Stupid high school. Letting out your frus- ~Doctors I. Jones and H. Quinzel Questions tration on a bunch of ink and dead trees won't help you understand A Comical Advice Column the concepts any better.


By Jazzannah Green and Deanna Burmato

Question: If you 'bend rules', can you bend them back? ~ Squishy Question: In minecrat you can Human throw eggs and get baby chickens. Answer: Yes you can, but it takes That still happens in real life, right? great strength; Hulk strength, in ~ Convinced fact. So, it's best if you don't. Answer: Sadly, no, they don't. We too wondered this, and proceeded Question: My relatives in California

Super Comics

Party Minute by Joshua Wlodarczyk


The HCOS Weekly

No matter who you are, you do not have sound Why not use All audio on your own song You voice and sing (sing sing) must Things to do in music and have the Deep breakfast drinks La da da da Deep breakfast drinks La da da da What gives me this look La da da daaaa La da da da La da da da La da da da Raise your voice La da da daaaaaaa Let's take a look at America's love of the noise section. La da da da lit thy voice La da da da Let's take a look at America's love Raise your voice of the noise section. Let's take a look at America's love La da da da, you have no choice of the noise section. Let's take a look at America's love of the noise section. The door slammed and ringing cell You're the voice phones Let's take a look at America's love The wall of the hurricane-strength of the noise section. you can talk Don't know what to believe Just bend the rules, break You fake it's because you're so tired But if you want to be somebody

Google Translate with Josh An Amusing Article By Joshua Wlodarczyk We've all seen those videos on YouTube where somebody plugs lyrics of a song into Google Translate multiple times and comes out with a nonsensical jingle that everybody laughs at. Perhaps this is the reason why songs are rarely translated directly from one language to another. This week, Josh decided to try out the song "American Noise" by Skillet using these same methods. He translated the lyrics of the song from English to German to Swedish to Korean before finally translating them back to English. The results were hysterical, and are posted below. The original lyrics can be found at the link below for comparison. skillet/americannoise.html

Winter is Coming

American Noise - Skillet (Google Three, two, one, to the full, the full Translated lyrics) one A wicked sounding car horns with horses Satellite photography Below are my dark blue whisper far Street Radio Ghosts and the wind rattle sound chain Static-filled with broken headphones You can achieve something one lonely room

Time is a bad thing is going to be a good time I wish that I would have some information not Voice of America cutting You voice and sing (sing sing) must have the Deep breakfast drinks Deep breakfast drinks What gives me this look Word Search by Melody Brocke

La da da da FRESH AIR Three, two, one, to the full, the full Raise your voice FROST one Let's take a look at America's love ICE of the noise section. SKATING Time is a bad thing is going to be a La da da da SKIING good time Raise your voice SNOW I wish that I would have some in- Let's take a look at America's love SNOWBALL FIGHT formation not of the noise section. SNOWFLAKE Voice of America cutting SNOWMOBILES

The HCOS Weekly

TBH With Jubs Staying True to Yourself A Humanitarian Column By Jubilee Chiu To be honest, we have a warped perception of ‘staying true to yourself’. It isn’t a surprise; it’s human nature to twist things in ways that will benefit us. + Staying true to yourself is equivalent to being honest with yourself. You are human. You are not perfect. You need to make a decision for yourself face the reality, like I just did while writing this article. See, I like to think that my English is quite good. However, my erroneous spelling, run-on sentences, bad punctuation and sentence structure proved my delusion wrong. Being honest with yourself is oten humbling because it’s realizing that we aren’t perfect, but it also drives us to strive to grow stronger. + Staying true to yourself doesn’t mean you can justify your sins because it’s “part of who I am” and “I shouldn’t have to change for others”. There is a distinct difference between ‘staying true to yourself’ and knowing that what you’re doing is wrong, yet justifying it because ‘that’s who I am!’ We need to break free from the false idea that we should accept people as they are, no questions asked. Yes, “imperfection is beautiful”... but when you look at this from a different standpoint, you notice that we often use it as an excuse to do whatever we want. To manipulate others into tolerating it. If that doesn’t trigger any internal red flags and


hardcore sirens, I don’t even know + Never be afraid to stand alone. where you stand, dude. Surround yourself with people that you not only care for, but those + Staying true to yourself means who care for you and push you rejecting lies others feed you. harder than you push yourself. Healthy relationships are imporPeer pressure. Trends. Fitting in. tant, and a good way to spot a true Being in the cool crowd. Sound fa- friendship is when someone tells miliar? We've all been through you something you need to hear times where we feel like we need regardless of whether you wanted to live up to the standard. Society to hear it or not. True friends are tells us to do this and wear that, always there for each other, but be and otentimes we fall into the sure to recognize which friendships trap. We think that by doing these are hardcore and which ones are things, other people will accept us flaky. more easily. "Be who you are and say what you That is all a lie, dear readers. One feel, because those who mind don't does not need to impress others to matter, and those who matter don't feel accepted and good enough'. mind." -- Bernard M. Baruch You are enough, and you don't need to change yourself in wrong ways, even if you may think the opposite. God speaks through people around you more than you may re- An Informative Article alize. You must be able to tell the difference between lies and sound By Adley Soames advice. How, you ask? The answer lies in absolute truth. The Bible is The Ebola outbreak is the largest God's word and is the absolute epidemic in history. It has been aftruth. It is what we should be bas- fecting multiple countries in westing our decisions on. ern Africa, which is the most densely populated area of the con+ Always be open to improving tinent. Primarily it has affected yourself. Sierra Leone, Liberia and Guinea; Staying true to oneself doesn't infecting approximately 14,400 mean that you shouldn't change people. This article is a quick upsomething about yourself because date on the recent progress of the you think you're good enough the Ebola epidemic. way you are. Don't take this the Nov. 6: President of the USA, Barwrong way - while you should have rack Obama, asked congress for $6 self respect, you have to be honest billion to help fight the disease in as well. We all have flaws, and we Africa as well as protect the USA all have the responsibility to talk to from the virus. God and others about how we can Nov. 8: Dead victims of the virus take steps to maturity and greater are the most infectious; contact self-discipline in areas we may with the deceased has contributed struggle in. Be open and honest to 20% of new infections. In renot only with yourself, but with sponse to this, WHO (World Health others as well. Organization) issued a protocol for burying dead victims. Meanwhile in Dallas Texas, the last person be-



The HCOS Weekly

ing monitored for symptoms was cleared. Nov. 12: Dr. Craig Spencer, the first person from New York to get infected, was declared clear of the virus. Meanwhile, WHO announces the death toll to be at 5,160 people, meaning 36% of infected cases have died. Nov. 17: Dr. Martin Salia, who contracted the virus while working in Sierra Leone, died while being treated in Nebraska. According to the news release, Dr. Salia was in critical condition when he arrived in the USA. Already thousands have died from Ebola and thousands more have been infected. Thankfully, danger of the disease spreading to Canada is very slim. This is the largest epidemic in history, so please continue to pray for all the doctors currently treating Ebola in western Africa, as well as the thousands of infected patients.

Josh's Cover Art

Joshua Wlodarczyk created the Poptropica-style superhero movie covers above. He enjoys making this style of art both for fun and to

reminisce about the days he spent playing Poptropica on the internet. This style is the same that he uses for the HCOS Weekly comics.

The HCOS Weekly


Weekly LOL

Submitted by Genevieve Ward

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