JUCCCE brochure 11-03-2011

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is a non-profit changing the way China creates and uses energy,

because a green China is the key to a healthier world. BEIJING


Unprecedented Challenges Need New Teamwork



We Bring Together Difference Makers

To Integrate Solutions for Local Deployment

Scaling Impact Through Centralized Channels

Catalyzing and Inspiring Change

China’s markettransforming efforts in going green need fresh approaches to international and crosssector collaboration. JUCCCE effectively facilitates that dialogue.

Transforming the energy ecosystem requires disparate stakeholders to learn how to work together in innovative ways. JUCCCE shows each party how they can benefit by to go green.

In a world of rapidly changing technologies and challenges, JUCCCE reaches across our international network to find solutions that can be cost-effectively deployed.

JUCCCE leverages the centralized structure of China to scale our impact through distribution channels, in government and media.

See how JUCCCE has inspired people to make a difference in our first 3 years in a video clip: www.juccce.com/images/ JUCCCE_at_3yrs.mov

(Trina Solar CEO Jifan Gao speaking at a JUCCCE China Energy Forum)

(Chinese Mayors, NaAonal Academy for Mayors of China, GE execuAves, movie star Li Bingbing, JUCCCE, US Department of Energy)

(A JUCCCE mayoral training class with US Department of Energy in front of the Bird’s Nest)

(JUCCCE works with CiA volunteers to hand out 10,000 GE energy saving lightbulbs to the community)

(JUCCCE Chairperson Peggy Liu and father of LEED green building standard Rob Watson present a commitment to Former President Clinton at the Clinton Global IniAaAve to train mayors in China)

Please help us change the world with tax-deductible charitable donations at www.give2asia.com/juccce

Catalyzing Smart Grid

The electrical grid is the backbone of energy use. The JUCCCE China Smart Grid Cooperative is a group of international and Chinese players, formed to drive early national adoption of Smart Grid for energy efficiency and renewables. Our Cooperative helped catalyze the State Grid roadmap for smart grid implementation by 2020. We then helped launch Yangzhou's Smart Grid Valley in April 2010, the first smart grid business hub in China.

Energy Smart Cities

Mayors are reshaping the face of China. JUCCCE is honored to work with the National Academy for Mayors of China to provide urban planning training on energy, waste, and water for mayors and industry executives. By July 2011, JUCCCE has trained 233 mayors, representing 450 million people, and 56 State Owned Enterprise executives. Hear from the mayors: www.vimeo.com/channels/juccce

Creating Green Advocates

China’s rising consumer base is a key driver of energy use. JUCCCE is reimagining prosperity to reshape consumption around living more, rather than having more. In 3 years, JUCCCE has helped give away 130,000 energy efficient lightbulbs and energy savings trainings in 8 cities. We’ve worked with top celebrities and press to create a green consumer tipping point in 2010. (JUCCCE works with Stanford Business School volunteers to hand out Phililps energy saving lightbulbs and give students energy) training )



JUCCCE builds capabilities to create a new energy smart China. Former mayor of Salt Lake City, Rocky Anderson: “JUCCCE is doing incredible work with real results and, as it pulls people together to work with each other to learn from each other, there is enormous possibility for very effecLve, radical, rapid change.”

Targeting Key Drivers of Energy Use JUCCCE strategically targets the select decision makers across China’s 4 drivers of energy use and enables them to make smarter energy decisions: Mayors, who are shaping the rapid urbanization of China, heads of industry, who use 70% of all energy; the electrical utilities, who have the potential of revolutionizing energy delivery; and students and press, who are forming new attitudes on green in the face of rising consumerism.

Matchmaker of Sustainable Solutions

Healthy, Wealthy and Green

JUCCCE seeks out visionary leaders in industry and cities to work with on tailoring energy solutions to their needs.

To incent people to change their behavior we focus on direct personal incentives-- health and money-making opportunities.

For cities interested in going green, JUCCCE assembles our technology and service partners to investigate local solutions.

JUCCCE and partners visit Zhangjiagang mayor and bureau heads to propose energy improvements. As a result, they held a Smart Grid forum in May 2010.

Recognizing Innovative Industry JUCCCE actively showcases successful stories of our partners to create green momentum in the marketplace.

JUCCCE helped Yangzhou bring in our technology partners to launch China’s first Smart Grid business hub. Our partners received free exhibition space, offices, and tax breaks

40% of deaths worldwide are caused by polluLon, according to a 2007 Cornell report.

JUCCCE works with top press outlets and trains celebrities to influence newly forming consumer attitudes on green. Our print news coverage has exceeded a readership of 5 million.

JUCCCE is the exclusive partner of Climate Counts in China, helping to bring international recognition to climate friendly, innovative industry.

JUCCCE helped Broad Air become China’s first Climate Counts’ Industry Innovator

Top: A class of mayors at JUCCCE Energy Smart CiAes 7-­‐day training session in Beijing. Bottom: Inspiring mayors on how to reduce mountains of plasAc waste by taking them on a trip to China’s first PET boYle recycling plant.

JUCCCE sent environmental engineers to invesAgate cleaner heaAng soluAons for 100 rural schools that are chopping down 500 tons of live wood per school, per season. Our first trip catalyzed green student groups and social enterprises.

David Sandalow, Assistant Secretary for Policy & InternaLonal Affairs, US Department of Energy: "JUCCCE is impressive. Its talented team focuses on projects that maSer, helping tackle China's clean energy challenges at the ground level."

Le^ top: JUCCCE, Philips and movie star Li Bingbing present a commitment to distribute 100,000 energy efficient lightbulbs to 6 ciAes across China. Le^ boYom: JUCCCE, Loreal’s Yue Sai, Philips and supermodel Du Juan train students on energy savings and give out energy efficient lightbulbs.

Please support our work with charitable tax-deductible donations in US or Hong Kong at www.give2asia.com/juccce.

To learn more about how the JUCCCE platform can help your business “make green” while going green, please email hello@juccce.com

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