Sino-Singapore Tianjin Eco-City Brochure

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Sino-Singapore Tianjin Eco-City 中新天津生态城 About the Sino-Singapore Tianjin Eco-City The Sino-Singapore Tianjin Ec0-City is a flagship bilateral project between the governments of China and Singapore to create a model of sustainable urban development. The Prime Ministers of China and Singapore signed the framework agreement to develop the Tianjin Eco-City in November 2007, and the groundbreaking ceremony was held in September 2008. Since then, the two governments and private sectors of both countries have been working closely together to develop the Tianjin Eco-City. A 50-50 joint venture company, led by Keppel Group from Singapore and Tianjin TEDA Investment Holding from China, was formed to serve as the master developer of the Eco-City. When completed in about 10-15 years, the 30-sq km city is envisioned to be a modern sustainable city, which is home for 350,000 people. Location of the Tianjin Eco-City The Sino-Singapore Tianjin Eco-City is conveniently situated in the economically thriving Tianjin Binhai New Area in Northeast China. The bustling city centers of Tianjin and Beijing are located just 45km and 150km away respectively, while the highly developed Tianjin Economic Development Area is only 1o km away.



The Chosen Site The site of the Eco-City was originally an ecological wasteland comprising saline and alkaline land and polluted water. Such a site was chosen because the Chinese Government set the condition that the Eco-City should be built on non-arable land that is short of fresh water. While this imposes challenges in the development of the Eco-City, it means that such a model can probably be replicated elsewhere.


Key Guiding Principles of the Eco-City 3 Harmonies People and the environment People and the economy People and people

Development and operation of the City must not be destructive to the environment, the City must be economically vibrant and sustainable, and the City should foster harmony among its residents.

3 Abilities Practicable Replicable Scalable

Whatever is done in the City should be replicable in other cities in China and beyond on different scales. It is not intended to be an expensive, demonstration project that only wealthy societies can afford.

An Eco-City with Clear, Measurable Outcomes The Eco-City project draws together the experience and resources of the two countries. Experts from the two countries jointly developed a comprehensive set of 26 Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) to define and measure the many ambitious social and environmental goals that the Eco-City aims to achieve. Committing to a set of KPIs allow the progress of the Eco-City to be measured and compels both countries to find effective and practical solutions to meet our goals. Tianjin Eco-City’s 26 KPIs Healthy Ecological

Social Harmony


& Progress

100% potable water

zero loss of natural

≥60% recycling rate

100% barrier-free


Dynamic & Efficient Economy ≥20% renewable energy use


CO2 emission <150

noise levels =

<120 ℓ water

<0.8 kg domestic

tons-C/GDP unit

environmental noise

consumption per

waste generation


standards in urban


per person/day

≥50 R&D scientists & engineers /10,000 labor force

areas ambient air quality

grade IV water

≥20% affordable

free recreation &

grade II



sports amenities

≥50% non-traditional water source

within 500m ≥70 % native

≥12sqm²/person in

100% non-toxic

100% services


public green space

waste treatment


≥50% employment-housing equilibrium index

connectivity 100% green buildings

≥90% green trips

Integrated Regional Cooperation Promote a safe & healthy ecology to encourage green consumption & low carbon operations Adopt innovative policies to ensure the improvement of surrounding areas Preserve history & culture to give prominence to the river estuarine cultural character Promote regional development through sound economic and administrative policies


Integrated Masterplan The Sino-Singapore Tianjin Eco-City is a compact, integrated work, live, play and learn environment. Sustainability is incorporated starting from the masterplan, which aims to encourage walkability and reduce reliance on private vehicles. Our goal is to build a thriving Eco-City, incorporating the best ideas from Singapore, China and the international community to realize the shared vision of a city that is ecologically friendly, socially harmonious and economically sustainable.

Features of the Eco-City include: Eco-friendly Buildings: All buildings in the Eco-City comply with the Green Building Evaluation Standard, developed by experts from China and Singapore. Renewable Energy: The Tianjin Eco-City utilizes renewable energy through solar photovoltaics, solar water heating, ground source heat pumps and wind turbines, thus allowing the city to reduce reliance on fossil fuels. The target is to achieve 20% renewable energy utilization in the Eco-City in the long-run. Clean Water: Experts from both countries have worked together on water management guidelines to ensure that residents of the city are able to drink directly from taps. Rainwater will be harvested and used for landscaping and other uses, thus reducing the consumption of potable water. Water-saving technologies will be integrated into everyday life, thus encouraging residents to play an important role to conserve water in the city. Effective Waste Management & Recycling: To promote effective waste management and recycling, residents will be encouraged to classify their wastes and recycle. Non-recyclable wastes can be used to generate electricity in waste-to-energy plants a short distance from the Ec0-City, while recycled wastes can be turned into other products. Food waste decomposers will also be installed to convert organic waste into water and compost. Green Transportation: The City will be well-serviced by a comprehensive public transport system, which includes Light Rail Transit (LRT), trams and buses. Running through the Eco-City is a 12 km long Eco-Valley, which promotes walking and cycling. This is supplemented by wide cycling paths on both sides of the roads in the Ec0-City, as well as community walkways which cut through all estates.


A Sustainable City to Work, Live, Play and Learn The Eco-City will provide a wide range of choice accommodation, including private and public housing. There will be many job opportunities in the Eco-City. The long-term target is to create jobs for approximately half of the Eco-city’s working population. Residential areas, business parks, schools and other amenities such as hospitals and neighbourhood centres will be located close together to allow residents to minimize the use of cars and lower their carbon footprints.

Building an Economically Vibrant City The Eco-City will be home to many clean businesses. To create an environment conducive for businesses, the Eco-City has several business and industrial parks to cater to different business needs. A New Eco-City is rising from Ecological Wasteland Since the groundbreaking ceremony, what was previously ecological wasteland has been gradually transformed into an emerging new, green city. Since the start of 2012, residents have started moving into the Start-up Area of the Eco-City. The Eco-City has also attracted more than 600 companies, including large MNCs such as Philips and Hitachi, and Singapore companies such as Keppel and ST Engineering, with registered capital of over RMB 50 billion. The Tianjin Eco-City has received good reviews from the international community and media. A new Eco-City is beginning to rise from wasteland, and provides a practical model for sustainable development for other cities in China and beyond.

Sino-Singapore Tianjin Eco-City Investment and Development Co. Ltd Master Developer of the Tianjin Eco-City


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