談到未來世代的學習場域,小朋友的學習不該只侷限於教室之 中,整座校園都可以是一座「校園教室」。
茄萣這塊土地曾是大片的潟湖,「水」和當地居民的生活十分 緊密,水溝旁的廟埕和市場、在魚塭邊搭起的鐵皮塭寮、仰賴 養魚為生的漁民⋯直至今日在茄萣國小附近仍有許多漁塭。同 時靠近海和潟湖的茄萣國小,距離西側的海看似只有短短200 公尺之遙,實際上人移動的路徑硬生生被公園、台十七線、民 居和漁塭等阻礙從中截斷。
When it comes to the learning space of the future generation, children's learning should not be limited to the classroom, the whole campus can become a "campus classroom".
Cieding was once a large lagoon, and "water" was very close to the life of local residents. Cieding Primary School, which is near the sea and the lagoon, appears to be only 200 meters away from the sea to the west, but in fact, the path for people to move is cut off by parks, highway, houses and fish farms.
然而,近年來茄萣地區開始有漁塭填土開發的趨勢,在魚塭地 景即將消失之際,我想要將水從緊鄰校園西側的水塘引入校園 。保留舊有歷史地景並創造生態溼地,由西到東串連海、漁塭 和二仁溪的支流,讓存在於茄萣日常生活中的水,進入國小的 校園、亦融入課程中,親近水生植物、認識池塘裡的魚,甚至 野生的水鳥也能跟著水一起進到校園來。 現在的茄小是漁村中的小學,未來也許茄萣的魚塭都會被填土 開發為新市鎮,但我希望能在校園中保留與海、與水的緊密連 結,喚起腳底下踩的曾是潟湖的土地連結,創造如水一般自由
However, in recent years, there has been a trend of developing fish farms in Cieding. At a time when fish farms are disappearing, I want to lead water into the campus from the pond immediately west of the campus. Preserve the historical landscape and also create an ecological wetland. Linking the sea, fish farms, and the tributaries of the Erren River from west to east, so that the water that exists in daily life in Cieding could enter the campus and be integrated into the curriculum. Let students getting close to the aquatic plants, getting to know the fish in the pond, and the wild water birds.
In the future, perhaps all the fish farms in Cieding will be reclaimed and developed into new towns, but I hope to preserve the close connection with the sea and water in the school campus, to evoke the connection with the land that was once a lagoon under our feet, and to create an educational space that is as free and water-friendly as water.
被社區所包圍的茄萣國小周邊有蠻多戶外開放的公園,較缺乏能滿足社區活動不同機能的室內及半戶外 場域。學校後門步行三分鐘可達高雄市立圖書館茄萣分館,但其設計或尺度皆非國小年齡兒童所適用。
改建後的茄萣國小,將校門口進來的第一棟建築定調為對民眾開放的社區親子共讀站,保留基地上原有 兩棵百年老榕樹,整座共讀站成為大樹下的閱讀空間,而串起老樹與共讀站的半戶外廊道扮演著休憩、 通行、家長接送區的角色。內部空間以6-12歲學童使用角度出發,降低書櫃高度、大大小小的閱讀角、 高高低低的平台,從一個人看書的小角落、三五好友一起分享心得、到老師帶著整班學生說故事⋯改變 圖書館制式的空間體驗。