Organic Patterns

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Organic Patterns by Ju i - C h e n H U

“ M a t s u i F u y u ko, w h o t o a l l i n d i c a t i o n s h a s psychoanalyzed herself meticulously, is versed in the language of psychology. Trauma from violence, is her motivation for painting. By painting, she is transferring her pain. Through self-­injury, she vents her aggression toward the world.” -Ueno Chizuko, Sociologist

Artist Matsui Fuyuko uses painting as the method to express her emotions and transformed her pain into art. I would like to use the concept of self-injury and natural body exposion as the organic patterns we were born with to be my insperation to create the collection. From "her self-injury" to "her shield", is the final result I would like to propose. - Jui-Chen Hu

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