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Aseditors,wearethrilledtointroduceourtalentedwriters, Julia, Isabel, and Youngjin, who are all students at the Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT). These writers will be delving into the captivating world of Art Nouveau, exploring its intricate designs, rich history, and influence onvariousartforms.

Fanzine magazines have long been a staple of underground and alternative culture, offering a platform for marginalized voices and artistic expression. One movement that has had a significant impact on fanzines is Art Nouveau, an influential art style that emerged in the late 19th century. Art Nouveau is characterized by its use of sinuous curves, intricate patterns, and organic forms, andhasinspiredmanyfanzineartiststoincorporatethese elements into their work. From hand-drawn illustrations to intricate collages, Art Nouveau has provided fanzine creators with a wealth of inspiration for their designs. This blending of Art Nouveau aesthetics with the DIY ethos of fanzines has resulted in a unique and compelling aestheticthatcontinuestoinspirecreatorstoday.


Interior Design 245 Project

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