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How Art Nouveau Impacted Fashion
Often, in history books, women’s Art Nouveau fashions are relegated to just the so-called “artisticdress,”whichwascomprisedofcorset-lessgownsandteadresseslookingtoartist smocks and historical robe-like fashions. However, these dresses were not acceptable for the average woman, as they were too controversial. Instead, women who favored Art Nouveauoftenincorporateddistinctelementsofthestyleintotheirotherwisecontemporary popularfashions.
This can be seen above in the flower embroidery detail on a dinner dress from 1894 in the MarylandHistoricalSocietyFashionArchivescollection.Hairpiecessuchasthedragonflyone thatispicturedbelowwereoftenaddedtoaccenttheoutfit,andtheywouldusuallyconnect backtonatureandtheArtNouveaustyle.
Art Nouveau can be characterized by the use of natural forms, flowing and sinuous whiplash style lines, the use of symbolism and the female form, and a taste for the exotic in material, form, and techique