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Graphic Prints In Art Nouveau
Art Nouveau prints and artworks were part of a global movement of contemporary art that was popular from 1890 until World War One. It arose in response to 19thcenturyaestheticsinfluencedbyideologyinprincipleandneoclassicismspecifically, and it promoted the concept of visual art as a normal part of life Although Art Nouveauiscommonlyseenasatypeof“style”ratherthananideology,itwasvastly inspiredbyuniqueconceptsratherthanmerelyimaginativeaspirations
FrontcoverofWren’s CityChurchesby Mackmurdo, 1883
ThePeacockSkirt illustrationbyAubrey Beardsley,1892
The decorative art of the turn of the last century was considered a movement of renewal, but at the same time, it relied on traditional craftsmanship instead of industrial mass production Today, it is interpreted in classic or innovative ways by designersfromallovertheworld.
WilliamMorriswasaBritishtextiledesigner, poet, artist, fantasy writer, architectural conservationist, printer, and translator. WilliamMorrismasteredeveryartandcraft to which he set his hand, reveling in designs, patterns, colors, and textures, and placing his stamp on sumptuous books, rugs, embroidery, wallpaper, stained glass, tapestries,curtains,andfurniture Hewasa socialist activist associated with the British Arts and Crafts Movement Renaissance man and was a revolutionary force in Victorian Britain. Pictured below is one of his most famous and popular prints, the StrawberryThief.