12 minute read
June 10, 2020
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Teach carefully. We can show you how. Call 877-ACT-WISE for a free brochure or visit www.actagainstviolence.org.
Act Against Violence - Magazine & Newspaper (2 1/1 6 x 2) B&W APARD2-N-05130-D “What a Child Learns” Line Work Film at Horan Imaging 212-689-8585 Reference #: 127093 I've spent my entire adult life encouraging minority communities to get involved in mainstream society, civic society. — Sadiq Khan In March 2020 just before the COVID lock down Daisy Isabella Abraham entered a statewide photo contest. While she didn't place in the event she still received recognition for herself and her school. She's looking forward to entering new contests as well as the challenges that come with starting the 4th grade next school year.
New Energy Storage Technologies to Support Renewables Post COVID-19
(NAPSI)—Cleaner air can improve public health, maybe even save lives. Fortunately, renewable energy resources—wind, sun, hydropower and the like—are now producing more electricity than coal. That’s where innovative energy storage solutions come in. They help create a cleaner world, encouraging investment into clean, green, continued on page 8
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Julian Pathways Expands Its Reach by Kim Simas
In 1998, the Julian Union School District was awarded Healthy Cities and Communities Planning and Healthy Cities and Communities Implementation grants to assist the community. A small group of parents, staff and community partners met monthly to develop a plan to better serve the needs of Julian. As a result of their discussions and resident surveys, services focused on health care access, family support, academic assistance and more. The resulting group became Julian Healthy Start.
During the next two years, Julian Healthy Start received a number of grants that allowed them to expand their services to include mental health services and a nutrition program for the Julian Union School District students and community seniors. The Julian Backcountry Collaborative was formed to bring a variety of groups together with the goal of promoting the well-being of the Julian community.
After the Cedar Fire in 2003, the group, which was named Julian Pathways at the time, and the Backcountry Collaborative provided multiple resources to the 104 students who lost their homes. The school district received the After-School Education and Safety (ASES) grant which allowed Julian Pathways to operate Club Timberwolf at the junior high campus.
Over the next few years, Julian Pathways received a variety of continued on page 4

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If you are having or know of an event in Julian, Lake Cuyamaca, Ranchita, Warner Springs, Santa Ysabel, Shelter Valley Sunshine Summit or elsewhere that should be listed in the Backcountry Happenings column, please contact the JULIAN NEWS at PO Box 639 Julian, CA 92036, voice/fax 760 765 2231 email: submissions@ juliannews.com or bring the information by our office.
ONGOING EVENTS Julian Community Planning Group
2nd Monday Every Month Town Hall - 7pm
Architectural Review Board
1st Tuesday of the Month Julian Town Hall Downstairs - 7pm
June Wednesday, June 10 Feeding San Diego
Julian Chamber of Commerce
Mixer - 1st Thursday of Month Board - 3rd Thursday of Month Town Hall - 6pm 760 765 1857

Free produce and select staple items. No income or eligibility requirements. - DRIVE THRU Julian Library - 9:30am Shelter Valley CC - 11:30am
Third Tuesday of every month Thursday, June 11 at 10:00 A.M. at the San Diego County Sheriff’s Office, Julian JUHS Graduation - 6pm? Substation, Public Meeting Room, 2907 Washington Street, Julian
Julian Women’s Club
1st Wednesday - 1pm 2607 C Street
Wednesday, June 10 Julian High School Board Meeting (Wednesday, prior to graduation – LCAP, Budget Julian Community Services Approval)- 6pm (via Zoom) District
information: 760 765 0212 Sunday, June 21
Julian Historical Society Fathers Day
The Witch Creek School House and the Julian Stageline Museum are open the first weekend of the month 11am to 4pm. Historical presentations, 4th Wednesday of the Month - Julian Historical Society Building, 2133 4th Street - 7pm
Sunday, June 14 - TBA Julian Historical Society - Wine, Cheese & More Party
plus silent auction Wynola Pizza 5-8pm
Julian Arts Guild General Meeting:
Second Wednesday of the Month, Julian Library - 4:00pm
Wednesday, June 24 Feeding San Diego
Free produce and select staple items. No income or eligibility requirements. - DRIVE THRU Julian Library - 9:30am Shelter Valley CC - 11:30am
Fourth Tuesday of Month Wednesday, July 8 Julian Library - 6:00pm Feeding San Diego
Zumba Aerobics with Gaynor
Every Monday and Thursday Town Hall - 5pm, info: 619 540-7212 Free produce and select staple items. No income or eligibility requirements. - DRIVE THRU Julian Library - 9:30am Shelter Valley CC - 11:30am
Julian Arts Chorale Rehearsals at JCUMC
Monday @ 6:15pm
July Saturday, July 4 Independence Day Parade
Every Wednesday @ Julian Library 10:30am - Preschool Story Time and Crafts August Tuesday August 11 Julian Schools Return 11:00am - Sit and Fit for
Seniors - Gentle Stretching and flexibility exercises with Matt Kraemer
2:30pm - After School STEM
Flex your brain muscles with fun, educational activities for kids & teens.
Wednesday, July 22 Feeding San Diego
Free produce and select staple Every Tuesday items. No income or eligibility Healthy Yoga requirements. - DRIVE THRU with Lori Munger HHP,RYT Julian Library - 9:30am Julian Library - 10am Shelter Valley CC - 11:30am
Second and Fourth Wednesdays Tuesday August 18 Julian High School - Back to Feeding San Diego School Night
Julian Library parking lot - 9:30am Shelter Valley CC - 11:30am Wednesday, August 19
Wednesday, August 12 Feeding San Diego
Free produce and select staple items. No income or eligibility requirements. - DRIVE THRU Julian Library - 9:30am Shelter Valley CC - 11:30am
Community United Methodist Thursday, August 20 Church of Julian - 2pm Julian High School Board
Julian Historical Society Meeting - 6pm
Witch Creek School - 7pm Monday, September 25 Every Thursday Native American Day Beginning Spanish for Adults Learn basic Spanish at the Wednesday, August 26 library. - 2:30pm Feeding San Diego
Every 2nd and 4th Thursday Julian Lions Club
7pm downstairs at the town hall Free produce and select staple items. No income or eligibility requirements. - DRIVE THRU Julian Library - 9:30am Every Saturday Shelter Valley CC - 11:30am
Ebook Workshop
Learn how to download Ebooks & audiobooks from the library for free! - 11am
Spencer Valley School Fourth Wednesday - Returns Julian Indivisible
Library - We now have a 3D printer! Come in on any Saturday and get individual
Wednesday, August 26 Back To School Night at Spencer Valley School Techie Saturday at Julian
Thursday, August 27 Julian Elementary - Back to School Night
instruction and assistance. September Every Sunday (Weather permitting)
Julian Doves and Desperados Thursday, September 3
historic comedy skits at 2 pm Julian Junior High - Back to – In front of the old Jail on C School Night Street
Monday, September 7 Every day during business Labor Day Holiday hours – Vet Connect VA
services available at Julian Wednesday, September 20 Library. Call 858-694-3222 for Julian High School Board appointment. * * * Our civic society is really all we have by way of nationhood. — Cokie Roberts * * *
grants to support programs that benefited the school district and the Julian community. From health support and drug free programs to school transportation and after school activities, the group made a point to be heavily involved with the Julian Union School District and its families. The group’s staff also grew to include a Behavior Support Specialist, a Resource Specialist, a Garden Educator and a Character Education Coordinator. In 2016, Julian Pathways became an incorporated nonprofit organization to allow for additional grant and donation opportunities. The goal of the organization was to ensure that each child received the physical, emotional, and intellectual support he or she needs (in school, at home, or in the community) to learn well.
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All Meetings Suspended Until Further Notice
With funding fluctuating year to year, programs have come and gone however, a few remain and more have been created. The before and after school programs thrive, social services have increased and more counseling opportunities are available due to a licensed marriage and family therapist hired by the organization. Julian Pathways, Inc. has received a number of awards to include the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administrative Award, Golden Bell award, Early Mental Health Initiative PIP awards and multiple proclamations from the San Diego County Board of Supervisors.
Due to the current health crisis and the school closures, the leaders within Julian Pathways, Inc. began to quickly adjust their focus to include more of the Julian community in its services. With food insecurity at its highest and so many in the community in need, it became apparent that the organization once again, needed to rise to the challenge of providing support. Already armed with connections to organizations such as Feeding San Diego and the San Diego Food Bank, the nonprofit stepped in to provide regular food distributions to three different locations in the rural backcountry. Pathways, as it is affectionately called, continues to work very closely with the Julian Union School District and the students there are their top priority. However, those in the organization felt that it was necessary to expand their services to include the community as a whole. In such a small, rural community coming together to help each other is a necessity.
Pathways’ Executive Director, Hilary Ward, hopes that by expanding its services and resources to encompass the Julian community, those living here on the mountain will have much more positive and successful lives. Ward recently updated the mission statement for the nonprofit to be: Julian Pathways, Inc.’s goal is to ensure the wellbeing of each child, family and individual in Julian and the surrounding rural areas through advocacy, service and support to foster a thriving community. It will be exciting to see all of the new programs, services

Julian Historical
Society Monthly presentations on the fourth Wednesday of the month The Historical Look for our return Society Building to the Witch Creek 2133 4th Street 7:00pm School House

Pathways and the “Boot Drive” and ideas that come from this group. Something that started out so small is going to continue to grow with the support of the Julian Union School District, community leaders and residents of Julian.
• On June 14, 1789, English Captain William Bligh and 18 others, cast adrift from the HMS Bounty seven weeks before, reach the East Indies after traveling nearly 4,000 miles in a small open boat. On April 28, they were set adrift with 25 gallons of water, 150 pounds of bread, 30 pounds of pork, six quarts of rum and six bottles of wine. • On June 10, 1935, in Akron, Ohio, Bill Wilson and Dr. Robert Smith, two recovering alcoholics, found Alcoholics Anonymous (A.A.), a 12-step alcohol rehabilitation program. Today there are more than 80,000 local groups in the U.S. • On June 8, 1949, George Orwell's novel of a dystopian future, "1984," is published. The novel's all-seeing leader, known as "Big Brother," becomes a universal symbol for intrusive government and oppressive bureaucracy. • On June 13, 1966, the
As with any nonprofit, Julian Pathways, Inc. operates on grant funding and donations. To learn more about the organization, services offered and how to donate, visit www.julianpathways.org.

Supreme Court hands down its decision in Miranda v. Arizona, establishing the principle that all criminal suspects must be advised of their rights when in custody and about to be interrogated. • On June 9, 1973, with a victory at the Belmont Stakes, Secretariat becomes the first horse since Citation in 1948 to win America's coveted Triple Crown. Secretariat won the Belmont by a record 31 lengths. • On June 11, 1982, the science-fiction classic "E.T.: the Extra-Terrestrial" is released. The film captures the story of the wise, kind and cuddly alien botanist who is stranded on Earth and needs the help of a sensitive boy, Elliott, to get back home. • On June 12, 1994, Nicole Brown Simpson, ex-wife of football player O.J. Simpson, and her friend Ron Goldman are brutally stabbed to death outside her Los Angeles condominium. Simpson became the chief suspect. Although the evidence against him was extensive, a jury acquitted Simpson on two counts of murder in trial that lasted 11 months. © 2020 Hearst Communications, Inc. All Rights Reserved
Pathways and food distribution