23 minute read
June 10, 2020 California Commentary The Heroes Act Just Rewards Bad Behavior And Poor Governance by Jon Coupal
“That which gets rewarded, contribute to bail out mismanaged gets repeated” is a principle states. equally applicable in business David McIntosh, head of management, dog training and Club for Growth, expressed public policy. this sentiment concisely last
As to the latter, when politicians week, writing, “As Congress and bureaucrats are rewarded considers what to include in the with more money after wasting next phase of coronavirus relief, the taxpayer dollars they already Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats receive, what makes anyone have pushed for $875 billion think their behavior will change? in taxpayer money to go to bail
The Democrat-controlled out irresponsible states and House of Representatives has local governments. Why should passed a staggering $3 trillion taxpayers in well-managed states stimulus plan called the Heroes like Florida under Governor Ron Act. Nearly a trillion of that is DeSantis be on the hook for slated for state and municipal bailing out poorly run states like governments. New York under liberal Governor
While the previous relief Andrew Cuomo and California package called the CARES Act under Socialist Governor Gavin helped the private sector, a good Newsom?” chunk of that also went to state The anger is justified and and local governments for mass therefore so are the proposed transit, Medicaid costs and direct reforms. An easy solution would dollars to local budgets that were be for the feds to require that related — more or less — to the all states convert to a defined pandemic. contribution pension plan for all
But the Democrats’ new new hires. Over time, the financial proposal envisions a huge risk to taxpayers in liberal states portion of bailout dollars that are would diminish. unrestricted. Also helpful would be federal
The good news for taxpayers is incentives to states to impose that the Heroes Act is DOA in the dollar limits on pension benefits. United States Senate, at least California’s “$100,000 Club,” a list in its current form. Led by Mitch of public retirees receiving over the Impaler, the Republican$100,000 annually, has exploded controlled body will undoubtedly in recent years to over 26,000 pare it down and — hopefully retirees, a 13-fold increase since — place many conditions on 2005. the release of the funds that will Pension reform should not be incentivize good behavior, not the only requirement imposed bad. by the federal government.
Given that there are infinite California wastes money by the examples of governing bucketful and compounds that malfeasance in California, the waste with foolish regulations federal government could make and mandates on the private several reasonable demands sector. as a condition for receiving The federal government could additional relief funds. make the logical argument that
First and foremost is pension a full economic recovery for reform. It is well known that the nation as a whole requires public-sector labor controls the removing the shackles from California Legislature and Office those who actually generate the of the Governor. The alphabet taxes that states claim they need. soup of unions — CTA, SEIU, Newsom’s proposed budget is CCPOA, PECG, etc. — provide unlikely to help motivate federal the current political establishment relief. with what they need most: Rather than deal with waste, campaign contributions. fraud and abuse, the governor
For that reason, pension has engaged in a form of legal reform has been virtually extortion. He publicly stated impossible, leaving California’s that if Washington fails to give public employee pension funds the state enough help, police woefully underfunded. officers, firefighters and health
Even pro-labor Jerry Brown care workers are “the first ones to was only able to achieve very be laid off by cities and counties.” modest reform in 2013. What are federal appropriators
States that are well-managed to think when confronted with this have a legitimate complaint that bluff? they should not be forced to continued on page 11

• Italy was the only country to issue stamps specifically for mail traveling through bank tubes until the practice was discontinued in 1966. • Kleenex tissues were originally developed as crepe paper and used for gas mask filters. • Proof that human nature is the one thing that never really changes: The oldest "your mama" joke was discovered in 1976 on a 3,500-yearold Babylonian tablet in Iraq. • The "Jesus Nut" on a helicopter fixes the rotor blades to the vehicle. It comes by its unusual moniker because, if it should fail, your only option is to pray to Jesus! • Do you, like most people, normally skip reading the fine print? You might want to reconsider that. In 2017, 22,000 people who signed up for free public Wi-Fi from the UKbased technology firm Purple learned their lesson when they inadvertently agreed to 1,000 hours of community service that included cleaning toilets and "relieving sewer blockages." The company said it inserted the clause in its contract "to illustrate the lack of consumer awareness of what they are signing up to when they access free Wi-Fi." • In 2014, a new species of vine was discovered in Chile that can mimic the leaves of many different host trees by changing the size, shape, color, orientation and even the vein patterns of its leaves to match the surrounding foliage. It is the only known plant that can do this. • When asked how he was able to portray battle scenes so accurately, Stephen Crane, author of "The Red Badge of Courage," replied that he learned all he needed to know about war from football. • Women blink nearly twice as much as men. * * * Thought for the Day: "Every child is an artist. The problem is staying an artist when you grow up." --Pablo Picasso

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In short, not so good. Global Forest Watch, a project of the nonis the release of more than two billion tons of carbon dioxide, biodiversity lives. Another leading conservation group, WWF, points out that some 17 percent of the forest across the Amazon has been cut down over the last 50 years, mostly to make room for cattle ranching— so we can enjoy our steaks and burgers. The group warns 420 million acres of forest could be lost between 2010 and 2030 in these ‘deforestation fronts’ if current trends continue.”
Dear EarthTalk: How are we doing in the battle to stop or slow deforestation, especially in the tropics where forests store so much of the world’s biodiversity? -- M. Lark, Neptune, IA
everywhere, it is particularly Eastern Australia, Greater significantly in Indonesia, where forest exploitation. problematic in the tropics where Mekong, New Guinea, and a recently imposed government CONTACTS: Global Forest the majority of the world’s Sumatra.” reports WWF. “Up to moratorium on clearing land Watch, globalforestwatch.org; ®
Electrical Service Gus Garcia’s
EarthTalk® is produced by Roddy Scheer & Doug Moss for the 501(c)3 nonprofit EarthTalk. See more at https://emagazine.com. To donate, visit https://earthtalk. profit World Resources Institute the leading greenhouse gas, that if nothing is done to stop it, that country’s vast stretches of What’s the solution? Frances org. Send questions to: question@ (WRI) which uses satellite into the atmosphere as the trees some of the world’s most iconic Amazon rainforest. Meanwhile, Seymour of WRI tells The New earthtalk.org. data to track global forest loss, came down in 2019. (To put and biologically diverse forest neighboring Bolivia experienced York Times that she’d like to found that the world lost some that into context, this is more landscapes could be lost to the largest surge in primary see the international community 3.8 million hectares of tropical emissions than caused by all of deforestation, including primary tropical forest loss, where address the problem through primary forest (defined as forests the vehicles on the road in the habitat for iconic wildlife species rampaging wildfires, most likely economic incentives that of native trees undisturbed by United States during the same like orangutans, tigers and set intentionally to clear land encourage forest protection. human activities) in 2019— 12-month stretch.) The tropical elephants. for farming, reduced 80 percent She adds that governments equivalent to one soccer field primary forest loss in 2019 is the “The hot spots are located in more tree cover than in previous should focus on preventing forest The worst years on record for every six seconds and an area third highest amount in recorded the Amazon, the Atlantic Forest years. burning, increasing monitoring primary tropical forest loss across about the size of Switzerland history, behind only 2016 and and Gran Chaco, Borneo, the On the bright side, Global and enforcement to stop the Amazon and beyond were 2016, in total. One particularly nasty 2017. Cerrado, Choco-Darien, the Forest Watch reports that encroachment while providing 2017 and 2019. side effect of all this forest loss While deforestation is an issue Congo Basin, East Africa, primary forest loss was reduced the poor with alternatives to Credit: Tom Fisk, Pexels. CONTRACTORS
• C U S T O M H O M E S • D E C K I N G • D O O R S a n d W I N D O W S • E L E C T R I C A L S E R V I C E • H A R D W O O D F L O O R I N G • • G R A D I N G • PA I N T I N G • R E M O D E L I N G • S E P T I C S Y S T E M S • T I L E W O R K • WAT E R S Y S T E M S • W E L L D R I L L I N G • Home and Business
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Brazil suffered the largest total primary forest loss of all in 2019, with deforestation for agriculture and other new land uses increasing rapidly through for palm oil plantations—along with beefed up enforcement— has reduced annual forest loss to levels not seen for 15 years (before the palm oil craze swept the region). Primary tropical forest loss was also down some 50 percent in both Ghana and Cote d’Ivoire. World Resources Institute, wri. org; WWF’s “Living Forests Report Chapter 5: Saving Forests at Risk,” worldwildlife.org/publications/livingforests-report-chapter-5-savingforests-at-risk.
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June 10, 2020
California might disappear with it. • Board Game Fun: From you’re defending a castle – the
continued from page 9 * * *
Jon Coupal is the president of the Howard Jarvis Taxpayers puzzles and party games to cards and trivia, games build communication skills, teach possibilities are endless. • Craft Puppets: Start with socks or paper bags and craft
It is reminiscent of the Association.. good sportsmanship and create your own puppets with markers, politically incorrect scene in opportunities for strategic googly eyes, yarn and other Blazing Saddles when the sheriff thinking. materials around the house. holds a gun to his own head and threatens to pull the trigger.
In demanding additional
Father's Day
continued from page 5 • Two Truths and a Tale: Take turns saying three things about yourself. Two are true, but one Then act out a play with your new characters.
Right now, even many following directions by completing three statements they think is Republicans in Congress are a science kit together. untrue. The person who guesses sympathetic to the pleas for some • Charades: Choose a category correctly then takes a turn. If no local government subsidies. for the game such as television one gets it right, the fibber goes
But the urgency of the need shows, songs, sports, animals or again! may diminish, particularly if the professions. Then have everyone • Build a Fort: Collaborate and economy recovers faster than write down a noun in that stretch the imagination with fortmany anticipated.
A well-known Democratic consultant famously said, “Never let a crisis go to waste.”
The problem for the Democrats seeking massive subsidies for local governments is that the crisis might dissipate and whatever leverage they have category on a slip of paper. Mix the slips of paper together in a hat or bowl. Take turns choosing a slip of paper from the mix. Without speaking, act out a word or phrase that others can guess. Whoever guesses correctly then begins his or her turn. building. First drape sheets over the backs of chairs and stack pillows underneath or decorate cardboard boxes with markers or paint and attach them together. Now you can use your fort as a secret clubhouse to play board games and cards, or pretend This Father’s Day, be sure dads or other father figures make the time for playtime. Beneficial for healthy child development, there are many ways to get in on the fun, from word games and hands-on arts and crafts projects to board games and fort building. No need to rush too much, Glade. I can see that Pinch is inside his bubble force shield and has the insane shark situation in hand! Zoom! 1 2 3 4 5 8 C A N G D F I G H P O W E R H I T
For more play tips and relief funds from the federal growing crystals, dads and kids is not. The other players have resources, visit TheGeniusofPlay. government, California needs to can learn about science and to hold up one, two or three org. tread carefully. engineering, as well as practice fingers to indicate which of the
Super Heroes!
R D S S ZAP! Ouch! 6 G A N E O I D ZAP! A D 7 C O T M S U T E K S P ZiP! V M I N D C O N T R O L T W X C L O D F A S P I U F D G S G W W H H O O M M F F F F G E T 9 P O T E T I C K O R T S X D K G P F O R C E F I E L D N 10 S I G N L S A 11 S Y M B O L 1. flight, C 2. telekinesis, F 3. invisibility, B 4. healing, E 5. mind control, D 6. laser vision, A 1. telepathy, F 2. speed, A 3. X-ray vision, B 4. immortality, C 5. force field, D 6. teleportation, E 1. Superman 2. Wonder Woman 3. Hulk 4. Ninja Turtles 5. TeenTitans Go 6. Wolverine 7. Spider-Man 8. Thor 9. Captain America 10. Batman and Robin 11. Iron Man 12. The Incredibles 12 13 14 15 O M C D E T I T Y T A M T I O N C R I M E
Super Heroes* Super Powers
F F A B Z M L Q E N L W X C S X P O P J L T E L E P O R T A T I O N W W I I E W Q G T P W U J N S K M Y R Z M T M F W R C V H J V U O I Y B Y S E S Y E H L R F U J F O O I S U H T O N A J W L S B G L M X L N S E J L I E I S C E D E N P I N W M I N V I L Z T A H E E D P Y L N K G P P V I K Q A G D Q A L E L Z A U D I T N H U R K H F T P K V G K P I D O T G A O T E E A O R M P K A O S H T N P H I N S L R A O M Z Z U J P F F L V G Y G A E F O M I N V I S I B I L I T Y F L T I V M N T X R A Y V I S I O N A Z V P I R T K P N K U A X G P F J K Q W T J H H H C R E I T Y E Q F I Q Q N V U T W I R Y G B N G A D D D C V B W Y S W W W O O O S H H S P L A S H ! * Superhero names (c) DC Comics, Marvel Comics, Archie Comics and Walt Disney Studios Created by Annimills © 2020

Chef’s Corner
continued from page 6 inflammatory omega-6s to block inflammation at the cellular level, lowering the risk of vascular cognitive impairment and dementia. The combination of fatty acids and protein in tuna can also be helpful for staying strong as we age.
Canned Mackerel: Canned plain or smoked mackerel is high in protein and omega-3 fatty acids and is very inexpensive.
Canned Sardines: Rich in omega-3 fatty acids, sardines are an excellent choice of fish because they are sustainable and inexpensive. They contain high amounts of vitamin B-12 (second only to calf liver), which promotes heart health.
Canned Clams: Clams are high in protein and zinc -- critical for the well-being of your immune system -- and rich in iron (containing far greater quantities than found in red meat) and selenium. Clams also are high in omega-3 fatty acids and are a good source of phosphorous, manganese and potassium.
If you’d like to use canned seafood in a new way, try this recipe for Fancy Fish Toast. It’s basically thick slices of toasted bread topped with an array of delicious ingredients with flavors that blend beautifully with any of the varieties of canned seafood listed above. If you’re feeling extra fancy, try this recipe using smoked baby clams or oysters!
4 large eggs Juice from 1 lemon 12 cherry or grape tomatoes, cut in half 1 green onion, roots removed and discarded, white and green parts chopped 1/4 teaspoon sugar 2 1/4 teaspoons salt, divided 2 1/4 teaspoons ground black pepper, divided 1/2 cup mayonnaise 1 small garlic clove, finely minced or grated 1 1/2 teaspoons sherry vinegar or red wine vinegar 1/2 teaspoon paprika
The Julian News11
Angela Shelf Medearis is an award-winning children's author, culinary historian and the author of seven cookbooks. Her new cookbook is "The Kitchen Diva's Diabetic Cookbook." Her website is www. divapro.com. To see how-to videos, recipes and much, much more, Like Angela Shelf Medearis, The Kitchen Diva! on Facebook. Recipes may not be reprinted without permission from Angela Shelf Medearis. © 2020 King Features Synd., Inc., and Angela Shelf Medearis
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LAKE CUYAMACA is looking for seasonal help for our bait and tackle shop. Job duties include, but are not limited to, operating a cash register, some computer work, and some light lifting. Experience and good customer service is a plus. If interested, contact Lake Cuyamaca Recreation and Park District by calling (760)765- 0515, or stop by the office and pick up an application at 15027 Highway 79, Julian, Ca. 6/10
ORCHARD HILL COUNTRY INN, Full and part-time Jobs available. Excellent working conditions, will train. * A.M. Breakfast cook * Housekeeper * Front Desk – computer skills required Beginning wage determined by experience and qualifications, 2502 Washington Street – 760-765-1700 6/17
Local resident looking to borrow 550k secured by developed Julian commercial property. 5-10 year term, 6% interest only, low loan to value (LTV), first trust deed. Please send inquiries to Julian News PO Box 639 Julian, CA 92036 1/31

FIRE: Lost house, cats, dogs; Scripts:. Cinema, TV Pilot, Series. Starting over. Need Internet, phone access. House or share (by lake?). Yard: Chihuahua, cat. TEXT: 858/829-3909. 6/3

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AA Meetings
www.NCsandiegoAA.org 760-758-2514
Monday - 11am Shelter Valley Community Center (Information: 760 765 3261 0R 760 765 0527) Monday - 7pm 3407 Highway 79 (across from Fire Station) Tuesday - 9am Sisters In Recovery (open to all females - 12 step members) St. Elizabeth Church (Downstairs) Tuesday - 7pm Santa Ysabel Mission Church (Open Big Book Study) Tuesday - 7pm Julian Men’s Meeting 3407 Highway 79 (across from Fire Station) Wednesday - 6pm Warner Community
Resourse Center (Across street from Warner Unified School)
Thursday - 7pm BYOB - Bring Yer Own Book
Closed meeting; book study St. Elizabeth Church (Downstairs)
Thursday - 7pm
Julian Prospectors
AA Open Meeting 3407 Highway 79 (across from Fire Station) Thursday - 7pm Shelter Valley Community Center
Shelter Doodle Group
AA Open Meeting
Friday - 5pm Ramona Sobriety Party Spirit of Joy Church - 1735 Main St Saturday - 5pm Ramona Free Thinkers AA
Ramona Recovery Club 1710 Montecito Road Sunday - 5:30pm Sweet Surender
Worship and Sunday School at 8:30 and 10:00 Blending of traditional and contemporary elements Warm welcome and uplifting music Relevant, thoughtful message Community United Methodist Church Celebrating 50 years of loving God and serving our neighbors
No Services This Sunday
Location: 2898 State Hwy 78 (just west of Pine Hills Road, look for the white rail fence) Phone: 760-765-0114 E-mail: communityumcjulian@yahoo.com

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4 tablespoons olive oil, plus more for drizzling 4 thick slices sourdough bread or country white bread 2 (6-7 ounce) cans or jars oilpacked tuna, drained 1/2 cup torn mixed tender herbs or baby lettuce greens 1. Bring a medium saucepan of water to a boil. Gently lower eggs into pot with a slotted spoon and cook 8 minutes. Transfer to a bowl of ice water and let cool. Peel eggs; set aside. 2. Using a medium-sized bowl, mix the lemon juice, tomatoes, green onions, sugar and 1/4 teaspoon of the salt and 1/4 teaspoon of the pepper together. 3. Stir together the mayonnaise, garlic, vinegar and paprika in a small bowl; season with 1/4 teaspoon salt and 1/4 teaspoon pepper. 4. Heat 2 tablespoons oil in a large skillet over medium until shimmering. Add 2 slices of bread and cook, adjusting heat as needed, until bottoms are deeply browned, about 3 minutes. Transfer to a platter and sprinkle fried side with 1/4 teaspoon each of the salt and pepper. Repeat with another 2 tablespoons oil and remaining slices of bread. 5. Spread mayonnaise mixture over toasted side of bread. Top with tuna and tomato mixture; spoon some of the juices over the mixture. Scatter herbs or lettuce greens over toast; drizzle with oil. Slice each egg into 3 or 4 pieces and arrange on top. Season with remaining salt and pepper. Serves 4. * * *

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continued from page 7

1. 13. He hit eight of them in his 1962 rookie season. 2. The Big Whistle. 3. The Simpsons. 4. The Chicago Bears. 5. Kendo. 6. Conor McGregor. 7. Toni Kukoc.
Trivia Time
continued from page 6
1. Peeling skin 2. Lurch, the butler 3. 28 4. Barcelona, Spain 5. “Kramer vs. Kramer” 6. Panther 7. Seafood 8. A fear of clowns 9. Lucille 10. Tennessee (Memphis) ® 2020 King Features Syndicate, Inc.