Airport stories

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G going to, present continuous (future arrangements) V look (after, for, etc.) P sentence stress


When areyou going? When are you coming back?

. . Where are you going? 1 READING a Whe n was th e last tim e you went to an airport (or stat ion )? Were you m eetin g someone or going so mewhere?

[Âą] Airport Stories

b Read th e ma gazin e ar ticle . Com plete it with these qu esti on s. ~ Do you know anyb ody here?

[[[] Are you going to stay f or long?

@OJ @[]

Is this your first visit?


W hen are wÂŤ leavin g?


What are yo u planning to do?

Does he kn ow yo u're com ing?


How are you going to get there?


How long are y ou going to stay?


Wh ere are yo u stay ing in London?

c Read th e article aga in and write R (Rim a) , ] (Jonatha n ), or M (Maki). 1 2 3 4 S

M is going to stay at a hotel.

_ _ _ _ for 6 _

is going to stay at a friend 's house. is going to visit a fam ily member. is going to th e theat re tomorr ow. is only goin g to be in th e UK four weeks. is going to work.

I'm going to look for a job. Maybe as an au pair, looking after children. And I want to improve my English too, so I can get a better job when I go back home. I hope I can find some work quickly, because I don't have much money.

1 Is this your fi rst visit? Yes, it is. I'm really looking forward to living here, but I'm a bit nervous too.



Six months or a year. It depends how things go.



Yes, I have a friend who's working here in a restaurant. I'm going to stay with her for a few weeks until I can find my own flat.

Well, good luck!

2 GRAM MAR going to, present continuous


a In pairs, cover th e text. Ca n you rem ember three of Rima 's plans ? Ca n yo u rem ember three of Jona than's plan s?

Jonathan, 35, just arrived from Melbourne, Australia

I'm going to see my Dad in Wales. It's his seventieth birthday tomorrow. 4 _

Rim a's going to work.

b Look at the interview with Maki and Koji. Highlight SLX pr esent contin uo us sentences. Do th ey refer to the present or the future? c

0 p.130 Grammar Bank 3A. Read th e rul es and do th e exercises.

No. It's going to be a big surprise for him. And it's going to be very emot ional too. I moved to Australia in 1990, and the last time I saw my Dad was five years ago. It's too expensive to visit very often and my father can't fly - he had a heart operation last year.



By train. All the family are waiting at my parents' house. We're going to have a big party there tomorrow night.



Yes, for a month . It's too far to come for a short time - and I want to see all my old friends here as well as my family.


3.1 Listen to Rima ta.lking six: months later. Mark th e sentences T (tru e) or F (false).

I 2 3 4 5 6 7 S


from Nagasaki, Japan ••


We're on our honeymoon. We got married last Saturday. Congratulations!



4 VOCABULARY look a Look at Rim a's interview on p.28 again. Find and underline three expressions with look. Match th em to their dictionary definitions. I 2 3

I 2 3 4 5 6 C

A n urse is a person who looks _ _ peop le who are ill.

She 's go ing to New York n ext m onth. She's really loo king _ _ it.

I can't fin d my keys. Ca n yo u h elp m e to look _ _ them?

I'm not loo kin g _ _ th e exa m - it's go ing to be very diffic ul t.

O u r ho use is a bit too small. We' re looking _ _ a new o ne .

Could you loo k _ _ o ur d og th is weeke nd ? We wa n t to go away.

Tell your partner. . . • so meth ing you are lo oking for ward to • so me th ing yo u o ften have to look for in th e morning • somebo dy or so m eth ing that yo u (occas iona lly) look aft er


On Friday. We're {loing to Paris next, and then to Rome...

Well, have a good time!

try to fin d so m eth ing wa it with pleasure fo r so m eth ing whic h is go ing to happen be responsible for or take care of so me body o r so me th ing

b Com plete th e sentences with after, f or, or forward to.


Everything is organized for us. Tomorrow we're doing a tour of London on a double -decker bus, and in the evening we're seeing a show. Then on Tuesday we 're going to Oxford and Cambridge and on Wednesday we're flying to Edinburgh.


b Listen again for more details. Correct the false sentences.


We're staying at the Hyde Park Hotel. We're just here for a few days.

She's working in an Italian restaurant.

It was easy to find a job.

She isn't living wit h her frie n d now.

She isn 't go ing to Eng lish classes.

She doesn't know if she 's going to go back to Lith ua nia.

She's leaving the restaurant next m o nth .

Her boyfriend is a wai te r.

Her fam ily are very h appy th at she's getti ng m a rried .

5 PRONUNCIATION sentence stress a Underline th e words which are important for communication in the se qu estions (the stressed words). I Where a re yo u go ing ? 2 When a re yo u leavin g? 3 How are yo u ge tti ng th ere ?



4 Wher e are yo u stay ing?

5 When a re yo u coming ba ck ?

Listen and check. Listen again and repeat. Copy th e !:bYthm .

6 SPEAKING I'm going to the cinema a Write down three plans or ar ran gements on Friday night. that you have for this week. Work in pairs. A tell B yo ur plans. B listen and ask for more informati on. Then swa p rol es. ~h a t are you going to see?


0 Communication Where are you going on holiday? p.116. Find a tr avelling companion for an exotic holiday.


Mark Oh sure. Allie, this is Brad Martin. Brad works in the Los Angeles office. Brad, this is Allie Gray from the Lond o n office. Allie Hello. Br ad Hi Allie, grea t to m eet you . Mark told me you we re very n ice but he d idn't tell m e you were so beaut iful. So, is this yo ur first time in San Francisco? Alli e Yes. Yes, it is.

Brad Has Mark sh ow n yo u the sigh ts?

Allie Well, no t yet.

Brad Th en may be I can show you round.

I love this city. Mark Allie, it's tim e to go. Excuse us, Brad. Brad Well, grea t to meet you , Allie. See you round. Allie Yes. Nice to meet yo u too. Go od bye. Brad Bye. 3.1

Interviewer So Rim a, did yo u find a job as an au pair? Rima Well, I fou nd a job, but no t looking after childr en . I'm working in a resta ur an t - an Italian rest aurant. I'm a wa it ress. I wo rk very lon g hours! Interviewer Was it diffi cult to find a job? Rima No. Th ere are lots of jobs in restauran ts, hotels, clean ing, things like th at . Interv iewer Are yo u still livin g in your fr ien d 's flat? Rima Yes, beca use it's very expens ive here and I ca n't afford to rent my own flat. Lon do n is incred ibly expensive! Interviewer Your English is m uc h better! Rima Well, a bit better, but J don 't go to classes, because I don't have t im e. As I sa id, I work ver)' lon g hours in t he rest aurant. But I watc h a lot of English T V, and [ speak Eng lish at wo rk . Interviewer "Vhen 'are you going back to Lithuania? Rima [don 't kno w. My pla ns have changed a bit. Interviewer "Vhy? Rima Well, I m et so me o ne in th e restauran t. He's the chef. We're getting married ne xt month. Interviewer Co ngratulatio ns! Is he from Lithua nia too? Rima No, he's Italia n. From Naples . He 's a fantastic coo k. Interviewer So, are yo u go ing to stay in Lon do n? Rim a Yes. I'm very happy here now . We both really like Londo n - our dream is to open a restau ran t together on e day. Interv iewer Are yo ur family co m ing to the wedding? Rim a No! T hey don 't eve n know I'm getti ng m arri ed! You see, they want me to go back to Lith uania. Interviewer Well, good luck wit h ever yth ing, Rima.


Presenter Today's topic is 'positive thin king'. We all know that people w ho are posi tive enjoy life m ore th an peo ple w ho are negat ive a nd pe ssimist ic. Bu t scie n ti fic st udies show tha t positive people ar e also healthier, get bett er more quickly when they're ill, an d live longer. A recen t study shows th at peop le who are opti mis tic and t hink positively live, o n aver age, nin e yea rs lon ger th an pessim istic people who think negat ively. So, let's hear w hat yo u the listeners t hink. Do you have any tips to help us be m or e positive in our lives? 3.8

Presenter And o u r first ca ller th is eve ni ng is And y. Hi Andy. What's yo u r ti p for bein g posi tive? Andy Hello. Well, I think it's very important to live in th e p resent and not in th e past. Don't thi nk about mist akes yo u ma de in the past. You can 't change the past. T he important thi ng is to think abo ut how you will do things be tter in th e futu re. Presenter T han k yo u And y. And no w we have an oth er ca ller. What's yo ur name, please? Julie Hi , my nam e's Julie . My tip is th in k pos it ive th ou ghts, not negat ive o nes. We all have negat ive th ou ghts so me time s but wh en we start hav ing th em we nee d to sto p and try to change them into pos itive ones. Like, if you have an exam to m o r row and you start thin king 'I'm sure I' ll fail', then yo u'll fail the exam. So you need to change th at negati ve th ou ght to a posit ive th ou ght. Just think to yo u rself"!' Il pass.' [ do thi s and it usually wo rks . Presenter T han k yo u Julie . An d o ur next caller is Gio va n n a. Hi Gio vann a. Giovanna H i. My tip is don't spe nd a lot of time readi ng the papers or watch ing th e new s on TV. It's always bad news an d it just makes yo u feel d epre ssed . Read a book or listen to yo ur favo ur ite mu sic instea d . Presenter T ha nks Giovann a. An d o u r next caller is M iriam. Miriam? Miriam H i. Presenter H i M ir iam . Wha t's yo u r tip ? Miriam My tip is eve ry wee k m ake a list of all the goo d thin gs that hap pen to you. T hen keep the list w ith yo u , in your bag or in a pocket , and if you 'r e feel ing a bit sad or de pressed just take it o u t and read it. It'll make you feel better. Presenter Th a nks Mi riam . And o ur last call is from M ichael. H i Mi ch ael. We're listening. Michael Hi. My tip is to tr y to use pos itive langua ge when you speak to ot he r people. You kn ow, if your friend has a prob lem don't say 'I' m so rry' or 'Oh poor yo u', say so me thi ng pos it ive like ' Do n' t wo rr y! Everythi ng w ill be OK : Th at wa)' yo u' ll ma ke th e other per son think m ore posit ively abo u t their problem.

Presenter Th an k you, Micha el. Well that's all we've got time for. A big th ank you to all our callers. Until next week then , goo d bye. 3.13

Patient So wh at does it me an , doc tor? Dr Muller Well, first the party. A pa rty is a gro u p of peo ple. T his mea ns that you're goi ng to mee t a lo t o f peo ple. [ thi nk yo u're go ing to be very bu sy. Patien t At work ? Dr Muller Yes,at wor k ... you work in an o ffice, I th ink? Patient Yes, th at 's right. Dr Muller I thi nk th e part y me ans yo u are going to have a lot o f me etings. Patien t Wh at abou t th e cha m pag ne? Dr Mu ller Let me look at my notes again. Ah yes, you were drinking cham pagne. Cham pagne means a celebrat io n. It's a sym bol of success. So we have a mee ting or meetin gs and then a celeb rat io n. Maybe in the fut ur e you 'll have a m eeti ng with yo ur boss, about a possible promot io n? Pat ient Well, it's po ssible. I ho pe so ... Wh at abo ut th e garden an d th e flowers? Do they mean anyth ing? Dr Muller Yes. Flowers are a positive symbol. So, the flowers mea n that you ar e feelin g positi ve abo ut the future. So perh ap s you alrea dy knew abo ut th is possible promoti o n? Patient No, I did n't. But it's true , I am very happy at wo rk and I feel ver y positive abo ut my future. T hat's not wh ere my problems are. My p ro blems ar e w ith my love life. Does m y d ream tell yo u anyt h ing abo ut tha t? Dr Muller Mm , yes it d oes . You're single, aren' t you ? Patient Yes, well, d ivo rced . Dr Muller Becau se the violi n music tells me you want so m e roma nce in your life足 you're loo king for a partner perhaps? Patient Yes, yes, I am . In fact I m et a very n ice woman last mo n th - I really like her, . . . I think I'm in love with her. I'm meeting her tonight .. . Dr Muller In your d ream you saw an ow l. .. in a tree? Patient Yes, an ow l. .. a big ow l. Dr Muller Th e ow l rep resen ts an older pe rso n . I think yo u'll need to ask this older person for he lp. Maybe this 'o lder person' is me? Mayb e you need my hel p? Patient Well, yes, wha t I really wa n t to know is Does thi s person . .. thi s wo ma n lo ve m e? Dr Muller You reme m be r the end of your dream? You were feeling cold ? Patient Yes, my feet were very cold. Dr Muller Well. .. I think perha ps yo u already kn ow th e an swer to you r qu est ion . Patient You m ean she doe sn't lo ve me. Dr Muller No, I do n't th ink so. I thin k you w ill need to find ano ther wom an. I'm sorry.

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