G going to, present continuous (future arrangements) V look (after, for, etc.) P sentence stress
When areyou going? When are you coming back?
. . Where are you going? 1 READING a Whe n was th e last tim e you went to an airport (or stat ion )? Were you m eetin g someone or going so mewhere?
[Âą] Airport Stories
b Read th e ma gazin e ar ticle . Com plete it with these qu esti on s. ~ Do you know anyb ody here?
[[[] Are you going to stay f or long?
@OJ @[]
Is this your first visit?
W hen are wÂŤ leavin g?
What are yo u planning to do?
Does he kn ow yo u're com ing?
How are you going to get there?
How long are y ou going to stay?
Wh ere are yo u stay ing in London?
c Read th e article aga in and write R (Rim a) , ] (Jonatha n ), or M (Maki). 1 2 3 4 S
M is going to stay at a hotel.
_ _ _ _ for 6 _
is going to stay at a friend 's house. is going to visit a fam ily member. is going to th e theat re tomorr ow. is only goin g to be in th e UK four weeks. is going to work.
I'm going to look for a job. Maybe as an au pair, looking after children. And I want to improve my English too, so I can get a better job when I go back home. I hope I can find some work quickly, because I don't have much money.
1 Is this your fi rst visit? Yes, it is. I'm really looking forward to living here, but I'm a bit nervous too.
Six months or a year. It depends how things go.
Yes, I have a friend who's working here in a restaurant. I'm going to stay with her for a few weeks until I can find my own flat.
Well, good luck!
2 GRAM MAR going to, present continuous
a In pairs, cover th e text. Ca n you rem ember three of Rima 's plans ? Ca n yo u rem ember three of Jona than's plan s?
Jonathan, 35, just arrived from Melbourne, Australia
I'm going to see my Dad in Wales. It's his seventieth birthday tomorrow. 4 _
Rim a's going to work.
b Look at the interview with Maki and Koji. Highlight SLX pr esent contin uo us sentences. Do th ey refer to the present or the future? c
0 p.130 Grammar Bank 3A. Read th e rul es and do th e exercises.
No. It's going to be a big surprise for him. And it's going to be very emot ional too. I moved to Australia in 1990, and the last time I saw my Dad was five years ago. It's too expensive to visit very often and my father can't fly - he had a heart operation last year.
By train. All the family are waiting at my parents' house. We're going to have a big party there tomorrow night.
Yes, for a month . It's too far to come for a short time - and I want to see all my old friends here as well as my family.