*Rhythm association: one is a bun (moĂąo), two is a shoe (zapato), three is a tree (ĂĄrbol), four is a door (puerta), five is a hive (colmena), six are sticks (palos), seven is heaven (cielo), eight is a gate (puerta de embarque), nine is a fine (multa), ten is a hen (gallina).
*Phonetic association: “I would rather...” (preferir) sounds like “burrada”. “I would rather say a burrada!”
*Associated words: father – mother, white – black, dog – cat, ...
* Easy stories: Words to learn: shoe, toilet, princess, carrots. Story: The princess of carrots lost her shoe in the toilet.
*Places: Remember the words in the physical place.
*Use of images: SUITCASE
*Repetition: Would you like some tea? Would you like some tea? Would you like some tea? Would you like some tea? Would you like some tea? Would you like some tea?
*Word analysis: Airport: Air+port
*Groups of words: Baker's (panadería) Butcher's (carnicería) Greengrocer's (verdulería) Tobacconist's (estanco)
*Songs association: Yesterday, You can stay under my umbrella, Poker face, Time goes by so slowly,...
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