2 minute read
Have you swapped socks for sandals yet? Foot expert Gemma Cartledge shares tips to help get your feet ready for summer.
Prevention is better than cure when it comes to keeping your feet healthy in warm weather. It’s worth taking time to check and look after them,” says Gemma, who leads Mersey Care’s Liverpool Podiatry Team.
“Filing and moisturising regularly will help avoid dry and cracked heels caused by shoes that expose your feet to the air and hard surfaces. A cheap moisturiser used every day will be more effective than an expensive one occasionally.”
And nail polish? It’s fine, says Gemma, but to avoid fungal infection don’t share polish.
• Use a dry emery board before your bath or shower to file dead skin on your heels
• Dry between your toes thoroughly to avoid athlete’s foot (tinea pedis)
• Apply moisturiser to your feet after your bath or shower
• To avoid ingrown toenails, cut your nails straight across and don’t cut them too short.
• Avoid infection by checking for cracks or breaks in your skin.
The news is not so good for flip flop fans. “Wearing flip flips is a ‘no-no’ – they don’t provide any support for your feet,” says Gemma. “They also generate friction as your foot moves around, causing hard skin to build up and form blisters. We’d suggest a closed shoe like a trainer worn with socks, which will also give support.”
Going to sunny climes? You might be surprised to learn that applying suncream to the bottom of your feet as well as the top is vital if you’ll be walking on hot sand.
Aqua shoes are also a good investment, especially for children, says Gemma.
“They can prevent injury from unseen objects in the water and guard against foot infections you could pick up around the pool.”
If your feet are causing problems, you can self refer to Mersey Care’s podiatry services in your area. Find out more by searching ‘podiatry’ on the Mersey Care website: merseycare.nhs.uk