Learning agreement

Page 1

Design Enterprise & Innovation Ref:




Credit Points: 40 Weighting:


Study Time:

400 hours

Unit Leader:

Patricia Grice Karen Ryan

Tutors/ Guests: Carl Bartlett El Crehan Anna Konig Technician Demonstrator: Penny Norman Unit Commencement: Monday 29th February Date of assessment/ submissions: Friday 13th May

The brief for this live project came from the company F&F in which we are required to design, pattern- cut and make a garment for the F&F signature range (occasion wear for parties and formal occasions). The winner of the competition will have their garment made for Christmas 2016. Requirements include a price point of ÂŁ55, which is something we will have to heavily think about in terms of print and fabrics. The garment must reflect the F&F customer. The pattern must be made using Lectra Madaris, but a certain amount of draping would be allowed. A final fit of the final toile in 3D. All of this, including research, inspiration, design ideas and fabric swatches on no more than 4 A4 boards. These A4 boards will be included in our Design Enterprise and Innovation hand-in, but if our design was chosen by F&F we would then have to stay after the hand in to make our garment, which F&F would then chose from this final line up. In order to achieve this I will attend workshops at university in Modaris and Kaledo to widen my knowledge in pattern cutting, print making and spec sheets. Ideas for the style of garment come from the pattern F&F have provided. I will also research into trends for Autumn/ Winter 16in order for my print and fashion design to reflect what F&F want, alongside the moodboard provided, making sure I stay as close to the brief as I can. Iwill also chose an individual theme based on this information. Iwill create a design that can work with a plain fabric and a patterned fabric in which Ican do a comparison with and then decide with tutors, as well as through using the 3D software, which design to enter into the competition.

Throughout this journey I will keep a manual and blog to record my research and findings in order to prep for my final four boards that I am submitting for the competition. The manual and blog will be constantly updated in order to show my progress and journey throughout this project. By doing this I will constantly be reviewing and reflecting on aspects that do and do not work well, which will in turn aid the creative process. Finally I will produce a 2000 word report in which I will discuss and evaluate the project as well as the history of F&F and Lectra as well as a blog that will be marked. Aims: A1: To further develop the creative, intellectual and practical applications of specialist study to the appropriate level. A2: To demonstrate an understanding of the historical, cultural, professional and contextual frameworks, which inform your work. A3: To introduce you to the career and future study possibilities relevant to your subject interest through the promotion of self-evaluation and review as an essential part of your personal and professional development. Learning Outcomes: LO1: Develop existing skills and acquire new competences evidenced through a comprehensive body of work that will enable you to assume significant responsibility within organisations. LO2 Demonstrate the ability to apply underlying concepts and principles in relation to your specialist practice LO3 Demonstrate the qualities and transferable skills necessary for employment requiring the exercise of personal responsibility and decision-making. Assessment Components: I will submit a 2000 word report, a weekly blog and an updated CV (Tutor assessed) 100% References: Wgsn.com. N.p., 2016. Web. 12 Apr. 2016. "Clothing, Furniture, Toys & Baby Products I George Exclusively At ASDA". Direct.asda.com. N.p., 2016. Web. 12 Apr. 2016. "F&F I Women's, Men's & Kids' Clothing & Fashion". Clothingattesco.com. N.p., 2016. Web. 12 Apr.2016.

"Fashion And Quality Clothing At The Best Price". H&M. N.p., 2016. Web. 12 Apr. 2016. "New Look I Women's Clothing, Men's Clothing And Teen's Fashion". New Look. N.p., 2016. Web. 12 Apr. 2016.

"Occasion Wear I Party Wear & Formal Wear I F&F". Clothingattesco.com. N.p., 2016. Web. 12 Apr.2016. "Tu Clothing Womenswear". Tuclothing.sainsburys.co.uk. N.p., 2016. Web. 12 Apr. 2016. "User Login I WGSN I Creating Tomorrow". WGSN / Creating Tomorrow / Trend Forecasting & Analytics. N.p., 2016. Web. 12 Apr. 2016.

Black, Sandy. Knitwear In Fashion. New York: Thames & Hudson, 2002. Print. Day, Photographs. "Photographs Of Chernobyl And The Ghost Town Of Pripyat By Michael Day" .Telegraph.co.uk. N.p., 2016. Web. 12Apr. Embellished. London: A & C Black, 2012 Polidori, Robert, and Elizabeth Culbert. Zones Of Exclusion. Gottingen: Steidl, 2003. Print. Potter, Patrick. Beauty In Decay. 2nd ed. 2016. Print. Wolff, Colette. The Art Of Manipulating Fabric. Radnor, Pa.: Chilton Book Co., 1996. Print.


What I'm Doing


Week 1 Tuesday 1/3/16

Kaledo Refresher Spec Sheets in Kaledo Style

Studio 3 with Penny and Carl

Unit Briefing Wednesday 2/3/16 Thursday 3/3/16

RE!searching into Tesco and prepping for presentation Modaris Refresher Presentation of Ideas

Studying from home

Studio 3 with Penny and Pat

Friday 4/3/16

Design Development Research into concept

Week 2

F006 El

Monday 7/3/16

Research into shape used by F&F

Tuesday 8/3/16




Studying from home Skills


Studio 3 with Penny

measuring garment bought in from Wednesday 9/3/16

Complete Spec Sheet and continue with home

Studying from home

research and design work Thursday 10/3/16

Textile Forum Trip


Friday 11/3/16

20 Designs to be completed by the end of the

Studying from home

Week 3


Monday 14/3/16 Comparative Shop Report Textiles Forum Blog

Studying from home


Tuesday 15/3/16

WGSN research Design/ Print Development

Studio 3 with Penny

Textile Forum Report Wednesday 16/3/16 Thursday 17/3/16

Friday 18/3/16

Continue with print and design development Madaris Workshop continued 3D exercises Finalise Spec Sheet Design Development

Studying from home Studio 3 with Penny and Pat

Studio K103 with El

Week 4 Monday 21/3/16

Design and print development

Studying from home

Tuesday 22/3/16

Print Workshop - Kaledo

Studio 3 with Penny and Carl

Wednesday 23/3/16

Design work

Studying from home

Thursday 24/ 3/16

Graded Spec Sheet and final design chosen

Studio 3 with Penny


Fabric Sourcing


Work on Pattern Technical Flat Start 2000 word report Sketchbook/ Journal Work Week of Work Experience


Week 5 Monday 11/3/16

Write up blog work over Easter

Studying from home

Tuesday 12/4/16

Kaledo/ lnDesign/ Adobe continued

Studio 3 with Carl

Presentation and layout for journal - individual development Wednesday 13/4/16

Finish off spec sheet

Studying from uni

Thursday 14/4/16

Desiga Conformation/ Pattern Development

Studio 3 with Penny and Pat

Friday 15/4/16

Continue pattern development

Studying from uni

Work on report over weekend Week 6 Monday 18/4/16 Tuesday 19/4/16

Blog work Combining Software's/ Tutorials

Studying from home Studio 3 with Carl

Wednesday 20/4/16 Thursday 21/4/16

Work on what was said at tutorials

Studying from home

Pattern Development/ Measurement Chart

Studio 3 with Penny and Pat

Friday 22/4/16

Continue with pattern and blog work and work

Studying from home

on report Week 7 Monday 25/4/16 Tuesday 26/4/16

Pattern and spec sheet work Continue with Penny

Studying from uni Studio 3 with Penny

Wednesday 27/4/16

Pattern and spec sheet work

Studying from uni

Thursday 28/4/16

Pattern Finalisation/ Swatches Finalised Spec

Studio 3 with Penny and Pat

Sheet Develop Graded Spec Order of Assembly for manufacture Friday 29/4/16

Ideas finalising into journal and work on this over the weekend

Week 8

Mac Suite

Monday 2/5/16

Continue with last week's work, blog post,

Studying from uni/ home

work on report Tuesday 3/5/16

Continue with Penny

Wednesday 4/5/16 Work on finalizing pattern/ graded spec sheet/

Thursday 5/5/16 Friday 6/5/16

order of assembly for tomorrow Finalising pattern with completed graded spec sheets/ markers/ order of assembly Finalising lnDesign document

Studio 3 with Penny Studying from uni/ home

Studio 3 with Penny and Pat Mac Suite

Finishing touches Week 9 Monday 9/5/16

Final touches and send to print

Tuesday 10/5/16

Check over report/ update blog

Wednesday 11/5/16

If not completed by 10/5/16 then continue

Studying from uni/ home Studying from uni/ home Studying from uni/ home

working on report and blog Thursday 12/5/16

If not completed by 10/5/16 then continue

Studying from uni/ home

working on report and blog Friday 13/5/16


Studio 3

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