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Affirmations Spotlight

How long have you been with Affirmations? It will be 2 years this month.

What is Affirmations to you? Affirmations is a place where I am able to openly be myself. I love the fact that you can walk in the doors and see all different types of people “just being”. No one has to hide anything about themselves. It is amazing to see!


When you’re not working, what do you do for fun? Spend time with my two pups.

If your office was sinking and you could only save one thing (besides a computer), what would you save? The candy.

Jeremy Merkingler, Finance Director

What’s something you're proud of at Affirmations? I've never been more proud of working at a place than I am now. I know, to most people, what I do may not be glamorous, fun, or thrilling, but it’s great to know that what I do allows Affirmations to help people in our community . The fact that we are able to actually make a difference in people's lives is what makes me proud to work here.

Hey Cuties!

If you have been waiting to sell your home due to the lack of Buyers, or, shop for a home due to the unstable Interest Rates; I have good news for you. The housing market and rates are showing a lot of promise as we slide into the second month of 2023. Interest Rates are becoming more stable which will benefit prospective Buyers. As more prospective Buyers enter the market, Market Value will strengthen for Sellers due to a higher demand on Real Estate. With all that said, if buying or selling a home has been on your mind, now is a great time to take the first steps in your prospective Real Estate Transaction! Feel free to reach out to me with any Real Estate questions, I would be happy to help you get started.

Also, if you are a first-time home buyer, always remember, homeownership can be the first step to financial freedom and is more accessible than you think. It’s time to get a new perspective on Real Estate!!! I am more than happy to help get you started on buying your first home! Check out and follow my TikTok, @realtorkory, to connect for all your Real Estate needs!

Email, DM, Text, or Call because I do it all!

-Kory Lambarth

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