3 minute read
Stoney Faulkner
What is your professional name?
My name is Stoney Faulkner.
Where were you born and does that place still influence you?
I was born and raised in Henderson NC. It does not really influence.
Do you have family, friends, or fellow artists who support you in your work, life and art making and how do they make a difference in your life?
Most if not all of my friends and family support me and my art making. Having them helps me keep going and love making art.
When and how did you start making art?
I started making art in elementary school. I was just copying cartoon characters that I would watch but then I started drawing my own.
Can you describe the time when you first realized that creating was something you absolutely had to do?
Around middle school I found myself drawing way more than I used to. I would just sit in class and just start drawing designs on my hands all the time. I did it so much that my teacher got mad and took my markers away from me.
Why do you make art now?
I make art now because it is something that I spent most of my life developing. I want to see how much more I can improve and how far I can take my art career.
How has your work changed or developed over time?
My work has changed drastically. My old work was a much darker, bloodier and simple. I think I was going for more shock value than actually trying to convey a message.
What are you trying to communicate with your art?
Recently have been on the subjects of toxic love and toxic beauty. I want people see some of themselves in the toxicity and maybe even discover something about themselves that they did not know.
Do you have any creative patterns, routines or rituals associated with your art making?
If I am making art, I have to have music on. Music influences my art all the time. It changes my mood, and I even base some of my paintings on certain songs.
How do you know when a work is finished?
I know a work is done when I just want to paint over it and start over. At that point I know I need to move on and do something else.
What are the art making tools you use now?
I work with acrylic on canvas. I have tried other media but I found that I work best in acrylic.
What’s the first artwork you ever sold?
When I was in high school one of my friends wanted a painting. He gave me a lot of ideas about what he wanted and I sold it to him for $75.
Do you make a living from your art?
Sadly, I do not. But I plan on doing that in the future.
What are your goals for the future, for both work and life?
I want to have my own art studio and sell my art. I want to be able to live off of my art.
What interesting project are you working on at the moment?
I am working on a few portraits right now. I am working on one larger painting to continue my toxic love and toxic beauty series.
What or who inspires you?
My mother inspires me the most. She has worked so hard all her life and one day I want to pay her back for all she has done for me.
Do you have a favorite – or influential – living artist?
Kehinde Wiley has been my favorite for a while. I have known about him since high school and I have looked up to him ever since.
Where do you find ideas for your creative work?
I find many ideas from Instagram. I follow a lot of interesting and creative people. I also get ideas from music videos.
What is the best advice you ever had about how to be more creative?
Never color inside the lines. Outside is where all the fun is.

My Beloved Toxin Acrylic on canvas

Weeping Mother Earth Acrylic on canvas

The End Of Humanity Acrylic on canvas

Ruling Through Chaos Acrylic on Canvas