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Clonmel Junction Festival was founded in 2001 to celebrate touring theatre and live music. 22 years later it is the pre-eminent arts organisation in Clonmel, providing a platform for regional and national artists, the infrastructure to develop a body of professional arts workers in the town, and a hub for national and international artists to share space and ideas with a large urban town at the heart of a rural hinterland. A multi-disciplinary Arts Festival, CJAF celebrates the town of Clonmel and the talented artists who live and work here. The ‘junction’ of the title refers to bringing people together: audiences and artists, local and international companies, town and country. During the year, the festival works developmentally with local and regional artists and arts organisations, participates in seasonal events like Culture Night, and strengthens stakeholder relationships and policy practice. With a remit that covers theatre for audiences of all ages, music across the genres, visual arts and literature, the festival is a door into the arts for first-timers, an annual miscellany for theatre lovers, and the start of the summer holidays for the town of Clonmel.