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Eithne Keegan RN, MSN was born and raised in Ireland in a small village. She emigrated to the US Dec 31st 1977. She started her nurse training in Dublin, Ireland, and continued her nursing career in Orange County California, where she raised her daughter Nora. She accepted Jesus as her Lord and Savior and was baptized on her first mission trip to Kiev, Ukraine May 2002.


Eithne is an RN, MSN, and an International missionary, teacher, speaker and short story writer. She works as an Administrative Nursing Supervisor in a hospital in California. She helped start a school of Nursing in Northern Kenya and has led numerous mission trips around the globe as well as assisted in writing the best practices of medical missions. She is now the National Coordinator of Healthcare Christian Fellowship USA.

Melodee Battenschlag RN, BSN

was raised in a Christian home and accepted Jesus as Savior as a child. She served in ministry as a Children’s Teacher, Women’s Ministry leader, Events Director, Life Group leader, Bible Study leader, Hospitality Committee leader, Medical Ministry, Missions leader, Prayer Group leader, and Hostess of events and missionaries.

Melodee spent most of her career as an RN in the field of Case Management. She was self-employed as an independent Case Manager for over 35 years. She has been on numerous mission trips in countries around the world. Melodee has assisted HCF at conferences and global prayer retreats and assisted in the Saline Process training. She is currently on the HCF board, serving as CFO.

Dung Trinh, M.D. arrived to the United States as a Vietnam War refugee at the age of 5. He was raised a Buddhist with family members who are Buddhist monks and nuns. His childhood education was at a Buddhist pagoda in Vietnam. Having never heard of our God before, his first introduction to Christianity was when his family was allowed to enter the United States due to being “sponsored” into the country by a Christian church in Orange County. Through a series of “God circumstances” during his high school years, Dr Trinh became a follower of Jesus, which he believes was the most important decision of his life. He has served on the board of directors of both for profit and non profit organizations, over the past several years including Bristol Park Medical Group, Memorial Care Medical Group, Alzheimer’s Orange County, and others including HCF USA. He founded TongueOut, a non profit organization that provides free health care to “the least of these” around the world including the people of Vietnam, Haiti, Peru, and Mexico. His activism stems from his deep faith in God and from an authentic appreciation of his parents’ sacrifices for their four children. Dr. Trinh’s father was raised in an orphanage himself, and Dr. Trinh’s mother has dedicated her life to spiritual practice and service as a Buddhist nun.

Jhundell Apas RN, BSN is a Filipino Registered Nurse since 1999 and became a US Registered Nurse in 2018. He practiced his career in the clinical and industrial settings in the Philippines and in Saudi Arabia. Jhundell also enjoys creating arts and media that brings him meaning and purpose. He moved to Minot, North Dakota with his wife, Geri, this year and he is working as pacemaker nurse at Trinity Health.

His parents dedicated him as their first born to the Lord. Twenty-two years later, he surrendered his life to Jesus as his Lord and Savior as he came to learn the Good News in a Biblebased church in Manila. The Lord equipped him through HCF International’s discipleship courses to be a fulltime missionary nurse of Philippine HCF from 2013 to 2019. He currently partakes in serving God in the health field through HCF USA as multimedia officer. He continues to learn to integrate his faith into his career and relationships.

Aubrey Beauchamp (Retired)

President HCF USA) started a Bible study at San Clemente Hospital in 1972 which developed into HCF USA. She was born and survived the horrors of World War II in the Netherlands. She migrated to Indonesia for high school and furthered her career as a bush nurse in Sydney, Australia. She immigrated to the USA in 1960. She is a prolific writer, speaker, conference organizer, and Bible study developer/ teacher. She authored the New Heart magazine which is now retired. Among one of her achievements was the Compassionate Care seminar for healthcare workers which is still in use today. She mentored many people including the current head of HCF USA. Although retired she leads a group called the Happy Hymn Singers.

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