2 minute read



by Erasmia Grim


“You will see greater things than these” (John 1:51) was among the promises given to Francis Grim, just before he was promoted to Glory in 2005. From 1936 when God first birthed the vision of Healthcare Christian Fellowship in his heart, he had seen the work grow from a tiny seed to a capacious tree with branches spreading across the world to the north and south, east and west. The launching of HCFUSA was one of his greatest joys when skilled caregivers were called to minister to the total person - body, soul and spirit. I had the honour of attending their first On-Line HCF Global Conference on June 6th 2020, could personally witness the splendid display of God-given talent and imbibe the wholesome teaching given by dedicated men and women. Refreshed by this shower of blessings, I involuntarily thought of the Word given to Francis so many years ago, and praise filled my heart for the faithfulness of our promise-keeping God.

The three pillars on which the Fellowship has been built - Prayer, Evangelism and Discipleship - have stood firm amid the shifting sands of time. Recently a new vision was birthed in the HCFI Global Prayer Network summoning ‘One Million Intercessors in the Next Decade’ primarily to pray for health fields worldwide. Subsequent to this came the clarion call: “Each One take Two” pinpointing healthcare workers as the target of intercession.

As the vision burned on in the hearts of the Team, the figure of a Goliath arose. How would they effectively reach all the Prayer Networks of the world to ask for a platform for prayer for healthcare workers? Suddenly in early 2020 the pandemic of Covid 19 swept across nations as a powerful cyclone, causing the death of thousands, threatening governments and citizens, enforcing lockdowns, disrupting economies and wreaking havoc in its wake. Hearts were being

October 2019 Global Prayer Conference in South Africa shaken and many unbelievers suddenly realized that their only hope was the intervention of God. Suddenly the focus was changed from the secular stage of sport and entertainment to the somber scene of hospitals, healthcare institutions, and suffering humanity…

Almost as a flash from Heaven, Frontline Workers and patients moved to a centrestage position and as Eithne Keegan, valued Coordinator of HCF USA, remarked: “Who would have ever thought that the world would come to its knees in 2020 to intercede for millions of sick people and their Caregivers?” God moves in mysterious ways and we are awed in silence… May He continue to call men and women through the gateway of suffering to Himself, our Rock and our Redeemer.

Erasmia Grim is the beautiful surviving wife of the HCFI founder, Francis Grim. She reaches out to us from her home in Kempton Park, South Africa where she continues the ministry of HCFI, that her husband started in 1936.

She updates us through the “Trumpet Call” which is a quarterly prayer journal to the HCFI leaders around the globe. Erasmia has honored us by writing an article for our first HCF USA newsletter.

Erasmia can be contacted through hoschris@iafrica.com.

Photo source: https://www.pbs.org/independentlens/lionstrail/trail.html

Erasmia Grim

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