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by Eithne Keegan


In 2004, I was privileged to be part of a team of missionaries from several churches to go on a mission trip to South Africa to teach a program on Better Choices, an HIV AIDS program, in the schools in Durban and Richards Bay, South Africa, for Campus Crusade for Christ (CRU). As we were preparing the team and getting to know each other, Anne, a teacher, talked with me about her fears of going to Africa. “I'm a germaphobe” , she confessed. “I'm scared to death of picking up germs.” I really want to go and serve the Lord, but I'm not sure it's God's will for me to go?

“I'm a germaphobe” , she confessed. “I'm scared to death of picking up germs.”

She said she was earnestly praying and asking God if she should go or stay. She specifically wanted to hear from God that he would keep her safe and bring her back home if she were to make the journey. It was her heart's desire to go on this mission trip and she felt if she could do that, she would have fulfilled her destiny. I would like to leave a legacy behind for my family so they would not be afraid to go and serve the Lord in foreign lands. She asked if I would join her in prayer for this cause. I agreed.

At our next meeting, I asked her if she had heard from God and she said, “yes, I believe I am to go”. When we arrived in South Africa, I was assigned as Anne’s roommate. One evening, we were preparing to go out into the village to show the “Jesus film” , when Anne said, “I'm feeling very weak and would rather not go with you tonight. By the way, did you bring any CDs I could listen to? I have forgotten mine.” I had taken some sermon tapes from my pastor, also a music CD that someone gave me, but I wasn't familiar with the artist. Anne asked to see it. The singer was Renee Bondi, a quadriplegic. One of the songs was called, “Be not Afraid”. Anne was amazed, as this was the CD she played at home when she felt God was affirming her that it was okay for her to go on this mission trip, and that he would bring her safely home! The lyrics of the song spoke to Anne in a way no other song could have spoken. She knew that God had given the song to her and now reaffirmed it by sending it with me. I had never heard the artist, but Anne said she was one of her favorites. Was that a coincidence, or was God telling her she was meant to be there in South Africa? These were the words that Renee Bondi sang: You shall cross the barren desert, but you shall not die of thirst. You shall wander far in safety, though you do not know the way. You shall speak your words to foreign men, and all will understand. you shall see the face of God and live, Be not afraid, I go before you always. come follow me and I will give you rest. If you pass through Raging Waters, in The Sea you shall not drown, if you walk amidst the burning flames, you shall not be harmed. If you stand before the powers of hell, and death is on your side, know that I am with you through it all. Blessed are your poor for the kingdom shall be yours, Blessed are you that weep and mourn, for one day you should laugh. And if wicked men insult and hate you, all because of Me. Blessed.Blessed are you.

The next day, Anne was better, and we had a powerful mission time, where many children gave their lives to Christ.

After we came home. We had our debrief session, then went our separate ways. We were to meet again the following week.

About five days later, I called Anne and she said, “I have such peace in my spirit”, I was really happy for her. The following day, the leader of our group called me with the unexpected news that Anne had passed away in her sleep the night I had spoken to her. It was a shock to all of us, but her Legacy lives on, and we knew that God brought her safely home in more than one way that night. Her nephew, not a believer at the time, was so touched by what his aunt shared with him about the trip, that he later went and served in the mission fields in Africa! Anne left her legacy for all to understand God's love and faithfulness. He speaks his word in many ways but the underlying principle is: if God calls you to a mission trip and it is his will for you to go, he will bring it to fruition.

Photo source: https://www.woestenhoeve.nl/

Eithne can be contacted through hcfusa53@gmail.com.

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