PLACES OF WORSHIP ASSEMBLY OF GOD Juneau Christian Center Sunday Morning Service 10:30 am. Nursery & Kids Church. Wenesday night Youth Group at 6:30 pm. Please go to for updated information on small groups and coming events. Phone 789-2176. Juneau Christian Preschool, Monday - Friday Phone 789-3703
BAPTIST/INDEPENDENT Riverside Baptist Church (Independent) Meeting at 4395 Riverside Drive Juneau. Service Times are: Sunday School: 9:30 AM, Sunday Worship: 11:00 AM, Sunday Evening Service: 6:00 PM. Wednesday Evening Service: 7:00 PM. Pastor Dean C Blood, 523-7790.
Lighthouse Baptist We are a friendly church that still sings the great old hymns of the faith and teaches and preaches from the King James Version of the Bible. Sundays we meet at Thunder Mountain High School. Please use the entrance located at the west end of the building, closest to the football field. Sunday School is at 10:00 am, Morning Worship at 11:00 am, and Sunday Evening Service at 6:00 pm. Please call the church for the current times and locations of our midweek Bible studies. Pastor Joe Mishler would like to encourage you to visit this church that loves the Word of God and the God of the Word. Nursery services are provided for every service, and transportation is available by calling 780-4383.
BAPTIST/SOUTHERN First Baptist Church of Juneau On Twin Lakes next to the Pioneer Home. Leading people to a practical faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. Sunday school for all ages, 9:30a.m., Worship Sunday 10:45a.m., 6:00p.m. and Wednesday 6:00p.m. Pastor Eugene Williams. Phone 780-4434
Glacier Valley Baptist Church 3921 Mendenhall Loop Road, Sunday Bible Study for all ages, 9:00am, Sunday worship services at 10am and Sunday Prayer Service at 6pm. Child care provided at our morning service. AWANA Clubs, Monday evenings (call for more info); Adult Bible Study Wednesday 7pm. Home of Valley Baptist Academy Preschool Pastor Gordon Mills, 789-7348
BIBLE CHURCH Northland Bible Church Services: Sunday School - 10 AM • Sunday Worship - 11 AM • Wednesday Prayer and Bible Study - 7PM (907) 364-2116 Located in the Mendenhall Mall Annex, Suite 5E
CHRISTIAN SCIENCE Christian Science Church For time and location of Sunday Services, call 988-2468
CHURCH OF GOD • CLEVELAND, TENN. Glacier Valley Church of God 8497 Thunder Mountain Rd. Sunday School 9:45a.m., Sunday Worship 11:00a.m., Sunday Evening Service 6:30p.m., Wednesday Christian Enrichment Night and Youth and Children’s Clubs, 7:00p.m. Pastor Richard Green, 789-3605
CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS • JUNEAU ALASKA STAKE Mount Juneau Ward — Lemon Creek Chapel at 5100 Glacier Hwy. Sunday 10:00-11:10 AM Sacrament Meeting, 11:15-1:00 PM Sunday School, Adult, Youth and Children meetings.
Auke Bay Ward — Auke Bay Stake Center at 10585 Glacier Hwy. Sunday 9:00-10:10 AM Sacrament Meeting, 10:15-12:00 PM Sunday School, Adult, Youth and Children meetings.
Nugget Falls Ward — Auke Bay Stake Center at 10585 Glacier Hwy. Sunday 11:30-12:40 PM Sacrament Meeting, 12:45-2:30 PM Sunday School, Adult, Youth and Children meetings.
ECKANKAR Eckankar Discover how Divine Love is experienced through the Light and Sound of God. Please join us the second Sunday of every month for our statewide teleconferenced worship services, 9:30 a.m –10:30 a.m. Call 1-646-307-1300 use access code 9677447. 586-5955 for more information or visit or
EPISCOPAL Holy Trinity Episcopal Church Sunday at 8:30 and 11:00 AM - Holy Eucharist. Sundays at 10:00 AM Communion at Wildflower Court. Wednesdays at 12:05 PM- Healing Eucharist. Wednesdays at 7:00 PM - Compline Other services as annouced. Childcare available on Sundays at 11:00 AM. Come worship with us! 415 Fourth Street,, 907-5863532
St. Brendan’s Episcopal Church 4207 Mendenhall Loop Road, Sunday: Holy Eucharist: Rite 11, Sunday School and Child Care at 10:30am; fellowship hour follows the service. Healing prayers on the first Sunday of each month. Adult Study Group meets on Sunday mornings at 9:00am. Food Pantry, Thursdays 4:30 - 7:00pm. St. Brendan’s Galley, Thursdays 6:00pm, meal and fellowship provided. The Rev Caroline Malseed Priest-in charge. 789-5152
LUTHERAN Faith Lutheran Church The church of The Lutheran Hour KINY (800) (LCMS) Sunday at 6:30 a.m. Sunday Worship Service 10:00 a.m. – a warm welcome is extended. Telephone 789-7568, 789-4117. Email: Located at 2500 Sunset Drive.
Resurrection Lutheran Church (ELCA) RLC, a welcoming place, is located at the corner of 10th and Glacier, across from the Bill Ray Center. 9:30 a.m. Sunday service. We celebrate the Eucharist weekly. We are a community seeking to serve Jesus Christ and ways to live in God’s Grace. Please come and join us, you are always welcome! 586-2380.
Shepherd of the Valley Lutheran Church (ELCA) Everyone is warmly welcome to worship with us! Children are a gift, and are welcome at worship services. Sundays at 9:30 a.m. and 11:30 a.m. We are located at 4212 Mendenhall Loop Road. For more information about us or our food pantry, call 789-4093 or email Love INC partner church. Pastor Tari Stage-Harvey. More information about weekly programs at
NAZARENE Church of the Nazarene 3220 Mendenhall Loop Road across from Kodzoff II Mobile Home Park. Sunday school for all ages at 9:45 a.m., Sunday morning worship at 11:00 a.m., and Sunday evening service at 6:00 p.m. On Wednesday at 6:30 p.m. teen activities; and at 7:00 p.m. adult Bible study and prayer and children’s activities. A nursery is provided. Phone: 789-2724. Dan Wiese, Pastor.
NON-DENOMINATIONAL Auke Bay Bible Church 11970 Glacier Hwy., just past the Auke Bay Post Office on the right. Contemporary Sunday Worship services at 10am. Nursery & Children’s programs provided during service. We also have midweek activities for children, Middle school, High School, College, Men’s and Women’s groups. For updated information, please call 789-9318 or visit our us at
Breakthrough Church We are a multicultural, mission minded church made up of real people with real joys and real life struggles. We believe in touching and impacting lives, all for advancing the kingdom of Jesus Christ. Join us every Saturday evening at 5pm for our weekly worship service at Shepherd of the Valley Lutheran Church, 4212 Mendenhall Loop Rd. Ministry to and for the whole family. Nursery available. Contact us at 907780-5121 or Facebook and
Calvary Fellowship Meets Sunday 10a.m. at Dzantiki Heeni Middle School Commons. Contemporary worship and Bible study. Sunday school and nursery provided for children. In fellowship with Calvary Chapel, Costa Mesa, Calif. Pastor Brian Ewing. For more info, 780-5618.
Church of Christ Congregational Sunday worship, 11:00 A.M. & 6:30 P.M. Bible Classes, Sunday 10 A.M. & Wednesday 6:30 P.M. Meets on corner of Mendenhall Loop Road & Trinity Drive, just south of the stop lights. For transportation, call 586-3824 or 500-7395. Minister: Gordon Johnson Office phone: 789-9339. juneaucofc. org
Douglas Island Bible Church Our church is dedicated to helping people know Christ and make Him known. Please come join us as we worship together! Sunday morning Family Bible Class starts at 9:15 a.m. Morning worship (with nursery provided) begins at 10:30 a.m. Sunday evening Bible Study starts at 6:00 p.m. We have an enthusiastic youth group for Jr. and Sr. High youth, and during the school year, an Awana Program for ages three years old through High School. If you are looking for a church that will welcome you and provide you with a feeling of family, this is the place! We are located at 2770 David Street on Douglas Island. Call 586-6350 for additional information.
Eagle Wings Community Church Come as you are, inside and out. We’re easy on people who haven’t been to church in a while. A relaxed, informal worship service in a beautiful setting. We meet at the Juneau Yacht Club at 10:00 a.m. Sundays with Sunday School following. We are kid-friendly. Rev. Larry Olson is our pastor. Nursey care provided for little ones. Questions? Call 7806057.
River Church New location! 641 W. Willoughby Ave., Suite 109, the Foodland Center, the old Good Hardware. 10:30, Sunday mornings. Follow us on Facebook for special meetings!
The Salvation Army 439 W. Willoughby Ave. We are a Christian Church located downtown across from the Salvation Army Family Store. Sunday’s at 10AM, we have a Sunday School for all ages and our worship service is at 11AM. Our social service office and food bank hours are Tuesday’s 9-11:30AM and Thursday’s 4-6PM. Women’s meeting Wednesday’s 10-12PM, Adult Bible Study Thursday’s 5:30PM, Men’s Bible Study & Fellowship Friday’s 12-1PM. Lt’s. Lance and Dana Walters, Corps Officers/Pastors (907) 586-2136
Valley Church “My Soul shall be joyful in the LORD; It shall rejoice in His salvation” Ps 35:9. We invite you to join us this week as we meet to celebrate God’s love and receive instruction in His word. We are located at 9741 Mendenhall Loop Road. (At the intersection of Montana Creek Road and Mendenhall Loop Rd). Sunday service is at 10:30 AM with nursery and children’s classes provided during the service. Wednesday evening service begins at 6:30 PM. When you come, you will find a biblically based fellowship that is excited about the love of Jesus and ready to welcome you. Pastor Dani Cherian, 789-3513.
PRESBYTERIAN Chapel by the Lake Mile 11 Glacier Hwy. Entrance is across from Fritz Cove Road, turn right on Auke Lake Way. A Christ centered, Bible based, praying congregation, where all are welcome. Sunday worship services in the main sanctuary at 8:30 am and 10:15 am. For more information call our church office at 789-7592 or visit our website at
Northern Light United Church (See full listing under United Methodist • Presbyterian USA)
ROMAN CATHOLIC Catholic Cathedral of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary Fifth and Gold St. Downtown, Rector Fr. Patrick Casey, OMI. Mass Schedule: Saturday 5:30 p.m.; Sunday 8:30 a.m., 11:00 a.m. and 5:30 p.m. Daily Mass: Monday-Friday 12:10p.m.; Saturday 9:30 a.m. Sacrament of Reconciliation: Saturday 4:00 p.m. or anytime upon request. 586- 1513 Rectory/Office: Fax 586-8091
Catholic Church St. Paul the Apostle 9055 Atlin Dr. & Mendenhall Loop Rd. Fr. Michael Galbraith. Mass schedule: Mon-Fri 12:10 p.m., Saturday 10a.m. (Pioneers Home) and 5:30p.m., Sundays 8:00 a.m., 10:30 a.m., 4:00 p.m. (Spanish) and 5:30 p.m. Confessions Saturday 4:00 p.m. 789-2648 Rectory. 789-7307 Office. 790-3430 Fax.
SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTIST Seventh-day Adventist 4343 Mendenhall Loop Road, where Jesus Christ is uplifted as Savior, Lord, and soon-coming King. Services on Saturday (the Sabbath). Sabbath School 9:30 a.m. for children and adults, Worship Service 11:15 a.m., Saturday evening fellowship 7:00 p.m. Wednesday Bible Studies at 7:00 p.m. We have a church school, grades K-8, telephone 780-4336. On cable TV look for “It is Written” Sunday, 9:30 a.m. on Channel 13, TBN and Channel 125, 3ABN. Tune in to KQQJ 90.7 FM, for local Christain radio. “Discover” and “Amazing Facts” Bible lessons are free upon request. Pastor: Nathan Stearman. Church telephone 789-7644. Everyone is welcome.
UNITARIAN - UNIVERSALIST Unitarian - Universalist The Juneau Unitarian Universalist Fellowship welcomes all people to celebrate religious freedom and diversity with our growing liberal faith. Service will begin again on September 9th. For more information find us on Facebook.
UNITED METHODIST Aldersgate United Methodist Church “Open Hearts, Open Minds, Open Doors.” Aldersgate celebrates that all persons are created in God’s image and are of sacred worth. We publicly affirm a commitment to spiritual diversity and individual integrity. Our faith compels us to be in intentional ministry to, with, and for all people, including those who have not always been accepted because of race, ethnicity, nationality, gender, gender identity, sexual identity, age, physical abilities/qualities, social/economic status, family make-up, or religious background. We are a community seeking to embrace you and celebrate in God’s love with you. 9161 Cinema Drive (just past the theater). Worship is at 11:00 (summer at 10:00). For more information, please contact Rev. Karen Dammann at 7894050.
Douglas Community UM Rev. Jason I. W. Cornish, Pastor 1106 Third Street, Douglas, AK 99824 (907)364-2408 • We are an accessible facility and childcare is provided. Sunday Worship Service at 11:00 a.m., Children’s Sunday School at 11:15 a.m., Communion Service on the 1st Sunday of the Month. Food Pantry services are Wednesdays and Fridays, 2–5 p.m. All are welcomed here! We are a Reconciling Congregation!
Northern Light United Church (See Full listing under United Methodist • Presbyterian USA)
UNITY Unity Valentine Building. 119 Seward Street, Suite 1. Unity is affiliated with the Association of Unity Churches and the Unity School of Christianity. We are a new thought fellowship on a journey of awakening to the presence of Love. All are welcome to join our Sunday celebration of the Divine within. Sunday, 10–11:15am. For information call 907-723-9979
UNITED METHODIST • PRESBYTERIAN USA Northern Light United Church 10 AM Worship, followed by brunch. Nursery provided. The service is live streamed and archived at Youth group, women’s fellowship, men’s breakfast, a variety of singing groups, and study and service opportunities – there is a place for you! More info at 586-3131,, www.northernlightchurch. org or Facebook. Northern Light is a fully accessible, Reconciling and More Light United Methodist/ Presbyterian Church (USA) union church located at 400 W. 11th Street. Phil Campbell, pastor. No matter who you are, no matter where you are on life’s journey, you are welcome here.
UNITED PENTECOSTAL INTERNATIONAL United Pentecostal Church of Juneau 1650 Glacier Highway. Sunday School for ages 3-Adult at 10am. A Fellowship Time with refreshments follows at 11am. Sunday Worship Service begins at 11am. Wednesday night Bible Study at 7pm. Call 586-2045 for more info or visit our website:
Lucy Diane Hudson June 8, 1938 - June 8, 2018
Lucy Diane (Nordgulen) Hudson of Juneau, Alaska passed away peacefully in Castle Rock, Colorado on June 8, 2018, her 80th birthday. She is survived by her husband of 46 years, former Alaska State Representative William (Bill) R. Hudson, and her children David Erickson of Anchorage, Alaska, Steven Erickson of Larkspur, Colorado, Karen Hudson of Juneau, Alaska, and Kristin Freng of Renton, Washington as well as Bill’s children Joseph Hudson of Juneau, Alaska, Teresa Lair of Blaine, Washington, and James Hudson of San Francisco, California. She is also survived by her siblings, Virgil Nordgulen of Mt. Vernon, Washington, Robert Nordgulen of Spokane, Washington, Carole Bergman of Anchorage, Alaska, and Ray Nordgulen of Kodiak, Alaska. Lucy was born June 8, 1938 in Missoula, Montana to Lorraine Nordgulen and Joseph Croteau, and lovingly raised by Lorraine and Ray “Shorty” Nordgulen. She spent her youth in Montana, graduating high school in Deer Lodge before attending Montana State University and Phillips University in Enid, Oklahoma. Lucy was one of Alaska’s pioneers settling on the Kenai Peninsula in 1962. She lived in several small communities, including Ninilchik, Anchor Point, Seldovia, North Kenai and Soldotna, where she was not only a devoted mother and active church member, but a budding artist who enjoyed creating beautiful oil paintings of Alaska’s wild landscapes. Lucy married Bill, the love of her life, in 1972. In 1974, Lucy moved with her family to Juneau, Alaska where she and Bill became a strong presence in Juneau’s community and political scene. While Bill served the State of Alaska through state government and the state legislature, Lucy worked for twenty years as a Special Assistant to Senators Ted Stevens and Frank Murkowski and Congressman Don Young. As the delegation’s link to Juneau and Southeast Alaska, Lucy brought compassion, grace, and professionalism to her work with Alaska’s constituents. Lucy was also an active community member who cared deeply about issues facing Juneau and the State of Alaska. She served on many boards and organizations, including Gastineau Human Services Corporation, Alaska Housing Development Corporation, Alaska Board of Alcohol and Drug Abuse, the Kenai Peninsula Mental Health Board, Friends of the Alaska State Museum Board of Trustees, Juneau Chamber of Commerce, Capital City Republican Women, League of Women Voters, Juneau Rotary Club, March of Dimes, and the Coast Guard Wives Club. PEO, a sisterhood dedicated to the education and support of other women, was especially important to Lucy. Lucy retired in 2000, but continued to serve her community and her state through PEO, her church, and the many boards and organizations she loved. She and Bill also began to travel both abroad, exploring Africa, India, Europe and Russia with their dear friends Dick and Delores Smith. Lucy and Bill also enjoyed many road trips in their pickup truck and camper, traveling south through the Yukon, down the Oregon Coast, and back up through her beloved Montana. With 18 grandchildren and 21 great grandchildren, they kept busy visiting family all over the United States. Lucy was beloved by her family and her friends, and touched the lives of all who knew her with kindness and compassion. She will be deeply missed by all. A Celebration of Life will be held on Saturday, July 28, 2018, at 2 p.m. at Northern Lights United Church (address) with a reception to follow. In lieu of flowers, the family asked that donations be made to PEO Chapter G Scholarship Fund c/o Bill Hudson, 3379 Meander Way, Juneau, Alaska 99801.
2018 Tourism Best Management Practices Participants 49th Fathom Charters Above and Beyond Alaska Admiralty Air Service Adventure Flow Adventures in Alaska Airboat Alaska AJ Juneau Dock LLC. AJ Mine/Gastineau Mill Enterprises Alaska Canopy Adventures Alaska Fish & Chips Company Alaska Fjordlines Alaska Galore Tours Alaska Humpback Adventures Alaska Independent Coach Tours Alaska Juneau Mining Company Alaska Knifeworks & The Salmon Shoppe Alaska Luxury Tours Alaska Seaplanes Alaska Shirt Company Alaska Trail Running Co. Alaska Travel Adventures Alaska Weddings on Ice Alaska X Alaska Zipline Adventures Alaskan Dream Cruises Alaskan Fish n Trips Alaskan Fudge Company Allen Marine Tours Bear Creek Outfitters Boheme Capital Cab Capital City Siteseeing Caribou Crossings Carnival Cruise Lines Celebrity Cruises Celebrity Jewelers CBJ Docks and Harbors Department Chum Fun Charters Coastal Helicopters Crew International Tours Cruise Line Agencies of Alaska Crystal Cruises Custom Juneau Tours/My Juneau Ride Cycle Alaska Dolphin Jet Boat Tours Disney Cruises Evergreen Taxi Experience Juneau First Student Franklin Dock Enterprises Gastineau Guiding Company Glacier Gardens Rainforest Adventure Glacier Salt Cave & Spa Glacier Taxi and Tours Gold Rush Dog Tours Goldbelt Mount Roberts Tramway Goldbelt Security Services Goldbelt Transportation/Seadrome Hangar on the Wharf Harv and Marv’s Outback Alaska
Holland America Line House of Russia Jayleen’s Alasla Juneau Brewery and Distillery Tours Juneau Food Tours Juneau Jeep Adventures Juneau Limousine Services Juneau Mercantile and Armory Juneau Pedicab Juneau Rainforest Garden Juneau Ranger District Juneau Sportfishing Juneau Taxi & Tours Juneau Tours Juneau Trading Company Last Chance Tours Linblad Expeditions Liquid Alaska Tours Lost in Alaska Adventures Macaulay Salmon Hatchery Mendenhall Taxi Moore Charters M&M Tours of Juneau Norwegian Cruise Line NorthStar Helicopters Oceania Cruises Pack Creek Bear Tours Panhandle Excursions, LLC Pier 49 Seafood Station Pizzeria Roma Princess Cruises R and C Shuttles Red Dog Saloon and Mercantile Regent Seven Seas Cruises Royal Caribbean Cruise Line Royal Hyway Tours Rumrunner Charters Seabourn Cruise Line Shrine of St. Therese Silverbow Inn Silversea Cruises Southeast Stevedoring Corporation Taku Taxi TEMSCO Helicopters The Local Guy Charters and Sightseeing Tongass Adventure Tours Travel Juneau Tracy’s King Crab Shack Trove Twisted Fish UnCruise Adventures Unplugged Adventures Ward Air Whale Tales Willy’s Wee Haul Windstar Sail Cruises Wings Airways/Taku Glacier Lodge Woo Hoo Tours Participating Companies: 118 Total Employees Represented: 2,895
June Iue Degnan
June 1, 1937 - July 9, 2018
June Iue Degnan was Yupik from Unalakleet, AK where she was born in June 1, 1937; she died July 9, 2018 at the Alaska Native Medical Center. June lived in Unalakleet until heading to high school at Mt. Edgecumbe in Sitka. June and some of her seven siblings were the first generation of their family to achieve a formal education. June held bachelor degrees in psychology and education, and an MLIS with concentration in Library and Information Science. She married and was later divorced from James Hartwick, and they had two children, Matthew and Juliet. June’s rich and varied career included positions as land planner for the Unalakleet Native Corporation, court clerk and employment rights officer for Sitka Tribes of Alaska, investigator for the United States Government Department of Defense, employment with the Seminole Tribe in Florida, as well as work as librarian and archivist for Sheldon Jackson College, high school counselor and teacher at Anchorage Service High School, violence prevention trainer, and park ranger at the Sitka National Historical Park. June was a shareholder in Unalakleet Native Corporation and Bering Straits Native Corporation (served as a director), and was a member of Sitka Tribe of Alaska June published poetry and presented at the Sorbonne University in Paris, France. Long politically active, she testified in public policy hearings to advance indigenous peoples’ human rights, and 2016, she served as a Juneau delegate to the Alaska State Democratic Convention. June devoted her time to projects that would benefit people and the land. Until May of this year, she served as President of the board of Juneau’s Haven House, a faithbased residential program for women reentering the community after incarceration. Despite many obstacles, and because of her tireless efforts, Haven House was able to open and begin its important work. June was a member of Alaska Native Sisterhood (ANS) Camp 70, and second Vice President of ANS Grand Camp. She was a member of Northern Light United Church where she served on Church Council, Native Ministries Committee, and sang with Tlingit Gospel Singers. In 2017, June received a First Lady’s Volunteer of the Year Award, and in 2018 was honored as a Woman of Distinction by AWARE. June is preceded in death by son Matthew, father Frank Auvnue Degnan, mother Ada Quyan Degnan, siblings Gerald, Maurice, and Shirley Degnan. She is survived by her daughter Juliet (Shawn Coughlin); grandson Beau Hartwick, grandson Wade Hartwick (Paula) and their two children, brother Charles Degnan, (Virginia), sisters Kathleen Downs, Eva Merrifield, Ida Harden, Frances Degnan, and many nieces and nephews. A service giving thanks for her life will be Saturday, July 21, 2018, 2 p.m. at Northern Light United Church, 400 W. 11 th St. Those needing assistance ascending the stairs are asked to use the “A” street entrance as a new church elevator is under construction. Gifts in June’s memory may be directed to Haven House online at, or mailed to PO Box 20875, Juneau, 99802.
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