COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT TUESDAY, JULY 31, 2018 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT INFORMATIONAL MEETING 5:30pm, City Hall Room 224 The City and Borough of Juneau is seeking proposals for grant funds through the Federal Community Development Block Grant program (CDBG). Through this program, a project may be eligible for a grant, up to $850,000. The CDBG is awarded on a competitive basis for projects that will primarily benefit persons of low and moderate income. CBJ will evaluate project proposals and select one application that will compete against applications state wide. The purpose of the July 31st meeting is to discuss the CDBG application, process, eligible projects, ranking, and timelines. For more information contact Laurel Bruggeman at 586-0761 or, or visit grantssection/communitydevelopmentblockgrants.aspx ADA Accommodations Available Upon Request: Please contact the Clerk’s office 72 hours prior to any meeting so arrangements can be made to have a sign language interpreter present or an audiotape containing the Assembly’s agenda made available. The Clerk’s office telephone number is 586-5278, TDD 586-5351, e-mail: Published : July 30, 2018
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Adoption Options Adoption Options
Gastineau Humane Society 7705 Glacier Hwy. 789-0260 Society Gastineau Humane
7705 Hours: Glacier Hwy. 789-0260 & Kennel Visitation M-F 2-5:30pm Sat: 1-5pm The Gastineau Humane Society currently has 20 cats, 2 kittens, 9 TheVisitation Gastineau Humane Society M-F currently has 16 cats, 9 small animals, Kennel Hours: 2-5:30pm & Sat: 1-5pm small animals, dogs available for adoption. and 2 and dogs5available for adoption.
Katrina Daisy 20 cats, 5 kittens, 5 dogs, 4 puppies and 8 small animals up for adoption. Oliver Newman Katarina Miga The Gastineau Humane Society currently has
Everybody a dollop of Daisy! Oliver is aneeds dapper young fellowEspecially with when it comes in the form this loving and gorgeous grey/blue fur.ofInquisitive attentive glob ofOliver fluff. This 5 yearsearching old domestic and cautious enjoys short hairofhas funny, spunky personality that out all thea secrets his environment lights a room and pretending can make anytobad mightuphold while be day a better. laps, telling privateDaisy eye.enjoys Oliversitting likesonbeing cast jokes, and holding meaningful as Sherlock Holmes conversations but he morewith those she holds dear. She seeking a forever resembles Watson andiswill need to home withoutweight canine companions lose some in order to where keep she up can to shine through. withallow his her ownpersonality minds eye theater.
Fluffy J Gnat Athena is an eight year old Shiba Inu. Shiba Inu’s are known for their intelligence and strong-willed temperaments, and Athena is no exception. Shiba’s are also known to possess a strong prey drive, so we think the ideal home for Athena will be one without cats, small animals or potentially other dogs. This prey instinct also means that Athena will likely need to be on leash whenever outdoors, and would benefit from having a sturdy fenced yard. Athena can be possessive over her food, and exhibits this by actively avoiding sharing her food with other animals. Shiba Inu’s are loyal and affectionate to their owners, but about can be Fluffy timid enjoys and warysoft There nothing fluffy J. He Gnat isisareally distinguished gentleman who with strangers. Slow, calm guy. introductions withinAthena will is a solid, strong young confident andspots. pillows, warm blankets, and His sleeping sun work best to get to know her.matches Athena prefers to share independent personality his physique. Due to his lavish lifestyle he will need a family Fluffy Jaffection is very on playful andterms, curious. He prefers her own and isn’t a dog thataction enjoysover willing toorteach him andfriendly to him quiet cuddling, hemoderation willthese allow for wrestling roughbut play. For reasons wehelp aren’tpetting lose weight in a healthy manner. Gnat would as long as youher don’t to hold him too close love for too recommending to atry home with young children. Athena aishome withlike a endearing family that can petshe him while long. Much an active teenage boy, he will a wonderfully dog when warms upsitting topush on and cuddle in bed. you away complain “Aww, in front of you,the andcouch willand even show you–ahim trickwhile or Mom! two!lying SheNot knows my friends!” Fluffy J gets along well other Have you have been searching for a with quiet, loving to: “speak,” “speak quietly,” sit, shake and roll-over. A cats and justorabout everyone he meets. His short, trim gray companion? Then search no further than Gnat. person family looking for a loyal and spirited canine and white fur coat match his no-nonsense attitude. companion would do very well with Athena.
This lady hasisbeen livingalarge mostthat of her Thislovely gentle giant seeking lovingforhome life is now a pleasingly plump kittyExercise who loves canand help him get into tip top shape. and all kinds of attention. Katarina has beautiful gray Miga is andiet adventurous and energetic eleventoyear a strict are needed for Newman loseoldthe fur with peach and white markings. She knows that Jack Russell / Beagle She is playful, curiousofand weight thatprobably keeps mix. him doing many the she should losefrom a little weight, especially friendly, and would likely be a great and gentle dog for because she has trouble you try to pick her up or things he would love to ifdo. Although Newman small kids.sitMiga isyour well socialized, andanwith a proper have her onthe lap. She has overall friendly is great with other cats and loves to play attitude and likes to show her appreciation withhe introduction could also do well in a home with other tires easily and will need to take his new lifestyle happy head bumps, face rubs and gentle purring. dogs. If you’re looking for a trail mate, beach buddy, Ifrunning you leave blanket around she is likely to a slowly. Witha time andlying Newman will be partner or simply apatience steadfast companion, crawl under it and hideyoung rather than sitting onMiga’s top of sleek and muscular man once more, ready got your back. it, but she is so large that it’s not difficult to find her to play and cuddle as he is meant to do. underneath!
Samantha Cal Cal
Samantha is a beautiful, well trained seven year old black German Shepherd. She is incredibly sweet, playful Cal rough tough cream This large Calis is aa rough tough cream puff. largeand young tomcat young (neutered, of and affectionate, and loves to This bepuff. pet groomed. tomcat (neutered, of course!) isthesomewhat coarse course!) is somewhat coarse looking at moment, Samantha reportedly chases cats and squirrels, so weprobably looking at the moment, having probably having suffered suffered a hard knock life until found place atwith theat shelter. heraatosafe a home small aaren’t hardnecessarily knock liferecommending until hehefound safe place the helikes is oh, soappreciative sweet deeply Butshelter. he isSamantha oh, soBut sweet and deeply of any small kindness animals. some, but not alland dogs, so a home appreciative of any small kindness you show him. you other show him. His short white fur coat as he is with would to dois aslowly meetsmoothing and greetout His short canines white fur coatwant is slowly smoothing outto as see if their pups are companionable. Samantha was very nourished with regular meals and a warm bed. He gets along with he is nourished with regular meals and a warmwell bed. seldom left by settles herself previous Thisair,inliketoa other cats and to her newother places cats withhousehold. aand calm,settles steady He gets along wellinin with new places with calm, white means thatBuddha. she may bark andsteady cry leftlike alone initially. big, white Healoves being heldwhen andair, petted buta isbig, equally atA Buddha. Hequietly loves heldshould and petted equally family sitting seeking constant companionship might be theisbest on being his own. abut magnificent atease ease sitting quietly onCal his own.grow Calinto should growcat. fit foraher. into magnificent cat.
Your advertiseYOUR ADVERTISE BUSINESS Here! BusinessHERE! Call nicole CallNicole 523-2229 523-2229 Remember Remember to to spay spay and and neuter neuter your your pets pets