Jazzköket Foodjam

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¨There is no sincerer love than the love of food.¨ -George Bernard Shaw


P. 04 THE STORY Read all about it.

P. 12 P. 10

WHO WE ARE Meet the owners Fia & Kristoffer and their creative team.

THE LAGERBAR & COURTYARD Our newest project turning an old warehouse in the courtyard into Östersunds first wine & beer bar.

P. 22 FOODSTOCK Our courtyard market celebrates the regions finest artisan producers.

P. 17 EDITORIAL TEAM – The talented photographer Tina Stafrén, graphic designer Johan Hallström, juniorosd.se, co-editor Cristina Castellanos Stephens, oneinamillionservices.com, wine and foodwriter Carli Ratcliff and a handful of other talented personalities.

FOOD, DRINKS & FRIENDS A small but exquisite selction of our recipes, some of our suppliers and friends.

SPECIAL THANKS to all creative people in the magic region of Jämtland. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED – No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without permission from the publisher.




THE STORY In a small town in Sweden, usually covered in snow, lies a place with passion and warmth. Across the courtyard and through the door, you instantly feel welcome. Books surround you,the air is filled with laughter, live jazz and the smells from Kristoffer's local and organic kitchen. Welcome to Jazzköket, a meeting place, a soul food restaurant, a gastro-bistro, jazz club, bar and so much more. In 2012 three friends, a gastronome, a chef and an artist, all wildly creative and different decided to open a gastro-bistro jazz club. It has become a place in Östersund and Jämtland where generations can meet and become more aware of Good* Gastronomy and diverse culture. It was inspired by an inherited jazz collection, amazing products and artisan food from the local community. Jazzköket was born from a burning desire to create a place where locals and visitors alike can eat, drink, talk, share a good time and have fun. *Good taste, clean, fair and local.

THE ARTIST KASJA-TUVA WERNER Östersund-based artist Kasja-Tuva, originally a founding member of the Jazzköket concept.   She inherited her father's jazz records, books and memorabilia, and was keen to see it all in one place. "Jazzköket is like a living museum," she says. There are hints of art and music everywhere, from the entrance to the bathrooms, the images of Miles Davis and Ella Fitzgerald beckon you inside. She has helped create unique pieces reflecting hers and her fathers passion.


¨Respect for food is a respect for life, for who we are and what we do.¨ -Thomas Keller


THE FOOD Driven by the Slow Food principal of Good* Food, 80% of the ingredients used at Jazzkökets restaurant and bakery come from the local gastronomic region; Jämtland, Härjedalen and Tröndelag across the border in Norway. The remaining 20% are all organic ingredients. With a commitment to supporting artisan producers, nearby organic farms and socially conscious local businesses, our efforts are inspired by our desire to ensure that we all have a cleaner, healthier, fairer future for ourselves, and our children. *Good taste, clean, fair and local.

THE CULTURE Since the beginning, over a year ago, more than 130 cultural and musical events have taken place on the stage at Jazzköket. Concerts, book releases, Pecha Kuchas (a japanese presentation format) and social network meetings to name a few. "SnackFredag" a new kind of spontaneous talk show concept was released with some of Sweden’s most influential people in March 2014. The events are performed for and by all age groups. The stage is built by one of the regions leading base players, Lars Ercisson also a skilled carpenter.

Lars Ericsson & Roy Okutani

THE MUSIC Performers and musicians from across Europe and around the world grace the Jazzköket stage with their presence. From the seven piece Treokomp all stars, Micke ¨mojo¨ Nillson the 2 meters tall blues man, to Billboard star Joshua James all the way from Utah. Jazzköket loves the spirit of Jazz, but we also embrace other genres. Our performers are eclectic, the only rule is that the music must be good and full of soul.

¨Food for the body is not enough, there must be food for the soul.¨ -Dorothy Day 8

Joshua James

THE SOCIAL STYLE Generations and nations meet at Jazzköket, You can choose to eat at a community table, have a private dinner or even sit at the bar.   Book a table on our website jazzkoket.se. We always keep a few places for walk-in guests.   The Jazzköket team has chosen to invest in cultural events with their time and kroners, instead of spending money on marketing and addverts. Anyone can borrow the stage for their cultural events as well.   Happy guests help Jazzköket share events and photos on social media.


THE LAGERBAR & COURTYARD The Lagerbar is the latest, most recent project at Jazzköket. The restaurant's team have put their heart and soul into remodelling an old garage in the courtyard, refurnishing it with recycled materials, to create a new meeting point in the city.   Jazzköket's haunted hang-out place has been transformed into the first wine and beer bar in Östersund, a space for experimentation and creativity. It's just a comfy spot with a long hand-made table, sofas and high chairs.   This Lagerbar is a mixture of textures, vinyl records, people, good food and good drinks. It will showcase Jazzkökets love for real food, with locally produced sourdough pizzas, baked in their wood oven in the courtyard.   The Lagerbar & Courtyard is a watering hole for anyone looking for a breeze of cosmopolitan experience, the Jämtlandic way.

“Humor keeps us alive. Humor and food. Don't forget food. You can go a week without laughing.” -Josh Whedon



KRISTOFFER ANDERSSON Co-owner and head chef Kristoffer is from Sollefteå on the east coast of Sweden and moved to Östersund when he was ten. After studying and seven years of cooking in Norway he returned a skillful chef to Östersund. He is a fan of traditional Swedish cooking techniques and local ingredients. "I hope that in the future we grow our own produce and become self-sufficient. Here we are passionate about food and have built our lives around it."





*The business idea behind Food In Action is a Responsible Soul Food Experience. The core values GOOD, CLEAN, FAIR and LOCAL – are performed in different, often very creative ways. Commission Fia as a Moderator – Host – Communicator or a Speaker of Good Food.

Fia, owner of Jazzköket is a food entrepreneur with a passion for sustainable and responsible gastronomy. Born and raised in Jämtland, she studied and cooked her way through the world for many years. In her return, she funded the company Food Food In Action*, took over the family tea business Brunkullans Te, became a food writer, a food ambassador and a popular host of Sweden’s largest food show "Meny" on national radio. Her love for her region’s culture, cuisine and producers is best manifested in Jazzköket.




KATJA - Chef Katja was intrigued by Jazzköket’s food concept, the creativity that surrounded the restaurant, the ghost in the basement and the challenge of working here, ¨every day is different.¨ Originally from Russia and raised in Sweden, she has traveled the world, and run her own restaurant in Spain, she is a vigorous and committed chef. As soon as she accepted the job, she started cooking right away and has been a key player ever since. "The Jazzköket crew are the best people I’ve ever worked with, really different, wonderful people."

MÅNS - Baker and Chef Having spent part of his childhood on the Stedsholmen Island, Måns learnt at an early age to cook and eat what was around him. "You had to cook what was available, he says, whatever grew on the land, or you could catch." He settled a few kilometres from Östersund and started a family. "I love being here, it is a great place to raise children, we have a lot of friends and there is a real sense of community.” Jazzköket’s social and environmental ethos inspired Måns to join the team. "This was the first kitchen I worked in with a commitment to organic and local food. It feels honest to cook here. Swedish food had been largely forgotten and replaced, at Jazzköket we cook food from the region, this is the food of Jämtland."

INGELA Breakfast Hostess ”My alarm goes off at 4:30 every morning,” says Ingla. I make coffee, take the dogs for a walk and arrive at Jazzköket at 5:30.” Ingla looks after Jazzköket’s breakfast guests three days per week". I am always in a good mood when I'm at the restaurant, because the customers are so happy to be here. I love that I can speak in my local dialect, and explain to our guests all the organic products we offer". A few years ago Ingla suffered a stroke, "I had to meet people, regain purpose and re-train my brain,” she explains. "Feeling needed is important to me". Ingla is a kind as they come, "when I get home I am relaxed and satisfied, after a morning of working and socializing."


WHO WE ARE HEDDA Head waitress Grew up in the north of Sweden accustomed to snow and ice, after travelling and working in Australia, Hedda moved to Östersund to work at Jazzköket. "When I walked in I instantly felt, I want to work here. I knew this was the right place; I really wanted to work somewhere where I could make a contribution. I have never worked in a place where customers are so happy, and interested in what we do, they come from far and wide. We once had guests from Shanghai who arrived for breakfast and stayed for eleven hours.” Working at Jazzköket has also changed her view on food. "The philosophy here has made me really think about where my food comes from."

VICTOR Bar Manager Victor, grew up nearby in Brunflo; and before working at Jazzköket he lived in Åre for ten years, where he studied hospitality and restaurant management. He planned to move to Gothenburg, but when asked if he wanted to work at the bar at Jazzköket, he said yes. ”I believe in the ethos behind the place, I love it, the guests here are very open minded and they want to try new things.” He is a charming drink and cocktails expert. ¨We have lots of beer enthusiasts coming in, everyone wants to try the local beers and we have around twenty-eight on the menu. We have future plans of brewing our own beer.¨

ARNE - Baker Arne a local from Östersund inaugurated his role as a baker at Jazzköket. ”I left my job in the insurance industry, it was so stressful and boring. I read an ad in the localnewspaper and called Fia and Stoffe, they immediately said yes!” Arne has long baked bread at home. ”I love making bread, it is such a primal thing, bread has fed people around the world for 5000 years.” Arne sees his future at Jazzköket, ”I have dreamt of being a baker for a long time,” he says. ”Baking and working at Jazzköket is food for the soul. I like everything about being here, the atmosphere, the music, the bookshelves, and of course the people.”


WHO WE ARE CAROLINE Waitress A former biathlete half Norwegian, half Swedish, Caroline moved to Östersund to train as a biathlete. She trained and competed, working towards the World Cup and Olympic selection, but due to an injury, and the exhaustion of training she changed careers. ¨I decided I wanted to work at Jazzköket, now I get to meet a lot of people; there is no longer the loneliness of being a biathlete. ¨ Caroline is the fitness guru, works for CrossFit Östersund, and coaxes the Jazzköket staff to occasional CrossFit sessions. ¨Training as a biathlete I was always very conscious of what I ate, so being here where good, real food is so important suited me like a glove".

ANNA Chef trainee Don’t let Anna’s sweet look fool you, she is a hard-core cook, she worked for two seasons at a slaughterhouse in Norway, gutting sheep. "The first week was hard, but then you get used to it, "she says without blinking an eye and a smile. Anna, a local, is a confident, fun, young girl she studied cooking and landed an internship at Jazzköket, where she says her education was definitely complimented. "Coming here is like coming home, we have fun and everyone is kind". She appreciates the food philosophy, ¨when I was studying, my dream was to have a restaurant with local and organic products, and my teachers said it wouldn’t be possible, now I’m working in one".

THOMAS Chef ¨When I was young I wanted to be a rock star, then I saw the film Cocktail with Tom Cruise, and I wanted to be a bartender. Tomas studied hotel and restaurant management in his town, Västerås, and soon discovered his passion for cooking. ¨At first I was cooking for the intensity, the danger, it was cool, ¨ he smiles, but then it changed, ¨It was no longer about the fire, I wanted to know where the food I cooked came from, there’s nothing better than planting something and seeing it grow. Working here is always interesting, I know what I’m feeding customers, and I like the people, everyone working here becomes part of the jazz-kitchen family."


FOOD, DRINKS & FRIENDS GRILLED HERRING- Herring flounder with dill, horseradish, sautéed potatoes served with red cabbage salad Add a well-served tablespoon of butter in a hot pan and heat, until it reaches a light brown tone. Add a cup of freshly boiled, early season, potatoes to the butter and sauté. Grate the horseradish after cleaning, and add some roughly chopped dill and sea salt to taste.   Heat a griddle pan, while you clean the fish, and make sure it’s hot enough.   Add some oil to the griddle and when heated, put the herring, skin side down, add sea salt to taste. You will know when it’s almost ready when the flesh of the fish is white throughout without taking it off the skin side. One of the advantages of the charcoal grill is that you get a crispier skin.   To plate, place a mound of potatoes on the centre of a plate and then place the grilled herring skin side up, and pour the butter from the potatoes over the herring.   Serve with a little lingon-berry sauce and a cabbage salad. We make it with coleslaw, cutting the cabbage thinly and dressing it with pressed canola oil, salt, apple cider vinegar and sometimes with a little cumin.


BRUNKULLAN'S TEA BRUNKULLAN'S TEA is a family tea company started by Anita Gulliksson, Fia’s mother. Like her, she found the inspiration from the north of Sweden, in the scenery and traditions of the mountainous county of Jämtland.   Anita named the tea Brunkullan, the Black Vanilla Orchid, after the rare county flower of Jämtland. Now a second generation still makes pure, fine, organic teas that keep the passion and traditional good taste alive. Brunkullans motto is organic teas, the Nordic way.   They have recently launched their three most popular products in new designed, totally biodegradable tea bags. You can purchase Brunkullan’s tea at the Lagerbar shop, where you can also find their regular tins and bags, which they offer in a great variety of blends. brunkullan.com



Well, I like to eat, sleep, drink, and be in love.¨ - Langston Hughes

SEA BUCKTHORN For this recipe we wanted to use local fruits but also an original one, so, Buckthorn seemed like a natural choice.   You need 10 pieces of Buckthorn per drink and you mix it with lime and sugar, depending on how sweet or tart you want it, sweeter more sugar, sour less sugar. Then add 4 cl of vodka and lots of ice and top it off with some lemonade, it can also work with lime soda. Now just drink it out in the sun and enjoy. Cheers!




SKAPA – style and design Jezzica Clevenpalm originally from Lit studied fashion design in Sundsvall and started Skapa two years ago. She started designing stroller accessories for her daughters and it quickly scaled into a company. She works with organic and chemical free products keeping the natural feel. All of her designs are hand made - mostly by herself - as quality is a very important value in Skapa. She creates custom made products for her customers, where they can decide the style and shape. Our youngest customers at the restaurant have the privilege of enjoying her comfortable designs. You can find her on Facebook and soon in her shop at "Blå Center" in Östersund.

THE DUCKMAN – Nature's masterpieces The Duck Man or Peter Blombergsson, is a man whose philosophy could be summed up as ‘no talk and all action’.   He has a strong relationship with nature world and believes strongly in using the earth’s natural resources in a sustainable way.   His way of thinking is reflected in his produce, which are immensely appreciated by some of the best restaurants in the world like Faviken magasinet and Noma. He breeds ducks on the mountains of Jämtland, and produces incredible birch syrup. A few times a year Peter packs a crate and travels down to Copenhagen, to customers eagerly awaiting his Jämtlandic poultry.   Peter describes birch syrup as “forest oil”, the production of these valuable drops is demanding. Sap must be tapped from the birch trees during a short period during spring, and is then boiled several times. After long and careful processing, just 1% of the raw ingredient is bottled. Birch syrup is sold by Grändens delikatesser in Östersund, as well as by selected delicatessens in Sweden and Denmark. It is also on the menu at Fäviken magasinet. You can find Peter on Facebook: Naturens mästerverk


FOOD, DRINKS & FRIENDS STORSJÖHYTTAN – Glasswork studio & Shop Storsjöhyttan AB, Jämtland’s first glasswork studio, opened during the autumn of 1995 in the old power station by the Östersund marina. You are welcome to come and see how Ulla, Nilla and Anna Lena transform a ball of glass and shape it into a beautiful object in their studio. These unique glasses are used at our tasting menus during Foodjam sessions. The studio is open Mon–Sat. storsjohyttan.com

ÖRTAGÅRD ÖST exquisite and in demand Örtagård Öst is a phenomenon; these brothers left their professions – croupier and electrician – to take over the family farm in Öster Övsjö, and now they have Scandinavia at their feet. Örtagård Öst produces a great range of products, including berry and fruit wines and mead in their sister's company, Jämtlands Vingård. Many of the finest delicatessens and most popular restaurants sell their products, they supply Fäviken Magasinet with mead, as well as charcoal from the farms charcoal kiln. In Stockholm, their products are found in numerous restaurants, including Grill, Fredsgatan 12 and Smak på restaurangen. However, the biggest feather in their hat is probably Noma in Copenhagen, ranked as the world’s best restaurant, which also buys goods from these two brothers in Öster Övsjö. nordictaste.se


FOOD, DRINKS & FRIENDS PARSNIP SOUP – Roasted parsnip soup with nettle cream & onion gratin on sourdough toast Soup and chips Wash and peel a cup of parsnips and save the skins. Dice the parsnips and put them into a deep dish, drizzle with canola oil and roast at 190 degrees in the oven until they brown nicely.   While the parsnips roast, chop some yellow onions and a clove of garlic, add to heating pot as well as some diced carrots and celery. Cover it with white wine and cook with the lid on. When the parsnips are done, throw them it into the pot and cover vegetables with water. Boil everything until it's really soft.   When boiled, remove the parsnip peels and toss with a little rapeseed oil and sea salt. Spread them onto a tray and heat in the oven at 130 degrees until crispy, about 30 minutes depending on the oven.   Blend the soft vegetables into a puree; add water and cream to taste, until you reach your desired soup consistency. Season with salt and pepper, and add a dash of apple cider vinegar and a little sugar.

Toast For the onion toast choose a variety of bulb onions, leeks, spring onions, garlic and chives. Chop them roughly and fry them with some butter until slightly soft. It’s better to start with the largest pieces and move on to the small ones last, so the cooking time is even.   You can add a teaspoon or two of Dijon mustard to the onions and mix it in. Put the onions on a slice of rye sourdough bread and top with your favourite goats cheese. I used White Caprin from the local dairy producer in Skärvången. Bake in the oven on a high heat until melted and slightly browned.

Nettle cream Made from wild nettles that you pick. It doesn’t have to be the finest nettles, just make sure you don’t use the stalk. Rinse and blanche them in boiling water for about three minutes.   Drain them and add pressed rapeseed oil and salt to taste and blend. You can use it how it is for salad dressings or for smoothies. Add organic sour cream and check the seasoning for salt and pepper. Serve it alone or in the soup, you can drizzle a little rapeseed oil to top it off and serve it with parsnip chips. I hope you enjoy these recipes!


F0ODSTOCK Once a month during the summer Jazzköket hosts Foodstock, an artisan market, showcasing and celebrating the regions finest producers, growers and artisans.   Foodstock is born from the idea of Woodstock, a concert where a farmer lent his land to the rock n' roll stars of music. For Foodstock Jazzköket lends its courtyard to the rock n' roll stars of food, it gives locals and visitors alike, the opportunity to talk to the producers, taste what they make and buy the very best of what our region has to offer. ”We open the courtyard during the afternoon and growers bring their produce,” says Fia. "We have had ducks, duck eggs, beef, birch sap syrup, sourdough breads, butter, herbs and cheeses, all produced by locals, many of whom supply Jazzköket. We always have some music, invite special guests and the chefs prepare some yummy food for our visitors."   ”The Foodstocks have been a huge success,” says Stoffe. ”I am sure that as the years progress, so will the size and the success of the event.”

FOODJAM In 2013 Fia and Stoffe held Jazzköket's first Foodjam. A dinner for just 18 guests featuring hand grown produce and award-winning organic wines, served by their makers.   Peter Bloombergsson showcased his ducks and birch syrup at this 2013 Foodjam, serving guests and talking about the ingredients he raises and collects. "I had three different ducks and three different ideas which I discussed with Stoffe for the menu," says Peter. "Those three ducks were the best I have ever eaten. It was the greatest food experience in my life. We ate local pigs and blue mussels cooked in duck fat paired with Slovenian organic wines from our friend Janko, just amazing." To book go to the calendar on our website. jazzkoket.se

¨Tell me what you eat and I will tell who you are.¨ - Anthelme Brillat-Savarin

“One cannot think well, love well, sleep well, if one has not dined well.” - Virginia Wolf


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