2.2.2. Re-Compost Land-Short supply chain of organic waste (By REPAiR)
According to a report of REPAiR Naples, more than 80% of organic waste is treated outside the region, but current factories are not able to handle such an amount of waste. This project focuses on planning a short supply chain by reusing vacant land and creating localized compost plants. The short supply chain allows collecting and treating organic waste for creating top soils for the new terrain and new fertile ground to recover the agricultural lands. (D5.3 Eco-Innovative Solutions Naples, REPAiR report). Also, after discussing with actors, the location of applying ecological innovation solutions had been decided (The final selection is mainly vacant land). The final ecological innovation solution is to localize medium compost plants in the selected location of each municipality to facilitate circularity.
Finally after another discussion with actors, land for local compost facilities (mostly wastescape and public space in Peri-urban area) can be decided. STEPS of design Step1defining research zone and actors involved in the project. Step2Analysis of current waste recycling flow/data. Step3Sketch of future's situation based on gaps and opportunities in current waste recycling flow.Step4Estimating the amount of compost facilities based on data analysis of population, surface of public space, surface of wastescape and production of organic waste. Step5 Discussing with local stakeholders (PULL workshop) for deciding where to facilitate the recycling facilities
Figure15. Linear scheme of current situation (REPAiR report)
Figure17.Systemic section of the Eco-Innovative Solution Re-Compost Land. (Source: REPAiR report UNINA Team, 2018)
Summary of deisgn approaches of "On Organic waste"Naples (a).Phase of pre-researching 1.Analysising of spatial background(typology of building/ Infrastructure/nature/wastescape);2.list of actors;3.Flow and data analysis of existing flow. (b).Phase of planning 1.Data analysis of demand of actors related to organic waste( population, organic waste production, surface area of public space and wastescape). 1.Defining flow problems;2 Defining design objectives; 3.Participation of stakeholders;4.Implementing a new type of flow model for the food system;5.Dicussing negative effect of compost facilities
Figure19 .Defining the research boundary in Naples (Source: REPAiR website)
Figure16.Methodology for defining the EIS in the case study of Naples Source: REPAiR report,UNINA Team, 2018
(c).Design solutions (in spatial) 1.Adding new decentralized recycling facilities (local compost). 2.Eco-innovation district; 3.Reuse of space(Public green, roof, vacant land and post industrial polluted land); 4 Using compost to benefit farmers; 5.Using compost to remediate surface-soil for urban landscape.
Discription Flow type: Organic waste Site: Peri-urban area of Naples
Figure20.Enabling contexts and hypothesis of Ecodistrict(Source: UNINA Team, 2018)
Figure18.Circular process scheme(Source: REPAiR report)