ARTS Page 21
SPORTS Mandel earns All-American honors 13
FORUM “Hookups” page undermines problem 11 The Independent Student Newspaper
B r a n d e is U n i v e r sit y S i n c e 1 9 4 9
Volume LXV, Number 23
Tuesday, April 9, 2013
Rick Hodes will address seniors ■ Dr. Rick Hodes is the
medical director of Ethiopia for the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee, and treats children in the country. By TATE HERBERT JUSTICE editor
Dr. Rick Hodes, a physician known for his work treating severely ill children in Ethiopia, will address graduates and receive an honorary degree at Brandeis’ 62nd commencement ceremonies this May, the Office of Communications announced Thursday. Hodes will share the stage with five other honorary degree recipients. The 2013 commencement ceremonies will be held May 19 in the Gosman Sports and Convocation Center. Hodes, the medical director of Ethiopia for the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee, has spent over 20 years in the country treating children with life-threatening scolio-
At its March meeting, the Board of Trustees voted to approve a 3.94 percent increase in the total cost of attendance, according to Senior Vice President for Communications Ellen de Graffenreid in an email to the Justice. De Graffenreid said the Board approved the fiscal 2014 budget, which maintains a “commitment to financial aid,” and “supports the academic and student institutional priorities, including maintaining class sizes and studentinstructor ratios.” The tuition of a continuing student will be $43,980. When taking the technology and health fee, the student activity fee, and housing and dining expenses into account, the total cost for a continuing student will be $58,170. In comparison, the tuition for a new student will be $44,380 and the total cost will be $58,570 De Graffenreid said the fiscal 2014 budget also “includes extensive redeployment of resources through efficiency and procurement improvements, as well as sustaining aggressive annual
Anastas delivers annual lecture does research in “green chemistry” and worked under the Obama administration. By allyson cartter JUSTICE senior writer
Last Friday, Paul Anastas Ph.D. ’89 delivered a presentation in Rapaporte Treasure Hall about innovations in green chemistry titled “Designing a Sustainable Tomorrow” in the third-annual Saul G. Cohen Memorial Lecture. Anastas, a professor of chemistry at Yale University, has served as President Barack Obama’s assistant administrator for the Office of Research and Development at the
Environmental Protection Agency. He also worked with the administrations of Presidents Bill Clinton and George W. Bush. The yearly lecture honors Cohen, a Chemistry professor at Brandeis from 1950 to 1986, who passed away in 2010. According to the program for the event, “[t]he Cohen Lecture was established through the generosity of his family and friends, and reflects his wide variety of interests.” The award was presented to Anastas by Cohen’s son, Jonathan Cohen. Other members of the Cohen family were also in attendance. In an introduction to the event, University President Frederick Lawrence said that because of Cohen’s dedication to establishing Brandeis as both a research and a liberal arts
university, “his work and his vision continue to work through everything we do.” Prof. Irving Epstein (CHEM) introduced Anastas, stating that Cohen would have been “delighted” with the recipient for three reasons: that he is a Bostonian, that he is “acutely concerned with the effects of science on people” and that he is a Brandeisian, “one of our own.” According to Epstein, Anastas coined the term “green chemistry,” or sustainable chemistry, in 1991 and has worked since then to bring it to realization. Anastas quoted advice from his mother to begin his presentation: “Any award is only as valuable as the amount of respect you have for those bestowing the award,” noting
See COHEN, 7 ☛
See HODES, 7 ☛
giving and endowment funding targets.” When asked to explain the “redeployment of resources,” de Graffenreid wrote, “we are looking at ways to improve our business processes, for example by negotiating better prices for the things the University has to purchase every day, and that is the redeployment of resources. The savings will be reinvested into the operating budget.” Earlier this month, in a statement to the press, Senior Vice President for Students and Enrollment Andrew Flagel said that the administration anticipated a four percent increase in the cost of attendance. Last spring, tuition and fees were raised by 4.1 percent for returning undergraduates and 4.85 percent for new students. Following the cost hike, the Boston Business Journal ranked Brandeis University as the second most expensive college in Massachusetts. —Marissa Ditkowsky and Andrew Wingens
A chess success
Exciting encounters
Trustees selected
One student’s stellar chess career won him an opportunity to improve his skills.
A fundraising soccer tournament proved a fun event in its first year.
A new chair and four new members have been elected to the Board of Trustees.
FEATURES 8 For tips or info email
sis or kyphosis. In his role with the JDC, he also oversaw the health care of thousands of Ethiopians seeking to immigrate to Israel in the early 1990s, according to the website. Hodes and his Hodes work have been documented in HBO’s Making the Crooked Straight and Marilyn Berger’s book This is a Soul. Hodes was a 2007 “CNN Heroes” finalist and an ABC Person of the Week in 2010. “Dr. Hodes exemplifies what one person can do to heal the world,” said President Fred Lawrence in a statement. “By helping thousands of children and working to ensure that many more get life-saving or life-changing medical treatment, he reminds us that social justice is personal and that every child is worth saving.” The other honorary degree recipi-
Board of Trustees approves 3.94 percent cost increase for next year
Comedians Amir Blumenfeld (right) and Jake Hurwitz (left) performed at CollegeHumor Live on Wednesday, March 20, in Levin Ballroom. Blumenfeld and Hurwitz were joined by fellow comedian Streeter Seidell, who did a long solo standup act. See Arts, p. 19.
■ Paul Anastas Ph.D. ’89
Waltham, Mass.
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TUESDAY, april 9, 2013
Senate votes to secure debate club
Medical Emergency
The Senate convened on Sunday to discuss and settle a number of issues on its agenda. In Student Union Secretary Carlton Shakes’ ’14 address, he discussed efforts to revamp voting in an amendment to the Student Union Constitution. The amendment would get rid of the instant run-off system so that there would be no more ranking; each student would only be able to cast one vote per seat. A student is currently working on a system to replace BigPulse, which according to Shakes is “way too intricate” and costs about $2,500 per year. In the event of a tie, the Chief of Elections would hold special elections with only those two candidates, leading Shakes to propose an added section making better guidelines for special elections. Ten signatures were procured to go forth with allowing the student body to vote on the amendments to the Constitution. Student Union President Todd Kirkland ’13 sent an email to the student body on April 5 describing the proposed amendments. He announced that the vote to eliminate the instant run-off system and add special election guidelines will take place on April 17. Along with the aforementioned proposed amendments, the proposed amendment to add requirements to run for Student Union Vice President and President, which were written and proposed by Class of 2013 Senator David Fisch and the Student Union Senate Ways and Means Committee, will be voted on by the student body on April 17. Anyone running for President would be required to have served on the Union previously, while anyone running for Vice President would have to have served on the Senate, a Senate committee or the Executive Board previously. Only if there were no candidates following the criteria would anyone in the student body be eligible. According to Kirkland’s email, the final proposal would not go into effect until next year. In Kirkland’s address to the Senate, he discussed the club proposal revisions that were made. The funding process for clubs is now going to remain the same; clubs will have to submit plans to their respective associations, but they will not have to provide the amount of money they are requesting to receive funding. Initially, club financing requests would have had to go through the association council, which would request an “efficient budget” from the Finance Board including all of the combined requests. Clubs would have maintained their own gifts and money earned through fundraising. The change allows for club financing requests to remain on an individual basis. Clubs would still have to list their activities and provide the lists to their respective associations in order to receive funding, but the requirement to share projects with associations would now be for the sole purpose of collaboration; the funding would no longer be from one “efficient budget.” A club could also now be a part of multiple associations, but must designate a primary association. Kirkland hopes to hold a vote on the amendments within the next few weeks, but timing will depend upon student feedback. Kirkland sent an email to the student body yesterday containing the revised proposal. An open forum will be held tomorrow at 8 p.m. in the Lurias rooms in the Hassenfeld Conference Center. Kirkland also discussed a resolution for the Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority, which is currently being supported by other Boston-area universities. The resolution calls for an increase in T service hours and repairs. The Senate voted to support the resolution with no opposition. Students who wished to begin a chapter of Liberty in North Korea at Brandeis sought to be recognized and chartered. The purpose of the club is to raise money for North Korean refugees and spread awareness, shifting the focus away from nuclear threat and onto the human rights violations in North Korea. The club was recognized and chartered with no opposition. Union Vice President Gloria Park ’13 addressed proposals to change the shuttle services. By the Senate meeting, Park mentioned that 362 responses to the shuttle service survey that was sent in an email to the student body on April 5 were received. Park mentioned the possibility of adding a $20 fee per student to make it possible to augment shuttle hours not only Thursday through Sunday, but also to add hours during the week and add service to the Riverside T station. The Brandeis Academic Debate and Speech Society is seeking to become a secured club, meaning the club would be guaranteed a set amount of funding per year. After much deliberation, BADASS procured 10 signatures from the Senate, so it will be up to the student body to vote to secure the club. Two Senate Money Resolutions were approved: one for a $360 hookah event to be run by the Class of 2015, and one for a barbecue at the Charles River Apartments, which will cost about $500. The SMRs were both approved unanimously. —Marissa Ditkowsky
The Justice is the independent student newspaper of Brandeis University. The Justice is published every Tuesday of the academic year with the exception of examination and vacation periods. Editor in chief office hours are held Mondays from 2 to 3 p.m. in the Justice office. Editor News Forum Features Sports Arts Ads Photos Managing
The Justice Brandeis University Mailstop 214 P.O. Box 549110 Waltham, MA 02454-9110 Phone: (781) 736-3750
April 2—A caller stated that a student suffered an elbow to the face while playing basketball in the Gosman Sports and Convocation Center. BEMCo responded and treated the party on-scene, and University Police transported the party to the NewtonWellesley Hospital for further care. April 3—A party in Ridgewood B stated that his roommate was not feeling well and that she believed she was having a reaction to something she recently ate. BEMCo and University Police responded, and the party was treated by BEMCo with a signed refusal for further care. April 5—University Police received a call of a student in Pomerantz not feeling well. BEMCo and University Police responded, and an ambulance was requested for a 19-year-old female having difficulty breathing and feeling lethargic. The party was treated and transported via ambulance to the hospital for
further care. April 6—The state police routed a 911 call made from the Brandeis campus to the Waltham Police Department. The student had requested medical aid for “ringing in her head.” The student was located via people search and officers were sent to the Charles River Apartments. University Police and BEMCo located the student and directed the dispatched ambulance to the student, who was transported to the Newton-Wellesley Hospital for further care.
April 3—A party near the Shapiro Admissions Center reported that her bicycle was stolen. University Police compiled a report on the theft.
April 3—The community adviser on duty in Gordon reported there was someone smoking marijuana in the basement of the building. University Police re-
sponded and reported that they will file judicial charges on the students found in the area. The on-call community development coordinator was notified but did not respond.
April 4—A party reported that while in the Usdan Student Center, she was the victim of sexually harassing remarks. She stated that the white, collegeaged males had left the area and that she was back at her dorm. Without any further description or direction of travel, the parties were not located. University Police compiled a report on the incident.
April 1—A party in the Rose Art Museum reported eight by 11 inches size construction paper taped to the walls under artwork. University Police attempted to review security camera footage and compiled a report on the incident.
April 1—A party in the Usen Castle reported that someone entered her unlocked room and went through her backpack. University Police compiled a report on the incident; nothing was reported missing. April 1—A custodian in Scheffres reported an unknown male party sleeping on a couch. The party was gone prior to the arrival of University Police. April 2—University Police received a call that a white male wearing a black hoodie and carrying a small flat screen TV tried to gain access to Shapiro Residence Hall. The party was “scruffy looking” and not a student known to the reporting party. University Police checked the area, but the party was gone prior to the police’s arrival. April 5—University Police received a report of a past sex crime in Rosenthal South, which is now under investigation. —compiled by Marielle Temkin
Artwork stolen from SCC
What’s in your genes? Jodi Hoffman, a doctor at Tufts Medical Center, leads an educational session about genetic diseases that are frequently carried by Jews at an event on Sunday called “What’s in Your Genes?” in upper Sherman.
On March 12, University Police filed a larceny report after the theft of a piece of artwork from the Shapiro Campus Center atrium. The larceny report stated that “footage of the area [was] to be reviewed” and that there would be an “investigation to follow.” “An investigation was initiated and a suspect was identified and the artwork was recovered and returned and Judicial referral charges were filed,” wrote Callahan. Callahan could not disclose the suspect’s name. The artwork was worth approximately $3,000 according to the larceny report filed by University police. “[The work] was a joint effort between Brandeis and Bentley [University] that was a collaborative effort between Dr. Ronald Evans from the Psychological Counseling Center, myself and Adam Payne, Art Director [and] Curator at Bentley,” wrote Associate Dean of Student Life Jamele Adams in an email to the Justice. According to Director of Public Safety Edward Callahan, the artwork was a Nelson Mandela print poster, which was part of a cultural and civil rights display. “This display had just come from Washington, D.C. where it was on display in the Capitol Building,” wrote Callahan in an email to the Justice. The Nelson Mandela print was placed back on display, and according to Adams, no increase in security to ensure that the print or other prints on display in the Shapiro Campus Center are not stolen has been implemented. In November, personal artwork was reported as stolen from the Spingold Theater Center. “I believe [the artwork] belonged to a faculty or staff person,” wrote Callahan in an email to the Justice. Although the theft had undergone investigation, according to Callahan, the artwork from this incident has not been recovered. The artwork had no estimated value, according to Callahan. Despite the two reports of stolen art that have been filed this academic year, Callahan stated that theft of art on campus is a “very rare occurrence.” —Marissa Ditkowsky
ANNOUNCEMENTS A Closer Look Into North Korea
The Brandeis International Journal, in collaboration with the Korean Economic Institute of America, is proud to present to you a panel discussion on North Korea. Our speakers will include former German Ambassador to North Korea; Friedrich Lohr, who has spent three years actually living in Pyongyang, North Korea and has personally met Kim Jong-Il; Dr. Sue Mi Terry, senior research scholar at Columbia University Weatherhead East Asian Institute and former National Intelligence Fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations and Dr. Nicholas Hamisevicz, director of research and academic affairs at the Korean Economic Institute of America. Tomorrow from 3 to 5 p.m. in the Rapaporte Treasure Hall.
Impact of Israeli Business and Innovation
Shahar Azani, Israeli consul for media affairs to New York will be speaking in the Mandel Atrium at 6:30 p.m. The event will focus on the global impact of Israeli busi-
ness, innovation and entrepreneurship. Come out for a night of reflective discussion as we will be breaking up into discussion groups. Come prepared to learn a lot from Consul Azani about the both the general economic situation in the Middle East and Israel’s influence as a major player in worldwide business and entrepreneurship. Refreshments will be served. Tomorrow from 6:30 to 8 p.m. in the Mandel Center for Humanities Forum.
Engineering Change in Elections
Common Cause Massachusetts and MassVOTE are joining the Brandeis Democrats, Brandeis Libertarian-Conservative Union and NoLabels to lead a session on an issue that has an impact on millions of future voters in the state of Massachusetts. On nearly every count, Massachusetts lags far behind many other states in adopting reforms for election-day registration, online voter registration and early voting. Tomorrow at 6:45 p.m. in Shiffman Humanities Center room 216.
Self Immolation and the Non-Violent Struggle
Over two decades of dialogue attempts between Tibetans and Chinese have brought little progress. Since 2009, over 109 cases of Tibetan self immolation have been reported. The panelists, experts in non-violent struggle and China-Tibet relations, will explore these issues and discuss the feasibility of a common ground for Tibetans and Chinese. Our set of expert panelists will include Prof. Gordon Fellman (SOC); Jamyang Rinchen, Tibetan-Chinese translator for His Holiness the Dalai Lama since 1996 and Bhuchung K. Tsering, vice president of special programs in the International Campaign for Tibet. Cynthia Cohen, director of the Program in Peacebuilding and the Arts, the International Center for Ethics, Justice, and Public Life at Brandeis University, will moderate the panel. Thursday from 7 to 9 p.m. in the Pearlman Lounge.
than 23 credits, they will pay almost $1500 for each additional credit taken. By marissa ditkowsky JUSTICE editor JOSHUA LINTON/the Justice
After winning the Alberta Gotthardt and Henry Strage Award for Aspiring Young Science Faculty, Prof. Christine Thomas (CHEM) was sick on the day she was supposed to receive the award and present her lecture. A graduate student who works with her filled in.
New trustees appointed; Traquina elected chair chairman of the board of trustees since 2007, will be replaced by Wellington Management CEO Perry Traquina ’78. By ilana kruger JUSTICE editorial assistant
The Board of Trustees elected Perry Traquina ’78 as chair at a meeting on March 21, to replace Malcolm Sherman, who has served in the position since 2007, according to a BrandeisNOW release. Traquina, chairman and chief executive officer of Wellington Management Company LLP, will serve a three-year term. Traquina, a chartered financial analyst, was first elected to the board in 2002. He served on the executive committee and as co-chair of the investment committee, according to the release. Traquina will assume leadership of a board which includes four new members, who were elected last Wednesday. Each trustee is elected for a four-year term and can serve for up to three terms, as stated in the bylaws of the Board of Trustees. The new members include Cynthia
NOW. The trustees will now be part of the governing body of the University. “This includes things like approval of faculty and administrative appointments, approval of the Olafsson annual budget, awarding of degrees and honorary degrees, and advising the University on policies and procedures,” Senior Vice President and Chief of Staff David Bunis wrote in an email Flier to the Justice. “Trustees also help with fundraising by supporting the University themselves, encouraging others to do so, and facilitating the University’s fundraising efforts,” Bunis wrote. Kaiserman Traquina and the four trustees will begin their terms after commencement on May 19.
Marder to guide Obama initiative ■ Prof. Eve Marder (BIOL)
will be on the advisory board of President Obama’s BRAIN neuroscience initiative. By sam mintz JUSTICE editor
President Obama’s new science initiative, Brain Research through Advancing Innovative Neurotechnologies, will have a Brandeis touch as Prof. Eve Marder (BIOL) has been named to the advisory board of the initiative, according to an April 5 BrandeisNOW press release. She will join 13 other scientists who will form the “brain trust” to direct the project. “This is an extremely exciting time for neuroscience research,” wrote Marder in an email to the Justice. “The new initiative is to foster development of technological innovation in support of understanding how the brain works.” “I was pleased to be included in the delegation to the White House in support of the BRAIN initiative,” she continued in her email. The initiative will research all lev-
els of brain function, ranging from individual neurons to entire circuits, according to the press release. The initiative’s goal is to “provide insight into devastating diseases like Parkinson’s, Marder Alzheimer’s, and autism.” The initial goal of the advisory board will be securing funding for the project to go forward. “As a member of the 14-person BRAIN working group for the [National Institutes of Health], I will be part of intensive discussions that will start very soon and will be designed [to] formulate some of the implementation of the funding plans for the NIH’s part in the initiative,” wrote Marder in her email. According to the press release, President Obama is planning to ask major scientific institutions such as the NIH, the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency and the National Science Foundation for help with funding for the project. Brandeis is the smallest research
Univ changes policy, will charge fees for overloading courses ■ If students take more
Shapira, Olaf Olafsson ‘85, Jeffrey Flier and Ron Kaiserman ’63. Shapira is the secretary of the Board of Trustees of the Jewish Federations of North America and development chair Traquina for the Jewish Federation of Greater Pittsburgh, among other board positions. Olafsson is the executive vice president for international and corporate strategy at Time Warner Shapira and author of three bestselling novels, including his lat- est, Restoration. Flier, an endocrinologist and dean of the faculty of medicine at Harvard University Medical School, will also start his first term this year. Kaiserman is a partner of the real estate management firm Kaiserman Co. and is the founder and president of the affiliated real estate firm, Shiramax. Kaiserman’s parents were “among the visionaries who helped found Brandeis,” according to Brandeis-
TUESDAY, april 9, 2013
■ Malcolm Sherman,
university represented on the advisory board, according to the press release, joining Stanford University, Harvard University, Brown University, Princeton University and the California Institute of Technology. Marder, who has been a member of the Brandeis faculty since 1978, has a distinguished professional history, picking up numerous awards, prizes and recognitions, including the 2012 George A. Miller Prize in Cognitive Neuroscience and the 2012 Karl Spencer Lashley Award. She is also a Massachusetts Academy of Sciences Fellow. In the press release, Marder expressed unwavering enthusiasm about the potential of the project. “We’re at a very interesting and exciting moment in neuroscience research right now because the technological innovations of the last decade have completely transformed the kinds of experiments we can do today,” said Marder. “We couldn’t even dream of these experiments 15 years ago.” “Do I think new technologies will drive exciting new experiments?” she continued. “Absolutely. Will there be completely unanticipated breakthroughs in health? Absolutely.”
Last Wednesday, University Registrar Mark Hewitt announced via email that a change in policy will require students who plan to enroll in over 23 credits worth of courses to pay an additional fee. “Starting with Fall term 2013, students who are approved to enroll in more than the 22 credit maximum will be charged additional tuition for any credits beyond 23. The additional charge will be at the per credit rate,” the email read. According to Hewitt, for the 20132014 academic year, the price per credit for students who entered after spring 2012 will be $1,387, while the price for those who entered before spring 2012 will be $1,375. “The tuition model the University uses is based on students taking an average of four courses [or] 16 credits,” said Hewitt in an interview with the Justice. “I believe the feeling was that students who were taking additional courses beyond the 22—that is the maximum you can get without petition—should pay some additional tuition because they’re actually accessing additional services.” “[I]n 1996, we did charge for overloads, and that was for any number of credits beyond 22. Then I believe it was in 2003 or 2002, the policy was changed as part of the packaging around residency and so on ... [I]t was determined not to charge for overloads. Now recently because of looking more closely at the budget and how things are working, the decision was made that we really should reinstitute that.” According to Hewitt, during the fall 2012 semester, 48 students requested to exceed the credit limit of 22. “I do recall that when there was a tuition charge involved that there were many, many fewer students who chose to do an overload. There was typically no more than 10,” said Hewitt. “It’s mainly juniors and seniors, occasionally sophomores. The current pattern is we’ll see students who are trying to accelerate and graduate in [less than eight semesters]. They’ll try to take additional courses,” said Hewitt. In the 2002-2003 University Curriculum Committee report, a proposal was revised to change the academic residency requirement to eight semesters, with a minimum of seven under specific circumstances. The report stated that under the plan, “a student could graduate by studying at Brandeis for eight semesters; or seven semesters plus the equivalent of four additional courses from AP, IB, etc.; or six semesters at Brandeis, one abroad, and one from a combination of AP, IB, etc.; or six semesters at Brandeis and two abroad.” The UCC unanimously approved the proposal, and it was forwarded to the faculty meeting for legislative approval. Currently, according to the University website, students who enter as first-years are required to complete a minimum of seven full-time semesters at Brandeis during fall or spring semesters, approved fall or spring study abroad programs or approved Justice Brandeis Semester programs, while transfer students must complete a minimum of four full-time semesters. Students who enter as first-years must complete 128 credits worth of courses at Brandeis, meaning that an average of 16 credits must be completed during each spring or fall semester for a student who wishes to stay for eight semesters, not including summer or outside courses, and an average of about 18.3 credits for those who wish to graduate in seven semesters and do not have IB or AP credits from high school.
Transfer students must complete a minimum of 64 of the 128 credits from Brandeis fall or spring semesters. Therefore, the average number of credits per semester for a transfer student to graduate as anticipated is also 16. These averages all fall below the maximum number of credits per semester, and therefore the number of credits at which the University will begin to charge per overload credit. Making seven the minimum number of semesters for a student entering as a first-year allows for a student to complete courses at a pace that does not require overloading. However, allowing students to graduate in seven semesters rather than eight leaves an opportunity for students to graduate earlier. Some students consider taking an overload of courses in order to complete their major and minor requirements so that they can graduate early. In addition, as the minimum number of courses a student may take per semester is three, if a student takes only three courses for more than four semesters, students might have to exceed five courses and take an overload of courses during later semesters in order to graduate on time. According to Hewitt, for students who graduated between August 2011 and May 2012, the average of total credits accumulated per student was 136, or 17 credits per semester for those who spent eight semesters on campus. In addition to those who are looking to graduate early or need to include courses in their schedules as seniors, other students who request overloads are “[s]tudents who are doing really well and want to challenge themselves, they have multiple majors, they’re trying to be pre-med and something else at the same time, or they’re looking at engineering schools. Students who are doing the 3-2 Columbia program often do overloads,” said Hewitt. Surrounding schools in the Greater Boston area share similar policies in terms of the maximum number of courses a student can take. However, each university differs in terms of whether or not it charges for exceeding the maximum number of credits. According to the Boston University website, “[a]dditional tuition will be charged for all credits in excess of 18, except to students with a cumulative GPA of 3.3 or higher, or students in their senior year who have accumulated at least 88 credits. Additional tuition will be charged to all students for credits in excess of 20.” At BU, the credit system is similar to Brandeis’ in that 18 credits is equivalent to approximately 4.5 courses. According to a representative from the BU Registrar, the additional charge is per credit, and is about $1,400 at the school of Arts and Sciences. However, students still have the ability to petition the fee. Schools such as Boston College and Tufts University currently uphold policies that do not require students to pay an additional fee for overloads. According to a representative from Tufts Student Services, the maximum amount of credits is 5.5, which is equivalent to 5.5 courses. According to the Boston College website, “Students are eligible to overload if they have earned at least a 3.0 overall cumulative GPA or a 3.0 GPA in the semester immediately prior to the one for which the overload is sought, in which case they may register online for a sixth course of three credits or more and a maximum of 24 credits.” Hewitt sees value in the new policy, but acknowledge the disadvantages. “In some sense I think it’s important that there be some equity so that students who really are taking advantage of more services should pay some more to fund those services,” said Hewitt. “At the same time on a personal level, it’s nice to see students taking advantage of things, because that’s why you’re here … I can see both good and bad here.”
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to assess its use of resources, and has engaged Deloitte Consulting in the process. By SAM MINTZ JUSTICE EDITOR
As the first phase of a broad examination of Brandeis’ business practices, called Brandeis BEST, the University will examine procurement of goods and services, announced Provost Steve Goldstein ’78 and Senior Vice President and Chief Operating Officer Steve Manos in an email to the community last Monday. “In reviewing our [administrative processes], we want to implement practices that will not only get the job done but will also permit us to conserve resources for our strategic goals—ensuring that Brandeis is the best university that we can be,” read the email. The project will involve comparing Brandeis to peer institutions, wrote Goldstein and Manos. “Our goal is to learn from our peers to adopt principles and practices that will save the [U]niversity money on the items that we must purchase every day,” read the email. Senior Vice President for Communications Ellen de Graffenreid wrote in an email to the Justice that “the purpose of Brandeis BEST is to ensure that the [U]niversity is using its resources as efficiently and effectively as possible. This is a broad, general strategic project that crosses all areas of the [U]niversity.” To work toward this goal, the University has hired John Storti as director of strategic procurement. According to Goldstein and Manos’ email, Storti “brings a wealth of experience in strategic procurement and operations management and contract development.” Storti will be working on the project on a day-to-day basis, wrote
de Graffenreid, while Manos and Senior Vice President for Finance Marianne Cwalina will be overseeing it. Storti will work closely with “colleagues across the University,” including deans, faculty and staff. Storti is replacing Loretta Bemis, who “took a position at another university,” according to de Graffenreid. Storti did not respond to requests for comment by press time. The University has also “engaged” Deloitte Consulting, and representatives from the company will be on campus for approximately six weeks as the University seeks to “streamline … purchasing processes” and get the “best prices for the items [needed] to operate.” De Graffenreid was unable to offer information about the cost of the consulting. The University initially sent out a request for information to several firms, five of which responded, according to de Graffenreid. Three of those firms responded to a Request for Proposal from the University, and Deloitte was chosen out of those three. Students may also eventually be involved in the process, Goldstein and Manos wrote in the email, via survey or interview. “The [U]niversity hopes to use the buying power of a large organization to ensure that we are getting the best prices possible for all of the products and services that Brandeis needs to buy to carry out our educational mission,” wrote de Graffenreid in her email. While Goldstein called the examination of procurement practices the “first phase” of Brandeis BEST, it is unclear what future phases will consist of, or whether further actions will actually be taken. De Graffenreid wrote in her email that “at this point, the project is limited to an examination of procurement. There may be other phases, but we have made no decisions at this time.”
Former professor dead at 86, colleagues reflect ■ Prof. Lawrence Fuchs, who
retired in 2002, founded the American Studies department at Brandeis. By TATE HERBERT JUSTICE EDITOR
Former American Studies Professor Lawrence Fuchs, a leading immigration scholar, the founder of Brandeis’ American Studies department and an admired faculty member for 50 years, passed away on March 17 at his home in Canton, Mass., due to complications from Parkinson’s. He was 86. Fuchs, who retired in 2002 as the Meyer and Walter Jaffe Professor of American Civilization and Politics, began his teaching career in 1952 in the Politics department before turning to American Studies. He was not only the department’s founder, in 1970, but also served as its chair for 25 years, according to a BrandeisNOW press release. His notoriously popular courses included one on American politics, which he taught alongside former first lady and Brandeis Trustee Eleanor Roosevelt for two years in the late 1950s and early 1960s, according to the press release. Among his many other roles at the University, Fuchs served terms as dean of the faculty and a faculty representative to the Board of Trustees. Outside of Brandeis, Fuchs was a prominent figure in American immigration policy, lobbying to pass significant immigration reform leg-
islation in 1981 and advising presidents from Kennedy to Reagan, according to an April 6 New York Times article. Fuchs is also known for authoring “The American Kaleidoscope: Fuchs Race, Ethnicity and the Civic Cul- ture,” a notable work on race in America. “Larry exemplified the rare capacity to balance and reconcile the values of friendship and family with the moral imperative to repair the larger world,” said Prof. Stephen Whitfield (AMST), the Max Richter Professor of American Civilization, in an interview with BrandeisNOW. “He was both admired and loved. He possessed an exceptional combination of emotional empathy and political effectiveness.” Fuchs received his bachelor’s degree from New York University in 1950 and his Ph.D. from Harvard University in 1955, according to BrandeisNOW. He also served the United States as a Navy medic in World War II. A memorial service is planned to take place at 10:30 a.m. on Sunday, April 21, in Sherman Function Hall in the Hassenfeld Conference Center. Members of the Brandeis community and the public are welcome to attend. Fuchs was predeceased by his wife, Betty Corcoran Hooven Fuchs. Surviving Fuchs are a brother, Victor; four daughters; three sons; and nine grandchildren.
TUESDAY, april 9, 2013
New director hired for procurement ■ The University is planning
The Intercultural Center hosted the “Around the World Diversity Day Festival” on the Great Lawn on Saturday. Students played games and enjoyed foods from other nations.
Housing results released, numbers do not shock DCL ■ DCL anticipates that the
niors, as well as a limited number of graduate students, according to the DCL website, ran out later on during the selection process. Efficiencies ran out at 1302, three-person apartments ran out at 1234 and five-person apartments ran out at 1274. “We did not run out of 6-person Ziv suites or 2-person Charles River apartments without living rooms,” wrote Hogan-Crowley. Sophomore housing results were not available as of press time. According to the DCL website, in 2011, Ridgewood six-person apartments ran out at number 1007, while Ridgewood four-person apartments ran out at 1049. Ziv suites ran out at 1222, although the single rooms were some of the last rooms remaining. Four-person Foster Mods ran out at 1163, and six-person Mods ran out at 1129. Charles River efficiencies ran out at 1550, Charles River threeperson apartments ran out at 1187 and Charles River five-person apartments ran out at 1254. Similar to this year, two-person Charles River Apartments were the last housing selected. The most considerable differences between 2011 and 2013 upperclassman room selection are present in the Charles River efficiencies, Charles River three-person apartments and six-person Mods. According to Senior Director of Community Living Jeremy Leifer-
roughly 60 students on the wait list will receive housing, as there is still surplus housing available. By MARISSA DITKOWSKY JUSTICE EDITOR
Housing selection officially ended on Tuesday, March 12, leaving the Department of Community Living to assess the results. Statistics are compiled each year after the housing process is completed, and general trends proved to be relatively applicable for upperclassmen housing specifically. This year, Ridgewood six-person apartments ran out at number 1035, while Ridgewood four-person apartments ran out at 1059 soon after, wrote Assistant Director for Operations and Off-Campus Housing Sarah HoganCrowley in an email to the Justice. Ridgewood suites can be occupied by both juniors and seniors. Mods, which are solely for seniors, ran out this year at relatively low numbers. Four-person Foster Mods ran out at 1137, and six-person Mods ran out at 1211. Charles River Apartments, which can be occupied by juniors and se-
man in an interview with the Justice, he is not surprised by the results of housing selection, despite the fact that there are Ziv suites left. “I have been at Brandeis for over 10 years. Most years [Ziv Quad] has filled by the end of housing selection. There were years when it hasn’t, but most years it is,” said Leiferman in an interview with the Justice. Students tend to use these statistics when making predictions to select housing. However, DCL claims that nothing is guaranteed and that these trends might not always hold true. “When reviewing this information, be aware that many variables change each year including designations and class size, and the order that housing is selected and completely taken varies from year to year,” the DCL website states. According to Leiferman, about 60 students are on the wait list to receive housing. “We anticipate that everyone on the list will get housing,” he said. Leiferman explained that about 45 living spaces are reserved for graduate students and assigned over the summer; these rooms are not available to undergraduate students at housing selection. However, according to Leiferman, if the housing is not filled, spaces are given back for undergraduate students. “It varies year to year, … but they gave back spaces this year,” he said.
Housing by the Numbers Ridgewood Ridgewood
4-person 1100
1035 1059
Charles Charles Charles River River River
6-person 3-person 5-person efficiencies 1200
Ridgewood Ridgewood
1211 1234
Charles River
1163 1187
1274 1302
Charles River
6-person 4-person 3-person Suites
Charles River
efficiencies 1300
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HODES: Doctor to give speech for ’13 grads CONTINUED FROM 1 ents are Vartan Gregorian, former president of Brown University and the New York Public Library; Ellsworth Kelly, the abstract painter, sculptor and printmaker whose paintings “Yellow Curves” (1954) and “Blue White” (1962) are part of the permanent collection of the Rose Art Museum; Chaim Peri, former director of Yemin Orde Wingate Youth Village in Haifa, Israel; Elaine Schuster, co-founder of the Elaine and Gerald Schuster Institute for Investigative
Journalism at Brandeis and a public delegate to the United Nations General Assembly; and Leon Wiesettier, literary editor of The New Republic and author of several works, both fiction and nonfiction. According to the Office of Communications, all members of the Brandeis community may nominate candidates for honorary degrees. A selection committee composed of trustees, faculty and staff submits a final list each year, which is subject to approval by the Board of Trustees and the University President.
Two seniors to receive Davis Projects for Peace ■ Ardak Meterkulova ’13 and
Mangaliso Mohammed ’13 created projects to address HIV/AIDS prevention. By ALLYSON CARTTER JUSTICE SENIOR WRITER
Ardak Meterkulova ’13 and Mangaliso Mohammed ’13 have each been selected to receive this year’s Davis Projects for Peace, a $10,000 prize to implement programs this summer that they have designed to promote peace. Each has created projects that address HIV/AIDS prevention in their home countries. Meterkulova will be working in Kazakhstan to “help young students in [the] Almaty region protect themselves from the disease and to be more educated about their sexual health,” she wrote in an email to the Justice. Mohammed will work in Nkwalini, Swaziland with orphans living with HIV to create a vegetable garden and free-range chicken farm and to promote healthy eating and traditional methods of food production, according to an email from Peace, Conflict and Coexistence graduate program administrator Cheryl Hansen. The Davis Projects for Peace is an external program that works with over 90 universities, according to its website. Brandeis has worked with the program for four years and submits two applicants each year, said Hansen in an interview. Though the program typically chooses only one recipient per school, this is the second year that both applicants from the University have been selected, Hansen said. Meterkulova will work to create a bilingual education film in Kazakh and Russian to raise HIV/ AIDS awareness and that will be used, along with exercises and text, in summer camps in the primarily Muslim Almaty region, wrote Hansen in her email. Meterkulova said in the email
that her project proposal was influenced in part by receiving the Presidential Scholarship of Kazakhstan in 2008, which allowed her to study internationally and “entrusted [her] with the responsibility to use the knowledge from [her] education to improve Kazakhstan.” As a double major in Business and Health: Science, Society, and Policy, Meterkulova wrote that classes she has taken at Brandeis have taught her about working to create healthy environments in communities that are “raised in conditions of adversity.” “Choosing Brandeis University for my education has also alerted me to the importance of being a world leader by creating peace for a sustainable future,” she wrote. Mohammed, a double major in Economics and Environmental Studies, said in an interview that the Anthropology courses he has taken at Brandeis have helped shape his project and place the concepts he has learned at Brandeis in a larger context. Mohammed said that the fact that both his and Meterkulova’s projects deal with HIV/AIDS prevention is a coincidence and that he looks forward to seeing how the projects begin “dealing with it in totally different ways and in different settings.” He has focused his project on promoting healthy eating, he continued, because the medication provided to patients to treat HIV/ AIDS is ineffective without food and because he hopes to start with “fundamental” steps to improve conditions for those living with the virus. “It’s about finding ways … to empower people to overcome whatever stresses they’re facing, and if I can help do that, I’ll be happy,” Mohammed said. “I expect really good things from both of these students,” said Hansen. “They’re both just dynamite.” The PAX program will host a reception to honor Mohammed and Meterkulova on Monday, Apr. 22 from noon to 1:30 p.m. in the Shapiro Campus Center Art Gallery.
BRIEF Multiple sexual assaults reported Over the past few weeks, University Police recorded two separate incidents of sexual assault. One involves the investigation of an incident that took place several years ago, while the other is reported to have occurred more recently, outside of Waltham, according to Director of Public Safety Ed Callahan. Callahan declined to provide further information. The first, reported in the police log in a March 14 entry, was listed under the header “sex crimes forc-
ible fondling.” The entry refers to an incident, currently under investigation, that took place off campus and was not in Waltham, according to Callahan. A report of a second incident was entered in the police log on April 5, under the header “sex crimes rape by force.” The only detail Callahan was able to provide was that he believes the reported incident took place “several years ago.” —Tate Herbert
INNOVATION: Anastas ’89 discussed his efforts in “green” chemistry during the Saul G. Cohen Memorial Lecture last Friday.
COHEN: Yale professor of chemistry receives award that his respect for Brandeis and Cohen gave the award “immense value.” Anastas added that his work in chemistry focuses on “the human side of the equation” and the impact of our actions on the future. In his discussion of unsustainable production practices, he said that he is a “strategic optimist,” meaning that his approach to sustainability and renewability is that “it’s not just that everything can be fine; it’s that it will be fine, if we do the right thing.” Anastas discussed the issue of toxins—including endocrine disrupters, which impact reproductive health—that are unable to be broken down and that are present in everyday products. Examples of the impact of these toxins, he said, are that human breast milk cannot be sold on the open market because of its contamination and that pharmaceutical substances persist in water systems to the point of impacting human health. “It’s one thing to pursue immortality,” said Anastas. “It’s not OK to impart that immortality on the materials that we create.”
Concerning the quest for a sustainable future, Anastas posed the question, “Is it possible to be doing the right things but doing them wrong?” He discussed the fallacy of thinking in terms of systems and separating elements of sustainability into categories such as water, energy, biodiversity and climate, when in fact these elements not only overlap but are the same. This philosophy may result in working to improve one sector while harming another, examples of which include producing solar energy while depleting rare earth metals and creating energy-saving light bulbs while using toxic mercury. The definition of green chemistry, Anastas said, is the “design of chemical products and processes that reduce or eliminate the use and generation of hazardous substances.” He added that the concept is “not a noble wish about being good to the birds and the bunnies” but rather a rigorous set of principles that are taught in courses across the country, including in his own. Researchers are applying these green chemistry principles to reassess current production meth-
ods, which generate waste even at 100-percent efficiency, and to assess how chemicals and toxins build up in the human body, Anastas said. He added that more companies have been integrating these principles into their products and that they have been applied to industries such as aerospace, cosmetics and agriculture, not only in theory but in practice. Rather than making products and production “a little less bad, a little bit more efficient” in incremental improvements, Anastas proposed that a more effective solution is transformational innovation and “leapfrog technology.” An example of such innovation, he said, is biomimicry, which creates products that mirror techniques found in nature, such as adhesive substances that imitate the feet of geckos. In response to an audience question about maintaining strategic optimism in both chemistry and the political sphere, Anastas responded, “I do not think people are aware of the power and the potential of the possible, and I think that’s an essential transformation that has to happen.”
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VERBATIM | ERNEST HEMINGWAY There is nothing noble in being superior to your fellow man; true nobility is being superior to your former self.
In 1585, an expedition led by Sir Walter Raleigh departed from England to establish the Roanoke Colony in N.C.
It is possible to lead a cow up a flight of stairs but impossible to lead it down stairs.
Chess king
crowned fellow
CLIMBING THE RANKS: Sam Shankland ’14 began playing when he was nine and is now one of the top chess players in the world. OLIVIA POBIEL/the Justice
Sam Shankland ’14 recieved a distinguished chess fellowship By ALEXA BALL JUSTICE STAFF WRITER
GRANDMASTER: Shankland was awarded the title of Grandmaster in 2011, the highest honor in the international chess community apart from the title of World Master.
It is the first day of an Economics class at Brandeis University, and you find yourself sitting next to a boy of average height and light brown hair. Perhaps he's just another student, ready to hear a lecture from Prof. Michael Coiner (ECON) and his elaborate descriptions of supply and demand. Or, perhaps, he's a chess Grandmaster, one of the top players in the world and quickly improving. If the latter is true, chances are that boy is Sam Shankland '14, an Economics major. At the age of 21, Shankland has just been named the 29th Frank P. Samford, Jr. Chess Fellow, which entitles him to a $42,000 stipend awarded at the beginning of July with the sole intention of allowing him to make chess his first concern. Another $42,000 will be awarded in his second year of the fellowship when it is renewed. Shankland says the money will go toward hiring more coaches, each specified toward different aspects of his technique. Now that he’s becoming more of an elite player, he says, “I understand my own game well enough that I can see its weaknesses, and I can hire specific people to target specific areas.” As a Grandmaster, a prestigious title given to the top tournament players of the world, and the winner of the under-18 World Championship, Shankland's chess career is already impressive. A a native of Berkeley, Calif., he first was introduced to the chess at the age of nine when his father taught him the basic rules of the game. He joined a chess club at his school soon after. “When I started playing chess it was just a hobby,” he says. This hobby turned into a lifestyle when he began attending World Youth Chess Championships his junior and senior years of high school. “At that point I had made chess my top priority, and at that point it was really clear it was a main part of my life and my main goal,” he says. Competitive in his youth, chess “fueled my need to win,” Shankland adds, especially as he realized that he had the potential to go far. And he has certainly gone far. Along with the title of Grandmaster and U18 World Champion, Shankland also became the youngest state champion in California history at the age of 16, and defeated the former second ranked player at the World Cup in 2011. With the Samford Fellowship, Shankland says he will be able to further improve his playing by attending elite tournaments where he is learn-
ing from professionals. “I've mostly been playing in tournaments that I'm winning money in and I'm getting paid to play in ... because I'm an elite player for them. I want to start going to tournaments where I'm the guy learning from the elite players,” he says. And in the world of chess, that means traveling. His first time playing outside of the U.S. came in 2007 and 2008, when he attended two World Youth Chess Championships in Turkey and Vietnam. More recently, while other Brandeis students adjusted to life back at school after winter break, Shankland was in Brazil playing for the U.S. chess team. Even though he missed a week and a half of school, “it just wasn't a question,” he says. Shankland is both reasonable and level-headed, two qualities that shine through in his style of play. A “universal” and “versatile player,” as he describes himself, Shankland is able to approach matches with the ability to focus on attacking opponents' weaknesses. “If I see someone who's very good at one thing, and not very good at another, I feel very comfortable switching styles when a lot of other people have the one thing they do well, and just do that,” he says. He also attributes his success to his hard work, conceding that, “there are a lot of players out there who are more talented than me and who didn't get as far because they didn't work as hard,” a humble admission that translates into thorough preparation for each game. Part of this preparation, says Shankland, is studying numerous past games of his opponents in order to learn their style. For example, “I'll filter through all their games to look at what openings they play, and how they compare with my openings,” he says. “It's not uncommon for the first 15 moves of chess to be completely prepared at home. There are lots of different ways they could play, so I have to prepare for all of those.” Shankland, who is fondly known on campus as having set up multiple chess boards in a circle using tables in Upper Usdan and challenging any student to a match, certainly has a tenacious dedication to the game. Although, according to a previous interview done with the Justice, Shankland considered quitting upon entering college, his accomplishments in the sport have amazed the chess world. The Frank P. Samford Fellowship ensures that Shankland's chess career will be well supported. And while he may still be found attending Economics lectures at Brandeis for another year, his favorite place is in front of a chessboard, one checkmate away from victory.
Approaching the bench ●
SUNNY SOCIALIZING: The bench program will install memorial benches, such as the Kulawitz bench, for students like Elior Moskowitz ’16 (left), Koa Lopez ’16 (center) and Susannah Stern ’16 (right) to enjoy. PHOTO ILLUSTRATION BY OLIVIA POBIEL/the Justice
A new program will populate campus with outdoor benches By JAIME KAISER JUSTICE EDITOR
It was the day of commencement and Abby Kulawitz ’12, a recent graduate, was relaxing on campus with her parents, Carrie and Harvey Kulawitz. It was a beautiful summer day, but surprisingly, there were few places to sit outside. “We were walking around campus and thought, wow, this place could really use some benches,” Mr. Kulawitz said. Out of this need, the Justice Louis D. Brandeis Bench Program was founded by the Kulawitzes as a way to raise money for the school in a way that also brings new outdoor social spaces to campus. When the Kulawitzes introduced the idea for the program to some people in the Brandeis community, the idea received a lot of positive feedback from the start. “We were having dinner with President Fred Lawrence and his wife and a group of parents and trustees at the house of Bruce and Susan Pollack. I mentioned it to them and everyone thought it was a great idea,” Kulawitz said in an
interview with the Justice. Harvey and Carrie Kulawitz decided to cleverly name the initiative after Louis Brandeis, who served “on the bench” as a Supreme Court justice for over 25 years. The program was devised toward the end of last year, with the help and support of Gayle Gordon ’08, the advocate director of parent giving. “It was quite easy on my end,” said Gordon. “They [the Kulawitzes] had a vision for the project and were passionate about the project and wanted to take the lead.” With a minimum donation of $10,000, a bench on campus and a personalized plaque is installed in honor of a person or group of the donor’s choice for the enjoyment of students, faculty and anyone else visiting campus. The plaque can include an inscription in remembrance of a loved one, or in dedication to a student or faculty member. For $25,000, a premium bench can be donated. The goal of the project is to get 50 donors, which would, in total, raise about half a million dollars. All the money from the project will go to the Brandeis Parent Bench
Project Fund, a fund that “supports the universities greatest needs,” including student scholarship, faculty salaries and extracurricular programs, according to Gordon. Kulawitz hopes the benches will, “Contribute to communication on campus [and become] a place to relax in the middle of everyone’s busy and crazy day,” he said. The Kulawitz family donated the first bench in honor of Abby. The bench is located on the path leading across the Great Lawn. The location holds special significance to Abby, who requested that the bench be placed there, having had some of her greatest memories on the Lawn as an Orientation Leader. Abby hopes that the benches will make students think of Brandeis as a place where memorable experiences, like hers, can occur anywhere on campus. “I want students to be aware, be aware of their surroundings as they walk outside and utilize the space outside of the classroom,” Abby said. The benches on campus have campured the interest of the student body. As it turns out, they are a more divisive topic than one
LASTING WORDS: Each donated bench can be dedicated to someone in the community such as a student or faculty member.
might imagine. Some students seem happy with their ability to socialize outdoors. Harrison Goldspiel ’13 explained that to the justice “the campus really shines during the spring and fall, when hundreds of students are out and about in their quads, on grassy fields and in Sachar Woods,” he said. Gathering outdoors is not perfect. Elior Moskowitz ’16 explained that while she enjoys laying out a blanket on Chapels Field while socializing or doing homework, she thinks the campus could benefit from more designated sitting places. “Picnic tables or maybe even social congregating spots that could also contribute to the aesthetic nature of campus, such as a fountain with seating.” Susannah Stern ’16 also commented on her disappointment with some the structured outdoor seating on campus. “I do however find that the benches are a bit randomly placed and out of the way,” she said. The bench program is intended to address a growing need on campus for more outdoor seating. The
culminating desire for more outdoor living spaces has resulted in the installation of numerous new benches within the last few months. Vice President for Planning and Institutional Research Dan Feldman has worked with the Facilities department initiative to place benches in areas such as the patio in front of Goldfarb Library and modern-looking wooden benches on the Fellows Garden between the Shapiro Science Center and Shapiro Campus Center. Gordon explained that because so many new benches have already been installed because of the facilities initiative, many of these already existing benches will be given plaques. “We are lucky to have a beautiful campus. “There are a lot of great indoor spaces and it is nice to improve them,” said Gordon. Harvey Kulawitz hopes more people will come forward and make this generous contribution to the bench program that enhances the campus atmosphere. “It’s nice siting on the grass sometimes, but it is also really nice to have a bench,” he said.
SITTING ON SUCCESS: The Kulawitzes hope to raise around half a million dollars.
Justice Justice
the the
Established 1949, Brandeis University
Brandeis University
Established 1949
Andrew Wingens, Editor in Chief Marielle Temkin, Managing Editor Jeffrey Boxer, Tate Herbert and Robyn Spector, Deputy Editors Celine Hacobian, Joshua Linton, Nan Pang, Adam Rabinowitz, Yosef Schaffel and Tali Smookler, Associate Editors Marissa Ditkowsky, Acting News Editor Sam Mintz, News Editor Jaime Kaiser, Features Editor Glen Chagi Chesir, Forum Editor Henry Loughlin, Sports Editor Rachel Hughes, Acting Arts Editor Jessie Miller, Arts Editor Josh Horowitz and Olivia Pobiel, Photography Editors Rachel Burkhoff, Layout Editor Sara Dejene, Online Editor Brittany Joyce, Acting Copy Editor
Sustain democracy in elections In early March, the Student Union Senate Ways and Means committee presented a proposed constitutional amendment that sets a new barrier to entry for the top student government positions. The amendment would require one year of service on the Student Union as a prerequisite for running for Union President. The election of Vice President would have a similar restriction. It would first be open to current and former Senate members, Senate committee members or Executive Board members. If no candidates come from these areas, the election would be open to all members of the student body. These restrictions on electoral participation are unacceptable because they fly in the face of what a democratic process is all about: allowing the electorate to choose representatives who they deem best. We urge the student body to reject the proposed regulations. Students should be able to decide for themselves what qualities they require from the candidates. Setting an experience requirement in stone unnecessarily takes that decision out of the hands of students. The one year of student union preparation required to run for president immediately disqualifies a vast majority of the student body. The reason for such an overarching disqualification would be that an individual with prior experience in student government would be better suited to navigate the different Union bureaucracies and perhaps be more familiar with the University as it pertains to administrative processes. But students can gain such experience without participating in the Student Union. Actively involved students in any of a number of student-run clubs would have experience in dealing with both administrators and the Student Union. Many of
Previous position not vital these students would also bring leadership experience that current Quad Senators might not possess. Limiting leadership roles to current Student Union members also risks emphasizing familiarity with protocol and how to cut through red tape as the primary use for the student government, ensuring that the Union’s role is solely to run elections and occasionally provide information to students about events happening on-campus. This board envisions the Union President and Vice President as much more than just the names behind an email announcing a week of events. They should be a reflection of the student body, and they must fight for the interests of students. This may require questioning administrators, raising awareness about injustices and organizing student reactions. None of these responsibilities require prior Student Union participation. In fact, at times it may be beneficial to reach beyond the Union for student representation, as an outsider’s perspective can offer refreshing ideas and viewpoints. While we also recognize the benefits of experience in the Student Union, the student body should be allowed to make that determination independent of a firm requirement. Moreover, students can attain leadership qualities and knowledge of the University bureaucracy in many different ways, such as club leadership. Most importantly, the electorate should be left alone to judge the subjective qualifications of a candidate. The Student Union shouldn’t pass a rule that would benefit current and future members of the student government while taking an important decision out of the hands of voters.
BADASS not “fundamental” At the recent Student Union Senate meeting, the Brandeis Academic Debate and Speech Society procured the required 10 signatures from senators to make itself eligible for secured club status. The secured status, which guarantees the club’s funding by constitutional mandate, will be put to a vote before the student body. The Union constitution defines a secured club as one that “the student body recognizes as fundamental to the mission of the university.” Based on the precedent set by the seven previously secured clubs, a “fundamental” club is one whose primary purpose is to serve a vital and productive purpose for the student body. Each of these seven clubs focuses on serving or bettering the University; any and all other externalities, such as competition or awards, are secondary. This is where BADASS unfortunately falls short. The primary role of the debate team, as stated by the club’s description, is to compete nationally against other college debate teams, with its on-campus collaborated events being secondary. Based on this precedent set by the other secured clubs, we believe that BADASS should not receive secured status. This is not to say that BADASS’s tremendous success should be ignored. The club’s
Meet the secured precedent list of accomplishments is beyond impressive, culminating in being ranked second in the country, behind only Yale University. Their on-campus debates are both well attended and interesting for all Brandeis students. Their funding should not be cut; on the contrary, the F-Board should continue to fully support BADASS. We also feel that the Student Union constitution needs to clarify what constitutes a “fundamental” club—that is one that serves an integral pupose for the student body for that is how the student body has voted previously. A secured club must be determined, by the student body, to be fundamental; to serve a purpose for the students. Currently, the constitution does not properly define the secured club as such. We implore the student body to continue to vote based on what a “fundamental” club has been defined as previously. Once the proper credentials for a secured club are acknowledged, then it becomes clear that BADASS does not meet the requirements for secured status. We reiterate though that BADASS should be allocated as much funds as possible to help further its accomplishments. Not being secured should not diminish their funds.
Views the News on
The Supreme Court recently considered the legality of the now infamous piece of California legislation that banned gay marriage, commonly referred to as Proposition Eight, as well as DOMA—the Defense of Marriage Act signed by Bill Clinton in 1996— which defines marriage in the United States as a union between a man and a woman. What do you think the decision of the court will be? What do you think the decision should be?
Joseph Babeu ’15 The Defense of Marriage Act is unconstitutional. Since losing the backing of the White House, its repeal is inevitable. As for Proposition 8, a ruling that invalidates prohibitions on all same-sex marriages would likely be too much, too soon for the American public currently. Therefore, I speculate that they will strike down Proposition 8 and narrow their ruling to impact solely California. Together, these rulings would lay the ground for the states to more easily pass amendments legalizing same-sex marriage, as these marriages would be federally recognized. I believe the Supreme Court should be on the correct side of history and rule in favor of marriage equality unilaterally across America. Joseph Babeu ’15 is the president of the Queer Policy Alliance.
Avi Snyder ’13 The job of the Supreme Court is not to make good, wise or just public policy. It is to faithfully interpret and apply the text of the Constitution, nothing less and nothing more. It should, therefore, refrain from creating a federal, constitutional right to same-sex marriage. However, it ought to find that the federal government has no constitutional authority to define marriage and overturn DOMA. On the basis of the oral arguments, I believe the Court will do just that. With respect to Proposition 8, the Court ought to rule that its supporters lack the standing to sue, and decline to rule on those merits. Such a decision would be legally sound, effectively legalize same-sex marriage in California and allow healthy, democratic debate over same-sex marriage to continue within each state. History is on the side of marriage equality; we ought not be afraid of letting the democratic process play itself out. Avi Snyder ’13 is a member of the Brandeis Libertarian Conservative Union and a columnist for the Justice.
Prof. Melissa Stimell (LGLS) Massachusetts and its liberal college communities appear to be far ahead of the nine Supreme Court Justices on the rights of same-sex couples. If oral arguments are any indication of the Justices’ positions on gay marriage, the Justices will decide both cases on more narrow grounds than gay activists hope. Justice Kennedy is the swing vote on the DOMA case. There are over 1,100 federal provisions that legally married same-sex couples cannot access because of DOMA. It is nearly $400,000 in federal estate taxes that Edie Windsor would not have to pay if she were a man. My guess is that same-sex couples’ ability to access federal benefits would depend on how their state defines marriage. In the Proposition 8 case, Justice Kennedy wondered if the case properly was granted before the Court, implying that the Court will not rule on the federal constitutional right to marry. My guess is that the Court will invalidate Prop. 8 on narrow grounds without affecting other states’ ability to regulate marriage. Professor Melissa Stimell is an associate professor of Legal Studies and the internship director for the Legal Studies Program.
Aaron Fried ’14 The Court certainly ought to strike down Proposition eight and DOMA. The Constitution and the American ideal of political freedom both hold that no individual should be prevented from expressing his or her own values. Further, our legal system enshrines voluntary association through private contracts. I favor a libertarian view, which states that no government has the authority to prevent homosexual couples from pursuing their own happiness, and it is improper for governments to discriminate against these couples on the basis of gender in recognizing marriage contracts. When two people decide to spend their lives together, and sign a contract which grants them the legal status necessary to do so, the government should only be concerned about whether the parties are consenting adults. All people, regardless of sexual orientation, should be free to marry whomever makes them happiest. Aaron Fried ’14 is the president of Young Americans for Liberty and a columnist for the Justice.
Athletes should not rush to cross gender barriers Jeffrey
Baylor University women’s basketball center senior Brittney Griner just finished her illustrious collegiate career as one of the best players of all time. She will graduate with the second most points in NCAA Division I women’s basketball history, and her 748 career blocks are the most ever in men’s or women’s college hoops. She is six feet, eight inches tall and a three-time AllAmerican. She will undoubtedly be the first pick in Monday’s WNBA draft. Last Tuesday, Mark Cuban, the owner of the NBA’s Dallas Mavericks, said that he would consider taking Griner in the NBA draft and give her the opportunity to prove that she could play in the men’s league. “If she is the best on the board, I will take her,” Cuban told reporters before his team faced the Los Angeles Lakers. “I’ve thought about it already. Would I do it? Right now, I’d lean toward yes, just to see if she can do it. You never know unless you give somebody a chance.” Would Griner make it in the NBA? I’d be inclined to say no. She has thrived during her career playing against defenders that are typically six inches shorter than her. She would struggle against someone as tall and muscular as Lakers center Dwight Howard. The difference in speed, strategy and even the size of the ball between the men’s and women’s games are all working against her. She could potentially find room on a team as an undersized power forward, but the odds are slim. But the important question is not whether or not Griner could compete in the NBA. We should be asking, if she could, should she? A woman in male professional sports is certainly conceivable—Miami Heat forward Shane Battier said that he believes that it will happen in our lifetime. When that player comes along—whether it is Griner or someone else in the future—should that player forego the WNBA in favor of the men’s league? Think about the question from that athlete’s perspective. Were she to stay in the WNBA, she would likely become a star. Griner or another once-in-a-generation player would probably become the face of the league, and would have hall of fame potential. That player could aspire to become her sport’s Mia Hamm—the star soccer player who put her team in the national spotlight during the 1999 World Cup and made women’s soccer relevant to the American public. The
NAN PANG/the Justice
WNBA is struggling financially, and could desperately use such a marketable star. If she immediately jumped to the NBA, such a player would likely be a middling talent. Few rookies are able to make an immediate impact in the league, and those players are used to the style, speed and size of men’s basketball. This is why Griner (or another future player) should enter the WNBA, not jump straight from women’s college basketball to the NBA. The WNBA has a copious amount of talent, and the potential trailblazer should prove that she is too talented for the best female players in the world before moving on from the women’s league. Only
at the point where she is dominating the women’s game in the same fashion that Heat forward LeBron James is dominating the NBA should such a player consider making the switch. A few years of professional basketball would also better prepare her to handle the massive spotlight that would be shining at all times, as well as the many predictable sexist comments. Ultimately, the issue of women competing in men’s leagues poses many difficult questions. It’s probably unfair to even compare Griner to male athletes—ESPN columnist Jemele Hill wrote that Cuban’s comment “perpetuates the dangerous idea that great female athletes need to validate
themselves by competing against men.” She’s not wrong. We should be celebrating Griner’s tremendous accomplishments rather than criticizing her for not being able to stack up against NBA behemoths. But it is a question that will be asked, and a barrier that will likely be broken. Only Griner and other superstar women’s players that follow her will be able to say what is best for them. It is human nature to want to compete against the best of the best, and that will eventually lead a woman to try her hand in the NBA. Hopefully how and when it happens, that player will not rush the integral decision.
“Hookups” page represents ignorance towards sexual assault Leah
College women are four times more likely to be raped than any other group. This statistic seems incredibly foreign to the Brandeis experience. I remember well being introduced to the Brandeis Counseling and Rape Crisis Hotline during orientation and thinking that it seemed like such a superfluous resource at a place like Brandeis. It’s such a tiny campus and we never hear about rape, so it must not happen here. The sense of security that the Brandeis bubble gave me was shattered two years later when I joined the Student Conduct Board. During our trainings I learned that not only does rape happen at Brandeis, but also that it happens about as frequently as at other colleges. Since the 2008-2009 academic year, there have been five official Community Standards Reports (CSRs) of sexual misconduct to date. In addition to official CSRs of sexual misconduct, The Department of Student Rights and Community Standards (SRCS) also receives a number of disclosures of sexual misconduct, which can range from a detailed account from the survivor, who does not want to go forward with official pro-
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The Justice welcomes letters to the editor responding to published material. Please submit letters through our Web site at Anonymous submissions cannot be accepted. Letters should not exceed 300 words, and may be edited for space, style, grammar, spelling, libel and clarity, and must relate to material published in the Justice. Letters from off-campus sources should include location. The Justice does not print letters to the editor and oped submissions that have been submitted to other publications. Op-ed submissions of general interest to the University community—that do not respond explicitly to articles printed in the Justice—are also welcome and should be limited to 800 words. All submissions are due Friday at 12 p.m.
ceedings, to a vague question from a third party, which does not specify who the perpetrator is or where the incident occurred. SRCS does not compile statistics on disclosures of sexual misconduct that do not advance to a CSR, however it is important to note that there is a larger quantity of unofficial disclosures. The fact that both reports and disclosures happen and that it is estimated that between 75 and 95 percent of sexual assaults go unreported suggest that with regard to sexual assault, Brandeis is just like every other college campus. With this knowledge in mind and with the knowledge that there are many survivors of sexual assault on our campus—whether or not they choose to identify themselves as such—I was nauseated to learn about our community’s newest Facebook page, “Brandeis Hookups.” The premise of “Brandeis Hookups” is that anyone can anonymously submit their “raunchiest, craziest Brandeis hookup story” to the page’s administrators, who then supposedly vet the stories for content before posting them publicly on the page. Admittedly, I deactivated my own Facebook page at the beginning of March to better focus on my thesis, so I have been lucky enough to never lay eyes on the page. The idea that a public forum for sharing private sexual moments exists, however, makes me squirm. When I first heard about the page, my visceral reaction was an overwhelming sense of panic. What if someone decided that an unfortunate or uncomfortable experience they had shared with me would be appropriate fodder for the page? No one would ever know that the story was about me
Fine Print
The opinions stated in the editorial(s) under the masthead on the opposing page represent the opinion of a majority of the voting members of the editorial board; all other articles, columns, comics and advertisements do not necessarily. For the Brandeis Talks Back feature on the last page of the newspaper, staff interview four randomly selected students each week and print only those four answers. The Justice is the independent student newspaper of Brandeis University. Operated, written, produced and published entirely by students, the Justice includes news, features, arts, opinion and sports articles of interest to approximately 3,500 undergraduates, 800 graduate students, 500 faculty and 1,000 administrative staff. In addition, the Justice is mailed weekly to paid subscribers and distributed throughout Waltham, Mass. The Justice is published every Tuesday of the academic year with the exception of examination and vacation periods. Advertising deadlines: All insertion orders and advertising copy must be received by the Justice no later than 5 p.m. on the Thursday preceding the date of publication. All advertising copy is subject to approval of the editor in chief and the managing and advertising editors. A publication schedule and rate card is available upon request. Subscription rate: $35 per semester, $55 per year.
but that would not stop them from jeering and excitedly whispering about whatever humiliating detail someone decided to share about me. On the flip side, what if someone decided that an experience with me was an accomplishment they wanted to share so that they could get public approval for their “conquest?” Then a moment that I expected to remain private and personal has suddenly turned me into an object—a trophy to be put on display. Given my fears about my own consensual experiences, I cannot imagine the fears of someone who has had a sexual experience at Brandeis that was not so clearly consensual. To wake up one day, log onto Facebook, and see that a traumatizing and violating experience, which perhaps has not been fully processed, dealt with, or understood, has been publicly posted for the whole world to see has the potential to be just as traumatizing as the original experience itself. It is irrelevant whether or not a post was submitted by an actual perpetrator of an actual incident of sexual assault. If the details of any post are similar enough to someone’s experience of a forced sexual contact, the traumatizing effects will be the same. Publicly displaying forced sexual experiences in this way is what survivors of rape and their advocates call a “trigger.” What makes the triggering effects of the “Brandeis Hookups” page all the worse is the fact that people can and, as it seems, frequently do, comment on any post encouraging, condoning and applauding the sexual conquests of their peers. The potential bragging rights that any of my consensual partners have about their experiences with me are humiliating and objectifying,
The Staff
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but those of a perpetrator of forced sexual contact are degrading, further traumatizing and incredibly perverse. Perhaps Brandeis is no different from any other college with respect to the incidence of sexual assault, but do we really have the kind of community where we applaud sexual assault when it happens as well? Unfortunately, the existence of a public page like “Brandeis Hookups” makes it seem like we do. Despite our ideas about our safety inside the Brandeis bubble, the fact of the matter is that we still live on a college campus, and women at Brandeis are still college women, who are, like all college women, four times more likely to be raped. Given that this statistic applies to us, we need to be more sensitive than anyone about the potential effects of the way we talk about sex. By allowing the “Brandeis Hookups” page to exist, we are denying the impact that our sexual discourse can have on survivors of sexual assault. Whether we actively participate in the page or tacitly support it by saying nothing against it, we are promoting and participating in the kind of culture that not only allows rape to happen, but also says that it is OK, and that the traumatizing experience of the survivor is not valid. The “Brandeis Hookups” page has shattered my perceptions of Brandeis once more. I want to believe that Brandeis is a safe, supportive and respectful environment, particularly for members of our community who may be survivors of sexual assault. As long as this page exists and is considered acceptable however, the safety and well-being of our community is compromised.
Editorial Assistants News: Ilana Kruger Layout: Rebecca Lantner Ads: Schuyler Brass Arts: Emily Wishingrad Staff Senior Writers: Josh Asen, Allyson Cartter, Jacob Moskowitz Senior Photographer: Jon Edelstein, Alex Margolis, Jane Zitomer News: Shani Abramowitz, Ariel Glickman, Danielle Gross, Luke Hayslip, Raquel Kallas Features: Alexa Ball, Selene Campion, Rachel Miller Forum: Michael Abrams, Jennie Bromberg, Aaron Fried, Noah M. Horwitz, Liz Posner, Catherine Rosch, Leah Smith, Avi Snyder, Naomi Volk Sports: Ben Freudman, Avi Gold, Elan Kane, Jeffrey Maser,
Jonah Price Arts: Aliza Vigderman, Aaron Berke, Erica Cooperberg, Alex DeSilva, Aliza Gans, Eli Kaminsky, Olivia Leiter, Zachary Marlin, Adelina Simpson, Emily Wishingrad Photography: Wendy Choi, Bri Mussman, Wit Gan, Annie Kim, Abby Knecht, Bri Mussman, Josh Spiro, Karina Wagenpfeil, Xiayou Yang Copy: Jennie Bromberg, Hilary Cheney, Samantha Coother, Lauren Katz, Eliza Kopelman, Suzanne Schatz Layout: Elana Horowitz, Jassen Lu, Denny Poliferno, Lila Zohar. Illustrations: Hannah Kober, Mara Sassoon, Arielle Shorr, Tziporah Thompson
A nuclear Iran is problematic for Western world By DANIEL KOAS JUSTICE STAFF WRITER
President Barack Obama stood before the world in Prague in April 2009 and firmly declared, “Today I state clearly and with conviction America’s commitment to seek the peace and security of a world without nuclear weapons.” This forceful declaration has and will continue to be followed through with action— both the United States and Russia have decreased their nuclear stockpiles over fivefold since 1991, and President Obama is committed to signing even more treaties and agreements to further reduce the United States’ nuclear arsenal of weapons. Yet while the United States, Russia and many other countries are pursuing a path of peace and strategic arms reduction, there are others that are heading in the exact opposite direction. One of these countries is the Islamic Republic of Iran, a country which, if it were to reach its goal of developing a nuclear weapon, could spell disaster for the United States and the rest of the Western world. There is no doubt that Iran is working its hardest to attain a nuclear weapon. Iran’s first nuclear facility, the Bushehr I reactor, was opened in September 2011. Two months later the International Atomic Energy Agency detailed a report affirming that Iran had undertaken research and experiments geared toward developing a nuclear weapons capability. Iran has repeatedly failed to allow IAEA inspectors to investigate its nuclear program, defying both the Non-Proliferation Treaty Safeguards Agreement and international law. In fact, even the Iranian leadership has hinted at their ambitions, with supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei stating this past February that if Iran ever decided to build nuclear weapons, “no global power” could stop them. Iran has already committed itself to violence against the West and there is no doubt that if it were to develop a nuclear weapon it would pose a serious threat. The Iranian leadership has noted that it is “natural and unavoidable” to be in conflict with the United States, and refers to the United States as the “Great Satan.” Likewise, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad stated in a 2007 meeting with the Syrian foreign minister that “the United States and the Zionist regime of Israel will soon come to the end of their lives.” Ahmadinejad calls time and time again for the destruction of Israel—an ally of the United States and the only true liberal democracy in the Middle East—and has denied the Holocaust publicly many times. Additionally, according to the U.S. State Department, Iran is considered “the largest state-sponsor of terrorism” and provides funding, weapons and training to numerous terrorist groups. Most notable of these is Hezbollah, which was founded with help from Iran in the 1980s and is considered a terrorist group by the governments of the United States, Canada, Israel and the United Kingdom, among others. Aside from al-Qaeda, Hezbollah is the terrorist group responsible for the most American deaths; it was Hezbollah
HANNAH KOBER/the Justice
that bombed United States Marines barracks in Lebanon in 1983, killing 223 Marines sent on a peacekeeping mission. It was Hezbollah that in 1996 carried out an attack at the Khobar Towers in Saudi Arabia, killing 19 United States airmen. A country that is so openly supportive of terrorism should be in no position to be in control of a weapon capable of causing immeasurable loss of life. As the centrifuges in Iran keep spinning, it is clear that action must be taken. Most experts believe that Iran will have enriched enough uranium to be a threat within a year, with some, including Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, saying that it is possible that Iran will reach this level by the approaching summer season. So far, economic sanctions have been placed by the United
States on Iran in attempts to slow down nuclear progress, and while the sanctions have crippled the Iranian economy and have had noticeable effects on its nuclear program, they are not stopping Iran’s march toward acquiring nuclear weapons altogether. More sanctions must continue to be passed and applied—the more international pressure placed on Iran, the greater the chance that the Iranian leadership will realize that the United States is serious about halting Iran’s progress and that it is thus not in Iran’s best interest to continue seeking a nuclear weapon. While diplomatic options should continue to remain the first course of action and the United States must strive to continue dialogue with Iran, other options, including military action, must be considered if diplo-
matic means fail. As President Obama said last month in Israel, the United States must “do what is necessary” to prevent Iran from acquiring a nuclear weapon, with the president stressing that “all options remain on the table.” Time is clearly of the essence, and in this case, the saying “better safe than sorry” holds true. The situation in Iran must continue to be monitored, and concrete action needs to be taken before it is too late. While we aim for a peaceful resolution through dialogue and sanctions, all other options must remain. We cannot afford to stand by idly while Iran marches toward nuclear capability. Daniel Koas ’16 is the president-elect of the Brandeis Israel Public Affairs Committee.
Over-prescribing stimulants should not be the only answer By JENNIE BROMBERG JUSTICE STAFF WRITER
Diagnosing a medical disorder without being able to physiologically test for it is difficult; diagnosing a medical disorder without being able to physiologically test for it when the symptoms are personality characteristics is even more difficult. This is the problem doctors face when diagnosing children and adults alike with mental disorders, specifically attention deficit hyperactive disorder. A March 31 article in the New York Times by Alan Schwarz and Sarah Cohen stated that 11 percent of school-age children have a medical diagnosis of ADHD—a 16 percent increase since 2007 and a 41 percent increase in the last decade. And, two-thirds of those with a diagnosis of ADHD are on prescription stimulants like Adderall. The growing rates of ADHD diagnoses reflect the over-diagnosis of a chronic disorder, causing consequences for both those who actually have a severe case of ADHD as well as for those who are misdiagnosed and do not have ADHD According to the New York Times, most experts believe ADHD is caused by a chemical imbalance in the brain that affects impulse control and attention skills. The major symptoms of ADHD in children, according to the National Institute of Mental Health, include “difficulty staying focused and paying attention, difficulty controlling behavior, and hyperactivity.” But, these are also all characteristics of just being a child. According to the NIMH, in order to official-
ly diagnose ADHD all other potential causes of the symptoms, such as stress at home and other learning disabilities, are ruled out. People involved in the patient’s life like teachers and coaches are contacted to learn more about behavior in different environments and over time. There are also tests to see how a child reacts in different social situations as well as academic achievement tests to observe distractibility. The data is analyzed and if it meets the criteria of ADHD an official diagnosis can be made. According to the New York Times, the long and arduous diagnostic process is often truncated due to time constraints and pressure from parents, thus underlying problems of ADHD symptoms may be missed and stimulants may be unnecessarily prescribed. Parents are pressuring doctors to make the diagnosis because it creates a medical excuse for dropping grades and misbehavior. Medication is the easy fix but is also unsafe when not used in the right circumstance. While ADHD was most often diagnosed in younger children, many are being diagnosed as teenagers and adults. These diagnoses are probably going to increase as the American Psychiatric Association plans to change the definition of ADHD, according to the same New York Times article. The changes, though not official, would probably raise the requirement that symptoms appear before age 12 rather than seven. The changes would also require that symptoms “impact” daily activity, rather than impair it.
With the over-diagnosis of ADHD, the cases of those whose lives are affected on a day-today basis by the disorder are often misunderstood. The difference between someone who is misdiagnosed and someone who suffers from ADHD is the difference between “I don’t want to do something” and “I can’t do something.” This causes the struggles of having ADHD to be overlooked, as people without an accurate diagnosis do not show an accurate portrayal of symptoms. People with ADHD get lost in a sea of misdiagnosed people and their disorder becomes misunderstood.
Those making the diagnosis should not feel pressured by parents and should take the time and effort to analyze the full history of the patient. Even if the symptoms of ADHD are present, they could have a different cause. There may be trouble at school that is causing distraction when trying to complete a task, a different learning disability such as dyslexia, or even a problem impacting hearing. These
causes can be solved through different treatments—treatments that are not used with ADHD. But, when overlooked, unnecessary prescriptions for stimulants are prescribed which could lead to severe health risks. Over-prescribed stimulant medications to correct a chemical imbalance in the brain to someone who lacks this chemical imbalance is not safe. It can cause results such as hyperfocusing and euphoria. Taking stimulants when they are not needed can lead to further complications and over-dependence on stimulants later in life. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, stimulants are highly addictive, and abusing them can cause complications such as paranoia and strokes. Those making the diagnosis should not feel pressured by parents and should take the time and effort to analyze the full history of the patient. Even if it seems that ADHD is present, steps to find better organizational and study skills should be tried before jumping to stimulant medications. Though the medications can be a huge help to those more severely affected with ADHD, they are not always necessary. If the definition of ADHD is to be changed, it should not be to encompass a broader population, rather it should be to target those who have an attention deficit that impedes on living a normal life. ADHD is a serious disorder that needs to be taken seriously by health care professionals who today seem to be handing out the diagnosis to whoever asks for one.
Alex Kramer ’13 and Mik Kern ’13 looked to make a statement in their final season with the Judges’ outdoor track and field squad. In their first meet of the season on March 30, the pair secured first- and third-place finishes in the 1,500-meter event at the Tufts University Snowflake Classic. The duo picked up right where they left off that day, surging to yet another pair of top-10 finishes at the George Davis Invitational last Saturday at the University of Massachusetts Lowell. This time, it was in the 800-meter dash. Kern finished in sixth with a time of one minute, 57.60 seconds, while Kramer trailed right behind him, securing eighth in 1:58.53. For Kramer, though, this race proved to be especially valuable. “I hadn't really run an 800 since high school, so it was a new experience,” he said. “I was hoping to work on my speed in order to run faster in the 1,500 over the next few weeks.” The pair of impressive results set the stage for several strong finishes on the track, particularly vital for future meets such as the University Athletic Association Outdoor Championships to be held later this month. “Running races that are either shorter or longer are useful to prepare for meets that we focus on like UAA's,” he said. “Everyone who competed ran well despite the difficult circumstances: cold and wind.” Vincent Asante ’14 raced out to third in the 100-meter dash, crossing the line in 11.48 seconds. He also ran the first leg of the four-by-100-meter relay, setting the foundation for another third-place finish. Asante, Josh Hacunda ’16, Kensai Hughes ’14 and Galen Karlan-Mason ’16 combined to finish in 44.64 seconds. In the 1,500-meter run, Michael
Rosenbach ’15 kept pace at the front of the pack, finishing in 13th with a time of 4:16.09. Grady Ward ’16 also turned in a strong result, racing to 19th in 4:20.34. Adam Berger ’16 maintained the trend of top-10 finishes, placing ninth in the triple jump with a distance of 12.39 meters. Kris Stinehart ’14 launched the shot-put 11.48 meters to finish 12th. The women made an equally resounding statement, earning a series of notable results in their races. Particularly, in the 800-meter run, three Judges finished within three seconds of each other to place in the top 20. Kelsey Whitaker ’16 cracked the top 10 in 2:21.58. Victoria Sanford and Amelia Lundkvist then emerged right behind to finish in 2:23.07 and 2:24.86, respectively. Yet, it was the trio of first-years that made some noise in the 1,500-meter event, securing top 30 finishes. Maggie Hensel ’16 finished 12th, clocking in at 5:06.27. Rachel Keller ’16 and Nora Owens ’16 were only seconds behind, finishing in 5:22.56 and 5:37.64, respectively. The lone senior, Casey McGown ’13, also impressed at UMass Lowell, outpacing the competition in the 400-meter dash to finish in 1:02.66, good for 11th overall. Alyssa Fenenbock ’15 tossed the javelin 29.20 meters to finish 14th, and Emma Taylor ’15 and Ashley Klein ’16 fell just short of Fenenbock’s total, coming in 16th and 17th, respectively, with distances of 27.85 and 25.59 meters. From here, Kramer noted how each of the squads is rigorously preparing for championship season, and with it, an opportunity to move ahead of the pack of other competing UAA squads. “Everyone is working towards the championship season, which begins in three weeks at the UAA championships,” he said. “Our training and racing all year has been geared towards running well there and in the major meets after … basically to run at our best when it counts.” The squads will look to make the Dartmouth College Quad Meet count this upcoming Saturday.
WTENNIS: Squad shows character CONTINUED FROM 16
with a score of 2-6, 6-4, 10-6. Sophomore Audrey Grauer followed quickly with another victory over Vasser by a 7-5, 2-6, (10-3) margin. Cooke and Broderick quelled any hopes of a comeback, securing the win for the Judges in an 8-5 defeat of Mandzhukova and Brunk, Vandroff and Bergstein also defeated Holmes and junior Lucy Brennan, 8-5. Though Russell and Dorer beat Brandeis’ Schlesinger and Vasser, the Judges ultimately pulled out the win 6-3 win, and a chance to battle for the fifth spot in the tournament. Last Friday proved to be a much different story. The Judges suffered a tough loss at the hands of Trinity by a score of 7-2. Cooke lost in straight sets to freshman Melita Frejanic 6-4, 6-2. Hillary Hoyt took Broderick by the exact same score of 6-4, 6-2. Freshman Morgan Feldman continued to underscore Trinity’s dominance by defeating Bernstein in straight sets. Vandroff had the strongest showing of the day for the Judges, earning a hard fought 7-5 win in the first set against junior Regan Cherna. The
momentum of Vandroff’s 7-5 first set helped immensely in her victory. Bergstein lost to junior Senzo Maphaisa in straight sets by a score of 6-1, 6-1. Katz had a chance to hold Trinity off its fifth win against senior Frances Cameron. Despite Katz’s comeback in the second set, Cameron won the tie-breaking set 9-7, making the total score 6-4, 6-7 (73), 9-7. In doubles, Cooke and Broderick defeated Hoyt and Ferjanic 8-6. However, the teams of Feldman and Maphisa as well as Cherna and junior Elizabeth Gerber defeated the teams of Vandroff and Bergstein, as well as Bernstein and Lazar, by 8-6, and 8-3 scores, respectively. With big matches coming up, Vasser said the team is focused on continuity and consistency. “Going into the last month of our season we are going to keep that up. April is a big month for us, we have multiple matches every week. Staying healthy, keeping our energy high, and our will to fight strong are very important.” The Judges will look to build upon their momentum tomorrow against Wellesley College at 3:00 p.m.
APRIL 9, 2013
Teams record strong marks in local meet ■ Alex Kramer ’13 and Mik Kern ’13 ran well in the men’s 800-meter run on Saturday at UMass Lowell.
Michael Secular ’15 reaches to volley the ball during the men’s tennis team’s 9-0 win over the Coast Guard Academy on March 23. The Judges beat Bentley University 6-3 yesterday.
SOFTBALL: Team endurance proves vital in picking up home victories CONTINUED FROM 16 game’s first six runs. Genovese got on base with a single in the first inning and then stole second and third bases before a single from Coleman brought her home to score the game’s first run. Brandeis then scored three runs in the second inning to go up 4-0, before notching two more in the fourth for a commanding 6-0 lead. And while three-run homer from sophomore catcher Amanda Hemstock made
things uncomfortable for the Judges, they were able to close the game out with a 6-4 win. Brandeis got off to a fast start in the second game as well, going up 4-0 en route to the 5-3 victory. Although the Judges are away for their next two games, squaring off in double-headers against Wheaton College and Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Ducinski remains optimistic about her team’s chances to win its key games.
The Judges received a bonus as Genovese, who set the Judges’ single single-season steal record in the second game against Lasell, was named UAA Softball Hitter of the Week. “Moving forward, I see a lot of success,” she said. “I only see us improving our roles more and more as the season continues.” The Judges play at Wheaton today at 3:30 p.m. and 5:30 p.m. They then take on Endicott College Thursday at 3:30 p.m.
FENCING BRIEF Mandel earns All-America honors at NCAA Championships The men’s fencing team has not sent a saber fencer to the NCAA Championships since 2009. Olympic silver medal saber Tim Morehouse ’00, who won silver in 2008, was the last Brandeis fencer to earn All-America honors. Late last month, the history books were re-written. Saberist Adam Mandel ’15 surged to a 12th-place finish on the second day of the NCAA Championships to earn All-America honors in San Antonio, Tex. The road to the NCAA Championships was not an easy one for Mandel, who secured the ninth and final spot from the Northeast Region on March 10. Mandel entered the second round of the Northeast Regionals with a 4-2 record that put him in seventh, only a few places above qualification. Yet, even as he encountered imposing regional opponents from Yale University, Brown Uni-
versity and St. John’s University, Mandel rattled off three wins to finish ninth and qualify for the championships. Mandel faced his toughest Mandel test against St. John’s senior saber Daryl Homer, who placed sixth at the 2012 Summer Olympic Games and eventually went on to win the Northeast Regional. “You have to realize that you can’t fence the name, you have to fence the fencer,” said Mandel. “You have to just fence smarter and play your game.” The name didn’t matter. Mandel rallied to beat Homer 5-4 and claimed the final ninth qualification spot from the Northeast Re-
gional meet. Once Mandel reached the championships, it took him some time to settle in. After struggling to a 6-9 mark on the first day of competition, Mandel began the second day with a 1-3 record, which put him at 7-10 overall, good for 18th out of 24 competitors. With four matches left, Mandel needed both a rally and some luck to slide into an All-America spot. Mandel got the break he needed, defeating his last four opponents, all of whom had seven or eight wins during the championships. “The combination of my family, friends, and coaches led to the pinnacle moment … of finally making it to an All-American,” he said. “I really could not have done it without all of them.” For Mandel, it could not have come in more dramatic fashion. — Avi Gold
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Run Dates
Runs Batted In
Not including Monday’s game. UAA Conference W L Case 5 3 Wash 5 3 Emory 4 4 Rochester 4 4 JUDGES 2 6 Chicago 0 0
W 15 16 15 7 7 11
Overall L Pct. 7 .682 10 .615 13 .536 9 .438 13 .350 7 .611
UPCOMING GAMES: Today at Worcester State Saturday vs. WPI (DH) Sunday vs. Colby *DH = Double Header
Liam O’Connor ’16 leads the team with 13 RBIs. Player RBI Liam O’Connor 13 Chris Ferro 10 Tom McCarthy 9 Kyle Brenner 9
Strikeouts Kyle Brenner ’15 leads the team with 22 strikeouts. Player Ks Kyle Brenner 22 Mike Swerdloff 19 Dylan Britton 14 Elio Fernandez 6
Not including Monday’s game.
Runs Batted In
UAA Conference Emory WashU JUDGES Case Rochester Chicago
W 8 5 3 3 1 0
L 0 3 5 5 7 0
Overall W L 37 1 20 8 15 8 13 12 4 14 12 6
Pct. .970 .714 .652 .520 .222 .667
UPCOMING GAMES: Today at Wheaton College (DH) Saturday at WPI (DH) Sat., April 20 vs. Clark (DH) *DH = Double Header
Danielle Novotny ’16 leads the squad with 22 RBIs. Player RBI Danielle Novotny 22 Cori Coleman 17 Anya Kamber 15 Amanda Genovese 11
Strikeouts Nikki Cote ’15 leads all pitchers with 41 strikeouts. Player Ks Nikki Cote 41 Casey Ducinski 34 Melissa Nolan 34 JOSH HOROWITZ/the Justice
DAZZLING DRIBBLING: Men’s soccer midfielder Foti Andreo ’15 (right) keeps the ball from Ben Berson ’15 on Saturday.
TRACK AND FIELD Results from the George Davis Invitational at UMass-Lowell.
800-METER RUN TIME Mik Kern 1:57.60 Alex Kramer 1:58.53 Greg Bray 2:05.74
800-METER RUN Kelsey Whitaker Victoria Sanford Amelia Lundkvist
1500-METER RUN TIME Michael Rosenbach 4:16.08 Grady Ward 4:20.34
1500-METER RUN TIME Maggie Hensel 5:06.27 Rachel Keller 5:22.56 Nora Owens 5:37.64
TIME 2:21.58 2:23.07 2:24.86
The Judges will next compete at the Dartmouth Quad Meet to be held at Dartmouth College on Saturday.
Kickin’ Cancer proves to be a huge success ■ The Inaugural Kickin’ Cancer
soccer tournament helped raise money for the Brandeis chapter of Relay For Life. By AVI GOLD
Updated season results.
WOMEN’S DOUBLES Cooke/Broderick
UPCOMING MEET: The men’s tennis team will travel to Bryant University Thursday at 3 p.m., while the women’s squad faces off at home against Wellesley College on Wednesday at 3 p.m.
Though the calendar may say it is spring, the weather outside still proves to be cold. Regardless of the temperature, this past Saturday was a perfect time for a charity soccer event. The Kickin’ Cancer Tournament, created by the men’s soccer team and Alex’s Lemonade Stand’s Brandeis chapter, is a five-on-five co-ed tournament featuring some of the biggest names from both the men’s and women’s soccer teams. The tournament, created to raise money for Brandeis Relay for Life, sought to combine the players’ joy of soccer with a creative way of raising money. Men’s soccer forward Tyler Sa-
vonen ’15, the chair of the event, had high hopes upon creating the fundraising tournament. “We obviously all have a passion for the game, and many of us have had families and friends affected by cancer, so we decided ‘What better way to raise money against cancer than to play the sport we love?’” he wrote in an email to the Justice. As the tournament got underway, the stars came out to shine. A 16-team field featured the depth of the men’s soccer team, allowing for many competitive games that were often decided by merely a single goal. Teams Kostel Still Goes Here and Joe’s Angels both made deep runs at the title, but were eventually defeated by early tournament favorite “Tape A Cheetah To Your Back.” Tape A Cheetah To Your Back, led by superstar forwards Sam Ocel ’13 and Dara Spital ’15, who earned All-America honors for the men’s and women’s soccer teams, respectively, made it all the way to
the finals before running into Team Nick George. Team Nick George, led by Ocel’s strike partner from the fall, Lee Russo ’13 and midfielder Tudor Livadaru ’14, went undefeated throughout the course of the tournament, using a late goal to take a 2-1 lead in the finals over Tape A Cheetah To Your Back. And while they faced a furious onslaught from their opponents, they were able to claim the championship in dramatic fashion. The event was a huge success, according to Savonen, who additionally hopes that the event will become a yearly tradition for both the Judges’ soccer teams and the greater Brandeis community. “Going forward, we would like to establish Kickin’ Cancer as an annual fundraiser and hopefully increase the number of participants each year,” he said. With the enthusiasm generated in its first year, there is lots of potential for future years.
BOSTON BRUINS BEAT Jaromir Jagr makes his mark in Boston debut as Bruins defeat New Jersey Devils in close encounter Although the playoff home stretch figured prominently in the minds of Boston Bruins fans last Thursday against the New Jersey Devils, the big story of the night was the initiation of future Hall of Famer and hockey legend Jaromir Jagr in Boston. The National Hockey League’s ninth all-time points scorer made his Bruins debut at right wing and scored the only goal in the team’s 1-0 win over the Devils. “I knew (that Marchand would provide a good pass),” said Jagr. “They always said, ‘You’ve got to drive to the net,’ and now I understand why they were saying that, and I never really drive to the net, now I know why. If I knew it when I was 20, I would have 100 more goals by now.” While the Bruins were pinned
back largely in the opening stages of the game, the Devils had a strong showing in the first period, outshooting the Bruins 18-5 and putting the home team on the ropes. However, the well-rested Tuukka Rask, who sat the last two games in favor of Anton Khudobin, was well up to the challenge, making several key saves, including one on a breakaway from winger David Clarkson that represented the away team’s best chance to get on the board. Despite valiant attempts from the away team, neither side was able to break the scoring ice, and the game went into the break 0-0. Clarkson, despite missing the giltedged chance, claimed that his failure to score was more down to good goalkeeping by Rask rather than his own poor finishing. “I mean you
can always beat yourself up for not scoring on the break, but he [Rask] was just on his game, and there’s not much you can do about that,” he said in regards to his miss. Rask was also Boston’s hero in the second, as he continued to keep the Bruins in the game, fighting off a power play and robbing center Patrick Elias in addition to his save against Clarkson. Meanwhile, the home team’s offense failed to get moving, as it gave the puck away consistently and failed to string passes together. In the second period, the Bruins would get the only goal that they would need to set them on their way to another valuable two points. Marchand fed the puck to Jagr, and as he drove towards the net, Marchand’s pass deflected off Jagr’s skate
and past goalie Martin Brodeur to send the home crowd into raptures. However, despite registering a goal on his Boston debut, Jagr wasn’t about to take the plaudits. “I mean I was playing with two younger guys with so much skill and energy, I just tried not to hold them up,” Jagr said. “I told them [Marchand and Seguin] ‘I’ve got to get better.’ I felt bad for them that they had to play with me, but I’ve got to get better. That’s for sure.” The third period continued to be a battle of the goaltenders, as neither team was able to find the twine. And while they didn’t concede any goals, a troubling pattern emerged for the Bruins, who gave away a whopping 40 shots to their opponents. In the end, however, it was inconsequential, as Rask stopped all the of shots
that he faced. Saturday’s game wasn’t quite as memorable for the Bruins, however, as they fell at their rival Montreal Canadiens 2-1 in a pivotal Northeast Division clash. In that game, the Habs went up 2-0 before left-wing Daniel Paille reduced the arrears with a goal midway through the second period. However, Montreal goalkeeper Carey Price made 26 saves and held firm the rest of the way to the 2-1 victory. With the victory, the Canadiens took a three-point advantage at the top of the Northeast Division, which could prove pivotal as the season winds to its close. The Bruins return to action in a road match against the Devils tomorrow night at 7:30 p.m. — Jonah Price
Page 16
TOURNAMENT PROVES A SUCCESS The inaugural Kickin’ Cancer soccer tournament raised money for the Brandeis chapter of Relay for Life, p. 15.
Tuesday, April 9, 2013
Waltham, Mass.
Team picks up key wins after starting weekend with loss ■ After falling to No. 24 Trinity
on Friday, the team beat No. 29 Bates and No. 28 Mary Washington to finish well. By JONAH PRICE JUSTICE STAFF WRITER
MAKING THE PLAY: Second baseman Tom McCarthy ’15 attempts to turn a double play during the Judges’ 11-4 win over Endicott.
Baseball team earns two hard-fought wins ■ It proved to be a time of
back-and-forth results for the Judges, who went 2-2 in their four games last week. By ELAN KANE JUSTICE STAFF WRITER
The baseball team endured mixed results last week, earning a 2-2 record over a four-game stretch. With their 10-6 victory last Sunday at Framingham State University, the Judges improved their record to 7-13 overall. Though the Judges’ offense seemed inconsistent at times throughout the week, designated hitter Dan Gad ’14 is confident in the team’s ability to perform. “We have got a great team this season, and I think our record does not reflect our talents,” Gad said. “I have great confidence in this team and I think we give it all we got every game.” The Judges won in an emphatic manner in their fourth game of the week against the Framingham State University Rams last Sunday, scoring 10 runs on 16 hits in support of pitcher Dylan Britton ’13, the winning pitcher. Second baseman Tom McCarthy ’15 collected four hits on the day, while center fielder Liam O’Connor ’16 also tallied three RBIs. Thursday saw Brandeis lose 8-5 at home in their third game against Rhode Island College. Though the Judges scored early in this game off a sacrifice fly hit by McCarthy in the first inning, the Judges’
four errors cost them crucial runs throughout the game. The home team added three runs of their own in the bottom half of the second inning, highlighted by catcher Chris Ferro’s ’13 single that brought two runners home. Brandeis could not gain the lead the rest of the game, though, and the Anchormen pulled away with five more runs the rest of the way to secure the victory. Brenner, who started the game and took the loss to fall to 0-4 on the year, gave up eight runs. Only three of them were earned runs. In the second game of the week on Wednesday, the Judges beat Endicott College at home 11-4, tying their highest run total since opening day. The Judges came out swinging in the first inning, with RBI singles from first baseman Kyle Brenner ’15 and Gad. The Judges broke the game open in the third inning, capitalizing on three Endicott errors to score five runs on four hits. Brandeis added on to their run total with four more runs in the fourth inning. Brenner, McCarthy, third baseman Dominic Schwartz ’14 and shortstop Brian Allen ’15 all had RBI hits in the inning. Gad, who went 2-5 on the day with two runs and two RBIs, explained that the Judges’ change in approach at the plate was the reason for their offensive explosion. “The approach of the lineup that game at the plate was a lot more aggressive than games prior,” Gad said. “I think individually, each batter realized that they did not have to wait for the perfect pitch, but rather a pitch that could produce base run-
ners. We were able to string hits together to produce base runners, and when we do that, it definitely put more pressure on the [Endicott] Gulls and allowed the batters to be able to swing more freely and in a more aggressive manner.” The run production all came in support of starting pitcher Mike Swerdloff ’13, who pitched seven– and-one-third innings with four strikeouts and four earned runs to improve to 1-3 on the year. On Tuesday, the Judges lost to Tufts University by a 5-3 margin. The Jumbos got on the board early in that game, taking the 1-0 lead off a first inning solo home run hit by sophomore third baseman Wade Hauser. Tufts added two more runs in the third inning. The Judges responded in the fourth inning when Brenner hit a two-run home run. “The [pitcher] was a lefty, so I was down 2-2 and was just seeing the ball well out of his hand and just wanted to put it in play.” Brenner said. Tufts added two more insurance runs in the fifth inning to increase their lead back to three. That was more than enough to beat the Judges, however, as Brandeis could only score one more run in the seventh inning, benefiting from a sacrifice fly by O’Connor. Starting pitcher Britton took the loss and fell to 2-2 on the year. Having fallen yetserday at the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth 7-0, the Judges look to improve their record this week, beginning with a home game against Worcester State University today at 3:30 p.m.
As schools from throughout the Northeast arrived for the Nor’Easter Bowl this weekend, the women’s tennis team had a prime opportunity to distance itself from the regional competition while playing at home. The Judges started with a tough loss against Trinity College to begin the weekend, but came back the next two days to finish fifth overall. The Judges took down No.28 Mary Washington College last Sunday to secure its top five finish. Mary Washington got off to an ideal start, as Carly Cooke ’15 fell to junior Lindsey Raulston 6-3, 6-1. Things continued to look troubling for the Judges when freshman Shelby Harris defeated Faith Broderick ’13 7-5, 6-4. “The defeat on Friday was definitely tough, but we kept a good team culture going into the rest of the weekend,” said Maya Vasser ’16. “We went into Saturday’s match knowing we were going to play Bates, a team we had already beaten in a close 5-4 match. After, we had a very positive attitude and a will to fight for every match. We knew we wanted to win so we fought till we did.” Allyson Bernstein ’14 got a crucial
6-3, 6-2 win against senior Cassie Bowman to initiate a vital comeback. After going down in the first set, Roberta Bergstein ’14 was able to initiate a crucial rally against sophomore Alex Ritter and gave the Judges a much-needed win by a score of 3-6, 6-4, 6-3. Simone Vandroff ’15 also made a critical comeback to give Brandeis its third win of the day, topping freshman Chrissy Gaul by a score of 4-6, 7-5, 6-4. Mary Washington gained some ground when Alexa Katz ’14 fell to Paige Weinberg by a 6-4, 7-6 margin. Cooke and Broderick gave the Judges a fourth win, just one away from 5th place in the tournament, by defeating Raulston and Harris 8-6. Vandroff and Bergstein sealed the deal for the Judges following an 8-3 defeat of Bowman and Ritter. Dylan Schlesinger ’15 and Vasser rounded out the match with an 8-5 victory. The Judges began their surge, though, the previous day against Bates College. Cooke secured a commanding 6-1, 6-0 win over sophomore Elena Mandzhukova. Broderick had an equally dominant win over senior Jacquelyn Holmes, prevailing by a 6-0, 6-2 margin. Bernstein continued the onslaught, defeating senior Ashley Brunk 6-2, 6-1. Bergstein gave the Judges their fourth win of the match, as she defeated junior Lucy Brennan 6-4, 6-2. Senior Nicole Russel scored Bates’ first win over Katz by a tight margin
See WTENNIS, 13 ☛
Softball squad wins six successive home games ■ Coach Jessica Johnson
picked up her 200th career win as the Judges rolled over the competition last week. By HENRY LOUGHLIN JUSTICE EDITOR
After enduring mixed results on the team’s annual University Athletic Association trip to Florida, the softball squad looked to its return to New England an as opportunity to turn the corner and win with consistency. So far, it has proven to be just the boost the Judges needed. In double-headers at home against Lasell College, Framingham State University and the University of Massachusetts at Boston, the Judges went undefeated, which improved their season record to 15-8. “I think there are three major keys to the past six wins,” said pitcher Casey Ducinski ’13. “First of all, we have been making great adjustments at the plate. Two, we are not pressing too much when we are down. If we fall behind either at the beginning or the end of the games, we continue to play our game, one pitch at a time, with a lot of hard work and hustle. Thirdly, I think there is just all around a huge team effort. Everyone is contributing and playing their part whether it be a small part or big part.” The Judges decimated the Lasers of
Lasell in emphatic fashion this Sunday on Marcus Field. Catcher Cori Coleman ’15 had four RBIs in the two games, including a three-run home run that she hit in the second game, which the Judges won 8-0. Pitcher Melissa Nolan ’14 picked up the win on the hill in that game for Brandeis, giving up two hits and striking out four in a five-inning complete game. Pitcher Nikki Cote ’15 was credited with the victory in the first game, which Brandeis handily earned by a 9-2 margin. The Judges’ encounters against Framingham State were tighter, though, than the games against Lasell. In the first game of the day, the Judges were deadlocked 2-2 in the seventh inning, as Ducinski allowed just two runs in six innings of work. However, after being relieved by Cote, the Judges went down 5-2 before RBIs from center fielder Amanda Genovese ’15 and second-baseman Danielle Novotny ’16 tied the game at 5-5. Shortstop Anya Kamber ’15 provided the last word for the Judges, hitting an RBI single to left-field to end the game and give the Judges the victory. The second game featured a fiveinning performance from Nolan, who struck out 12 batters in a resounding 11-3 victory. Against UMass Boston, the Judges got off to a flying start, scoring the
See SOFTBALL, 13 ☛
Your weekly guide to arts, movies, music and everything cultural at Brandeis and beyond
liquid LATEX
Volume LXV, Number 23
Tuesday, April 9, 2013
Waltham, Mass.
Paint unto its innermost parts P. 21
In this issue:
Semester Show
Prospect I Art Exhibit
Chum’s Concert: Indie bands draw large crowd over weekend P. 19
Jodi Picoult book review:
Post-Bac studio art on display P. 20
Popular author steps out of stereotypical style P.23
CollegeHumor YouTube stars come to Brandeis P. 19
This week’s PHOTO CONTEST:
P. 18
TUESDAY, april 9, 2013 | THE JUSTICE
What’s happening in Arts on and off campus this week
ater Center. Free admission—first-come, first-serve.
The class projects of Prof. Arthur Holmberg (THA) will be presenting their theater projects. The two performances are Crave and 4.48 Psychosis by Sarah Kane. Today from 2 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. in the Spingold Theater Center.
Some Nights: A Modern Dance Piece
Theater Text and Theory Performances
Senior Festival
Rebecca Miller ’13 Student writes unique original play for festival PHOTO COURTESY OF REBECCA MILLER
This week, JustArts spoke with Rebecca Miller ’13, who is a Theater Arts major, and talked about her production ‘Amaranthine,’ as part of the Theater Arts Senior Festival next week. JustArts: As part of the Theater Arts Senior Festival, you are putting on an original production entitled Amaranthine. Can you tell me more about this play? Rebecca Miller: Well first of all, Amaranthine is defined as: 1. Of, relating to, or resembling the amaranth. 2. Eternally beautiful and unfading; everlasting. 3. Deep purple-red. Amaranthine is a one-act play about love, loss, death and the control one may or may not have over his or her own destiny. It begs the question, “Is guiltless the same as innocent?” Amaranthine focuses on the lives and afterlives of Anne Boleyn, her brother George Boleyn and her first love, Henry Percy, the sixth Earl of Northumberland. JA: What inspired you to write Amaranthine? RM: I have long been enamored of Anne Boleyn and the mystery that surrounds her life. In an endeavor to combine my passions for both theater and history for my senior thesis, I first looked to dramatic literature. I was curious to research how Anne has been portrayed from Shakespeare’s Henry VIII to Howard Brenton’s Anne Boleyn which premiered in 2008... I came to the conclusion that I had something different to say about Anne and therefore, because I could not find the voice that I felt captured her, I decided to use my own. JA: How have your Theater studies at Brandeis led to your work in the senior festival? RM: Honestly, I’ve been thinking about my Senior Thesis since freshman year. An opportunity to present your specific vision as an artist is absolutely thrilling. As my knowledge of theater theory and practice grew, my aesthetic tastes have changed and I have made new discoveries. As a History minor, I have taken courses mostly focused on Britain in the later Middle Ages. This play feels like the final culmination of my passions and studies. As the actress playing Anne, as well as the playwright, I attempted to create a very dangerous, smart and compelling female lead, something that is often lacking in theater today. JA: Could you describe what the Theater Arts Senior Festival is and what it entails? RM: The Theater Arts Senior Festival is a week of performances showcasing undergraduate Senior Theater Arts majors’ work. From April 9 through 14 there will be two to three performances every evening in the Merrick Theater in the Spingold Theater Center. Seven shows (and one presentation) are sharing the same space and are working collaboratively to create a cohesive and high quality group of work. JA: What was the process that went in to writing Amaranthine and preparing it for the stage? RM: First, a ton of research. Then, I sifted through the primary sources I had found and decided to incorporate Anne Boleyn’s last words as well as a poem she may have written while a prisoner in the Tower of London. Then the writing began. It went through many drafts, 24 to be exact. ...In the fall, I spent my time on the research and writing. In late November, I had an informal reading in my kitchen. Then more rewrites. Over the winter break there were even more re-writes. We workshopped in January and early February. More rewrites. We began our rehearsals in earnest in mid-February and my cast has had to contend with an everchanging script. They are fantastic. Not only is the writing so important to the process, but working with actors on their feet to determine if certain moments work is vital. JA: Who else did you work with to make the production possible? RM: My thesis advisor, Prof. Janet Morrison (THA) and pseudo-advisor Prof. Alicia Hyland (THA) as well as Prof. Adrianne Krstansky (THA) and Prof. Jennifer Cleary (THA) who are advising and producing the festival. Thank you to our professional lighting designer, Emily McCourt, my director, Grace Fosler ’14, stage manager, Betty Ko ’13, as well as my fellow actors, Levi Squier ’14, Steven Kline ’14 and Charlie Madison ’15. And of course, thank you to the other Senior Thesis ladies who are working so hard to make it all happen! JA: What is your most memorable theater arts memory from your time at Brandeis? RM: Working with Scott Edmiston on the Brandeis Theater Company’s production of Sunday in the Park with George. It was magic. JA: Have you taken classes at Brandeis that involved writing plays, or how did you get started writing them? RM: No! I mean, I really wish I had, but no, I haven’t taken a playwriting class here at Brandeis. Playwriting used to be something I thought was beyond my capabilities. But once I made the decision to write my own interpretation of Anne Boleyn, I discovered how much I enjoy the process. JA: Do you hope to pursue work in theater after graduation? RM: Yes, I do. Although I am originally from New York, I plan to remain in the Boston area and pursue a career in the theater. —Jessie Miller
The Department of Theater Arts is sponsoring a festival that features the work of graduating Theater Arts students. They will present a culmination of their studies through a collection of performances that feature their work as actors, directors, stage managers, playwrights, designers and more. Today at 7 p.m. in the Merrick Theater in the Spingold Theater Center. Admission is free.
Turning the Museum Inside Out
Join Rose Art Museum director Chris Bedford for a webcast that will provide a look into the contemporary art museum world today. Sponsored by the Brandeis University Alumni Association. Today at 7 p.m. in the Rose Art Museum. Registration suggested via the Faculty Forum website.
Diversity: A Devised Piece on Community
Presented as part of the Theater Arts Senior Thesis Festival. Written and performed by Anne Chmiel ’15, Iyvon Edebiri ’13, Maya Grant ’13, Rozi Levi, Wei Ying Lim, Charlie Madison ’15, Rasheik Trammell ’13 and Bronte Velez ’16. Tonight at 7 p.m. and Sunday at 6:30 p.m. in Merrick Theater, Spingold Theater Center. Free admission—first-come, first-serve.
Always, Rachel
Presented as part of the Theater Arts Senior Thesis Festival. Production inspired by the life and work of environmentalist Rachel Carson. Directed by Eliza Roznerita and Jessie Field ’13. Tonight at 8:30 p.m. and Sunday at 4 p.m. in Merrick Theater, Spingold The-
Presented as part of the Theater Arts Senior Thesis Festival. Choreographed and directed by Taylor Lombard ’13. This modern dance piece choreographed to the new album Some Nights by fun. Tomorrow and Friday at 7 p.m. in Merrick Theater, Spingold Theater Center. Free admission—first-come, first-serve.
Lady in the Dark
A musical play by Kurt Weill, with lyrics by Ira Gershwin and book by Moss Hart. Tensions run high as this production explores the life of a big-time fashion editor with an anxiety disorder. Wednesday and Friday at 8:30 p.m. in Merrick Theater, Spingold Theater Center. Free admission—first-come, firstserve.
Presented as part of the Theater Arts Senior Thesis Festival. Written by Rebecca Miller ’13 and directed by Grace Fosler ’14. This original play follows the antics of the ghost of Anne Boleyn as she haunts the tower of London. Thursday at 7 p.m. and Saturday at noon and midnight in Merrick Theater, Spingold Theater Center. Free admission—first-come, first-serve.
The Wall: An Original Jukebox Musical
Presented as part of the Theater Arts Senior Thesis Festival. Original musical written and directed by Iyvon Edebiri ’13. Featuring songs from artists such as Maroon 5, Train and The Script. Thursday at 8:30 p.m. in Merrick Theater, Spingold Theater Center. Free admission—first-come, first-serve.
Presented as part of the Theater Arts Senior Thesis Festival. This production is based on Eurydice by Sarah Ruhl. Directed by Viktoria Lange ’13. Saturday at 2 p.m., Sunday at 8 p.m. in Merrick Theater. Free admission.
Pop Culture It’s shaping up to be a great season for Tiger Woods on and off the green. On March 18, both Woods and Lindsey Vonn, an Olympic gold-medal-winning skier, confirmed their relationship via their respective official Facebook pages. Woods posted a series of professional photos, writing, “Lindsey and I have been friends for some time, but over the last few months we have become very close and are now dating.” Vonn explained to fans, “I guess it wasn’t a well-kept secret but yes, I am dating Tiger Woods.” Let’s be real: this marks the first positive headline for the 37-year-old golfer in a while. Toward the tail end of 2009, Woods’ life seemed to unravel faster than he could hit a hole-in-one. It began with a gossipy story in the National Enquirer about an alleged affair with an NYC nightclub manager which, to be honest, seemed like just another run-of-the-mill fabricated story. Until things started getting fishy— and FAST. Two days later, Woods crashed his SUV into a fire hydrant and a tree at 2:30 in the morning while he was still on his own block. His questionable behavior skyrocketed when, days later, Us Weekly published a voicemail message reportedly left by the sports legend for a mistress. And then, in what seemed too unbelievable to be true, over a dozen women came forward in the next few days, admitting to having affairs with Woods. The public couldn’t believe it— Woods was a young, athletic guy married to a gorgeous former model with two utterly adorable children. But, in mid-December, the pro announced he’d be taking an indefinite break from professional golf and it seemed that the ridiculous rumors might have some truth behind them. Sure enough, as we all know, Woods was, uh, sleeping around to put it gently. He went to rehab for sex addiction; lost huge sponsorship deals with companies like AT&T, TAG Heuer and Gatorade; and his wife filed for divorce.
Concert: Mykki Blanco with Morri$
The Student Committee for the Rose Art Museum presents a springtime concert. Blanco is a rap performer with an aggressive and impressive flow, sharp fashion sense and confidence. Saturday at 3 p.m. on the Rose Art Museum Lawn. Rain location is Cholmondeley’s Coffee House. Admission is free.
Camp Bronstein 2013
Student Events presents its annual Spirit Week, this year with a classic camp theme. They will be holding a variety of events throughout the week, including a trip to Six Flags on Sunday. There will be plenty of free food and giveaways at events all week long. Events held Monday, April 8 through Sunday, April 14. Six Flags tickets are $25 at the Brandeis Ticket Office. Visit www. for events.
Mr. Brandeis Pageant
Presented by Relay for Life, Student Events and the Student-Athlete Advisory Committee, come watch 20 Brandeis men compete for the title of Mr. Brandeis while raising money for cancer awareness and research. Thursday, April 11 from 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. in the Gosman Athletic Center. Tickets are $5, at the Brandeis Ticket Office.
British music sensation Muse will make its only area performance in Boston to support their latest release, The 2nd Law, released on October 2. Friday, April 12, at 7:30 p.m. in the TD Garden. Tickets available online at www.
Art Exhibit: “New Blue and White”
This selection of works from international designers and artists is based on the simple theme “blue and white,” exploring it on a personal and public level. On view through July 14 in the Foster Gallery of the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston. Tickets $0-$25, free with student ID.
By Erica Cooperberg
Orlando Sentinel/MCT
WINNER: Tiger Woods takes a shot at the eighth hole during the Arnold Palmer Invitational. He gave a televised statement in early 2010 admitting to his indiscretions: “I thought I could get away with whatever I wanted to. I felt I was entitled.” At the end of his heartfelt speech, Woods asked fans to “find room in your heart to one day believe in me again,” but it seemed like his career would be a nearly impossible endeavor to rehabilitate. And now, with 28-year-old Vonn on his arm, it seems that Woods may be on the road to a successful comeback. Professionally, he’s currently ranked number one after winning the Arnold Palmer Invitational. And personally,
he’s been courting Vonn for months. The two are carefully calculating every step of their courtship, including the deliberate plan to announce their pairing: “It’s very simple,” Woods explained to reporters. “We’re very happy where we’re at, but also we wanted to limit the ‘stalkerazzi’ and all those sleazy websites that are out there following us.” So the duo released the information—and the pics!—on their own terms in hopes of stealing the thunder from gossip mags and television outlets. So, are you a Woods skeptic? Or will love between athletes conquer all?
ARTS COVER PHOTOS AND DESIGN: Oliva Pobiel, Josh Horowitz/the Justice. From left: Olivia Pobiel, Josh Horowitz and Abby Knecht/the Justice.
Indie bands explode across Chum’s stage By ELI KAMINSKY JUSTICE STAFF WRITER
Cholmondeley’s is usually a relatively mellow hangout spot where artsy music-lovers gather and crank up some tunes while sipping on vegan milkshakes. However, this past Friday night, the arrival of Ducktails, indie contingent Real Estate’s Matt Mondanile’s side project, turned the small venue into a bumping party house. Previously touring unaccompanied for his solo effort, Mondanile recently recruited keyboardist Dorian D’Angelo, Big Troubles’ guitarist Alex Craig, drummer Sam Franklin and bassist Luka Usmani for onstage support. While the band set up for the show and hung out with the concertgoers in a wonderfully friendly fashion, D’Angelo informed me that, “Most of these guys have been playing together for a while. They all played on his [most recent] record, [The Flower Lane].” D’Angelo was asked to join as a replacement for Ian Drennan, who performed on the album. “I spoke to Matt a few times on the phone beforehand and was like ‘Yeah, this is going to work out,” D’Angelo concluded. Watching and listening to the quintet blast into its opening number, The Flower Lane’s first track, “Ivy Covered House,” it was hard to tell that this was a recent Ducktails incarnation and not a group that had been rocking together for years. The band’s live renditions were both satisfactory representations of the album versions and pos-
ANNIE KIM/the Justice
SCHOOL OF ROCK: Matt Mondanile delivered stellar instrumentals and vocals at Chum’s alongside his newest band, Ducktails. sessed an added edge, supported by many extended jam intervals, as well as Franklin’s powerful percussion grooves and rhythms. Mondanile sang in almost a whisper, which created an interesting, contrasting dynamic between the louder, harder music and his vocal performance. Despite the evident
connection between the band members, Mondanile’s control of the group was clear within the dynamic. His ability to lead the group while still interacting fantastically with the other musicians shined during what was perhaps the strongest number, “Under Control,” the longest track on The Flower Lane by almost a
minute. Though the tune stands as a mellow, yet trippy jam on the album, this third song was the hardest rocking, loudest blasting moment of the entire night, highlighted by Craig’s raw guitar solo and Franklin’s slamming drum fills. The band remarked on how full Chum’s was by the end of the show; packed to the brim with a
large, bouncing audience. After the concert, the party continued inside the venue, as the Chum’s staff sustained the flow of dance tunes. I was able to speak to opening act, Monopoly Child Star Searchers, a.k.a Spencer Clark, for nearly an hour. He and Ducktails hung out with many audience members outside of Chum’s and continued to chat, relax and have fun for several hours with some friends. As one might expect, one friend confessed to me his anti-corporate beliefs about society and government, which several members of Ducktails seemed to share, though much less strongly and passionately. Perhaps this type of interpretation was one that I am not necessarily accustomed to, hailing from the Upper West Side of New York City and attending a private collegiate institution. However, it was this attitude that dominated the 1960s and 1970s, an era during which rock ’n’ roll music, in my opinion, thrived most prominently and magnificently. Thus, I welcomed his words. That being said, the concert wasn’t just about the music for me, but about the overall vibe and community that was attracted to Chum’s and the specific musicians who were playing there. The bands actively embraced the student population that swarmed their van after the show and had no issue talking politics, music, art and life for hours on end. That is cool— that’s rock ’n’ roll. It’s not just about the music; it’s about much more. It’s about the lifestyle, which Ducktails certainly seemed to live up to.
CollegeHumor brings laughter to a full house OLIVIA POBIEL/the Justice
TALK SHOW: From left, Jake Hurwitz, Amir Blumenfeld and Streeter Seidell stole the stage.
On the Thursday night before April break, a long line wrapped around Levin Ballroom as students eagerly awaited the sold-out CollegeHumor Live show, sponsored by WBRS, Student Union, Student Events and BTV. It provided students with a necessary comedic break from the rigorous academic stress that tends to cumulate right before breaks. The show opened with Jake Hurwitz and Amir Blumenfeld jokingly going back and forth with punch lines that never failed to get Brandeis students to laugh. Amir then went into a slew of jokes about Passover, which, while funny to the Jews in the audience, were probably more on the confusing side to
the non-Jewish Brandeis population, especially with references to the afikoman and Elijah’s cup. After Jake and Amir came Streeter Seidell, who, like Jake and Amir, kept the audience doubling over with laughter as he jokingly reminisced about his college experience. Although he went to a school that is more of a “party school” than Brandeis, he was still able to tell stories that related to life on Brandeis’ campus. Seidell talked about his experience with the freshman 15, and how he put on another 15 pounds for each year he was at school. He continued to discuss how this was cool in the college world but once you get into the real world, being overweight from overeating in college is not as acceptable—it just shows that you’re lazy.
Perhaps most relevant and relatable to the Brandeis student body was when Seidell began talking about his digestive problems with the on-campus food. He made a lot of statements about his campus dining that, while hilarious, paralleled how students at Brandeis feel about their on-campus dining situation. Some of Seidell’s anecdotes about the way his body felt and reacted after eating on campus reflect many stories the students here at Brandeis tell about their experiences in Sherman Dining Hall. The audience went wild when a student shouted something out loud about Aramark, getting the biggest response of the night. Although many of Seidell’s stories about crazy times with drugs, alcohol and the many big parties that were happening every week-
end in college did not relate as much to the Brandeis students directly, it was still fun to hear his stories. He spoke in a way that made everything he said seem hilarious, and the reaction from the audience proved that he was a huge hit on the Brandeis campus. The show returned to Jake and Amir, who continued getting the audience to laugh with their ridiculous conversations. They then entered the last segment of the show called “shameful trivia” where they projected slides quizzing audience members on trivia that targeted one gender to answer questions that would be expected to be known more exclusively by the opposite gender. But, being Brandeis, our diverse student body showed that gender bias in trivia questions was not so applicable here. One male
student easily identified characters in Twilight, and a female student quoted Lord of the Rings perfectly. Another female student was asked to identify video game characters, and the audience cried out when she named the wrong Pokémon. The show wrapped up with a karaoke rendition of Katy Perry with two students who, according to Jake and Amir, represented the student body here at Brandeis—an Asian girl and a Jewish boy with a yarmulke on his head. It got the audience laughing and clapping along with the song. It was fun to listen as Jake and Amir ridiculously conversed back and forth and Streeter Seidell reflected back on his own experiences from college. It was a great way to get away from academic stress and a great transition into April break.
TUESDAY, april 9, 2013 | THE JUSTICE
KAOS Kids delivers at first semester show By ALIZA GANS justice Staff writer
I always thought I went to a bageland-lox type of school largely inhabited by a quirky mix of awkward dorks. So far, I have defined dancing in college as a less-sober version of my bar mitzvah year, choking on a cloud of body heat and alcohol sweat. Brandeis’ hip-hop dance group, Kaos Kids, hosted its first-ever semester show on Thursday night in the Shapiro Campus Center Atrium and flipped my stereotyped idea of Brandeis dancing. In fact, it was a very well-executed flip followed by some break dancing and booty-pops. D’Andre Young ’15, the convivial emcee of the event, introduced the four-year-old dance group to a sea of students. Its members have a variety of body types and ethnic backgrounds, and I could tell each performer had a different level of experience in hip-hop dance. However, all were able to seamlessly transition between complex formations, and I was stunned when all the female performers slinked into full splits. In this sense, I think “KAOS Kids” is a misnomer: The members’ overall performance was not “Kaotic;” it was a polished, greased, ferocious machine. The first choreographed piece, “Kaos in Southeast Asia,” was a powerful start to the show. The sharp moves of the dancers mixed with eclectic splicing of various hip-hop songs energized the audience. The group also performed “Kaotic Fairy Tale”
and “Kaos in Suffolk,” named after its debut performance at Suffolk University. Kaos Kids have also performed at other colleges in the Boston area, as well as Brown University. As a Kanye West fan, I particularly enjoyed the finale piece, “Kaos in Paris.” The dance featured a compilation of a variety of contemporary hip-hop songs including West’s “N****s in Paris.” The dance set was interwoven with performances by two other musical groups. Guitarist and vocalist Ayan Sanyal ’14 and saxophonist Bryan Le ’14 played a funky duet including one improvisational jazz jam and an original composition written and performed by Sanyal called “Summer’s Day.” Sanyal’s percussive strumming combined with Le’s complex jazz riffs made me want to get up and dance. The live musical performance also featured the Brandeis R&B and soul a cappella group, Voices of Soul. The group sang “Hit ‘Em Up Style (Oops!)” by Blu Cantrell and “F*ck You,” by Cee-Lo Green. I had never heard Voices of Soul perform before and I enjoyed their fresh, groovy repertoire. However, the one microphone used to amplify the entire group of Voices of Soul and Sanyal and Le’s act did not lend an easy listening experience. I strained to make out what the emcee was saying and what the musicians were singing due to the poor sound amplification and the echoing acoustics of the SCC Atrium. The public venue of the SCC attracted many passersby, but the quality of the performance would have been greatly
ABBY KNECHT/the Justice
BREAK A LEG: Talia Hirsch ’15 slides into an impressive split during the performance. enhanced if the event were hosted in an auditorium or theater with a stage with an in-house audio system. Overall, the show would have been much more powerful with some simple lighting effects. Despite these minor technical distractions, the KAOS Kids’ performance débuted talent I did not know existed at Brandeis. The group shined
particularly during the solo performances of class of 2013 KAOS Kids members. Zoe Shiovitz ’13, David Robles ’13, Shaquan Perkins ’13 and Samantha Cortez ’13 choreographed brief individual pieces to “strut their stuff” before graduating this spring. Shiovitz performed a modern piece to a slow song by Antony & The Johnsons, which was a refreshing alterna-
tive to the high-powered style that KAOS is known for. Robles danced like a liquid robot with lots of fluid body rolls and waves punctuated by sharp, fine-tuned gestures. Perkins appeared to be having the most fun; the crowd was responsive to his full splits and wild, uninhibited dancing style. I was particularly impressed by Cortez’s edgy choreography and intensity on the floor. The baseball cap she wore that shadowed her eyes and the strength behind her polished movements gave her a fierce appearance, which resonated with her KAOS nickname: The Beast. The enthusiasm the audience showed for these senior performers expressed how much momentum KAOS Kids has gained over its short group tenure of four years. Undoubtedly, one reason why this group is so well rehearsed is its commitment to practicing. KAOS Kids’ Artistic Director Mark Borreliz ’14 explained, “We practice every Monday and Thursday night, 9:30 to 11:30 in the Gosman Dance Studio.” I am now very tempted to drop in on one of their rehearsals and see if I can pick up any dance tips. In fact, everyone could benefit from a little KAOS in their lives. If only they gave workshops, more Brandeis students would be armed with creative alternatives to rubbing up against one another at dance parties. I am slightly disappointed that KAOS Kids’ first semester show happened so late into the semester; however, I anticipate what KAOS will bring to Brandeis audiences for the rest of this year and in upcoming years.
Three bands rock stage at Chum’s By Emily Wishingrad justice Editorial assistant
Cholmondeley’s is the place to be on a Saturday night—if you like insanely loud rock music and hipsters, that is. Last Saturday night at Chum’s, That Racket, The Graveyard Kids and Team Spirit drew a modest-sized, head-bobbing crowd in an atmosphere that That Racket’s drummer, Matthew Giolito, described as “friendly and chill.” For those of you who haven’t been to Chum’s, it’s a quirky place. There are paper cutout snowflakes dangling from the ceiling and writing and drawings all over the light blue walls—including a sketch of Kim Jong-il as an eel. A disco ball hangs from the ceiling and on the door there is a depiction of an astronaut-mermaid hybrid made out of tape. It was a fitting atmosphere for the equally quirky bands and audience to rock out together. The show did start more than half an hour late, which was slightly annoying—but then again I don’t attend a lot of rock concerts, so maybe that is typical. There was very loud music playing during the 30 minutes before the bands started playing to get the crowd excited. That Racket, a four-piece band headed by Brandeis student Rafael Rodriguez ’16, who goes by Daniel Short onstage, was the first to perform. The drummer, Matthew Giolito, a sophomore in high school, introduced the band, and then himself, as “The Crimson Bolt.” His hot pink gloves were quite a crowd pleaser. The drums were a bit heavy during the performance and probably shouldn’t have been on microphone because they drowned out both the other instruments and the vocals. With interesting song titles like “Mandarin Oranges,” “258” and “Zero,” it was a shame that I couldn’t hear the vocals. Rodriguez brought a very enthusiastic stage presence. His dance style was at times very explicit and showy, a style that the crowd loved. Throughout the show he would jump down from the stage and to dance with the crowd—at one point he even rolled onto his back and continued singing from
the floor. Rodriguez’s stage performance does not reflect his attitude in real life, however. When I asked him what he thought of the two other performances that night, he humbly stated that he hoped that his band “kept up with [the other bands’] stellar performances.” For a group of high school and college students, the music was good and the band is clearly talented. Aside from its raw music, the band definitely has a confident presence on stage, which for me, at least, is the most important thing a rock band can have. The Graveyard Kids came on next. The lead singer, in a flashy outfit, gave off a David Bowie vibe. The band’s sound was a bit more polished than That Racket’s. The band boasted some really impressive guitar solos and were a bit more audible than That Racket due to proper miking—although their vocals were still overpowered by all the instrumentals. Midway through the set, the guitar player and the bass player switched instruments, demonstrating their musical flexibility and skill. In a gesture of gratitude for the opportunity to play, The Graveyard Kids dedicated their last song to Brandeis. By the end of their set, the crowd had formed a mini mosh pit and people seemed to be having a good time. The third band, Team Spirit, decked out with leather and impressive facial hair, looked like an old-school rock band. All the musicians were into their music with an intensity that was less distracting than the other bands. Unlike the other two bands, the instrumentalists quieted during vocals so that the lyrics were actually audible. This band was clearly the most experienced of all. Their ensemble even included Ayad al Adhamy, a former member of Passion Pit. Their first album, Team Spirit—EP is coming out today on iTunes. Rodriguez said it was the most fun he had ever had at Chums. It turns out that the talent of the bands didn’t matter that much. In the end everybody was having a good time, casually rocking out with friends.
TAKE A LOOK: Students and art enthusiasts alike enjoy the “Prospect I” exhibit. OLIVIA POBIEL/the Justice
Post-bac exhibit impresses viewers By RACHEL HUGHES justice editor
As the academic year nears its end, Brandeis’ Fine Arts department is working hard to provide opportunities to showcase the work of every student, from first-years to graduate students. To share the works of the post-baccalaureate Studio Art students, the first of two exhibits, titled “Prospect I,” opened on Wednesday. The exhibition is currently on view in Dreitzer Gallery in the Spingold Theater Center and will remain open for public viewing through April 14. The architecture of Dreitzer Gallery lends itself well to the spatial and aesthetic organization of the exhibit. Protruding sections of wall attached to the far, curved side of the gallery are used as separators within the exhibit, dividing one student’s work from another’s. The students whose works are not displayed in these nooks hold spaces along the wall of the gallery nearest the entrance, letting one collection of works flow into the next. Students’ names are displayed in trendy black Helvetica decals high up on the wall above their works, and each work is identified by a small, black number decal. Exhibit guides lay in stacks on podiums near the entrance of the gallery so that viewers may guide themselves through the exhibit. The works themselves illustrate a wide range of use of color, medium,
mood and message. Most of the paintings are quite large, some longer and wider than I am tall, filling up sizeable portions of the wall; but a few of the paintings are much smaller, taking up less than a square foot of wall space each. The exhibit boasts the work of eight post-baccalaureate students. Viewers can look forward to the works of Rachel Sevanich, Sam Riebe, Erin Bisceglia, Maya Anderson, Adina Geller, Sasha Parfenova, Rob Fitzgerald and Mark Farrell. Some of my favorite works within the exhibit were paintings, a medium which most of the works in the gallery employed. Five paintings created by Sevanich, staged in the nook nearest to the entrance, provided a strong introduction to the exhibit. Sevanich’s paintings were all works of oil paint on canvas that layered paint so that parts of each painting were raised and three-dimensional. Sevanich’s works used strong colors, many of which were bold primary shades, deepening into darker hues, forming abstract shapes. For example, the bold “Corn Husk Dance,” one of the largest paintings in her collection, shows a swirling shape of rich mustard yellows, blues and greens formed upon the canvas. Not all of the works in the exhibit are paintings, however—media ranged from paint to sculpture to alternative pen and ink works. Anderson created several quite unique works using pitch-black pen and
ink on waiflike, white Mylar, a thin, semi-transparent paper material. Her works are composed of layers of inked Mylar, so that some of the buried ink shows through the top layer of Mylar to add depth to works. Unlike the paintings in the exhibit, Anderson’s Mylar creations use much negative space, contrasting with the highly detailed, dark depictions of people-shape-object hybrids that are the subjects of her works. Working through a much different medium, Fitzgerald’s two sculpture pieces provide a helpful contrast to the numerous works hung flat on the gallery’s walls. One sculpture is positioned on the ground in the middle of one of the nooks, breaking up the viewer’s expectations of the exhibit. The sculpture, which is untitled, incorporates the metal grate of a grocery store shopping cart mounted on a white base, splattered with pink and red paint that drips over the edges of the mound to the floor, like a puddle. While each collection of works in the “Prospect” exhibit tells a different story and masters a completely different medium and mood from the collections next to it, the exhibit as a whole flows beautifully and captures what it means to be an artist at Brandeis: to be different. Students and enthusiasts of art alike would be well advised to make sure to see “Prospect I” before it is dismantled.
Students bare all in painted dance pieces
Liquid Latex paints a vivid picture of self-acceptance By EMILY WISHINGRAD JUSTICE EDITORIAL ASSISTANT
Possibly the most anticipated arts event of the year, Liquid Latex performed its annual show on Tuesday, March 19 in Levin Ballroom. Approximately 450 students put midterm studying on hold to attend this unique and extremely entertaining performance. This year’s performance was titled “Paint Even Unto Its Innermost Parts,” a creative play on the school motto that accurately portrays the theme of the show. The audience did see the “innermost parts” of the models. Every year, members of Liquid Latex perform choreographed dances onstage wearing scarcely anything but the latex paint covering their bodies. Models of all different shapes and sizes looked fantastic in their paint. The first dance, “Going Greek,” was choreographed by David Robles ’13. It featured models painted with bright iconic symbols of different ancient Greek gods and goddesses. Painted as Poseidon, Zeus, Artemis and other Greek deities, the models danced to different pop songs including the infamous “Thrift Shop” and “Pretty Girl Rock” while they walked upstage to pose one at a time.
At one point, the gods and goddesses paired up and danced together in an erotic take on Greek deity romance. I thought this performance was very clever. Not only was the idea creative, it also allowed for spectacular, bold and eye-catching body paint. A personal favorite, “Sweet Dreams,” choreographed by Brittany Ritell ’15, featured models painted like different types of candy. The Dots and M&M’s “costumes,” for lack of a better word, were scarily realistic. The dance was magical and dreamy, but also fun and playful. The audience went wild when the dancers blew bubbles and threw candy into the crowd. “It’s Britney Bitch,” choreographed by Samantha Daniels-Kolin ’15 and Rose Levenson ’15, paid homage to Britney Spears’ prolific career. Six Britney Spears personas danced onstage in typical Britney costumes. Their attitudes were perfect—sassy, sexy and confident. I have to admit that I had a rush of nostalgia and a flash back to elementary school when “Hit Me Baby One More Time” started playing. I’m sure the rest of the audience had a similar reaction as they cheered on the six Britneys. In a particularly sassy part of the dance, the models walked across the stage in a huddle, spun to face the audience,
then continued walking and dancing, all while their expressions exuded attitude. Another nostalgic performance, “Runway: A Night on Broadway,” choreographed by Kimberly Lombard ’13, was a big hit. Models were painted with the symbols of the classic and most beloved Broadway shows. The shows included The Lion King, The Little Mermaid, Wicked, Mary Poppins and Fiddler on the Roof. The models danced out onto center stage one at a time to popular songs from the show they were representing. A particular favorite with the crowd was when Wouter van der Eng ’13 danced daintily to “Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious” from Mary Poppins. A feel-good performance, this dance had the whole audience sitting up in its seats and tapping their feet to the familiar tunes. “Les Animaux Des Etoles,” choreographed by Sara Lodgen ’14, was the most unique dance and yet the most difficult to understand. The French title didn’t help my comprehension much, but after the performance I looked it up. The title translates to “The Animals of Stars.” The description of the dance read, “Noah’s Ark in outer space. What happens when you read between the lines?” I guess I am not very good at reading between
the lines because I was confused during the whole dance. The models were painted as crosses between two, three or more earthly animals and they looked extremely bizarre. It was a psychedelic piece that told a story somewhat related to space animal procreation, although I couldn’t tell for sure. At the end of the dance, the models threw stuffed animals out to the crowd, representing the offspring of the space animals. The incomprehensibility of the dance, aided by the French title and the extremely short description made it wonderfully mysterious and the audience seemed to thoroughly enjoy it. Later I was told that the crew team, which does an eccentric and comical dance every year, performed this piece. The show definitely exceeded all of my expectations and then some. Liquid Latex is a one-of-a-kind event that is only possible at a school like Brandeis where the student body is so open to new forms of art; students are willing to stand in an extremely long line in the cold in the middle of midterm week in order to show their appreciation for Liquid Latex’s vision. Editor’s Note: Justice Arts Editor Jessie Miller is the assistant coordinator of Liquid Latex.
AND WE DANCED: The entire cast of the Liquid Latex show rocks out to Macklemore during the show’s finale as they celebrate the last few moments in their body paint. BRI MUSSMAN/the Justice
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CALL ME, BEEP ME: Erica, played by Robinne Lee, and Kyle, played by Sam Jaeger, start a happenstance phone romance as Erica turns to her phone hotline job for real life fulfillment in the new movie “Miss Dial.”
Movie proves thoughtful, yet uneventful By JESSIE MILLER JUSTICE EDITOR
We’ve all been there—someone answers the phone, we hesitate for a second and then realize we dialed the wrong number. We have a few awkward exchanges but just hang up and dial more carefully the next time. But what if that wrong number could lead to something more? In the movie Miss Dial, written and directed by David H. Steinberg, consumer affairs representative Erica (Robinne Lee) turns a wrong number into an entire day of phone conversations with complete strangers. The movie features her conversations with over 30 people, one of whom she eventually develops a romantic relationship with. The sheer irony of the movie is the fact that it is Erica’s job to talk on the phone; she spends her days working
from home answering calls from consumers about various products (that number a box always has for “Questions, Comments, Concerns”). The items ranged from canned soup to car wax, and each call was comical, like the woman who once used a paper shredder to shred potatoes. In comparison, the conversations that Erica had with the strangers she called were compassionate and friendly—she asked them about their lives, problems and dreams. The diversity of callers was really interesting and offered a look into the different lives of individuals, showing that everyone truly matters. The last call Erica makes, after promising herself that she will get back to work, is with Kyle (Sam Jaeger). They have instant chemistry and their relationship slowly develops over hours talking on the phone. As Erica, Lee is very relatable
and realistic; it was easy to become invested in her story and I thought she did a good job (though it wasn’t a particularly challenging role).
You shouldn’t let anything, including a job or bad relationship, hold you back from living your life.
Jaeger, whom I love in his regular role on the T.V. show Parenthood, was charming as her love interest, though it was hard for any of the actors to truly amaze me simply through phone calls. Erica and her
best friend Sam (Sara Rue) had several conversations as well, mostly talking about boy drama, of course. Rue is one of my favorite underrated actresses, so it was great to see her get some screen time. But the truth of the matter is that the movie simply lacks any real substance or plot development. Miss Dial is an interesting concept and it’s nice to think that people in real life could be that open. Truthfully, I cannot imagine that calling up a random person would end in a happily-ever-after situation. For much of the movie, I was laughing at the ridiculousness of the plot, but there was a lot of comic relief through the interesting characters Erica encountered—including actress Gabrielle Union as an incredibly longwinded caller complaining about dog snacks. Most noticeably, there is barely
any physical movement in the movie because Erica stays in her living room the entire time, so the movie flashes between her house and whoever is on the other line of the phone. I kept waiting for something to happen, but nothing did until the very end when Erica and Kyle are united. Beyond the actual plot events, Miss Dial represents a greater theme—that you shouldn’t let anything, including a job or bad relationship, hold you back from living your life. Erica is clearly wasting away at her job as a consumer affairs representative, so to me it seems like her calling all those random people is her way of letting go of her job— for once, she is the one calling for answers instead of people wanting answers from her. In the end, I was proud of the decisions she made and it reminded me that it is never too late to make a change.
Sensationalist novelist dives into sensitive story By ALLY ELLER
A good book can make you laugh and make you cry. It can make you feel like all hope is lost one minute and then restore hope that things will turn out OK for a character you’ve become so attached to. It can make you so angry you want nothing more than to throw the book across the room, only to keep reading to see what happens. Books like this are the ones worth reading, the books you finish in two days because you get immersed in the story and can’t pull yourself away. These books are gems, and when you find one, you can’t let it go. Jodi Picoult’s newest novel, The Storyteller, is one of those gems. The novel, Picoult’s 20th, is about Sage Singer, a lonely baker who befriends Josef Weber, an old man who is loved by the community. One day, he confesses his darkest secret to Sage—that he was a Nazi SS guard—and asks her to kill him, as he feels he deserves to die. Sage’s grandmother is a Holocaust survivor and, as she considers Josef’s request, a question arises—if she agrees, is it out of revenge or is it justice? Sage and Josef are both scarred characters—Sage physically, due to an accident, and Josef by his past—and Josef wants to unburden himself. Josef asks Sage specifically because she is Jewish, though she is an atheist and has never actually considered herself to be Jewish, and he wants forgiveness from a Jew. He picked Sage because there are not many Jews in their New Hampshire home town. The novel has four narrators— Sage, Josef, Sage’s grandmother, Minka, and Leo, who works at
the Justice Department’s office of Human Rights and Special Prosecutions. The rotation of narrators serves two purposes: to tell the story from multiple angles and to include the stories of both Josef and Minka, which are crucial to the development of the plot line. The Storyteller is also divided into three parts—the first is primarily plot and character development but also gives us Josef’s story. Part two is devoted solely to Minka’s story and part three wraps up the action with what has become Picoult’s signature—a shocking ending that leaves the reader speechless and breathless. The story of Sage and Josef’s present-day relationship alternates with Minka’s backstory and Josef’s account of Nazism and inhumanity. Also woven into the book is a story Minka wrote in her youth, featuring an “upior,” a vampire figure of Polish legend, which echoes the other storylines. Picoult’s characters each have a unique voice, and the characters in The Storyteller are no exception. Rather than creating a Holocaust survivor out of thin air, Picoult met with several survivors and combined the most poignant parts of their stories in developing Minka. She interviewed “Nazi hunters” to create Leo and read accounts from the Nuremburg trials and Department of Justice transcripts of Nazis who were captured to develop Josef. Picoult’s characters come to life because she immerses herself in the subject she’s writing about and puts in the effort to make her characters as realistic as possible. However, Picoult’s books are not without flaws. Picoult’s writing sometimes feels like a formula— some sort of ethical drama that will somehow generate romance
between two characters and a final unexpected twist that leaves you rethinking what you read and how you read it. This novel tones down the romance in order to make room for more of each character’s stories, and for the story Minka wrote during the Holocaust. Minka’s story is the most compelling portion of the book, providing a fact-turnedfiction account of a young woman’s survival during the Holocaust. Her story starts with her life while she was still living in her home, going to school, and spending time with her best friend. Then one day all of the Jews in her town are taken to a ghetto. Minka details life in the ghetto, down to the sounds, the smells and the cramped living spaces. We hear about Minka’s family, and about their separation once they were taken to concentration camps. And, most importantly, we hear about how Minka managed to survive against all odds. Minka reminded me of Holocaust survivors I’ve had the opportunity to meet, and I thought she was a good representation of a dwindling population of people. The Storyteller is a multilayered novel about the ethics of forgiving the unforgivable and the power of storytelling. There were times I wanted to throw the book across the room and never look at it again, because I felt betrayed by the characters and Picoult. Parts of the book made me cry harder than I’ve ever cried over fictional characters. And, though they were few and far between, there were parts that brought a huge smile to my face, and were refreshing after the tragic, dark parts of the novel. Though the plot feels formulaic at times, the unique voice of each character makes up for that and makes the story a must-read.
WORDS OF WISDOM: Picoult’s novel is a must-read as beach season approaches.
Brandeis TALKS
TOPof the
Quote of the week
Top 10s for the week ending April 8
“In some sense I think it’s important that there be some equity so that students who really are taking advantage of more services should pay some more to fund those services. At the same time on a personal level, it’s nice to see students taking advantage of things because that’s why you’re here … I can see both good and bad here.” —Registrar Mark Hewitt on course overload fees (News, p. 3)
1. Evil Dead 2. G.I. Joe: Retaliation 3. The Croods 4. Jurassic Park 3D 5. Olympus Has Fallen 6. Tyler Perry’s Temptation 7. Oz The Great and Powerful 8. The Host 9. The Call 10. Admission
What did you do over spring break?
BORN TO BE WILD: Arts Editor Jessie Miller ’15 took this photograph of eye-popping wildflowers while on vacation in Steamboat Springs, Colorado last spring in the botanical gardens.
Zoe Li ’13 “I studied for the MCAT and slept.”
NEXT ISSUE’S PHOTO CONTEST THEME: BRONSTEIN WEEK Submit your creative photo to to be featured in the Justice!
Rita Tobias ’14 “I ate matzah.”
Carly Chernomorets ’16 “I slayed zombies, scaled walls and didn’t wear shoes.”
Sam Chussid ’14 “I went to the Bronx Zoo and came back to Boston.”
ACROSS 1 It’s taken in court 6 City founded by King Harald III 10 Silences, gangstyle 14 Skateboarder’s leap 15 Pringle, e.g. 16 Brother of Fidel 17 *Squeaker 19 Fanboy’s mag 20 __ of Reason 21 Exhort 22 Make a fake of 23 *Fall in with the wrong crowd, say 27 Nurse 28 KOA parkers 29 Hopeful opening 31 Up on, with “of” 34 Trim 36 Word with median or minimum 39 *Kobe, notably 42 Related 43 Redding who sang “These Arms of Mine” 44 Agenda bullets 45 Old saw 47 “Mad Men” channel 48 Tach meas. 50 *“Voilà!” 56 Daughter of King Triton 58 Composed 59 Yokohama yes 60 Kooky 61 “Cantique de Noël,” in the States 64 Cause of a sniff 65 Three-piece piece 66 Big name in paper 67 Like many collectibles 68 War god 69 A/V component DOWN 1 __ point 2 “Ooh, send me!” 3 Northern sheets 4 McCourt memoir 5 Texter’s giggle 6 Yellowish shade 7 Chases flies 8 Energetic types 9 Unlock’d 10 Small pasta used in soups 11 Equal chance 12 Mold, mildew, etc. 13 “No __ Till Brooklyn”: Beastie Boys song 18 Enjoys the beach 22 “I feel I should tell you,” briefly 24 Trip to the dry cleaners, e.g. 25 Pizza place 26 Commands reverence from 30 Certain sample 31 Arroz __ Cubana: Spanish dish
Fiction 1. Six Years — Harlan Coben 2. The Storyteller — Jodi Picoult 3. Gone Girl — Gillian Flynn 4. Alex Cross, Run — James Patterson 5. A Week In Winter — Maeve Binchy Nonfiction 1. Lean In — Sheryl Sandberg 2. Salt Sugar Fat — Michael Moss 3. Killing Kennedy — Bill O’Reilly and Martin Dugard 4. Sum It Up — Pat Summitt with Sally Jenkins 5. Unbroken — Laura Hillenbrand
1. Bruno Mars — “When I Was Your Man” 2. P!nk — “Just Give Me a Reason (feat. Nate Ruess)” 3. Macklemore and Ryan Lewis — “Can’t Hold Us (feat. Ray Dalton)” 4. Florida Georgia Line — “Cruise (Remix) [feat. Nelly]” 5. Justin Timberlake — “Suit & Tie (feat. JAY Z)”
32 Restaurant pan 33 Area conquered by Alexander the Great 34 Sch. whistle blower 35 1996 Olympic torch lighter 37 Ruby or topaz 38 Hesitant utterances 40 Energetic 41 Wedge in a mojito 46 100% 47 With great skill 48 Tool used to give the starts of the starred answers a 17-Across? 49 Big name in small bags 51 Western loop 52 Nimrods 53 “That sounds bad!” 54 “Chicago Hope” Emmy winner 55 “Me, too” 57 Rochester’s love 61 Eggs in a lab 62 Cloak-and-dagger org. 63 Post-ER area
1. Justin Timberlake — The 20/20 Experience 2. Lil Wayne — I Am Not A Human Being II 3. Blake Shelton — Based On A True Story ... 4. OneRepublic — Native 5. Alan Jackson — Precious Memories: Volume II 6. Depeche Mode — Delta Machine 7. P!nk — The Truth About Love 8. Imagine Dragons — Night Visions 9. Bruno Mars — Unorthodox Jukebox 10. The Strokes — Comedown Machine Top of the Charts information provided by Fandango, the New York Times, and
Solution to last issue’s crossword Crossword Copyright 2012 MCT Campus, Inc.
SUDOKU INSTRUCTIONS: Place a number in the empty boxes in such a way that each row across, each column down and each small 9-box square contains all of the numbers from one to nine.
I’ve been a few different places, but I have some destinations that I’d like to hit up. Some are real, some are not and the status of some is unknown, but they all sound intriguing to me. Here they are. THE LIST
Jun Kim ’14 “I saw Sam’s picture of the Bronx Zoo, but he didn’t invite me so I didn’t like the photo.” Solution to last issue’s sudoku
—Compiled by Olivia Pobiel and Rachel Burkhoff/the Justice
Sudoku Copyright 2012 MCT Campus, Inc.
1. 31 Spooner Street, Quahog, R.I. 2. Camp Nou Stadium, Barcelona, Spain 3. Portland, Ore. 4. Raleigh, N.C. 5. Outer Banks, N.C. 6. Marietta, Ga. 7. The Isles of Scilly, United Kingdom 8. Glasgow, Scotland 9. The Bottom of the Mediterranean Sea 10. Nashville, TN.