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Property Owners Mailing Address Information

DAVIS STIRLING CIVIL CODE § 4041 Property Owners Mailing Address Information

By Heather Blumenthal, Operations Manager

provided on Form 4041 to update the membership tahoekeyspoa.org if you have a change of Property

AS OF JANUARY 1ST, 2017, every California community association has been required to ask its members to provide their contact information and property status. Civil Code § 4041 has required, starting January 1st, 2017, that each association must solicit the following information from its members and an owner of a separate interest shall, on an annual basis, provide written notice to the association of all of the following:





The address or addresses to which notices from the association are to be delivered. An alternate or secondary address to which notices from the association are to be delivered. The name and address of the owner’s legal representative, if any, including any person with power of attorney or other person who can be contacted in the event of the owner’s extended absence from the separate interest. Whether the separate interest is owner-occupied, is rented out, if the parcel is developed but vacant, or if the parcel is undeveloped land.

Although the statute does not mention how often an association must solicit this information, it does state that each member is responsible for providing this information to the association on an annual basis. The association shall solicit these annual notices of each owner and, at least 30 days prior to making its own required “Annual Disclosure”. TKPOA has previously provided this information request for 2020 to its members via the quarterly assessment mailing for the third quarter.

If a property owner fails to provide the notices set forth in requirements (1) and (2) above, the last address provided in writing by the owner or, if none, the property address shall be deemed to be the address to which notices are to be delivered.

It’s important to note that as long as the Association requests all of the contact information above, Civil Code § 4041 places provide their correct and current contact information. Requiring members to provide this information should aid associations in giving notice of meetings or for other required notices as well as with the collection of delinquent assessments as it should help negate the argument that a notice was sent to the wrong address in the future.

The Association also utilizes updated information list that includes member names, property addresses, mailing addresses, and email addresses that may be requested in writing to the Association. Written requests are submitted to the Association for proper purpose requirements based on Civil Code §5210, §5200 (a) (9). A member of the Association may opt-out of sharing they name, property address, mailing address, and/or email address for these listings by notifying the Association in writing. A membership list opt-out form may be requested from the TKPOA Pavilion Office and is also provided in the Annual Disclosure Mailing.

Please contact the TKPOA front desk staff at info@ the responsibility on the property owners to

Owners Information and would like to request a Change of Address, 4041 Form Information, or Membership List Opt-Out form.



Pilot Program Goals

During this initial 30 days we have four goals or objectives we are striving to accomplish;

We will be starting the #2 pump at the Emerald Drive Pumphouse, this pump is a 150 horse-power pump which moves approximately 8,000 gallons of water per minute. This pump will displace approximately 1,000 cubic-feet of water per minute at the intake. As this displacement of water occurs the water in the Lagoon will begin to move to equalize the displacement creating a current. Simultaneously we will be discharging approximately 1,000 cubic-feet of water into the Lagoon at Aloha Drive which we hope will flow back towards the intake at Emerald Drive, creating a current in the waterway between Alpine and Emerald Drives. We will then evaluate the time and electrical energy we used to create this current through the waterway. 2.


4. Once the current is established in the waterway between Alpine and Emerald Drives, we will start culvert pumps #3, #5, & #6 and begin moving water through their associated Lagoons toward the intake at Emerald Drive. We will again evaluate the time and electrical energy we used to create these currents. We will have installed a bubble curtain across the lagoon just prior to the Emerald Drive Intake. A bubble curtain creates a wall of air bubbles which should interrupt the flow of debris accumulated as the currents we created move through the lagoons and waterway. If this works as anticipated it will protect the intake from an accumulation of debris and provide a central area for removal. On a regular basis we will be testing and evaluating the currents for; a. Turbidity (suspended solids and sediment in the water which effects clarity)

b. c. d.

e. f. Nutrients (good sources for the aquatic plant life) Nitrates and Nitrites Clarity of the lagoons (influenced by the movement of the water) Weed fragment migration toward the bubble curtain Algal bloom formations

At the end of this initial phase all the data collected will be analyzed and it will be determined if the benefits of running the circulation system out weigh the costs. It will also be determined if we could have accomplished the same results and limited the time, we ran the pumps, mitigating some of the cost.

The Big Question?

We know some of you are asking yourselves “Why not just turn the system on, it worked in the past, the Lagoons were beautiful?” Well in all honesty, the system was turned off over sixteen years ago and the condition of the Lagoons and the water were significantly different than they are today and we are not sure if the circulation system actually contributed significantly to the condition of the lagoons. We are also aware that the question regarding the clarifier will come up in your discussions and we have determined the clarifier was not the silver bullet it was thought to be. For every gallon of water sent to the clarifier to be treated two gallons of untreated water was sent to the lagoons. Furthermore, when the gallon of treated water was reintroduced to the circulation system it was blended with the two gallons of untreated water before being discharged in the lagoons. The only variable we believe may have had any impact on the lagoons is the alum residual in the treated water which may have affected the PH in the lagoons.

What to Expect During the Pilot Program?

The homeowners adjacent to these waterways and lagoons will see extra activity since Water Quality Personnel will be observing and testing on a regular basis. The pumps will be operating 24/7 but the noise created by the pumps should be barely noticeable since they are all enclosed. Residents may observe fragments and increased turbidity moving through the lagoons toward the waterway between Emerald and Alpine Drives, this is what we are hoping for as one of our objectives.


This ‘Strategic Management Strategy’ manipulating the currents through the waterways and lagoons has not been done in the Tahoe Keys before, not to mention the system has not been operated in over a decade, so we may have some hick-ups but we will work through them.

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