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ACC Rule of the Month
By Linda Callahan, Architectural Control Department Manager
THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION is to help members understand where they can and cannot drain their hot tub water. You cannot drain your hot tub water into the landscape or lagoons. Below are the TRPA Regulations on discharge.
TRPA Code 33.3.2. Discharge Prohibitions
The following discharges are prohibited: A. Direct Discharge – Direct discharges to the waters of the region of solid or liquid waste materials, including soil, silt, clay, sand, or other organic or earthen materials, are prohibited unless approved by TRPA. B. Indirect Discharge – Indirect discharges to the waters of the region of solid or liquid waste materials, including soil, silt, clay, sand, or other organic or earthen materials, are prohibited unless controlled by discharge devices approved by TRPA.
TRPA CODE 60.1.3C. Prohibition of Wastewater Discharge
The discharge of domestic, municipal, or industrial wastewater to Lake Tahoe, its tributaries, the ground waters of the Tahoe region, or the Truckee River within the Tahoe region, is prohibited, except for existing discharges under alternative plans for wastewater disposal authorized by state law and approved by the state agency of appropriate jurisdiction, and for catastrophic fire protection of the STPUD Luther Pass Pump Station as detailed in subparagraph 4 below. California and Nevada prohibit wastewater discharge through the enactment of the Porter-Cologne Act, and the Executive Order by the Governor of Nevada dated January 27, 1971.
We’re leaving breast cancer with no place to hide

dense breast tissue.
Introducing wide-angle 3D mammograms
At Barton, we commit ourselves every day to matching our compassionate care for women with state-of-the-art mammogram technology. That is why we oer wide-angle True Breast Tomosynthesis. It’s new mammogram technology that gives every woman her best chance for an early and accurate diagnosis. It oers image clarity for our doctors, and a more accurate diagnosis for our patients.
How it works
• The 3D mammogram is just like the 2D experience. The breast is compressed under a paddle as images are taken of the breast.
• The tube moves in a 50-degree arc around the breast, taking 25 images during the exam.
• The result is a clear and comprehensive image that helps us look inside the breast