7 minute read

Wildfire Safety Tips

By TKPOA Security

ARE YOU PREPARED in the event of an emergency situation or evacuation? Below are some safety tips and items to keep in an emergency “Go Bag” in case you find yourself leaving in a rush and/or potentially living out of your car/boat for a few days.


• Envelope for copies of IMPORTANT PAPERS: • DEEDS to house, property − INSURANCE policy, agents name, numbers − PASSPORTS − CREDIT CARDS front and back − LICENSES, REGISTRATIONS for cars, boats − MEDICAL CARDS − DOCTORS names and numbers − MEDICAL DIRECTIVES − ESTATE PLANNING DOCUMENTS, will, power of attorney, etc. • KEYS to house, boat, cars • GAS – full tanks in cars and boat • LIFE JACKETS for each person and pet • N100 PARTICLE MASKS per person

PETS – food, water, meds WATER for each person for 72 hrs. (1–3 gallons each) for washing (lake water if on boat) & drinking


FOOD, SNACKS for each person for 72 hrs. – utensils, cups, plates GLASSES, sunglasses, reading glasses WARM CLOTHES – coats, hats, socks, gloves


SMALL PLASTIC BAGS for daily waste; large bags to hold smaller


FLASHLIGHTS, HEADLAMPS with fresh batteries


IF you have more time: • COMPUTERS – HARD DRIVE • MOBILE DEVICES, power cords CLOSE all interior doors before leaving if fire. GARAGE DOOR – there is an emergency release if power is out. In the event a wildfire strikes in your area, take action immediately: 1. Review your Evacuation Checklist 2. Ensure your Emergency Supply Kit is in your vehicle 3. Cover up to protect against heat and flying embers (wear long pants, long sleeve shirt, heavy shoes/boots, cap, etc.) 4. Locate your pets and take them with you Leave as soon as evacuation is recommended by fire officials, don’t wait to be ordered by authorities to leave. Evacuating early also assists in keeping roads clear of congestion and allows firefighters to move more freely to do their job. • Officials will determine the areas to be evacuated and escape routes to use depending on the fire’s location, behavior, winds, terrain, etc.

For more preparation and prevention guidelines, visit www.ReadyForWildfire.org.

To stay “in the know” on potential hazards and alerts such as Fire, Hazardous Spills, Landslides, Floods, Earthquakes, or Evacuation Orders, you can sign up for CODE RED, a Reverse 911 Emergency Alert system. Go to the El Dorado County Sheriff’s Office Alert Notification System Website at www.ready.edso.org and click on CODE RED under the Overview to register your personal and business phone numbers.

The City of South Lake Tahoe (CSLT) also has a local alert system; text “Join prepare” to 30890 to register.

For questions, please contact TKPOA Security at


(530) 545-0847.

Tanner Hart boatdocksinc@gmail.com

General Engineering PO Box 8233 South Lake Tahoe LIC #1051115

BOAT DOCKSINC 530-541-1111





developed an implementation plan for the required TKPOA property owner communication and membership voting.

The Process of Amending Governing Documents

The last time that TKPOA’s “Governing Documents” were updated and amended are as follows: the BYLAWS June 8th, 2020 1990, with Amendments September 4th, 1992 and August 31st, 1996, and the CC&R’s June 11th, 1991. They were in dire need to be revised again in order to comply with California’s constantly changing legal landscape.

As a common interest development (CID), the TKPOA is governed by many provisions of California law, including the Corporation code and the Civil Code (Davis –Stirling Common Interest Development Act). In addition to state, local and federal laws, any CID development is governed by its governing documents. Like state and federal laws and municipal ordinances which govern its citizen’s conduct, our “Governing Documents” are the foundation for governing this association. Since 1991, California Legislature has enacted numerous new laws which supersede many of our governing document provisions. In addition to the Davis- Stirling Act, there have been significant revisions of other state and federal laws, resulting in our existing “Governing Documents” being outdated, incomplete, or inaccurate concerning important aspects of our operations.

The following Governing Document “Drafts” have been updated and posted since 2018: the “Third Draft” of “The Amended and Restated Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions (“CC&Rs”) dated June 15th, 2019 and the “Fifth Draft” of BYLAWS” dated May 5th, 2020 on the TKPOA website at www.tkpoa.com, for TKPOA property owners review. Also provided is the “Fifth Draft” of the Summary of Proposed Keys Changes to the Governing Documents .

Why Conduct a Membership Vote?

California law requires that any amendment to the Governing Documents be conducted by secret ballot in accordance with the Civil Code and the Association’s election rules and voting procedures. Members will be receiving the entire revised CC&Rs and BYLAWS as required by Davis Stirling Civil Code Section §5515 (e) in an election to approve an amendment of the governing documents, the text of the proposed amendment shall be delivered to the members with the ballot. Based on this requirement this Voting

Ballot and mailing will collectively cost up to $15,000 for the TKPOA to conduct the entire voting process.

To Vote on Adoption of Amended and Restated BYLAWS

The owner of each Lot is entitled to cast one vote per Lot owned on this measure. A yes vote from a majority of a quorum of the eligible voting membership (quorum being 33 1/3%) of the members or a minimum of 510 members) is required to approve the Amended and Restated BYLAWS.

To Vote on Adoption of the Amended and Restated Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions (CC&Rs)

The owner of each lot is entitled to cast one vote per unit owned on this measure. A yes vote from sixty-six and two thirds percent (66 2/3%) of the eligible voting membership (a minimum of 1020) is required to approve the Amended and Restated CC&Rs.

It’s our responsibility to make these “Governing Documents”: the BYLAWS, CC&R’s, Articles of Incorporation, Architectural Control Rules and TKPOA Operating Rules as understandable as possible, so if there’s anything you don’t understand, please let us know. We’ll be glad to clarify any confusing language or give you other materials that will further answer your questions.

It’s very important to have copies of these “Governing Documents” because you are expected to know and comply with all rules and regulations of the TKPOA. You will also want to stay informed by reading all materials provided by the TKPOA through the monthly Keys Breeze, “Email Eblasts”, Association mailings, and website information.

In 2020 the Board of Directors formed the BYLAWS and CC&Rs Communication – “Ad Hoc” Committee, of property owners. The purpose of the committee is to assist the Board with the communication efforts for the restated and amended BYLAWS and CC&R’s through the voting and approval process.

Your past Board of Directors has found being in compliance with state statues important enough to justify investing some of your assessment dollars in this process. The 2020–2021 Board of Directors and TKPOA staff will work toward moving this project and a membership vote forward in the next few months for both the BYLAWS and CC&Rs. The proposed timeline for the BYLAW membership voting is as follows, the CC&Rs voting timeline will start in January 2021.

Tahoe Keys Property Owners Association


Mailing of BYLAWS Voting Ballot (Secret Ballot Mailing Date)

Appointment of Inspectors of Elections

Record Date for Voting

Proposed Town Hall Forum – BYLAWS (Web-hosted)

Secret Ballot Deadline for Mailing [Received by Inspector of Elections]

Ballot Counting [Board Meeting)

3:00 pm

6:00 pm Monday

Wednesday October 26th, 2020

October 21st, 2020

October 21st, 2020

November 5th, 2020

December 14th, 2020

December 16th, 2020

To submit questions to the Board of Directors or the BYLAWS and CC&R’s Communication “Ad Hoc” Committee about the “The Amended and Restated Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions (“CC&Rs”) and BYLAWS”, or for any additional information please contact Kirk Wooldridge – TKPOA General Manager at (530) 542-6444, ext. 224 or kwooldridge@tahoekeyspoa.org

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