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In Their Ow n Words

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Better Together

Better Together

In Their Own Words

At Justin-Siena we are commited to teaching more than just the game. Hear from these Braves what it means to them to be a student-athlete at the Home of the Braves.


Karlie Wells ’20

Basketball and Lacrosse

Being a student-athlete at Justin-Siena has let me be a part of something bigger than myself. With the help of my coaches, I learned to not just be a better teammate, but to be a better person in general; more patient, inclusive, and understanding. I am grateful for the guidance and inspiration my coaches have given me on and off the field. Athletic involvement has taught me very important life skills which I know I will use and practice for the rest of my life. In addition, playing sports forced me to be more organized, to be more responsible, to put the team above all, and to own my performance on the field, no matter the circumstances. My best memory was when I scored 5 goals in lacrosse against Novato, one of the top teams in the nation, and when I made the Varsity Lax team as a freshman. I want to work hard and enjoy every minute with my teammates, inspiring them to become better by the end of every practice and game. I am a part of the Spirit Club and I very much enjoyed Leadership during my junior year. I will go to a four year college or university to double major in nursing and psychology and will minor in Russian. My biggest influences on and off the field are my brother and my mother. My brother is a very good athlete himself and inspired me to start playing sports when we were little. My family is always very supportive of me and gives me constructive feedback to make me a better player. After JS I plan on playing club lacrosse in college.

Liam McDevitt ’20

Basketball and Track and Field

Representing my school in competition gives me an unmatched sense of pride. From sports I’ve learned how to be a leader. Thanks to my experiences on the court, I am prepared to lead by example and perform when others depend on me in the future. Winning the VV AL High Jump Championship and hitting the game winning shot against Marin Catholic are my most memorable athletic moments. I want to win an NCS playoff game in basketball and repeat as champion of the High Jump this year. I plan on studying biochemistry as an undergraduate on the path to becoming a physician. My mom has been my biggest influence in all aspects of life. She has taught me to stay disciplined and put forth my best effort at all times which has helped me on and off the court. After JS I plan on playing intramurals in college while focusing primarily on academics.

Marianne Fernandez ’20


Being a student-athlete at JSHS has given me the opportunity to make some amazing memories with a group of people I could call my team, my family. Participating in volleyball has taught me what it truly means to cooperate with other people. Naturally, the team sometimes has conflicts because we are simply human; we have different personalities, beliefs, and goals. By playing on the court with my team I have really learned my own weaknesses and my own limits. I have learned how to lead and how to support my girls. Most of the moments playing volleyball have been a memorable part of my time here at Justin. In my last year, I simply want to make great memories with my friends. I hope to spend the next four years of my life in college with amazing friends studying something I am passionate about. I do not plan on playing on an actual college team but do hope to continue playing perhaps for a club or at the intramural level. My biggest influence in my life has been my mom. I aim to care and love the people who surround me the way she does.

Miles Williams ’20

Football and Lacrosse

To be a Braves student-athlete is to be a well-rounded person. It has prepared me for life outside of Justin-Siena by teaching me values and how to keep on top of everything as we prepare to improve and win. My most memorable athletic moment at Justin-Siena is the Napa High game last year when I blocked a punt and ran it in for a game-winning touchdown. In my final year at JS, I would like to simply improve overall in both sports as a player and as a team and keep getting better on and off the field. Off the field, when I am not in season for a sport, I am a part of Senior Service Leadership. When I go to college I would like to study Geology or Biology. My biggest influence on the field are all the coaches and off the field is my family. After JS I do plan on playing sports, either football or lacrosse, at the next level.

Meghan Hansen ’20

Water Polo

It has meant a lot to me to be a student-athlete at JS. I joined the team freshman year and started on varsity which was a challenge, but I have loved playing at JS and my teammates and all the memories that have come out of it. Being a student-athlete can be a little bit challenging at times when you have to balance school and your sport, but it has taught me how to manage my time better, and stay on task. This has prepared me for life after JS because in college you have a different class schedule than we have been used to in high school. It will be really helpful to have good time management skills and be able to balance academics and athletics. My most memorable athletic moment at JS is when our team beat Napa last year to win the league and I had to guard their best player. It was a hard game, but we all worked together as a team and it was a really fun win for me, and the team. In my final year at Justin, I want to accomplish staying on top of my schoolwork and training, and having a fun last year with my friends. I am involved in student life by being in the Senior Servant Leadership class. In Leadership we get to plan big events and dances and really try to make the student life at Justin as fun as it can be. After I graduate from Justin, I plan on going to a college in California and studying psychology, and then get a masters degree in speech pathology while also continuing my water polo career. My biggest influence in water polo is probably my older sister. We started playing at around the same time and have played on all the same club teams so I had to be around her constantly. Even though she could sometimes get on my nerves, she has always been really supportive of me and helped me a lot in terms of my growth in and out of the pool. Now she is in college playing water polo for UC San Diego and has been offering support throughout my recruiting process which has been really helpful and has made me more confident.

Sophia Smith ’20

Cross Country, Soccer, and Lacrosse

To be a student-athlete at Justin-Siena is very humbling because I feel so blessed to have the ability to balance my studies at JS as well as be a part of such special co-curricular programs: varsity cross country, soccer, and lacrosse. It has been so impactful in my four years at JS to have had the opportunity to become a skilled athlete while also being a diligent student. Because I challenged myself in sports, I have been able to perform better in the classroom, and vice versa. This has prepared me for life after JS by teaching me how to manage my time effectively. Being a student-athlete at JS has taught me how to prioritize and make time for two aspects of my life that both matter to me a lot. My most memorable athletic moment at JS was being JV lacrosse captain my sophomore year because I was so grateful to have the opportunity to be a strong leader, a good role model, and an approachable, accountable friend for my teammates. Through this role, I learned the impact being an effective leader can have on a team. That year our team was very successful and had a strong bond, which made my experience in the lacrosse program very memorable. In my final year at JS, I hope to be a great leader, teammate, friend, and student, and to continue to balance my studies with my academics and future. I also especially strive to be a great teammate on all of my sports teams and make the programs better by putting in my best effort to help the teams and by having fun and enjoying my last seasons of high school sports. At school I participate in campus ministry by helping plan and being a part of school gatherings, liturgies, and masses. I also am a member of the Friday Night Live club whose mission is to target issues in the local and broader community that teenagers face such as vaping, drinking, and bullying. After I graduate from JS I will attend college and am currently planning to major in cognitive science. I want to either study on the east coast or in California. My biggest influence on the field has been my teammates who push me to be my best self and to perform to the best of my abilities. I have always been motivated by their inspirational and positive attitudes, their ability to work hard while also having fun, and their endless support for me even when I am down on myself some days. Off the field my biggest influence has been my parents because they work so hard for me to have the chance to go to JS and they have spent countless hours driving, cheering, and staying by my side in all my endeavors inside and outside of school. They are my role models in life and I will always look up to them and appreciate how much they do for me and how much they love me. In college I plan on participating in intramural or club sports teams for either cross country, soccer, or lacrosse.

Lauren Aubert ’20

Cross Country, Track and Field

To me, being a student-athlete means being a wellrounded person. It means that I should not only focus on running, but I should find other things that I am interested in so I can apply those skills to my athletic performance. Being a cross country and track athlete at Justin-Siena has additionally taught me to balance sports with a rigorous academic course load so I can excel academically in addition to physically. I am also a competitive horseback rider, so organizing my schedule properly is imperative. Effectively coordinating my studies and athletics has prepared me for the challenges of college as I have learned the proper time management skills required to have success. As a four-year varsity Cross Country athlete, qualifying for the CIF State Finals with the girls team in my 2016 freshman year, was an amazing experience. To see our hard work throughout the summer and fall pay off so greatly was rewarding to me as a first-year athlete, and to make Justin-Siena history as a two-time state qualifier was amazing as well. I hope to stay consistent in my athletic performance this year and avoid injury. This track season, I hope to qualify for NCS in the 3200M. I participate in Mock Trial as a defense expert witness, I am a student tutor, and Student Ambassador. Although I do not know yet where I will go to college, I hope to double major in English and Communications. My biggest influence has been my Cross Country coach, Belinda Halloran. She has encouraged me to have more confidence in races, and helped me trust the process of training and understand that my hard work will eventually pay off in league championships. I would love to ride in NC AA Division I, but I would also be interested in riding at the IHSA level, or just recreationally. Horses have been such an influential part of my life for so long that any activity with horses is something that I want to participate in. As for running, I do not wish to compete at the NC AA level, as I want to start running longer distances and train for a halfmarathon while in college.

Nolan Dunkle ’20

Football and Baseball

For me, being a student-athlete at Justin has changed my high school experience in many positive ways. Being a part of a team sport helped me learn leadership skills and how to be a good teammate. Furthermore, it allowed me to express my competitive side and was a great deal of fun. Being a student-athlete at Justin has prepared me for life because it has taught me how to keep a good balance of my responsibilities. It has also contributed to my work ethic, forcing me to develop a good one. My most memorable athletic moment at Justin was upsetting Cardinal Newman in round one of the NCS Division playoffs my sophomore year on varsity. Another equally memorable experience was beating American Canyon in football on Senior Night. In my final year at JS, I want to finish strong academically and win section championships for Varsity Football and Varsity Baseball. I consider being a student-athlete a full time job. Playing two sports takes up, essentially, the entire school year, along with summer as well. I like to think that I am involved in student life by participating in JS athletics. After I graduate, I plan on attending either a UC or Cal Poly and having a major that focuses on business. My biggest influence has been my family, specifically my five older brothers who also attended Justin-Siena. They have influenced me through encouraging my love of baseball and helping me to create a strong work ethic. Any time I need guidance, I have plenty of resources to look to and I will always be grateful to have such a large family. After JS I plan to continue playing baseball at the next level. I am undecided as to where, but it has always been my dream to play in college.

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