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From the Board of Trustees

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Class Notes

Board of Trustees

(Back l–r) Mr. Rich Pio Roda, Esq., ’94 Mr. Dennis Pedisich Mr. Larry Puck Mr. Tom Durante ’93, Chair Mike Soldati Mr. Walt Mickens, Vice Chair Br. Robert Wickman, FSC


(Front l–r) Sr. Susan Allbritton, OP Ms. Dianne Harris Ms. Belia Ramos

Lette r f rom the Tom Durante ’93 Cha

ir of the Trustees

On behalf of the Board of Trustees, I want to thank our many benefactors, alumni, parents, students, and staff who make Justin-Siena what it is. It is a great honor to serve as the Chair of the Board of Trustees, and I am proud of my alma mater’s work. The transformational education Justin-Siena provides for nearly 550 students is even better today than I received.

We Trustees govern on behalf of the De La Salle Christian Brothers. Potential board members undergo training on the Lasallian charism and Policy Governance—the model of school governance used by all Lasallian schools throughout the District of San Francisco New Orleans.

The Board seeks to answer three important questions: Whom do we serve? What do we provide? At what cost? We meet near monthly to monitor the operation of the school through the position of the President—the Board’s sole employee. Policy Governance separates the issues of organizational purpose (the Board’s role) from organizational activities (the President’s role) to allow the school maximum flexibility in achieving its goals and our stated Ends Policies—which answer the three questions above. Our work as volunteers is something we take seriously and are honored to take part. As we look toward our future it is indeed bright. Our Strategic Plan will push our school forward and ensure that we continue making Justin-Siena stronger each day.

What follows is the Honor Roll of Investors and reflects the good work of this community’s support of our mission. The diligence and energy from this community who supports the mission of Justin-Siena “to provide educational excellence in a loving, Christ-centered community that prepares students to serve and to lead in an ever-changing world” helps us thrive. On behalf of the Board of Trustees and the De La Salle Christian Brothers, please accept my sincerest appreciation for your support and enthusiasm in making Justin-Siena a vibrant Lasallian Catholic learning community.

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