2023-24 Impact Report

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Mike Soldati, Chair

Erica Alfaro-Lopez ’06

Sr. Susan Allbritton, OP

Diego Garcia, Esq. ’94

Patrick Gleeson ’85, Vice Chair

Eric Gonzales

Dianne Harris, M.D.

Elaine John

Cathy Molinelli

Br. Robert Wickman, FSC


Tim Malloy ’87, Chair

Manbin Monteverdi

Eric Gonzales

Brendan Kelly

Michael Holman


Matthew D. Powell, President

Joe Welling, Principal

Andrea Flores, Vice President for Advancement

Alicia Valdivia, Vice President for Enrollment Management

Nick Roberts, Vice President for Finance

Kate Bock, Vice President for Human Resources

Alma Gallegos, Assistant Principal and Director of LEAP

Khiely Jackson ‘16, Director of Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, & Belonging

The2023-24 school year celebrated Justin-Siena High School’s 55th Commencement, and additionally marked the end of a five year strategic plan that laid out actionable steps toward defined, desired outcomes. Today, Justin-Siena is benefiting from the accomplishments of that plan. Such positive momentum means record enrollment, successful fundraising efforts for operations and scholarships, high levels of faculty and staff retention, and a strong fiscal position for the school as a whole. Positively positioned to leverage those successes and drive ongoing progress, Justin-Siena is preparing for a new, multi-year strategic plan by embarking on a series of visioning community conversations. I am excited to lead our school through this process.

In this year’s Impact Report, you will find annual financial reporting, the Honor Roll of Investors, and compelling stories highlighting the many people who make Justin-Siena a place of opportunity. We also include a highlight reel of the 2019-24 Strategic Plan that began in fall 2018.

In the spirit of our founder Saint John Baptist de La Salle, whose seminal work forming and training his Christian Brothers spread across France in the 17th century and later around the globe, we sincerely strive for our Lasallian mission to continue gaining momentum in Napa, Solano, and Sonoma counties. We are in a dynamic place in this virtuous cycle, as we further fulfill our mission of providing a transformative and holistic education grounded in Lasallian Catholic principles.

=$15,381,350 Total Operations Budget

How Our Community Gives.


Restricted Fundraising


General Fundraising


Total Giving

Jennifer Rasler ’86 Justin-Siena Advancement Associate

Lasallians believe where you are is exactly where God wants you to be. There are no accidents. Each micro decision one makes, or circumstance that moves us in one direction versus the other, is God’s divine providence at work. Embracing this walk of faith, Jennifer Rasler ‘86, Justin-Siena’s Advancement Associate specializing in events, recalls the circuitous journey that brought her to Justin-Siena — an alma mater that was not in her original plan.

Growing up in Napa, Jennifer had planned to attend Vintage High School, plain and simple. Justin-Siena was never considered. When she was in seventh grade, however, she was struck by a car while riding her bike, almost taking her life. Intense rehabilitation prevented her from attending school for two years. She fell behind her peers, leaving her unable to move on to Vintage. Since she was participating in Confraternity of Christian Doctrine (CCD), St. Apollinaris recommended that she consider Justin-Siena as an educational option where she could receive the support she needed, so she enrolled. “It was the best decision for me then, and down the road, ultimately the best decision for my son, Curtis ‘09,” she confirmed. “Similar to me, he would have been overwhelmed in a large high school setting, so our Lasallian paths were parallel that way.”

Divine providence informs the Lasallian commitment to serve others. After graduating from Justin-Siena, Jennifer realized that college was not part of her path, and as culinary hospitality was her passion, she began working for a catering company, and continued on and off in that industry for twelve years.

Years later, that foundational principle of committing to the service of others guided her back to Justin-Siena, allowing her to share the gifts and talents she honed in the hospitality world. After COVID, she decided it was time for a change. She heard from friends about the events and alumni position open at Justin-Siena and decided to apply for it. Not surprisingly, she was a perfect fit! Her favorite part of the job? Working with the kids, of course — spoken like a true Lasallian. “I knew about the signature events at Justin-Siena; I had worked on them while Curtis was in school and was familiar with their execution and purpose. I’ve just always been connected and this was another way to continue my involvement.”

Appropriately, Jennifer took on the dual role of alumni coordinator. She embraces the challenges that come with reigniting an alumni community. She notes that each alum with whom she engages, leads to another connection, and then to another, and so on, creating a robust alumni community that is proud to come home to Justin-Siena. When asked why it is important to have an active alumni program, with no hesitation she declares, “because it’s a great school! And I truly believe that our students enter to learn and leave to serve.”

“Had I not been injured, I never would have come to Justin-Siena,” she admits. “This community is where God wanted me to be and where he wanted Curtis to be.” Reflecting on her journey, Jennifer believes the providence that brought her to Justin-Siena is the same Lasallian spirit that took her through a lifetime of relationship-building. Much as John Baptist de La Salle who thought he was simply living his life, Jennifer answered her own Lasallian call to trust in God’s path for her. She truly believes now that she is exactly where she is supposed to be.

Katalina Navarro LEAP Coordinator

Fourteen years ago, when the Lasallian Education Access Program (LEAP) began at Justin-Siena High School, it was answering the Lasallian call to make the exceptional educational experience our school provides available to everyone without regard to socio-economic status. What began with seven scholars in the class of 2016, has grown to provide significant financial need, along with the valuable resources necessary to thrive at Justin-Siena, to more than 130 firstgeneration college bound students over the last twelve years. The dramatic growth of LEAP demonstrates what is possible when we invest in our mission, and the students’ successes reflect the achievements of the scholars themselves.

With the exponential growth of the program, it became necessary this year to launch a search for a LEAP coordinator. Thus, Katalina Navarro was hired to support the daily operations of the flourishing program, while Alma Gallegos continues in her role as Director of LEAP. In collaboration with school and college counselors, Katalina is the liaison who brings together the comprehensive support programs, and ensures the retention and success of LEAP students. She helps LEAP families for whom English is a second language, as well as families who need assistance with navigating the Justin-Siena system. Engaging Katalina exemplifies the Lasallian mission in action, and underscores what is possible when value is placed on ensuring accessible quality education for everyone.

With program growth comes the need to elevate fundraising options and efforts, and LEAP has seen much success in this arena. Our winery partnership initiative ACCESS 707, newly endowed scholarships, and other opportunities have allowed more scholars to participate in LEAP, and then go on to realize a plethora of post-secondary options.

As a new LEAP family, the Villanuevas eagerly anticipate the four years their son, Roger, will experience at Justin-Siena. “We supported our son’s desire and motivation to attend Justin-Siena High School, and when it came time to apply, Katalina was there to assist us every step of the way,” affirms Flordeliz Villanueva. “Having our son attend a school like Justin-Siena where high value is placed on service and faith life – while faculty and staff are committed to helping him discover his potential – is a blessing. From the beginning, I knew this was the right choice; Katalina’s attention and patience resolved any doubts we may have had. We truly are excited and grateful for what Roger’s time at Justin-Siena has in store — socially, academically, and spiritually.”

“I’m honored to be a resource for our LEAP families,” Katalina shares. “When I was growing up, I was where these scholars now are, but without the help I needed to move through the often complicated process of high school matriculation. Accessibility is much more than answering questions about how a child can go to school. It is also about speaking to parents in their native language, making them comfortable, heard, and ultimately feel part of our Justin-Siena community.”

Celebrating the Big Successes.

This year, Justin-Siena’s signature event, BravesUnited Day of Giving, which raises funds specific to our co-curricular programs, achieved unprecedented success. The annual fundraiser smashed records set by all previous BravesUnited campaigns. Garnering more than $81K, this year’s massive accomplishment is attributed to a number of factors. The monetary impact of fundraising efforts like BravesUnited is propelling our programs to new heights; each year our faculty, athletic department, staff, and students build on that momentum. The initiative that began with only a handful of participating programs, this year saw 16 co-curriculars launching individual program campaigns. A testament to JustinSiena’s prioritization of a profound student experience, the growth of BravesUnited reflects the understanding of the importance of leveraging community engagement to help our students achieve their goals.

“Having people make the choice to invest in our programs furthers our confidence in believing that what we are doing is worth it. In turn, we are motivated to live up to that support by ensuring that we set our students up for success,” affirms Justin-Siena varsity baseball coach Jeremy Tayson. “We (program directors and coaches) are proud that our community is turning out to support us. As we all aim at turning our programs up a notch, BravesUnited has become invaluable.”

“It is immeasurably gratifying that our theatre program enjoys the tremendous support of our community,” says Director of Theatre Arts, James T. Bailey. “The impact of theatre education extends far beyond entertainment, and our students were able to assuredly experience that impact this year by being invited to perform at Lincoln Center in New York City. Through BravesUnited, our community provided the funds needed for 65 students to participate in this opportunity. Unique and valuable experiences like this encourage the development of basic life skills outside of Justin-Siena. Well-prepared and disciplined in their process, they adjusted to working with new directors, instantly collaborated with strangers, and kept pace with professionals. This elevated experience allows our students to follow their dreams.”

“As a first-generation student, participating in the New York trip was life-changing. I got a taste of the independence and responsibility that comes with being somewhere new and unknown, but most importantly it showed me all the wonderful things that can happen when we all work together to achieve a specific goal,” shares Yamilet Lepe Garcia ‘25. “I am motivated to work harder in school, and to push myself more and more every day. I will forever be grateful to all those who helped make this once-in-a-lifetime experience possible.”

When people unite to contribute to a single cause, their collective efforts lead to remarkable and far-reaching outcomes. This is why BravesUnited is so important. Although the fundraising targets individual programs, its broad impact underscores the vital role that co-curriculars play in student enrichment.

So Much in Common.

And, with so many backgrounds, our diverse student body continues to grow. We have grown our enrollment since 2018 by 19%.

Engaging Parents. Welcoming Ideas.

Tapia • 2023-24 J-SPA Executive Board Chair • Parent of Matthew ’24, Eric ’21, Vernice ’18

My two older children graduated from Justin-Siena. When my third, Matthew, was a freshman, I was offered the opportunity to serve for three years on the Justin-Siena Parents Association (J-SPA) Executive Board. Having benefited so much in ten years of being at Justin-Siena, I sincerely wanted to give back to the school. J-SPA complements the hard work the school does by engaging parents as partners in providing the best possible educational experience for the students. It offers a forum where parents can meet other parents, share their experiences, challenges, and dreams, and most importantly, feel that they are part of the school.

I hope J-SPA will continue to cultivate parent relationships by reaching out to all parents. Improving collaboration across different facets of the school community - sports and various co-curriculars- and being more intentional about communication and collaboration, will grow parent involvement.

I am proud to enjoy a close relationship with the Christian Brothers, and I would like to educate others about them. Additionally, having a Mexican-American perspective, I feel my contributions have been unique and appreciated. As parents, we share dreams and concerns for our children and want them to thrive. We might come from different life experiences, but when we find our common ground, we realize that we are not alone in the journey. Justin-Siena is not a school just for the wealthy; it is a school that is accessible for anyone who wants a high quality, Catholic education for their child.

I believe it is my responsibility to welcome other parents and join them in supporting our children. Through our active involvement in J-SPA, as parents we are able to teach the new generations, welcome new ideas, and promote our Lasallian values.

Sharing Goals. Giving Voice.

Diane Barbosa • 2024-25 J-SPA Executive Board Chair • Parent of Marco ’24 and Matteo ’27

Coming from a Lasallian education background, it was important to me that my children follow in my footsteps. It felt natural for me to become involved. When I had the chance to become a board member of the Justin-Siena Parent Association (J-SPA), I was honored to accept.

Being on the J-SPA Board has given me the opportunity to learn more about the school, provide a parent voice, and support the curricular and co-curricular programs. Through promotion, service, and assistance on this board, I have seen the benefits of our work firsthand, for example streamlining parent volunteer opportunities with sign-up links posted in the Braves Weekly. As I begin my final year as a Parent Association board member, I hope to create more opportunities for parents to become involved in supporting our school.

As a preschool teacher, I value and understand the commitment our Justin-Siena teachers, coaches, counselors, and staff have to the well-being of our children. To express thanks and appreciation, the J-SPA board enthusiastically celebrates and recognizes all staff members throughout the year. Working alongside other parent volunteers on the CRAB FEST committee, sharing the same goals, has been extremely rewarding and fun! Seeing the Justin-Siena community come together and building relationships with other parents has been the best part.

The support my children have received from the team of educators at Justin-Siena has given them the confidence and knowledge to be successful as they enter college and adulthood. I feel blessed to be a part of the Justin-Siena community and look forward to watching the continued growth of parent involvement and the Justin-Siena Parent Association.

Compelled to Give Back.

Steve Silva ’71
Parent of Stephanie and Cameron ’07

Born and raised in Napa, Steve Silva ’71 looks back on his time at Justin-Siena (then Justin High School) with fondness and a sense of gratitude. In his words, those four years were “the most influential time of [his] life.” Thanks to his parents and his Catholic education at Saint John the Baptist Catholic School, Steve had a solid foundation and understanding of the Golden Rule. His parents’ divorce when he was 14, left his mom a single parent to five boys, and his high school years could have gone any number of ways.

Somehow, Steve (and later his brother Jayme ’73) was able to attend Justin High School, graduating in its second class in 1971. When he reflects on the people who made the most impact and kept him focused on his future, the names Brother Conrad Kearneyt, Brother Bede Van Durent, and Brother Richard Camarat come to mind. Steve says, “We were blessed to have these guys who looked over us;” men who somehow knew how to be both firm and fair, providing life-changing direction and guidance to students like him. Steve also recounts the friendships made at Justin High School that have lasted his entire life. Friends like Chuck Dickenson ’71, Bill Dodd ’74, Michael Shifflett ’71, and Joe Rossi ’70 continue to be a source of brotherhood more than fifty years later.

After high school, Steve found a career in the trades, opening a plumbing business out of his garage in 1983. More than forty years later, Steve Silva Plumbing, Inc. is one of Napa’s most successful and respected businesses. Steve attributes that success to a strong work ethic and dedication to a job well done, two qualities that were well-honed at Justin High School.

Steve and his wife Kathy are proud parents of Stephanie and Cameron. Their son Cameron is a Justin-Siena class of 2007 graduate who later obtained a degree in economics at Southern Methodist University in Dallas, TX. The Silva family continues to show their support for Justin-Siena. From their personal giving to the Justin-Siena Fund, and Steve Silva Plumbing, Inc.’s years of support with Braves Alliance, to Steve’s 12 years of service on Justin-Siena’s Board of Trustees, Steve and Kathy embody the Lasallian motto - Enter to Learn, Leave to Serve. As members of Justin-Siena’s Legacy Circle, a planned gift from their estate means they will leave their mark on Steve’s alma mater well into the future. Steve shares, “I value what Justin-Siena gave me and I am compelled to give back. Joining the Legacy Circle was a no brainer for Kathy and me. I have good feelings about Justin-Siena, the friends I made, and the education I received; I am fortunate to be able to give back to an institution that was so integral to my success.”

2019-2024 Strategic Plan Progress

2024 marks the end of a 5-year Strategic Plan that set sight towards establishing our school’s position as the place to deliver quality education within the three counties we serve. We are proud to share the results of that work as we move “always forward” toward the next five years and beyond. The plan set forth to enhance our operational culture, position as a community leader, and efforts to double down on accessible delivery of our Lasallian Mission.

Operational Culture

• By prioritizing and filling key faculty, staff, and administrative roles, Justin-Siena is better equipped to deliver on the Lasallian mission by providing a safe, inclusive, Christ-centered education for our students.

Serving our Communities

• By significantly re-charging our call to “lead and serve,” our campus has inspired tomorrow’s leaders.

• Key events included wildfire relief and reverse Homecoming parade (’21); “Two Schools: One Voice” (fall ’22); annual Relay for Life; and the return of our “Just-In Service”days.

Uplifting our Core Principles

• Fostered inclusive student opportunities through reimagined spaces such as the Colin Chadwick ’08 Team Center (summer ’22); The Guerrero Family Plaza (fall ’22); The Commons (spring ’23); and our Perimeter Security measures (fall ’23)

A Place to Come Home

• What starts as a simple “Brave for a Day” evolves into a lifetime legacy for our alumni.

Impactful Philanthropy

• New and improved signature events steward meaningful giving channels.

Investing in the Mission

Operational Culture

As evidenced by our District’s engagement with Springtide Research and internal evaluation audits, Justin-Siena has crystallized a culture where students and teachers live out the Lasallian relationship-based model of education.

Serving our Communities

Led by our Director of Outreach, service has become a through line within all of our campus community. Justin-Siena is proud of the dynamic and responsive work being done to meet the needs of our partners and friends in the area.

Impactful Philanthropy

New and improved events such as Braves United, ACCESS 707 Flash Sales, TASTE of Justin-Siena, and more have stewarded meaningful giving channels. In five years of fundraising...

= $975,923

2023-24 = $1,351,755

2023 — JUNE 14, 2024


We are grateful for the following parents, alumni, alumni parents and grandparents, faculty, staff, friends, and businesses who donated to Justin-Siena. What you see, know, and love about our school cannot happen without your support. Your gifts make a significant difference in the lives of our students as you help us move forward. We celebrate you!


$100,000 +

The Peter A. and Vernice H. Gasser Foundation

Justin-Siena High School Foundation


$25,000 - $99,999


Amparo and Eric Gonzales


$10,000 - $24,999

Bank Of America Employee Giving Campaign

Amy Friedkin

Sean Hummer and Michele Wilson

Lasallian Christian Brothers Foundation

Christine and Timothy Malloy ’87 Modern Method Roofing Co., Inc.

Andrea and David Perata ’80

Sangiacomo Family Vineyards

Susan and Ariyeh Schmeder ’92

Sisters of St. Dominic, Congregation of the Most Holy Name

The O’Brien Family Foundation


$5,000 - $9,999

3 Badge Beverage Corporation

Bettinelli Vineyards

Jeanne and James Beutecale

Sarah and Ryan Brennen

Buena Tierra Vineyards, Inc.

Martha and Roger Carlson, MD

Chappellet Vineyard and Winery

Keller Family Real Estate, Coldwell Banker

Leslie and Michael Conway

Mary Ann and Richard Cuneo

A Charles Dell’Ario

Alison and Austin Dragoo

Jon and Joya Favreau, MD ’88

Elizabeth and Andrew Fenton, MD

Fontanella Family Winery

Karen and Jeff Fontanella

Christopher and Sarah Hansen ’92

Maché and Christopher Indelicato

Sue and Jason Johnson

Malloy Imrie & Vasconi Insurance Services, LLC

Diane McMinds

Model Bakery

Adrian Arroyo-Moye and Matthew Moye

Michael Murray ’78

Chris and Stephanie O’Brien ’81

Michelle and Stephen Perotti-Kline

Erin and Reed Renaudin

Lynn and John Rodgers

Lisa and David Schuemann

Kate and Edward Smith

Pamela and Victor Smith

Lisa and Michael Soldati

Sonoma Harvest Olive Oil & Winery, LLC

Vincent Arroyo Winery


$1,996 - $4,999

Aura and Thomas Adams

Han-Fen and Edward Allen

Gwen Truesdell and Steve Antenen

Kerri Beeker and George Beeker, III

Behind the Scenes Catering

Pfizer Employee Giving Program

Karyn and Giancarlo Bettinelli

Millie and Kurt Binz

Lora Blanusa, MD and Robert Blanusa

Maureen and Alok Bose, MD

BottleRock Napa Valley

Kimberly Bowden

Francine and Michael Brossier

Lynette Canaparo

Silva Darbinian and David Carr

Cheveto Window Tint

Janice and Jon Clifton

Daniel Cocilova

Jamie Conley and John Loftus, MD

Colleen Cramsie

Kathryn Holder, MD and David Danzeisen, MD

Angelica de Vere and Paul Mabray

Jason and Megan Dominici ’92

Megan and Colby Eierman

Amanda and Brad Feliz

Christien and Dave Ficeli

John Ficeli ’25

Marlene and Douglas Freeman

Jennifer and Brian Freeto, MD ’93

Gianna Furina and Mark Herold

Krista and Michael Galyen

Cara and Robert Gerard

Debbie and Paul Giusto, Jr.

James Gladfelter

Goosecross Cellars

Megan Gorman

Peter and Katie Green ’93

Brigitte and Rick Healy

Jennifer and Marc Hefner

Highway 12 Winery

Raymond and Caitlin Honeywell ’01

Kimberly and Clinton Jones

Laura Kelley-Weakley and Charles Weakley

Kiwanis Club of Greater Napa

Kiwanis Club of Napa Foundation

Terry Klobas

Amanda and Dennis Kreps

Cecile and Richard Kruse

Fran and Roger LaVoie

Deborah and Larry Lawrence

Julia and Michael Lazzara

Katherine Lee

Manfred & Hunt, LLP

Lorene and Peter McCaffrey

Denae and Michael McDevitt

Marie McLaughlin

Paulina and Libor Michalek

Kristen and George Minardos

NapaSport SteakHouse

Anquanitte and Ramon Ortega

Jennifer and Jason Palter

Sharmistha Kanjee and Hitan Patel

Claire and Aaron Pott

Jamie and Matt Powell

Quinlan’s Tire Service, Inc.

Quintessential, LLC

Cynthia Rattu

Carol and Robert Reber

Angelina Ring, DDS and Joseph Ring ’98

Shanahan Orthodontics

Alyson and Ken Shanahan

Shannon Lemieux Memorial Fund

Silverado Resort

Dane and Bianca Simms ’98

Amy Jullien and Michael Spiegel

Jessica and Wesley Steffens

Winnie and Daniel Sullivan

Lynda and Simon Swain

Tracy Telfer

The Patrick Savage Memorial Corporation

Claudia and John Toulze

Union Square Advisors

Sally and Ali Vaziri, MD

Janet and Graham Weston

Jolene Yee and John Wicks

Douglas and Karyn Williams ’85

Susan and Clint Wilsey

Simone Dullweber and Alexander Winske

Dean Wolfe and Helen Wolfe

Jody and Aaron Wong

Narisa Woolworth ’99 and Victor Woolworth ’01

Jason Yurasek

Todd Zapolski

Angelica and Jorge Zetina


$1,000 - $1,965

Abbey Carpets Unlimited

Alaina’s Voice Foundation

Amine George Khoury, DDS, Inc.

August Sebastiani Charitable Foundation

Agnes and Robert Bailey

Caroline and Anthony Baldini Jr. ’84

Ann and Tom Bassett

Tanya and Samir Berbawy

Lori Hunt and Dean Bledsoe

Jennifer and Massimiliano Boldrini

Lisa Bolger

Regina and Robert Briseño

Buoncristiani Family Winery

Chris Burger

Beverly and Russell Carnate

Fabiola Carvajal Nunez and Darren Cormack

Elizabeth and Anthony Celaya

Anna Marie Longo and Angus Cleland

Antonela and Edward Clunies-Ross

Judith and Mark Cuneo

Tracy and Thomas Cushing, OD

Claire and Kevin Daw ’75

Denise and Matt DeFina

Nicole and Robert Della Santina

Mary and William Dodd, Jr. ’74

Kim and William Dougherty

Angela and Douglas Due

Suzanne and James Duhig

Harvest and John Duhig

Fe Angeli Edralin

Stacey Emerson

Jodi Hernandez and Victor Escobedo

Ma Angela Dominguez and Elmer Estimo

Michele and Ed Farver

Marcia Ficeli

Jennifer Fletcher

Andrea and Ramiro Flores

Annie and Joseph Franzia

Lisa and Patrick Galetto

Alma and Raul Gallegos

Elizabeth and Steven Gant

Janice and Truman Gates

Linzi and Scott Gay

Jeffrey and Caroline Gerlomes ’79

GIGG IP Solutions

Lesley and Michael Giovannelli

Carolina and Yannick Girardo

Amy Goleno ’96 and Kyle Goleno ’95

Angela and Ricardo Graf

Rohn Grazer

Dennis Groth

Eileen and Benjamin Guerard

Fausta Franco-Guerrero and Rogelio Guerrero

Amy and Robert Haines

Colleen and James Harder

Dianne Harris, MD and Edward Cain, MD

Denise and Oscar Henquet

Ana and Jorge Hernandez

Nicole and Casey Hughes

Jaja Jackson

Jimmy Vasser Chevrolet Toyota

Elaine and Donald John

Suzanne Groth Jones and Kimball Jones

Tosha and Everett Kaplan

Kerry and William Kelleher

Meredith and William Keller ’91

Lindsay Keller ’95 and James Keller ’94

Holly Kelly, MD and Andrew Kelly, MD

Kerry Morgan and Paul Kelly, III

Amine Khoury and Suzanne Khoury

Cara and Michael Kopecky

Deirdre and Eric Kopf

Kevin Kress ’91

Estelle and Sebastian Lane

Xuan and Zhi Liu

Colleen Townsend and Charles Love

Michele and Christopher Lynch ’95

Jennifer Madden ’90 and Rick Madden ’88

Dyanne and Jesus Magallanes

Mary’s Pizza Shack

Lynette Mendoza

Audrey and Brent Miller

Kristin and Britt Miller

Wendy Ko and Shane Modrall

Roxana and Brian Mundy

Kavitha Mariappan and David Munro

Napa County Bar Association

Juliette and Christopher Neeb

Burghard “Rudi” Neumann

Shannon O’Shaughnessy

Kimberly and David Phinney

Kristen and Thomas Polakiewicz

Michael and Mia Pucci ’89

Miriam and Juan Puentes, Sr.

Deepika and Bobby Puri

Sarah and Robert Pursell

Rosemarie Quinlan =

Joe and Gina Rasler ’89

Cynthia and Simon Rebullida

Shannon and Chris Reiter

Monica and Jenaro Robledo, Sr.

Robert Romero, Esq. ’81

Roy’s Landscaping, Inc.

Anne and Stanley Saunders, III

Savage and Cooke

Diana and Benjamin Schafer

Jennifer Schneider

Sheila Tabilon, MD and Christopher Schultz, MD

Christina and John Sciocchetti

Jennifer and Ryan Servetnick

Shelley and David Sinegal

Brother Kevin Slate, FSC

Colette Slate

Angela and Nathan Smith

Mary Alice Spinelli

Seana and Justin Stephens

Parker Stephens ’26

Preston Stephens ’28

The Donum Estate

The Horn Heart Foundation

Hope and Scott Tompkins

Linda and Josh Trainor

Erin and Ari Umutyan

Wilma Uribe

DeeAnn Valine ’89 and Matthew Valine ’89

Valley of the Moon Flooring

Tami Dalen and John Van Hofwegen

Nancy and Glenn Vargas

Jaime Vargas

Lauren and Peter Velleno

Wenda and Jerome Wade

Judd Wallenbrock

Jennifer and Albert Washington

Katarzyna Krawczyk and Nader Wassef

Barbara Watkins

Hua and Quiang Zhan

Bianca and John Zimmermann, MD

Ursula Zopp

Alison and Marck Zuehlsdorff


$500 - $999

Jose Abadin, Jr.

Kathleen and AJ Acker

ACME Fine Wines

Svetlana Ternovskaya and Vadim Avanesov

Erin and Carlos Bichara

Kim Smith and William Bradbury

Jeri and Edmond Brovelli, Jr.

Flordeliz and Michael Buhat

Sierra Butler

Maggie Byers

Carol Campagna and Lefteris Dennis

Kristi and Thomas Carey ’86

Veronica Cervantes-Prado and Rupert Cervantes

Classic Car Wash

John Cortese

CTS Fitness & Performance

Tim Darwick

Kayla Davis

Kate and John Daw, DDS ’99

Judith DeGuzman

Ashley and John Derr

Dickenson, Peatman & Fogarty

Lea and Thomas Durante ’93

Lori and Chris Edwards

Angelina Caballero and Brandon Emana

Adona Nacapuy-Esperanza and Ronnie Esperanza

Susann Evans

Stephanie Fidler ’97 and Christopher Fidler ’02

Kirsten and Thomas Flaherty

Susan and Mark Flowers

Nancy Foss

Samantha Francis

Steve Garon

Felipe Gomez

Cindy and Ronnie Gray

Tina Grillos

Don Groth

Marie Dolcini and Giovanni Guerrera ’88

Sonia Ha

Savannah Healy ’27

Aileen Heidkamp

Rebecca Henley

Kathryn Hoff ’70

Claire and Michael Holcomb

Housley’s Ranch Market, Inc.

HSJ Duhig Family Wine

Julia and John Im

Susan and Mark-Erad Incleto

Kirin and Samuel Jamison

Jennifer and Ivo Jeramaz

Cristy and Sean Kaer, MD

Nancy and Samuel Kaplan

Jacqueline and Michael Kelly

Karen and Tim Kelly

Daniel Kiernan

Bridget King Williams

Tiffany Kuehl

Kristina Lee ’05

Christine and Mark Lesti

LIFT Aesthetics

Bonnie and Rob Lloyd

Shelley and Johnnie Love, Jr.

Shay and Donald Maiden

Michael Mathison

Erica and Charles Matto ’05

Laura and Lynn McCarroll

Lisa and Thomas McGinty

Ingrid and Frederick McNicoll

Pilar and Dwight Meier

Suzanne Foss and Kurt Meyers

Tanya and Bradley Mills

Avi Nahmias

Napa Electric

Napa Valley 1839 FC

Marchus Nelson

Nancy and George Nessman

Huy Nguyen

Marissa Nokes and Paul Villegas

Susan Burton and Thomas O’Donnell, Jr.

Opus One Winery

Shannon O’Shaughnessy

Karen Hauser and Christopher Padowan

Deven and Justin Paniagua ’03

Lori and Anthony Parise

Dina and Anil Patel

Cleo Salinas and Javier Perez

Erin and David Prosser

Rowena Ramirez

Cynthia and Jagjett Rattu

Mary and Kyle Rohrs

Joann Roth-Oseary

Erin and Brian Russell

Hillary Ryan ’94 and Andrew Ryan ’84

Morgan Sanders

Connie and Steven Sangiacomo

Alethia Erotas and Darren Schauer

Allison and August Sebastiani, II ’98

Duncan and Lisa Sennott ’90

Seven Apart

Racquel and John Seymour

Michelle and Vincent Sfara, II

Leigh and Jeffrey Sharp

Kathryn and Patrick Shea

Yukie and Eraj Siddiqui

Wes and Vanessa Siebern ’98

Michelle and Ron Slate

Amy and Kyle Snoke

Blanca Rodriguez and Herb Starks

Robert Stornetta ’02

Shauna Chastain and Carlo Teresi

Erika and James Tucci

Maria Villegas

The Watermark at Napa Valley

Anna and Richard Waters

Mary and Aaron Webb

Scott Whitlock

Michael Williams

Antonie Wolfe

Cynthia Wright Bernarding

Wright Contracting LLC


$1 - $499

Joselito Abat

Noemi Abat

Jean Adamo

Allison Adams

Cathy Adams

Maria Adams

Vilma and Leo Adiz

Marco Aguirre and Yakeline Gonzalez

Lizbeth and Daniel Alarcon

Erica Alfaro-Lopez ’06

Lucy Allen ’72 and Tom Sillen

Hilda Mora and Jesus Alonzo

Mounzer Alsamman and

Ruba Alsamman

Susan Alvarez

Bandon Alves

Marina Anderson

Shavon Anderson

Leigha and Dwayne Andrews

Patricia Andrews

Catherine D’Angelo Holmes

Jennifer Appell

Griselda and Efren Aranda

Bryan Arbios ’05

Matt Arentz

Yonja and Dicran Arnold

Pascual Artero

Denise Asaro

Mike and Patricia Ashauer ’79

Chris Ashworth

B & G Tire of Napa

Fa Ba

David Bader

Victoria Bailey

Christina and Jeff Ball

Wilma Bascara

Richard and Katherine Batt ’78

Glenda and Bradley Bautista

Adeyinka Adekale-Baxter and

Cecil Baxter

Brian Beahm

Claudia Zinn and Jeffrey Beaulac

John Beck

Debra Becker

Boo Beckstoffer

Pamela Beigh

Margarita and Kevin Belton

Marilyn Bennett

Mary Ann Bennett

Causandra and Nicholas Bernardi

Josuwa Bernardo ’94

Maci and Andrew Bettencourt ’02

Marsha Bettinelli

George and Amanda Bevan ’96

Lisa Biddle

Kim and Audrey Blackseth ’72

Annie Blake Neumann

Rodney Block

Stephanie Blumenson and James Hollabaugh

Julie and Charles Boles

Andrea and Kent Boltz

Kelly and Xavier Bon

Marisa Borzoni

Natalie and Timothy Bouchet, Sr.

Annick Bouldt

Tabitha diMonda and Kirk Bovitz

Peter Bowman

Claire and William Boyd, Sr.

Sean Bradshaw

Pete Brennan

Kristin Bria ’88

Keri and Chad Briskovich

Mary Jane and John Broderick

Adrianna Didion-Brown and David Brown

Kellie Brugger and Rob Brugger

Carmella Bryan

Melissa Bryant

Barbara Buckley

Kendall Buffington

Thi and Patrick Bui

Yvette and Matthew Buoncristiani ’90

Leigh Burns

Y’Lonn and Ronald Burris

Mary Bush-Donovan

Melitta and Thomas Butcher, Jr.

Braeden Butler ’26

Scott Butler

Ingrid Campagne

Chris Canevari

Lesley and Kevin Cannariato

Carolyne and Earl Carmichael

Benjamin and Katherine Caron ’77

Dave Carr

Griselda Mata and Jose Carrasco

Scott Carter

Clifton Cartwright

Carolyn and James Cassayre

Sophia Castaneda ’94

Elaine and Steve Cavalin

Rainnyl Cayabyab

Veronica Robledo and Juan Cervantes Martinez

Charito Cervantes

Scott Chafen

Thomas Chiarella

Michael and Francine Chouinard ’75

Annette Enriquez-Chuang and Frank Chuang

Emily and David Ciabattari

Georgine Clarke

Peggy and Eric Clayton

Jennifer and Jennifer Cohee

Julie and Jonathan Cohen

Lorraine Coleman

Patricia Collins

James and Elizabeth Conners, PhD ’84

Angela and Vince Contini

Ivonne Contreras

Kathy Conway

Carole and Derald Cook

Tricia and Ari Cookson

Heather Copp

Correlation Wine Co

Matthew Cottler

Michael Coutre

Tina and Michael Cox ’86

Rolando Crisostomo

Annette Cross

Jamie Cross

Shelly Cross

Lisa Lucero and David Cruz

Nancy and Joseluis Cuevas

Jody Culp Wong

Lorena and Jorge Curiel

Aaron Curley

Chris Curnutt

Alexa and Chris Cutler

Francesca Farfan and Luigi Dagnino

Luis Dagnino

Jade Dahl

Silva Darbinian

Chris David

Monique and Hugh Davies

Tiffany and John Davis

James Day ’72

June Defilippis

Sherri DeFina

Brenda and George Del Castillo

Rowilma and Gabriel Del Castillo

Murielle Del Castillo

Nancy Deleon

Nora Delgado

Sergio Dematos

Dawn and Matthew Denkin ’92

Kris Dern ’03

Karun Dhillon ’12

Veronica Favela-Diaz and Edgar Diaz

Dora and Joel Diaz

Patricia Diaz

Juliana Dilloway

Matthew Dingman

Sandra and Cullen Dodd

Michele and Paul Dold

MaAngela Dominguez-Estimo

Irene Dominguez

Ana and Chris Douglas

James Drake ’91

Nora and David Dreesen

Jody and Dennis Drummond

Corinne Dudine

Deborah and Kevin Duffy

Carmen and James Dunbar

Troy Dunha

Chanin Cook and Jonathan Edie

Edward Eichner

Patricia Engel

Brette Bartolucci and Frank Engelbert

Natasha Engering-Ward and

Ian Ward

Dave Eriksen

Jacqueline Escareno

Alejandro Escobedo

Catherine Escobedo

Cheryl Espinosa-Jones

Gloria Esquivel

Kathleen Evans

Kathy Famulener

Wynne Fassari

Angelica Favela

Clarissa and Harry Fegan

Ann and Michael Fennell

Carrie Findleton

Karen and Joseph Fischer

C.J. and Sheila Flanagan ’73

Karla Flores

Maria and Julio Flores

Holly and Roberto Flores

Sarah Flowers

Janet and Kent Fortner

Karen and William Foster

Mary Freeman

Mario Fuentes

Jessica and Rafael Fuentes

Chloe Fulton ’09

Hector Gallegos

Lisa Galli

Chris Garcia

Berenice Garvan

Jennifer Gass ’93

Susan Gavinski

Joelle Gebo

Sonia Gee

Willie Gee

Amy Geiger

Georgann and Joe Geist

Thad Geldert

Geoengineers Inc

Francis Gerodias

Summer Schenck and John Giannini

Jennifer and Ted Giaquinto

Melissa Gibbs

Pamela and Patrick Gleeson ’85

Golden Gate Sotheby’s Intl Realty

Shawn Golden

Sophia and Francisco Gomez

Mary Ann Gonser

Jasmin Gonzalez

Rowena and Rodolfo Gonzalez

Ann Goodsell

LeeAnn and Daniel Goodwin ’79

Kelly and Brian Graver ’83

Laura and Stephen Greco

Maria and Barney Grieco

Gilgua Guadamuz-Griffin and

Scott Griffin

Nikole and Christian Grimshaw ’89

Barbara Groth

Kathryn Guerard

Kristi and Alejandro Guerrero

Raelene and Raghu Gullapalli

Molly Gyetvan

Marcia Hadeler

Carol Hagen

Brian Haight

John Hamilton

Pamela Hansen

Suzanne Hanson, DC

Kyle Hard

Eleanor and John Harrington

Amy and Michael Harris

Irene Harrison

Don Hatfield

David Hayes

Justin Hayes

Laura Heffernan

Theresa and James Heim

Donna and Michael Hein

Richard Henley

Lisa Henry

Rosa Soriano and Jorge Heredia

Angelica Hernandez

Charlotte Hernandez

Paola Hernandez

Shawna Hernandez

Lauren and Alexander Hesser

Jennifer and David Heun ’88

Sonja and James Hightower

Joy Hilton

Heather and Andrew Hodges, Ed.D.

Hayden Hodges ’24

Barbara and Danny Hoffert

Tina and Peter Hoffmann

Renee Hohimer

Nicole and Mark Holley

Julia Holquin

Ari and Travis Hood

Jonathan Hooten

Anna Hopkins and Lyndsey Vogel

Tamara and Adam Housley

Mark Howard

Darrel Howatt

Farah Hudgen

Clarisa Huerta

Harper Hughes ’27

Debbie Huntley and Tom Huntley

Francisco Ilao

Joel Ilao

Maria and Jose Manuel Ilao

Erica and Brandon Imhoff

Eduardo Incleto

J. and C. Indelicato

Roger Iris

Catalina and Roberto Irucuta

Dominic Isetta

Miranda Ives

James Cole Winery

Kent Jarman

Josh Jerge

Karin Jinbo

Rebecca and Bradley Johnson

Tina and Ian Johnson

Jean Johnson

Gay and Joeffrey Jolavar

Marilyn Jones

Claudia and Kevin Kalten

Joe Kaniewski

Bonnie Karrigan

Mary Elizabeth Martin-Katz and Edward Katz, II

Victoria and Mark Keller

Dorothy and William Keller

Sunee Kiernan

Jen Kinavey

Patrick Kiser ’84

Shellie and Shellie Klimenko

Christy Kling

Margo and Mitchell Klockner

Michael Knapp and Laura Srebro ’05

Karron and Roger Koehler

Adrianne and Eric Koford

Holly Koford

Anne and John Nathaniel Komes, III

Emily Kress

Cathy Lachky

Stephanie Lapuz

Elise and William Lau

Christel LeCount

James Leli ’07

Tom and Molly LeMasters ’74

Lori and Daniel Lemieux ’73

Anale and Kevin Lemieux ’03

Nashely Leon

Malcolm Leong

Laura Garcia and Jose Lepe

Breanna and Brendan Lesti ’01

Kami Linan

Lori Linan

Goretty Linares

Monica and Johnnie Linn

Magali Mendoza and Isidro Llamas

Chris Logwood

Ruby Louie

Susan M. Lowe

Jeff Lynch

Barbara Maccready

Carol MacPherson

Milagros and Manuel Madayag, Jr.

Susanne Madigan

Catherine and John Mahoney

Rebecca Maldonado

Morgan Malloy ’15

Linda and Thomas Malloy

Jennifer and Reginald Manoos

Roxanne and Joel Mar

Adrienne Marks ’10

Carol Martin

Jessica and Peter Martin

Tevis Martin and Lynne Martin

Tracy Martin

David and Linda Mattos ’72

Kaleb Matulich

Stefan Matulich

Karla and Alonzo Maxwell, III

Gerard Maylad

Kimberly and Douglas Mazzucco

Edward McBride ’72

Elizabeth and David McCracken

Helen and Thomas McDermott

Liam McDevitt ’20

Matthew McDevitt

Karen McGilley

Julia and Duncan McGuire

Jeanne and Ian McIvor

Karen and Edward McKeown

John McKeown

Courtney and James McMahon

Carolann McNicoll

Alicia Medina

Mecaela and Nicholas Meerholz

Sarah and Kevin Melanephy

Angelica and Jesus Melecio

Winchelle and Erick Mendoza

Jennifer Menges

Dianna and Scott Messenger

Jennifer Metcalfe

Charlotte and Stephen Meyer

Juliane Millhollin

Susan Millhollin

Jacob Moffat

Daniel Mohney

Rowan Moiser

Jack Mooney

Angelica and James Moore

Renee Moore

Lissette and Juan Carlos Mora, Sr.

Ana Morales

Briana Moreno

Luis Moreno

Paul Morlet ’17

Tom Morris

Paula and Fabrice Moschetti

Marta and Christopher Mouriski

Mary Mucks

Nicholas Mucks

Emily and Andrew Mughannam

Jay Mulligan

Jose Muniz

Pete Munoa and Katie Munoa

Alice Munoz

Valeska and Daryl Muromoto

Napa Valley Community Foundation

Napa Valley Horsemen’s Association

Heather and Robert Nations

Lorraine Negri

Carole Nelson

Lynda Nelson

Angela and Stacy Nelson, II

Britt and Walter Newell

AnhTu Nguyen and Diep Nguyen

Dr. and Mrs. Robert Nicholas

Mark and Danielle Nicoletti ’94

Laura Orozco and Felipe Nieto

Robert Nolan

Patricia Nominni

Trish Nominni

Sister Brigid Noonan, OP

Monika O’Sullivan

Marla and Frank Oathout

Patricia and David Oro

Elba Rodriguez and Luis Ortiz

Wanda Ott

Mitzi Palazzolo

Cynthia Paniagua ’75

Sonia Paniagua

Violeta Pastelero

Mark and Margaret Patterson ’70

Sharon Patterson

Jerri Patton

Kelly and Burke Pedersen

Terra Pepper

Cindy Perez-Miguel

Jessica and Humberto Perez

Nancy and Raul Perez, Jr.

Paul Perotti

Adrian Peterson

Nicole and Bryan Pieratt

Pink Elephant Concessions

Brenda Pittore

Jennifer and Mark Porembski

Mary Sue and Durand Potter

Brenna and Chad Pourroy

Michael Powderly

Angela and Phillip Powell

Brenda Guzman and Juan Preciado

Ava Preston ’25

Ritsa and Ryan Preston

Karla Prieto

Valerie and Gary Prince ’79

Athan Putnam ’03

Molly Putnam

Lissette Quintanilla

Carmen and Pablo Quiroga

Jesse Ralston, III

Felix Ramirez ’80

Jeanine Ramirez

Belia-Eugenia Ramos

Kelly Randall

Jennifer Rasler ’86

Lisa Redmon

Beth Cuccia Reilly and Jeff Reilly

Vicki and Fred Reinell

Janet and Marvin Reinoso

Winthrop and Marie Reis ’78

Carlo Reyes

Seth Richart, IV

Cindi and Stephen Ripple, MD ’84

Tom Ritchey

Pamela Rivera ’02

Robert Reed, State Farm

Elizabeth Robertis Smith

Irma and Earl Robinson

Flora and Mario Rodriguez

Kim Rogers

Magdalena and Majin Roman

Marisabel Olguin ’94 and Jess Romero ’77

Kendall Rose

Hilary Rosen

Kristen and Kristopher Ross

Anthony and Sandra Rossomando ’73

Frances and Rallie Rualo

Elsa Ruiz

Nancy Granados and Jordan Ruiz

Andrea and Stephen Ruiz

Sonia Ryan

Erika Sablan

Deborah and Sydney Salazar

Laura and Francisco Sales

Ray Samatovicz

Cindy Sammarco

Yessi Sanchez-Padilla and Eduardo Padilla

Calvin Sanders ’14

Kim Sanders

Marissa Santos

Paul Santos

Curtis Sawyer ’09

Matt Schiefferly

Tasha and Matthew Schmitz ’01

Danielle and Peter Schmitz ’03

Susan and Stan Schmutz

Rich Schweiker

Judy and John Scudder

Lorraine Scullion

Cheryl Sealy

Katherine and Don Sebastiani, Jr. ’95

Nancy and Don Sebastiani, Sr.

Jefferson Sevilla

Michelle and Vincent Sfara, II

Yildiz and Khurram Shahzad

Maria Sharrieff

Julie and Curtis Shaw

Rupiena and Issac Shehadeh

Chuck Sheldon

Susan Shifflett ’72 and Michael Shifflett, MD ’71

Francine Shore

Kathleen and Stephen Silva ’71

Eileen Simmons

Nicholas and Shawn Simon ’82

Marit and Gordon Sinclair, DPM

Jill Sinclair ’99 and David Sinclair ’99

Canada Jim Smith

Dana Smith

Marcia and Iain Smith

Kim Smith

Miranda Smith ’13

Victor Smith, Jr.

Alex Soto

Ashley Souza

Sasha Souza

Patricia and Ivo Spalatin

Linda and James Srebro, MD

St. Joseph Convent

Christina Stephens

Nicholas Stephens

Kristin and Mark Stephenson

Ashley and Trent Stoppello ’91

Tina and Jeff Stricklin

Patricia and Jim Sullivan

Levi Sumagaysay

Catalina and Ernesto Tapia

Nanay Tatay

Anthony Telfer

Judith Telfer

Daisy Tellez

Chad Tenbrink ’14

The Presentation School

Sirikanya Sopaphuncharoen and Tawatchai Thitiprayoonwongse

Linda and Charles Thomas

Michelle Thomas

Nicole Thomas

Margaret and William Thompson ’70

Jenny Tiangsing

Arlene and Joel Tolentino

Leonard Tolentino ’01

Joan and George Torassa, III

Cindi and Kevin Towey ’70

Huy and Luong Tran ’89

Myrna Marron and Peter Trovitch, Sr.

Debbie Upland

Alicia and Alejandro Valdivia

Karla and Chris Vale

Travis Vale

Van Winden Landscaping, Inc

Marisol Vargas and Bidaori Mora

Cristina and Socrates Vargas

Anastacia and Ulises Vasquez

Tricia Vela

Gloria Velarde

Isela and Ruben Velazquez

Michelle Venegas

Darla Viau

Teresita Victoria

Monica and Armando Villalvazo

Maria Villamarin

Vineyard 7 & 8

Jesica Vorhees

Christian Wais

Andrew Walker

Penny and Robert Walker

Kathleen Walsh

Ashley Wasner

Julie Watson

Pat Watson, Jr.

Anita Webb

April and Richard Webster

Claudia Weger ’72

Nancy and Steve Weiler

Alyssa and Joseph Welling

Elizabeth and Peter Wells

Hilary Wendel

Katharine White

Chuck Whitecotton

Gary Willbanks

Etta Williams

R. Curt and Margaret Williams ’77

Robert Williams

Walter and Rocio Wilson ’86

Allyson Wood

Richard Wood

Stephen Wrubel

Ellen E. Wulf

Leona and Harry Yahata

Alyson Young

Rosemary and Trent Zalesky

Joanne and Morgan Zaninovich

Graziella Bouzeid-Ziedan and Joseph Zeidan

Tonia and Todd Zeiter

Christian and Melissa Zenaty ’06

Amy and David Zurowski

= Indicates deceased

Note: We make every effort to assure all donors are properly listed in our report. If your name was inadvertently left out or listed incorrectly, we apologize. Please contact the Advancement Office at 707.255.0950 ext. 610 to advise us of this error. Thank you.

Fund-a-Need Gifts

Fundraising has begun for the Zeller Student Center renovation. A gateway to academics and student life at Justin-Siena, this integrated one-stop locale will allow students to interface with school administration as well as be a central hub for student activities: Lasallian Student Life; Faith and Service; the Office of Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging; and our Lasallian Education Access Program.

Aura and Thomas Adams

Bank Of America Employee Giving Campaign

Margarita and Kevin Belton

Millie and Kurt Binz

Lora Blanusa, MD and Robert Blanusa

Maureen and Alok Bose, MD

Chris Burger

Maggie Byers

Beverly and Russell Carnate

Emily and David Ciabattari

Antonela and Edward Clunies-Ross

Daniel Cocilova

Jamie Conley and John Loftus

Brenda and George Del Castillo

Kim and William Dougherty

Angela and Douglas Due

Angelina Caballero and Brandon Emana

Elizabeth and Andrew Fenton

Stephanie Fidler ’97 and Christopher Fidler ’02

Kirsten and Thomas Flaherty

Karen and Jeff Fontanella

Amy Friedkin

Lisa and Patrick Galetto

Jeffrey and Caroline Gerlomes ’79

Amparo and Eric Gonzales

Peter and Katie Green ’93

Robert and Amy Haines

Dianne Harris, MD and Edward Cain, MD

Brigitte and Rick Healy

Barbara and Danny Hoffert

Claire and Michael Holcomb

Raymond and Caitlin Honeywell ’01

Sean Hummer and Michele Wilson

Maché and Christopher Indelicato

Laura Kelley-Weakley and Charles Weakley

Holly Kelly, MD and Andrew Kelly, MD

Kerry Morgan and Paul Kelly, III

Terry Klobas

Julia and Michael Lazzara

Monica and Johnnie Linn

Michele and Christopher Lynch ’95

Christine and Timothy Malloy ’87

Erica and Charles Matto ’05

Denae and Michael McDevitt

Lisa and Thomas McGinty

Rowan Moiser

Michael Murray ’78

Heather and Robert Nations

Karen Hauser and Christopher Padowan

Dina and Anil Patel

Jamie and Matt Powell

Athan Putnam ’03

Erin and Reed Renaudin

Susan and Ariyeh Schmeder ’92

Alyson and Ken Shanahan

Wes and Vanessa Siebern ’98

Jill Sinclair ’99 and David Sinclair ’99

Kate and Edward Smith

Pamela and Victor Smith

Amy and Kyle Snoke

Lisa and Michael Soldati

Amy Jullien and Michael Spiegel

Shauna Chastain and Carlo Teresi

Alicia and Alejandro Valdivia

Darla Viau

Jody and Aaron Wong

Christian and Melissa Zenaty ’06

Individual and Corporate Sponsors

Thank you to those in our community who support our events and programs (BRAVES ALLIANCE, CRAB FEST, DISP, TASTE of Justin-Siena, and the JS Classic Golf Tournament) by being an underwriting sponsor.

3 Badge Beverage Corporation and Don Sebastiani & Sons

Abbey Carpets Unlimited

ACME Fine Wines

Audio House of Napa

Aura and Thomas Adams

B & G Tire of Napa

Beeker Family

Behind the Scenes Catering

Bettinelli Vineyards

BottleRock Napa Valley

Buena Tierra Vineyard

Cheveto Window Tint

Napa Classic Car Wash & Detail Center

Correlation Wine Co.

James Cole Winery

Keller Family Real EstateColdwell Banker

Cocilova/Barbosa Families

CTS Fitness & Performance

Dickenson, Peatman & Fogarty

DA Due Compliance & Logistics

The Donum Estate

Edward Jones

Fenton Family

Fontanella Family Winery

GIGG IP Solutions

Golden Gate Sotheby’s International Realty

The Gonzales Family Fund

The Gonzales Group/Merrill Lynch

Goosecross Cellars

Gray Whale Gin

Highway 12 Winery

Honrama Cellars

Housley’s Ranch Market, Inc.

Duhig Wine

Amine Khoury, DDS

Cecile and Richard Kruse

LIFT Aesthetics

Lito Auto Body, Inc.

Malloy Imrie & Vasconi Insurance Services LLC

Manfred & Hunt, LLP

Mary’s Pizza Shack

The Model Bakery

Modern Method Roofing

Napa Electric

Napa Valley Gondola

NapaSport SteakHouse

Napa Valley 1839 FC

Perata Vineyards

Quinlan’s Tire Service Inc.

Quintessential, LLC

Roy’s Landscaping Inc.

Sally Vaziri Real Estate

Sangiacomo Family Vineyards

Savage & Cooke

Schmeder Family

Seven Apart

Shanahan Orthodontics

Sonoma Harvest Olive Oil & Winery

State Farm/Robert Reed

Union Square Advisors

Valley of the Moon Flooring

Van Pelt Construction Services

Van Winden Landscaping, Inc.

Vineyard 7 & 8

Vargas Market & Taqueria

Vincent Arroyo Winery

Wright Contracting

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