2022-23 Impact Report

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Mike Soldati, Chair

Erica Alfaro-Lopez ’06

Sr. Susan Allbritton, OP

Diego Garcia, Esq. ’94

Patrick Gleeson ’85

Dianne Harris, M.D.

Elaine John

Br. Robert Wickman, FSC


Tim Malloy ’87, Chair

Manbin Monteverdi

Eric Gonzales

Brendan Kelly

Michael Holman


Matthew D. Powell, President

Joe Welling, Principal

Andrea Flores, Vice President for Advancement

Alicia Valdivia, Vice President for Enrollment Management

John Van Hofwegen, Vice President for Finance

Kate Bock, Director of Human Resources

Alma Gallegos, Assistant Principal and Director of LEAP

Khiely Jackson ‘16, Director for Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Belonging

than you
John Baptist de La Salle Table of Contents WHAT IT TAKES ..................................................... 1 GROUP INPUT ........................................................ 3 MAKING PROJECTS HAPPEN ....................... 5 BE PRESENT ................................................... 7 BIG SUCCESS 9 SO MUCH IN COMMON 11 GREATER IMPACT ............................................... 13 EVENTS DELIVER ........................................ 15 GIVING TIME 17 HONOR ROLL 19
“You can do more with the Grace
think.” St.

The2022-2023 school year was a remarkable example of what can be achieved when individuals make the choice to invest in our Mission. The results—the delivery of major gains. As I reflect on my first year as president, not only am I encouraged by this year’s successes, I also recognize that we are on a positive trajectory, already put into motion by a rising tide. Spearheaded by former President David Holquin’s leadership and inspired strategic planning, I believe we will continue to thrive. With the support of generous donors and community members, our school can surely build on this momentum.

Justin-Siena is currently executing a larger, long-term strategic vision for the school. This flows from the work of the Board of Trustees to set a vision that will best advance our Lasallian Mission. These efforts will take shape in the coming weeks and months, and we are excited to share specifics as they come to fruition.

This fall, we will welcome the largest incoming freshman class in six years. As a result, we are able to hire additional educators and staff members ready to further the Lasallian Mission by contributing their talents to our established, prosperous culture. Achieving set plans is a hallmark of a successful organization which we have fully experienced this year. When people bear witness to our strong ALLHEART community, they experience Justin-Siena’s true intrinsic value.

I am proud of the direction Justin-Siena is heading as our prospects move always forward. Prioritizing transparency, we share important statistics from the 2022-2023 year, as well as celebrate individuals who directly contributed to Justin-Siena’s successful fiscal year. This document highlights important trends we are seeing, as well as exciting results this year’s donor impact has made on our students, campus, and school community.

What it Takes to Operate.


$860,200 Curriculum and Programs

$9,085,000 Salaries and Benefits

$13,739,616 Total Operations Budget

$318,155 Other Fees

$943,800 General and Administrative

$2,532,461 Property Costs


Group Input.

Student Success. 3
Harris, MD Board of Trustees member
and alumni parent of
Cain ’11

Onceyou’ve been a working parent to a high school student, you’ve made a commitment to trade personal time for using your time for a greater cause. You’ve done it for at least four years, but most likely for many more years than that whilst your child was in grade school, too. Becoming re-involved at Justin-Siena as a Board of Trustees member after a 12 year gap since my younger son graduated, was a muscle memory experience—only better. The longer one lives and the more removed from an experience, when you return, you approach it with added wisdom and a different perspective, making it more rewarding than your first time around. This has been true for me.

As a parent, you’re worried about your child’s development and performance. For me, being a student’s parent was a matter of trust. I trusted that my child would be treated in a manner guided by Catholic principles. As a Board member, there is more concern with the actual principles and guidelines that are the genesis of the trust one wants for Justin-Siena families. It was prudent for me to volunteer to be in the Board subgroup that reviewed and updated the Ends Policy. The Ends Policy is basically a document that answers various facets of the question, “What are the results we want for our students from this Lasallian education?” This is a crucial question and a key component of why parents should entrust Justin-Siena with a huge aspect of their child’s development during their formative high school years. Simply listening was never an option when it came to decision-making on the Board. Each person’s perspective was critical to the success of the group. My takeaway is that together our collective mind is more impactful than any one individual. We take pride in our ability to collaborate.

Justin-Siena High School is led by a lot of people who care about the students individually. It is a principled organization, consistently looking at whether it is meeting its goals, and constantly considering the impact of its tenets on the student experience. By giving back through our time and talents, we reinforce Lasallian principles for the students in hopes of helping them better prepare for their next phase of life.

Each person’s input IS critical to the success of the group.

Making the Big Projects Happen.


$2,093,683 Total Fundraising

Making the Best Future Happen


$841,490 Restricted Fundraising

$1,252,193 General Fundraising

Justin-Siena Fund
Get Involved. 7
Kim & Dave Phinney Parents of Angelina ’21 and Aidan ’23

Followingthe example of our parents, we have always prioritized education—not just for our own children, but for others who may not have the opportunity to attend private schools. Getting involved at school provides us a window into our childrens’ worlds that we wouldn’t ordinarily have by reading emails from the school or just talking to our child. We also meet other like-minded parents who are on the same journey, at the same time. Being involved parents helps create a community within the school where everyone—parents, students, faculty, and staff feel supported. Giving of our time makes us feel fully invested. By simply showing up, you gain the valuable perspective of seeing how students treat one another and how faculty and staff interact with our children. Everyone is connected.

Our children, Angelina ’21 and Aidan ’23, had very different experiences at Justin-Siena and the school accommodated the needs of each. This is a testament to how well-rounded a Justin-Siena education is. Angelina and Aidan played multiple sports throughout their four years at Justin-Siena; the co-curricular component played an integral role in our very positive experience. They both were able to explore their faith as well. Kairos was an awesome, life-altering experience for our children, centering them in a way that encouraged personal reflection. That special time with their classmates and participating faculty was emotional and became a transformative experience not found in many places.

Upon graduation, our children were well-prepared for college and life after high school. We definitely plan to stay involved as we have learned from past experience that schools need ongoing support in order to thrive. Even after Aidan graduates, Justin-Siena can count on our support. We will continue to be there for the baseball program, and we will definitely come back to set up for prom. That’s such a blast! Acknowledging the teachers during Teacher Appreciation Week is also really important to us. Joining J-SPA (Justin-Siena Parent Association) was a rewarding way to get to know the larger JustinSiena community and be involved with faculty and staff outside a classroom. The enthusiasm for the school within the parent community is genuinely felt at these events.

When you gather in person, you create trust and support—for the community at large. There is a sense of ownership that doesn’t exist anywhere else and an accountability that puts everyone on the same page. Working as a team is an important piece for any organization, especially a school, to thrive. When you have a strong community of invested people who show up, it’s hard not to succeed.

I believe Justin-Siena is on a great trajectory. This school is composed of unique, loving people who prioritize Lasallian college preparatory education for all, while fostering each individual student. We pray Justin-Siena will continue in this tradition, ensuring parent involvement, alumni support, and waiting lists for years.

Don’t simply blend in. Stand out! Keep the Faith!


Celebrating a Big Success.


Dodd sponsors $211,753 Commons $135,000 Grants/Donations


InAugust, we launched a new capital campaign to better secure our campus by fortifying our perimeter fencing and enhancing entrance protocols. From the planning and preparation stages, to the final piece of installed technology, we celebrate the success of this fully-funded campaign. Every milestone of this operation—from planning, to installation and execution—exceeded expectations. As value added, Justin-Siena was able to recapture unused campus acreage to build out The Commons, a beautiful event and dining space that will be enjoyed for years to come.

A multi-tiered process, garnering support from stakeholders was imperative—whether they be parents, major donors, or neighboring businesses and families, the success of this campaign demanded a strong sense of the strategic direction of the school. Catalyzing the initiative, Senator Bill Dodd ’74 announced that Justin-Siena would be the beneficiary of his annual holiday fundraiser. We express our continued appreciation to Senator Dodd for selecting Justin-Siena; the event raised hundreds of thousands of dollars toward our fundraising goal!

The talented technology team at Justin-Siena was able to observe and master the real-world application and use of the security system. With great success, students, faculty and staff, and our daily visitors adeptly adopted new protocols. The Commons represents what can result from consistent donor support of a capital campaign, as bandwidth and opportunities expand beyond initial goals and expectations. Those who generously gave to the perimeter security initiative have set the tone for successful future endeavors. Justin-Siena High School honors all of your efforts and celebrates each and every one of you

It’s great to have so many friends right in our own front yard!

Thank you to Senator Bill Dodd ’74 for raising $360,000 for Justin-Siena at his 23rd annual Holiday Party. You helped fully fund two major capital improvement projects in only seven months!


So Much in Common.


And, with so many backgrounds, our diverse student body continues to grow.

The class of 2027 highlights a 34% increase over the last six years.

12 2018-19 136 2019-20 146 2020-21 140 2021-22 160 2022-23 156 2023-24 182
Incoming Freshman Classes Since 2018-19
Greater Impact. Kevin Daw ’76 Parent of Michael ’97 John ’99, and Cara ’03
Brave. 13

Havinghad a positive and fruitful experience with Justin-Siena, supporting the school has become a family priority for us. Helping Justin-Siena continue to evolve will benefit future students as we have benefited. It is a need here, now, around us – not distant in miles, or years in the past. My family fondly remembers the founding Dominican Sisters. A wonderful example to follow, there would be no Justin-Siena High School without their generosity and support! With the merging of Justin High School and Siena High School following my freshman year, a new heritage began. When we returned in the fall of 1972, we were “hyphenated,” and on a new legacy path. I choose to continue to support this legacy. My parents graduated from Catholic high schools in Chicago; their seven children graduated from Justin-Siena, and our two sons and daughter are alumni. Our five grandchildren who live in Napa are potential future Braves. For me, the small Catholic school environment encouraged me to take chances and to develop more proficiently than I would have in a larger setting. Having taught in both Catholic and public schools (Justin-Siena, Cardinal Newman, and Silverado Middle School), I often question what the difference is. That the the holy presence of God is felt on every campus is key. Before we even met our Catholic students each year at Justin-Siena and Cardinal Newman, we knew that we shared the most important thing: our Catholic faith. We could and did pray as a class.

A while ago, we streamlined our gifting to achieve greater impact. Justin-Siena became an important recipient of our larger, regular gifts. To honor an influential teacher who aided both my son and me, we chose to support the Robert C. Morrish Scholarship Fund which assists students of alumni with their tuition expenses. I believe this type of ongoing support establishes longevity and continued, exponential growth. Founded in 1966, our Justin-Siena is just past 50 years old. I am proud and excited anticipating the reaction from my grandchildren when it reaches its 100th anniversary. JustinSiena High School provides us all with an opportunity to participate in creating a strong heritage here in Napa.

I also believe that evangelizing student service is very important. When the greater Napa community sees our students in action, it speaks volumes about how Justin-Siena fosters them to be beacons for other young people in their commitment to make a positive community impact. Priceless.

It’s not a stairway to heaven...but it’s close.

Signature Events Deliver!

$196,550 Raised for Co-curricular Programs

The Justin-Siena community looked forward to and set record attendance levels at our signature fundraising events, raising over 40% more than in 2022.


$87,505 Raised for Athletics

$25,165 Raised for Tuition Assistance

$22,622 Raised for Tuition Assistance

$16,287 Raised for LEAP


Giving Time.

Vicki Crist, with sons Andrew ’25 and Tommy ’22
Seeing Rewards.

Ibelievein giving back through the act of volunteering. This social responsibility was instilled in me as a child growing up in Napa. Both my parents frequently volunteered in the community, and now I consider giving time and energy as my contribution to helping my community flourish. Justin-Siena has presented me with many opportunities to engage in supporting the school. Time is a precious commodity, and I make it a personal objective to prioritize my time to lighten the load for Justin-Siena faculty and staff.

Although my son, Andrew ’25, is a junior and will graduate in two years, I plan to remain involved after he leaves. I enjoy lending a hand to the Advancement Team with the various events they coordinate. Both of my boys have been blessed to be part of this ALLHEART community, and I hope that they continue to serve the school as alumni when they finish college and begin their careers.

My favorite volunteer experience at Justin-Siena is organizing the annual clothing drive each summer. When I began sorting and organizing the donated school uniforms, there were probably well over a thousand pieces of clothing items. With the help of volunteers, preparing the clothing for students to easily check through, has been incredibly rewarding. The inventory has decreased a great deal over the years, not for lack of donations, but because the clothing is making it into the closets of students who need it, instead of hanging unused in closets.

The more time I spend as part of Justin-Siena, the more I realize how much the community truly embodies the ALLHEART motto. The staff genuinely strives to create a unique environment where students thrive and engage in their educational journey. Post-pandemic, the school has had some difficulty getting volunteers on campus, but hopefully more people will choose to volunteer this year. J-SPA, the Justin-Siena Parent Association, provides a multitude of ways for parents to share their time, talent, and treasure. Investing in our students now will surely benefit their lives for years to come.

Time is a precious commodity and here I know our time is valued.

2022 — 2023


We are grateful for the following parents, alumni, alumni parents and grandparents, faculty, staff, friends, and businesses who donated to Justin-Siena. What you see, know, and love about our school can’t happen without your support. Your gifts make a significant difference in the lives of our students as you help us move forward. We celebrate you!


$100,000 +

Justin-Siena High School Foundation

The Peter A. and Vernice H. Gasser Foundation*


$25,000 - $99,999


Amparo and Eric Gonzales

Gorin Tennis Academy, Inc.

The Craig and Kathryn Hall Foundation

Christine and Timothy Malloy ’87*

Susan and Ariyeh Schmeder ’92


$10,000 - $24,999


Betty and Andrew Beckstoffer*

Cal Fire Local 2881 Issues Committee

Blakesley and Cyril Chappellet

E & J Gallo Winery

Karen and Jeff Fontanella

James Gladfelter

Violet Grgich ’83 and Colin Shipman

Katherine and Ben Jewell, MD

Knighted Ventures LLC

Lasallian Christian Brothers Foundation

Roger LaVoie*

Malloy Imrie & Vasconi Insurance Services, LLC*

McGrath Properties, Inc.

Palmaz Vineyards

Park West Casinos Inc.

PBF Holding Company LLC


Jan and Donald Preston

Carol and Robert Reber

Whitney and Michael Sangiacomo ’87*

Connie and Steven Sangiacomo

Sisters of St. Dominic, Congregation of the Most Holy Name*

Kate and Edward Smith

Sonoma Harvest Olive Oil & Winery, LLC


Western States Petroleum Association

Wheeler Farms Winery


$5,000 - $9,999

Ace & Vine/LE Gaming

Altamura Enterprises


Bank of America Foundation*

Bay 101

Kate Bell

Mary Bettencourt = *

Jeanne Beutecale

Lori Hunt and Dean Bledsoe

Francine and Michael Brossier

Dianne Harris, MD and Edward Cain, MD*

Capitol Casino

Caymus Vineyards

Comcast Cable

Mary Ann Cuneo and Richard Cuneo



Alison and Justin Dragoo

Garlic City Restaurant

Jennifer Gass ’93*

Pamela and Patrick Gleeson ’85*

Mache and Christopher Indelicato

Sue and Jason Johnson

Keller Family Real Estate

Darioush Khaledi

Amanda and Dennis Kreps

Mike LeBlanc

Lucky Chances, Inc.

Marathon Petroleum Corporation

Merrill Lynch

Dianna and Scott Messenger

Paulina and Libor Michalek

The Model Bakery

Michael Murray ’78*

Napa Recycling & Waste Service

Elizabeth Nawrocki-Fenton and Andrew Fenton

Andrea and David Perata ’80*

Pestoni Family Estate Winery

Kimberly and David Phinney

Players Edge

Quinlan’s Tire Service, Inc.*

Republic Services

Thomas Rivers Brown

Alyson and Ken Shanahan

Victor Smith

Lisa and Michael Soldati*

Stones South Bay Corp

Strategies 360

The August Sebastiani Charitable Foundation*

The Doctors Company*

Valero Refining Co.

Genevieve Welsh

Todd Zapolski


$1,996 - $4,999

Kathleen and AJ Acker

Han-Fen and Edward Allen*

Allied Clean Fuels Plaza LLC

Yonja and Dicran Arnold

Agnes and Robert Bailey*

Lori and Chris Baskerville

Ann and Tom Bassett*

Behind the Scenes Catering

Harrison Bell ’07

Tanya and Samir Berbawy

Berman & Simmons

George and Amanda Bevan ’96

Jeffrey and Elizabeth Bishop ’80

Lora Blanusa, MD and Robert Blanusa

Maureen and Alok Bose, MD*

Kellie and Rob Brugger

California Commerce Club, Inc.

California Issues Forum

California Retailers Association

Lynette Canaparo

Clifton Cartwright

Chevron Products Co.

Anna Marie Longo and Angus Cleland

Dan Cocilova

Kathryn Holder, MD and David Danzeisen, MD*

Angelica de Vere and Paul Mabray

Nicole and Robert Della Santina

Ashley and John Derr

Mary and William Dodd, Jr. ’74*

Jason and Megan Dominici ’92

Kim and William Dougherty

Angela and Douglas Due


Kerry Egan ’90

Kathleen Ervin

Mark Everett

Christien and Dave Ficeli

First American Title Insurance Company

Andrea and Ramiro Flores

Janet and Kent Fortner

Fortune Players Group, Inc.

Fresenius Medical Care

Gianna Furina and Mark Herold

Lisa and Patrick Galetto

Krista and Michael Galyen

Garaventa Enterprises

Sophia Garcia

Ine and Michael George

Jeffrey and Caroline Gerlomes ’79*

Amy Goleno ’96 and Kyle Goleno ’95

Goosecross Cellars

Robin and Ryan Granko

Jennifer and Marc Hefner

Lorena and Rolando Herrera

Raymond and Caitlin Honeywell ’01*

Sean Hummer and Michele Wilson

Jackson Family Enterprises, Inc.

Jaja Jackson

Kimberly and Clinton Jones

Suzanne Groth Jones and Kimball Jones

Cristy and Sean Kaer

Kaiser Permanente

Lindsay Keller ’95 and James Keller ’94

Laura Kelley-Weakley and Charles Weakley*

Kerry Morgan and Paul Kelly, III

Karen and Tim Kelly

Kiwanis Club of Greater Napa*

Kiwanis Club of Napa Foundation*

Cecile and Richard Kruse

Larry and Deborah Lawrence

Julia and Michael Lazzara

Christine and Mark Lesti*

Manfred & Hunt, LLP

Tracy Mayne, PhD

Lorene and Peter McCaffrey

Denae and Michael McDevitt

Miller, Cespedes & Associates

Kristen and George Minardos

Modern Method Roofing Co., Inc.

Manbin and George Monteverdi, PhD ’86*

Adrian Arroyo-Moye and Matthew Moye

Napa County Landmarks, Inc.

Napa Valley Vintners

New Deal Hospitality

Nossaman LLP


Karen Hauser and Christopher Padowan

Jennifer and Jason Palter

Katie and Jakub Pietrowski

Claire and Aaron Pott

Jamie and Matt Powell

Miriam and Juan Puentes, Sr.

Sarah and Robert Pursell

Joe and Gina Rasler ’89

Matthew Reilly

Erin and Reed Renaudin

Marisabel Olguin ’94 and Jess Romero ’77

Katherine and Don Sebastiani, Jr. ’95*

Diane and D.J. Smith*

Seana and Justin Stephens

Steve Silva Plumbing, Inc.*

Winnie and Daniel Sullivan

T-Mobile USA, Inc.

TechNet Political Action Committee

Tres Perlas Wines

Nancy and Glenn Vargas

Sally and Ali Vaziri, MD

John Venegas

Darla Viau*

Vincent Arroyo Winery

Vineyard 7 & 8

Katie Wagner

Katarzyna Krawczyk and Nader Wassef

Heather and Scott Whitlock

Tim and Suzanne Wilkens

Susanne and John Wilkinson

Douglas and Karyn Williams ’85

Wright Contracting

Yin McDonald’s

Ursula Zopp

Thank you to our corporate sponsors and KA-IN Napa Valley event attendees for raising funds that will support 11 DISP Scholars.


$1,000 - $1,965

Abbey Carpets Unlimited*

Aura and Thomas Adams

Alaina’s Voice Foundation

Julie and Brian Alger

Hilda Mora and Jesus Alonzo

Mike and Patricia Ashauer ’79*

Caroline and Anthony Baldini Jr. ’84

Marisa and Chris Bartalotti*

Glenda and Bradley Bautista

Millie and Kurt Binz

Julie and Charles Boles

Mark Bozzini

Kim Smith and William Bradbury

Ryan and Sarah Brennen

Un Yung Song and Anthony Brough

Adrianna Didion-Brown and David Brown

Buoncristiani Family Winery

Chris Burger

Ken Cala

California Asian Chamber of Commerce

Issues PAC

Kristi and Thomas Carey ’86*

Silva Darbinian and David Carr

Chuck Caruso

Fabiola Carvajal Nunez and Darren Cormack

Chappellet Vineyard and Winery

Erica Conway, DDS

Kelli Humfeld and Walter Cranford

Claire and Kevin Daw ’75*

A Charles Dell’Ario

Veronica Favela-Diaz and Edgar Diaz

Heliodoro Diaz

Dickenson, Peatman & Fogarty*

Linda and Kenneth Dickson ’70

Lea and Thomas Durante ’93*

Lori and Chris Edwards

Jodi Hernandez and Victor Escobedo

Ma Angela Dominguez and Elmer Estimo

Michele and Ed Farver*

John Ficeli ’25

Marcia Ficeli

Kirsten and Thomas Flaherty

Katherine and Nathan George ’72*

Elaine Gilbert ’76 and Allyn Gilbert ’75*

Lesley and Michael Giovannelli

Debbie and Paul Giusto, Jr.

Gray Whale Gin

Katie and Peter Green

Eileen and Benjamin Guerard

Fausta Franco-Guerrero and Rogelio Guerrero

Sonia Ha

Jim Hansen

Colleen and James Harder

Hardy Wolf & Downing

Armando Herrera

Erica and Steven Heun ’83*

Highway 12 Winery

Marilyn and Andrew Hill

Claire and Michael Holcomb

Ginny and Steve Humphrey

James Cole Winery

Jennifer and Ivo Jeramaz*

Jimmy Vasser Chevrolet Toyota

John Robertson

Elaine and Donald John

Nancy and Samuel Kaplan

Tamara and Edward Kawashiri

Kerry and William Kelleher

Dorothy and William Keller

Meredith and William Keller ’91

Medley Kelley ’83 and Gregory Kelley ’81*

Suzanne and Amine Khoury

Cara and Michael Kopecky

Estelle and Sebastian Lane

Colleen Townsend and Charles Love

Shelley and Johnnie Love, Jr.

Jennifer Madden ’90 and Rick Madden ’88

Yilisabo Bon and Amadeo Maldonado

Jessica and Peter Martin

Mary’s Pizza Shack*

Ingrid and Frederick McNicoll

Brent and Audrey Miller

Kristin and Britt Miller

Carol Miller

Elizabeth and Michael Minigan*

Pete Munoa and Katie Munoa

Napa County Bar Association*

NapaSport Steakhouse

Juliette and Christopher Neeb

Marissa Nokes and Paul Villegas

Chris and Stephanie O’Brien ’81*

Shannon O’Shaughnessy

Anquanitte and Ramon Ortega

Jeanine and Ryan Parlett

Dina and Anil Patel

Brenda Pedroza

Ritsa and Ryan Preston

Suzanne and Aron Quinlan ’93*

Quintessential Wines

Cynthia and Simon Rebullida*

Shannon and Chris Reiter

Elizabeth Robertis Smith

Monica and Jenaro Robledo, Sr.

Robert Romero, Esq. ’81*

Rotary Club of Napa*

Morgan Sanders*

Savage and Cooke

Diana and Benjamin Schafer

Matt Schiefferly

Sheila Tabilon, MD and Christopher Schultz, MD

Christina and John Sciocchetti

Duncan and Lisa Sennott ’90

Shannon Lemieux Memorial Fund*

Kathryn and Patrick Shea

Rosanne Alexander-Short and Gery Short*

Jill Sinclair ’99 and Gregory Sinclair ’99*

Brother Kevin Slate, FSC*

Charles Smith

Sasha Souza

Amy Jullien and Michael Spiegel

Mary Alice Spinelli

Blanca Rodriguez and Herb Starks

Ashley and Trent Stoppello ’91

Kimberly Streblow ’82 and Jeffrey Streblow ’77*

The Blackbaud Giving Fund

The Horn Heart Foundation

Sonia Tolbert

Arlene and Joel Tolentino

Erin and Ari Umutyan

Wilma Uribe

V. Sattui Winery, Inc.

DeeAnn Valine ’89 and Matthew Valine ’89*

Valley of the Moon Flooring

Tami Dalen and John Van Hofwegen*

Wenda and Jerome Wade

Mary and Aaron Webb

Janet and Graham Weston

Jolene Yee and John Wicks

Narisa Woolworth ’99 and Victor Woolworth ’01

Lucas Wurz

Jason Yurasek

Joanne and Morgan Zaninovich

Todd Zapolski

Bianca and John Zimmermann, MD*

Amy and David Zurowski


$500 - $999

Adobe Lumber, Inc.

Amazon Foundation*

John Andersen

Causandra and Nicholas Bernardi

Erin and Carlos Bichara

Susan and Dann Boeschen

Lisa Bolger

Alison and Rob Bollinger

Annick Bouldt*

Brothers of the Christian Schools


Jeri and Edmond Brovelli, Jr.*

Flordeliz and Michael Buhat

Carl Canaparo

Katherine and David Capponi

Veronica Cervantes-Prado and Rupert Cervantes

Phillip and Kelly Charnas ’95*

Ameris and Brian Cleary

Janice Clifton and Jon Clifton

Julie and Jonathan Cohen

Veronica Fontana-Coleman and Mark Coleman

Sasha and Heath Craig*

CTS Fitness & Performance

Kathryn and Sheldon Davidow

Kevin Davis

James Day ’72*

Alexander (Sandy) Dearn, Jr.

Denise and Matt DeFina

Dawn and Matthew Denkin ’92

Juliana Dilloway

Kelly and Jeffrey Dodd ’00

Roberta and Stephen Dodd ’72

Michele and Paul Dold

Dr. Maisha Draves

Deborah and Kevin Duffy

Harvest and John Duhig

Elizabeth Durkin, MD

Edge PT

Megan and Colby Eierman

Matthew and Lindsey Engelbracht ’01

Diego Enriquez

Sandra and Jaime Evina

Jennifer Fletcher


Kurt Meyers and Suzanne Foss

Alma and Raul Gallegos*

Steve Garon

Janice and Truman Gates

Summer Schenck and John Giannini

Sarah and Jared Goble*

Golden Gate Sotheby’s Intl Realty

Rena Grace

John Griffo

Kristi and Alejandro Guerrero

Christopher and Sarah Hansen ’92

Hello Ortho

Sara Hernandez

Anna Hopkins and Lyndsey Vogel

Susan and Mark-Erad Incleto

Roger Iris

Kirin and Samuel Jamison

Nancy and Robert Jordan*

Raj Kanaya

Holly Kelly, MD and Andrew Kelly, MD

Bridget King Williams

Jason King

Katrina Klam

Jake Kloberdanz

Tiffany Kuehl

Adriane Martinez L’Esperance and Mark L’Esperance

Monica and Johnnie Linn

Gregory Maciel

Chuck Meibeyer

Pilar and Dwight Meier

Adan Mendoza

Lynette Mendoza

Winchelle and Erick Mendoza

Tanya and Bradley Mills*

Wendy Ko and Shane Modrall

Jacob Moffat

Jason Moore ’96

Nicole Mori

Marta and Christopher Mouriski

Napa Electric*

Napa Valley 1839 FC

Marchus Nelson

Britt and Walter Newell

Huy Nguyen

Susan Burton and Thomas O’Donnell, Jr.

Catherine and Richard Osgood*

Mitzi Palazzolo

Deven and Justin Paniagua ’03

Sharon Patterson

Christy Pestoni

Samantha Petrey

Tu and My Pham ’92

Doug Piper

Enrico Poort ’72

Kathryn and Philip Pyrce


Rosemarie Quinlan*

Rowena and Leo Ramirez

Jean and Mark Rappaport ’72

Lisa Redmon

Diana Reilley

Janet and Marvin Reinoso

Denise Renteria ’87 and Oscar Renteria ’85*

Joann Roth-Oseary

Erin and Brian Russell

Hillary Ryan ’94 and Andrew Ryan ’84

Sonia Ryan

Erika Sablan

Douglas and Janet Saladino

Anne and Stanley Saunders, III

Alethia Erotas and Darren Schauer

Lisa and David Schuemann

Kathy and John Scially

Gia Scinto and Jeffrey Lloyd

Michelle and Vincent Sfara, II

Puneet and Sukhdeep Sidhu

Wes and Vanessa Siebern ’98

Dane and Bianca Simms ’98

Colette Slate

Stan Smith

Amy and Kyle Snoke

Patricia and Ivo Spalatin

Linda and James Srebro, MD*

State Farm Insurance

Wesley Steffens

Shauna Chastain and Carlo Teresi

Sirikanya Sopaphuncharoen and Tawatchai Thitiprayoonwongse

Linda and Josh Trainor

Erika and James Tucci

Alicia and Alejandro Valdivia*

Van Winden Nursery, LLC

Isela and Ruben Velazquez

Monica and Armando Villalvazo

Joe Wagner

Jennifer and Albert Washington

Susan and Clint Wilsey

Scott Witt

Antonie Wolfe

Billie Wood

Ellen E. Wulf

Marck Zuehlsdorff


$1 - $499


3 Badge Beverage Corporation

Joselito Abat

Francis Abella

John Accardo

Jean Adamo

Allison Adams

Maria Adams

Vilma and Leo Adiz

Megan Alexander-Short ’07

Jennifer and Chad Alexander

Erica Alfaro-Lopez ’06

Sister Susan Allbritton, OP*

Mounzer Alsamman and Ruba Alsamman

Alta Mesa Group LLC

Jimmy Atkinson and Susan Altamura

Ina Ama

Jennifer and Kristof Anderson

Jennifer Andrews-Burke and Patrick Burke

Aleta Andrews

Leigha and Dwayne Andrews

Susan Andrews

Ron Angold

Gwen Truesdell and Steve Antenen

Jessica Anthony

Susan Anthony

Jennifer Appell

Michael Appell

Zherr Aquino-Ng

Griselda and Efren Aranda

Rocio and Fernando Ayvar

B & G Tire of Napa

David Bader

Deborah and Michael Baldini

Fleurdeliz and Michael Balmaceda

Diane and Richard Barbosa

Candace Barrios

Joe Bartholomew

Richard and Katherine Batt ’78*

Mary and David Bauer*

Adeyinka Adekale-Baxter and Cecil Baxter

Bay Sports Photography llc

Jeff Beaulac

Boo Beckstoffer

Tuck Beckstoffer

Josuwa Bernardo ’94

Maci and Andrew Bettencourt ’02*

Stacy and Michael Bezmarevich

Danielle Bier

Lorie Bittles

Kim and Audrey Blackseth ’72

Annie Blake Neumann

Mary and Wayne Blakley

Deborah and Doug Boeschen

Andrea and Kent Boltz

Kelly and Xavier Bon

Lissa Gibbs and Peter Borck

Marisa Borzoni

Donald and Janet Botill ’72*

Tabitha diMonda and Kirk Bovitz

Kimberly Bowden

Peter Bowman

Ohana Bradfield

Tiffany and Vince Briggs

Nancy and Richard Brignolo*

Keri and Chad Briskovich

Cynthia and Richard Brockmeyer*

Lisa and Richard Brown

Deborah Buccina

Thi and Patrick Bui

Yvette and Matthew Buoncristiani ’90

Scott Butler

Kathryn Bybee

Margaret Byers

Carol Campagna and Lefteris Dennis

Joan Caputi

Anna Cardwell ’72 and Chris Cardwell ’72*

April Carpenter

Griselda Mata and Jose Carrasco

Scott Carter =

Pauline Casenas

Brittany and Brian Cassayre ’98*

Carolyn and James Cassayre*

Veronica Robledo and Juan Cervantes Martinez

Hilarie Chamberland, MD and Scott Chamberland, MD

Russell Charpentier

Alice Chastain

Lucila Macedonio and Ivan Chimal, Jr.

Michael Chouinard ’06

Annette Enriquez-Chuang and Frank Chuang

Emily and David Ciabattari*

Georgine Clarke*

Peggy and Eric Clayton

Jennifer and Robert Cohee

Melissa Cohen

Nancy Watt Collins and Tom Collins

Michael Conway

Carole and Derald Cook*

Jerry Cormack

Debra and Raymond Corona

Paulo Corro ’97

Michael Coutre

Starla and James Cowan

Jessica Cramer

Colleen Cramsie

Haley Cremen ’14

Lisa Lucero and David Cruz

Steve Cruz

Judith and Mark Cuneo

Chris Curnutt

Janet Czernek

Franccesca Farfan and Luigi Dagnino

Sarah and Michael Dale

Wendy Darneal

Monique and Hugh Davies

Tiffany and John Davis

De La Salle Institute*

Rowilma and Gabriel Del Castillo

Brenda and George Del Castillo

Trevor DelBondio

Nora Delgado

Nancy and Stephen Denkin*

Kris Dern ’03

Gizelle DeSena

Dora and Joel Diaz

Rich Dichoco

Sara and Joseph DiGiacomo*

Olivia Dodd ’04 and Brian Dodd ’02

MaAngela Dominguez-Estimo

Debra and Mark Dommen

Chris and Ana Douglas

Michael Douglass*

Jody and Dennis Drummond*

Carmen and James Dunbar

Kristi and John Dunbar*

Ross Eakins

Chanin Cook and Jonathan Edie

John Edwards

Hala Elia

Gina and David Elias

Patricia Engel

Brette Bartolucci and Frank Engelbert

Natasha Engering-Ward and Ian Ward*

Adona Nacapuy-Esperanza and Ronnie Esperanza


Mary Euser ’77 and Andrew Euser ’78*

David = and Kathleen Evans*

Susann Evans

Clarissa and Harry Fegan

Michael and Ann Fennell*

Stephanie Fidler ’97 and Christopher Fidler ’02*

Jana and Mark Fiorito

Karen and Joseph Fischer

Fabiola and Tomas Flores

Karla Flores

Holly and Roberto Flores

Jennifer Flynn

Kellan Flynn ’81

Barbara and James Forbes, Esq.

Nancy Foss

Karen and William Foster*

Sarah and Daniel Frank ’89

Ellen Frediani ’75*

Rebecca and Robert Freschi, Jr.

Paul Friedman

Kathleen Fuller

Tonya Fuller

Sarah Fedaie and Diego Garcia ’94*

Berenice Garvan*

Susan Gavinski*

Amy Geiger

Georgann and Joe Geist

Frank Gentile

Christopher Giangregorio

Nancy Gifford ’72

Jeremiah Gill

Claire and Larry Ginesi

Katey Ginotti

Carolina and Yannick Girardo

Stephanie Glaze

Marian and Matthew Glynn

Marcel Goldberg

Elaine and Douglas Gomez

Sophia and Francisco Gomez

Rowena and Rodolfo Gonzalez

Brenda Gonzalez

LeeAnn and Daniel Goodwin ’79

Cindy and Ronnie Gray*

Laura and Stephen Greco

Catherine and Adam Green

Peter and Katie Green ’93

Nancy and Lawrence Green, Jr.

Ryan Gregory

Nikole and Christian Grimshaw ’89

Dennis Groth

Elsa Guerrero ’99 and Allen McDonald, III

Jessica Guerrero

Jason and Kristen Guiducci, CPA ’93*

Tessie Guieb

Rae and Raghu Gullapalli

Connie and Shawn Guttersen*

Marcia Hadeler

Jason Hagman

Belinda and Grant Halloran

Gina and John Hamilton, Jr.

Debbie Hannah

Alicia Hardy

Eleanor and John Harrington

Kevin Harrison

Jordan Hartman

Don Hatfield

Lila and Justin Hayes

Dio Healy

Jennifer Hefner

Aileen Heidkamp

Jenny and Matthew Heil

Theresa and James Heim*

Donna and Michael Hein*

Rich Henley

Daria and Bernard Henri

Lisa Henry

Rosa Soriano and Jorge Heredia

Nancy Hernandez

NaphKat Hernandez

Paola Hernandez

Lauren and Alexander Hesser*

Melissa Higgins

Sonja and James Hightower

Juliet Estrada-Hoban and Richard Hoban

Andria Hobaugh

Gary Hobaugh

Heather and Andrew Hodges, Ed.D.*

Hayden Hodges ’24

Kathryn Hoff ’70

Barbara and Danny Hoffert*

Nicole and Mark Holley

Jonathan Hollister

Danielle and David Holquin*

Julia Holquin

Catherine Hoomes

Denise Horn

Dan Hoskins

Jacqueline and Kevin Houston

Marlene and Darrel Howatt*

Ernie Hunt

Julia and John Im

Leanne and Stephen Iund*

Shawn Ja

Khiely Jackson ’16

Lilia Hernandez Jackson and Raymond Jackson

Monica and Mark Jacobson*

Dolly Jap-Bernardo

Jean Johnson

Michele and Scot Johnson

Claudia and Kevin Kalten

Barbara Kamin

Everett Kaplan

Christian Kappler ’20

Jonny Karpuk

Bonnie Karrigan*

Mary Elizabeth Martin-Katz and Edward Katz, II

Victoria and Mark Keller

Mary Keown ’11 and Thomas Keown ’10

Patrick Kiser ’84*

Wendy Hill and Robert Kleis

Christy Kling

Laura Srebro ’05 and Michael Knapp

Karron and Roger Koehler

Anne and John Nathaniel Komes, III

Maria and Gregory Kopra*

Mark Landis

Maribelle Laplante

Shane Lavigne

Kristen Lawrence

James Leli ’07

Lori and Daniel Lemieux ’73*

Kevin Lemieux ’03 and Anale Lemieux

Steven Leonardi

Breanna and Brendan Lesti ’01

Lito Auto Body, Inc.

Noemi Llanos

Chris Logwood

Nicholas Longo

Bertha and Jose Lopez

Lowell Black & Assoc., Inc.

Barbara Maccready

Milagros and Manuel Madayag, Jr.

Morgan Malloy ’15

Linda and Thomas Malloy

Maya Mancuso ’09

Roxanne and Joel Mar

Kelli Marchbanks

Joan Marci

Beth Marcus

Drs. David and Norma Marks

Carol Martin

Jessica Martin ’06

Tevis Martin and Lynne Martin

Tracy Martin

Monica Padilla Martinez and Juan Martinez

Ed Matovick

Charles Matto ’05

Karla and Alonzo Maxwell, III

Eric Mayer

Christine Trudo-Mayo and Gregory Mayo

Kimberly and Douglas Mazzucco

Helen and Thomas McDermott*

Mark Mclaughlin

Lola Medy

Tyler Meegan

Sarah and Kevin Melanephy

Angelica and Jesus Melecio

Charlotte and Stephen Meyer*

Anne and George Mieling*

Juliane Millhollin

David Miner

Eileen Mize*

Angelica and James Moore

Lissette and Juan Carlos Mora, Sr.

Jaime Moreno

Jaime Moreno ’09

Matthias Mueller

Roxana and Brian Mundy

Matthew and Elizabeth Munoz ’90

Valeska and Daryl Muromoto

Catherine and Brendan Murphy

Napa Valley Community Foundation*

Napa Valley Horsemen’s Association*

Heather and Robert Nations

Marietta and James Natuzzi

Lorraine Negri*

Larry Nelson

Lynda Nelson

Monika Nelson

Nancy and George Nessman

AnhTu Nguyen and Diep Nguyen

Nancy and Andrew Nicks, MD*

Sofia Nicoletti

Marsha and Richard Niemann*

Laura Orozco and Felipe Nieto

Robert Nolan

Joanna Nunes


Monika O’Sullivan

Nicole Paltrineri ’85 and Dave Richardson

Cynthia Paniagua ’75*

Marian Partridge

Jacqueline and Christopher Passarelli

Sharmistha Kanjee and Hitan Patel

Anna and Jaret Paulson ’92

Sue Peddy*

Kelly and Burke Pedersen

Cindy Perez-Miguel

Cynthia Perez

Frank Perez

Jessica and Humberto Perez

Cleo Salinas and Javier Perez

Scott Perryman

William Phelps

Marilyn and Rely Pio Roda*

Jessie Ho and Richard Pio Roda, Esq. ’94

Kelly Schaeffer and Greg Pitts

Bruce Pope

Darren Powderly

Angela and Phillip Powell

Brenda Guzman and Juan Preciado

Lawrence Puck

Athan Putnam ’03

Molly Putnam

Joel Ramirez

Nicole Ramirez

Rosalie Ramirez

Carmina Ramos

Jennifer Rasler ’86

Beth Cuccia Reilly and Jeff Reilly

Nick Reinell

Winthrop and Marie Reis ’78*

Louise and Paul Roberts, Jr.

Kimberly Rodriguez

Isabel Guzman and Victor Rojas

Magdalena and Majin Roman

Suzanne and Mark Roomian*

Ate Rose

Kathleen and Jeffrey Rosenthal

Barrett Rosson

Andrea Garcia and Samuel Rubio, Jr.

Nancy Granados and Jordan Ruiz

Delta Ruscheinsky, MD

Donald Ryan

Anthony Sabral

Heather Sager

Tina Saladino ’03

Deborah and Sydney Salazar

Lisa Samatovicz

Diane and Angelo = Sangiacomo*

Laurel Santos, DDS ’00 and Ellery Santos

Jo Savage

Kelly Schaeffer

Tasha and Matthew Schmitz ’01*

Danielle and Peter Schmitz

Susan and Stan Schmutz

Tara and Vincent Scholl ’84

John and Judy Scudder

Nick Sevier

Michelle Sfara

Leigh and Jeffrey Sharp

Mary and David Shipp

Nelson Shreve

Eileen Simmons

Dave Simon

Nicholas and Shawn Simon ’82

Marit and Gordon Sinclair, MD*

Debbie and Bret Skillings*

Marcia and Iain Smith

Ira Smith

Victor Smith, Jr.

William Smith

Mike Sobelman

Martha and Jesus Solis*

Debra and Saylor Spare

Ryan Steifvater

Catherine Stephens

Nicholas Stephens

Kristin and Mark Stephenson

Ana and Bruce Streblow ’72

Alicia and Timothy Streblow ’75

Tina and Jeff Stricklin

Mark Strode

Lisa and Joseph Talivaa

Catalina and Ernesto Tapia

Charmiel Teresi

Lisa Teresi

The Presentation School*

Kanyawee Thitiprayoonwongse ’24

Michelle Thomas

Margaret and William Thompson ’70*

Stephen Tilley and Helen Peters, Esq.

Jessica Tingey

Acacia and Daniel Tinsley

Huy and Luong Tran ’89

Trancas Steakhouse

David Travers ’95*

Myrna Marron and Peter Trovitch, Sr.

Roisin Umphress

Debbie Upland

Brother George Van Grieken, FSC, PhD ’70*

Flavio Vargas

Debbie Vartan

Anastacia and Ulises Vasquez

Carlos Vega

Tricia Vela

Maria Villamarin

Maria Villegas

Kathleen Walsh

Susan Ward

Jennifer and Marlon Washington

Laura Webb

Ashlynn Webber ’15

Richard and April Webster

Danielle Westfall

Carrie Whitecotton

Chuck Whitecotton

Rob Whyte

Catherine Wigington

Jen and Justin Wilcox

R. Curt and Margaret Williams ’77*

Robert Williams

Michele and Ronnie Williams, Jr.

Walter and Rocio Wilson ’86

Alex Winske

Marilyn Winter-Tamkin

Sharon and Mitch Wippern

Allyson and Carlo Wood

Danielle and Terrence Wooten

Alex and Madeline Yankee ’98

Kara Yoshisato

Gail and Jack Zeller

Nadine Zeller =

= Indicates deceased

* 10 plus years of giving

Note: We make every effort to assure all donors are properly listed in our report. If your name was inadvertently left out or listed incorrectly, we apologize. Please contact the Advancement Office at 707.255.0950 ext. 610 to advise us of this error. Thank you.


Fund-a-Need Gifts

This year’s Fund-a-Need supported campus perimeter security, sideline shelters for our athletes competing in Dodd Stadium, and tuition assistance.

John Accardo

Erica Alfaro-Lopez ’06

Ron Angold


Agnes and Robert Bailey

Caroline and Anthony Baldini Jr. ’84

Bank of America Foundation

Ann and Tom Bassett

Glenda and Bradley Bautista

Jeff Beaulac

Betty and Andrew Beckstoffer

Harrison Bell ’07

Tanya and Samir Berbawy

Maci and Andrew Bettencourt ’02

George and Amanda Bevan ’96

Millie and Kurt Binz

Lora Blanusa, M.D. and Robert Blanusa

Lori A. Hunt and Dean Bledsoe

Maureen and Alok Bose, MD

Annick Bouldt

Chris Burger

Dianne Harris, MD and Edward Cain, MD

Clifton Cartwright

Brittany and Brian Cassayre ’98

Blakesley and Cyril Chappellet

Phillip and Kelly Charnas ’95

Emily and David Ciabattari

Anna Marie Longo and Angus Cleland

Janice and Jon Clifton

Dan Cocilova

Nancy Watt Collins and Tom Collins

Angelica de Vere and Paul Mabray

Denise and Matt DeFina

Brenda and George Del Castillo

Nicole and Robert Della Santina

Heliodoro Diaz

Dora and Joel Diaz

Linda and Kenneth Dickson ’70

Olivia Dodd ’04 and Brian Dodd ’02

Kelly and Jeffrey Dodd ’00

Michele and Paul Dold

MaAngela Dominguez-Estimo

Jason and Megan Dominici ’92

Kim and William Dougherty

Angela and Douglas Due

Natasha Engering-Ward and Ian Ward

Sandra and Jaime Evina

Michele and Ed Farver

Christien and Dave Ficeli

Stephanie Fidler ’97 and Christopher Fidler ’02

Kirsten and Thomas Flaherty

Andrea and Ramiro Flores

Jennifer Flynn

Karen and Jeff Fontanella

Rebecca and Robert Freschi, Jr.

Lisa and Patrick Galetto

Jeffrey and Caroline Gerlomes ’79

Lesley and Michael Giovannelli

Gladfelter Chiat Charitable Fund

Pamela and Patrick Gleeson ’85

Sarah and Jared Goble

Amparo and Eric Gonzales

Gorin Tennis Academy, Inc.

Robin and Ryan Granko

Peter and Katie Green ’93

Violet Grgich ’83 and Colin Shipman

John Griffo

Elsa Guerrero ’99 and Allen McDonald, III

Sonia Ha

Jim Hansen

Colleen and James Harder

Lila and Justin Hayes

Lorena and Rolando Herrera

Erica and Steven Heun ’83

Hayden Hodges ’24

Barbara and Danny Hoffert

Claire and Michael Holcomb

Nicole and Mark Holley

Raymond and Caitlin Honeywell ’01

Jacqueline and Kevin Houston

Sean Hummer and Michele Wilson

Ginny and Steve Humphrey

Katherine and Ben Jewell

John Robertson

Jean Johnson

Kimberly and Clinton Jones

Justin-Siena High School Foundation

Cristy and Sean Kaer

Everett Kaplan

Kerry and William Kelleher

Laura Kelley-Weakley and Charles Weakley

Medley Kelley ’83 and Gregory Kelley ’81

Holly Kelly, MD and Andrew Kelly, MD

Kerry Morgan and Paul Kelly, III

Bridget King Williams

Jake Kloberdanz

Karron and Roger Koehler

Amanda and Dennis Kreps

Maribelle Laplante

Shane Lavigne

Roger LaVoie

Deborah and Larry Lawrence

Julia and Michael Lazzara

Monica and Johnnie Linn

Yilisabo Bon and Amadeo Maldonado

Christine and Timothy Malloy ’87

Helen and Thomas McDermott

Denae and Michael McDevitt

Chuck Meibeyer

Dianna and Scott Messenger

Paulina and Libor Michalek

Manbin and George Monteverdi, Ph.D. ’86

Nicole Mori

Marta and Christopher Mouriski

Katie and Pete Munoa

Michael Murray ’78

Elizabeth Nawrocki-Fenton

Lynda Nelson

Marsha and Richard Niemann

Laura Orozco and Felipe Nieto

Shannon O’Shaughnessy

Catherine and Richard Osgood

Dina and Anil Patel

Sharon Patterson

Andrea and David Perata ’80

Christy Pestoni

Samantha Petrey

Jamie and Matt Powell

Athan Putnam ’03

Suzanne and Aron Quinlan ’93

Erin and Reed Renaudin

Thomas Rivers Brown

Whitney and Michael Sangiacomo ’87

Connie and Steven Sangiacomo

Laurel Santos, DDS ’00 and Ellery Santos

Susan and Ariyeh Schmeder ’92

Sheila Tabilon, M.D. and Christopher Schultz, M.D.

Christina and John Sciocchetti

Mary Ann Sebastiani Cuneo and Richard Cuneo

Jill Sinclair ’99 and Gregory Sinclair ’99

Brother Kevin Slate, FSC

Kate and Edward Smith

Amy and Kyle Snoke

Lisa and Michael Soldati

Sonoma Harvest Olive Oil & Winery, LLC

Wesley Steffens

Ryan Steifvater

The Peter A. and Vernice H. Gasser Foundation

Alicia and Alejandro Valdivia

Tami Dalen and John Van Hofwegen

Debbie Vartan

Sally and Ali Vaziri, M.D.

Darla Viau

Wenda and Jerome Wade

Katie Wagner

Kathleen Walsh

Jennifer and Marlon Washington

Jen and Justin Wilcox

Douglas and Karyn Williams ’85

Alex Winske

Scott Witt

Narisa Woolworth ’99 and Victor Woolworth ’01

Jason Yurasek

Todd Zapolski

Ursula Zopp


Individual and Corporate Sponsors

Thank you to those in our community who support our events and programs (BRAVES ALLIANCE, CRAB FEST, DISP, TASTE of Justin-Siena and the JS Classic Golf Tournament) by being an underwriting sponsor.

3 Badge Beverage Corporation

707 Premier

Abbey Carpets Unlimited

Ace & Vine

Adobe Lumber, Inc.

Allied Clean Fuels Plaza LLC

Alta Mesa Group LLC

Altamura Enterprises




B & G Tire of Napa

Bay 101

Behind the Scenes Catering

Black Stallion Winery

BottleRock Napa Valley

Buoncristiani Family Winery

Cal Fire Local 2881 Issues Committee

California Asian Chamber of Commerce

Issues PAC

California Commerce Club, Inc.

California Issues Forum

California Retailers Association

Capitol Casino

Caymus Vineyards

Chappellet Vineyard and Winery

Chevron Products Co.

Classic Car Wash

The Cocilova/Barbosa Family

Comcast Cable

Erica Conway, DDS

Sasha Craig Photography

CTS Fitness & Performance

Mary Ann and Richard Cuneo


Dickenson, Peatman & Fogarty

Don Sebastiani & Sons

The Donum Estate


DA Due Compliance & Logistics

E&J Gallo Winery

Edge PT

Farms to Table

First American Title Insurance Company

Fontanella Family Winery

Fortune Players Group, Inc.

Fresenius Medical Care

Garaventa Enterprises

Garlic City Restaurant

Jennifer Gass ’93, Coldwell Banker

Golden Gate Sotheby’s Intl Realty -

Gary Rose & Lynn McCarroll

Golden Gate Sotheby’s Intl Realty -

Christina Rossi & Peyton Troendly

The Gonzales Group Merrill Lynch

Wealth Management

Amparo and Eric Gonzales

Goosecross Cellars

Gray Whale Gin

Hello Ortho

Highway 12 Winery

Jackson Family Enterprises, Inc.

James Cole Winery

Benjamin Jewell, MD

Justin-Siena High School Foundation

Kaiser Permanente

Keller Family Real Estate

Darioush Khaledi

Amine Khoury, DDS

Knighted Ventures LLC

Cecile and Richard Kruse

Lasallian Christian Brothers Foundation

Deborah Lawrence

LE Gaming

Le Reve Design & Assoc.

The Legacy Group - Scott Whitlock and Thomas Coakley

The Lesti Team, Windermere

Lito Auto Body, Inc.

Lucky Chances, Inc.


The Lux Productions

Malloy Imrie & Vasconi Insurance Services, LLC

Manfred & Hunt, LLP

Marathon Petroleum Corporation

Mary’s Pizza Shack

Tracy Mayne, PhD

McGrath Properties, Inc.

The Meritage Resort and Spa/ Vista Collina

Merrill Lynch

Miller, Cespedes & Associates

The Model Bakery

Modern Method Roofing Co., Inc.

Modus Operandi Cellars

Mountain Mike’s Pizza

Napa Electric

Napa Recycling & Waste Service

Napa Valley 1839 FC

Napa Valley Vintners

NapaSport Steakhouse

New Deal Hospitality

Nossaman LLP

Olives Unlimited


Palmaz Vineyards

Park West Casinos Inc.

PBF Holding Company LLC

Perata Vineyards

Pestoni Family Estate Winery


Players Edge

Robert Pursell, Compass Real Estate

Quinlan’s Tire Service, Inc.

Quintessential Wines

Republic Waste Services

Roy’s Landscaping, Inc.

Sangiacomo Family Vineyards

Savage and Cooke

Susan and Ariyeh Schmeder ’92

Shanahan Orthodontics

Diane and D.J. Smith

Sonoma Harvest Olive Oil & Winery, LLC

Mark Coleman, State Farm Insurance

Steve Silva Plumbing, Inc.

Stones South Bay Corp

Strategies 360

T-Mobile USA, Inc.

TechNet Political Action Committee

The August Sebastiani Charitable Foundation

The Craig and Kathryn Hall Foundation

The Doctors Company

The Peter A. and Vernice H. Gasser Foundation

Trancas Steakhouse

Tres Perlas Wines

Union Square Advisors

V. Sattui Winery, Inc.

Valero Refining Co.

Valley of the Moon Flooring

Van Winden Garden Center

Van Winden Nursery, LLC

Jimmy Vasser Chevrolet Toyota

Sally Vaziri Real Estate


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