Avanti 2021-22

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MOVING FORWARD TOGETHER St. John Baptist de La Salle teaches us that “one commitment leads to another.” This foundational philosophy was embodied en masse by our entire community over this past year and quite literally gave us the ultimate example of what it means to be truly committed, to be ALLHEART. Being ALLHEART is rooted in believing, loving, and willing ourselves forward no matter the circumstance. Those recent difficult times saw our school act as one with bravery. JustinSiena became the first local high school to return to in-person learning, with reimagined adolescent rites of passage such as Homecoming, Prom, and Graduation, all while delivering our ever-thriving co-curricular programs with renewed zeal.


Surprised by Joy Surprised by Joy is the title of one of my favorite books. It was written by C.S. Lewis, the famous theologian, scholar, and author. His words trace his journey from that of a confirmed atheist to much later in life, a confirmed and practicing Christian. Despite challenging experiences, he moved forward by asking life’s great questions, associating with those who truly loved him, and opening his heart to God’s gentle call to grace and kinship. In so doing, joy entered his life in a variety of unexpected ways. My first weeks and months here at Justin-Siena have been an absolute joy for me. Although our students are not immune from the stresses and challenges of high school life, I have found them to be uniquely energetic, insightful, bright, funny, and caring. As they navigate the high school experience together, they are moving forward in becoming women and men willing to serve and lead in an everchanging world. The binding ties of current students and alumni were celebrated at our All Saints Day Mass, during which we launched Justin-Siena’s inaugural “Golden Diploma” celebration. It was a joyful occasion to honor the first group of students to graduate from Justin-Siena, the Class of 1970. The alumni/ae relished reconnecting with each other as well as interacting with our students, who led them on a VIP tour of their alma mater. Despite their differences in age and perspective, both groups shared genuine appreciation for their Justin-Siena experience. I hope that this edition of Avanti finds you and your loved ones well, ...and that the following pages bring you pride and joy. Sincerely,

Lars Lund Interim President



THIS IS OUR STORY................................ 5-18

DISP .........................................................................45



SCHOOLREIMAGINED........................... 21

TEAM CENTER..................................................47

OUTSTANDING SPORTS.. ..................... 23

GOLDENDIPLOMA......................................... 48


IN MEMORY........................................................ 49




HONOR ROLL of INVESTORS............54





Mike Soldati, Chair

Lars Lund Interim President

Don Lex Photography

Robyn Harrison Vice President of Academic Affairs

Andrew Bettencourt ’02

Jeremy Tayson and Michele Farver Justin-Siena Communications Department

Erica Alfaro-Lopez ’06 Sr. Susan Allbritton, OP Patrick Gleeson ’85

Robert Bailey Vice President of Student Affairs

Dianne Harris, MD Elaine John

Alma Gallegos Dean of Academic Services

Lawrence Puck Richard Pio Roda ’94 Br. Robert Wickman, FSC

Sasha Craig Photography Caroline Bettencourt Gerlomes ’79 Lauren Ervin ’23 Andrea Flores

Lauren Hesser Dean of Students

Jonas Gonzalez ’20

Connor Banks Dean of Students

Diano Pachote ’14

Henry Meyers ’25 Jamie Powell Dean Ruggiero (’76) Photography Matthew Tapia ’24

Marsha Sanchez Graphic Design AVANTI is a JustinSiena news magazine for alumni, families, and friends. Comments and/or editorial contributions can be sent to Jeremy Tayson at jtayson@justin-siena. org. The school reserves the right to publish and/or edit material to reflect the values of our mission.

Justin-Siena is a Catholic high school in the Lasallian tradition called to provide educational excellence in a loving, Christ-centered community that prepares students to serve and to lead in an ever-changing world.


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Moving forward together ALLHEART

Steadfastly rooted in 300+ years of Lasallian education


More than ever, we relied on strength and guidance


Never wavered in delivering our superior academic experience


JS continues to grow as a pillar of service in our community


Made pandemic play and titles a reality


Welcomed new families to the tune of a 10% enrollment increase

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makes us a success story Life paused for some, but Justin-Siena found ways to stay connected and ALLHEART. Alicia Valdivia, Director of Admissions Justin-Siena’s mission to prepare our students to “serve and to lead in an everchanging world” has never been more relevant than during the pandemic. As the superior academic choice for Napa and the surrounding communities, we were able to navigate education and student wellness by routes which were nothing short of heroic. Essential to our success was our heritage of Lasallian values and the strength of our administration and staff. You hear and see us use the expression “ALLHEART.” As a loving Christ-centered community, being ALLHEART is at the core of how we serve our mission, St. John Baptist de La Salle founded the Christian Brothers and what we know as Lasallian education over 300 years ago. The original principle of educators being older brothers and sisters to those entrusted to our care has guided Justin-Siena to be the refuge for our students in their darkest times of need. While the world was shut down, and we sheltered in place, Justin-Siena was present. We immediately deployed digital learning. We were among the first schools to resume in-person classes. We instituted Wellness Wednesdays to provide students and staff the opportunity to attend to their overall health. All of these measures reflect what a Lasallian community is - an extended family who cares for one another.

De La Salle calls us to ask the fundamental question: what do the students need? Together we are all in and relationships are key. As Justin-Siena moves forward in our Mission and in our Strategic Plan, we do so with pride for the great things we accomplish in our community. At a time when enrollment is declining in public schools, by providing academic and personal support, JustinSiena is fulfilling a need in our community.


Live theatre with a message brings us together


The wait was worth it... and we did it!



THIS IS OUR STORY We are a strong and determined community that draws strength from our diverse cultures. We are proud of where we have come from and excited about where we are going. We are confident, respectful, giving, and have a lot to say. We are ALLHEART with a voice!

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I am proud to be a Justin-Siena Brave. Gretchen Wahle ’21

How has being ALLHEART moved you forward? ALLHEART means everything. I love this community and always gathering with each other. I am ALLHEART because I choose kindness toward my friends and I move forward in life. What are you most proud of as a Justin-Siena student? I am proud of myself and my mom because she helps me with my college applications. I am proud of getting better grades this year, being on time more for my classes, and proud of the friends I have made. I am proud of doing theatre, basketball conditioning, and swimming too. Being the second of three Braves, how has Justin-Siena acted as an extension of your family? My dad went here in 1988, and my older sister Grace graduated in 2018, and my sister Sam will graduate in 2025. My friend Grace Grimshaw, all of the mentors and teachers I have had, and Mrs. Sinclair are like my family because if I am feeling down or upset or need help with something, they are there for me. 7 FA L L 2 0 2 1

At JS, there are multiple times for us to reflect and think about our morals and our lives. Hunter Bledsoe ’23

Being ALLHEART has reminded me that being caring is really important. I am very proud to say that I attend this school. Gabby Davis ’23

Being ALLHEART has helped me make new friends and succeed in academics. I am most proud of my athletic achievements on the Cross Country and Track. Both have made me a faster athlete. Wyatt Paulson ’24 AVA N T I M AG A Z I N E


“Your faith should be a shining light The teaching journey of Stephanie Roybal Cultivating authentic student relationships begins even before the start of the school year for history teacher, Stephanie Roybal. She is unapologetically tough, but assures her students that she pushes them because she sees in them what they might not yet see in themselves - in much the same way that teachers encouraged her before she recognized her own depth and talents. Stephanie is known to mix history lessons with tools for her students to challenge themselves to be better. While she appreciates they might not be ready to understand that seeds are being planted, she hopes that one day they will look back and recognize how much she truly cares and believes in them. Yahaira “Ya Ya” Martinez ’22 says, “She lets us struggle before explaining the material - but in a good way! Ms. Roybal makes it fun to learn and class is never boring.” The move last year from Sacramento to Justin-Siena has been positive. She appreciates the smaller community and the seamless collaboration with peers. Small class sizes have made building relationships with students more natural. Stephanie is especially moved by how open and genuine the faculty and staff are about their faith, and impressed with the respect shown by students at prayer services and liturgies. In addition to her role as a classroom teacher, Stephanie leads monthly Community Formation gatherings for faculty and staff. She believes it is important to bring everyone together to connect, to provide space for sharing, and to include time for reflection and the quiet to communicate with God. Stephanie’s teaching career began 16 years ago. She has two boxes labeled “Good Stuff” that hold every picture, card, and thank you note ever given to her by students. The boxes include a recent note from a 2021 Justin-Siena graduate who wrote to thank her (although she gave him his only B). Stephanie never wavered from her goal of becoming a teacher. Her decision to attend St. Mary’s College in Moraga was initially about the school’s proximity to home and a nice scholarship package. Turning into the driveway for the very first time, she had an unexpected feeling of being home that was life-changing. Like our Founder, she feels that she was led “in an imperceptible way and over a long period of time so that one commitment led to another in a way that [she] did not foresee in the beginning.” During an intensive study of Lasallian pedagogy in her second year at the Buttimer Institute of Lasallian Studies, she began to ask deeper question of “now what” when it came to the mission. It was not only an aha moment of how truly big the worldwide Lasallian mission is, but also a powerful realization that people throughout the world were grappling with similar questions of how to model and put into practice the Lasallian core tenet, “Enter to Learn, Leave to Serve,” for the students entrusted to our care. The Lasallian mission has been the guiding influence in her life ever since. 9 FA L L 2 0 2 1

for those whom you teach.”

St. John Baptist de La Salle

Andy Bettencourt ’02 – Coach and Avid Listener Until Andy Bettencourt’s dad swung by Justin-Siena one afternoon to pick up admissions materials, Andy had every intention of joining his friends at a local public high school. He respected his parents for their hardworking, loyal, and loving qualities. Not until later did he really understand the sacrifice it took for them to send him here. He remains forever grateful. Andy returned to Justin-Siena in 2005 as a freshman basketball coach. He currently holds several positions on campus including Assistant Athletic Director and Varsity Girls Basketball Coach. He relishes his role as Coordinator of Alumni Relations, and the privilege of hearing great stories of the impact Justin-Siena has had on alumni. Although not in the classroom, Andy takes his role of touching hearts and minds seriously. When a student drops by his office, he halts whatever he is doing to be completely present to them. Every interaction is meaningful. Andy admits the school environment keeps him young. He loves the silly, joyful moments when he joins his team’s impromptu dances at the end of practice, or starts a game of kickball during lunch. Andy fondly recalls several staff from his own time at Justin-Siena. Former teacher Dr. Marshall Foletta, instilled in him a love for history that led to his college major. Peyton Fatheree’s leadership example and the lessons taught on and off the field by his JV football coach Ian MacMillian, have stayed with him for nearly 20 years. The ALLHEART motto came about well after Andy graduated in 2002. He values how it pertains to every aspect of being a Brave. He believes the spirit of ALLHEART encourages students to dig deep within themselves to create a continually evolving positive identity in much the same way that Andy’s love of Justin-Siena continues to unfold.



“The ALLHEART mindset is fundamental in pushing me forward to become a better man.”

“With all of the time and opportunity to spend in the community, we become a part of something bigger.”

Jesus Hernandez Maciel ’22

Elle Baskerville ’23

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“We are actually a really diverse school. We all come from different places in life to be at this one school.” Meara Manzon ’22

“JS is set apart not just by the community, but also by diversity that the community invites into their love. All of it is about love; you can’t find it anywhere else.”

“Many of the students here are on financial assistance which allows all students to obtain a high quality education that sets us up for a bright future.”

Dalen Tinsley ’23

Alondra AlvaradoBasulto ’22




For many decades, Justin-Siena students have been greeted by a Ms. Paniagua. The name is synonymous with the sniffing out of stories that defy even the best dog-ate-my-homework defense. The position has evolved for almost 56 years, all the while defined by their legacy of a quick wit and strict attention to detail, starting with her mother Kay in 1966, and continuing with Cynthia. We recently sat down with Cynthia Paniagua to reflect on her incredible 26+ year career as Justin-Siena’s Attendance Officer. The conversation began with Hana Duhig ’22, one of her student TAs. Cynthia Paniagua ’72

Hana explained, “I transferred to Justin-Siena so I came in with a blank slate, quickly realizing that Ms. Paniagua is strict but “on it,” and that the school would probably fall apart without her. She is really funny, like when she tells students they shouldn’t ever try to sneak out because there are sensors under the parking lot.” Hana goes on to give two pieces of advice to fellow students: get to school on time, and make sure your parent sends an email by 9:00 am if you are late or have an appointment. Ms. Paniagua would completely agree!

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What does “students entrusted to our care” mean to you? Everything - caring for each student as an individual. I want to help them grow into their best selves and to be accountable because the world won’t always be easy. How would you describe your position? Triage (chuckling). Of course there are set duties. Every day is the same and yet very different. What is your favorite part of the job? The daily interaction with the students and how I am so busy that the day flies by. You were a student at Justin-Siena: what are some of the differences? Nuns and Brothers were our teachers and many classes weren’t coed. The dress code didn’t allow girls to wear pants until my sophomore year, and then they were gray and itchy wool. How would you like to be remembered by the students? I hope they remember me with a smile and as someone who cared. What phrase do you say often? “Um is not a word” (thank you Judge Judy for that one).

The original Ms. Paniagua, Kay

Anything you would change about the last 26+ years? I wouldn’t change a thing about my job. It has been the best job because I get to interact with every student at some point during their time here. I was so touched to be given the Br. Lawrence Award in 2008 and 2018 (this award recognizes an employee who exemplifies the ideals of our mission through their work and interactions with students and staff). What is something that would surprise the students to know about you? As a student, I probably led the school in dress code violations. It means that I know every trick and excuse! Do you recall specific teachers/staff who impacted you as a student? #1 is Dan Clark. He was so patient. Kids loved him and we knew he cared. He had control over his class although I would call it quiet chaos. There have also been so many great people that I have worked with over the years. I can’t name all of them, but a few who immediately come to mind are Adolfo Guevara, Noel Hesser, Steve Meyer, Bob Bailey, Lauren Hesser, Alma Gallegos, Jamie Powell, and the other “lifers” like me, Georgine Clarke and Jeff Chappell, and especially my office friends, Debbie Skillings and Silvia Villalobos. Are you making plans for your eventual retirement? I am looking forward to spending more time with my son, Christopher ’03, and daughter, Cara ’06, and of course riding my horse and hanging out with my dog. It will be a quieter life than my husband, Gregg ’73, and I envisioned before he passed from cancer last January. My parents taught me that it doesn’t require a lot to be happy. I have been incredibly fortunate in my career and in my life. I am sincerely blessed! “Cynthia is the tireless and true bloodline of our school. She cares deeply for all of the students, more than they realize. She can seem very tough when enforcing policies, but everything she does comes from an unswerving belief that what we do is for the benefit of the students. They are the reason she comes to work everyday.” – Mrs. Lauren Hesser, Dean of Students



CHARTING A COURSE Justice Faustina ’22 An interview by Katie Heffernan ’22 Secretary, National Art Honors Society

What does art mean to you? To me art means expression of emotions, expression of one’s self, expression of the world around us, and much more. How and why do you express yourself through art? Through art I give others a view of the world through my eyes and express the feelings that I experience in nature. I am able to display my true self, subconsciously, through my work. Why do you think it is important to have artists among us? Artists are vital to a community. Art brings people together, instilling a sense of connection in the viewers, the arts, and others. Art exposes people to new ideas and motivates them to look at things from new perspectives. Why do you like art? I enjoy the process of creating art. Watching a canvas transform from a blank slate to a complete image brings me joy. Noticing how each detail adds to the entire piece makes me recognize the little things that mean so much to me in my own life. What are your goals for the future? My artistic goals are to explore and experiment with my art style. I would like to continue to portray my local landscape and show its beauty, uniqueness, and immense variety.


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“We are involved. It is a place that is actively working to be unlike your typical school.”

“ALLHEART is not just our slogan. When you are here, you feel it.”

Asher Cleary ’23

Veronica Trinidad ’22

“Little do people know that we are all very similar. We all have the same goals in mind.” Everet Johnson ’24



Behind the Lens Jonas Gonzales ’20

JGage Productions

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If you haven’t met Jonas Gonzales by now, you have certainly seen his work. Starting in the fall of 2019, with his “Tour of Justin-Siena” video that was viewed over 8,000 times on social media, Jonas and Justin-Siena have embarked on a symbiotic relationship that has unmistakably moved the school forward by establishing a stout digital presence. His work has covered our “Meeting the Moment,” faculty and staff hybrid teaching tech tips, the joy of Advent, Crab Fest auction lots, athletics hype videos, the primary cinematography for the spring musical turned movie, “Working,” an entry into the District wide series, “Quaranteen Voices,” and “Delayed is not Denied,” a documentary in webisode series where he took the lead for current students to share the story of COVID’s impact on athletics. It was a bit of happenstance that led Jonas and Justin-Siena to this deeply rooted partnership. Jonas was in an SAT Prep class proctored by Coach Tayson (Director of Communications and Varsity Baseball Head Coach). He casually mentioned his interest in film - at the same time Coach Tayson was working with a professional on an admissions video. Coach connected the two, which led to Jonas tagging along on projects and subsequently more professional opportunities. As a young alumnus, why are you so committed to keeping a connection to Justin-Siena and Lasallian education? Justin-Siena opened many doors and opportunities for me. I want to give back to my alma mater and work to improve my skills and perfect my craft. If I can inspire future students into simply picking up a camera, it would make me happy. How has Justin-Siena helped you move forward? What have you learned through this partnership? Justin-Siena helped me support and fuel my passion. By providing me with projects, work experience, and connections, they enabled me to grow as a filmmaker and a person. I have learned how to manage and build my own business, and to become entrepreneurial. What’s next for you? I plan to pursue a degree in film production at a college in southern California. Whether I am filming for Disney, or shooting highlight videos for the NFL, I will always be a Brave. AVA N T I M AG A Z I N E


Class Act

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Mr. Jeff Chappell is ever eager to show his spark for teaching and reaching students in the sciences on the first day of his 28th year of teaching at Justin-Siena.




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Reimagining elements of delivering the education experience may have been a necessity born out of the pandemic. Justin-Siena, however, was already moving forward with our vision thanks to our deeply rooted academic infrastructure. The confluence of events simply reminded us of the power of examining how we reach our students as we enter year three of our Strategic Plan which calls us to “elevate the transformative student experience.”




“Our coaches do an outstanding job teaching, mentoring, and furthering the Justin-Siena mission, which all contribute to this impressive start to the 2021-2022 school year. We applaud the student-athletes for sparking this surge in positive, competitive performances. Justin-Siena athletes are increasingly committing themselves to strength and conditioning which in addition to yielding physical benefits, instills self-confidence and an esprit de corps for Braves teammates.” George Nessman, Director of Athletics

2021 HIGHLIGHTS Girls VVAL Track Champions

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Boys VVAL Track Champions

Football NCS Finalist

Boys Water Polo VVAL Playoffs

Girls Golf VVAL Champion

Girls Water Polo 5th straight league title

Volleyball VVAL Co-Champion

Girls Tennis 4th straight VVAL title



Caden Parlett ’22 – Football, Track & Field 1st Team All-VVAL Football (2021) What has it meant to you to be a student-athlete at JS? JS athletics provided me with some of my best memories. The relationships I formed playing sports, whether with friends or coaches, will carry on long after I graduate. How has that prepared you for life after JS? I have been taught what discipline, commitment to team, and respect for others mean. Our coaches always tell us, while they want us to win and have fun, it is most important to become great men. Being a JS football player definitely helped us all get closer to becoming great men after high school. What is your most memorable athletic moment at JS? My favorite athletic moment was beating American Canyon my sophomore year on varsity when we came into the game as big underdogs. What do you want to accomplish in your final year at JS? The ultimate goal for my last year is to win both the football NCS championship and the 4x100 track championship. Our goal is to set the school record. Who’s been your biggest influence? On the field? Off the field? My dad has been my biggest influence my entire life on and off of the field. Since a young age, I have strived to be like my father as a man and as a football player.

“The relationships I formed playing sports, whether with friends or coaches, will carry on long after I graduate.”

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“I want to help lead the women’s soccer team to the playoffs for the first time in my high school career.”

“On the field, my teammates encourage me to do my personal best. Because of our bond, we are more like family.”

Tessa Salvestrin ’22 Soccer, Softball

Sydney Thweatt ’22 Track & Field, Basketball

2021 Napa County Soccer Player of the Year

School Record holder in the 400m and 4 x 100 Relay

1st Team All-VVAL (2019)

VVAL champion in the 100m, 200m, and 400m (2021)

Signed to play at Division I, St. Mary’s College

2018 NCS Meet of Champions AVA N T I M AG A Z I N E


What has it meant to you to be a JS student-athlete? Being a student-athlete at JS allowed me so many opportunities to meet different types of people and form bonds with them. Being able to succeed in and out of the classroom with the support of my teachers, coaches, teammates, and classmates is something I’m so grateful for. How has it prepared you for life after JS? I’m confident that my time in the JS sports program instilled in me strong time management skills and a dedication to my Braves family. I hope to carry over attributes of hard work, heartfelt connections, and a growth mindset. What is your most memorable athletic moment? My most memorable athletic moment is two-fold because it happened twice: winning Volleyball VVAL in 2019 and 2021. Two completely different teams, two completely different seasons, two completely different championships, but both so special to me. Winning league my freshman and senior years is the most amazing full circle moment that will always hold an extraordinary place in my heart. What do you want to accomplish in your final year? In addition to going as far as we can in volleyball playoffs, I have a goal to win a league softball game or two as well. I want to continue to solidify the connections I have within teams on campus, work together, and stay positive. Who has been your biggest influence? On the field? Off the field? I’ve had many influences in my life that impacted me as a student, athlete, and person. As early as freshman year on varsity volleyball, the team captains instilled in me a sense of community, and the coaches continue to be among my biggest supporters. My softball teammates over the years have also been indispensable as friends; my time with them always makes me smile.

“I hope to carry over attributes of hard work, heartfelt connections, and a growth mindset.”

Eleanor Meyers ’22 – Volleyball, Softball 2018 and 2021 VVAL Volleyball Champion 2021 Napa County Volleyball Defensive Player of the Year 1st Team All-VVAL Volleyball (2021) 2 7 FA L L 2 0 2 1

“I want to win a section championship in all three sports.” Robby Sangiacomo ’22 Football, Basketball, and Baseball 1st Team All-VVAL Football (2021)



Nick Andrews ’22 – Baseball, Football 2021 Napa County Baseball Co-Player of the Year “JS athletics taught me respect for my peers, coaches, and the game I love. They shaped me to be better in the classroom while also never taking reps off on the field. If you want something you must go out and achieve it; if you sit and wait, you will never reach your goal.” 2 9 FA L L 2 0 2 1

Sarah Reynolds ’22 – Water Polo 4x VVAL Champion—4x All-County Water Polo Honors—2021 VVAL MVP “Justin-Siena athletics have shaped me to be the person I want to be in the future, and prepared me to play at the college level. Being a student-athlete influences how I act in many situations in my daily life.”




Monday June 6, 2022 Silverado Resort and Spa North Course Shotgun Start Lunch & Auction All proceeds benefit Justin-Siena Athletics

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Thank you to our 2021-2022 co-curricular program sponsors! ALLHEART The Gonzales Group/ Merrill Lynch Napa Grocery Outlet Sangiacomo Family Wines Red and Blue Fairway Independent Mortgage Corp- Whitlock/Coakley Group Jenny Gass - Coldwell Banker Gorin Tennis Keller Real Estate Malloy, Imrie & Vasconi Insurance Services Quintessential Wines Blue Black Stallion Estate Winery The Donum Estate Robert Pursell - Compass Real Estate Roy’s Landscaping Shanahan Orthodontics

Clark Gym South Malloy, Imrie & Vasconi Insurance Services MG Equipment Company Red Abbey Carpets Unlimited Fontanella Family Winery Hello Ortho Highway 12 Winery Benjamin Jewell, MD & Delta Ruscheinsky, MD Amine Khoury, DDS Le Reve Designs & Associates Manfred & Hunt, LLP Mary’s Pizza Shack NapaSport SteakHouse Quinlan’s Tires Savage & Cooke Sky Olive Tree Nursery

Union Square Advisors Valley of the Moon Flooring White Mark ColemanState Farm Insurance Erica Conway, DDS CTS Fitness & Performance Dickenson, Peatman & Fogarty Edge PT - Eric Ewig JGage Productions Napa Valley 1839 Soccer 707 Premier Sports Ranch Market Reynolds Family Winery Sasha Craig Photography Steve Silva Plumbing, Inc. VinoEZ Braves Napa Electric



VAPARTS It’s been a long time, but theatre is finally back. This fall, Justin-Siena produced the docu-drama 110 Stories, our first live production since March 2020. This was an emotional weekend of theatre for the performers, not just because we were telling the story of September 11, but because we were live. We were together, in community. It was the first time we had heard applause or laughter or even people unwrapping cough drops. It was wonderful to be together, even with masks, Covid testing, and distancing. Everyone knows the last year and a half have been tough, but perhaps not everyone has thought about how much they depended on artists as a lifeline to normalcy. Where would we have been without streamed performances? How would we have processed our isolation? How would we have managed to connect? Last year, we did eight productions online, including a stand-up comedy night, an improv show, and a filmed musical. We have never before produced that many events in a year (one per month). Why did we do this? Because the students needed it. The audience needed it.

What have audiences missed? The excitement of seeing a show for the first time The surprise of a new performer knocking it out of the park The sound of applause The ability of theatre to transcend a moment, to teach us something new, to bring us together

And the students? The self-confidence and self-esteem The cooperation and collaboration The focus and concentration The stress relief and joy of creating The social awareness If ever our world needed arts, it’s now. It asks us to examine ourselves and our world. It demands we listen to other points of view. Theatre promotes social discourse, dialogue, and social change. Art models for us the kind of discourse that lies at the heart of our democracy—to listen, to hear different sides of the story, to put ourselves in the place of others. It demands we be better.

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Scratching the Surface

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Often the justification for the arts in schools is a “well-rounded education.” But the truth is that all of the arts (choir, dance, film, instrumental music, theatre, and visual arts) offer students a skill set that is vital and necessary to participate in the modern world. The pandemic required that students use their “superpowers” to dissect the moment and help move themselves and us forward. It was a real-world test that proved that the arts are not merely an “elective,” but an essential part of education for the 21st century.



AboutFACE How do you see yourself in the digital world?

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Performances you may have missed A full-length movie musical... An emotional docu-drama... A concert that was out of this world... Singing to ring in the holidays. You won’t want to miss...

ComedySportz High School League — Jan 20 - 23 Spring Concert — May 7

A Musical

Spring Musical, Something Rotten! — March 25 - April 3

From the book by


STEPHEN SCHWARTZ and NINA FASO With additional contributions by



History 2006 Joseph and the Amazing Dreamcoat; Braves on Broadway: The Eight Keys to Success; Arsenic and Old Lace 2007 Complete Works of William Shakespeare; CATS; Little Shop of Horrors 2008 Of Mice and Men ; Damn Yankees; West Side Story 2009 The Odd Couple; The Prisoner of Second Avenue; Les Miserables; Singin’ in the Rain 2010 Dead Man Walking; The Music Man; Thoroughly Modern Millie 2011 The Phantom of the Opera Under the Direction of James Thomas Bailey 2011 ComedySportz High School League 2012 Pippin; I Never Saw Another Butterfly 2013 ComedySportz High School League; Footloose; Love Letters; Fahrenheit 451; Almost, Maine 2014 ComedySportz High School League; Anything Goes; Bang, Bang You’re Dead; The Twilight Zone – Live on Stage; Charlotte’s Web 2015 ComedySportz High School League; Urinetown; The Birds–A Modern Adaptation 2016 ComedySportz High School League; Once on This Island; 24-Hour Play Project; Her Infinite Variety; Love on the High Seas 2018 ComedySportz High School League; Guys and Dolls; Our Town 2019 ComedySportz High School League; 50th Anniversary Spring Musical TBA; The Comedy of Romeo and Juliet… kinda Sorta 2020 ComedySportz High School League; The 24 Hour Plays; Disney’s High School Musical; War of the Worlds, Stand Up and Be Brave; A Wonderful Life 2021 ComedySportz High School League; Strong Roots: A Celebration of Black History Month; Working, The Musical; Refresh: Short Plays for Long Distance 110 Stories

BRAVEBILL Established 1969

o e m o R & t e i l u J

By Sarah Tuft


October 22 – 24th, 2021


BRAVEBILL Established 1969

o e m o R & t e i l u J


2021: A Space Orchestra Instrumental Winter Concert Saturday • Nov. 13th • Siena Hall


BRAVEBILL Established 1969

o e m o R & t e i l u J


A Choral Christmas Concert

. . .•KINDA SORTA Saturday December 11th BY PATRICK SCHMITZ





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Teach by Day. Rock by Night. There is another side of faculty we don’t often get to see. This past fall, during Homecoming, several of our educators brought their hidden talents to the stage. They lip-synced to Guns ’n Roses, Masked Wolf, and Vanilla Ice. The perfomances were captivating and energetic, to say the least. And since masks were required... they could make as many mistakes as needed. AVA N T I M AG A Z I N E


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Fr. Valentine, Celebrant of the Mass of the Holy Spirit, offered a rejuvenating message calling our community to lean on will, happiness, and gratitude at the start of the school year.



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WESERVE The mission of Justin-Siena has long been to build students who “serve and lead in an ever changing world.” As educators in this challenging environment, it has never been more readily apparent just how needed this experience is for young people. To serve, however, should be more than a one-off event. Serving must be ingrained in our culture. To this end, Justin-Siena has embarked on service initiatives that reflect our Strategic Plan, which calls our school to “build significant and ongoing service opportunities through the community.” As part of our faculty and staff retreat, each of our educators took part in a choose your own adventure day of service. Whether it was gardening with our senior living community neighbors, clearing out trails of invasive species, organizing donated goods for homeless shelters, our outreach team made sure that we used this time in the spirit of service. In our Advisory groups, over 30 “Welcome Home Kits” were gathered and assembled for families transitioning from homelessness to stable housing. Our highly successful fall sports teams have taken on various projects, most notably our Volleyball program partnered with Sacred Heart Cathedral to bring back the “Serve It Up Classic” for a day of service and competition. To culminate our efforts this fall, we partnered with budding league rival Vintage High School for a “Unite for the Night” football game. With the goal of raising mental health awareness in our community, the Alaina’s Voice Foundation brought our two schools together, raising more than $2,000 by selling hundreds of t-shirts to honor Alaina Housley, a victim in the Thousand Oaks shooting. Fans from both sides dressed in camo in honor of Addie Dominici (daughter of Justin-Siena Director of Outreach, Megan ’92), who passed away in a tragic accident in 2019. Kashin Adams ’25 was inspired to see so many people step up to serve and particiapte that evening. He noted that, “everyone put the school rivalry aside for a night to come together as a community.”



Impacting diversity through philanthropy The Gonzales Family For many of us, the story of coming to the United States is one of opportunity and sacrifice. We all know families whose journeys began with parents or grandparents coming to this country, and the Bay Area especially, to make a new life and to live the American Dream. Eric and Amparo Gonzales’s story is one of many who persevered and capitalized on their education to build a family and better their communities. Eric, born and raised in Vallejo, was a student-athlete with big dreams of playing football in college. Amparo spent her childhood in Fairfield after emigrating to the Bay Area with her parents from the Philippines. Both Eric and Amparo attended public schools and would be the first in their families to attend college, before they met at Solano Community College where Eric was studying business and playing football. If he hadn’t broken his ankle, life would have turned out very differently. This injury was a turning point and instead of relying on athletics, Eric turned towards academics. With his father’s GI benefits, he transferred to UC Davis to finish his degree in Managerial and Agricultural Economics. After graduating, Eric & Amparo were married at St. John the Baptist Catholic Church in Napa. The newlyweds bought their first home in Green Valley and soon after, their children, Jonas ’20, Nina ’23, and Jace Frank Gutierrez Photography 4 5 FA L L 2 0 2 1

were born. They became attracted to Justin-Siena after shadowing on a “Brave for a Day.” As they met with faculty, staff, parents, and students, it became clear that Justin-Siena could provide something special - a campus community that truly sees, knows, and loves their students. While Jonas acclimated to high school, Eric and Amparo were embraced by the parent and volunteer community at JustinSiena. They became parent ambassadors, and ultimately, Eric was invited to be an inaugural member and Chair of the JustinSiena Parent Association (J-SPA). The more they invested in Justin-Siena, the more Eric and Amparo literally gave of themselves.

Moving DISP Forward

The Gonzales family’s generosity launched the Justin-Siena’s Diversity & Inclusion Scholarship Program (DISP). As the founding sponsors, the Gonzales family’s support of Justin-Siena’s ongoing diversity and inclusion efforts will change lives in Napa, Solano, and Sonoma counties. With an inaugural cohort of seven Justin-Siena students this fall, Eric’s nearly 25 year professional career in wealth management will provide mentorship and job shadowing opportunities. Long term, the goal is to attract more businesses and families as DISP sponsors who share the same passion for diversity and philanthropy as the Gonzales family.

Diversity & Inclusion Scholarship Program

The Program’s mission is to provide these students with access to a Lasallian education and to build the social and human capital within each student to succeed and give back to the community at large. The Diversity &

Inclusion Scholarship includes an annual award of up to $2,500 to offset the student’s tuition at Justin-Siena. Recognizing the transformative power that Justin-Siena was having on their children, and following over a year of planning, the Gonzales family’s generosity launched the Diversity & Inclusion Scholarship Program (DISP) aimed at ensuring a diverse student body that is representative of our region. “Ultimately, this scholarship will contribute to Justin-Siena having an even more diverse student body, reflecting the changing demographics of the counties we serve,’’ affirmed Alicia Valdivia, Director of Admissions. For more information contact:

Andrea A. Flores Director of Philanthropy aflores@justin-siena.org (707) 255-0950 Ext.610

Justin-Siena’s Core Principles and its current Strategic Plan call for the promotion of an inclusive community that provides access to students from diverse socioeconomic backgrounds and ethnicities. Simply stated, DISP activates our core mission and purpose. Eric shared, “As the son of Filipino immigrants who only became naturalized because of my father’s service in the US Army, I know the impact that race, ethnicity, and heritage can have on educational and economic opportunities. I was raised to see my diversity as a strength. It is what propelled me through school to become the first in my family to go to college here in the United States.” AVA N T I M AG A Z I N E


COMING2022 Colin Chadwick ’08 Team Center Construction is progressing and our new Team Center is slated to open later this spring. The modern structure includes two team rooms, changing areas for boys and girls, an athletic training room, and an office for coaches.


Justin-Siena High School

Justin-Siena High School



was so very foundational in Colin’s

life. It is our hope that the new Team Center will provide an inspirational and motivational space for continued Braves athletic achievement in years to come. The Justin-Siena community is very deserving of this legacy gift in Colin’s memory.

Karen & Ray Chadwick, parents of Colin Chadwick ’08 47 FA L L 2 0 2 1











In honor of the first graduating classes of Justin and Siena High Schools, we were immeasurably proud to hold our first ever Golden Diploma Ceremony. Members of the Class of 1970 joined us for our All Saints Day Mass, a luncheon catered by Justin-Siena Alumni Sean Pramuk ’88 and Giovanni Guerrera ’88 of FoodShed, and the ceremonial conferring of the Golden Diplomas themselves. This event marked the first of many opportunities to reconnect, celebrate, remember, and engage with Justin-Siena.





It was a day of reflecting “ on good times 50+ years in the past. And as the saying goes, that time happens in the ‘blink of an eye.’ We were a fortunate group to be together at the same place in time. It is impressive to see JustinSiena thriving at such a high level today.

Charlie Tolbert ’70 (center), parent of Andrew Tolbert ’05

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In Memory

Our thoughts and prayers are with these members of our Braves family.

Fran Cassayre passed away peacefully at home on August 17, 2021. She is survived by her husband Paul Cassayre of 65 years, daughters Mary Miroglio ’75 (Bruce ’74), Anne Sullivan, and Diane Cassayre ’78, 12 grandchildren, and 15 greatgrandchildren. She is also survived by her brothers and sisters-in-law Bruce and Betty Cassayre, Jim and Carolyn Cassayre, and Bruce and Mary MacLean. Fran will be remembered as a loving wife, mother, grandmother, great-grandmother, and friend to all. Nick Robert Cervone passed away peacefully in his home on August 20, 2021, in Napa, CA. Nick was born on February 6, 1931, in Formicola, Italy. He is survived by his wife Martha of 63 years, his daughters Rita Cervone ’77 and Annetta ’79, her husband Ray Particelli ’79, four grandchildren Stefano ’06, Giuliano ’07, Dante, and Adriana Particelli, and also two greatgrandchildren, nieces, and numerous cousins. Nancy Brace Davis ’90 died at home on March 13, surrounded by her family. She lived her entire life in the Valley. An alumna of St. Apollinaris and Justin-Siena High School, Nancy grew up excelling at sports. Her family and friends were her everything and she loved them fiercely. Nancy is survived by her husband Jeff Davis, and three children, Lauren, Violet, and Emmett, parents Richard Brace and Patty Brace, her sister Jackie Reinsimar ’88, and many loving aunts, uncles, cousins, and dear friends. Ellen Frank passed away in Chandler, Arizona, on September 4, 2021. A devoted mother, grandmother, friend, and family member, Ellen lived her life helping others. She is survived by many including her three children, Dan Frank ’89, Lisa Rittenhouse, and Steve Frank. Ellen had seven grandchildren.and countless lifelong friends. Dennis Gafvert passed away unexpectedly on July 16th, 2021, at his home in Bend, Oregon. Dennis was born on August 22, 1963, in Los Altos, California. He is survived by his daughters Samantha Gafvert and Megan Gafvert ’14, his faithful dog Buster, and his many loving family members and friends.

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Debra Garon, mother of Gage Garon ’25 passed away on October 6, 2021. Debra is survived by her husband Steve, son Gage ’25, and many other family and friends. Joan Goodwin passed away peacefully with family by her side on Oct. 9, 2021, at the Queen of the Valley Hospital in Napa. Joan is survived by her husband Jack, five children: Michael, Carol, Dan ’79, Bill ’80, and Theresa ’84, and 12 grandchildren. Joan gave of herself charitably at St. Cecilia’s in SF, and St. Apollinaris and Justin-Siena High in Napa. Kenneth William Kumpf passed away on November 27, 2020. Ken was born on July 6, 1936, in Kane, Pennsylvania. He was preceded in death by his mother Katherine, son Aaron ’82, and father Fred. He is survived by his siblings, son Loren ’78, and daughter Amy. Air Force Capt. Kelliann Leli, wife of Capt. James Leli ’07 died Nov. 27, 2020, in a non-combat related vehicle incident at Al Dhafra Air Base, United Arab Emirates. She was married to Capt. Jimmy Leli ’07, a KC-10 Extender pilot in the 6th Aerial Refueling Squadron at Travis. Drake William Norup ’15 passed away on June 30, 2021. Drake demonstrated an easy ability to make friends, and play sports, while passing classes without much effort. His athleticism and strong will were readily apparent on the playing fields. Drake was a rare loving soul whose bright light was extinguished far too soon. He is survived by his adoring parents Kim and Andrea Norup, beloved brother Dexter Norup ’12, and many other family and friends. After a battle with pancreatic cancer, Eric Padgett passed away peacefully November 3, 2021, at home in Sonoma. He was ever-present at his kids’ elementary school, Saint Francis Solano, where he could be found working the lunch line, organizing the library, or volunteering for their field trips and fundraisers. As his children moved on to Justin-Siena High School, you could find Eric keeping the book at every softball game and working the scoreboard

at the football games. He never let cancer stop him from showing up and supporting his kids or his community. Eric is survived by his wife Jessica, four children: Shelby ’24, Travis ’25, Jayden, and Alyson, as well as many additional family and friends. Joe Powers cared for his family. Born in 1935, he was raised in Grimes, CA. He is survived by his wife Eileen, son Michael ’79 and sister Rose Ann Ellis. He was preceded in death by his daughter Laura Ann Burnett ’82. John Prince passed away peacefully on February 17, 2021, surrounded by his loving family. Out of all his incredible achievements, John would say his greatest treasure was the love of God and family. John is survived by his wife Louise, his sons Gary ’79 and Steve ’88, daughter Julie ’87, grandchildren Dena ’16, Alicia ’18, Ryan, Jake, and Tyler, and beloved brothers, and many nieces, nephews, and cousins. Born in 1945, Gregory Rodeno passed away on March 21, 2021. He is survived by his wife, Michaela Rodeno of Napa, daughter Kate ’02, son John ’05, and numerous extended family.

William Frank Rossi ’71 graduated from Justin High School (now known as Justin-Siena High School) in 1971. Bill understood what most of us can only hope to figure out in one lifetime, and that was how to live. Family and friends were everything. Left with decades of memories are his siblings Marie Rossi and Joseph Rossi, Jr. ’70, his wife Patricia ’77, and many muchloved nieces and nephews, in-laws, godchildren, and friends. David Simich passed away on Monday September 6, at home. David was born on March 22, 1949, to Myron Vincent and Marjorie Elizabeth Simich. David is survived by his loving wife Sue, sister Edith Scribner (Don), brother Stephen Simich ’76, and other family members. It is with immense sadness that we announce the death of Mark Eugene Tremblay. Mark is lovingly survived by his wife Maureen, daughter Sidney Jo ’11, and many others. He will be deeply missed by his family, friends, and all who knew and loved him. Adrian Van Winden passed away unexpectedly on February 10, 2021. Adrian, who was born in Pijnacker, Netherlands, was a devout Catholic,

and attended St. Apollinaris Catholic Church. Adrian leaves behind his daughter Lesette ’79, son James, and daughter Sonja ’87. He is also survived by grandchildren, great-grandsons, relatives, and dear friends. Joseph James “Jake” Wade IV ’02 died on August 18, 2021, in Santa Rosa, California. He was a loving son, brother, husband, father, and friend. Born April 17, 1984, Jake learned from a very young age the value of family, love of nature, and hard work. Although Jake died far too young, he will be remembered for his candid sense of humor, contagious laughter, and his love and devotion to his family including his wife Nicole Cochran and their two daughters. He will be deeply missed. Linda Waddell, a loyal friend, loving wife, mother, and grandmother passed away on December 26, 2020. Linda was preceded in death by her husband Bud in 2009, and is survived by her two sons, Justin ’94 and Brandon ’96, and several grandchildren. Linda had a great passion for life and her family was everything to her.

Neil F. Murphy If you look at our Honor Roll of Investors, you’ll notice a special list of donors who have given consistently for 25 or more years. These friends of Justin-Siena are our most loyal and treasured benefactors and we are grateful for their generosity. One name that graced that list for over 25 years was Neil F. Murphy. Neil and his wife Helen were parents of Timothy F. Murphy, Br. Michael F. Murphy ’73, and Colleen Murphy Scholl ’79. A native Napan who spent 76 of his 90 years in Napa, Neil served in the US Air Force for four years after earning his AA in Agricultural Science from UC Davis. Upon returning to Napa, Neil embarked on a career in construction, first as an apprentice turned journeyman carpenter, and later as a contractor. Ultimately, he established Redwood Homes, building well-built, attractive, and affordable homes that still grace the wine country today. Neil passed away January 16, 2021, and though he is gone, the impact his life had on his children and grandchildren, as well as extended family and friends, continues. His son, Br. Michael, shared this about his father, “My ​​ dear Dad gave me two immense gifts for which I will always be deeply grateful: life itself and the Roman Catholic faith. Up until the very end of his life, he loved life and loved the Catholic Church. Not only does his life continue with mine but also his abiding love of Catholicism.”



BRAVES BROADCAST Dean Ruggiero ’76 is a leading local freelance photographer whose work has been shown in the Napa Valley Register and even in this issue of Avanti! Steve Maloney ’80 has spent over 25 years selling analytics software. He was awarded Seller of the Year at Salesforce/HLS, IBM Analytics, Oracle Analytics, HPE, and Hyperion. He attributes his success to being educated in a small liberal arts environment where debate, collaboration, and thoughtful consideration are tenants. Fondly recalling JSHS, he hopes to be involved in alumni engagement with students, especially in the area of career development and living with purpose.




Rich Salvestrin ’82 - Salvestrin Winery’s Cabernet Sauvignon, Dr. Crane Vineyards was listed as the #9 wine in the world by Wine Spectator. Vince D’Adamo ’91 covered football games throughout the valley during the 2021 High School season for the Napa Valley Register. Vince no longer works full time as a sports writer, but does periodic work for the Register and other local papers. Kevin Kress ’91 was recently featured in the Sonoma Valley Sun magazine in an article about his restaurant, Reel & Brand in Sonoma. Kevin bought the restaurant in 2018 and has worked to slowly turn it into his own. Olivia O’Brien (A) performed at the most recent Bottlerock Music Festival in Napa.


Jaret Paulson ’92, a California Highway Patrol Officer, continues to give back to the community as a central part of our “Smart Start” parent and teen driving program. His son Wyatt is in the class of 2024. Diego Garcia ’94 has returned to the Napa Valley and is now working for the law firm of Dickenson, Peatman, and Fogarty as an attorney. Diego specializes in General Business Litigation, Bad Faith and Insurance Coverage, and Property Insurance. Diego has stayed in contact with Justin-Siena as a member of the Alumni Council. Ian MacMillan ’97 led the St. Helena Saints varsity football team to an NCL-I Championship and the #2 seed in the Division VII section playoffs. The team made it all the way to the championship game. Also coaching with MacMillan is fellow alum Steve Shifflett ’75.

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Brandon LaRocco ’98, Head Coach of the Braves Varsity Football team,

led the team to a 7-6 record this past season, including a trip to the Division VI NCS Championship game, which the Braves lost 28-26. Coaching with Brandon are fellow alumni Tyler Streblow ’04, Spencer Joske ’10, Diano Pachote ’14, and Tyler Brazil ’19. LaRocco is married to Miranda (Welsh) LaRocco ’01, and they live in Vacaville with their 3 children, Payton, Jordyn, and Anthony. Jeff Dodd ’00 was named in the North Bay Business Journal’s top Forty Under 40. Jeff is a partner at Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP. Brad Stromdahl and Justin Aspegren ’02 (B) are both coaching baseball at the collegiate level and recently competed against each other. Aspegren coaches at Appalachian State and Stromdahl is currently coaching at Georgia State. Ryan Harrison ’02 was honored as the “Attorney of the Year” by the Wiley Manuel Bar Association of Sacramento County. Ryan works for Jackson Lewis P.C. in the Sacramento area in Labor and Employment Law. As a member of our Alumni Council, Ryan stays connected with his alma mater. He participated in our Social Justice alumni panel this past spring. Tim ’03 and Raquel ’03 (Paniagua) Gatto expanded their branding studio to a Downtown Napa location in 2021. They run Gatto Rivera Branding with their business partner, Antonio Rivera. Specializing in package design for the wine, beer, and spirits industries, they work collaboratively with their clients to develop meaningful brand stories that resonate and sell. Aileen Savage ’04 (C) was voted Best of the North Bay for Photo Services (2020), and runner up for Napa Valley’s Finest Photographer (2021) for her work capturing the precious moments of newborns within their first nine days. She has had the pleasure of doing this for many alums! Kyle Dunkle ’07 is living in New Zealand where he is the owner and inspiration for “Uncle Dunkle’s” wood-fired chili and chili bbq sauces. Kyleigh (McAhren) Greely ’08 and Becky Lohwasser ’07 returned to Justin-Siena as the junior varsity volleyball coaches. Alison (Bassett) Nitzsche ’09, (D) was married to Craig Nitzsche on August 14, 2021, in a private ceremony held in the Napa Valley.

Shea Boles ’10 is a captain in the US Air Force while completing her residency after receiving her medical degree from the Stritch School of Medicine at Loyola University.

Christian Maldonado-Bon ’16 graduated from the University of Portland and is now working for Nike in their marketing and social media departments.

Ivan Colin ’11 is curating six paintings at Cafe Velo in Bellingham, Washington, while working as a graphic designer and marketing associate for Signs Plus, Inc. His vibrant work “draws inspiration from movement, fluidity, and nature.”

Yesenia Villasenor ’16 is working as a fashion designer in Mexico City after graduating from California College of the Arts.

Evan Roscoe ’11, (E) photographer and documentarian has built an impressive resumé working with wineries and other local brands. His most recent work includes, “The Barber,” which documents the life of Salvador Renteria. He is currently working on a yet-to-be-named film about Rogelio Garcia’s rise from dishwasher to chef at The French Laundry. Marc Castellucci ’13 is a firefighter with the St. Helena Fire Department where he was on the front lines of the Glass Fire and an essential worker during the pandemic. Nathan Krill ’14 has continued his basketball career overseas. After a season in Switzerland that saw him help lead his team to the championship series, he is now playing for Omonia, located in Nicosia, Cyprus, and the team is off to a 4-4 start. Nathan is averaging a double-double, scoring 13 points and grabbing 13 rebounds per game. Haley Cremen ’14 is the program assistant for the Golden State Warriors Basketball Academy where she works in an administrative and coaching role. Haley also volunteers for the Varsity Girls Basketball team at Justin-Siena. Anne Marie Medonsa ’12 (F) started two wine labels, Camrose Wines and Calazor Wines. Camrose donates $1 from every bottle sold to the pediatric brain tumor and cancer community Diano Pachote ’15, (G) an accomplished two-sport star for the Braves now works at Justin-Siena as a Student Support Associate, and also coaches football and baseball. Nick Troppy ’15 received his associates degree from Napa Valley College and is currently managing vineyards. Jordan Dunkley ’16 graduated from Point University in Georgia where he also pitched for two years for the Hawks. Dunkley is now a recreation aid in the United States Air Force, stationed in Arizona. Nik Dodson ’16 had a successful pitching career at NAIA Waldorf University and is now pursuing a career as a firefighter. Dodson will also be serving as a part time coach for the Braves this spring.

Tyler Bertani ’17 is working as a singer/songwriter in the greater Bay Area as a part of Honey Co. Music.


Allyssa Mick-McKinzie ’17 graduated from UC Berkeley in 2021, with a BA in Sociology. She is working at the US Forest Service E Regional Office on the Public Service Staff focusing on Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion. She just finished a draft report on barriers to people of color in visiting National Forests. Sean Prasad ’17 graduated in 2021 from St. Mary’s College with a degree in Political Science. Having moved to our nation’s Capitol, Sean hopes to make his mark on the political scene.


Mathieu Sanders ’17 (H) graduated from the Military Academy at West Point. Sanders received the Superintendent’s Award which signifies that he was in the top 15 percent of his class across all fields of achievement. Aidan Willard ’17 - After coaching with the Braves for a season, Willard resumed his football career at Division II Black Hill State University where he finished second in passing as a dual threat quarterback.


Nick Lenz ’17 has assumed a leadership position in his family’s business, Civic Center Towing, Transport and Road Service. Dawson Del Dotto ’17 (I) is currently working for Larry’s Produce in Fairfield as a farmer. Dawson is growing many different vegetables, including sweet corn, pumpkins, peppers, tomatoes, and many varieties of squash. Dawson said about his work, “I wouldn’t trade it for anything.”


Alejandra Alvarado-Basulto ’18 was recently hired at Justin-Siena as Student Life Assistant while she is finishing her degree in Business Administration at Sonoma State. Caitlin Mayo ’18 recently left for her deployment on the Harry S. Truman aircraft carrier out of Norfolk, VA, and will be gone for up to 6 months. Caitlin is a petty officer 2nd class, E5 in the Navy. Rebecca Reynolds ’18 competed for the UC Davis Women’s Water Polo team this past season as a utility player. Hannah Chau ’18, the 2017-18 Napa Valley Register Athlete of the Year, continues her highly decorated




career as a sophomore at UC Irvine. In 2021, she earned Big West AllAcademic Honors and the Big West Championship in the 10000m.

Gianna Troppy ’19 was named to Biola University’s Dean’s List for academic excellence. Gianna is a Business Administration major.

Cole Cummings ’18 - After a successful JUCO stint as a forward at San Diego Miramar, Cummings transferred to Sonoma State where he will be coached by former Braves Head Coach Dave Granucci.

Eva Cleary ’20 earned first team honors for the Bay Valley Conference as the leading outside hitter for the Napa Valley College Storm (led by former Braves Head Coach Chelsea Reilley) who enjoyed their best season in several years

Kendall Martin ’18 will be a redshirt sophomore in the javelin for the Gauchos. Martin is majoring in Communications and looks to build off her 11th place Big West showing as a freshman. John Nessman ’18 (J) is currently a senior Anthropology major at UC Berkeley. This past summer he participated in an eight week field study program at an archaeological dig site on the island of Menorca, Spain. Luigi Albano-Dito ’19 transferred to Cuesta College after two years at College of Marin where he saw significant action as a two-way player on the mound and at the plate. Maxx Castellucci ’19 is pitching at Sacramento CIty College for the perennial powerhouse Panthers.


Michael Fitzgerald ’19 earned second team honors for a 7-3 Monterey Peninsula College team that earned a berth in the American Championship Bowl Landon Mispagel ’19 is majoring in Pre-Biology at UCSB where he will be competing in his redshirt freshman season in 110m hurdles.


Juan Carlos Mora ’19 (K) After interning for Cornerstone Government Affairs over the summer, Mora recently spoke at the California Hispanic Chamber of Commerce’s annual statewide convention as a CAPS Fellow and advocate for the implementation of a Small Business Living Wage grant. Mora attends George Washington University. Julia Sangiacomo ’19 passed the 1,000 kill mark while leading Santa Clara University volleyball as one of the best players in the West Coast Conference. After a slow start, the Broncos finished the season winning 4 of their last 5 matches. Conrad Say ’19 (L) continues to run circles around the competition. A junior at Johns Hopkins University studying Cellular and Molecular Biology, Conrad is a Division I Track & Field athlete who is finding time to fit in MCAT prep.


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Mikaela Zeiter ’19 is currently a cheerleader at Northeastern University while studying Cell and Molecular Biology with a minor in Business Administration. Her brother, Nick ’21, also attends the prestigious school.

Gabe Cornejo ’20 After spending a season as a pitcher and catcher for the Solano Community College Falcons, Cornejo is preparing to enter the United States Air Force. Marcus Nunes ’20 and Blake Hoban ’20 were both members of the football team at Diablo Valley College this past season. Nunes finished the season with 22 tackles. The team finished 6-4 overall. Miles Williams ’20 is in the midst of his second season on the 7-5 Marshall University football team. Josiah Gutierrez ’21, the former Napa County Offensive Player of the Year (soccer) earned second team All Bay Valley Conference honors for the Storm, who after starting the season 0-8, surged back to earn a postseason berth. Megan Hanson ’21, the 2021 Napa County Player of the Year is currently a freshman at UC Irvine where the Anteaters are enjoying a great turnaround season with a record of 17-13, their best record since 2017. Connor Machado ’21 (M) After a standout lacrosse career at JS, Machado is majoring in Computer Science while suiting up as a midfielder for Vassar College. Chantelle Mendoza ’21 (N) is enjoying her first year as a Biomedical Engineering student at Johns Hopkins University. She spent this Thanksgiving on the East Coast with her parents, brother Ramiro ’15 and sister Rochelle ’13. Seth Morrison ’21 has 16 tackles as a defensive back for the Division III Whittier Poets. Casey Potrebic ’21 is preparing to compete in the decathlon while studying at Carnegie Melon. Noah Young ’21, the offensive force for the Braves is currently playing outfield for Division II Cal State East Bay.


2020 — 2021

HONOR ROLL of INVESTORS We are grateful for the following parents, alumni, alumni parents and grandparents, faculty, staff, friends, and businesses who donated to Justin-Siena. What you see, know, and love about Justin-Siena can’t happen without your support. Your gifts make a significant difference in the lives our students and you too, help Justin-Siena move forward. We celebrate you! FOUNDER’S SOCIETY $25,000+

Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Chadwick De La Salle Institute Ms. Nancy Foss Mr. and Mrs. Michael B. Gallagher The Peter A. and Vernice H. Gasser Foundation


Ms. Diane McMinds Model Bakery Reynolds Family Winery Mr. Ariyeh Schmeder ’92 and Mrs. Susan J. Schmeder Mr. and Mrs. D.J. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Soldati Mr. James R. Thompson ’08 and Mrs. Victoria Deely Thompson ’08 Mr. John Dillon and Mrs. Yelena Wells Mr. Scott Whitlock and Mrs. Heather Whitlock

$10,000 - $24,999

Chappellet Vineyard and Winery Dr. Thomas P. Kenefick Mr. and Mrs. David S. Phinney Ms. Leslie Rota Mr. Michael J. Sangiacomo ’87 and Mrs. Whitney Sangiacomo Sisters of St. Dominic, Congregation of the Most Holy Name

LEADERSHIP SOCIETY $5,000 - $9,999

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bailey Boeschen Vineyards Mr. Michael Brisbin ’79 Buoncristiani Family Winery Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Dann Fairway Mortgage - The Coakley Whitlock Group Mr. Jon Favreau and Dr. Joya Arceneaux Favreau ’88 Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund Mr. William Gass and Mrs. Jennifer Lohwasser Gass ’93 Mr. Patrick Gaul Mr. and Mrs. Eric Gonzales Gorin Tennis Academy, Inc. Mr. Dennis Groth Groth Vineyards and Winery Highway 12 Winery Mr. Michael J. Holman and Mrs. Susan Schwegman Mr. and Mrs. David J. Holquin Mr. Andrew E. Kelly and Mrs. Holly Kelly, MD Mr. John Kenny KT Wineco, L.L.C. Lasallian Christian Brothers Foundation Malloy Imrie & Vasconi Insurance Services, LLC

1966 SOCIETY $1,996 - $4,999

Abbey Carpets Unlimited Mr. and Mrs. Edward P. Allen Mrs. Noelle C. Wesolek Andres ’03 and Mr. Stephen Andres ’02 Mr. and Mrs. Chris Baskerville Benevity Community Impact Fund Mr. Jeffrey Bishop and Mrs. Elizabeth Jacobs Bishop ’80 Ms. Annie M. Blake Neumann Mr. and Mrs. Dean Bledsoe Mr. and Mrs. Charles Boles Dr. Edward Cain and Dr. Dianne Harris Dr. and Mrs. Roger F. Carlson Ms. Nyrene Clark ’89 Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Coomes Dr. David J. Danzeisen and Dr. Kathryn Holder Mr. Jason Dominici and Mrs. Megan Savage Dominici ’92 Dr. and Mrs. Matthew D. Duncan Ms. Kathleen A. Ervin Mr. Andrew Euser ’78 and Mrs. Mary Bettencourt Euser ’77 Mr. and Mrs. Ramiro Flores Mr. James Frediani ’70 Mrs. Gianna Furina and Dr. Mark Herold Dr. Deborah Geary Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. George Mrs. Violet Grgich ’83 and Mr. Colin Shipman Ms. Daria Janese and Ms. Teresa Johnson Mr. Kimball C. Jones and Mrs. Suzanne Groth Jones Mr. and Mrs. Edward Kawashiri Mr. William Kelleher and

Mrs. Kerry Kelleher Kiwanis Club of Greater Napa Mr. and Mrs. Dennis P. Kreps Mr. Robert Levy and Mrs. Martha McClellan Mr. and Mrs. Rob R. Lloyd Mr. George Monteverdi ’86 and Mrs. Manbin Monteverdi Napa Grocery Outlet Ms. Sharon Patterson Quinlan’s Tire Service, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. John S. Reynolds Ms. Sonia Ryan Mr. and Mrs. Angelo Sangiacomo The Patrick Savage Memorial Corporation Schwab Charitable Fund Mr. Ken Shanahan Mr. Edward Smith and Mrs. E Kate Smith Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Spencer Vanguard Charitable Mr. Todd Wenzel and Mrs. Robin Wenzel Wine Country Retreats, Inc. Mr. Tim Wolfe

PRESIDENT’S CIRCLE $1,000 - $1,965

3 Badge Beverage Corporation Alaina’s Voice Foundation Mr. Kristof Anderson and Mrs. Jennifer Anderson Arts Council Napa Valley Mr. Mike Ashauer and Mrs. Patricia Andersen Ashauer ’79 Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Baldini Jr. ’84 Mr. and Mrs. Hector W. Barba Mr. and Mrs. Chris Bartalotti Bauer Family Foundation, Inc. Mr. Samir H. Berbawy Mr. Andrew Bettencourt ’02 The Blackbaud Giving Fund Mr. and Mrs. Doug Boeschen Dr. and Mrs. Alok K. Bose Dr. Jeffrey R. Breneisen and Dr. Kimberly Breneisen Mr. and Mrs. Edmond F. Brovelli, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Brown Mr. Thomas F. Carey ’86 and Mrs. Kristi Carey Mr. Che Carter and Mrs. Julie Zidek-Carter AVA N T I M AG A Z I N E


Supporting Justin-Siena Haitelenisia “Sia” and Vaea Anitoni If you attended Justin-Siena football or volleyball games in the last decade, you likely heard the cheers of JustinSiena superfans Vaea and Sia Anitoni accompanied by the sound of a very loud homemade shaker. The Anitonis, parents to Naufahu ’15, Maryanne ’18, and Solomone ’20, have been ardent supporters of Justin-Siena, recognizing the transformative impact that teachers, coaches, counselors, and administrators made on the lives of their children. For the last 11 years, even after their children graduated from Justin-Siena, Vaea and Sia have found ways to contribute to their children’s alma mater. Sia shared, “We strongly believe in giving back to the community and Justin-Siena has done a lot for our family so whatever we can do to give back to the school hopefully makes a difference in another student’s life. Experiencing the generosity of Justin-Siena’s donors and seeing firsthand how giving benefitted families like ours motivates us to continue to contribute to the Justin-Siena Fund and other school needs. It’s our gift of appreciation for everything the school has done while encouraging our children to continue to support the school in whatever ways they can.” For the Anitonis, the motto “Enter to Learn, Leave to Serve” continues to ring true. 5 5 FA L L 2 0 2 1

Mrs. Fabiola Carvajal Nunez and Mr. Darren Cormack Mr. Mike Celeste and Mrs. Laura Celeste Dr. and Dr. Scott Chamberland Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Chatagnier Mr. and Mrs. David Ciabattari Mr. Douglas Clark and Mrs. Karol Clark Ms. Georgine A. Clarke Mr. and Mrs. Brian Cleary Mr. and Mrs. Jon Clifton Coldwell Banker, Keller Family Real Estate Ms. Molly Cole ’89 Mr. Tom Collins and Mrs. Nancy Watt Collins Mr. Walter Cranford and Mrs. Kelli Humfeld Mr. and Mrs. Larry K. Cronwall Mr. Kevin P. Daw ’75 and Mrs. Claire Daw Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Delonis Mr. and Mrs. Scott D. DeMartini Mr. Matthew Denkin ’92 and Mrs. Dawn Denkin Mr. and Mrs. John E. Derr Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Diaz Dickenson, Peatman & Fogarty Mr. William Dodd ’74 and Mrs. Mary Dodd Ms. Elizabeth Durkin Epic Brokers, Dalton Brown Mrs. Renee Fannin and Mrs. Lisa Fannin Mr. and Mrs. Ed Farver Mr. Christopher S. Fidler ’02 and Mrs. Stephanie Quinlan Fidler ’97 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Fischer Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Flaherty Mr. and Mrs. James Forbes, Esq. Mr. and Mrs. Raul Gallegos Mr. and Mrs. Michael Galyen Mr. Jeffrey Gerlomes and Mrs. Caroline Bettencourt Gerlomes ’79 Mr. Allyn Gilbert ’75 and Mrs. Elaine Cogan Gilbert ’76 Mr. Steven Giovannoni ’89 and Mrs. Coleen Savage Giovannoni ’98 Mr. and Mrs. Paul Giusto, Jr. Mr. Kyle J. Goleno ’95 and Ms. Amy Toll Goleno ’96 Mr. Jason Guiducci and Mrs. Kristen DePasquale Guiducci ’93 Mr. and Mrs. Daniel E. Halsey, Jr. Mr. Brett Hamner and Mrs. Renee Hamner Mr. Christopher Hansen and Ms. Sarah Mitchell Hansen ’92 Ms. Sharon S. Henry Mr. and Mrs. Jorge A. Hernandez Mark Herold Wines LLC Mr. Micah Hinkle and Mrs. Melissa Hinkle Mr. Michael Holcomb and Mrs. Claire Holcomb Mr. Raymond Honeywell and Mrs. Caitlin Hoffert Honeywell ’01 Housley’s Ranch Market, Inc. Mr. Steve Humphrey and Mrs. Ginny Humphrey

Mr. and Mrs. Seth Ingram Mr. and Mrs. Donald John Mr. Charles Weakley and Mrs. Laura Kelley-Weakley Mr. and Mrs. Amine Khoury Kiwanis Club of Napa Foundation Mr. Timothy P. Malloy ’87 and Mrs. Christine Malloy Mr. and Mrs. Peter McCaffrey Mr. and Mrs. Lynn J. McCarroll Dr. Henry McNeely ’72 Mr. Adan Mendoza Mr. and Mrs. Scott Messenger Mr. and Mrs. George Minardos Mr. and Mrs. Michael Minigan Napa Valley Festival Association Mr. Christopher A. Neeb and Mrs. Juliette Neeb Mr. Christopher J. Padowan and Mrs. Karen Hauser PG&E Company/Employee Giving Mr. and Mrs. Ryan Parlett Ms. Rosemarie Quinlan Quintessential, LLC Mr. and Mrs. Simon C. Rebullida Ms. Diana Reilley Mr. Robert J. Romero, Esq. ’81 Rotary Club of Napa Ms. Erika Sablan Mr. and Mrs. Morgan Sanders Sangiacomo Family Vineyards Savage and Cooke Mr. Benjamin Schafer and Mrs. Diana Schafer Mr. Matt Schiefferly and Mrs. Shannon O’Shaughnessy Ms. Julie Schindler and Mr. Brian Larsen Mr. and Mrs. David Schuemann Mrs. Gia Scinto and Mr. Jeffrey Lloyd The August Sebastiani Charitable Foundation Mr. Duncan Sennott and Ms. Lisa Evans Sennott ’90 Dr. Steven Shifflett ’75 and Mrs. Susan Shifflett ’75 Mr. and Mrs. David Shipp Mrs. Shawn Simon and Mr. Nicholas Simon Brother Kevin M. Slate, FSC Mrs. Blenda S. Soto-Yung Mr. Jeffrey Streblow ’77 and Mrs. Kimberly Lamme Streblow ’82 Mr. Armando Suarez-Baez and Mrs. Claudia Pulido Suarez Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Tinsley Union Square Advisors Valley of the Moon Flooring Mr. and Mrs. Tim Wall Mr. Albert E. Washington and Mrs. Jennifer Washington Mr. and Mrs. Don Weaver Mr. and Mrs. Peter D. Wells Mr. and Mrs. John Wilkinson Mr. Jeff Yung Mr. Jorge A. Zetina and Mrs. Angelica Zetina Dr. John Ziegler and Dr. Rue Ziegler Mr. and Mrs. David Zurowski

BRAVES CIRCLE $500 - $999

Mr. and Mrs. Leo Adiz Mr. Chad E. Alexander and Mrs. Jennifer Alexander Sister Susan Allbritton, OP Amazon Foundation Mr. Richard Barbosa and Mrs. Diane Barbosa Mr. and Mrs. Tom Bassett Mr. and Mrs. Kurt Binz Brothers of the Christian Schools FSC DENA Mr. Michael Buhat and Mrs. Flordeliz Buhat Mr. Patrick Bui and Mrs. Thi Bui Ms. Therese Bettinelli Calvelo ’89 Mr. Scott E. Carter Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Celaya Mr. Phillip Charmas and Mrs. Kelly Quinlan Charmas ’95 Mr. and Mrs. Michael Chatagnier Ms. Janice G. Clifton Mr. and Mrs. Heath R. Craig The Dental Office of John W. Daw, DDS Mr. Matt DeFina and Mrs. Denise DeFina Mr. Brett deLeuze ’83 and Mrs. Natalie deLeuze Mrs. Kim Dougherty and Mr. William Dougherty Mr. John Duhig and Mrs. Harvest Duhig Mr. Thomas Durante ’93 and Mrs. Lea Durante Mr. and Mrs. Ronnie Esperanza Mr. and Mrs. Kent Fortner Mr. and Mrs. John D. Gardiner Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Gomez Mr. and Mrs. Paulo J. Gouveia Ms. Tina Grillos Ms. Molly Gyetvan Mr. Matthew G. Hague and Mrs. Glenda Aviles-Hague Mrs. Alix N. Henderson and Mrs. Ursula Zopp Mr. Lain Hensley and Mrs. Jean Korte Hensley ’88 Mr. and Mrs. Danny E. Hoffert Mr. Kevin Houston and Mrs. Jacqueline Houston Mr. Sean Hummer and Dr. Michele Wilson Mr. and Mrs. Dylan B. James Mr. Daniel Janovich ’98 Ms. Maci Jerry Mr. Michael Laukert Shannon Lemieux Memorial Fund Mr. Thomas C. Lowenstein ’83 and Mrs. Patricia Holden Lowenstein ’84 Mr. and Mrs. Mark Magel Mary’s Pizza Shack Mr. Patrick McCrea and Dr. Kelli McCrea Mr. and Mrs. Thomas McDermott Ms. Marie L. McIntyre Mr. Kevin Melancon Mr. and Mrs. Steve Mercer Mr. and Mrs. Scott Messenger Mr. David Miner Ms. Edith A. Monachello Mr. John B. Moore, Jr. ’03

Mr. and Mrs. Brian Mundy Napa Electric Mr. and Mrs. James F. Natuzzi Mr. and Mrs. George Nessman Mr. and Mrs. Richard Niemann Opus One Winery Mr. Jaret Paulson ’92 and Mrs. Anna Paulson Mr. Greg Pitts and Mrs. Kelly Schaeffer Mr. Lawrence Puck Mr. and Mrs. Paul Roberts, Jr. Mr. Jess A. Romero ’77 and Ms. Marisabel Olguin ’94 Mr. and Mrs. Ricardo Sales, Jr. Mr. Richard J. Salvestrin ’82 and Mrs. Shannon Salvestrin Dr. Christopher Schultz and Dr. Sheila Tabilon Mrs. Colette Slate Mr. and Mrs. Randy St. Jean Mr. Joseph Tichy ’84 and Mrs. Jennifer Smith Tichy Mr. Steven Todd and Mrs. Kristilee Todd Mr. and Mrs. Josh Trainor Ms. Wilma E. Uribe Ms. Donnabel Uson Rev. Antonio Valdivia Mr. and Mrs. John A. Van Hofwegen Ms. Jennifer Wareham Best Ms. Alyssa Westmeyer ’98 Brother Robert J. Wickman, FSC Mr. Douglas Williams and Mrs. Karyn Kane Williams ’85 Mr. Victor Woolworth ’01 and Mrs. Narisa Orosco Woolworth ’99 Mr. and Mrs.Todd Zeiter Mr. and Mrs. Michael Zheng


Mr. and Mrs. Christopher J. Adamo ’78 Ms. Jean C. Adamo Mrs. Maria Adams Mr. Niazi K. Al-Zouhbi and Mrs. January Al-Zouhbi Mr. and Mrs. Vaea Anitoni Ms. Alexandra Antenen ’22 Mr. and Mrs. Felton C. Arcia Mr. Xaya Arcia ’16 Father Donald Arel Mr. Rob Armijo and Mrs. Jessica Futo Armijo ’08 Ms. Staci Arriaga Ms. Jennifer Ayles Mr. and Mrs. Fernando Ayvar Ms. Michelle Baca Mr. James T. Bailey Ms. Sue Bailey Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Baldini Mrs. Jennifer Schmitz Banta ’97 and Mr. Woodrow Banta Mr. Kelso G. Barnett ’98 Mr. George Bartolome Ms. Alison Bassett ’09 Mr. Richard Batt and Mrs. Katherine Bettencourt Batt ’78 Mr. and Mrs. Kevin J. Belton AVA N T I M AG A Z I N E


Ms. Norma Beltrami Mr. and Mrs. Christopher F. Berghout Ms. Melanie Berghout ’21 Mrs. Mary Bettencourt Mr. and Mrs. Ralph D. Bettencourt Ms. Alma Biermath Mrs. Erin Biggs van der Zee ’76 Mrs. Alison Bihn ’98 Mr. and Mrs. Wayne P. Blakley Mr. Daniel Blankenship and Mrs. Theresa Blankenship Mr. Harry Bloom and Shelly Bloom Mr. Henry Boeschen ’23 Mrs. Jodene Bolen Mr. and Ms. Peter Borck Mr. Donald Botill and Mrs. Janet Merry Botill ’72 Ms. Kimberlee Botta Ms. Annick M. Bouldt Mr. Peter B. Bowman Mrs. Del Bozzini Mrs. Tiffany Briggs and Mr. Vince Briggs Ms. Brianna S. Brockmeyer Mr. and Mrs. Bob Broman Mr. Bud Brownell Mr. Matthew Buoncristiani ’90 and Mrs. Yvette Buoncristiani Mrs. Megan K. Cadigan Sister Marie Callas Mr. and Mrs. Martin L. Campbell Mr. Chris Cardwell ’72 and Mrs. Anna Sousa Cardwell ’72 Ms. Marianne Carleton Dr. Martin Morrison and Dr. Bronwyn Carlson ’98 Dr. David Carlson and Dr. Jacqueline Williams Carlson Mr. Benjamin Caron and Mrs. Katherine D’Adamo Caron ’77 Ms. Lori Lambro Carter Mr. and Mrs. James Cassayre Ms. Brenda Castillo ’05 Ms. Elaine Cavalin Ms. Charito P. Cervantes Mr. Brian Cervantes Robledo ’21 Mr. Jeffrey E. Chappell Ms. Regina Cheng-Ramirez ’23 Mr. Michael H. Chouinard and Mrs. Francine Perata Chouinard ’75 Mr. Gregory Chouinard ’08 Ms. Barbara Church Ms. Holly Salazar Clark ’86 Mr. Michael E. Clark ’85 Mr. David Clerici Mr. Dan Cocilova Mr. Jonathan Cohen and Mrs. Julie Cohen Ms. Esther Coleman Mr. Thomas Collins ’24 Community Health Charities Mr. Roy D. Conley and Mrs. Rita Hart Mr. James J. Conners and Dr. Beth Nolan Conners ’84 Ms. Erica Conway, DDS Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Conway Mr. and Mrs. Paul Cooke Mr. Jerry Cormack Mr. and Mrs. Juan M. Corona Dr. and Mrs. James Cotter Ms. Esther Cottrell ’21 5 7 FA L L 2 0 2 1

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Coughlan Mr. Alex Cox ’21 Mr. and Mrs. Trey Curtola Ms. Kathryn Daniels Mr. and Mrs. John Davis Dr. John W. Daw ’99 and Mrs. Kate Daw Mr. James Day ’72 Mr. Kenneth DeCius ’80 Mr. Dominic W. DeGuilio ’03 and Mrs. Taylor Bartolucci DeGuilio ’00 Mr. and Mrs. Dave Deming Mr. Ennio Depianto Mr. and Mrs. Eugene M. Dick Ms. Karen Diepholz Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. DiGiacomo Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Dombrowski, Jr. Mr. Jorge Dominguez and Mrs. Regina Maldonado Mr. and Mrs. Dennis E. Drummond Mr. James Dugger and Mrs. Felice Dugger Ms. Margaret Dunlap Mr. Ronald Duvall ’01 Mr. Faustino Edora and Dr. Eden Edora Electronic Script Donor Mr. Frank Engelbert and Mrs. Brette Bartolucci Mr. and Mrs. James Epperson eSponsor Now, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. David C. Evans Mr. Gregory Fabela and Mrs. Brienne Wesolek Fabela ’98 Ms. Marna Farver ’96 Mr. Matthew Farver ’94 Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Fechter Mr. and Mrs. Michael Fennell Ms. Felice Fernandez Mr. and Mrs. Mark Fiorito Mr. Sean Flaherty ’21 Mr. C.J. Flanagan and Mrs. Sheila Duarte Flanagan ’73 Mr. and Mrs. William Foster Mr. Lance Michael Franco ’21 Ms. Ellen Frediani ’75 Mr. and Mrs. Robert Freschi, Jr. Ms. Tonya K. Fuller Mrs. Lisa Galetto and Mr. Patrick Galetto Mr. Martin Garcia and Mrs. Teresa Saldana Garcia ’87 Mr. and Mrs. Tim Garcia Ms. Berenice Garvan Ms. Susan E. Gavinski Ms. Amy Geiger Mrs. Barbara C. Geiger Mr. Joe Geist and Mrs. Georgann Geist Ms. Dora Gentile Ms. Jackie Gibson Ms. Nancy J. Gilliland Mr. Patrick J. Gleeson ’85 and Mrs. Pamela Gleeson Mr. and Mrs. Jared B. Goble Mr. and Mrs. Ryan Granko Mr. and Mrs. Ronnie Gray Mr. and Mrs. Adam Green Mr. and Mrs. Scott Griffin Mr. Christian A. Grimshaw ’89 and Mrs. Nikole Grimshaw Mr. and Mrs. Adolfo Guevara Mr. and Mrs. George Gulbengay Ms. Carla Gyetvan

Ms. Amy Haines Mr. Eric Steffen and Mrs. Ruihua Han Mr. James Harder and Mrs. Colleen Cramsie Harder Mr. and Mrs. Steve Harr Mr. and Mrs. John Harrington Mr. Justin Hayes Ms. Katherine Heffernan ’22 Ms. Lila Heffernan ’24 Mr. and Mrs. Shawn C. Heffernan Mr. Matthew P. Heil and Mrs. Jenny Heil Mr. and Mrs. James V. Heim Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Hein Ms. Mary Pat Hepp Mr. Marty Herrick and Mrs. Alicia Ann Herrick Ms. Emily Herriott ’21 Mr. and Mrs. Alexander N. Hesser Ms. Sandra Hewitt Ms. Grace Hill ’23 Mr. and Mrs. Andrew W. Hodges, Ed.D. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Hoffmann Ms. Yolanda Holman Ms. Anna Hopkins and Ms. Lyndsey Vogel Mr. and Mrs. Darrel L. Howatt Mr. Wyatt Humphries ’21 Mr. Aaron Hurtado Ms. Alexandra Ibrahim ’21 Ms. Jaclyn Imrie IQVIA Ms. Daniela Irucuta ’22 Mr. and Mrs. Stephen R. Iund Mr. Jaja Jackson Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Jackson Dr. and Mrs. Mark E. Jacobson Ms. Mary Ann Janese = Ms. Jennifer Jensen Ms. Tami Jezycki Mr. Michael Jordan Mr. William P. Jovick Dr. Sean Kaer and Cristy Kaer Ms. Bonnie L. Karrigan Mr. Edward D. Katz and Mrs. Mary Elizabeth Martin-Katz Mr. Aaron Keefer Ms. Kristine Keefer Mr. and Mrs. Mark Keller Mr. George Khoury ’21 Ms. Sumaia Khoury ’19 Mr. Patrick Kiser ’84 Mrs. Sue Kjeldsen Mrs. Sharon R. Klein Mr. John Nathaniel Komes, III Mr. David Lamonica ’95 Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Lanzafame Mr. Brandon C. LaRocco ’98 and Mrs. Miranda Welsh LaRocco ’01 Mr. David Larsen ’23 Mr. and Mrs. Gary Laski Ms. Carol Lauchland Mr. Daniel D. Lemieux ’73 and Mrs. Lori Lemieux Ms. Kimberly Leonardi Mr. Steven Leonardi Mr. and Mrs. Justin Lewis Mr. Ziming Li and Mrs. Xiaozhen Li Mr. and Mrs. Johnnie Linn Mr. and Mrs. Jose L. Lopez Mr. and Mrs. Ty Leon-Guerrero

Mr. Nathan Lowenstein ’21 Mr. Marcus Mac and Mrs. Lanita Nevarez Mac ’85 Mr. and Mrs. Scott Machado Mr. Eugene R. Maffei and Mrs. Sheila Maffei Ms. Maya Mancuso ’09 Mr. Ray Marek Mr. and Mrs. Mitchel Marquez Ms. Tracy Martin Mr. Jeffrey R. Martindale and Mrs. Mary Martindale Mr. David Mattos and Mrs. Linda Wojcik Mattos ’72 Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Mayo Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Mazzucco Ms. Karen McGilley Mr. David McMullen Mr. Thomas McNicholas Mr. Thomas C. McWilliams ’88 and Mrs. Angela Higgins McWilliams ’88 Mrs. Christine Szymanski Mears ’94 and Mr. Brandon Mears Mrs. Bernadette Meyer Mr. and Mrs. Stephen H. Meyer Dr. Kurt Meyers and Ms. Suzanne Foss Mr. and Mrs. Shawn Miller Mr. and Mrs. Bradley T. Mills Mrs. Carol Rinehart Minahan ’74 and Mr. John Minahan Mr. Joel Miroglio ’78 and Mrs. Naomi Okun Miroglio Ms. Aaliah Mora ’24 Mortgage Guaranty Insurance Corporation Mr. and Mrs. Matthias Mueller Mr. Patrick Mulcahy and Mrs. Catherine Heckert Mr. and Mrs. Brendan Murphy Napa Valley Community Foundation Napa Valley Horsemen’s Association Mr. Nathan Galambos and Mrs. Christy Negri ’87 Ms. Lorraine M. Negri Ms. Marie Nelson Mr. and Mrs. Felipe Nieto Sister Brigid Noonan, OP Ms. Nancy O’Byrne ’76 Ms. Kathleen O’Connell Mr. Robert O’Malley Ms. Kaitlin O’Neill ’21 Mr. Keff Ofishe and Mrs. Kristin Blum Ofishe ’86 Mr. and Mrs. Gregory H. Olen Ms. Holly Ong Mr. Ramon Ortega Ms. Cynthia Paniagua ’75 Ms. Melanie C. Pauly Monterrosa Mr. Michael Pendergast Ms. Taylor Perkins (Cabalse) ’10 Mr. Mark Petersen ’71 Ms. Hannah T. Pham ’23 Ms. Emma Pierotti Mr. and Mrs. Matt Powell Mr. Phillip Powell and Mrs. Angela Powell The Presentation School Mr. and Mrs. Gary Prince ’79 Ms. Velores S. Purdy Mr. and Mrs. Philip Pyrce

Supporting Justin-Siena Jennifer Drexler Madden ’90 & Rick Madden ’88 Anyone who spent time at Justin-Siena in the eighties and nineties recognizes the name Alex H. Urban. A lifelong educator who chaired Justin-Siena’s Fine Arts Department, Alex was a tour de force here at Justin-Siena and in the non-profit children’s theatre organization he founded. Though his time at Justin-Siena spanned just over a decade, his impact in the hearts, minds, and futures of his students was indelible. Following Alex’s death in 2007, former students Jennifer Drexler Madden ’90 and Rick Madden ’88 memorialized his life and the mark he made on their lives with the creation of the Alex H. Urban Scholarship Fund. Jennifer and Rick, who now live in Pasadena with their sons Luke (16) and Hunter (13), shared this reflection on Alex’s legacy, “Mr. Urban always thought big and demanded a level of commitment and performance that was a challenge to his students. As an example, when Rick was a freshman at Justin-Siena, the musical Barnum was performed in a circus big top complete with acrobats and a real elephant making an appearance at each performance. However, Mr. Urban’s real impact was in encouraging students to recognize their own unlimited potential and to focus that into achieving their goals. Whether it was helping you to discover a future or giving you the opportunity to shine a little brighter in the present, he had a knack for giving you the encouragement or kick in the pants you needed.” It is Jennifer and Rick’s hope that the Alex H. Urban Scholarship will enable “students to see that the lessons to be learned in the performing arts are less about the notes or the dance steps and more about finding their own expression and voice.”



Mr. Aron J. Quinlan ’93 and Mrs. Suzanne Quinlan Ms. Adriana Quintanilla ’23 Mr. and Mrs. Julio Ramirez Mr. Joe Rasler and Mrs. Gina Salazar Rasler ’89 Mr. and Mrs. John S. Raybould Ms. Kate Reilley Mr. Jim Reilly Mr. Winthrop Reis and Mrs. Marie Van Winden Reis ’78 Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Resch Mr. Nicholas Reyna ’21 Mrs. Jennifer Rippey ’98 Ms. Rhianna Romero ’24 Mr. and Mrs. Mark J. Roomian Mr. Gary K. Rose Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Rosenbrand Mrs. and Mr. Sharon Rossetti Mr. Ernest A. Rota Mr. Rallie Rualo and Mrs. Frances Rualo Dr. Delta Ruscheinsky Mr. Calvin Sanders ’14 Mr. and Mrs. Joshua Satten Mr. Stanley Saunders, III Mr. and Mrs. Dennis W. Savage ’91 Mr. Matthew Schmitz ’01 and Mrs. Tasha Schmitz Ms. Michele Schulz Ms. Theresa Scripps Mr. Don A. Sebastiani ’95 and Mrs. Katherine Sebastiani

cle Cir

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a Legac n e Si

Mr. and Mrs. Gopal Shanker Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Sherburne Mr. Lyle Sherburne Ms. and Mrs. Barry Shotts Mr. Wes Siebern and Ms. Vanessa Dern Siebern ’98 Mr. Stephen T. Silva ’71 and Mrs. Kathleen Silva Ms. Eileen Simmons Mr. David. Sinclair ’99 and Mrs. Jill Woolley Sinclair ’99 Mr. and Mrs. Bret P. Skillings Ms. Donna M. Slate Mr. Mark Smigelski Mr. Steven Smircich ’89 Mr. and Mrs. Iain Smith Dr. and Mrs. Timothy Smith Mr. and Mrs. Kyle E. Snoke Mr. and Mrs. Saylor Spare Ms. Claire L. Spencer Dr. and Mrs. James P. Srebro Mr. Herb Starks and Mrs. Blanca Rodriguez Mr. Trent H. Stoppello ’91 and Ashley Stoppello Mr. Mark Strode Mr. Jeremy Tayson Mr. David Tchaikowitz and Mrs. Caitlin McDermott Tchaikowitz ’98 Mr. and Mrs. Carlo Teresi The Doctors Company Ms. Michelle Thomas

Ms. Virginia Thomas Mr. and Mrs. William R. Thompson ’70 Mr. and Mrs. Helmut A. Torok Mr. David Travers ’95 Mr. and Mrs. Alejandro Valdivia Brother George Van Grieken, FSC ’70 Mrs. Alfreda Vasquez ’88 Ms. Luisa Vasquez ’10 Mr. Cameron R. Vaziri ’17 Mr. Christopher S. Vaziri ’18 Ms. Tricia Vela Ms. Darla Viau Mrs. Jocelyn F. Forsyth Vick and Mr. Gene Vick Ms. Jordyn Villegas ’21 Mr. Andrew W. Ward ’91 and Mrs. Meave Fallon Ward Ms. Anita Webb Ms. Kimberly Weber ’89 and Mr. Kenneth Weber Ms. Isabelle Wells ’21 Mr. R. Curt Williams and Mrs. Margaret Nolan Williams ’77 Mr. Walter Wilson and Mrs. Rocio Cruz Wilson ’86 Ms. Kelly Winkler Mr. and Mrs. Tom Woolley Mr. and Mrs. Donald D. Wulf Mr. Nathan Zheng ’21

Impact the Future of Justin-Siena with a Planned Gift Did you know you can provide Justin-Siena with a much larger gift than you may have previously considered? As most fundraising activities focus on traditional annual giving programs such as parent pledges, annual commitments, or other voluntary contributions, Justin-Siena’s Legacy Circle focuses on deferred or long-term giving in which the donor receives benefits in addition to the tax deduction that accompanies an annual gift. A planned gift to Justin-Siena could allow you to obtain some or all of the following benefits: • Fulfill your philanthropic goals • Reap income tax savings through charitable deductions for the value of your gifts • Avoid capital gains taxes on contributions of long-term capital gain property • Eliminate federal estate tax on the value of the interest in the property eventually passing to charity • Reduce costs and time in estate planning One of the simplest ways to benefit Justin-Siena is to name the school in your will with a general bequest. Naming Justin-Siena as a beneficiary in your life insurance and retirement plan assets, or making a gift of appreciated marketable stocks, are other ways to make a lasting impact through your philanthropy. Please contact Andrea Flores, Director of Philanthropy at 707.255.0950 ext. 610, or aflores@justin-siena.org, for more information or to indicate whether you have already included Justin-Siena in your estate.

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EVENT SPONSORS AND PATRONS Thank you to those in our community who support our events (Crab Fest, ACCESS 707, Taste of Justin-Siena) by attending, bidding on live and silent auctions, or being an underwriting sponsor. Event underwriting sponsors are highlighted in bold.

Mr. Niazi K. Al-Zouhbi and Mrs. January Al-Zouhbi Father Donald Arel Ms. Staci Arriaga Ms. Jennifer Ayles Mr. James T. Bailey Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bailey Ms. Sue Bailey Mrs. Jennifer Schmitz Banta ’97 and Mr. Woodrow Banta Mr. and Mrs. Hector W. Barba Mr. Richard Barbosa and Mrs. Diane Barbosa Mr. and Mrs. Chris Bartalotti Mr. George Bartolome Mr. and Mrs. Chris Baskerville Ms. Alison Bassett ’09 Mr. and Mrs. Tom Bassett Mr. Richard Batt and Mrs. Katherine Bettencourt Batt ’78 Mr. and Mrs. Kevin J. Belton Ms. Alma Biermath Ms. Annie M. Blake Neumann Mr. and Mrs. Wayne P. Blakley Mr. and Mrs. Dean Bledsoe Mr. and Mrs. Doug Boeschen Mr. and Mrs. Charles Boles Mr. and Ms. Peter Borck Dr. and Mrs. Alok K. Bose Ms. Kimberlee Botta Mrs. Tiffany Briggs and Mr. Vince Briggs Ms. Brianna S. Brockmeyer Mr. and Mrs. Bob Broman Mr. Bud Brownell Mrs. Megan K. Cadigan Ms. Marianne Carleton Dr. and Mrs. Roger F. Carlson Mr. Che Carter and Mrs. Julie Zidek-Carter Ms. Brenda Castillo ’05 Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Celaya Ms. Charito P. Cervantes Mr. and Mrs. David Ciabattari Ms. Holly Salazar Clark ’86 Mr. Michael E. Clark ’85 Ms. Janice G. Clifton Mr. Dan Cocilova Coldwell Banker, Keller Family Real Estate Ms. Esther Coleman Ms. Erica Conway, DDS Mr. Jerry Cormack Ms. Kathryn Daniels Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Dann Dr. John W. Daw ’99 and Mrs. Kate Daw

Mr. Kevin P. Daw ’75 and Mrs. Claire Daw Mr. Matt DeFina and Mrs. Denise DeFina Mr. Dominic W. DeGuilio ’03 and Mrs. Taylor Bartolucci DeGuilio ’00 Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Delonis Mr. and Mrs. Dave Deming Mr. and Mrs. John E. Derr Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Diaz Ms. Karen Diepholz Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. DiGiacomo Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Dombrowski, Jr. Mr. Jorge Dominguez and Mrs. Regina Maldonado Mr. Jason Dominici and Mrs. Megan Savage Dominici ’92 Mrs. Kim Dougherty and Mr. William Dougherty Mr. James Dugger and Mrs. Felice Dugger Ms. Elizabeth Durkin Mr. Frank Engelbert and Mrs. Brette Bartolucci Epic Brokers, Dalton Brown Mr. and Mrs. James Epperson Mr. Andrew Euser ’78 and Mrs. Mary Bettencourt Euser ’77 Mrs. Renee Fannin and Mrs. Lisa Fannin Mr. and Mrs. Ed Farver Mr. Matthew Farver ’94 Mr. Christopher S. Fidler ’02 and Mrs. Stephanie Quinlan Fidler ’97 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Fischer Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Flaherty Mr. and Mrs. Ramiro Flores Mr. and Mrs. Robert Freschi, Jr. Mrs. Gianna Furina and Dr. Mark Herold Mr. William Gass and Mrs. Jennifer Lohwasser Gass ’93 Mr. Patrick Gaul Mr. Joe Geist and Mrs. Georgann Geist Ms. Dora Gentile Mr. Jeffrey Gerlomes and Mrs. Caroline Bettencourt Gerlomes ’79 Mr. and Mrs. Paul Giusto, Jr. Mr. Patrick J. Gleeson ’85 and Mrs. Pamela Gleeson Mr. and Mrs. Jared B. Goble Mr. Kyle J. Goleno ’95 and Ms. Amy Toll Goleno ’96 Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Gomez Mr. and Mrs. Eric Gonzales The Gonzales Group, Merrill Lynch Wealth Management Mr. and Mrs. Ryan Granko Ms. Tina Grillos

Mr. Jason Guiducci and Mrs. Kristen DePasquale Guiducci ’93 Mr. and Mrs. George Gulbengay Ms. Carla Gyetvan Ms. Molly Gyetvan Mr. and Mrs. Steve Harr Mr. and Mrs. John Harrington Mr. Justin Hayes Mr. and Mrs. Shawn C. Heffernan Mr. Matthew P. Heil and Mrs. Jenny Heil Mr. and Mrs. Jorge A. Hernandez Mr. Marty Herrick and Mrs. Alicia Ann Herrick Mr. and Mrs. Alexander N. Hesser Ms. Sandra Hewitt Mr. and Mrs. Danny E. Hoffert Mr. Michael Holcomb and Mrs. Claire Holcomb Mr. and Mrs. David J. Holquin Mr. Raymond Honeywell and Mrs. Caitlin Hoffert Honeywell ’01 Ms. Anna Hopkins and Ms. Lyndsey Vogel Mr. Kevin Houston and Mrs. Jacqueline Houston Mr. Sean Hummer and Dr. Michele Wilson Mr. Aaron Hurtado Mr. and Mrs. Stephen R. Iund Dr. and Mrs. Mark E. Jacobson Mr. and Mrs. Dylan B. James Mr. Daniel Janovich ’98 Ms. Maci Jerry Ms. Tami Jezycki Mr. Kimball C. Jones and Mrs. Suzanne Groth Jones Mr. Michael Jordan Dr. Sean Kaer and Mrs. Cristy Kaer Mr. Edward D. Katz and Mrs. Mary Elizabeth Martin-Katz Mr. William Kelleher and Mrs. Kerry Kelleher KT Wineco, L.L.C. Mr. Charles Weakley and Mrs. Laura Kelley-Weakley Mr. Andrew E. Kelly and Mrs. Holly Kelly, MD Mr. John Nathaniel Komes, III Mr. and Mrs. Dennis P. Kreps Mr. David Lamonica ’95 Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Lanzafame The Laukert Family Mr. Steven Leonardi Mr. and Mrs. Johnnie Linn Mr. and Mrs. Ty Leon-Guerrero AVA N T I M AG A Z I N E


Supporting Justin-Siena Dianna and Scott Messenger At Justin-Siena, philanthropy is more than just giving; it means sharing your time, talent, and treasure. Dianna and Scott Messenger, parents to Emery ’23, embody this philanthropic spirit through their financial support of causes they value at Justin-Siena, and through contributions of time and talent with our Advancement efforts. For the last three years, Dianna Messenger has been a key partner in our efforts to grow our Braves Alliance sponsorships while identifying underwriters for our annual Crab Fest. This year alone, Dianna, with Andrew Bettencourt ’02, Coordinator of Alumni Relations, doubled the number of Braves Alliance sponsors, raising nearly $100,000 for co-curricular programs. Dianna and Scott explain, “Ever since our children were born, we have tried to find ways to volunteerat their schools or with their extracurricular activities. We have always enjoyed fundraising, so volunteering and using our skill set to help, gives us a great feeling of satisfaction. The Justin-Siena community has been so warm and welcoming; it’s been nice to get to know some of the faculty and staff who play significant roles in our daughter’s high school experience.” Thank you, Messenger family for all you do to embrace our ALLHEART spirit. 6 1 FA L L 2 0 2 1

Mr. Thomas C. Lowenstein ’83 and Mrs. Patricia Holden Lowenstein ’84 Ms. Maya Mancuso ’09 Manfred & Hunt, LLP Mr. Ray Marek Ms. Tracy Martin Mr. Jeffrey R. Martindale and Mrs. Mary Martindale Mr. Patrick McCrea and Dr. Kelli McCrea Ms. Diane McMinds Mr. David McMullen Mr. Thomas McNicholas Mr. Kevin Melancon Mr. and Mrs. Scott Messenger The Messenger Family Mr. and Mrs. Stephen H. Meyer Dr. Kurt Meyers and Ms. Suzanne Foss Mr. and Mrs. Shawn Miller Mr. and Mrs. Bradley T. Mills Model Bakery Modern Method Roofing Mr. George Monteverdi ’86 and Mrs. Manbin Monteverdi Mr. and Mrs. Matthias Mueller Mr. Patrick Mulcahy and Mrs. Catherine Heckert Mr. and Mrs. Brian Mundy Mr. and Mrs. Brendan Murphy Napa Grocery Outlet Mr. and Mrs. Felipe Nieto Ms. Kathleen O’Connell Mr. Robert O’Malley Ms. Holly Ong Mr. Ramon Ortega Mr. Christopher J. Padowan and Mrs. Karen Hauser Mr. and Mrs. Ryan Parlett Ms. Sharon Patterson Mr. Michael Pendergast Mr. and Mrs. David S. Phinney Mr. and Mrs. Matt Powell Mr. Phillip Powell and Mrs. Angela Powell Mr. and Mrs. Gary Prince ’79 Ms. Velores S. Purdy Mr. and Mrs. Philip Pyrce Mr. Aron J. Quinlan ’93 and Mrs. Suzanne Quinlan Ms. Rosemarie Quinlan Mr. Joe Rasler and Mrs. Gina Salazar Rasler ’89 Ms. Diana Reilley Ms. Kate Reilley Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Resch Mr. and Mrs. John S. Reynolds Reynolds Family Winery Mrs. Jennifer Rippey ’98 Mrs. and Mr. Sharon Rossetti Mr. Rallie Rualo and Mrs. Frances Rualo Dr. Delta Ruscheinsky Ms. Sonia Ryan Ms. Erika Sablan Mr. and Mrs. Morgan Sanders Mr. Michael J. Sangiacomo ’87 and Mrs. Whitney Sangiacomo Sangiacomo Family Vineyards Mr. Ariyeh Schmeder ’92 and Mrs. Susan J. Schmeder The Ariyeh G. and Susan J. Schmeder Trust

Dr. Christopher Schultz and Dr. Sheila Tabilon Ms. Michele Schulz Ms. Theresa Scripps Mr. Don A. Sebastiani ’95 and Mrs. Katherine Sebastiani Mr. and Mrs. Gopal Shanker Mr. Gregory D. Sinclair ’99 and Mrs. Jill Woolley Sinclair ’99 Mrs. Colette Slate Ms. Donna M. Slate Brother Kevin M. Slate, FSC Mr. Mark Smigelski Mr. Edward Smith and Mrs. E Kate Smith Mr. and Mrs. Iain Smith Mr. and Mrs. Kyle E. Snoke Mr. Jeffrey Streblow ’77 and Mrs. Kimberly Lamme Streblow ’82 Mr. Mark Strode Mr. and Mrs. Carlo Teresi Ms. Michelle Thomas Ms. Virginia Thomas Mr. and Mrs. William R. Thompson ’70 Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Tinsley Mr. Steven Todd and Mrs. Kristilee Todd Umpqua Bank Union Square Advisors Mr. and Mrs. Alejandro Valdivia Brother George Van Grieken, FSC ’70 Mr. and Mrs. John A. Van Hofwegen Ms. Luisa Vasquez ’10 Ms. Darla Viau Mr. Albert E. Washington and Mrs. Jennifer Washington Ms. Kimberly Weber ’89 and Mr. Kenneth Weber Mr. and Mrs. Peter D. Wells Mr. Todd Wenzel and Mrs. Robin Wenzel Mr. Douglas Williams and Mrs. Karyn Kane Williams ’85 Mr. Walter Wilson and Mrs. Rocio Cruz Wilson ’86 Mr. and Mrs. Tom Woolley Mr. Victor Woolworth ’01 and Mrs. Narisa Orosco Woolworth ’99 Dr. John Ziegler and Dr. Rue Ziegler Mr. and Mrs. David Zurowski


Mr. and Mrs. Alexander N. Hesser

Loyal donors create a strong foundation of financial support for each academic year by including Justin-Siena in their annual philanthropy. The commitment of these donors helps Justin-Siena carry forth its mission of educating students in the Lasallian tradition. These donors demonstrate unwavering commitment to this mission, the traditions upon which Justin-Siena was built, and enrich the education of each student attending Justin-Siena today.


Mr. Kevin P. Daw ’75 and Mrs. Claire Daw The Peter A. and Vernice H. Gasser Foundation Mr. Daniel D. Lemieux ’73 and Mrs. Lori Lemieux Ms. Lorraine M. Negri Sisters of St. Dominic, Congregation of the Most Holy Name


Mr. and Mrs. Edward P. Allen Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bailey Ms. Annick M. Bouldt Ms. Georgine A. Clarke Mr. and Mrs. Ronnie Gray Mr. and Mrs. Danny E. Hoffert Mr. and Mrs. Thomas McDermott Mr. and Mrs. John A. Van Hofwegen


Mr. and Mrs. Christopher F. Berghout Mr. Jeffrey E. Chappell Mr. and Mrs. Ed Farver Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Fechter Mr. and Mrs. Tim Garcia Mrs. Caroline J. Bettencourt Gerlomes ’79 and Mr. Jeffrey Gerlomes Mr. and Mrs. Andrew W. Hodges, Ed.D. Mr. and Mrs. David J. Holquin Mrs. Caitlin Hoffert Honeywell ’01 and Mr. Raymond Honeywell Ms. Bonnie L. Karrigan Mr. and Mrs. Michael Minigan Mr. and Mrs. Stephen R. Iund PG&E Company/Employee Giving Mr. Ernest A. Rota = Ms. Darla Viau


Mr. and Mrs. Vaea Anitoni Mr. and Mrs. Chris Bartalotti Mr. and Mrs. Kevin J. Belton Mr. and Mrs. David Ciabattari Dr. David J. Danzeisen and Dr. Kathryn Holder De La Salle Institute Mr. Brett deLeuze ’83 and Mrs. Natalie deLeuze Mr. Thomas Durante ’93 and Mrs. Lea Durante Electronic Script Donor Far Niente Winery Mr. and Mrs. William Foster

Mr. Patrick W. Kiser ’84 Kiwanis Club of Napa Foundation Mr. Robert Levy and Mrs. Martha McClellan Mary’s Pizza Shack Napa Valley Community Foundation Napa Valley Horsemen’s Association Dr. Elizabeth B. Nolan Conners ’84 and Mr. James Conners Mrs. Francine H. Perata Chouinard ’75 and Mr. Michael Chouinard Mr. and Mrs. Simon C. Rebullida Mr. and Mrs. John S. Reynolds Mr. and Mrs. Morgan Sanders Mr. Matthew Schmitz ’01 and Mrs. Tasha Schmitz The August Sebastiani Charitable Foundation Mrs. Jill Woolley Sinclair ’99 and Mr. David Sinclair ’99 Brother Kevin M. Slate Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Soldati Mr. and Mrs. Alejandro Valdivia


Amazon Foundation Anonymous Mrs. Patricia C. Andersen Ashauer ’79 and Mr. Mike Ashauer Mr. and Mrs. Mark R. Aubert Mr. and Mrs. Fernando Ayvar Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bailey Mr. and Mrs. Hector W. Barba Mr. and Mrs. Chris Baskerville Mr. and Mrs. Tom Bassett Benevity Community Impact Fund Mr. Andrew R. Bettencourt ’02 Mr. and Mrs. Charles Boles Mr. and Mrs. Edmond F. Brovelli Jr. Mr. Thomas F. Carey ’86 and Mrs. Kristi Carey Chappellet Vineyard and Winery Corison Winery Mr. and Mrs. Trey Curtola Mr. and Mrs. John Davis Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Delonis Dr. and Mrs. Alok K. Bose Dr. Jeffrey R. Breneisen and Dr. Kimberly Breneisen Mr. and Mrs. Dennis E. Drummond Dr. and Mrs. Matthew D. Duncan Mr. Jon Favreau and Dr. Joya Arceneaux Favreau ’88 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Flaherty AVA N T I M AG A Z I N E


Mr. and Mrs. Ramiro Flores Mr. and Mrs. Raul Gallegos Ms. Berenice Garvan Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Gomez Mr. and Mrs. Eric Gonzales Groth Vineyards and Winery Mr. Jason Guiducci and Mrs. Kristen DePasquale Guiducci ’93 Dr. Heidi Harrison and Mr. Philip Slater Mr. Justin Hayes Ms. Mary Pat Hepp Mr. and Mrs. Alexander N. Hesser Mr. and Mrs. Greg Holquist Dr. and Mrs. Mark E. Jacobson Mr. Edward D. Katz and Mrs. Mary Elizabeth Martin-Katz Dr. Thomas P. Kenefick Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Kunst Mr. Brandon C. LaRocco ’98 and Mrs. Miranda Welsh LaRocco ’01 Lasallian Christian Brothers Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Mark Lenz Mr. Ziming Li and Mrs. Xiaozhen Li Malloy Imrie & Vasconi Insurance Services, LLC Mr. and Mrs. Michael McDevitt Ms. Diane McMinds Mr. Thomas C. McWilliams ’88 and Mrs. Angela Higgins McWilliams ’88 Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Meier Mr. and Mrs. Bradley T. Mills Mr. David Miner Mr. George Monteverdi ’86 and Mrs. Manbin Monteverdi Mr. and Mrs. Heath R. Craig Mr. Patrick J. Gleeson ’85 and Mrs. Pamela Gleeson Mrs. Katherine L. Bettencourt Batt ’78 and Mr. Richard Batt Mr. Patrick Mulcahy and Mrs. Catherine Heckert Mr. and Mrs. George Nessman Mr. and Mrs. Felipe Nieto Panevino Food for Wine Ms. Cynthia Paniagua ’75 Mr. and Mrs. David S. Phinney Mr. and Mrs. Matt Powell Mr. Lawrence Puck Ms. Rosemarie Quinlan Mr. Michael J. Sangiacomo ’87 and Mrs. Whitney Sangiacomo Sangiacomo Family Vineyards Mr. and Mrs. Angelo Sangiacomo Schramsberg Vineyards Dr. Christopher Schultz and Dr. Sheila Tabilon Schwab Charitable Fund Ms. Eileen Simmons Mr. and Mrs. Jesus G. Solis Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Spencer Dr. and Mrs. James P. Srebro Rev. Antonio Valdivia Mrs. Marie Van Winden Reis ’78 and Mr. Winthrop Reis Mrs. Yelena B. Wells and Mr. John Dillon Whitehall Lane Winery Mrs. Margaret Nolan Williams ’77 and Mr. R. Curt Williams Mr. Jeff Yung 6 3 FA L L 2 0 2 1

IN-KIND GIFT DONATIONS The following individuals and businesses provide support for special events and gatherings that fund capital improvements, student programs, and foster community engagement on and off the Justin-Siena campus. We are grateful for the incredible in-kind donations received during the 2020-21 school year. Mr. Kristof Anderson and Mrs. Jennifer Anderson Baldacci Family Vineyards Balletto Vineyards Mr. and Mrs. Chris Bartalotti Mr. and Mrs. Kevin J. Belton Black Stallion Estate Winery Ms. Annie M. Blake Neumann Boeschen Vineyards Broman Cellars Buehler Vineyards Buoncristiani Family Winery Campus Kitchens, LLC Caymus Vineyards Celaya Law Chappellet Vineyard and Winery Cline Cellars Corison Winery Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Dann Dr. John W. Daw ’99 and Mrs. Kate Daw Mrs. Angelica J. de Vere-Mabray and Mr. Paul Mabray Mr. and Mrs. John E. Derr Don Sebastiani and Sons ELEV8 Training, Mare Island Far Niente Winery Mr. and Mrs. Ed Farver Flora Springs Winery Flybird Agave Wine Margaritas Fontanella Family Winery Mrs. Gianna Furina and Dr. Mark Herold Gehricke Wines Gentleman Farmer Wines Gorin Tennis Academy, Inc. Grgich Hills Estate Groth Vineyards and Winery Highway 12 Vineyards and Winery Ms. Kendall Howell ’14 In-N-Out Burger Jacuzzi Family Vineyards and The Olive Press Jelly Belly Candy Company JGAGE Productions Mr. Kimball C. Jones and Mrs. Suzanne Groth Jones Judd’s Hill Winery Mr. Andrew E. Kelly and Mrs. Holly Kelly, MD Laird Family Estate Lampyridae Vineyards Lands’ End

Lede Family Wines Liberty Vine LLC Lloyd Cellars Madonna Estate Mark Herold Wines LLC Mi Sueño Winery Miner Family Winery Miracle Hill Vineyards, LLC Mr. Bruce C. Mooers Opus One Winery Orin Swift Cellars Paint Nail Bar Napa Valley Panevino Food for Wine Paradigm Winery Patz & Hall Winery Mr. and Mrs. David S. Phinney Mr. and Mrs. Philip Pyrce Mr. Joe Rasler and Mrs. Gina Salazar Rasler ’89 Reynolds Family Winery Mr. and Mrs. John S. Reynolds Robert Biale Vineyards Mr. Gary K. Rose Mrs. and Mr. Sharon Rossetti Mr. Andrew Ryan ’84 and Mrs. Hillary Leonhard-O’Connell Ryan ’94 Salvestrin Winery Savage & Cooke San Francisco Giants Sangiacomo Family Vineyards Schramsberg Vineyards Shafer Vineyards Mrs. Colette Slate Ms. Donna M. Slate Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Soldati Mr. and Mrs. Jesus G. Solis Spring Mountain Vineyard Staglin Family Vineyard The Donum Estate The Habit Burger Grill The Lux Productions Trefethen Family Vineyards von Strasser Winery Mr. and Mrs. Don Weaver Mr. and Mrs. Russell Weis Whitehall Lane Winery Mr. Scott Whitlock and Mrs. Heather Whitlock Mr. and Mrs. David Wright ZD Wines

JUSTIN-SIENA ENDOWED SCHOLARSHIPS These gifts offer a unique opportunity for our benefactors to assist in fulfilling our mission. Benefactors can establish in perpetuity, an endowed scholarship fund in their own name, a family name, or in memory or in honor of a loved one. On behalf of the students supported by these scholarships in the 2020-21 fiscal year, we thank you. Frederick & Victoria Carlson Memorial Scholarship Dr. and Mrs. Roger F. Carlson Owen Euser Memorial Scholarship Endowment Mrs. Mary Bettencourt Euser ’77 Mr. Jeffery Gerlomes and Mrs. Caroline Bettencourt Gerlomes ’79 David J. Holquin Endowed Scholarship Fund Ms. Megan Alexander-Short ’07 Mr. and Mrs. Vaea Anitoni Mr. and Mrs. Mark R. Aubert Mrs. Agnes Bailey Mr. Raymond C. Basquez Mr. and Mrs. Tom Bassett Mr. Samir H. Berbawy Mr. Jeffrey Bishop and Mrs. Elizabeth Jacobs Bishop ’80 Mrs. Lori A Hunt and Mr. Dean Bledsoe Mr. and Mrs. Charles Boles Ms. Therese Bettinelli Calvelo ’89 Mr. and Mrs. David Ciabattari Ms. Georgine A. Clarke Mr. Dan Cocilova Brother Gale Condit, FSC Mr. and Mrs. Juan M. Corona Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Coughlan Mr. and Mrs. Trey Curtola Mr. Kevin P. Daw ’75 and Mrs. Claire Daw De La Salle Institute Mr. and Mrs. John E. Derr Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Diaz Mr. William Dodd ’74 and Mrs. Mary Dodd Mr. Jason Dominici and Mrs. Megan Savage Dominici ’92 Mr. and Mrs. Chris Edwards Mr. and Mrs. Ian Ward Mr. and Mrs. Ed Farver Mr. Matthew Farver ’94 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Flaherty Mr. and Mrs. Ramiro Flores Mr. and Mrs. Raul Gallegos Mr. Jeffrey Gerlomes and Mrs. Caroline Bettencourt Gerlomes ’79 Mr. and Mrs. Ted Giaquinto Mr. Patrick J. Gleeson ’85 and Mrs. Pamela Gleeson Mr. and Mrs. Eric Gonzales Ms. Tina Grillos Mr. Philip Slater and Dr. Heidi Harrison Mr. Christopher J. Padowan and Mrs. Karen Hauser Mr. Matthew P. Heil and Mrs. Jenny Heil Mr. and Mrs. Andrew W. Hodges, Ed.D. Mrs. Danielle Holquin

Brother Conrad Kearney Memorial Scholarship Mr. James Frediani ’70 Ms. Rosemarie Quinlan Lasallian Education Access Program Endowed Fund Mr. Michael Brisbin ’79 Mr. Dennis Groth

Ms. Julia Holquin Mr. and Mrs. Greg Holquist Mr. and Mrs. Stephen R. Iund Mr. and Mrs. Albert Jefferson Mr. Neil Kreuzberger Mr. Michael Laukert Mr. and Mrs. Johnnie Linn Mr. Timothy P. Malloy ’87 and Mrs. Christine Malloy Mr. and Mrs. James McAuliffe Mr. and Mrs. Thomas McDermott Mr. Glenn A. McIntyre and Mrs. Julie McKenna Mr. and Mrs. Steve Mercer Mr. and Mrs. Scott Messenger Mr. and Mrs. Jay Miller Mr. and Mrs. Michael Monette Mr. and Mrs. James F. Natuzzi Dr. and Mrs. Andrew J. Nicks Mr. and Mrs. Richard Niemann Mr. and Mrs. David S. Phinney Mr. and Mrs. John S. Reynolds Mr. Joseph Rossi ’70 and Mrs. Patricia Sannella Rossi ’77 Mr. Richard J. Salvestrin ’82 and Mrs. Shannon Salvestrin Dr. Christopher Schultz and Dr. Sheila Tabilon Mr. and Mrs. Don Sebastiani, Sr. Mr. Gery Short and Mrs. Rosanne Alexander-Short Brother Kevin M. Slate, FSC Mr. and Mrs. D.J. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Soldati Mr. Jeffrey Streblow ’77 and Mrs. Kimberly Lamme Streblow ’82 Mr. and Mrs. David R. Sugar Mr. Jeremy Tayson Mr. and Mrs. Alejandro Valdivia Brother George Van Grieken, FSC ’70 Mr. and Mrs. John A. Van Hofwegen Mr. and Mrs. Don Weaver Mr. and Mrs. Peter D. Wells Mr. Victor Woolworth ’01 and Mrs. Narisa Orosco Woolworth ’99 Mr. and Mrs. Scott G. Wright Ms. Jordan Wright-Nibley ’05

Shannon Lemieux Memorial Scholarship Fund Mr. and Mrs. Darrel L. Howatt Mr. Daniel D. Lemieux ’73 and Mrs. Lori Lemieux

Richard Janese Scholarship Fund Ms. Jackie Gibson Mr. and Mrs. Ronnie Gray Ms. Daria Janese and Ms. Teresa Johnson Ms. Bonnie L. Karrigan Mr. Eugene R. Maffei and Mrs. Sheila Maffei Ms. Marie Nelson

Veronica Zimmerman ’09 Memorial Scholarship Ms. Susan E. Gavinski Mr. Scott E. Carter Ms. Amy Geiger Mrs. Barbara C. Geiger Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Hein Mrs. Sharon R. Klein Schwab Charitable Fund

Minigan Family Endowed Scholarship Fund Mr. and Mrs. Michael Minigan Schwab Charitable Fund Robert C. Morrish Memorial Scholarship Fund Mr. and Mrs. Edward P. Allen Mr. Kevin P. Daw ’75 and Mrs. Claire Daw Ms. Ellen Frediani ’75 Mr. James Frediani ’70 Ms. Nancy O’Byrne ’76 Mr. Andrew W. Ward ’91 and Mrs. Meave Fallon Ward Louis Pierotti ’72 Scholarship Mr. James Frediani ’70 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas McDermott Jess Romero Scholarship Mr. Robert J. Romero, Esq. ’81 Rev. Antonio Valdivia Robert (Bob) Rota ’71 Memorial Endowed Scholarship Mr. David Clerici Mr. James Frediani ’70 Ms. Leslie Rota Mr. Stephen T. Silva ’71 and Mrs. Kathleen Silva Damien Vela, MD Candle of Knowledge Scholarship Benevity Community Impact Fund Dr. and Mrs. James Cotter Dr. David J. Danzeisen and Dr. Kathryn Holder Ms. Tricia Vela Eric Wolfe ’75 Scholarship Mr. Tim Wolfe



COMMUNITY SCHOLARSHIPS Members of the Class of 2021 were awarded the following community scholarships recognizing outstanding student achievement in academics, service, the arts, and athletics. We are grateful for such community support. Alaina’s Voice Scholarship John Biale Memorial Scholarship California Scholarship Federation Justin-Siena Chapter (8) Community Projects, Inc. Scholarship Richard Janese Memorial Scholarship Kiwanis Club of Greater Napa (2) Kiwanis Club of Napa Scholarship Shannon Lemieux Memorial Arts Scholarship Shannon Nicole Lemieux Memorial Aquatics Scholarship Napa County Bar Association (2) Napa County Farm Bureau Foundation (2) Napa Valley College Foundation (5) Napa Valley Community Foundation Julian Weidler Business Scholarship

Napa Valley Horsemen’s Association Scholarship Napa Valley Marathon Scholarship National Honor Society Scholarship (2) Brother Daniel O’Connor Memorial Scholarship The Presentation School Scholarship Rotary Club of Napa Scholarship (Napa Noontime Rotary) Patrick Savage Memorial Scholarship August Sebastiani Scholarship (2) Paul Sheffer Memorial Scholarship Kathleen Frances Springer Memorial Scholarship Eric Wolfe ’75 Memorial Scholarship

HONOR AND MEMORIAL GIFT PROGRAM A gift to the Honor-Memorial Gift Program is a wonderful way to honor someone dear, either living or deceased. The recipient of an Honor-Memorial gift will be remembered in the prayers of the Justin-Siena community at the regular Masses and Prayer Services throughout the school year.

IN MEMORY OF Owen Euser Mr. Jeffrey Gerlomes and Mrs. Caroline Bettencourt Gerlomes ’79 Mary Ann Karrigan Janese Ms. Jackie Gibson Mr. Eugene R. Maffei and Mrs. Sheila Maffei Ms. Marie Nelson Richard J. Janese Mr. and Mrs. Ronnie Gray Ms. Bonnie L. Karrigan

Richard Patrick Janese, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Ronnie Gray Ms. Daria Janese Mrs. Mary Ann Janese = Brother Conrad Kearney Ms. Rosemarie Quinlan Louis Pierotti ’72 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas McDermott Eloise and Ernest Rota Mr. David Clerici Mr. Stephen T. Silva

Richard Patrick Janese, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Ronnie Gray

In 2020-2021 - Your gifts helped: • 125 students graduate • 99% students go to 72 colleges/universities 6 5 FA L L 2 0 2 1

FUND-A-NEED GIFTS 2021 This year’s Fund-A Need supported the transformation of our locker and athletic training room into the Colin Chadwick ’08 Team Center and the Marsha Niemann Athletic Training Room.

Mrs. Maria Adams Mr. Rob Armijo and Mrs. Jessica Futo Armijo ’08 Mr. and Mrs. Fernando Ayvar Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bailey Mr. Richard Barbosa and Mrs. Diane Barbosa Mr. and Mrs. Chris Bartalotti Mr. and Mrs. Chris Baskerville Mr. and Mrs. Tom Bassett Mr. Richard Batt and Mrs. Katherine Bettencourt Batt ’78 Mr. and Mrs. Ralph D. Bettencourt Mr. Andrew Bettencourt ’02 Mr. and Mrs. Dean Bledsoe Mr. and Mrs. Doug Boeschen Dr. and Mrs. Alok K. Bose Dr. Edward Cain and Dr. Dianne Harris Dr. David Carlson and Dr. Jacqueline Williams Carlson Dr. Martin Morrison and Dr. Bronwyn Carlson ’98 Ms. Lori Lambro Carter Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Chadwick Mr. Phillip Charmas and Mrs. Kelly Quinlan Charmas ’95 Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Chatagnier Mr. Gregory Chouinard ’08 Ms. Barbara Church Mr. and Mrs. David Ciabattari Ms. Nyrene Clark ’89 Ms. Georgine A. Clarke Ms. Janice G. Clifton Ms. Molly Cole ’89 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Coughlan Mr. and Mrs. Larry K. Cronwall Mr. Kevin P. Daw ’75 and Mrs. Claire Daw Mr. Matt DeFina and Mrs. Denise DeFina Mr. Matthew Denkin ’92 and Mrs. Dawn Denkin Mr. and Mrs. John E. Derr Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Diaz Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. DiGiacomo Mr. William Dodd ’74 and Mrs. Mary Dodd Mr. Jason Dominici and Mrs. Megan Savage Dominici ’92 Mrs. Kim Dougherty and Mr. William Dougherty Mr. Thomas Durante ’93 and Mrs. Lea Durante Mr. Andrew Euser ’78 and Mrs. Mary Bettencourt Euser ’77 Mr. Gregory Fabela and Mrs. Brienne Wesolek Fabela ’98 Mrs. Renee Fannin and Mrs. Lisa Fannin Mr. and Mrs. Ed Farver

Ms. Marna Farver ’96 Mr. and Mrs. Michael Fennell Mr. Christopher Fidler ’02 and Mrs. Stephanie Quinlan Fidler ’97 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Flaherty Mr. and Mrs. Ramiro Flores Ms. Nancy Foss Mr. and Mrs. William Foster Ms. Tonya K. Fuller Mr. and Mrs. Raul Gallegos Mr. William Gass and Mrs. Jennifer Lohwasser Gass ’93 Mr. Jeffrey Gerlomes and Mrs. Caroline Bettencourt Gerlomes ’79 Mr. Steven Giovannoni ’89 and Mrs. Coleen Savage Giovannoni ’98 Mr. and Mrs. Paul Giusto, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Jared B. Goble Mr. and Mrs. Eric Gonzales Mr. and Mrs. Adolfo Guevara Mr. Jason Guiducci and Mrs. Kristen DePasquale Guiducci ’93 Ms. Molly Gyetvan Mr. Justin Hayes Mr. Shawn C. Heffernan Mr. Lain Hensley and Mrs. Jean Korte Hensley ’88 Mr. and Mrs. Alexander N. Hesser Mr. and Mrs. Andrew W. Hodges, Ed.D. Mr. and Mrs. Danny E. Hoffert Mr. Michael J. Holman and Mrs. Susan Schwegman Ms. Yolanda Holman Mr. and Mrs. David J. Holquin Mr. Raymond Honeywell and Mrs. Caitlin Hoffert Honeywell ’01 Mr. and Mrs. Dylan B. James Ms. Maci Jerry Mr. Kimball C. Jones and Mrs. Suzanne Groth Jones Dr. Sean Kaer and Mrs. Cristy Kaer KT Wineco, L.L.C. Mr. Charles Weakley and Mrs. Laura Kelley-Weakley Mr. Andrew E. Kelly and Mrs. Holly Kelly, MD Mr. and Mrs. Dennis P. Kreps Ms. Kimberly Leonardi Mr. and Mrs. Johnnie Linn Ms. Tracy Martin Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Mazzucco Mr. and Mrs. Lynn J. McCarroll Mr. and Mrs. Thomas McDermott Ms. Diane McMinds Mrs. Christine Szymanski Mears ’94 and Mr. Brandon Mears Mr. and Mrs. Stephen H. Meyer

Mrs. Bernadette Meyer Dr. Kurt Meyers and Ms. Suzanne Foss Mr. and Mrs. Shawn Miller Mr. George Monteverdi ’86 and Mrs. Manbin Monteverdi Mr. Michael Murray ’78 Mr. and Mrs. James F. Natuzzi Mr. and Mrs. George Nessman Mr. and Mrs. Richard Niemann Mr. Christopher J. Padowan and Mrs. Karen Hauser Mr. and Mrs. Ryan Parlett Ms. Sharon Patterson Mrs. Sue Kjeldsen Mr. and Mrs. David S. Phinney Mr. and Mrs. Matt Powell Mr. and Mrs. Philip Pyrce Mr. Jim Reilly Mr. Gary K. Rose Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Rosenbrand Dr. Delta Ruscheinsky Mr. Michael J. Sangiacomo ’87 and Mrs. Whitney Sangiacomo Mr. Ariyeh Schmeder ’92 and Mrs. Susan J. Schmeder Mr. Duncan Sennott and Ms. Lisa Evans Sennott ’90 Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Sherburne Dr. Steven Shifflett ’75 and Mrs. Susan Shifflett ’75 Mr. and Mrs. David Shipp Mr. Wes Siebern and Ms. Vanessa Dern Siebern ’98 Ms. Eileen Simmons Mr. David Sinclair ’99 and Mrs. Jill Woolley Sinclair ’99 Brother Kevin M. Slate, FSC Mr. Steven Smircich ’89 Edward Smith and E Kate Smith Mr. and Mrs. D.J. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Kyle E. Snoke Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Soldati Mr. and Mrs. Saylor Spare The Doctors Company Mr. James R. Thompson ’08 and Mrs. Victoria Deely Thompson ’08 Mr. and Mrs. Alejandro Valdivia Vanguard Charitable Mrs. Alfreda Vasquez ’88 Mr. John Dillon and Mrs. Yelena Wells Mr. Todd Wenzel and Mrs. Robin Wenzel Mr. Douglas Williams and Mrs. Karyn Kane Williams ’85 Ms. Kelly Winkler Mr. Victor Woolworth ’01 and Mrs. Narisa Orosco Woolworth ’99 Mr. and Mrs. David Zurowski

Note: We make every effort to assure all donors are properly listed in our report. If your name was inadvertently left out or listed incorrectly, we apologize. Please contact the Advancement Office at 707.255.0950 ext. 610 to advise us of this error. Thank you. = Indicates deceased



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Cracking Crab at the JS Crab Fest... February 5 Sipping and eating at Taste of Justin-Siena... May 13 A Hole-in-One at the JS Golf Classic... June 6 SAVE THE DATES!

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