Avanti: Fall 2020

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AVANTI Meeting the moment

Justin-Siena High School | Fall 2020 | HONOR ROLL of Investors

Graduation 2020 How we Met this Moment

What is ALLHEART? In a year like none other, it is everything. In this issue of Avanti, we hope that you will see that being ALLHEART is not merely a slogan but rather the foundation from which we have met and continue to meet the moment. We are proud of our community and we hope you enjoy our 2020 fall edition of Avanti.

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Meeting the Moment Now Dear Justin-Siena Community: My high school yearbook quote was, “Reputation is what others think you are. Character is what you truly are.” Justin-Siena’s character shines through our mission and vision, and our ALLHEART identity. We always try to instill in our students a character that demonstrates our Lasallian Catholic identity when times are straightforward, and especially when times are difficult. Since March, we could blame the pandemic for our woes and throw in the towel. We have done quite the opposite–all of us have! Students, parents, donors, and especially our faculty and staff, have shown their character by highlighting our commitment to face our difficulties as President Kennedy said, “not because they are easy, but because they are hard.” At Justin-Siena we have been meeting each moment as it comes to us. From our pandemic pivots (immediate digital learning, hybrid education, iterative planning) to our Class of 2020 graduation (a drive-in that impressed even most skeptics), we have shown our creative flexibility. Donors have helped us reach new highs in tuition assistance (over 1 in 2 students now receives a total of $3.5 million in aid) and our staff has implemented new technology as they utilize laptops, iPads, SmartBoards, and extra monitors for synchronous learning. Our alumni firefighters and medical professionals continue to serve and lead on the front lines through twin crises. Our students remain determined to showcase their talents as they roll with the punches that COVID keeps throwing. Indeed it is an inspiring time to be a part of the Justin-Siena family. Please enjoy this issue of Avanti. As you do, take pride in how you are a part of our story. To those listed in our 2019-2020 Honor Roll of Investors, my deepest gratitude for how you enable us to meet the moments we never envisioned we would need to. Warmly yours,

David J. Holquin, President

AVANTI FALL 2020 Table of Contents ACCESS 707 Partnership Initiative



The Woman Behind the Partnership



In Memory


Braves Broadcast


The shows go on-line


Honor Roll of Investors


Faculty Faces


We’re Back

Part of the Winning Plan


Back in the Game

LEAP with faith

In their own words


Board of Trustees

Operational Administration

Tom Durante ’93, Board Chair

David J. Holquin President

Michael Soladati, Vice Chair Sr. Susan Allbritton Dr. Dianne Harris Elaine John Larry Puck Belia Ramos Rich Pio Roda ’94 Br. Robert Wickman, FSC

John Van Hofwegen Vice President of Finance Bob Bailey Vice President of Student Affairs Robyn Canga Vice President of Academics Alma Gallegos Dean of Academic Services


Lauren Hesser Dean of Students

Contributors Jamie Powell

Brandon LaRocco ’98 Dean of Students

Andrea Flores

Publishing Credits

Simon Rebullida

Jeremy Tayson Interim Director of Communications

Don Lex Photography

Marsha Sanchez, Graphic Design

Andrew Bettencourt ’02

Jonas Gonzales ’20 Eleanor Meyers ’22

AVANTI is a Justin-Siena news magazine for alumni, families, and friends. Comments and/or editorial contributions can be sent to Jeremy Tayson at jtayson@justin-siena.org. The school reserves the right to publish and/or edit material to reflect the values of our mission.

Justin-Siena is a Catholic high school in the Lasallian tradition called to provide educational excellence in a loving, Christ-centered community that prepares students to serve and to lead in an ever-changing world. postmasters and readers Please send address changes to Office of Advancement | 4026 Maher St. | Napa, CA 94558, or email esimmons@justin-siena.org. Avanti is also available online at www.justin-siena.org.

We’re Back!

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What does it look like on campus? One of the first Bay Area schools to safely resume in-person learning While this is and will remain an “all hands on deck” undertaking, it has strongly shown that our faculty and staff community is indeed ALLHEART. Despite all the adjustments and obstacles still to come, we have seen everyone rise to the occasion in their own ways. Here we highlight our school community as we proudly navigate our new campus life.

What’s changed?


were created based on a combination of considerations: household (siblings), transportation needs, curricular needs, and class sizes under county health guidelines

• T ouchless sanitizers, soaps, and paper towel dispensers

•A dvisory and Homeroom

curriculum programming changes to better meet students in varying stages of their high school experience

•W ellness Wednesdays

allow us to sanitize for the next cohort, and also provide a chance to unplug while participating in community building and co-curricular activities

What hasn’t changed?

• E verything that makes us ALLHEART

•M rs. Paniagua ’72 needs a pass or note if you’re going to be late or miss class

• T he Bassetts still make the best lunches

• Senior Lawn AVANTI M a g a z i n e


We’re Back!

What is it like to teach now? Georgine Clarke, Religious Studies Religious Studies teacher and Department Chair Ms. Georgine Clarke believes that “absence makes the heart grow fonder” has never meant more than during the pandemic. It is incredibly hard to communicate love or to be relational with students through a Zoom meeting. During 40 years in the classroom, she never envisioned a successful class depending on a pesky cursor maneuvering smoothly between multiple monitors while half of her students focused on the lesson remotely. Ms. Clarke takes to heart a teacher’s role of caring for students as if they are younger brothers and sisters; nurturing their minds, hearts, and souls as they grow into unique human beings in God’s image. When she arrived at Justin-Siena, it was the example of Sally DiGiacomo who best exemplified professionalism, leadership, and how to practice what you preach to the young people entrusted to your care. In the 33 years since arriving here, Ms. Clarke’s passion for teaching remains and she continues to be an example of leadership by sitting on several committees shaping the direction of the school.

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Teaching now requires hybrid lesson planning, Zoom skills, keeping track of what day you are on campus, and a selection of cool masks.

Felipe Nieto, Spanish Teacher and Boys Soccer Coach “The daily interactions with students has had an effect on my craft that allows me to continue to reflect on my successes and imperfections as an instructor. As a student, I viewed my teachers as mentors and caring people. Now that I have become a teacher, I like to think that a teacher wears different hats every day: a tutor, a friend, the adult in the classroom, the expert in the subject, the parent, the reliable person to talk to when there’s a problem. Teaching during these times can be challenging, but having to navigate and find comfort in the way we deliver instruction has surpassed my expectations. I realized that using technology is not my forte and teaching online can be so unorthodox. Fortunately, I have been able to adapt and be realistic on my teaching expectations and limitations. I felt prepared due to my ability to adjust to adversity. As a parent or professional being able to reshape in order to continue moving forward is what life is all about. I fear the unknown, the unexpected, but I have learned to ‘take life by the horns’ and continue moving forward. There’s so much at stake as a parent, a friend, and professional in the face of the present challenges to drive us where we want to go.“ AVANTI M a g a z i n e


We’re Back!

How do we keep on singing? Lauren Hesser, Dean of Students and Choral Teacher Nothing prepared choral teacher Mrs. Lauren Hesser, Dean of Students more for this moment in time than her lifelong love of the arts. She explains that it is in the creative expression where you are challenged and experience rejection, yet pull yourself up to try again. If someone forgets a microphone, you just sing louder. If you didn’t get a part, then you figure out what works so you will know better next time. The arts provide flexibility, and doing things to the best of your ability, and also giving yourself some time and space when you most need them. In the spring at the beginning of the pandemic, her classes mastered uplifting concerts via Zoom. It was a process she could never have imagined and yet the Justin-Siena choir more than rose to the

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occasion. This pandemic has brought on other realities. She misses hugs – that simple gesture of connection – and finds a therapeutic outlet in singing full voice or “listening to music so intensely that I cry.” Mrs. Hesser vividly remembers her piano teacher, Ellen Patterson, who was tireless, creative, and joyful. Her commitment and authenticity are traits that she brings to her own teaching. Mrs. Hesser’s no nonsense but loving approach in her other role, that of Dean of Students, highlights her personal motto: speak with honesty; think with sincerity; act with integrity. It is a reflection of her mother, the person she most admires, and a straightforward approach that provides grace and a steady hand for students.

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We’re Back!

Who keeps us zooming along? Team Behind the Scenes Justin Hayes, Director of Technology “Initially, our goal was to focus on tech support. We knew that our department would be in high demand, and that assisting those in need would be challenging when done remotely vs. hands-on. We realized that school was going to remain digital longer than expected, and that a totally hybrid model would be where we landed. The fact that we already had an iPad in the hands of every student and teacher, and the management platform to administer those devices from anywhere, made the transition fairly smooth. Faculty, staff, and the students really did an amazing job adapting, and I feel proud to have been a part of it.”

Our IT Guys Rock John Davis, IT Lead Support “It’s an amazing feeling when you know you are doing something that truly matters. Watching our students, along with our own daughters who are enrolled here, live the transformative experience that a Justin-Siena education provides has been equally transformative for us. Knowing that we can use our tech expertise to help with this mission, along with some dad skills (and dad jokes), has been an incredibly rewarding experience.”

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We’re Back!

How do we check for wellness? Jill Sinclair ’99, School Counselor Mrs. Jill Sinclair jokingly says she was destined to remain forever a Justin-Siena Brave. One of our three guidance counselors, she is happily married to a fellow alum and fondly recalls the educators during her high school years. She took to heart the words of the incomparable English teacher, Robert Morrish, who taught that having passion for your vocation is an essential part of happiness as an adult. The compassion of long-time principal Greg Schmitz, made every student feel seen, known, and loved. Jill tries to emulate the sincere connections he made with students and families. As the school returned to campus in a hybrid learning model, she was proud of the counseling department’s ability to meet the moment, adjusting to ensure that students were still receiving the same level of support and care. There has never been a typical day in counseling, and with hybrid it is especially important to plan ahead, yet remain flexible. At a minimum, unplanned student issues occur a couple times a day. Some days may need to be devoted to just one student or situation. Still, it is because no two days are alike that she loves best about the job; To be there for students in some of the most difficult and drama-filled years, but also to witness some of their happiest moments – first dances, new friendships, finding their voices, and everything in between. She can’t imagine having any other job at any other place; to be a part of her students’ journeys is an honor.

How do we keep students on track? Sonia Ryan, Director of College Counseling

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“One thing that hasn’t changed is kids want to go to college, colleges want to admit them, and we are here to connect those dots. During COVID we have seen how everything in this process can be adaptable, perhaps even allowing us to collectively take a step back and reassess our motives. College counseling is often perceived to be helping students develop an application to get into the “best” school. However, in my view, there is no “best” school. Rankings are designed from a series of data points which may or may not align with what is important to a particular individual. I LOVE the journey of getting to know a young person and his or her parents. I help, I counsel, I encourage, and occasionally I scold in my efforts to discover a student’s interests and assist them in the search for their personal best ‘fit’ school. I highlight the word ‘fit’ intentionally. Selecting a college is all about ‘fit.’ There are so many remarkable schools out there. If you are going to Poughkeepsie to see Vassar, know there is an incredible school, Marist College, only a couple miles away. If you are visiting Chicago to see University of Chicago, perhaps you should consider DePaul, a wonderful Catholic university in the Windy City. My job is to help students find the schools where they will excel in extraordinary ways. It is not the school you get into, that matters but what you do once you are into a school where you fit, that matters most.”

How do we keep it safe? Brian Cassayre ’98, Manny Martinez, Maintenance “Our top priority when considering a return to in-person learning was to create an environment that is as safe as possible. This was definitely uncharted territory that required us to plan ahead for both the knowns and unknowns. I think it has been a learning experience for all of us. It was a tedious task simply to reconfigure classrooms and to ensure students are socially distanced while they learn. We also implemented a wide variety of other measures such as installing ionizers and increased filtration in existing HVAC units, new air conditioning units in the 200/300/500 wings, touch-free dispensers for paper towels, soap, and sanitizer to name a few. Surprisingly, one of our biggest hurdles was firming up a supply chain for all the resources we would need – sanitizers, disinfectants, and the like. With so much current demand, supplies became rather scarce.”

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We’re Back!

What is it like to be here?

To say the least, being back on the Justin-Siena campus has shown me and my peers what it truly means to be a community. Everyone is playing their part to the fullest to bring back the warm feeling of being at school around one another, and getting to see our teachers has been genuinely uplifting and super helpful academically as well.

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Raha Razavi ’22

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A Beacon of the Napa Valley

Part of the Winning Plan Justin-Siena was fortunate to be chosen as the competitive design site for the 2020 NAIOP Golden Shovel Challenge. The Real Estate Challenge, NAIOP SFBA’s version of the Big Game, is a real estate development competition between legendary rivals Stanford University and the University of California, Berkeley (Cal). The unique program is designed to give graduate students hands-on experience in real estate development. Teams are charged with devising and successfully pitching a solution to a complex real-world real estate problem. Participants embark on an intensive ten-week journey in which they engage with a large number of project sponsor representatives and city officials as well as real estate industry professionals for guidance and mentoring along the way. Justin-Siena was the first school site and the first site in Napa County to be featured. The task for teams was to help the school administration and Board of Trustees explore new and creative ways to develop and monetize our 40-acre campus. The Cal team wowed the jury with Siena Village, a mixed income housing community connecting the campus to the surrounding residential neighborhood and featuring community rental units. The proposal also included 10,000 square feet of neighborhood-serving retail, an emergency shelter and resilience hub, open space, a community garden, and a connected bike and pedestrian network. The team members — Courtney Bell, Brendan McKeon, Austin Rosso, Alysia Vigil and Logan Woodruff, engaged with our community and students, showing plans, discussing ideas, and

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holding design workshops. They got to know us personally, and learned what makes our school ALLHEART. The collaboration and winning plan come at an opportune time as we enter the second year of our Strategic Plan. The Cal proposal is well thought out and though we have no immediate plans to implement their possibilities, it was exciting to see how our campus could grow to be A Beacon of the Napa Valley. Continued on Page 15

This rendering from the winning Cal Presentation, imagines a more spacious quad for student inteaction. AVANTI M a g a z i n e


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The Winners’ Words — Alysia Vigil and Logan Woodruff We asked members of the Cal team how they came to develop their winning plan. They spent two months on campus with faculty and students. Below is their response and the heart of their planning. Justin-Siena and its surrounding communities have been resilient in the face of catastrophic fires, a regional affordable housing crisis, and now, this unprecedented pandemic. Throughout our community engagement process, which included design charrettes, narrative mapping exercises, and more intimate focus group conversations with students, faculty, staff, and alumni, we were able to develop a deeper understanding of the ALLHEART community and its guiding principles. We found that the slogan “We Love. So We Serve.” was not just imprinted on the banners around campus, but also in the hearts of the Justin-Siena community. It was very clear to us that as a community and as an institution, Justin-Siena had the potential to be a beacon of the Napa community in times of crisis. Our proposal envisioned ways in which the campus could serve as a community resource and resilience hub to distribute supplies and provide services during catastrophic events, and to serve as a venue for collective healing, connection, and compassion following fires and other disasters.

Our proposal considered ways in which modest development of the campus could provide sites for affordable market-rate housing to teachers, firefighters, first responders, essential employees, and multigenerational families, and could also serve as a potential revenue stream to support scholarships and other missiondriven objectives. We also explored opportunities to share facilities and build partnerships with community organizations, while providing volunteer and service opportunities for students. The foundation of a typical development proposal is an analysis of the ’highest and best use’ of the site. In other words, what is the most profitable and certain product type for this piece of land in relation to its surrounding context, regional market factors, and zoning restrictions? But it was clearly not just about extracting the maximum monetary value from the site and minimizing potential development risks. We equally prioritized land uses that were synergistic with Lasallian values, ensured a secure campus for students with modern facilities, and employed innovative site planning strategies to foster meaningful bonds with the Napa community.

shape the future. make a gift today! Today’s students are tomorrow’s leaders. You play a vital role in ensuring access to a Lasallian Catholic educational experience that prepares young people to serve and to lead in our ever-changing world. Make your gift online at www.justin-siena.org/support or use the enclosed, addressed envelope.

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Campus Glimpse

Being Back is a Blast

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LEAP with FAITH “The Lasallian Education Access Program (LEAP) is probably the most concrete example of Justin-Siena’s values. There is no greater manifestation of our Lasallian core principles than LEAP. Especially in this valley, where people live at the ends of each extreme, wealth and poverty and everywhere in between, LEAP is one of the programs where those values are best embodied.” — Khiely Jackson ’16

LEAP at a Glance n4 1 current LEAP scholars (49% male, 51% female) n 42 LEAP alumni since 2016 n 1 00% of the LEAP scholars from the Class of 2020 are college bound n5 9% attended Catholic feeder schools n9 7% are first-generation college bound students n4 9% are legacy students (parents or older siblings are Justin-Siena alumni) n9 5% of LEAP alumni are attending college or have graduated from a twoyear or four-year college as of fall 2020


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Doubling Down on Our Lasallian Catholic Mission Over the last decade, Justin-Siena has ramped up its commitment to the De La Salle Christian Brothers’ foundational mission, “to provide a human and Christian education to the young, especially the poor,” through the existence of the Lasallian Education Access Program (LEAP). Though LEAP in its current form has only existed for the last ten years, Justin-Siena’s commitment to serving first-generation college bound and economically marginalized students has persisted through its 55 year history. It is a mission that harkens back to our Dominican and Lasallian heritage – two charisms committed to the education of young people and a ministry of social justice. In essence, Justin-Siena carries out its mission fully only when it is accessible to youth and families from all economic and social backgrounds. Today, LEAP serves 41 students, a growth of over 50% in the last six years. This year, Justin-Siena committed over $800,000 in tuition assistance, funds for textbooks and uniforms, program activities, and the human resources to ensure that our LEAP Scholars thrive and achieve their personal and educational dreams. As Jacqueline Saldaña-Pimentel ’18 so eloquently stated, “There are a lot of students with barriers and hardships in their lives who want more for themselves. Not everyone can afford this amazing Justin-Siena experience and education on their own. LEAP makes that happen. It’s a program that makes you feel safe; it makes you feel like you belong.”

Khiely & Jacque

Two ALLHEART Journeys By Andrea Flores, Director of Philanthropy

I can still remember that warm August morning six years ago when I met Khiely Jackson ’16 in the Robert C. Morrish classroom. She was just a junior in high school and she was patiently awaiting a College Success Workshop that was about to begin. It wasn’t just Khiely there; all 27 of JustinSiena’s Lasallian Education Access Program (LEAP) Scholars were waiting there with her. They had come to campus ahead of the first day of school for a full day of programming designed to support their college aspirations and to begin to lay a path towards college readiness. Over the course of that first day with our LEAP Scholars, we tackled the myths of college – that it’s unaffordable and unattainable and that you need to be a straight A student to go to college. We also talked about the power that each scholar owned to shape the educational and social experience that Justin-Siena could afford them if they only took advantage of those possibilities. Khiely was one of many LEAP Scholars who took that message to heart. A determined student who recalls sitting in college classes as a child while her single mother took night classes to complete her degree, Khiely took honors and AP® courses throughout her time at Justin-Siena. By the time she graduated, she was a varsity track and field scholar-athlete who, after being admitted as a biology major, was offered a spot on Santa Clara University’s cross country and track and field teams. For Jacqueline Saldaña-Pimentel ’18, the path to Justin-Siena and LEAP began with her mother, Catalina Saldaña, a graduate of Justin-Siena’s Class of ’84. Coming to Justin-Siena was a given for Jacque; she had attended grade school at St. John the Baptist Catholic School in Napa, lived blocks away from Justin-Siena, and was prepared to follow in the footsteps of her mother and her aunt, Teresa Garcia ’87 (nee Saldaña), who AVANTI M a g a z i n e


Jacqueline Saldaña-Pimentel ’18 were both proud Braves alumnae. Though Jacque was familiar with Justin-Siena, it wasn’t until her Brave for a Day visit and the time spent with her student ambassador Olivia O’Brien, that she really understood how transformational her time at Justin-Siena could be. From the stunning campus to the interactive teacher-student relationships, Jacque was excited for her high school experience to begin. Unfortunately, the backdrop of this transition to high school was also shaped by her mother’s battle with cancer. A graduate of Sacramento State who started the dual language immersion program at Napa Valley Language Academy, Jacque’s mother Catalina had endured a lifelong battle with cancer. Her third bout started as Jacque was moving on to Justin-Siena. While other students joined teams and clubs, Jacque limited her time on campus to her classes so she could walk home and be with her mother in the afternoons and evenings. Catalina’s cancer ultimately sidelined her career as a dual language educator, and times were very hard financially for her and Jacque. They lost their home, moved in with relatives, and counted the blessings they did have - each other. In March of 2016, Jacque’s mother lost her battle with cancer; Jacque was a sophomore in high school and just 16 years old. Her father had been out of the picture since she was a child, and Jacque ultimately moved into her aunt Teresa’s home with her uncle and four cousins. 1 9 F ALL 2 0 2 0

High school is a tumultuous time for any teenager; for Jacque, it was tenfold. Jacque recalls the kindness and understanding of teachers like Dr. Andrew Hodges and the LEAP staff, especially Mrs. Alma Gallegos, LEAP’s Program Director, as a huge factor in her making it to graduation. Jacque recalled, “Mrs. Gallegos knew my mom really well because she was my mom’s student (at NVLA). I felt comfortable knowing that Mrs. Gallegos was part of LEAP. Her support along with the unity among the LEAP students was reassuring. I knew we all shared similar interests and we were getting similar financial help to attend.” At the time, Jacque didn’t think college would be an option for her. A difficult academic transition to Justin-Siena, along with the stress of her mom’s illness and passing meant that college was an afterthought. But LEAP and Justin-Siena surrounded her with support to put her in a place where college was a possibility and ultimately, a reality. Today, Jacque is in her third year at Sonoma State University where she is minoring in Spanish and majoring in sociology, a subject she discovered while taking psychology at Justin-Siena in her senior year with Mrs. Bartalotti. With the support of LEAP and her college counselor, Mrs. Andrea Flores, Jacque was admitted into SSU’s Educational Opportunity Program, a program that Jacque describes as a lot like LEAP, “a family within a family.” And it was at Sonoma State where Jacque applied her grit and persistence in finding an internship that would illuminate a path towards a career that fulfilled her in the way her mother’s vocation as a teacher did for her. An unpaid internship with Community Resources for Children in Napa the summer after her first year of college developed into a paid internship this past summer thanks to the Gasser Foundation. And this fall, Jacque’s efforts were so successful that CRC offered her a part-time position as an outreach coordinator and event planner. Like Jacque, Khiely found that life led her down an unexpected path. Once a biology major at Santa Clara, Khiely says she was chasing the American Dream, trying to find a way to use her education and college degree to transcend the circumstances into which she was born. A one course graduation requirement in ethnic studies changed her perspective and her life. Khiely shared, “As I went through high school, I started to understand the ways in which social justice was in question which really challenged this “American Dream” I was chasing. At Santa Clara, which in many ways was just a larger Justin-Siena, I had to decide if I was going to prioritize my own personal wealth or go back to these ideas that I was really interested in and that were giving me life. Justin-Siena sparked an intellectual curiosity that is now so much more valuable to me than money. Ultimately, I prioritized my desire to learn. That started in LEAP.” A first year student in San Francisco State University’s Master of Arts in Ethnic Studies program, Khiely is immersed in dialogue on race theory, income inequality, and the African-American experience. Her program is an extension of social justice work that began at Santa Clara University as a student researcher for their Anti-Racist Teaching Collective and coordinating role with the Santa Clara Community Action Program. Last year, after accepting an invitation from Ms. Gallegos to come back to lead a workshop with current LEAP Scholars, Khiely reconnected with the program and her alma mater. She is currently serving as an alumni representative on Justin-Siena’s Diversity, Inclusion, and Belonging Task Force chartered this year, and she has contributed to the creation of a new initiative out of our Alumni Office that will connect students with Braves alumni around the country. There are many times in the lives of young people when they are told “No way. There’s no way that is going to happen.” It could be a parent who is unable to see that a private, Catholic education is affordable. Or perhaps it’s a coach or teacher, incapable of seeing a young person’s potential to get a spot on a team or to pass a class. What LEAP and Justin-Siena do every year is tell young people, “Yes, you can do it. It is possible. And we are here to help you. It’s our personal and institutional mission to make it happen.” To the 42 LEAP graduates and the 41 LEAP Scholars on our campus today, thank you for proving us right. AVANTI M a g a z i n e


Back in the GAme Athletics Answers the Call By George Nessman, Athletic Director

As the impact of the pandemic began to crystalize, the Justin-Siena athletics program saw it as our obligation to demonstrate important qualities that serve athletes and teams. Further, in the face of turmoil and unrest not seen for many decades, we are called to provide a template for our students to assist in their responses to these new realities. Reflecting persistence in the face of adversity when crossing the Alps, Hannibal responds, “We will either find a way, or make one.” The ability to adjust, adapt, and overcome when facing difficult circumstances became the most relevant operating principle. There is little doubt that positive, team-centered social interaction, physical development, and basic movement are some of the many personal rewards of participating in sports. Determining how we could continue to provide these benefits in some form to our student-athletes in the safest way possible and within established health best practices guided our thinking and decision-making. It was and remains important for our students to get up and keep moving! Our coaches and athletics staff have taken these challenges on with determination. Justin-Siena was the first local high school to transition students into strength and conditioning programs this summer and these have continued into the fall semester. We are staying ahead of the curve.

How we got here March: In-person school suspended (virtual classes only) and VVAL decides to postpone all play until April 1.

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April: NCS/CIF ends Spring Seasons. Empty bleachers and no cheering.

May: Athletic Directors George Nessman, Andrew Bettencourt ’02, and Athletic Trainer Sarah Goble, create a policy for athletics to safely return. The plan was developed consulting national and local guidelines, NFHS and CIF COVID recommendations, as well as working with our local public health officer.

what’s Next The CIF calendar which squeezes three seasons into a tight timeframe will create its own set of barriers to navigate. First, what steps can we take to ensure that if high school athletics can proceed, JustinSiena will be an active and thriving participant? Secondly, our multi-sport athletes face the situation in which their favorite sports may now overlap significantly or run concurrently. This calls for intra-coach cooperation and communication at new levels, and we are seeing that very thing. Finally, we all need to accept and adopt the notion that different doesn’t mean bad or worse – it’s your perspective and frame of reference that shapes your experience. The Justin-Siena athletics program is up for what awaits.

June: Our Return to Sport Plan was approved by Napa County Public Health Officer, Dr. Relucio, and five sports begin workouts in cohorts of 8—becoming the first school in the VVAL and county to do so.

August: Fall workouts begin, making Justin-Siena again, the first school to hold on-campus athletic practices, in cohorts of 14.

September: Hybrid learning begins.

October: v/jv/fr baseball, girls v/jv basketball, boys v/jv/fr basketball, v/jv football, v softball, v track, v/ jv volleyball and boys v water polo are all working out in stable cohorts of up to 14.

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David Granucci, Basketball “Our administration has done an unbelievable job in providing a safe plan for our students and teams to return to practice. As coaches we have had to get creative with how we execute our workouts, manage a longer offseason, and handle multi-sport athletes. It’s been great to see how resilient our athletes have been while they are to getting better, stronger, and more together. It is awesome to have so many of our athletes committed to working hard, and all of the coaches meeting that committment by working together to make this a special experience.”

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Brandon LaRocco ’98, Football “We all have experienced a shift in mentality. Instead of ‘having to go to practice,’ we now are ‘getting to go to practice.’ The players embrace being able to run and lift weights in a way that I have not seen in a long time. There is great enthusiasm and energy at practice, even though we still aren’t allowed to use an actual football. I couldn’t be prouder of how our kids have prepared themselves for an uncertain future, never questioning what we asked them to do. They are just showing up and working. As a coach, you can’t ask for much more than that.”

Kate Reilley, Volleyball “We have an entirely new coaching staff who bring incredible playing and coaching experience to the program, and have already provided an added ‘spark’ to our workouts. The preseason has been a challenge – not only do we have the largest number of players we’ve seen in years trying out, but we are also limited both by group sizes and what we can do. Needless to say, we’ve had to get creative! This has given the program the added benefit to focus more on agility, strength, and conditioning. I am impressed by the hard work and dedication the players have shown.”

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Andy Bettencourt ’02, Basketball “After realizing that sports would no longer be played in the spring nor for the foreseeable future, we got to work. With the help of many and the support of our school leadership, we set our course to implement a safe return-to-practice strategy. It is gratifying to see the effort the coaches are extending daily. Watching them constantly adapt and evolve their programs to meet the moment has been heartening. Our athletes are developing their skills, getting stronger, and are so happy to be working out with the hope that we’ll be back playing sports soon. We are working hard behind the scenes to be leaders in the Bay Area, and helping our athletes prepare. I consider myself lucky to be associated with the incredible people who lead our sports programs.”

Jeremy Tayson, Baseball “Coaches are used to planning and preparing and now we are simply channeling those traits in a different manner. Together, we have coached hundreds of small cohort practices since June; practices that require facility and practice planning, screening, cleaning, collaboration, and more. It is so worth it though as we all feel immensely proud of a school and program that says it is, ‘about the kids,’ and then delivering on that in such a sound fashion.”

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We Will. Earn It.

“Working out at Justin-Siena over the summer has been refreshing. Being able to get back into the swing of things has been one of the best feelings all year. It is a competitive environment which is a formula for success, and I hope we can bring that energy when we get the chance.” DANIEL KELLY ’21

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In their own words

Athletics is an integral part of our mission to develop well-rounded students who serve and lead in their communities. While our spring seasons were cut short, and our upcoming seasons remain uncertain, nothing will diminish the efforts and examples of these ALLHEART athletes. We highlight a few of our senior studentathletes who shine on and off the field. 2 7 F ALL 2 0 2 0

Lexi Rosenbrand Basketball ALLHEART: From day one, basketball has felt like home. Every year, each and every teammate has my back in one way or another. We push each other to be our best, on and off the court. After I lost my home in the Glass Fire, every single teammate, coach, current and former, was there for me. They lifted me up in a time of need, and had I not been a part of this team, I would not have the ability to get over this tragic event as easily. Our school showed me that there is light at the end of the tunnel, and we will all get there together. Each day we learn new lessons that can transfer from the court to the classroom, or to daily life. “Do your job” is our team standard. This mindset has allowed me to take each thing one step at a time. You can’t live in the past and remembering this helps push us forward and be better each time. Team First: I want to focus on achieving more as a team, whether it be winning the VVAL champions or improving our goals. This team is one of the hardest working teams I have ever been a part of and I know we can do anything we set our minds to. Brotherly Influence: I always looked up to my older brother Cole (’18). He was the main reason I started playing basketball and stuck with it all these years. My freshman year, he was a senior, and he picked me up the night of tryouts when I found out I had made varsity. He was my biggest fan that season, and went to all the games (not just because his team played after mine). He pushed me to be the best basketball player I could be, even when I didn’t want to put in the work.

Connor Machado Lacrosse Who is a Brave? A student-athlete balances academic and athletic commitments, and will show his or her best representation with each assignment submitted or game played. This responsibility enabled me to figure out effective time management skills, and taught me to lead different groups through various obstacles and scenarios. Unfinished Business: Our team my sophomore year was one of the most successful in our school’s young lacrosse history and we hope to build off that if we can play in 2021. My most memorable moment at Justin-Siena came last year when I scored the winning goals in overtime, in back to back games as we pushed our record to 5-0 before our season was ended by COVID-19. Future Braves: For anyone looking to succeed at Justin-Siena I would simply tell them to use your resources. Justin-Siena offers many opportunities to support us for anything that we might need and you should take full advantage of all of them! AVANTI M a g a z i n e


The coaches have made a huge impact on how I carry myself.

Hudson Beers Football The athletic experience here has prepared me for life after high school by teaching me the morals and strategies necessary to lead a good life. The coaches have made a huge impact on how I carry myself. In my final year as a Brave, a winning season and making a push for a section championship are definitely top priorities. Playing football for the Braves has allowed me to form many bonds that I will carry with me forever. Passing it down: My biggest influence on the field has definitely been my coaches, in particular (former Braves quarterback and current offensive coordinator) Coach Tyler Streblow ’04. He has pushed me to perform to the best of my ability. Off the field, my biggest influence has been my mom. She has taught me countless lessons while still finding time to cheer me on on Friday nights.

2019-20 Highlights

Girls Tennis VVAL Sing/Dble Champs NCS Single Champion

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Wrestling NCS 3rd place & scholastic winner

Girls Water Polo VVAL Co-champion

I think it is important to take in every last memory we make with our amazing team. Natalie Kelly Cheer, Track & Field Student-Athlete: To me being a student athlete at Justin-Siena has meant putting my all into my sports as well as my academics. This experience has prepared me for life by teaching me to use my time wisely. I have learned how to juggle both my academics as well as my commitment to my sports. My biggest influence on the field would have to be Tracy Martin, who is a great track coach. She is one of the most caring people I know and is so supportive of all of her athletes. I hope that I can reflect her positive attitude and her constant smile throughout my life. My biggest influence off the field would be my mom. She works so hard for my family and always seems to have more energy, even after a long day. She definitely keeps my family organized and she is very caring. I hope I can be like her when I’m a mom. Winning outlook: The most important things I have taken from the sports I play aren’t the achievements, but the memories I have made along the way. Branch out and talk to new people during sports season because some of your most lasting bonds will be with your teammates. The connection you have with them will be something you will long remember after high school.

Boys Basketball NCS qualifier and scholastica award winner

Volleyball NCS Quarterfinalist

Football NCS Semifinalist

Boys Soccer NCS playoff qualifier

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Once a

Megan Hanson Volleyball


Feeling the Love: Being a student-athlete means working hard at the sport you are playing while being completely supported by the community. Home volleyball games will be some of my favorite memories. The atmosphere is amazing, and having my friends and classmates cheer us on has been the best feeling. Life after Justin-Siena is going to be very different, but I know I have a whole community supporting me no matter where I am.

always a Brave.

Next Level Support: I recently committed to play Division-I volleyball at UC Irvine in the fall of 2021, and can credit much of that to my biggest influences on and off the court. On the court I point to (former teammates) Julia Sangiacomo ’19, and my sister Nicole Hanson ’18. Julia is just such an inspiration, and I strive to be as generous and talented as she is. Nicole is one of the most caring and hard-working people I know. She is the reason I started playing volleyball, and I wouldn’t be where I am without her. Off the field, my biggest influence is definitely my mom. She has been there through everything I’ve done, and has done an amazing job raising me and my sisters.

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Lucia Lanzafame Tennis No “I” in team: Being a student-athlete at Justin-Siena has meant being a part of a team and working together even in a solo sport. Our teams turn into families which makes playing a sport even more enjoyable. I have learned how to be a part of something that is greater than one person, and to work with others outside of the classroom. The strongest example of being a team is also my most memorable athletic moment. We had a 27-match winning streak over my sophomore and junior seasons and no matter who we faced and who was on the court we always were there to cheer each other on. In my final year, I hope to continue winning while also promoting how important functioning as a team is. Dive Right In: I would advise young Braves starting their careers to try any sport that interests them and to not to be afraid even if you’ve never played it before. High school is your time to be part of a team, learn new skills, and meet new people.

Do not just show up and think that is commitment. Showing up is just part of it. Keith Binz Baseball, Basketball Overachievers: The past four years have been an unforgettable experience. There were a lot of highs and lows, but we have always battled. We have not always been the tallest, strongest, or most talented team, but we do anything we can to win. This has taught me how to push through in the face of adversity. I learned that fatigue can be mostly in your head so now whenever I feel tired, I tell myself, “you’re not tired,” over and over again. Playoffs or bust: Looking ahead I remain positive that both sports will still be played. Our goal is to not just make it to the playoffs (in both sports), but we want to win. We have made the playoffs in basketball my freshman and junior years, but lost in the opening rounds. We intend to change that and win our first playoff game. In baseball, I was called up as a freshman for the playoffs against Cardinal Newman and I pinch-ran, scoring the go-ahead run in our extra inning win. With the team, talent, and commitment we have, I believe that going far in this year’s playoffs is an attainable goal for us. Words of Wisdom: Be committed. Whether playing one or multiple sports, be all in for preseason workouts, practices, or games. Do not just show up and think that is commitment. Showing up is just part of it. Giving it your all every day in every way, and playing with your best effort is commitment. AVANTI M a g a z i n e


Jacob Guiducci Cross Country, Wrestling, Track & Field In it for the long haul: The values that I have gained from being a three sport student-athlete have enabled me to be successful in and outside of the classroom which is reflected in my achievements as an athlete and more importantly as a student. Dedication and tenacity are required to stay on top of things and by embracing these values throughout my student and athletic life at Justin-Siena, it has made everything else feel easier in comparison. “We Will. Earn it.” My most memorable athletic moment at Justin-Siena was when I sprained my ankle in warm-ups prior to the NCS duals. Despite spraining my ankle, I still managed to wrestle and win that day for my team. Our team then went on to take 3rd at the NCS duals. Individually, I went on to claim a VVAL title in the 132 lb weight class while still battling the lingering injury. This cumulative experience was a testament to the value of perseverance as an athlete. Peer Pressure: My biggest influence on and off the field has been the upperclassmen in the sports I played as a freshman. They motivated me to get better both in sport and out of sport. They influenced me by setting an example of what it means to be a true student-athlete. After witnessing this, I was determined to attain a high standard of competitiveness on and off the field.

Stay dedicated and 100% committed to the sports you are passionate about.

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—Visual and performing arts—

The Shows Must Go On-Line! We are performing—virtually!

A World-Premiere “Staged Reading” and Modern Adaptation for Our Time Based on the 1897 novel by H. G. Wells

Inspired by the 1938 radio play produced by Orson Welles

Adapted for 2020 by Michael Gene Sullivan

A Halloween Treat • 10/31/20 FRee on Zoom! Links and cast info available at Justin-Siena.org/tickets Cast A: 2:00 pm • Cast B: 6:00 pm

Justin-Siena Theatre is off to an amazing year, with a new show being produced every month! This fall, we were proud to present:

• The War of the Worlds

• Stand-Up and Be Brave!


• A Wonderful Life

• C omedySportz High School League

• B lack History Month Theatre Fest

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We find solace in creativity and continue to make use of the arts as both an outlet and a witness.

Visual Determination

Photo by Diego Bon ’24 Photo by Mia Brown ’23

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And Music to our Ears

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We welcome these new Faculty Faces to Justin-Siena. Shawn Miller: College Counselor Why did you get into this vocation? My mom has always worked in the education field, and through her world I was drawn to supporting students although not as a teacher. After graduating, I was offered a chance to work in the Admission Office of my alma mater and never looked back. I really value the chance to help our students find their fit for college. As someone who did not have any college-going resources in high school, save for the limited knowledge from my family, I’m excited to share my knowledge of higher education and the college process with our students and families, including helping them discover colleges that are ideal fits for their growth and development as people. This role gives me the chance to give back and support our students and families in a truly meaningful way.

Elle Harrington: English Why did you get into this vocation? I sort of fell into teaching high school. I was in a Ph.D. program in English Literature in Boston when I decided to take a year off and moved to San Francisco. I taught at USF the fall semester, but then found they couldn’t offer me any classes for the spring. A five month sub job at St. Ignatius Prep morphed into 5 years. I never went back to graduate school. I love helping students connect with literature and to develop as writers. There’s a quote from Anne Lamott’s book Bird by Bird that I include on all of my syllabi because it captures so perfectly how I feel about teaching English: “So why does our writing matter, again?” they ask. Because of the spirit, I say. Because of the heart. Writing and reading decrease our sense of isolation. They deepen and widen and expand our sense of life: they feed the soul. I think we all need this sense of connection in life now more than ever.


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Kejie Han: World Languages

Stephanie Roybal: Social Sciences

What do you teach with? Love alone is the best teacher. It teaches us far more than a sense of responsibility. We all had our teenage years; we all suffered moments of confusion, helplessness, or rebellion. That is why we use love to teach. I hope I am there when my students have these moments. We need to take care of our new generation with the most optimistic attitude and the best love they deserve.

What advice would you give your younger self? Play a sport–you’ll make friends, learn strategy, create a lifelong hobby, and exercise more often! What do you find therapeutic? Laughing–whether I’m alone or with people, I truly believe laughter is the best medicine. I know some who think quarantine is living their best life, but I’m clawing at the curtains just to wave at the mailman!

A teacher is someone who “performs miracles by touching the hearts of those entrusted to [their] care.” –De La Salle, Med. 180.3

Matthias Mueller: Sciences How did you end up at Justin-Siena? In the summer of 2018, I came from Germany to the Napa Valley to marry my wife Erika, and settle in St. Helena. I met her in France in 2016, and had come several times to visit her. It happened then that I heard about Justin-Siena as a great, lively school community with an excellent academic program and special emphasis on the personal development of all students. Although I liked teaching at my last school very much, I was seeking more challenging teaching opportunities nearer to St Helena. And here I am! Who is someone who has impacted you? Mr. Empacher was my mentor at the teachers’ seminar. He taught me a lot about the practical aspects of teaching, and one of his principles was “What the students can do, should the teacher not do.”

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Aaron Starr: Social Studies and Mathematics Why did you get into this vocation? To be honest, I’ve kind of always been in this vocation. When I was five, I taught my parents and all my friends about the dinosaurs I’d read about. I volunteered as an after-school tutor every Tuesday and Thursday during high school. In college, I missed teaching so much that I took multiple breaks to teach English abroad, first in Spain and later Ukraine. Teaching is just so hardwired into me. What is your inspiration? Inspiration comes from the energy I receive being around students. The stronger ones tend to provide some of the best conversations but the strugglers are usually the most rewarding. It is the best feeling when the moment of understanding occurs, especially when they thought it would never happen.

Edith Aguilar: World Languages How did you get into teaching? I got into this vocation as a substitute teacher. My sister heard about the Spanish position here and suggested it to me. My response was “What?” I discovered that I loved the classroom environment and the interaction between my students so much that I decided to focus on teaching. What advice would you give your younger self? I would tell my younger self not to take things too seriously because life takes different turns and we need to be flexible and ready for the unexpected.

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Robin Canga: Vice President of Academic Affairs What has surprised you most during this time? The amount of books I have been able to read. It has been great being able to read books for pure fun or to pick up a book to learn something new. I’ve somehow found the time to be able to read books that have been sitting on my shelf for years. Why am I Lasallian? I have had the opportunity to serve in Lasallian education for over fifteen years and can’t imagine myself doing anything else. I had people encourage me to pursue an administrator position and more importantly, I wanted to create an environment where teachers felt loved, supported, and heard while also holding true to our Lasallian mission of touching the hearts and minds of the children entrusted to our care.

Maryanne Berry: English Why did you choose Catholic education? When my mom died of cancer at 27, leaving my father with three young children to raise, he made sure we attended Catholic schools. Teachers were always like family to us. They took extra care of us and remained in our lives long after we graduated. To become a Catholic high school teacher has been more a vocation than a career for me. I feel very lucky to have taught for almost 40 years! How has this time caused you to grow as a person or professional? These times teach us so much about empathy. Every day we need to put aside our own concerns and reach out to others. In doing this, we build bonds that will sustain us for life.

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Partnership Initiative:

Mission in Action

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Vintners making a mark on education

Celebrating its fifth year, ACCESS 707 is a way for our community to fund much needed tuition assistance while showcasing the deep connection to and partnership with JustinSiena wine families all over the Valley. A fortuitous email this past spring from a Justin-Siena alumna, Erica Alfaro-López ’06, to Mrs. Michele Farver, current Advancement and Communications Associate (previously the Student Support Program Coordinator), expanded the ACCESS 707 reach into a year-round fundraising campaign directly supporting the Lasallian Education Access Program (LEAP). Erica, Executive Assistant to Cyril Chappellet, son of Donn Chappellet, and current Chairman of Chappellet Winery’s Board of Directors, approached her employer with a special request: to find a way to financially support LEAP at Justin-Siena. For Cyril and Chappellet, it was a win-win idea. Wine lovers who may be unaware of the Chappellet brand would be introduced to fantastic wines at an insider price all while supporting a special cause. For Erica, this was personal. Once a student at Justin-Siena, she and her brother, Ismael ’04, would have never had the opportunity for a private, Catholic education had Justin-Siena not provided the funding for them to attend (her amazing story follows on page 43). Out of that conversation with Cyril and with the support of Chappellet’s Managing Director David Francke (father of Elizabeth ’09, Sarah ’11, and Michael ’16), a partnership was born. Though the shape of this collaboration is new, the commitment of the wine industry to support access to a quality, Catholic education is not. As JustinSiena President, David Holquin shared, “I have seen Chappellet’s generosity through ACCESS 707 and Crab Fest, but this takes it to a whole new level. Our winery partners’ devotion to our mission speaks volumes.” Since the first sale in May, Justin-Siena has raised over $25,000 for LEAP from partner sales with

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Boeschen Vineyards, Buoncristiani Family Winery, Chappellet Winery, and Highway 12 Winery. In response to the Glass Fire, half of the proceeds from the recent Highway 12 wine sale were donated to the Justin-Siena Disaster Relief Fund. For Buoncristiani Family Winery’s Matt Buoncristiani ’94, the commitment to Justin-Siena runs deep. Matt commented, “As an alumnus of Justin-Siena, and parent of a current freshman, I am proud to support LEAP through our participation in the new ACCESS 707 Winery Partnership Initiative. This program is vital to families in need of tuition assistance, and we recognize the valuable opportunity it gives students to experience a Lasallian Catholic education. Go Braves!” Now, thanks to the wineries that say “yes” to this partnership with us on behalf of our Lasallian Education Access Program, and to the hundreds of wine lovers supporting each sale, this presence will be felt by even more students and families across Napa, Solano, and Sonoma counties. The outpouring of support from this community for LEAP Scholars is a true testament to our ALLHEART identity and our core Lasallian beliefs and values. The founding story of our Lasallian mission is one of answering a call to serve and to lead and to be the presence of God to one another. As Brother Kevin stated: T he De La Salle Christian Brothers have a storied history in the Napa Valley as pioneering wine makers for the sake of education. For more than five decades Justin-Siena has played a vital role in shaping the Valley by providing a college preparatory education that prepares young people to serve and to lead in an ever-changing world. Generations of wine industry professionals from grape growers to tasting room proprietors from Napa, Sonoma, and beyond make up the fabric of Justin-Siena. Our foundational commitment is to ensure that a quality education is accessible to all students and that’s why I believe so strongly in our winery partnership initiative.

The ACCESS 707 Winery Partnership Initiative collaborates with a local winery, often owned by Justin-Siena alumni or current families, to offer significant wine discounts, not available anywhere else. Justin-Siena receives a generous donation to the LEAP as part of the partnership.

Interested in partnering with Justin-Siena to support this important and transformational initiative? Contact Brother Kevin Slate at klslate@justin-siena.org to learn more.

“Take even more care of the education of the young people entrusted to you than if they were the children of a king.” Med 133.2—on St. Margaret, Queen of Scotland St. John Baptist De La Salle

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Partners in Wine. Erica and Brother Kevin at Chappellet Winery.

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Erica Alfaro-López ’06

The WomaN Behind The Partnership By Andrea Flores, Director of Philanthropy Thanks to Erica, Justin-Siena now has a fundraising effort that directly benefits students who were a lot like she was just fifteen years ago - first generation to college children of immigrants with limited economic resources and a dream of a college education. Through one loving, Christ-centered action, reaching out to Mrs. Farver this past spring and asking, “What if…,” Erica Alfaro-López ‘06 is paying it forward and helping more students to achieve their own dreams and aspirations. Loving. Christ-Centered. There are echoes of these words, embedded in our mission statement, all over the campus every day. A student experiences the loving accompaniment and “big sister, little sister” relationship of a teacher, counselor, or coach. A teacher takes a Christ-centered approach to their students every day they step through the classroom door. And these same words reverberate in the actions of our alumni who are engaged in loving, Christ-centered actions that positively impact Justin-Siena and the communities in which they live and work. For alumna Erica AlfaroLópez ’06, the time was right to find a way to give back to the school that changed the trajectory of her life and that of her brother Ismael ’04. Erica’s story is like the story of hundreds of students who have graced the halls and breezeways of Justin-Siena. She and her brother were among the very first “mission” students at Justin-Siena, students who today are known as Lasallian Education Access Program (LEAP) Scholars. Her Justin-Siena journey began when her brother Ismael ’04 was a sophomore attending a local public high school. At the time, their mother, Mrs. Maria Alfaro, had heard about Justin-Siena but had not considered it as an option for her children. It was unlikely that their family could afford the then $7,425 per year for tuition for one child, let alone two. But Ismael’s high school experience had not been a positive one. Having been tracked into a vocational program, Mrs. Alfaro wished for more than manual labor for her son. Like many parents, she believed that a college education would positively impact his life. In a leap of faith and an act of humility, Mrs. Alfaro walked to 4026 Maher Street to find out how to get her son into Justin-Siena. For Ismael, getting in was not that easy. It required meeting a standard on Justin-Siena’s admission entrance exams that was simply out of reach for him. Believing in his capabilities, Mrs. Alfaro was determined to convince then Director of Admissions Sr. Susan Allbritton to admit Ismael as a junior transfer. So she mentioned to Sr. Susan that she also had a daughter who had high potential. Mrs. Alfaro posed this notion: if her daughter Erica did well on the entrance exam, would Justin-Siena accept both her daughter and her son? Just as her mother predicted, Erica more than met the bar on the High School Placement Exam. That August, Erica and her brother became Justin-Siena Braves. Mrs. Michele Farver, Erica’s mentor at Justin-Siena, and now lifelong friend of the Alfaro family, fondly remembers both Erica and Ismael. Mrs. Farver recalls, “they felt out of place at first; JustinSiena was a stark contrast to the schools they had previously attended. But they came to love and embody everything that Justin-Siena stood for.” Erica especially found a home at Justin-Siena over her four years. She was an award winning editor-in-chief for the yearbook and also involved in Mock Trial. To contribute to financing her education, Erica worked during her lunch period in the cafeteria. AVANTI M a g a z i n e


In the afternoons, evenings, and on weekends, she worked as a file clerk, was a tutor, and she nannied and cleaned houses. Even with all of this outside work, she maintained exceptional grades. Madame Annick Bouldt, Instructor in French and current World Languages Department Chair, taught Erica all four years. Madame Bouldt fondly remembers Erica as a inquisitive scholar, sharing, “Erica always impressed me for her dedication to her education, her commitment to others, and her determination to become a successful young woman.” In Erica’s senior year, she was nominated to the Homecoming Court. On the day her selection was announced over the loudspeaker, the student body’s chants of “Er-i-ca! Er-i-ca!” rang throughout the hallways. Preparing for Homecoming came with a series of firsts, including her first evening gown and her first salon day, and a hefty expense. Numerous alumni and staff stepped up that week to make sure that Erica would have the same experience that any Justin-Siena Homecoming Princess should have. A huge Erica fan, the Director of Dining Services who had hired Erica to work in the cafeteria, volunteered to chauffeur her in his snazzy convertible sports car in the parade. She was crowned Queen at half-time of the football game, escorted by her brother to loud and loving cheers. After graduating from Justin-Siena, Ismael was accepted to and attended Saint Mary’s College of California. He graduated in 2008, with a degree in Business Administration and today he works in the business office at Chappellet Winery. As for Erica, she went on to graduate in 2010, from UC Berkeley with a triple major in Chicano Studies, Ethnic Studies, and Political Science. Today, Erica is Executive Assistant to Cyril Chappellet, Chairman of the Board at Chappellet Winery. This past spring, the time was right for Erica to find a way to give back to the school that transformed her and her brother’s lives. In early discussions regarding what is now the ACCESS 707 Winery Partnership Initiative, Erica said, “It is in times like these that we all need to pull together. Amidst COVID and these catastrophic fires, we should help families who really need that extra support to get through these difficult times.”

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Flash 7 Sale s

2021 Be on the lookout for your chance to make a mark on education! These wines will be avaible at prices you won’t see anywhere else.

Judd’s Hill • Kamen Wines Mark Herold Wines Miracle Hill • Sebastiani Reynolds Family





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In Memory

To celebrate Dia de los Muertos, LSL and MEChA (our on campus Latino student organization) constructed an altar on Patrons Plaza to honor those who have passed. Diana Aguayo ’80, daughter of Luis Angel and Elpidia, passed away in June. Diana is survived by her parents; husband, Ricky Hall; siblings Mary Ann Aguayo, Luis Aguayo, and Carlos Aguayo. Colleen Beasley passed away on June 24. She was the wife of Wayne Beasley and mother of Katina Beasley Repp ’86, Wendi Beasley Misner ’92, and Robyn Beasley Lescher and is survived by many grandchildren, family and friends. Frank Bozzini passed away peacefully on May 27, with his wife of 62 years by his side. Frank is remembered as a coach at many schools in Napa, including Justin-Siena. He is survived by his adoring wife Del; his children Mark Bozzini ’77, David Bozzini ’79, and Lynn Bozzini Ryan ’85 (Kevin); his grandchildren Michael Bozzini ’09, Mark Bozzini ’11, Dante, Sean Ryan ’13, Christopher Bozzini ’14, Catherine Bozzini ’15 and Douglas. Dorothy Mary Cowger, mother of Patty Cowger ’72, passed away in March. She leaves behind many heartbroken family members and cherished friends. Dr. John Dumars passed peacefully surrounded by his wife, children, 4 7 F ALL 2 0 2 0

Our thoughts and prayers are with these members of our Braves family.

grandchildren and friends at Queen of the Valley Hospital on November 14, 2019. John practiced orthodontia in the city of Napa for 40 years before retiring in 2008. He served as president of the Justin-Siena Foundation, a term as president of the Napa Solano Dental Society, and was a past Editor of the Journal of Orthodontics and a member in numerous additional professional organizations. John lived life to its fullest enjoying family, friends, travel, and career. He is survived by his wife, Patricia and their children, Mark of Napa, Susan ’78, Michael ’84, and Ken ’84. In addition, he is survived by his 5 grandchildren and multiple nieces, nephews, family, and friends. Ed Ekberg, father of Cheryl Ekberg Morrison ’77 and Edwin Ekberg, passed peacefully in his Napa home from complications of asbestosis. He is survived by his loving wife Cookie, of 63 years, along with his two children, grandchildren, and extended family. Patricia “Patty” Frommelt ’84 passed away on October 19. Patty is the mother of Elizabeth Kelly, and sibling of Tom Frommelt ‘86, and Mary Olesen. Patty was predeceased in death by her parents, Tom and Brenda Frommelt, and her sister Mary Katherine. Michael P. Gallagher passed away on September 14, in Napa. Michael is survived by his wife of 25 years, Janine Gallagher, his children - Joelle Gallagher ’81 and Michael V. Gallagher ’84 along with many other friends and family. Robert (Bob) Gann, Jr. passed away unexpectedly on August 27. Bob is survived by his daughters Bridget Gann Hickman ’03, Georgia Gann Dohrmann ’04, son Robert (Bob) Eldon Gann III ’06 Teresa Anne Cunningham Gardner, mother of Kaitlyn Gardner ’17 and Jared Gardner ’21 and wife of Mark Gardner, passed away in September. Teresa is remembered as a friend extraordinaire and a true blessing

who touched lives through her love, kindness and loyalty. Lawrence Giovannoni passed away on May 6. He and his wife, Diane were the proud parents of eight Justin-Siena alumni; Jerry ’73, Lori ’74, Gina’78, Michael ’81, Thomas ’82, Christine ’85, Daniel ’88, and Steven ’89. He is also survived by 22 grandchildren and 17 great grandchildren. Tatjana Grgich died on September 2, at home with her family by her side. She is survived by her daughter Violet Grgich ’83 (Colin Shipman), grandson, Noel Grgich-Shipman ’23 and many other family and friends. Sally Gunby passed away at the age of 91 on September 21. Among her many friends and family, Sally is survived by her daughter Kim Sylvester ’78. Don (Donnie) Harris ’76, passed away on October 24. While at JustinSiena, Donnie ran track and excelled in the long jump. Donnie is survived by his mother, Isabel, and siblings, Jeanne Collins ’77, Tim Harris ’80, Jerry Harris ’81, and Mary Beth Woulfe ’86. Donnie is predeceased by his father Donald Harris and his brother Jack Harris ’88. Mary Ianziti passed away in June. Mary is the mother of Mark Ianziti ’86, who predeceased her in 2018. She is survived by a large and loving extended family including nieces Barbara Ianziti Ream ’71, Susan Ianziti Shifflett ’72, Joanne Ianziti Lely ’74, John Ianziti ’77, and Janet Ianziti Kroyer ’80. Rose Lamme passed away peacefully at her home in Napa on September 4, at the age of 94. She leaves behind her children Robert Lamme, Katie Kemp, Kim Streblow ’82 and her husband Jeff Streblow ’77, and Karrie Singler ’82. Rose will be missed by many including her grandchildren Michael Bozzini ’09, Mark Bozzini ’11, Christopher Bozzini ’14, Catherine Bozzini ’15, and Siena Streblow ’23.

Candace “Candi” Ledwich ’73 lost her brave fight with leukemia on Valentine’s Day. She is survived by her husband of more than 41 years, Todd, her son Kevin Tsukushi, her daughter Alyssa Tsukushi, her sister Lisa Ledwich ’71 and brother Michael Ledwich ’78. She was predeceased by her parents, her brother Tom Ledwich ’76, and her sister Martha Ledwich ’74.

Craig Moreno ’70 passed away peacefully at home on March 17, after a brief illness. He grew up in Napa, graduating from St. John’s Catholic School, and was a member of the first graduating class of 1970 at Justin High School. Craig is survived by his loving wife of almost 35 years, Louise Moreno ’75; sons, Hayden Moreno ’08 and Chase Moreno ’10.

Alfred Leveque, Jr. passed away on April 7, in Napa. He leaves behind a loving family which includes his daughters Darcie Leveque ’76, Leann Leveque Collins ’80 and her husband Jeff Collins ’77, Linda Leveque Nantz ’84; and sons Greg Leveque ’75, Tom Leveque ’82, and Steven Leveque ’85.

Tonia “Toni” Salazar died in her home surrounded by her loving family on August 15, after a short battle with cancer. Toni is survived by her son Michael Salazar, and daughters Holly Salazar Clark ’86 and Gina Salazar Rasler ’89 along with her grandchildren, Samantha and Gage Salazar, Daniel Clark ’17, Allison Clark ’19, Joey Rasler ’24 and Ryan Rasler.

Dayna Bandrowski Limpach ’76 passed away peacefully in Sacramento on July 6. She is survived by her husband Scott and her children, Katie and Carter. In addition, Dayna leaves behind her mother, Kathryne, sister Lynne McDermott ’75 and brother Sam Bandrowski ’81. Dayna was predeceased by her father, Alex. Martha Mollo passed away unexpectedly on April 9. Marty, as she was better known, is the mother of Melinda Mollo Downing ’78 and Chris Mollo ’80 and former bus driver at Justin-Siena. In addition to her children, Marty is survived by many grandchildren, friends, and extended family.

Raymond Simone, father of Debra ’76, Ray ’77, Joe ’78, Sharon ’83, Mike ’85 and Chris ’89, passed away peacefully on September 14. He was surrounded by his wife, Anne, of 63 years and his children. Susanna Springer passed away in the early morning of April 23, after an extended battle with cancer. Susanna was preceded in death by her husband, Frank Springer and daughter Kathleen Springer ’02. She is survived by her son, Michael Springer ’05 among many other loved ones. Dr. Robert Varady, father of Kaitlin McKee ’00, Ashley Smith ’02, and

Andrew ’04, passed away on October 9, after a long battle with cancer. Dr. Varady is survived by his children, wife of 42 years, Lisa, and many other family and friends. Jocelyn Paniagua Varner ’80 passed away on October 17, after a long battle with cancer. She is the daughter of long-time attendance officer at Justin-Siena, Kay Paniagua, and the sister of current Justin-Siena attendance officer, Cynthia Paniagua ’75, Paul Paniagua ’77, and Claudia Paniagua Mares ’78. Jocelyn is also survived by her husband Burt Varner, children Katie and Jess, as well as, many friends and family. Ellen Vlastelin ’72 was surrounded by her loving family when she passed away on March 30. Ellen was preceded in death by her parents, John and Helen Vlastelin and is survived by her brothers John Vlastelin ’74 and Michael and her sister Mary Vlastelin Travis ’87. Ellen is also survived by many cousins, extended family and many friends. Eric Wolfe ’75 lifelong resident of the Napa Valley died from a brief illness on January 27. He recently joined a Senior league bocce ball team with long time friend, Archie Euser ’75. Eric had a genial personality and was a stalwart friend. He is survived by two brothers, Dean and Tim; sister, Ingalisa, and many nieces and nephews.

Louis Pierotti ’72 (center) passed away June 5, 2020. Thank you dear Louis for your devotion to the arts, your students and this community.

“Good night, sweet prince, and flights of angels sing thee to thy rest.” Hamlet, Act 5:II

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Braves Broadcast C


Timothy Aboudara, Sr. ’73 was named to the JustinSiena Hall of Honor this past spring. Congratulations to Senator Bill Dodd ’74who won reelection to the State Senate in District 3 of California. Gary Rossi ’74 has been named Head Coach of the Girls Soccer program at American Canyon. Elizabeth (Beth) Nolan Conners ’84 was named to the Justin-Siena Hall of Honor this past spring. Tom Carey ’86 was named to the Justin-Siena Hall of Honor this past spring. Entering her junior year on the track and field team at the UCSB, Kendall Martin ’18 had early success in last spring’s short two-meet season, in which she threw a PR mark of 139 feet, 1 inch in the Javelin. This bumped her up to fourth on the all-time list for that event at UCSB. She is majoring in Sociology, with a Psychology minor, and was honored with the Golden Eagle award from the UCSB Athletic Department last June for the Track and Field athlete with the highest academic performance of the year. A Landon Mispagel ’19 moved nicely into the collegiate track ranks last spring as a freshman at the UCSB, racing in the 110 hurdles event, where the obstacles are 3 inches higher than in

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high school competition. He scored third place points for his team, setting a personal record time of 15.14 in the first meet. He also helped his mile relay team by running a 50.9 split time. He plans to compete in both the 110m hurdles, and the 400m hurdles this season, while continuing his academic pursuits as a Biology major. A Gregory Calvelo ’89 was named to the Justin-Siena Hall of Honor this past spring, posthumously. Elaine Fotinos Burrell ’87 recently presented the exhibit, “Your Life Is a Work of Art: A Celebration of People in Their 80s and 90s,” at the Point Loma Community Presbyterian Church in San Diego. William “Liam” Boyd ’15 has recently graduated from the United States Air Force Academy with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Business Management. Liam will next be heading to Idaho to be an Airfield Operations Officer at Mountain Home Air Force Base. B Sean Norman ’89, a Battalion Chief with CalFire, worked 59 straight days this past summer fighting the various fires throughout California, including the Lightning Complex and Glass Fires. Congratulations to Shannon Staglin ’97 and her family for receiving the SIRS President’s Award for 2020! As president of Staglin Family Vineyard,


Shannon Staglin leads the family’s winery business. August Sebastiani ’98 and his company 3 Badge Beverage Corporation, received approval from the City of Sonoma to expand and add dining services to their location. August currently has a sophomore daughter, Gabriella ’23, attending Justin-Siena. Pia Von Strasser ’16 graduated from the University of California, Santa Barbara with a Bachelor of Science in Psychological and Brain Sciences & Minor in Educational Studies. Pia will now be pursuing a Masters in Counseling from Wake Forest University. C Natalie Gilliam ’99 married Jacqueline Ramirez on April 20, 2019, near Yosemite National Park, CA. They work together as theatrical stagehands in San Francisco for IATSE Local 16. Natalie and Jacqueline reside in Sacramento with their 2 year old ball python snake named “Honeymoon.” Jason Anthony ’01 continued his stellar golf career with his 2nd win in the past 4 years in the Northern California Golf Association Valley Amateur Championship at Schaffer’s Mill Club in Truckee. An outstanding golfer at JustinSiena, Jason went on to success at both Napa Valley College and Fresno State before turning pro after college.

Mollie (Thompson) Shidell ’04 and her husband Steve Shidell, recently welcomed their 2nd child into the world. Tilly Mae Shidell joined their family on July 30th, weighing 8lbs, 11oz. She joins her older sister Sawyer in the Shidell family. Mollie’s younger brother, Cole Thompson ’06 and his wife Nicole, also welcomed their first child on October 2, Dylan Dale Thompson. Teah Celestin ’16 recently graduated from the University of California with a degree in Political Economy. Teah has recently accepted and started a job working for Facebook, working in their People Operations department as a Human Resources Specialist. D Chuck Matto ’05 has continued to build his catering business, The Flavor Train, and has even received endorsements from Food Network star and local celebrity Guy Fieri. Also, Chuck was featured on season 3, episode 6 of Fire Masters. The name of the episode is “Nice to Meat You.” It’s currently available on the Cooking Channel on demand, and will premiere on Food Network Canada in the spring. Catherine Cronwall, ’16 graduated from Gonzaga University with a Bachelor Degree in Business Administrations, Accounting and Finance. Catherine’s next step is to attend graduate



school for her Master’s of Accountancy at Gonzaga then work at a public accounting firm. E Vicky (Deely) Thompson ’08 remains in the top 50 players in California for points scored in a career at 34th. Vicky, the most decorated basketball player in school history, went on to a successful college career at UC Davis and later returned to Justin-Siena to coach on the Braves Girls Basketball coaching staff. Melissa Weakley ’08 is a Major Gifts Officer for her company, United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) was recently awarded the 2020 Nobel Peace Prize “for its efforts to combat hunger, for its contribution to bettering conditions for peace in conflict-affected areas and for acting as a driving force in efforts to prevent the use of hunger as a weapon of war and conflict.” On any given day WFP has 5,600 trucks, 30 ships, and nearly 100 planes on the move delivering food assistance around the world. Mikayla Balmaceda ’16 graduated from the University of Arizona with a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Journalism and Creative Writing. She recently started a job with California Lifestlye Foundation as a Marketing Representative. F Gabby (Morrongiello) Orr ’11 has been covering the election in her role as White House Correspondent for



Politico, a policy and politics driven news organization. Elyse Quast ’12 is opening PAINT NAIL BAR in downtown Napa in December. Sasha French ’15 will continue his college basketball career playing at Azusa Pacific University, a Division 2 school. Sasha also was a standout at Napa Valley College 2 years ago. After completing both her undergraduate and postgraduate studies at St. Mary’s College, Morgan Malloy ’15 has accepted a coaching position in the Boys Basketball program at Justin-Siena. Morgan played basketball for 3 years at St. Mary’s and was a graduate assistant this past season. Kathleen Scavo ’15 finished in a tie for 27th place at the IOA Championship presented by Morongo Casino Resort & Spa. The event that was played in Augustat Morongo Golf Club at Tukwet Canyon in Beaumont, California, is the official qualifying tour of the LPGA Tour. Alan Huston ’16 has recently graduated from Oregon State University with a degree in Climate Science. Alan will now be a graduate research assistant for San Jose State University’s Fire Weather Research Laboratory, studying California wildfires while in pursuit of a Master’s degree in Meteorology. G

Nik Dodson ’16 will continue on at Waldorf College as a pitcher and infielder in 2021. Nik previously played 2 seasons at Solano Community College. Jordan Dunkley ’16 will be competing for the Point University Skyhawks in college baseball this upcoming season. Point University competes in NAIA competition and last season, Jordan was named a Daktronics-NAIA Scholar Athlete. Jonathan Frias Gonzalez ’16 graduated from USC with a Bachelor of Arts in Economics, and a Minor in Finance. Jonathan is currently working at Walsh Vineyards Management as a Junior Accountant & Analyst. He is also serving on the Board at Blue Oak School, and helped with the Track and Field program (throwing) at his alma mater this past spring. H Catherine Flaherty ’18 was named Director of the Community Services District in Isla Vista, Santa Barbara. Catherine is currently in her junior year at UCSB. Aside from being elected to a political district office, Catherine is Internal Vice President of Associated Students at UCSB. She is majoring in Political Science with minors in History and Professional Writing for Civic Engagement. She will receive a Certificate in Business Leadership. Her sister

Lauren ’19 (I) is currently a sophomore at the University of Oregon, and is majoring in Interior Architecture and minoring in business. Cameron Michael ’16 will again be playing D1 college baseball at the University of Pacific this upcoming spring. Cameron was off to a good start last season when the season was cut short. Cameron also played for 2 years at Solano Community College and was a 4-year varsity player for the Braves. Cameron Vaziri ’17 has been named as a “Senior Coach” at the Wharton School. His role is to provide advice to fellow students on navigating the Wharton/ Penn undergraduate experience and exploring careers. Cameron’s younger brother, Chris Vaziri ’18, is now a junior at Cornell University, working towards a Bachelor of Science degree in Economics at The Dyson School. Hannah Chau ’18 had a stellar season for the Girls Cross Country team at UC Irvine in her sophomore season of 2019, which earned her the honor of being named AllBig West. Hannah is also on the Track and Field team and she garnered selection to the Big West All Academic team for both the fall and spring seasons.

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Lizzie Hansen ’18 is in her 3rd year at UC San Diego pursuing a pre-med degree after 2 years of playing on the Women’s Water Polo team. Her younger sister, Meghan Hansen ’20 recently started school at San Diego State University and will be playing on the Women’s Water Polo team. Ariel Kivela ’18 has had three very competitive seasons at Pomona Pitzer in both crosscountry and Track and Field. She competes in the 800m, earning a PR time of 2:19, as well as in the 1500m and the mile relay. Rebecca Reynolds ’18 is entering her third year at UC Davis and will once again be a member of the Women’s Water Polo team. Maxx Castellucci ’19 will be playing his second season for the Mission College baseball team. Last season, Maxx pitched in 4 games and recorded his first collegiate win. Caitlin Estes ’16 recently graduated from the University of Oregon with a degree in Public Relations. Next up, Caitlin will be working for a Government Relations firm in Sacramento, California. J Luigi Albano-Dito ’19 will be a freshman on the College of Marin baseball team in the 2021 season after redshirting in 2020. Luigi had stellar

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M baseball and football careers at Justin-Siena and will look to crack the lineup for the Mariners. Ashlynn Webber ’15 recently graduated from Sonoma State University with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Psychology. Ashlynn will now be pursuing a Master’s Degree in Forensic Psychology from Arizona State University. K Juan Carlos Mora ’19 was a campaign manager for Gerardo Martin in the City of Napa Mayoral race and is also serving as President of the District of Columbia College Democrats. Diego Garcia ’94 recently graduated with a Juris Doctor from Golden Gate University School of Law. He plans on take the California Bar Exam and begin his practice at Carlson, Calladine, and Peterson LLP, a civil litigation firm in San Francisco. L William Natuzzi ’19 will be playing baseball for Cabrillo College in the 2021 season after red shirting in 2020. Julia Sangiacomo ’19 completed a stellar freshman season on the volleyball team at Santa Clara University. Julia was named to the West Coast Conference All Conference 2nd team, as well as the WCC All-Freshman team. Also, Julia was invited to compete with Team USA


at their summer training in Anaheim. Kendyl Fleury ’14 recently earned a Master’s Degree from Southern Methodist University (SMU) in Education. Kendyl will teach in elementary school when school’s are able to reopen. M Conrad Say ’19 a Biology major, enters his sophomore year at Johns Hopkins University having had a great indoor track and field season. He had a huge PR in the long Jump, leaping out to 21’2”, as well as strong performances in the 60 meters at 7.24 seconds. He will also run the 200 meters and looks forward to another exciting track season this spring. After competing in High Jump for the Braves at the state meet in 2019, Gianna Troppy ’19 is looking forward to her athletic career at the next level at Biola University in both the discus and the high jump. She is majoring in International Business. Josephine Weis ’19 will be competing in the pole vault at the University of Redlands this spring, while majoring in Accounting, with a minor in French. Solomone Anitoni ’20 has followed in his brother, Naufahu Anitoni’s ’15 footsteps and will be playing football for Saint John’s University in Minnesota this season.

Emma Duge ’16 recently graduated from Colgate University with a Degree in Molecular Biology. Her next step will be conducting research on viruses at the National Institute of Health. N Blake Hoban ’20 will be playing football for Southern Oregon University this season, which is scheduled to start in January. Marcus Nunes ’20 will be playing football for Santa Barbara City College this season. Khiely Jackson ’16 graduated from Santa Clara University with a Bachelor of Science degree in Ethnic Studies. She will begin an M.A. program in the College of Ethnic Studies at San Francisco State University. Eventually she hopes to pursue a Ph.D. in Black Studies and continue teaching and writing. O Calvin Sanders ’14 graduated from the George Washington University with a Master’s Degree in Business Administration. Calvin also did his undergraduate studies at George Washington, earning a degree in International Affairs. Calvin is now the Controller at Bolt Staffing. P Miles Williams ’20 is a member of the Marshall Thundering Herd football team this season. So far, Marshall is 6-0 this season!

2019 — 2020

Honor Roll of INVESTORS We are grateful for the following parents, alumni, alumni parents and grandparents, faculty, staff, friends, and businesses who donated to Justin-Siena. None of what you see, know, and love about Justin-Siena can happen without your support. Your gifts make a significant difference in the lives our students and you too, continue to meet the moment. Without your generosity, events that seemed implausible, like celebrating our 51st graduating class, could not happen and for that we celebrate you!

Founder’s Society $25,000+

Anonymous Mr. and Mrs. Dale Downing First American Title Insurance Company Mr. and Mrs. David S. Phinney The Peter A. and Vernice H. Gasser Foundation Thomas and Karen Leonardini Community Fund

Trustee Society $10,000 - $24,999

eSponsor Now, Inc. Mr. Andrew Euser ’78 and Mrs. Mary Bettencourt Euser ’77 F.J. Zimmermann FDN. Inc. Mr. Patrick Gaul Mr. and Mrs. Jorge A. Hernandez Dr. Thomas P. Kenefick Lasallian Christian Brothers Foundation Mr. Rick Ley ’13 Microsoft Mr. and Mrs. John S. Reynolds

Ms. Leslie Rota Mr. Michael J. Sangiacomo ’87 and Mrs. Whitney Sangiacomo Mr. Ariyeh Schmeder ’92 and Mrs. Susan J. Schmeder Sisters of St. Dominic, Congregation of the Most Holy Name

Leadership Society $5,000 - $9,999

Anonymous Mr. and Mrs. Mark R. Aubert Benevity Community Impact Fund Bolt Staffing Service, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Dann De La Salle Institute Mr. Brett deLeuze ’83 and Mrs. Natalie deLeuze Mrs. Pat Dumars Mr. Jon Favreau and Dr. Joya Arcneaux Favreau ’88 Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund Mr. and Mrs. Eric Gonzales Mr. Vitaly Gorin and Mrs. Stacey Joslin Gorin

Gorin Tennis Academy, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. David R. Grieve Ms. Daria Janese and Ms. Teresa Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Dennis P. Kreps Mr. and Mrs. Mark Lenz Mr. Timothy P. Malloy ’87 and Mrs. Christine Malloy Malloy Imrie & Vasconi Insurance Services, LLC PayPal c/o SmartPayables.com Mr. and Mrs. Don Sebastiani, Sr. The Albertsons Companies Foundation

1966 Society $1,996 - $4,999

Mr. and Mrs. Edward P. Allen Mr. Mike Ashauer and Mrs. Patricia Andersen Ashauer ’79 Ms. Anne Ashbey Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bailey Mr. and Mrs. Chris Baskerville Mr. Kevin Baxley and Mrs. Mary Baxley

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Mr. Jeffrey Bishop and Mrs. Elizabeth Jacobs Bishop ’80 Mr. and Mrs. Dean Bledsoe Mr. and Mrs. Charles Boles Dr. Edward Cain and Dr. Dianne Harris Dr. and Mrs. Roger F. Carlson Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Chatagnier Mr. and Mrs. Larry Coomes Mr. and Mrs. Jack Daniels Dr. David J. Danzeisen and Dr. Kathryn Holder Mr. and Mrs. Scott D. DeMartini Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Dombrowski, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Matthew D. Duncan Mr. Thomas Durante ’93 and Mrs. Lea Durante Ms. Kathleen A. Ervin Mr. and Mrs. John Euser ’74 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Fischer Mr. and Mrs. Joe Foss Mr. and Mrs. Adam Freedhand Mr. and Mrs. Paul Giusto, Jr. Mr. Patrick J. Gleeson ’85 and Mrs. Pamela Gleeson Ms. Sheryl Goodman Mrs. Violet Grgich ’83 and Mr. Colin Shipman Ms. Molly Gyetvan Mr. and Mrs. Fadi M. Halabi Mr. and Mrs. Grant Halloran Mr. Christopher Hansen and Ms. Sarah Mitchell Hansen ’92 Mr. Steven M. Heun ’83 and Mrs. Erica Heun Mr. and Mrs. Danny E. Hoffert Mr. and Mrs. David J. Holquin JaM Cellars Mr. Charles Weakley and Mrs. Laura Kelley-Weakley Mr. Andrew E. Kelly and Mrs. Holly Kelly, MD Kiwanis Club of Napa Foundation Lawlers Liquors Ms. Kathryn Leonardini Mr. Robert Levy and Mrs. Martha McClellan Mr. Gregory A. Maciel Mr. and Mrs. Michael McDevitt Mr. and Mrs. George Minardos Mr. David Miner Mr. George Monteverdi ’86 and Mrs. Manbin Monteverdi Next Level Sports LLC PG&E Company/Employee Giving Quinlan’s Tire Service, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. David Schuemann Mr. Don A. Sebastiani ’95 and Mrs. Katherine Sebastiani Mr. and Mrs. D.J. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Soldati Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Spencer The Patrick Savage Memorial Corporation Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Tinsley Umpqua Bank Mr. and Mrs. Don Weaver

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President’s Circle $1,000 - $1,965

Alaina’s Voice Foundation Mr. Kristof Anderson and Mrs. Jennifer Anderson Mr. and Ms. Steve Antenen Mr. and Mrs. Chris Bartalotti Ms. Alison Bassett ’09 Mr. and Mrs. Jason R. Beers Mr. Robert Blanusa and Dr. Lora Eichner Blanusa Mr. and Mrs. Doug Boeschen Dr. and Mrs. Alok K. Bose Mr. Frank Bozzini† and Mrs. Del Bozzini Dr. Jeffrey R. Breneisen and Dr. Kimberly Breneisen Mr. and Mrs. Edmond F. Brovelli, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Brown Mr. Gregory J. Calvelo ’89† Ms. Therese Bettinelli Calvelo ’89 Mr. Thomas F. Carey ’86 and Mrs. Kristi Carey Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Celaya Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Chadwick Dr. and Dr. Scott Chamberland Mr. and Mrs. Heath R. Craig Mr. and Mrs. Trey Curtola Mr. Kevin P. Daw ’75 and Mrs. Claire Daw Mr. and Mrs. Robert Della Santina Dickenson, Peatman & Fogarty Mr. William Dodd ’74 and Mrs. Mary Dodd Ms. Elizabeth Durkin Epic Brokers, Dalton Brown FIRST Mr. and Mrs. James Forbes, Esq. Mr. and Mrs. Kent Fortner Mr. and Mrs. Raul Gallegos Mr. and Mrs. Michael Galyen Mr. William Gass and Mrs. Jennifer Lohwasser Gass ’93 Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. George Mr. Jeffrey Gerlomes and Mrs. Caroline Bettencourt Gerlomes ’79 Mr. Kyle J. Goleno ’95 and Ms. Amy Toll Goleno ’96 Mr. and Mrs. Ryan Granko Grgich Hills Estate Mr. and Mrs. George Gulbengay Mr. Rupert Hall and Mrs. Yvonne Hall Mr. and Mrs. Daniel E. Halsey, Jr. Hello Ortho Mr. and Mrs. Antonio Herrera Mr. Gary Hobaugh Ms. Andria Hobaugh Housley’s Ranch Market, Inc. Dr. Daniel G. Huber and Dr. Mary Rose Huber Mr. and Mrs. Seth Ingram Mr. Jaja Jackson Dr. and Mrs. Mark E. Jacobson Mr. Kimball C. Jones and Mrs. Suzanne Groth Jones Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. Jordan Mr. and Mrs. Edward Kawashiri Mr. and Mrs. Amine Khoury Mr. Richard W. Lawrence and Mrs. Dorothy Lawrence Mr. David Maas and Mrs. Emma Maas

Mr. and Mrs. Amadeo Maldonado Mr. Darren Maloney ’87 Mary’s Pizza Shack Mr. Aaron J. McAlister ’91 and Mrs. Kimberly McAlister Mr. and Mrs. Peter McCaffrey Ms. Diane McMinds Mr. and Mrs. Steve Mercer Mr. and Mrs. Michael Minigan Mr. Michael Murray ’78 Napa County Bar Association Napa Grocery Outlet Napa Sunrise Rotary Endowment Col. Justin Nast, MD Mr. and Mrs. Alain Negueloua Mr. and Mrs. Ryan Parlett Mr. Richard Pio Roda ’94 and Mrs. Jessie Ho Matthew Powell Mr. Daniel Priest Mrs. Christine Herrera Rampa ’95 Mr. Michael Rampa Mr. and Mrs. Robert Reber Mr. and Mrs. Simon C. Rebullida Mr. and Mrs. Paul Roberts, Jr. Mr. Robert J. Romero ’81 and Mrs. Pilar Romero Mr. Andrew Ryan ’84 and Mrs. Hillary Mr. Leonhard-O’Connell Ryan ’94 Mr. Steve Sabillo and Mrs. Mary Romero Sabillo ’84 Mr. and Mrs. Morgan Sanders Mr. and Mrs. Angelo Sangiacomo Schwab Charitable Fund Mr. and Mrs. John D. Scially Mr. and Mrs. Parampreet Sekhon Mr. Gery Short and Mrs. Rosanne Alexander-Short Brother Kevin M. Slate, FSC Dr. and Mrs. Timothy Smith Sonoma-Chambolle Musigny S.C., Inc. Mr. Michael Springer ’05 St. Joseph Heritage Healthcare Mr. Jeffrey Streblow ’77 and Mrs. Kimberly Lamme Streblow ’82 Mr. Armando Suarez-Baez and Mrs. Claudia Pulido Suarez The August Sebastiani Charitable Foundation Mr. and Ms. Christopher M. Thompson United Way San Joaquin County Mr. and Mrs. Alejandro Valdivia Mr. Matthew C. Valine ’89 and Mrs. DeeAnn Grubbs Valine ’89 Mr. Rick Van Duzer and Dr. Jodi Nunnari Mr. and Mrs. Peter D. Wells Mr. and Mrs. John Wilkinson Mr. Victor Woolworth ’01 and Mrs. Narisa Orosco Woolworth ’99

Braves Circle $500 - $999

Mr. Howard L. Anderson Mr. and Mrs. Hector W. Barba Mr. and Mrs. Tom Bassett Ms. Janae Bassignani ’10 Mr. Richard Batt and Mrs. Katherine Bettencourt Batt ’78

Ms. Stephanie V. Beaurain Mr. Samir H. Berbawy Mr. and Mrs. Kurt Binz Mr. and Mrs. Steven Booska Mr. Eric Branagan-Franco Ms. Alison Bretches ’95 Mr. Michael Brisbin ’79 Mr. Peter Campbell Mr. Scott E. Carter Mr. Phillip Charnas and Mrs. Kelly Quinlan Charnas ’95 Mr. and Mrs. David Ciabattari Mr. and Mrs. Brian Cleary Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cohee Dr. Mary C. Cooke MD, MS Mr. Michael Cox ’86 and Mrs. Tina Cox Mr. Alexander Crown ’03 Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Delonis Mr. Joseph Devine and Mrs. Tracy Desrociers Devine ’78 Mr. Joseph C. Devine ’17 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. DiGiacomo Mr. and Mrs. Paul Dold Mr. Jorge Dominguez and Mrs. Regina Maldonado Mr. and Mrs. Chris Edwards Mr. and Mrs. David Elias Mr. and Mrs. Brandon Emana Mr. Frank Engelbert and Mrs. Brette Bartolucci Mr. and Mrs. James Epperson Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Estes Mr. and Mrs. Mark Fiorito Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Flaherty Mr. and Mrs. Ramiro Flores Ms. Gianna Furina and Dr. Mark Herold Ms. Jovana Garibay ’11 Ms. Susan E. Gavinski Dr. Deborah Geary Mr. Helge Glotz Mr. and Mrs. Paulo J. Gouveia Ms. Tina Grillos

Mr. Jason Guiducci and Mrs. Kristen DePasquale Guiducci ’93 Ms. Carla Gyetvan Dr. Harry H. Hatasaka and Mrs. Sadako Hatasaka Ms. Aileen Heidkamp Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Hoban Mr. Sean Hummer and Dr. Michele Wilson Mr. and Mrs. Peter Ibrahim Mr. Chris Indelicato International Wine & Food Society Ms. Maci Jerry Dr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Johnson Mr. and Ms. Paul B. Kelly, III Mr. and Mrs. Roger W. Koehler Mr. and Mrs. Mark L’Esperance Mr. and Mrs. Todd Lee Mr. Thomas C. Lowenstein ’83 and Mrs. Patricia Holden Lowenstein ’84 Mr. Rick C. Madden ’88 and Mrs. Jennifer Drexler Madden ’90 Mr. and Mrs. Mark Magel Mr. and Mrs. Marco A. Martin Del Campo, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas McDermott Mr. Glenn A. McIntyre and Mrs. Julie McKenna Ms. Marie L. McIntyre Dr. Henry McNeely ’72 Mr. Gary J. Menegon ’73 and Mrs. Roberta Menegon Dr. Kurt Meyers and Ms. Suzanne Foss Mr. and Mrs. Brian Mundy Napa Electric Mr. and Mrs. James F. Natuzzi Mr. and Mrs. George Nessman Mr. and Mrs. Richard H. Osgood Ms. Maria T. Otero Mr. Doug Perry Mr. and Mrs. Matt Powell Mr. and Mrs. Brian Printz

Mr. Lawrence Puck Mr. Joe Rasler and Mrs. Gina Salazar Rasler ’89 Mr. Reed Renaudin Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Resch Mr. and Mrs. Mark J. Roomian Mr. and Mrs. Jordan Ruiz Ms. Sonia Ryan Mr. and Mrs. Ricardo Sales, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Steven A. Scher Mr. Matt Schiefferly and Mrs. Shannon O’Shaughnessy Dr. Christopher Schultz and Dr. Sheila Tabilon Mr. and Mrs. John Schwartz Mrs. Colette Slate Mr. Michelle L. Slate Mrs. Blenda S. Soto-Yung Dr. and Mrs. James P. Srebro Mr. and Mrs. William R. Thompson ’70 Mr. Joseph Tichy ’84 and Mrs. Jennifer Smith Tichy Mr. and Mrs. Josh Trainor Rev. Antonio Valdivia Mr. and Mrs. John A. Van Hofwegen Mr. Douglas Williams and Mrs. Karyn Kane Williams ’85 Ms. Antonie Wolfe Mr. Jeff Yung Mr. Lawrence B. Zuntz

Red and Blue Club $1 - $499

Ms. Jean C. Adamo Ms. Jennifer Adams Ms. Maria Adams Ms. Megan Alexander-Short ’07 Amazon Foundation Mr. Richard Anderson Mr. and Mrs. Vaea Anitoni Mr. and Mrs. Felton C. Arcia

AVANTI M a g a z i n e


Athletic Feat, Inc. Ms. Michelle Baca Ms. Lindsey Bacolini Mr. David P. Bader Mr. and Mrs. Donald Baker Bank of America Foundation Mr. Kelso G. Barnett ’98 Mr. Roberto Barrera ’79 Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Beckstoffer Mrs. Virginia Benninghoff Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Berg Mr. and Mrs. Christopher F. Berghout Mr. Curtis Bertalotto ’87 Mr. Andrew Bettencourt ’02 Mrs. Mary Bettencourt Mr. and Mrs. Ralph D. Bettencourt Ms. Lindsay Biggar ’08 Dr. and Mrs. James Bird Mr. and Mrs. Wayne P. Blakley Ms. Lora Eichner Blanusa Ms. Diana Bonyhadi Mr. and Ms. Peter Borck Mrs. Cassandra Lely Bost ’03 and Mr. Chris Bost Ms. Annick M. Bouldt Ms. Kimberly Bowden Mr. Peter B. Bowman Mr. and Mrs. Neil Bowman-Davis Mr. and Mrs. Chad Briskovich Mr. and Mrs. Richard Brockmeyer Mr. and Mrs. Bob Broman Mr. Lincoln Brook and Mrs. Jeanne Edwards Ms. Andrina M. Broussard Dr. and Mrs. Daniel H. Bunnell Ms. Lindsay Campbell Mr. David G. Carner ’74 Mr. and Mrs. Garry L. Carpenter Mr. and Mrs. James Cassayre Ms. Elaine Cavalin Ms. Veronica Chambless ’79 Mr. Jeffrey E. Chappell Mr. and Mrs. Mars Charifa Mr. and Mrs. Michael Chatagnier Ms. Jeanne Chicoine and Mr. Randy Chicoine Mr. Michael H. Chouinard and Mrs. Francine Perata Chouinard ’75 Ms. Georgine A. Clarke Mr. Jonathan Cohen and Mrs. Julie Cohen Community Health Charities Mr. Roy D. Conley Mr. James J. Conners and Dr. Beth Nolan Conners ’84 Ms. Erica Conway, DDS Mr. and Mrs. Derald D. Cook Mr. and Mrs. Paul Cooke Mr. Anthony Corradi Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Crist Ms. Robina Critchley Mr. and Mrs. Larry K. Cronwall Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Croxdale ’79 Ms. Bonnie B. Cullen ’08 Dr. and Mrs. Thomas Cushing Mr. and Mrs. John Davis Mr. James Day ’72 Mr. Robert Decius and

5 5 F ALL 2 0 2 0

Mrs. Dianne Perata Decius ’79 Mr. Matthew Denkin ’92 and Mrs. Dawn Denkin Mr. and Mrs. John E. Derr Ms. Heliodoro Diaz Mr. David Dickey and Mrs. Erika Moone Dickey ’88 Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Dilley, Jr. Ms. Margaret Doherty Mr. Jason Dominici and Mrs. Megan Savage Dominici ’92 Mr. Michael J. Douglass Mr. and Mrs. Dennis E. Drummond Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Duffy Dr. and Mrs. Steven A. Dugoni DMD Dr. and Mrs. Arthur A. Dugoni Mr. and Mrs. Curt Dunkle Mr. Ronald Duvall ’01 Mr. Jonathan Edie and Ms. Chanin Cook Mr. Faustino Edora and Dr. Eden Edora Electronic Script Donor Mrs. Hala Elia Mr. and Mrs. Ian Ward Mr. Thomas English Mr. Sharon Evensen Mr. and Mrs. Ed Farver Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Fechter Mr. and Mrs. Michael Fennell Ms. Alma A. Fernandez Mr. Christopher S. Fidler ’02 and Mrs. Stephanie Quinlan Fidler ’97 Ms. Alicia Fischer ’08 Mr. and Mrs. William Foster Mr. Kenneth Frank Mr. and Mrs. Robert Freschi, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Diego E. Garcia ’94 Mr. and Mrs. Tim Garcia Ms. Berenice Garvan Ms. Sonia Gee Mr. Joe Geist and Mrs. Georgann Geist Mr. Harry Giusti ’75 Mr. and Mrs. Jared B. Goble Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Gomez Ms. Vickie Goodman Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Goodwin ’79 Mr. David Granucci Mr. and Mrs. Ronnie Gray Mr. and Mrs. Scott Griffin Mr. Christian A. Grimshaw ’89 and Mrs. Nikole Grimshaw Mr. and Mrs. Adolfo Guevara Ms. Cassidy Gyetvan Ms. Homeyra Hafizi ’79 Ms. Rilee Hakola Mr. Philip Slater and Dr. Heidi Harrison Ms. Arlanna Hayes Mr. Justin Hayes Mr. and Mrs. James V. Heim Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Hein Ms. Mary Pat Hepp Mr. and Mr. Grant Hermann Mr. and Mrs. Alexander N. Hesser Mr. Thomas Hildreth Mr. and Mrs. Andrew W. Hodges, Ed.D. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Hoffmann Mr. and Mrs. Greg Holquist Ms. Sharon Holzknecht Mr. Raymond Honeywell and

Mrs. Caitlin Hoffert Honeywell ’01 Mr. and Mrs. Darrel L. Howatt Mr. David Howe Mr. and Mrs. Todd J. Humphries Ms. Doris Ianziti Mrs. Karen Ingle-Johnson ’79 and Mr. Gary Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Roberto Irucuta Mr. and Mrs. Stephen R. Iund Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Jackson Mr. and Mrs. Dylan B. James Mrs. Mary Ann Janese Mr. Vladimir Jefferson ’12 Mr. Walter E. Jenkins and Mrs. Irma Jenkins Ms. Karin M. Jinbo Mr. David Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Bob Johnstone Ms. Darlene M. Jones Mr. Spencer Joske ’10 Mr. William P. Jovick Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Kalten Mr. Randy and Mrs. Ardis Kamenicky Mr. and Mrs. Steven Kappler Ms. Bonnie L. Karrigan Mr. and Mrs. William L. Kastner Mr. Edward D. Katz and Mrs. Mary Elizabeth Martin-Katz Ms. Kristine Keefer Mr. Aaron Keefer Mr. Douglas Keener Mr. and Mrs. William L. Keller ’91 Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Kemble Ms. Marti lee Kennedy Mr. Thomas Keown ’10 and Mrs. Mary Gerlomes Keown ’11 Ms. Carol A. King Mr. and Mrs. Leo Kirk ’72 Mr. Patrick Kiser ’84 Mr. Robert Kleis and Mrs. Wendy Hill Ms. Olivia Knox Mr, Steve D. Kreps Kronick, Moskovitz, Tiedemann & Girard Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Kunst Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Lanzafame Mr. Brandon C. LaRocco ’98 and Mrs. Miranda Welsh LaRocco ’01 Mr. Ryan Lazarus and Ms. Natalia Lely Lazarus ’00 Ms. Lorena Ledesma Vasquez Ms. Shelby LeDoux ’14 Mr. James Leli ’07 Mr. Kevin Lely and Mrs. Joanne Ianziti Lely ’74 Mr. and Mrs. Austin Lely Mr. Kyle Lely ’02 and Mrs. Kristine Lely Mr. Thomas LeMasters and Mrs. Molly Gerlach LeMasters ’74 Mr. Daniel D. Lemieux ’73 and Mrs. Lori Lemieux Mr. Kevin Lemieux Ms. Kathleen Lett Mr. and Mrs. Justin Lewis Mr. Ziming Li and Mrs. Xiaozhen Li Ms. Marisa Lin Mr. and Mrs. Johnnie Linn Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Lloyd

Mr. and Mrs. Jose L. Lopez Ms. Noel Lopreore Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Lowenstein Mr. Eugene R. Maffei and Mrs. Sheila Maffei Mr. John Maguire ’79 Ms. Kim Maher Mr. Dan Mahoney Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Malloy Mr. and Mrs. Eduardo Manansala Mr. and Mrs. Peter Manasse Mr. and Mrs. Mitchel Marquez Ms. Tracy Martin Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Martinez Mr. David Mattos and Mrs. Linda Wojcik Mattos ’72 Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Mayo Ms. Joen McDaniel Ms. Karen McGilley Mr. Thomas C. McWilliams ’88 and Mrs. Angela Higgins McWilliams ’88 Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Meier Mr. and Mrs. Martin T. Meissenhalter Mr. Kevin Melancon Mr. and Mrs. John R. Mendonsa Mr. and Mrs. Ramiro Mendoza-Axle Mr. and Mrs. Scott Messenger Mr. and Mrs. Scott Messenger Mr. and Mrs. Walter A. Mickens Mr. and Mrs. George Mieling Mr. and Mrs. Jay Miller Mr. and Mrs. Bradley T. Mills Mr. and Mrs. Alan Mispagel Ms. Eileen M. Mize Mrs. Monica Mohn Mrs. Lori Cox Morris ’90 and Mr. Christopher Morris Mr. and Mrs. Fred Morse Ms. Kelley Morse ’99 Mr. Patrick Mulcahy and Mrs. Catherine Heckert Mr. and Mrs. Brendan Murphy Mr. Neil F. Murphy Napa Pediatric Dentistry Napa Valley Community Foundation Napa Valley Horsemen’s Association Napa Valley Wine Tasters Society, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Nations Mr. Nathan Galambos and Mrs. Christy Negri ’87 Ms. Lorraine M. Negri Dr. and Mrs. Andrew J. Nicks Mr. and Mrs. Felipe Nieto Ms. Marissa Nokes Sister Brigid Noonan, OP Mr. Dan Nunes Ms. Kathleen O’Connell Mr. and Mrs. Gregory H. Olen Dr. Russell Orr Mr. Eric Padgett and Mrs. Jessica Padgett Mr. and Mrs. Eduardo Padilla Mr. Chris J. Padowan and

Ms. Karen Hauser Mr. Frederick Paine Mr. Dave Richardson and Mrs. Nicole Paltrineri ’85 Ms. Cynthia Paniagua ’75 Mr. and Mrs. Justin Paniagua ’03 Mr. and Mrs. Scott Parker Marian M. Partridge Mr. Robert Smith and Mrs. Betty Pascual Smith Mr. and Mrs. Hitan Patel Mr. Chris Patton Mr. Jaret Paulson ’92 and Mrs. Anna Paulson Mrs. Sue Peddy Mr. Michael Pendergast Ms. Emma Pierotti Mr. Phillip Powell and Mrs. Angela Powell Mr. and Mrs. Gary Prince ’79 Mr. and Mrs. John L. Prince Mr. Ezra Pucci and Ms. Kelly Amormino Mr. and Mrs. Philip Pyrce Ms. Elyse Quast ’12 Mr. and Mrs. William R. Quinan ’85 Ms. Rosemarie Quinlan Ms. Belia Ramos Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Ramsey Ms. Katherine Reilley Mr. Winthrop Reis and Mrs. Marie Van Winden Reis ’78 Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Reyna Ms. Maria Ribera Ms. Lisa Roa Mr. Paul J. Roberts Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Rosenbrand Mr. Ernest A. Rota Mr. Donald J. Ryan SalesForce.Com, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. David W. Samson Mr. Robert Q. Satten and Mrs. Cookie Satten Ms. Julie Sautter ’79 Mr. and Mrs. Rex Sawyer Mr. Chris Scaduto and Mrs. Michelle Scaduto Mr. Steiner J. Schaufel ’82 and Mrs. Annelise Schaufel Ms. Julie Schindler and Mr. Brian Larsen Mr. Matthew Schmitz ’01 and Mrs. Tasha Schmitz Ms. Gia Scinto and Mr. Jeffrey Lloyd Ms. Ashley Scott Ms. Judy Scudder Mr. Ken Seymor Mr. Joseph Shelfo and Mrs. Gina Shelfo Mr. Joseph N. Silva Ms. Eileen Simmons Mr. Gregory D. Sinclair ’99 and Mrs. Jill Woolley Sinclair ’99 Mr. and Mrs. Bret P. Skillings Ms. Donna M. Slate Ms. Abigail Smith ’23

Mr. and Mrs. Kyle E. Snoke Mr. Matthew Soldati ’15 Mr. Christopher Somers ’11 Mr. and Mrs. Saylor Spare Mr. and Mrs. Jacob C. Spears Dr. Frank Spinelli† and Mrs. Joyce Spinelli Mr. Vijayakumar Srinivasan and Mrs. Alamelou Radjindrin Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Stanier Captain Christopher L. Stathos ’73 and Mrs. Marylee McGee Stathos Mr. Jeff Stricklin and Mrs. Tina Stricklin Mr. and Mrs. David R. Sugar Mr. Matthew C. Sunseri ’86 and Mrs. Jennifer Sunseri Ms. Donna A. Tang Ms. Danielle Tarani Ms. Carlo Teresi Mr. Toby Taylor Mr. Jeremy Tayson Mr. Gregory Teshara and Mrs. Elizabeth Teshara The Doctors Company Ms. Erica Thompson Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Thweatt, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Stephen P. Tilley Mr. and Mrs. Al C. Todd, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Al Torok Mr. Kevin J. Towey ’70 and Mrs. Cindi Towey Mrs. Andrea Trejo and Mr. Gerardo Trejo Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Treleven ’79 Brother George Van Grieken, FSC ’70 Ms. Tricia Vela Ms. Michelle Venegas Ms. Darla Viau Mr. Vishnu Vijayakumar ’21 Mr. and Mrs. Raul Villalobos, Sr. Dr. Timothy J. Wahle ’88 Mr. Andrew W. Ward ’91 and Mrs. Meave Fallon Ward Ms. Melissa Weakley ’06 Mr. John Dillon and Mrs. Yelena Wells Ms. Jen Wilcox Mr. R. Curt Williams and Mrs. Margaret Nolan Williams ’77 Ms. Melanie Wilson Mrs. Allyson Wood Ms. Jordan Wright-Nibley ’05 Mr. and Mrs. Donald D. Wulf Yary Sports Photography Ms. Mainur Yermekova Mr. and Mrs. Mark Young Dr. Thomas Zanardi ’86 and Mrs. Karen Zanardi Mr. and Ms. Olvin Zelaya Mr. Robert H. Zeller Ms. Seeta Zieger Mr. and Mrs. David Zurowski

Note: We make every effort to assure all donors are properly listed in our report. If your name was inadvertently left out or listed incorrectly, we apologize. Please contact the Advancement Office at 707.255.0950 ext. 646 to advise us of this error. Thank you.

AVANTI M a g a z i n e


Event Sponsors and Patrons Thank you to those in our community who support our events (Crab Fest, ACCESS 707, Taste of JustinSiena) by attending, bidding on live and silent auctions, or being an underwriting sponsor. Event underwriting sponsors are highlighted in bold. Mr. Howard L. Anderson Mr. Richard Anderson Mr. and Mrs. Felton C. Arcia Ms. Lindsey Bacolini Mr. Roberto Barrera ’79 Mr. and Mrs. Chris Bartalotti Mr. and Mrs. Chris Baskerville Ms. Alison Bassett ’09 Mr. and Mrs. Tom Bassett Ms. Janae Bassignani ’10 Mr. Richard Batt and Mrs. Katherine Bettencourt Batt ’78 Mr. Kevin Baxley and Mrs. Mary Baxley Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Beckstoffer Mr. and Mrs. Christopher F. Berghout Ms. Lindsay Biggar ’08 Ms. Lora Eichner Blanusa Mr. and Mrs. Dean Bledsoe Mr. and Mrs. Charles Boles Bolt Staffing Service, Inc. Ms. Kimberly Bowden Mr. Eric Branagan-Franco Mr. Michael Brisbin ’79 Mr. and Mrs. Bob Broman Mr. Lincoln Brook and Mrs. Jeanne Edwards Dr. Edward Cain and Dr. Dianne Harris Ms. Therese Bettinelli Calvelo ’89 Mr. Peter Campbell Ms. Lindsay Campbell Ms. Teresi Carlo Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Celaya Ms. Veronica Chambless ’79 Mr. Phillip Charnas and Mrs. Kelly Quinlan Charnas ’95 Mr. and Mrs. David Ciabattari Mr. and Mrs. Brian Cleary Ms. Erica Conway, DDS Mr. and Mrs. Derald D. Cook Mr. and Mrs. Larry Coomes Ms. Robina Critchley Mr. and Mrs. Larry K. Cronwall Mr. Alexander Crown ’03 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Croxdale ’79 Ms. Bonnie B. Cullen ’08 Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Dann Dr. David J. Danzeisen and Dr. Kathryn Holder Mr. James Day ’72 Mr. Robert Decius and Mrs. Dianne Perata Decius ’79 Mr. and Mrs. Robert Della Santina Mr. and Mrs. Scott D. DeMartini Mr. Matthew Denkin ’92 and Mrs. Dawn Denkin Mr. and Mrs. John E. Derr Mr. Joseph Devine and Mrs. Tracy Desrociers Devine ’78 Mr. Heliodoro Diaz Mr. and Mrs. Paul Dold Mr. Jason Dominici and Mrs. Megan Savage Dominici ’92 5 7 F ALL 2 0 2 0

Mr. Thomas Durante ’93 and Mrs. Lea Durante Mrs. Hala Elia Mr. and Mrs. David Elias Mr. Frank Engelbert and Mrs. Brette Bartolucci Mr. Thomas English Epic Brokers, Dalton Brown Ms. Kathleen A. Ervin Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Estes Mr. and Mrs. John Euser ’74 Mr. Andrew Euser ’78 and Mrs. Mary Bettencourt Euser ’77 Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Fechter Mr. and Mrs. Mark Fiorito Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Fischer Ms. Alicia Fischer ’08 Mr. and Mrs. Ramiro Flores Mr. and Mrs. Joe Foss Mr. Kenneth Frank Ms. Gianna Furina and Dr. Mark Herold Mr. and Mrs. Raul Gallegos Mr. and Mrs. Michael Galyen Mr. and Mrs. Diego E. Garcia ’94 Mr. and Mrs. Tim Garcia Ms. Jovana Garibay ’11 Mr. William Gass and Mrs. Jennifer Lohwasser Gass ’93 Mr. Patrick Gaul Dr. Deborah Geary Mr. Joe Geist and Mrs. Georgann Geist Mr. Jeffrey Gerlomes and Mrs. Caroline Bettencourt Gerlomes ’79 Mr. and Mrs. Paul Giusto, Jr. Mr. Patrick J. Gleeson ’85 and Mrs. Pamela Gleeson Mr. and Mrs. Jared B. Goble Mr. Kyle J. Goleno ’95 and Ms. Amy Toll Goleno ’96 Mr. and Mrs. Eric Gonzales Ms. Vickie Goodman Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Goodwin ’79 Mr. and Mrs. Ryan Granko Mr. and Mrs. David R. Grieve Ms. Tina Grillos Mr. and Mrs. Adolfo Guevara Mr. and Mrs. George Gulbengay Ms. Molly Gyetvan Ms. Homeyra Hafizi ’79 Mr. and Mrs. Fadi M. Halabi Mr. and Mrs. Grant Halloran Mr. Christopher Hansen and Ms. Sarah Mitchell Hansen ’92 Ms. Arlanna Hayes Mr. Justin Hayes Ms. Aileen Heidkamp Mr. and Mrs. Jorge A. Hernandez Mr. and Mrs. Antonio Herrera Mr. Steven M. Heun ’83 and Mrs. Erica Heun Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Hoban Mr. Gary Hobaugh Ms. Andria Hobaugh

Mr. and Mrs. Danny E. Hoffert Mr. and Mrs. David J. Holquin Mr. Raymond Honeywell and Mrs. Caitlin Hoffert Honeywell ’01 Mr. David Howe Mr. Sean Hummer and Dr. Michele Wilson Mr. and Mrs. Todd J. Humphries Mr. Chris Indelicato Mr. and Mrs. Stephen R. Iund Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Jackson Dr. and Mrs. Mark E. Jacobson JaM Cellars Ms. Maci Jerry Mr. Kimball C. Jones and Mrs. Suzanne Groth Groth Jones Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Kalten Mr. and Mrs. Steven Kappler Mr. Edward D. Katz and Mrs. Mary Elizabeth Martin-Katz Ms. Kristine Keefer Mr. Aaron Keefer Mr. and Mrs. William L. Keller ’91 Mr. Charles Weakley and Mrs. Laura Kelley Kelley-Weakley Mr. and Ms. Paul B. Kelly, III Mr. Andrew E. Kelly and Mrs. Holly Kelly, MD Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Kemble Mr. Robert Kleis and Mrs. Wendy Hill Ms. Olivia Knox Mr. and Mrs. Roger W. Koehler Mr. and Mrs. Dennis P. Kreps Mr. Steve D. Kreps Mr. and Mrs. Mark L’Esperance Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Lanzafame Mr. James Leli ’07 Mr. Kevin Lemieux Mr. and Mrs. Mark Lenz Ms. Kathryn Leonardini Ms. Marisa Lin Mr. and Mrs. Johnnie Linn Ms. Noel Lopreore Mr. Thomas C. Lowenstein ’83 and Mrs. Patricia Holden Lowenstein ’84 Mr. Gregory A. Maciel Mr. Rick C. Madden ’88 and Mrs. Jennifer Drexler Madden ’90 Mr. John Maguire ’79 Ms. Kim Maher Mr. Dan Mahoney Mr. and Mrs. Amadeo Maldonado Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Martinez Mr. and Mrs. Michael McDevitt Mr. Glenn A. McIntyre and Mrs. Julie McKenna Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Meier Mr. and Mrs. Martin T. Meissenhalter Dr. Kurt Meyers and Ms. Suzanne Foss Mr. and Mrs. Walter A. Mickens Mr. and Mrs. George Mieling

Mr. George Monteverdi ’86 and Mrs. Manbin Monteverdi Mrs. Lori Cox Morris ’90 and Mr. Christopher Morris Mr. Patrick Mulcahy and Mrs. Catherine Heckert Mr. and Mrs. Brian Mundy Mr. Michael Murray ’78 Napa Pediatric Dentistry Napa Grocery Outlet Mr. Nathan Galambos and Mrs. Christy Negri ’87 Mr. and Mrs. Alain Negueloua Mr. and Mrs. Felipe Nieto Ms. Marissa Nokes Mr. Dan Nunes Ms. Kathleen O’Connell Mr. and Mrs. Eduardo Padilla Mr. Chris J. Padowan and Ms. Karen Hauser Mr. and Mrs. Justin Paniagua ’03 Mr. Chris Patton Mr. Doug Perry Mr. and Mrs. David S. Phinney Mr. and Mrs. Matt Powell Mr. Phillip Powell and Mrs. Angela Powell Mr. and Mrs. Gary Prince ’79 Quinlan’s Tire Service, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Ramsey Mr. Joe Rasler and Mrs. Gina Salazar Rasler ’89 Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Resch Mr. and Mrs. John S. Reynolds Ms. Maria Ribera Ms. Lisa Roa Mr. and Mrs. Paul Roberts, Jr. Mr. Paul J. Roberts Mr. and Mrs. Mark J. Roomian Mr. and Mrs. Jordan Ruiz Mr. Donald J. Ryan Ms. Sonia Ryan Mr. and Mrs. David W. Samson Mr. Michael J. Sangiacomo ’87 and Mrs. Whitney Sangiacomo Sangiacomo Family Wines Ms. Julie Sautter ’79 Mr. Chris Scaduto and Mrs. Michelle Scaduto Mr. Steiner J. Schaufel ’82 and Mrs. Annelise Schaufel Mr. Matt Schiefferly and Mrs. Shannon O’Shaughnessy Ms. Julie Schindler and Mr. Brian Larsen Mr. Ariyeh Schmeder ’92 and Mrs. Susan J. Schmeder Mr. and Mrs. David Schuemann Dr. Christopher Schultz and Dr. Sheila Tabilon Mr. and Mrs. John Schwartz Mr. and Mrs. John D. Scially Ms. Gia Scinto and Mr. Jeffrey Lloyd Mr. John Scudder and Mrs. Judy Scudder Mr. Joseph Shelfo and Mrs. Gina Shelfo Mr. Gregory D. Sinclair ’99 and Mrs. Jill Woolley Sinclair ’99 Mrs. Colette Slate Ms. Michelle L. Slate

Brother Kevin M. Slate, FSC Ms. Donna M. Slate Ms. Abigail Smith ’23 Mr. and Mrs. Kyle E. Snoke Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Soldati Mr. Matthew Soldati ’15 Mr. and Mrs. Saylor Spare Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Stanier Mr. Jeff Stricklin and Mrs. Tina Stricklin Ms. Danielle Tarani Mr. Toby Taylor Mr. and Mrs. William R. Thompson ’70 Mr. and Mrs. Stephen P. Tilley Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Tinsley Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Treleven ’79 Umpqua Bank Mr. and Mrs. Alejandro Valdivia Mr. Matthew C. Valine ’89 and Mrs. DeeAnn Grubbs Valine ’89 Ms. Michelle Venegas Dr. Timothy J. Wahle ’88 Ms. Melissa Weakley ’06 Mr. and Mrs. Don Weaver Mr. and Mrs. Peter D. Wells Mr. John Dillon and Mrs. Yelena Wells Mr. Douglas Williams and Mrs. Karyn Mr. Kane Williams ’85 Ms. Melanie Wilson Mr. Victor Woolworth ’01 and Mrs. Narisa Orosco Woolworth ’99 Mr. and Mrs. Mark Young Ms. Seeta Zieger

Years of Consecutive Giving

Loyal donors create a strong foundation of financial support for each academic year by including Justin-Siena in their annual philanthropy. The commitment of these donors helps Justin-Siena carry forth its mission of educating students in the Lasallian tradition, preparing them to lead and serve in an ever-changing world. These donors, through their years of giving, demonstrate unwavering commitment to this mission, the traditions upon which JustinSiena was built, and enrich the education of each student attending Justin-Siena today.


Mr. Kevin P. Daw ’75 and Mrs. Claire Daw The Peter A. and Vernice H. Gasser Foundation Mr. Daniel D. Lemieux ’73 and Mrs. Lori Lemieux Mr. Neil F. Murphy Ms. Lorraine M. Negri Sisters of St. Dominic, Congregation of the Most Holy Name


Mr. and Mrs. Edward P. Allen Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bailey Bank of America Foundation Ms. Annick M. Bouldt Ms. Georgine A. Clarke Mr. and Mrs. Danny E. Hoffert Mr. and Mrs. Thomas McDermott Mr. and Mrs. John A. Van Hofwegen


Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Fechter Mr. Jeffrey Gerlomes and Mrs. Caroline Bettencourt Gerlomes ’79 Mr. and Mrs. Ronnie Gray Mr. Raymond Honeywell and Mrs. Caitlin Hoffert Honeywell ’01 Mrs. Mary Ann Janese Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Jennings PG&E Company/Employee Giving Mr. Ernest A. Rota Ms. Darla Viau


Mr. and Mrs. Vaea Anitoni Mr. and Mrs. Chris Bartalotti Mr. and Mrs. Kevin J. Belton Mr. and Mrs. Christopher F. Berghout Cakebread Cellars Mr. Jeffrey E. Chappell Mr. and Mrs. David Ciabattari Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Dyer Dr. David J. Danzeisen and Dr. Kathryn Holder Mr. Brett deLeuze ’83 and Mrs. Natalie deLeuze De La Salle Institute Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Estes Far Niente Winery Mr. and Mrs. Ed Farver Mr. and Mrs. William Foster Mr. and Mrs. Tim Garcia Mr. and Mrs. James V. Heim Mr. and Mrs. Alexander N. Hesser Mr. and Mrs. Andrew W. Hodges, Ed.D. Mr. and Mrs. David J. Holquin Mr. and Mrs. Stephen R. Iund Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Jennings Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. Jordan Ms. Bonnie L. Karrigan Mr. Patrick Kiser ’84 Kiwanis Club of Napa Foundation Mary’s Pizza Shack Mr. and Mrs. Walter A. Mickens Mr. and Mrs. Michael Minigan Ms. Eileen M. Mize Napa County Bar Association Napa Valley Community Foundation Napa Valley Horsemen’s Association Mr. and Mrs. Simon C. Rebullida Mr. and Mrs. John S. Reynolds Mr. and Mrs. Morgan Sanders Mr. Gregory D. Sinclair ’99 and Mrs. Jill Woolley Sinclair ’99 Brother Kevin M. Slate, FSC Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Soldati The August Sebastiani Charitable Foundation AVANTI M a g a z i n e


Mr. and Mrs. Alejandro Valdivia Electronic Script Donor


Mr. John C Adamo† and Mrs. Jean C Adamo Amazon Foundation Anonymous Mr. Robert Armijo and Mrs. Jessica Futo Armijo ’08 Mr. Mike Ashauer and Mrs. Patricia Andersen Ashauer ’79 Athletic Feat, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Mark R. Aubert Mr. and Mrs. Fernando Ayvar Balletto Vineyards Mr. and Mrs. Hector W. Barba Mr. and Mrs. Chris Baskerville Mr. and Mrs. Tom Bassett Mr. Richard Batt and Mrs. Katherine Bettencourt Batt ’78 Ms. Stephanie V. Beaurain Benevity Community Impact Fund Mrs. Virginia Benninghoff Mr. Andrew Bettencourt ’02 Mr. and Mrs. Charles Boles Dr. and Mrs. Alok K. Bose Mr. Donald Botill and Mrs. Janet Merry Botill ’72 Mr. and Mrs. Jay Brazil Mr. and Mrs. Richard Bremer Dr. Jeffrey R. Breneisen and Dr. Kimberly Breneisen Mr. and Mrs. Edmond F. Brovelli, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Campbell Mr. Sean Capiaux and Dr. Gina Capiaux Mr. Thomas F. Carey ’86 and Mrs. Kristi Carey Mr. Brian G. Cassayre ’98 and Mrs. Brittany Cassayre Mr. Michael H. Chouinard and Mrs. Francine Perata Chouinard ’75 Colgin Cellars Mr. James J. Conners and Dr. Beth Nolan Conners ’84 Mr. and Mrs. Heath R. Craig Mr. and Mrs. Trey Curtola Mr. John Dillon and Mrs. Yelena Wells Mr. and Mrs. Paul Dold Mr. and Mrs. Dennis E. Drummond Dr. and Mrs. Matthew D. Duncan Mr. Thomas Durante ’93 and Mrs. Lea Durante Mr. Jon Favreau and Dr. Joya Arcneaux Favreau ’88 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Flaherty Mr. and Mrs. Ramiro Flores Frog’s Leap Winery Mr. and Mrs. Raul Gallegos Mr. and Mrs. Diego E. Garcia ’94 Mr. Robert M. Gardner and Mrs. Teresa A. Gardner† Ms. Berenice Garvan Mr. Allyn Gilbert ’75 and Mrs. Elaine Cogan Gilbert ’76 Mr. Patrick J. Gleeson ’85 and Mrs. Pamela Gleeson Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Gomez

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Mr. and Mrs. David R. Grieve Mr. and Mrs. Fadi M. Halabi Mr. Philip Slater and Dr. Heidi Harrison Ms. Mary Pat Hepp Mr. and Mrs. Rolando Herrera Mr. and Mrs. Paul Herriott Mrs. Lauren S. Seva Hesser and Mr. Alexander Hesser Mr. Steven M. Heun ’83 and Mrs. Erica Heun Mr. and Mrs. Greg Holquist Mr. and Mrs. Manly Hyde Dr. and Mrs. Mark E. Jacobson Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Kalten Mr. Brandon C. LaRocco ’98 and Mrs. Miranda Welsh LaRocco ’01 Ms. Kelly Lann ’84 Lasallian Christian Brothers Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Mark Lenz Ms. Kathryn Leonardini Mr. Robert Levy and Mrs. Martha McClellan Mrs. Jill M. Levy Mr. Ziming Li and Mrs. Xiaozhen Li Mr. Darren Maloney ’87 Mr. Thomas C. McWilliams ’88 and Mrs. Angela Higgins McWilliams ’88 Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Meier Mr. Joel Miroglio ’78 and Mrs. Naomi Okun Miroglio Mr. and Mrs. Bradley T. Mills Mi Sueño Winery Mr. George Monteverdi ’86 and Mrs. Manbin Monteverdi Mr. John B. Moore, Jr. ’03 Mr. and Mrs. Luc Morlet Mr. Patrick Mulcahy and Mrs. Catherine Heckert Col. Justin Nast, MD Mr. and Mrs. George Nessman Ms. Nina McLemore Mr. and Mrs. Felipe Nieto Ms. Cynthia Paniagua ’75 Paradigm Winery Mr. and Mrs. David S. Phinney Mr. Richard Pio Roda ’94 and Mrs. Jessie Ho Mr. and Mrs. Matt Powell Mr. Daniel Priest Mr. and Mrs. John L. Prince Mr. Lawrence Puck Mr. Winthrop Reis and Mrs. Marie Van Winden Reis ’78 Mr. and Mrs. Alex Ryan Mr. Michael J. Sangiacomo ’87 and Mrs. Whitney Sangiacomo Mr. and Mrs. Angelo Sangiacomo Sangiacomo Family Vineyards Mr. Steiner J. Schaufel ’82 and Mrs. Annelise Schaufel Mr. Matthew Schmitz ’01 and Mrs. Tasha Schmitz Schwab Charitable Fund Mr. and Mrs. John Schwartz Shannon Lemieux Memorial Fund Ms. Eileen Simmons Ms. Kathy Sparlin Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Spencer Dr. and Mrs. James P. Srebro

Captain Christopher L. Stathos ’73 and Mrs. Marylee McGee Stathos Sun House Flowers Mr. Eric Sweigert ’08 and Mrs. Jamie Hodgkin Sweigert Dr. Artoteles Tandinco and Dr. Imelda Tandinco Mr. Huy Tran and Mrs. Luong Nguyen Tran ’89 Rev. Antonio Valdivia Mr. Matthew C. Valine ’89 and Mrs. DeeAnn Grubbs Valine ’89 Villa Corona Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Villaseñor von Strasser Winery Dr. Timothy J. Wahle ’88 Mr. John Dillon and Mrs. Yelena Wells Whitehall Lane Winery Mr. and Mrs. Corey Wing Mr. R. Curt Williams and Mrs. Margaret Nolan Williams ’77 Yary Sports Photography Mr. Jeff Yung Dr. Thomas Zanardi ’86 and Mrs. Karen Zanardi ZD Wines

In-Kind Gift Donations

The following individuals and businesses provide support for special events and gatherings that fund capital improvements, student programs, and foster community engagement on and off the Justin-Siena campus. We are grateful for the incredible inkind donations received during the 2019-20 school year. Aileron Wines Alpha Omega Winery Mr. Kristof Anderson and Mrs. Jennifer Anderson Mr. and Mrs. Mark R. Aubert Mr. and Mrs. Fernando Ayvar Mr. and Mrs. Chris Baskerville Mr. and Mrs. Kevin J. Belton Black Stallion Estate Winery Blackbird Vineyards Mr. and Mrs. Doug Boeschen Boeschen Vineyards Mr. and Mrs. Charles Boles BOND Estates Mr. and Mrs. Bob Broman Broman Cellars Buoncristiani Family Winery Cakebread Cellars Campus Kitchens, LLC Castello di Amorosa Caymus Vineyards Celaya Law Chappellet Vineyard and Winery Chardonnay Club Christian Brothers Retreat & Conference Center Cline Cellars Colgin Cellars

Corison Winery Mr. and Mrs. Trey Curtola Dalla Valle Vineyards Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Dann Mr. Brett deLeuze ’83 and Mrs. Natalie deLeuze Mr. and Mrs. John E. Derr Domaine Chandon, Inc. Duckhorn Wine Company Far Niente Winery Foodshed Take Away Mr. and Mrs. Kent Fortner Frog’s Leap Winery Gianna Furina and Dr. Mark Herold Giants Baseball Camps Mr. and Mrs. Paul Giusto, Jr. Golden State Warriors Goosecross Cellars Gott’s Roadside Mr. and Mrs. Adam Green Grgich Hills Estate Groth Vineyards and Winery Harlan Estate Heitz Wine Cellars Hello Ortho Mrs. Kimberly Hocker and Mr. Thomas Dixon Jacuzzi Family Vineyards and The Olive Press JaM Cellars Judd’s Hill Winery Lampyridae Vineyards Larson Family Winery Las Alcobas Hotel Lede Family Wines Levy & McClellan Lloyd Cellars Luna Vineyards Madonna Estate Mary’s Pizza Shack Mr. and Mrs. Steve Mercer Mr. and Mrs. Scott Messenger Miracle Hill Vineyards, LLC Mr. and Mrs. Alain Negueloua Mr. Robert O’Malley Orin Swift Cellars Ovid Napa Valley Palmaz Vineyards Panevino Food for Wine Pangloss Cellars Peju Province Winery Mr. and Mrs. David S. Phinney Prager Winery & Port Works Mr. David Rabb and Mrs. Mary Rabb Raymond Vineyards Mr. and Mrs. Chris Reiter Mr. and Mrs. John S. Reynolds Reynolds Family Winery Rocca Family Vineyards Saint Helena Winery Mr. Richard J. Salvestrin ’82 and Mrs. Shannon Salvestrin Salvestrin Winery San Francisco Giants Sangiacomo Family Vineyards Savage and Cooke Schramsberg Vineyards

Mr. Don A. Sebastiani ’95 and Mrs. Katherine Sebastiani Brother Kevin M. Slate, FSC Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Soldati Mr. and Mrs. Jesus G. Solis Spring Mountain Vineyard Staglin Family Vineyard Sun House Flowers Mr. and Mrs. Wei Tang Mr. and Mrs. Carlo Teresi The Model Bakery Trefethen Family Vineyards Trinitas†Cellars Tuck Beckstoffer Wines Turnbull Wine Cellars Twelve Five Viader Vineyards & Winery Mr. and Mrs. Russell Weis Whitehall Lane Winery

Justin-Siena Endowed Scholarships

Gifts to Endowed Scholarship Funds of Justin-Siena offer a unique opportunity for our benefactors to assist in fulfilling our mission. Benefactors can establish, in perpetuity, an endowed scholarship fund in their own name, a family name, or in memory or in honor of a loved one. On behalf of the students supported by the named Endowed Scholarship Funds in the 2019-20 fiscal year, we thank these donors. Frederick & Victoria Carlson Memorial Scholarship Dr. and Mrs. Roger F. Carlson Owen Euser Memorial Scholarship Endowment Mr. Andrew Euser ’78 and Mrs. Mary Bettencourt Euser ’77 Brother Conrad Kearney Memorial Scholarship Ms. Rosemarie Quinlan Shannon Lemieux Memorial Scholarship Fund Mr. and Mrs. Darrel L. Howatt Mr. Daniel D. Lemieux ’73 and Mrs. Lori Lemieux PG&E Company/Employee Giving Mr. Daniel Priest Minigan Family Endowed Scholarship Fund Mr. and Mrs. Michael Minigan Schwab Charitable Fund Robert C. Morrish Memorial Scholarship Fund Mr. and Mrs. Edward P. Allen

Mr. Kevin P. Daw ’75 and Mrs. Claire Daw Mr. Andrew W. Ward ’91 and Mrs. Meave Fallon Ward Louis Pierotti ’72 Scholarship Ms. Anne Ashbey Ms. Diana Bonyhadi Ms. Marti Lee Kennedy Ms. Emma Pierotti Ms. Erica Thompson Jess Romero Scholarship Mr. Robert J. Romero ’81 and Mrs. Pilar Romero Mr. Steve Sabillo and Mrs. Mary Romero Sabillo ’84 Rev. Antonio Valdivia Robert (Bob) Rota ’71 Memorial Endowed Scholarship Ms. Leslie Rota Kathleen Springer Memorial Scholarship Mr. and Mrs. Donald Baker Dr. and Mrs. Daniel H. Bunnell Mrs. Jeanne Chicoine and Mr. Randy Chicoine Mr. Anthony Corradi Mr. David Johnson Mr. Douglas Keener Ms. Carol A. King Mr. Daniel D. Lemieux ’73 and Mrs. Lori Lemieux Ms. Kathleen Lett Ms. Joen McDaniel Mr. and Mrs. Fred Morse Ms. Kelley Morse ’99 Mr. Frederick Paine Mr. and Mrs. Rex Sawyer Mr. Michael Springer ’05 Alex H. Urban Scholarship Ms. Alison Bretches ’95 Mrs. Jennifer Drexler Madden ’90 and Mr. Rick Madden ’88 Damien Vela, MD Candle of Knowledge Scholarship Benevity Community Impact Fund Dr. David J. Danzeisen and Dr. Kathryn Holder Ms. Tricia Vela Eric Wolfe ’75 Scholarship Mr. David Maas and Mrs. Emma Maas Ms. Antonie Wolfe Veronica Zimmerman ’09 Memorial Scholarship Mr. Scott E. Carter Mr. Jonathan Cohen and Mrs. Julie Cohen Ms. Susan E. Gavinski Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Hein Schwab Charitable Fund

AVANTI M a g a z i n e


Community Scholarships

Members of the Class of 2020 were awarded the following community scholarships recognizing outstanding student achievement in academics, service, the arts, and athletics. We are grateful for such community support. Alaina’s Voice Foundation Scholarship August Sebastiani Scholarship (2) Br. Daniel O’Connor Memorial Scholarship California Scholarship Federation Justin-Siena Chapter (5) Community Projects, Inc. Scholarship (3) Festival Napa Valley Scholarship (2) Italian Catholic Federation Scholarship John Biale Memorial Scholarship Kathleen Frances Springer Memorial Scholarship Kiwanis Club of Greater Napa Art Stewart Scholarship Kiwanis Club of Greater Napa Brent Gularte Scholarship Kiwanis Club of Napa Scholarship (4) Napa County Bar Association Scholarship Napa County Bar Association Scholarship in Memory of Damian Maldonado

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Napa County Hispanic Network Scholarship Napa Rotary Four Way Speech Contest Scholarship Napa Valley College - Burrell Wilson Mathematics Scholarship Napa Valley College - Elks Larison Scholarship (2) Napa Valley College Foundation Scholarship Napa Valley Community Foundation Julian Weidler Business Scholarship Napa Valley Community Foundation Lenore Hirsch-Jay Falk Scholarship (2) Napa Valley Horsemen’s Association Scholarship National Honor Society Scholarship Patrick Savage Memorial Scholarship Paul Sheffer Memorial Scholarship Richard Janese Memorial Scholarship Rotary Club of Napa Scholarship (Napa Noontime Rotary) Shannon Lemieux Memorial Arts Scholarship (2) Sonoma Valley Republican Women’s Club Scholarship The Presentation School Scholarship Yountville Focus Scholarship

Honor and Memorial Gift Program

A gift to the Honor-Memorial Gift Program is a wonderful way to honor someone dear, either living or deceased. The recipient of an Honor-Memorial gift will be remembered in the prayers of the Justin-Siena community at the regular Masses and Prayer Services throughout the school year.

IN HONOR OF Don and Nancy Sebastiani Mr. and Mrs. Michael Minigan

IN MEMORY OF John C. Adamo Mrs. Jean C. Adamo Frank Michael Bozzini Mrs. Del Bozzini Mr. and Mrs. Edmond F. Brovelli, Jr. Adeline Mae Dominici Mr. Frank Bozzini† and Mrs. Del Bozzini Mr. Jason Dominici and Mrs. Megan Savage Dominici ’92 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas McDermott

John C. Dumars Ms. Jennifer Adams Mr. David P. Bader Dr. and Mrs. James Bird Mr. and Mrs. Edmond F. Brovelli, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. James Cassayre Dr. Mary C. Cooke MD, MS Dr. and Mrs. Steven A. Dugoni DMD Mrs. Pat Dumars Mr. Jeffrey Gerlomes and Mrs. Caroline Bettencourt Gerlomes ’79 Dr. Harry H. Hatasaka and Mrs. Sadako Hatasaka Mr. Thomas Hildreth Ms. Sharon Holzknecht Mr. Walter E. Jenkins and Mrs. Irma Jenkins Dr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Bob Johnstone Mr. Randy Kamenicky and Mrs. Ardis Kamenicky Kronick, Moskovitz, Tiedemann & Girard Mr. Richard W. Lawrence and Mrs. Dorothy Lawrence Mr. and Mrs. Thomas LeMasters Mr. Thomas LeMasters and Mrs. Molly Gerlach LeMasters ’74 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Lowenstein Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Malloy Mr. and Mrs. Peter Manasse Napa Valley Wine Tasters Society, Inc. Dr. and Mrs. Andrew J. Nicks Ms. Marian M. Partridge Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Powell Mr. and Mrs. Rex Sawyer Dr. Frank Spinelli and Mrs. Joyce Spinelli Mr. Robert H. Zeller Owen Euser Ms. Rilee Hakola Adelbert John Ianziti Mrs. Cassandra Lely Bost ’03 and Mr. Chris Bost Ms. Doris Ianziti Mr. Ryan Lazarus and Ms. Natalia Lely Lazarus ’00 Mr. and Mrs. Austin Lely Mr. Kevin Lely and Mrs. Joanne Ianziti Lely ’74 Mary A. Ianziti Mr. Kevin Lely and Mrs. Joanne Ianziti Lely ’74 Richard Janese Mr. and Mrs. Ronnie Gray Mrs. Mary Ann Janese Stephen Michael Kastner ’87 Mr. and Mrs. William L. Kastner Brother Conrad Kearney Ms. Rosemarie Quinlan John Drexler, father of Jennifer Drexler Madden ’90 Mr. Rick C. Madden ’88 and Mrs. Jennifer Drexler Madden ’90 Brother Stan Sobczyk, FSC Brother Kevin M. Slate, FSC

Fund-A-Need Gifts 2020 (Faculty Housing Project)

We are most grateful to the following donors to the 2020 Fund-A-Need. Mr. Kristof Anderson and Mrs. Jennifer Anderson Bank of America Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Chris Bartalotti Mr. and Mrs. Chris Baskerville Mr. Richard Batt and Mrs. Katherine Bettencourt Batt ’78 Mr. and Mrs. Jason R. Beers Mrs. Mary Bettencourt Mr. and Mrs. Ralph D. Bettencourt Mr. Andrew Bettencourt ’02 Mr. and Mrs. Kurt Binz Mr. and Mrs. Wayne P. Blakley Mr. and Mrs. Doug Boeschen Mr. and Mrs. Charles Boles Mr. Eric Branagan-Franco Mr. and Mrs. Chad Briskovich Mr. and Mrs. Bob Broman Dr. Edward Cain and Dr. Dianne Harris Mr. Thomas F. Carey ’86 and Mrs. Kristi Carey Mr. Phillip Charnas and Mrs. Kelly Quinlan Charnas ’95 Ms. Bonnie B. Cullen ’08 Dr. and Mrs. Thomas Cushing Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Dann Mr. and Mrs. Robert Della Santina Mr. Joseph C. Devine ’17 Mr. and Mrs. Paul Dold Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Duffy Mr. Jonathan Edie and Mrs. Chanin Cook Mr. Frank Engelbert and Mrs. Brette Bartolucci Ms. Kathleen A. Ervin Mr. Andrew Euser ’78 and Mrs. Mary Bettencourt Euser ’77 Ms. Alicia Fischer ’08 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Fischer Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Flaherty Mr. and Mrs. Ramiro Flores Mr. and Mrs. Joe Foss Mr. and Mrs. Diego E. Garcia ’94 Mr. Patrick Gaul Mr. and Mrs. Paul Giusto, Jr. Mr. Patrick J. Gleeson ’85 and Mrs. Pamela Gleeson Mr. and Mrs. Eric Gonzales Ms. Tina Grillos Mr. Christian A. Grimshaw ’89 and Mrs. Nikole Grimshaw Ms. Molly Gyetvan Ms. Carla Gyetvan Mr. and Mrs. Fadi M. Halabi Mrs. Karen Hauser and Mr. Chris Padowan Mr. and Mrs. Jorge A. Hernandez Mr. Steven M. Heun ’83 and Mrs. Erica Heun Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Hoban Ms. Andria Hobaugh Mr. and Mrs. Danny E. Hoffert

Mr. and Mrs. David J. Holquin Mr. Raymond Honeywell and Mrs. Caitlin Hoffert Honeywell ’01 Mr. Sean Hummer and Dr. Michele Wilson Mrs. Lori Hunt and Mr. Dean Bledsoe Mr. Chris Indelicato Dr. and Mrs. Mark E. Jacobson Ms. Maci Jerry Mr. Edward D. Katz and Mrs. Mary Elizabeth Martin-Katz Mr. Charles Weakley and Mrs. Laura Kelley-Weakley Mr. and Ms. Paul B. Kelly, III Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Kemble Mr. Robert Kleis and Mrs. Wendy Hill Mr. and Mrs. Dennis P. Kreps Mr. and Mrs. Mark Lenz Mr. and Mrs. Johnnie Linn Mr. and Mrs. Michael McDevitt Mr. and Mrs. Martin T. Meissenhalter Dr. Kurt Meyers and Ms. Suzanne Foss Mr. George Monteverdi ’86 and Mrs. Manbin Monteverdi Mr. Patrick Mulcahy and Mrs. Catherine Heckert Mr. and Mrs. Robert Nations Mr. Nathan Galambos and Mrs. Christy Negri ’87 Mr. and Mrs. David S. Phinney Mr. and Mrs. Matt Powell Mr. and Mrs. Philip Pyrce Quinlan’s Tire Service, Inc. Mr. Joe Rasler and Mrs. Gina Salazar Rasler ’89 Mr. Reed Renaudin Mr. and Mrs. Paul Roberts, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Rosenbrand Mr. Andrew Ryan ’84 and Mrs. Hillary Leonhard-O’Connell Ryan ’94 Mr. and Mrs. Morgan Sanders Mr. Michael J. Sangiacomo ’87 and Mrs. Whitney Sangiacomo Mr. Steiner J. Schaufel ’82 and Mrs. Annelise Schaufel Mr. Ariyeh Schmeder ’92 and Mrs. Susan J. Schmeder Mr. and Mrs. David Schuemann Dr. Christopher Schultz and Dr. Sheila Tabilon Mrs. Gia Scinto and Mr. Jeffrey Lloyd Ms. Ashley Scott Mr. Ken Seymor Ms. Eileen Simmons Mr. and Mrs. Kyle E. Snoke Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Soldati Mr. Christopher Somers ’11 Mr. and Mrs. Saylor Spare Mr. Matthew C. Sunseri ’86 and Mrs. Jennifer Sunseri Mr. Gregory Teshara and Mrs. Elizabeth Teshara Ms. Darla Viau Ms. Melissa Weakley ’06 Mr. and Mrs. Don Weaver Ms. Jen Wilcox Mr. Douglas Williams and Mrs. Karyn Kane Williams ’85 Mr. Victor Woolworth ’01 and Mrs. Narisa Orosco Woolworth ’99 AVANTI M a g a z i n e


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parents of alumni: If your son or daughter no longer maintains a permanent address at your home, please notify the Alumni Office of their new mailing address at 707.255.0950 ext. 645 or alumni@justin-siena.org.

Peace and love in ’21 PMS







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