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魚的游泳能力是與生俱來的,但她們卻不是一生下來就是游泳高手。 小 幼 魚 生 下 來 的 時 候 身 體 裡 面 還 沒 有 魚 鰾, 只 有 身 體 旁 邊 小 小 的 側 鰭 可 以 輔 助 游 泳, 所 以 她 們 沒 有 辦 法 在 水 中 垂 直 的 方 向 留 在 同 一 個 位 置, 這 也 就 是 說 她 們 必 須 在 身 體 長 大 的 過 程 中 練 習 使 用 新 的 游 泳 技 能, 更 需 要因應環境的變化精進自己的游泳技巧。 身 為 一 個 人 類, 雖 然 我 從 出 生 就 呼 吸 到 現 在, 我 仍 就 應 該 學 著 如 何 能 夠 " 表 現 得 更 好 ", 每 一 個 我 經 歷 的 課題都是一個可以讓我更上一層樓的機會。


The cover photo is a motion blur photos of a single fish swimming in the scanner. There is only one fish in the picture, but she can create numerous shadow.

Yet fish are bor n with the innate ability to swim, they are not bor n as expert swimmers. Instead of an adult swim bladder, lar vae fish have only small and ineffective sidefins, making them unable to maintain their body in a horizontal position while coasting; it also means fish still has to lear n to swim better as they grow larger in size, and as their living environment changes. Being a human being, yet I have been breathing and living since I was bor n, I still should be lear ning how to “perform better”. Ever y task I encounter is a chance for me to become a better person.

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THE FISH,_ Introduction

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THE FISH IN THE RIVER_ Projects done on my own ---------------------------- 6 - INFINI ------------------------------------------------------ 8 - EMBRACE -------------------------------------------------- 16 - LEMINISCATE ------------------------------------------------ 22 - FU ------------------------------------------------------------- 30


THE FISH IN THE POND_ Projects done during workshops ------------------------------ 36 - QASIM --------------------------------------------------------- 38 - ITEMPLE ------------------------------------------------------ 46

THE FISH HEADING TOWARDS THE OCEAN_ Sketches from work --------------------------------------- 54

THE FISH AT HOME_ My personal hobby ----------------------------- 62

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Taipei Taiwan 27/ Feburar y/ 1991

_C ONTACT .M/ +886 910 130 124 .E/ justine.dia@gmail.com

A CA DE M IC A CHI E VE MENTS_ .IELTS 7.0 / CEF level A1.2 / Yamaha Piano Grade Examination Grade 5 .Bachelor of Shih Chien University Industrial Product Design .Exchange of Köln Inter national School of Design Integrated Product Design .Taipei Municipal Zhongshang Girl High School Creative Design Class .Taipei County Fuho Junior High School Art Class

E X P E R I E N CES_ .Industrial Designer in FOXCONN precision electronics (2014- present) .Inter n of Reddot design Museum in Essen, Germany (2012) .Secretar y of Inter national Taipei Toastmaster (2009 - 2010)

SKI LLS_ .Product designing .CMF planing .Human factors & Ergonomics .Concept creation .Design Sketching .Integrated design .3D-CAD drafting .Interface configuration.Graphic configuration .Film editing .Design research & analysis .Wester n painting .Chinese painting .Photo shooting .Speech delivering .Debating .Stor y telling

SO F T WA R E_ .Adobe Crative-suite .Creo Parametric .Autodesk Alias .Autodesk SketchBook .Rhinoceros .Keyshot .After Effect

SP E CI A L A CI T I VT I E S_ .Würzburg University design Workshop (2014) .World Design Summer Camp in Hong Kong (2014) .Inter national Sweets Fare Future Lab Workshop (2013) .Inter national Young Designers’Workshop (2011) .Inter national Toastmaster 2011 Area G1 speech contest Host (2010)

The fish in the River_

Pr o jec t s d one on my own 急 流、 瀑 布、 漩 渦, 在 河 流 中 游 泳 會 遇 到 各 種 困 難。 每 一 隻 想 存 回 下 來 的 魚 都 要 靠 自 己 的 力 量 面 對 這 些 挑 戰, 沒 有 任何一隻魚可以代替另一隻魚游過這些逆境的。 獨 自 行 走 才 是 最 困 難 的, 但 也 是 這 樣 的 旅 程 才 能 讓 一 個 人 變得更強大。

Rapids, waterfalls, swirl, are all kind of difficulties when swimming in a river. A fish has to lear n how to be strong and face all those tasks because no one can help you swim. The hardest walk is walking alone, but it’s also the walk that makes you strongest.

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在克難的醫療環境中,時間有限、資源有限。傷患在不同情況 下所需的緊急治療也各有不同,不安全的環境也增加了傷患的 各種風險。在把傷患移動到更安全的地方之前,維持生命現象 是一個基本的重要前提。 Time and resources are especially limited in tough medical situations. The patients are also exposed to all kind of risk within the unsafe outdoor environment. Maintaining the sign of life is no doubt a major premise.

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戴 君 庭 Jiuntyng Dai 2013.SEP ~ 2014.MAR 救難工具設計 survival+ Emergency design 塑料 / 金屬 / 橡膠 plastic / metal / rubber 10x10x 3.5 cm

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Scenario 在地震災難現場、車禍事故發生等等的形況下,救難人員可以掌控的訊息並不多,諸如患者數量、患者受傷嚴重情況、 現場的安全程度、傷患的救治難易度等等,甚至在隨軍的醫療後勤所要面對的急救對象和環就也更加的艱鉅。時間、人 力、衛生…,一切都不如急診室及診療間中的後備完善。可以把救治對象快速運送出危險環境和維持傷患生命跡象,除 了仰賴救護人員的經驗和專業,可以使戶外救援更有效率的隨身器具格外的重要。 Outdoor emergency rescues are always regarded as challenges for rescue teams because of all the uncertain information and unpredicted facts that may possibly happen, such as the numbers of injuries or the imminence of the situations. Environment, such as army medical logistic for example, also acts as a pivotal rescue factor for outdoor medical treatment. To bring the injuries out of danger requires not only the experience and profession of the medical teams but also the assisting tools they have along with them.

在克難的醫療環境中,時間有限、資源有限。傷患在不同情 況下所需的緊急治療也各有不同,不安全的環境也增加了傷 患的各種風險。再把傷患移動到更安全的地方之前,維持生 命現象是一個基本的重要前提。 Time and resources are especially limited in tough medical situations. Patients are also exposed to all kind of risk within the unsafe outdoor environment. Maintaining the sign of life is no doubt a major premise.

在克難的醫療環境中,維持生命現象是 一個基本的重要前提。 Maintaining the sign of life is no doubt a major premise in an outdoor medical situation.

▲ Many variables are involved in outdoors medical treatments. Gross-blood-loss patient often has low possibility of surviving.

Problem : Hypovolemic shock

“低血量性休克”通常是嚴重失血和脫水時會伴隨的緊急症狀。 在戶外急救或醫療資源有限的環境中,這樣的症狀一旦出現就很容易使患者在短時間失去生命跡象,甚至遺憾的再抵達救護 站進行更進一步治療前就死亡。 在急救的原則下,能夠快速地重建體液是緩和這類危機最有效的辦法。 Hypovolemic shock is a commonly seen emergency situation caused by hemorrhaging, dehydration etc. In outdoor or tough medical situations, the massive loss of body fluid can cause the patient to die instantly even during rescue or on the way to the hospital. Under these circumstances, an intensive way to regain the amount of body fluid is thus a significant issue for emergency service.

▲ Regular blood circulation

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▲ Blood circulation with hypovolemic shock


裝置 INFINI 在輸液迴路上的用途是為了加速點滴輸液行為的 液體注入速度,使醫療救命液體的補充速度大於大失血或脫水 時的液體缺失速度,已避免低壓型休克的發生,為更進一步的 醫療爭取時間。 The purpose of installing INFINI onto the infusion circuit is to make the liquid input speed on one’s body faster than the output's, thus avoiding hypovolemic shock to happen, saving time for rescuers and for further medication.

以快速重建體液來降低戶外救援的低血壓型 休克發生風險。 Lowering the risk of hypovolemic shock by speeding up the transfusion medical treatment in an outdoor rescue situation.

▲Demonstration of how INFINI should be use on injuries.

夾上管線後的輸液小幫浦佩戴位置不限,然而在緊急搶救的情 況下,考慮到血管對短時間內大量液體的負荷量,緊急輸液裝 的輸液理想血管為大腿的大靜脈。 This small infusion pump can be worn anywhere after attaching the tubing; however, in the case of an emergency rescue, taking the large loading of liquid in a short time into account, the thigh vein is most ideal for installing the emergency infusion device.

▲ Following points are considered in designing the shape: > has to fit on the limbs (injuries) easily > has to be small to be carried without burden > has to be stackable for mobility

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INFINI, The Emergency Liquid Transfusion

▲ Just like usual transfusion treatments, due to safety concerns, INFINI should also be operated by medical care personnel.

INFINI 體積便於攜帶,在山難救援或災害急救現場,配置在救難人員身上。 現場輸液急救時,搭配現有的輸液配備(救命液體袋,輸液管線,注射端針頭等等),此產品可以縮短患者體液補充的 時間 ( 輸血 / 輸身裡食鹽水 / 輸營養液 ),使體液保持在維持生命狀態的最低基準之上。 INFINI is designed in a size for easing carrying. The function forms together with the current transfusion set (Life-saving liquid / Transfusion tube). The purpose of this device is to shorten the period of time before meeting the lowest amount of body liquid, in order to stay alive. (Blood transfusing / Physiological saline transfusing / Nutrient fluid transfusing )

一切都是為了符合現有的輸液設備而設計。 Designed to go well with the current medical transfusion set.

Tube Clip The door for clipping in the transfusion tube. It locks the tube in after placing it in.

Speed Adjusting Speed adjustment buttons make the transfusion-operating process smooth and easy.

LED Indicator The LED indicator indicates the current velocity of flow.It also indicates operating status with different flashing patterns.

Speed Displayer The accurate flow will be shown on the device. It goes from 50 to 500 ml/min.

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Assembling Method Filled Tubing

Tube Clip ( gripped )


關上夾門,已經充滿液體的輸液 將已經充滿液體的輸液管置入 夾門和幫浦頭之間的位置。 Place the filled tubing in between the clip and pump.

管會被夾在中間,啟動就緒。 Close up the cap. The filled tubing will be gripped, and ready to be pump.

How It Works 參考血液透析的液體輸送原理,緊急輸液裝置的管線回路夾門關上後,門和幫浦頭之間的機構會把管線夾緊,幫助幫浦運轉時推進液 體順暢 ( 紫色 )。幫浦馬達一次次的運轉過程也會自動形成一股小小的真空力量,促使下一段液體接續著向前流動。 Just like how hemodialysis works, the tube gripping clip is designed to grip the tubing tight. The working principle makes the liquid transfusion process goes smoothly when pumping. A small vacuum will appear every time the pump rotates, making the transfusion process goes even smoother.

穩定流速 / Steady Velocity 此設備能夠確保輸液治療的液體流速穩定,將戶外救援時可能影響流 速的變因減至最低,可增加醫護人員預測療程的準確性。 The device, INFINI, will stable the velocity of the transfusion process, thus lowering some possibilities that might influence the transfusion treatment. This should help in increase the prediction accuracy.

增加流速 / Speed Up 在輸液迴路中加裝上這個裝置後,在大量失血或脫水等必須加速輸液 速度時,其流速可以遠勝於手壓輸液袋急救的兩倍以上,用速度減低 血壓型休克發生的機會。 Speed can increase tremendously if needed. During tough medical outdoor rescue situations, great blood loss and dehydration could trigger hypovolemic shock easily. This intensive way to regain the amount of body fluid can be two times faster then squeezing the bag by hand.

減少醫療人員負擔 / Reduce Burden for Rescuer 因為幫浦催動的作用原理," 輸液端高於注射端 " 不再是必要,空氣不 會因為輸液袋高度顛簸而進入管線內,液體也將不會逆流,輸液治療的 過程中的搬運等等將不再需要多餘的能力去照顧輸液迴路,使運送更方 便,也大大減少醫護人員的負擔。 Due to the working principle, transfusion fluid bag no longer needs to be hung high during the injection. Air bubbles won't get in the tube and blood won't reflux. Rescue team no longer have to spare one man power only for taking care of the transfusion treatment, thus reducing the burden of outdoor rescue teams.

資源運用更有效率 / Resource Efficency INFINI 能讓輸液治療更有效率地進行,將戶外克難救援的有限資源發 揮到最大值,行有餘力能夠幫助更多需要救治的傷患。 INFINI can improve efficiency in transfusion treatment. This device is able to produce the limited resources best possible results, giving more patient the chance of surviving.

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INFINI, designed for emergency assist under tough medical situations. INFINI, committed to prevented the happening of hypovolemic shocks. Product details. Materials are chosen to be able to withstand extreme weather during outdoor medications.

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" 推輪椅 " 看似是一件容易的工作 , 使用輪椅的過程卻有很多麻煩的小環節需要留心和 注意。 阿嬤的左腿開刀治療的那段時間,我深刻地體會到照顧"輪椅使用者"可以是一件充 滿挑戰性和危險的事情。輪椅的使用和設計應該針對不同的程度需求有更普遍的選擇 性,輪椅的設計和使用關乎到的也不應該只是坐輪椅的人,照顧的人也該被考量在輪 椅的選擇中。 Pushing someone in a wheelchair may appear to be an easy task, but there is more to this than meets the eye. I learned this when caregiving for my grandma during her recover y from the operation s h e h a d o n h e r l e f t l e g . W h e n t h e n e e d a r o s e f o r a w h e e l c h a i r, I d i s c o v e r e d n o t a l l wheelchairs are the same and how important it is to choose a chair that suits both the user and caregivers.

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戴 君 庭 Jiuntyng Dai 2011.NOV ~ 2012.JAN 輪椅設計 Wheel Chair redesign 塑料 / 水管 / 壓克力 plastic / pipe / acrylic 100x100x100 cm

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跌倒是老人家意外死亡的主要原因,跌倒對身體已經不舒服的人來說也可以是很嚴重的二次傷害。 Falling can be the most dangerous thing for elderly and be a deadly reason when it happens as a secondary injury on patients.

大部分的輪椅使用者其實都還有簡單的移動或站立能力,他們之所以會需要使用輪椅,通常是因為某部分身體機能的衰弱或是正在療程的康復 期間。 Over 50% of the wheelchair users still mobility, maybe a simple move or stand. They temporarily need to rely on wheelchairs due to reasons such as week spine, bad knees, wounds or broken legs that are still under recovery, etc.

PROBLEM:It can be easy to fall while changing the center of gravity of a body

照顧阿嬤最困難的其中一部份便是協助他從床和沙發坐到輪椅上,阿嬤的體重和身高讓我幾乎不太可能能夠把她"抱進輪椅"。還好阿 嬤還有簡單的移動能力,那段日子中她會面對輪椅站起來、轉身、然後坐進輪椅。然而,光是這段過程就讓人捏把冷汗。 Moving my grandma from either a bed or a sofa into the wheelchair turns out to be the most difficult and the riskiest thing during my granny’s recovery. Since she is a bit too heavy for us to carry her into the wheelchair, she had to do an easy turn by herself in order to be able to change spots. The moving process turns out to be so dangerous.

為了要能夠轉身坐進輪椅,從轉身的那一刻開始到她確實的坐下之前,她的身體重心需要不斷的移動和變換,甚至到她都已經"預備坐 下",她的屁股都還不一定已經真正落在椅面上,在這個同時她的手也因為要轉換方向而比須離開緊握著的扶手,這一切簡直讓她很緊 張,我們在一旁的人也緊張得不得了。 In order to turn her body around and sit in, the center of her body gravity has to first move from her right leg to her left leg, and then to her right hip, which hasn’t even reached the edge of the seat! She also has to grasp tightly on to the handle and let go of it during the process when she turns herself around for the balancing, which makes her even nervous at the same time.

身體重心 center of gravity of a body

對輪椅照護者而言,協助病人的"姿勢"和"方法"都應該特別留意,冒然的協助也可能對照護者造成身體上的傷害。 For Caregivers, proper education in regard to body positioning when lifting, turning and transferring patients from one location to another. Caregivers risk serious injury to their backs when attempting to do them without instruction.

如果"坐進輪椅"的方法能夠有所改善,對於輪椅使用者和照護的協助人都將有很大的助益。如果 " 轉身坐入輪椅 " 的這個過程可以被省 略或是簡化,輪椅使用者受到二次傷害的機會就能夠降低,同時也能夠提升他們的安全感,讓它們能夠有更多的尊嚴,這樣的改善應該也 能夠大大減低照護者的負擔,甚至連小朋友都有機會協助體重身高比自己種的年長者上下輪椅。 If there is another way to “get into the wheel chair”, it may be a helpful prevention of injury to the patient and the caregiver; If the user doesn't have to risk themselves from falling and tilting during the “turning process” when moving into auxiliar y appliances, the possibility of getting harm will decrease and the feeling of security can increase; If it is possible to lower the burden of assistance, users can gain more dignity, and kids may also have the opportunity to help elderlies.

SOLUTIONS: Avoid changing the center of gravity of body by changing the way of using a wheel chair.

“Embrace”的設計讓使用者可以從輪椅的背面進入輪椅,輪椅的乘坐不再具有方向性。 “Embrace” makes the wheel chair no longer directional. Users will be possible to “sit in from the backside of the wheelchair”.

輪 椅 的 靠 背 可 以 像 門 一 樣 的 打 開, 椅 面 也 可 以 左 右 分 開, 讓 出 一 個 可 以 讓 輪 椅 使 用 者 通 過 的 一 個 通 道。 使 用 者 可 以 簡 單 的 由 原 本 的 位 置 移 動進輪椅,不再需要任何的轉向動作。 The backrest of the chair can be moved aside just like a door, the seat can also be split into half, making a pathway through. Wheelchairs users can simply move “directly in” from their original location.

使用者進入輪椅後依序合上後面的靠背 和座椅椅墊。 After the wheelchair user had fully w a l k e d i n t h e p a t h w a y, i t w i l l b e a b l e to put down the seats and to shut the backrest up.

整個移動乘坐輪椅的過程,身體的重心都維持在最接近中心軸的位置,雙手也都不需要離開扶手,對以往需要轉身坐入輪椅的使用人 來說,大幅的減少了危險發生的可能。 During the whole moving process, the center of the body gravity remains near the center of the body, which makes stability to the patient. Both of the hands will also don’t have to leave the armrest. Comparing to the original way of turning back and sit in the chair, it lowers the rate of falling and danger happening.

[ 1:10 MODEL ]

這樣移動方式改變除了可以給還有簡單行 動 能 力 的 使 用 者 安 心 感, 輪 椅 使 用 者 受 到 二 次 傷 害 的 機 會 也 跟 著 降 低, 同 時 也 能 夠 提 升 他 們 的 安 全 感, 讓 他 們 能 夠 有 更 多 的 尊 嚴, 這 樣 的 改 善 應 該 也 能 夠 大 大 減 低 照 護者的負擔。 This new way of “get into the wheel chair” not only gives users the feeling of security, it is also helpful in preventing injury to patients and caregivers. Users can gain more dignity, assistances can lower their burden.

[ 1:1 MODEL ]

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蟲洞,是大致可以解釋為宇宙中「隧道」的一種概念理論。姑且不論蟲洞距離多長、會通到哪裡、通過後的物體本質 會如何轉變; 可以在宇宙這無任何向量座標基準點的空間中放入「方向」的思維,甚至在宇宙這無「平面單位」的 黑暗中用線條的延伸再下陷表現時空…,這些假設假說的「行為」本身的價值總是比起假說的實質內容來得更令我為 之興奮,也是我認為最珍貴的地方。 A wormhole is a theoretical concept that can be roughly explained as a tunnel in the universe. Regardless of all the transformation of time and space and all the cool theory that came out from wormhole, aside from what wormhole may be, the ignition while human being on the earth try to set a “direction” in the non-directional space, and the ignition, while people try drawing lines and giving space a simple standard-planner in order to explain a gradual collapse of time, is the most exciting part of the wormhole. Among all above ideas, the most valuable and touching for me the most is the “hypothesis” action itself in a theory and thus becomes a real concept.

我們從小到大不斷的學習到別人的假設,比如說地球是圓的、宇宙是大爆炸形成的等等。即使我們不是理論學家,隨 著年齡增長,我們會在不明之中吸收這些假說的靈魂,然後我們會把自己平日有的「想像」加入成立的理由和轉換中 所需要的理性,把「想像」升級成「假設」;然後在「假說」不斷的反覆思考和驗證,推演為「可能」。即使在這樣 轉換定義下所謂的「假設」,理論並不完整或內容微不足道,但它都已經跳脫了天馬行空的原始樣貌並更接近現實, 帶出了更多的可能。 We learn all kinds of theoretical hypothesis along with our learning. A hypothesis such as the earth is around, yet it is then been proved, and hypothesis such as the Big Bang theory, etc. Even though we are not the theorist, we get the spiritual of these assumptions through the way we learn, we read, and we think. One day, when we are able to our imagination with reasonable reason, and then find the logic within, “imagination” will turn to “hypothesis”. And after all the thinking and confirm, a hypothesis can upgrade to numerous “possibilities”. Even if these “hypothesis” may not be that complete, and even the content itself may be only trivial matters, the idea of thinking out of the box is no longer just an “idea”, and forward to the real world.

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戴 君 庭 Jiuntyng Dai 2013.NOV ~ 2014.MAY 家具設計 furniture 未定 / 金屬 unsettled / metal 100x85x100 cm

中華民國專利號 第

M485885 / 新 型 專 利

中 華 民 國 專 利 案 件 號 103112116 / 發 明 專 利 ( 領 證 中 ) 中 華 人 民 共 和 国 專 利 號 ZL201420185345.4 Bundesrepub;ik Deutschland Gebrauchsmusters Nr. 202014102109.4

J I U N- TYN G DA I' s 23


每一個 H 型結構中,和中軸相接的左右兩個點是結構中最堅固的點, 上 下 兩 端 因 為 沒 有 中 軸 固 定 之 間 的 距 離 ,分 別 有 一 點 結 構 上 的 通 融 度 。 Every “H” in the structure forms stronger in the middle part of each unit, while each top and the bottom part have enough tolerance.

同理,在圓形的結構上用同心圓的相互間隔關係,奇偶交錯相連接。 控制每圈圓單獨可活動的方向性來製造堅硬材質上的整體形變。( 為 使整體結構均勻受力,實驗測試以中心點受力操作 ) Likewise, create gaps on a circular planer concentrically, and make them inter connect each other odd and evenly. Make the entire planner flexible by allowing each unit some tolerance in position.

利用交錯的支點改變材質的彈性和塑性製造平面中的第三維向之結構 The structure to create the third dimension in planar by using staggered fulcrum to increase elasticity and plasticity of the material.

Flexibility ribs x2

ribs x4

ribs x6

隨著肋數變多,形變能力漸差但可承重的強度漸增強 With the growing number of the ribs, the deformation of the surface decrease while the weight capacity increase.

Directional and Curvature differences

當上半圓和下半圓的”鬆緊度”不同,在圓的中心點平均施力時, 較鬆的那一半便會產生較大的形變量,隨著較緊的那一半也逐漸形 變,在圓面中心便會形成一個垂直於圓本身方向的平面,形成一個 小平台。 When the “tightness” of the upper and lower semicircle differs, the less tight side will form a greater deformation. When the tighter part of the semicircle gets enough strength to transform after the less tight side, a platform in the middle of the planner will gradually appear.

搭配不同的材料、切紋,可以製造出堅硬平面上的各種個可能性。 Proper adjustment on the plane surface can result in different possibilities.

一張乘載前平面;乘載時變立體的椅子。 A chair, a transformation that happens between a planer and three-dimension.

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中華民國專利號 第

M485885 / 新 型 專 利

中 華 民 國 專 利 案 件 號 103112116 / 發 明 專 利 ( 領 證 中 ) 中 華 人 民 共 和 国 專 利 號 ZL201420185345.4 Bundesrepub;ik Deutschland Gebrauchsmusters Nr. 202014102109.4

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戴 君 庭 Jiuntyng Dai 2011.MAY ~ 2011.JUN Material Experiment 材質實驗設計 Pumice / Glass / Glaze 浮石 / 玻璃 / 釉

J I U N- TYN G DA I' s 31

The pristine archipelago Penghu 台灣海峽有一個與世隔絕的群島叫做澎湖。一水之隔,東西遙峙,地面景色卻與台灣截然 不同,即使都市化和現代化讓海峽兩岸的中國與台灣在夜晚火通明,澎湖群島仍舊保有了 很多舊有的生活樣貌,無論是群落還是生態景觀都躲過了很多外來的影響,堪為海峽中一 塊不可多得的淨土。 P e n g h u i s a n o u t l y i n g i s l a n d a r c h i p e l a g o l o c a t e d i n t h e Ta i w a n S t r a i t s . T h e a r c h i p e l a g o i s completely unscathed by the modernization and glitter in other parts of the island province. Not only have the Penghus’ environment and natural beauty been well preserved, but the traditional lifestyle and culture have been little affected by external influences.

▲The location of the Penghu archupelago Small Gu-Lao walls that criss-crossed the village

The stone that protects the islands 澎湖各島地勢平坦,地形無太大高低起伏變化,無高山、河流。加速的東北季風,加上地勢平坦、無高山屏障,勢如破竹,長驅直入。 四處可見由一顆顆咕咾石堆疊而成的咕咾石牆和古厝,它們的樣貌給建築帶來自然而然的古色古香,從樓房到阡陌於田間的圍牆,都給 農村生活帶來了不同的面貌,也使農作物免於大風的摧殘。 Penghu had no high mountains to ward off the strong winds, aside from its vast horizons, it is also well known for special windy winters. The villages, constructed of a type of gray, coral-volcanic rock-conglomerate called Gu-Lao Stone, have an ancient, gnarled appearance. Their narrow alleyways wind venerable in the ambience of another time. Every household, or group of households, has a field crisscrossed with small walls of

Gu-Lao Stone to protect the crops from the winds that sweep the islands.

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The beautiful wall made from Gu-Lao stones.

Gu-Lao Stones 早期咕咾石的出現是為了因應強勁的東北季 風,現在卻變成澎湖當地重要的人文景觀, 飽含了祖先們的智慧和努力活下去的毅力與 精神。藍天白雲配上咕咾石大地色系般的建 築,和周圍美麗的海洋景觀融合為一體。 Ye t G u - L a o s t o n e s a r e m e a n t t o p r e v e n t t h e negative influence of the strong Northeast monsoon in winter on the plants and crops. These architectures somehow represent the wisdom of our ancestors and reflect their perseverance in striving for a living. The color and textures of these walls and buildings made from these special stones bonds romantically with this pristine archipelago.

▲Houses made from Gu-Lao stones.

[ 浮福系列 ] 便是為了要詮釋澎湖咕咾石的美麗樣貌而 產 生 的 作 品。 這 系 列 作 品 包 含 各 樣 的 器 皿 和 比 例 小 家 具, 諸 如: 碗、 花 瓶、 雙 耳 壺、 小 桌 子 和 小 椅 子。 就 像 咕 咾 石 一 樣, 作 品 中 的 每 一 塊 石 頭 都 與 眾 不 同 的 有 著 不 同 的 重 量、 顏 色、 質 地, 一 顆 顆 地 找 出 它 們 最 合 適的堆疊方式,固定好,再打磨成適合的造型外觀。 [The Fu series] is designed to reinterpret these special heritage sites. A collection of vessels and proportional furniture, including bowl, vase, amphora, table, sofa, etc. Just like the Gu-Lao stones, every piece of stone is unique and distinguishes. They are piled up together in a puzzlelike rapport and then sanded into a rational shape.

J I U N- TYN G DA I' s ▲Reinterpreting the beauty of the Gu-Lao villages.


▲Pumice, the porous volcanic stone.

▲The manufacturing process.

[ 浮福系列 ] 是由浮石這樣一個特殊的石材製作而成的。浮石是一種接觸到海水後急速冷卻的火山岩,就像咕咾石一樣有著非 常特殊的造型和紋理,但卻比咕咾石還要更輕盈和易雕塑,它極小的密度甚至可以讓它飄在水上面。這些便是 [ 浮福系列 ] 使 用浮石來詮釋咕咾石建築的原因。 [The Fu series] are made from pumice, a kind of extrusive rock. They are created from a volcano and highly pressurized by sea water. Just like Gu-Lao stones, pumice is beautiful for their splendid cross-section. However, on the contrary, pumice is super light and easy to sculpture, its density makes it also possible to float on water. And that’s the reason why pumice stones are chosen to express the beauty of Gu-Lao stone heritage sites in Penghu in the Fu series project.

▲Details of the vase and amphora

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▲ Experimenting glaze to bring the stones together the stones.

▲[Fu series] Vase

▲[Fu series] Bowl ▲[Fu series] Table.

▲[Fu series] Amphora

▲[Fu series] Pot

The fish in the Pond_

Pr o je c ts d one d uring workshops. 在 水 族 世 界 中, 其 中 一 個 讓 魚 兒 可 以 " 群 游 " 的 方 法 就 是 放 進 另 一 隻 不 同 品種而且體型比較大的魚,讓牠扮演一個具有淺在威脅的角色。魚兒游在 一起可以增加安全感,一些肉時性的魚也會聚在一起,讓覓食更容易。 在 池 塘 中, 同 樣 品 種 的 魚 通 常 會 群 聚 在 一 起。 聚 在 一 起 可 以 讓 魚 群 更 強 大,靈感也是這樣,人類也是這樣。

In an aquarium, one of the typical ways to make your fish “swim in schools” is actually add in a larger species to act as a potential threat. Fish swims together in order to feel safer, some car nivorous fish swim together to make hunting easier. In a pond, different kind of species usually gathers together. Uniting makes fish stronger, so does ideas, and so does us.

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一個改善香港食物分配不均現象的系統。 A system to reallocate excesses resources; to reduce food waste; to enhance the dignity of food; to awaken the justice of society.

SW IM / S WAN / S WU N 38

[2013 香港國際設計夏令營 ] 2013 Hong kong World Design Summer camp Qasim Excess Food Reallocate System

時間 :102 年 6 月 27 日至 102 年 7 月 11 日 地點 : 香港 / 廣州 / 深圳 主辦:香港設計中心 參與 :120 位來自台灣、中國、香港、新加坡、印度、荷蘭、美國的設計系學生 組 員 : Justine Dai ( 台 灣 ) / Rainbow Lai ( 香 港 ) / Karmen Lam( 香 港 ) / Venus Li ( 香 港 ) / Richard Jiang( 中 國 ) Date : 27st June - 11th July, 2013 Location : Hong Kong / Guangzhou / Shenzhen Host : Hong Kong Design Center Participant : 120 Design major students from Tawian, Hong Kong, China, Singapor, India, Dutch, the USA Team Members : Justine Dai (Taiwan) / Rainbow Lai (Hong Kong) / Karmen Lam(Hong Kong) / Venus Li (Hong Kong) / Richard Jiang (China)

J I U N- TYN G DA I' s 39

▲ Lots of traditional markets are in alleys formed by these kinds of old buildings.

Wealth Inequality in Hong Kong 很幸運的,在這次香港工作營的期間,我們能夠到訪一些遊客路線之外的地方,諸如巷弄、舊住宅區、傳統 市場。雖然在到訪香港之前就已經耳聞當地嚴重的貧富差距問題,但這樣的現象還真的是眼見為憑…,我們 看到一位老先生從路邊的垃圾桶裡撿出一些剛被鄰近店家丟棄的食物,然後就撕開包裝吃了起來。 During the workshop in Hong Kong, we are lucky to hop off from some sightseeing tour routes, and be able to walk into alleys, old buildings, and traditional markets. Yet we have already heard of the huge wealth inequality in Hong Kong, it’s really hard to really feel this issue not until you really whiteness it. We saw a man picking out food form a trash bin on the road, where a market nearby just thrown some expired food, and start eating it.

▲ An old man recycling paper boxes in front of a massage parlor.

▲ A woman running her business while dining at the same time.

香港是廣為人知的美食天堂。 每天都有食物不斷地被丟棄,卻同時有很多吃不飽的人,這樣的狀況真是諷刺。 Hong Kong is known as a paradise for food lovers. However, a huge amount of food is thrown away every day, while some people go hungry. Unnecessary waste is created. What an irony.

▲ Infographic from Hong Kong Council of Social Services. The pictures show the serious issue about "food waste" in HK.

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Qasim, a platform to reallocate supplies

我們這組提出了一個叫 "Qasim" 的資源分配平台。這個平台鼓勵零 售商、批發商、製造商和企業,捐出它們的即期品或滯銷品;同時給 生活有困難的貧窮人能夠領取物資的 Qasim 卡。 Our team came up with this resource distributing platform name “Qasim”. This platform encourages retailers, distributors, manufacturers, and companies to gather and donate their gradually expiring items. On the other side, those who live under the poverty line will be given a love-card for them to get supplies from Qasim.

How it works

[Qasim 資源分享平台 ] Qasim 資源分享平台是一個只需要極少人力介入的計畫。現階段香港已有關於食物捐贈的機構正在營運中,然而因為人力資源的 需求,使得這樣的機制並無法穩定的經營。 每個便利商店或超市皆會透過政府的補助設立 Qasim 機台,透過這個機器來傳遞過剩食物給需要幫助的族群。每天業者只需要 把過剩的食物放入這樣一個機台裡面,有需求的人就可以透過這樣的機台得到那些原本要被淘汰的食物。

[ The Qasim Platform ] The Qasim Platform is a distribution idea with ver y less manpower involved. Yet there are already some charities in HK doing food donations, it requires manpower to maintain, thus causing difficulty in implementing. The Qasim machines are configured to each and ever y convenience stores and markets by the government. Instead of throwing the excess foods away, foods that are going to expire will be put into this machine every day and be taken by the needs. The Qasim Machine then works as an automatic platform between the excesses and the shortages.

[ 經銷商/批發商/製造商/企業 ]

[ 需要資源的那些人 ]

Qasim 在運作的同時也能夠促進企業社會責任的良性循環。

用 Qasim 的 愛 心 卡, 讓 需 要 幫 助 的 人 在 取 得 資 源 的 過 程 中, 可

每 個 產 品 的 條 碼 內 都 會 有 點 數 設 置 .過 剩 的 資 源 透 過 Q a s i m



政 府 將 依 照 標 準, 發 給 需 要 救 濟 的 人 們 Qasim 愛 心 卡。 每 張 卡


每 天 都 將 有 固 定 的 配 額, 讓 他 們 能 夠 從 街 道 上 的 Qasim 平 台 拿


取 定 量 的 食 物 。用 " 卡 片 拿 取 的 方 式 " 減 少 弱 勢 人 被 施 捨 的 感 覺 ,



社會使用 Qasim,利用社會的力量帶動良好的循環,使這樣 的機制可以不斷經營下去。

[ Those who need these supplies ] The Qasim Love-card is not only a simple card to solve

[Retailers / Distributors / Manufacturers / Companies]

hunger, but also at the same time, a card to reestablish self-

Qasim also makes a virtuous charity action cycle


A bonus-feedback-system is inserted in ever y product

The underprivileged will be given a ‘love-card’ by the

bar-code. Whenever an item is being transferred to the

government according to certain criteria. Having this Love-

needs via Qasim, the company gets a bonus point.

card, one will be able to get the supplies from the Qasim

Companies and stores will this be able to gain good

machine every day. Using this card, a certain amount of items

and healthy corporate image by simply gather their

can be taken from the machine per day per person.

access supplies. An award will be given every year

This way of providing food to the underprivileged keeps

to accomplish the most bounced company by the

their self-esteem instead of making them feels like receiving

government. The positive competition then goes on and

s o m e o n e ’s c h a r i t y. L o v e - c a r d a l s o a c t s a s a r e m i n d e r, t o


thank them for reducing the waste of food.

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Qasim, a platform to reallocate supplies

▲This story happened in HK, a place where excess food is wasted every day, but some people still have the problem getting their next meal.

▲An old man was hungry and went to the trash can. He wants to see if he is lucky enough to find something edible. He did!

▲Unfortunately, the sandwich he just found had already gone bad. The old man is so depressed.

▲Suddenly, something fell from the sky…. “It is the love-card from Qasim!” This card is the lead that will feed him and his grandchildren!

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▲Having the Love-card with him, the old man went to the Qasim machine, where a grocery store had just placed in some gradually expiring items. He tags the card on the Qasim vendor machine…, tadah! Here’s an orange juice!

▲From now on, having this Love-card from Qasim, the old man will never have to snoop through trash in search of food! Thanks for the help from the entire city.

▲Instead of throwing the excess foods away, foods that are going to expire can be taken by the needs. The Qasim Machine then works between the excesses and the shortages, works with the awareness of the society.

▲Using the most simple way, Qasim hopes to bring together the excesses and the shortages.

把過剩的資源重新分配以減少食物浪費; 增加貧窮人在大社會環境中求溫飽的基本尊嚴, 重新喚起社會的正義 Qasim. a system, to reallocate excesses resources, to reduce food waste; to enhance the dignity of poor, to awaken the justice of society.

J I U N- TYN G DA I' s 43

根據香港的環境保護署," 食物浪費 " 佔大部分城市 生活垃圾的大宗,當然這接所謂 " 食物 " 包含了食 品生產、加工、批發、零售過程中的垃圾,但同時 也包含了剩菜剩飯和過期的食物。每 10 噸的食物可 以製造出 17000 頓供給溫飽的三餐,數量很可觀。

According to the Environmental Protection Department in Hong Kong, Food waste is the major constituent of the municipal solid waste in Hong Kong, yet it includes waste produced during food production, processing, wholesale, retail and preparation, a great proportion is still meal leftovers and expired foods. Every 10 tons of food, can make out 17,000 meals across Hong Kong. ▲ Process while making the ideation concept video.

▲ A black-board for people to write down what they are thinking.

" 食物過剩 "" 是在全世界都有的問題。根據自然資源守護委員會,以美國這個全世界浪費最多食物的地方,有大約 40% 的食 物最後都直接進到垃圾堆裡了。至於食物被丟掉了理由,有的是過了賞味期限、有的是因為庫存量太多,有的甚至只是因 為長得太醜賣相不好,但在同一個時間,有約七分之一的美國人正在飢餓困苦當中。 We have the same crises all over the world. America, for example, wastes more food than any other country in the world; According to NRDC, The Natural Resources Defense Council, in America, with up to 40% of food supply goes directly to the dumpster. Food is thrown away when it expires, when it’s overstocked, or when it is too ugly to sell…, while by the same time, 1 in 7 Americans is struggling with hunger.

▲ Visiting fram and farmers during the workshop.

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▲ A lecture during the workshop. A lecture explaining how to improve the mutual trust and connection between people in society.

根據 <Dumpster Diving> 的住持人 Graham Jackson,捐出要被丟掉的食物對很多超商來講沒有任何的收益,除非諸如 食物銀行的機構來找他們,不然對於超商來說似乎沒有任何必要得花多餘的精力在整理那些過剩的物資。沒有預算和沒有任 何社會壓力,都是變相的理由……,正是因為如此,很多業者寧可把過剩的食物通通丟掉反正不會有人知道。 According to Graham Jackson, the host for a show name <Dumpster Diving>, for stores that waste food, they are not going to profit from setting up a way to donate their food, so unless other places like “food bank” comes to them and give them all the resources to donated food, it just doesn’t really make financial sense to spend company resources on getting the stuff donated properly…, there is not enough financial sanative and social pressure, so it is just easy to throw things out, and nobody needs to know otherwise.

不論是哪個國家,政府都依該要照顧到人民的基本生活所需。這次工作營中,我們對於食物資源分布不均勻所提出的 "Qasim 系統 " 必然有很多細節尚未很完善,但這或許是政府對於資源分享和照顧的一種好辦法之一吧! The government has a significant role to play in providing basic care to the citizen. Yet there are a lot of details need to be refined in the Qasim system we came up in this workshop, it may be a choice in finding a way to reallocate excess resources.

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隨著時代的變遷,宗教的形式和方法也該跟著演進。 一個專為亞洲文化宗教設計的手機應用程式。 Under the passing of time, changes should be made, the way and form of religious may also change.

An app for Asian-god worshipping.

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[2011 新世代交叉設計營 ] 2011 Young Designer Workshop iTemple Portable worship app 時間 :2011 年 10 月 17 日至 10 月 21 日 地點 : 實踐大學工業產品設計系 指導老師 :Hartmut Esslinger 教授 參與 :15 位台灣設計系學生及 16 位國際學生,共 31 位成員 組 員 : Justine Dai ( 台 灣 ) / Lolita Cho ( 加 拿 大 ) / Chia Yen Tai ( 台 灣 ) / Jheng Wei Lin ( 台 灣 ) / Ayato Kimura ( 日 本 ) Date : 17th-21st October, 2011 Location : Shih Chien University Dept. of Industrial Design Director : Prof. Dr. Hartmut Esslinger Participant : 31 people composed of 16 international members & 15 Taiwanese members Team Members : Justine Dai (Taiwan) / Lolita Cho (Canada) / Chia Yen Tai (Taiwan) / Jheng Wei Lin (Taiwan) / Ayato Kimura (Japan)

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▲People now a days still need religious as they used to do in the past.

Religious in Taiwan 台灣憲法明令宗教自由,這樣的規範使得在移民文化交流的台灣,宗教多元的發展進行得更加如火如荼! 沒有人真正知道到底台灣這個土地上有多少位 " 神 ",在台灣這樣一個跟比利時差不多大小的國家更有超過 30000 間廟宇,數量更勝泰國,可以說是非常多!更有趣的是在台灣,甚至可以在同一個廟宇裡面看到道教 儒教等不同宗教的神明同時被恭奉著,諸如文昌君、祝生娘娘、彌勒佛,月下老人等等。 Constitutional religious freedom and a dizzyingly complicated colonial histor y make Taiwan a place of exceeding religious diversity. No one knows exactly how many gods and goddesses there are in the Taiwanese pantheon. Te m p l e s a r e e v e r y w h e r e i n Ta i w a n , s o m e e s t i m a t e t h e i r n u m b e r t o m o r e t h a n 3 0 , 0 0 0 . F o r a c o u n t r y t h a t ' s approximately the size of Belgium, that's a lot of temples! The most interesting thing is you can pray to many different Gods from different religions in one just temple in Taiwan. God of Happiness, God of Knowledge, God of Children, God of Love, ...

▲ In Taiwan, temples can almost be found every where in cities and alleys.

Tamsui, the old and new 淡水位在台灣的最北端,是歷史上新移民落腳的重要地點。淡水 河也是當時進入台北的一個重要入口,人潮和聚落也就從淡水開 始群聚起來了。 Tamsui is located at the northern tip of Taiwan, it is an important spot for immigrations. Tamsui River used to be the main entry point into the Taipei basin for immigrants in the Qing Dynasty and thus made Tamsui the commercial center of north Taiwan. ▲▲LED horizontal-inscribed-board of Fuyo temple. A example of modernization in tamples

新與舊並存的群落在很早便開始發展的地方看得尤其明顯。 光是淡水本身就有超過 50 個大大小想的寺廟,在都市化和交通建設更新的過度中,有不少這樣廟宇被迫要順 應著新的政策,可能是重新改造成可以與新大樓融合的形式,又或是因為主要道路變動而逐漸被人們遺忘於 小巷弄之中,有些甚至落在不容易到達的地方。是不是有時麼方法我們能夠充新找回這些廟宇的新生命?又 或是有什麼樣的辦法可以重新轉換現代人在忙碌的生活中對信仰的精神寄託?讓對神明的崇敬能依舊如過往 般得以獲得心靈救贖呢? The conflicts between the old and new are commonly seen problems for a historical place in Taiwan. There are over 50 temples in Tamsui only. Under the restructure and redesign of the city today, they somehow became the obstructers to the new policies. Instead of having most of them ended being forgotten in the small alleys, or even unable to find.Is there any way to bring them back to life and back to their resplendent days? Is there any way to have even busy people who rarely visit temples to be able to worship a god also when they feel anxious?

信仰的方式與形式或許也該隨著歷史演進有新的方法。 The way and form of "religious", should also be involving together with the society.

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▲▲These scenes can be commonly seen in Tamsui: new buildings grow over traditional temples like parasitic plants. Some of these old temples bond nicely with the society, some seems not.

What if there is actually no temples at all? 根據台灣最高學術統計機構中央研究院,超過 50% 的信徒認為信仰的目的在精神的寄託與追求心靈上的安定。 將廟宇和神明的形象從有形化為無形,將信仰的意象轉化成 " 無所不在 " 的虛擬樣貌或許是在這個時代變遷的社會中 一個不錯的轉型方式。時代在變遷,信仰的方式也應該有所改變。 According to the statistic from Academia Sinica, the highest academic institution in Taiwan, over 50% of the adherents believe in a religion for the purpose of entrusting spiritually and mentally. Combining and moving the temples, gods, ceremonies actually inside our mind and having only the images to display the meaning of worship goods may be a good way to set “Temples” into another form. Under the passing of time, changes should be made.

重新將信仰的意涵以無形的科技詮釋,已另一個面貌呈現或許是一個好辦法。 Reinterpret the meaning of faith and religious in a virtual way might be a good way to give a try.

▲ ▲Concept ideas of reinterpreting the meaning of religious.

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Moving the Gods right along us by APP

用自己最崇敬的方式表達虔誠 , 把神隨時帶在身邊 ! 只要有一個虔誠的心,你一樣可以用嚴肅 的態度來寄託心靈,達到宗教的安定心神。 Worship your God in your most respectful way. Bring your God along and pray everywhere! You should be able to use this app, iTemple, just like visiting the temple seriously and figure out the feeling way people pray to their Gods.

How to Use iTEMPLE ( Main Page & Menu )

Temple Architecture Temple can be a colorful building with symbols and statues. Many temples in Taiwan display prolific decoration: paintings, wood carvings, stone carvings, and impressive bas-relief works. Usually, the more efficacious a temple is, the wealthier a temple will be; the wealthier a temple is, the fancier its decoration.

Clothings Just like Mazu, the Goddess who protects the seafarers, herself is usually depicted wearing a red robe in paintings or murals; Tudigong, the God of the soil and the ground, is portrayed as an elderly man with a long white beard, a black or gold hat and a red or yellow robe, you are as well able to give the God you worship a suitable outfit.

Gift Worship is an integral part of daily life in Chinese society, and the burning of incense is an indispensable element in Chinese religious ceremonies. Aside from incense sticks, sweets, biscuits, fruit, or fake money are also common things that people use to worship their Gods.

Roof Windows Decorations

Color Accessory Hair Style



Incense Gold Money

Worship Believers are possible to ask God questions and advice by casting moon blocks, so call bua buey. God will respond in the way blocks fall. Drawing fortune stick is also a way of getting a reply from God.

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Casting Lots Drawing Sticks

How to Play & Worship

Drawing Sticks

Casting Lots

Choose God for Different Purpose

The prayer kneels while holding the cup between their palms and asking their question to the deity. The shaking of the cylinder, which is usually tipped slightly downward, results in at least one stick leaving the cylinder and being dropped onto the floor. When a single stick falls out, the number will correspond to one of the hundred written oracles with an answer on it. The writing on the piece of paper will provide an answer to the question.

The worshipper frames the question in his or her mind, and then casts (shakes) the pair of blocks (lots) three times. One block coming to rest flat-side up and the other flat-side down means the answer is yes; if both land rounded-side up, the god’s response is negative; both landing rounded-side down means the deity feels the question is frivolous.

In Chinese cultures, different God has different “talent”. For example: Guanyin is known as “the goddess of mercy”; Lord Guan is often worshipped in businesses and fraternal organizations; Caishen is the Chinese god of prosperity; Mazu, is the Chinese patron goddess who is said to protect seafarers, such as fishermen and sailors.

User Experience Returning Users [Start Here]

Press to pop up the menu

Home & Icon


Main Menu


First Time Users

1. Introduction

2. Chose a God

3. Build the Temple

4. Completion

[Set up your iTemple]

J I U N- TYN G DA I' s 51

About this Workshop 此次工作營主題為「經緯交錯下的體驗設計」,創作主旨為透過文化觀察 尋找新的生活行為,並轉換成為設計創作,進入人們的生活活動中;我們 規劃了台北市的三個著名景點「淡水」、「西門町」、以及「大稻埕」來 作為這次設計發想的地方。報名參加此次工作營的國內外學員共有三十一 位,包括來自加拿大、日本、德國、新加坡、馬來西亞、荷蘭等國外學員 十六位,國內學員十五位,分成六組進行密集的腦力激盪、討論與成果創 作,各組皆有臺灣與外國學生,藉由彼此相互交流與到當地實際感受,在 食衣住行各方面進行經驗的分析、分享與探討, 艾斯林格教授教導學員們 以批判性思考方式,藉由四個階段—研究觀察、置換選擇、聯想、挑釁, 提出最能呈現當地特色精神或改善環境的設計案,內容包含了智慧型手機 的應用程式、虛擬媽祖廟、機車大改造、文字翻譯系統等等,並在短短五 天之內,將創作成果匯總成為完整的展演規劃,壓力極大,但成果極為豐 富,最終成果表現讓艾斯林格教授對工設系所師生的表現印象深刻,直接 告訴我們:「你們系所很棒 !」 The theme of the workshop was “Experience Design above the XYZ”, which aimed at finding new behaviors in life through cultural obser ving, transforming which to designs and bringing them to the ever yday life activities of human beings. We had chosen three famous spots, “Danshui”, “Ximenting” and “Dadaocheng” as our design development spaces. A total of 31 participated in the workshop, with a total of 16 from Canada, Japan, Germany, Singapore, Malaysia and the Netherlands, and 15 from Taiwan; the participants were put into 6 groups for intensive brainstorm sessions, discussions and work creations. Each group would contain both Taiwanese and foreign students; through interacting with each other and actually arriving at the place to observe and feel, group members were able to share, discuss and analyze experiences of different aspects of life. Professor Esslinger asked the students to think critically and go through the four steps of Research, Alternative, Association and Provocation, to come up with a design that would best represent the local styles and spirits, or one that could improve the local environment. The designs included apps for smartphones, a virtual Mazu temple, customized motorcycles and word translation systems; within five days, the works were organized into an exhibition plan. Though under extreme pressure, the students still presented amazing results; this impressed deeply Dr. Hartmut Esslinger, who told us directly: “You have a wonderful department!”

â–˛ Pictures during the workshop. Including on-site exploration in Tamsui; a discussion between the team and prof. Esslinger; iTemple concept promotion.

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The fish heading rowards the Ocean_

S k e t c h es from work. 隨 著 河 流 匯 集 流 到 大 海, 來 自 不 同 地 方 的 水 分 子 和 養 分 也 跟 著 交 會,生物多樣性在這樣的地方有就更加的繁華了。 就 像 進 入 職 場 能 夠 碰 到 更 多 來 自 不 同 地 方 的 人 一 樣, 讓 人 有 更 多 的機會可以學著用不同的視角和眼光審視一件事情。

As rivers converge into the ocean, nutrition and water molecule from different places meet, and thus, encourage biodiversity. Entering the workforce creates opportunities for me to see more and meet more people from different fields. I lear n to think from a different point of view when dealing with problems.

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The fish at home_

My Pe r s o n al Hobby. 每一個獨立的各體都有與眾不同的個性,動物也是一樣。就像有些狗很貪吃、有些狗很愛睡覺, 那魚呢?很可惜人類很少能跟魚有互動,就連魚缸中的魚說穿了也都只像會移動的花而已。 魚的記憶其實不只有三秒鐘,她們可以回憶起十二天前的往事和經歷。她們比我們想的都還要聰 明。說不定魚兒們也都有各自能夠自得其樂的小嗜好,只是身而為人的我們不了解罷了。

Ever y individual on Earth has a distinguished personality, so does an animal. Just like some dogs love to eat while some love to sleep. And fish? Too bad, we don’t often get to interact with fish, even aquarium fishes are just like moving flowers. Instead of three seconds, fish actually recall memories from twelve days ago. They are smarter than we thought. Maybe, fish also have their own special hobbies that amuse them, and it is our fault that thought they were all the same.

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”我總想到熱力學第一定律,宇宙中的能量不會被製造 也不會被毀滅,這意味著我們體內蘊含的所有能量、每 一 個 粒 子, 都 會 成 為 別 的 事 物 的 一 部 分, 或 許 是 海 蛾 魚, 也 許 是 微 生 物, 也 許 會 在 百 億 年 後 被 超 新 星 燃 燒 掉。而現在構成我們身體的每個粒子都曾經是別的事物 的一分子,可能來自月亮,積雨雲,或者猛獁 象,或者 是 猴 子 …。 成 千 上 萬 美 麗 的 生 物 就 像 我 們 一 樣 懼 怕 死 亡。”- 潔瑪 ‧ 西蒙斯,神盾局特工 "I like to think about the first law of thermodynamics, that no energy in the universe is created and none is destroyed. That means that every bit of energy inside us, every particle will go on to be a part of something else, maybe live as a dragon fish, a microbe, maybe burn in a supernova 10 billion years from now. And every part of us now was once a part of some other thing - a moon, a storm cloud, a mammoth. Thousands and thousands of other beautiful things that were just as terrified to die as we are." - Jemma Simmons, agents of SHIELD

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我的小興趣:收集各種生命走過所留下的遺跡 My hobby: collecting the remains of living things

這是一個我自得其樂的小蒐藏:各樣生物的小碎片。 這些小碎片還活著的時候,都有屬於它和它主人的故事,我不全然知道;但對我來說," 紀錄和蒐集 " 它們能讓 我有滿滿的感觸和心得。有些殘骸是我曾經飼養的寵物,有些是我在日常生活中蒐集到的。 I have a small collection of all kinds of “remains from once living creatures”. Aside from their own story that I might not know fully, each of them also have a story of how I found and collected them. Some of the remains belong to pet that I once kept; and some of the parts are found in my daily life.

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Collecting the Remains of Living Things

有些人會說,我的這些蒐集叫 " 標本 ",我倒覺得比較像是再蒐集這些生命曾經還活著的時候的一段 " 記憶 "。在東方文 化裡很多人相信 " 輪迴 ",與其說 " 死亡 " 我們相信所有的屍體只是靈魂離開了的軀殼而已。就像換下戲服的演員,他將 穿上下一套戲服繼續演出下一齣劇──而靈魂也是如此。 Some people view my collection as a kind of specimen, but to me, it feels more like keeping the “memories capsule” from the owner of these remains. In Chinese culture, a lot of us believe in reincarnation. Instead of “dying”, we believe that the “corpse” is just “shell” that have been left behind by the spirit. Just like an actor’s old outfit from the previous show, he eventually will have to move on into a new outfit and play the next show-- so will our spirit.

沙士比亞說:" 全世界是一個舞台,所有的男男女女不過是一些演員;它們都有下場的時候,也有上場的時候。" 所 有的生物也都是演員啊,牠們跟我們一樣,成長、交配、繁殖、死亡。在日常生活中蒐集這些生物碎片讓我感到心 靈平靜,我感受到一種生而為人應該要有的謙虛,畢竟我們都是一樣的啊;也說不定透過輪迴,有一天我也會變成 牠們。 S h a k e s p e a r e s a i d : “ A l l t h e w o r l d ’s a s t a g e , a n d a l l t h e m e n a n d w o m e n m e r e l y p l a y e r s , t h e y h a v e t h e i r e x i t s a n d t h e i r entrances.” Ever y creature is a player, too. They grow, mate, reproduce, die…, just like us. It makes me feel “peace” while collecting and gathering their remains in my daily life. I feel humbled to be living as a human being, after all, we are all the same; and via reincarnation, maybe one day I’ll become one of them.

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Green Cockroach Excrement Sep 2013 - Apr 2014 Taipei City, Taiwan

▲ The beautiful green poop from those cockroach. The "green" comes even in different levels. 這些我抓到的蟑螂所生產出來的排泄物。我 只餵食這些蟑螂綠色的食物,因為我很好奇 也很想知道他們的屎會不會因此變成綠色 的。結果也正是如此!意外的非常漂亮,像 綠寶石一樣。 These were the excrement from the cockroaches I caught. I fed those cockroaches only green food because I was curious whether they could produce green excrement, and eventually they did! It was amazingly beautiful, just like an emerald.

▲ I fed those cockroach only green foods such like candies or vegitables. Its stomach turns green and translucent after having a "green diet".

Cockroach A

Cockroach B

Cockroach C

Sep 2013 - Apr 2014

29, Apr, 2014

7, May, 2014

Dazhi, Taipei City, Taiwan

Dazhi, Taipei City, Taiwan

Yongho, New Taipei City, Taiwan

Cockroach B 在我飼養牠的這段期間,很幸運的我能夠參與 牠脫皮和產下一顆無受精的卵鞘的過程。牠很 漂亮,但最後在我的書包裡面,被跑進牠罐子 裡的螞蟻攻擊,然後分屍了。(帶著牠上學, 在課業壓力大的那一年意外成為我紓壓的安 慰) She was able to peel and even laid an unfertilized egg sheath while I kept her and fed her. I felt very lucky to be able to take such close look at all the processes, it was beautiful. She was killed and

▲ The body parts of these cockroaches are collected in the bottles.

dismemberment into pieces by ants that got in her room while she was in my book bag.

Cockroach A 牠 是 我 飼 養 的 第 一 隻 蟑 螂 ,也 是 第 一 隻 加 入 我 " 綠 色 排 泄 物 " 計 畫 的 蟑 螂 。

Cockroach C

牠原本是一隻宿舍裡應該被殺掉的生活害蟲,但在我仔細觀察過他精緻的 三角形頭部細節和口器後,突然覺得牠的姿態實在很美。就這樣牠被我留 下來,頤養天年。

我抓到牠的時候牠甚至連翅膀都還沒有長出 來。牠最後也是被螞蟻攻擊,但我很快地就在 牠被啃食殆盡以前發現了。我把攻擊牠的螞蟻

He was the first cockroach I kept as a pet, and also the first cockroach that joined


my experiments in producing green cockroach excrement. I was supposed to kill him since he was a pest in my dorm room, but I didn’t. I wasn’t able to kill him

She hasn’t even got wings grown when I caught

after I made some clear observation of the movement and structure of his head,

her. She was attacked by ants. I whoosh the ants

mouth, and neck. This flexible triangular body part, the head, was awesomely

away as soon as I found her, and she is still alive.

beautiful. So, he got to live out his natural life spans.

But sadly she still died a few hours later.

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The Empty Rice from Rice Weevils June, 2004 Yongho, New Taipei City, Taiwan

▲ The hallow grain of rice made by rice weevils while they transfer from pupa into imago. 那時我大概十三歲,正值對戀愛、浪漫、性這類的東西充滿好奇和感興趣的時候。我 再一次洗米的時候發現了這兩隻正在交配的米蟲,甚至我都把牠們從水裡撈出來,牠 們也怎麼樣都不肯分離。當時的我對牠們這樣的意志力和投入的浪漫情懷給感動了, 憐憫心讓我實在無法就這樣把牠們沖走。就這樣,我開始飼養牠們,牠們也真的繁殖 了很多後代,大概有好幾百隻。近距離的觀察牠們從幼蟲到蛹、蛹到成蟲的過程真是 非常的精彩。從幼蟲在米粒裡面成長時,米的顏色變化;到蛹變成成蟲 " 破米而出 " 後所留下的那個鏤空的米殼……,這一切都歷歷在目。這些便是我從那次米蟲大家族 裡蒐集來的空米粒,每一粒都很美,像小小的雕塑品。

▲ One hallow grain of rice means there was one rice weevil that grew up in there.

It was when I was about thirteen, start getting curious and interested in things like love, romance, and maybe sex. I found two rice weevil mating while I was rinsing rice, they are even still in a pair (overlapping on each other) while I scooped them out of the water. Their “perseverance” and “devotion” to what they are doing – have a romantic time, I supposed, triggered my mercy, I just couldn’t wash they away. So, I kept them as my pet, and they did reproduce a lot of offspring, hundreds of them. I had a pleasant time keeping them under observation from larva, pupa, to imago. From how the colors of rice change while a larva was growing in it, to how they transfer from pupa to imago and broke out from a grain of rice while leaving an empty hollow room. It was impressive. These are the hollow grain of rice I collected from this big rice weevil family. Each of them is so exquisite and delicate like sculptures.

Two Baby Groupers trying to swallow the other one 7, July, 2014 Dongshi, Chai-Yi City, Taiwan

Nails of my Dog 10, Sep 2016

Bee Cooked in a Lamp

Yongho, New Taipei City, Taiwan

8, Oct, 2012 Cologne, Germany

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Peals from Shrimp 4, Apr, 2016 Yongho, New Taipei City, Taiwan

A Cicada Emptied by ants 16, July, 2014 Touwu Township, Miaoli County, Taiwan

Squashed Mummy Gecko

Centipede in the Computer Hardrive

3, Jun, 2015

3, Jun, 2015

Daan, Taipei City, Taiwan

Daan, Taipei City, Taiwan

Hugging Dragonfly Nymph Shells 7, Aug, 2016 Qiao's Grand Courtyard, Shanshi, China

Odd Dragonfly Nymph Shells by the ocean 7, May, 2015 Maiyen Mt., Keelong City, Taiwan

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不管我是一個凡人還是一個設計師,我相信人類和地 球上的動物、昆蟲都是一樣的──所有的生命皆是平 等。可能,人類有更多舉一反三的能力,但這不等於 我們理所當然地可以變得強大到去統治、甚至改變這 個世界的未來命運,雖然很難過的是──這正是人類 正在做的事。 W h e t h e r I a m a n o r d i n a r y p e r s o n o r I a m a d e s i g n e r, I believe I have no difference from other animals or insects o n t h e E a r t h - - e v e r y l i f e i s c r e a t e d e q u a l . I t ’s j u s t t h a t probably we have better ability in the analogy, but should mean we are stronger in ruling them or deciding the faith of the Earth, yet sadly-- this is what we, human being, might have been doing now.

如 果 有 一 天 外 星 人 來 到 地 球, 把 我 們 從 地 底 下 挖 出 來,我希望他們看到的是我們曾經多麼努力的想要 " 過得更好 "。就想每次我在整理這些瓶子裡的小東西 的時候,我總會在腦海裡想像他們活著時候的樣子、 或 可 能 的 樣 子( 畢 竟 有 些 在 我 撿 到 的 時 候 就 已 經 死 了),我都覺得自己似乎能夠想像他們還在呼息或是 覓食的那種生氣,然後他們死了的姿態也似乎能反映 當時它們離開時的痛苦或是安詳。 I f o n e d a y, a l i e n s c o m e a n d d i g o u t o u r b o d y o r o t h e r remains from the plain soil, I hope what they see, is “how hard we tried in living a better life”. Just like when I am collection the remains from those once living creatures, which I have been keeping in these bottles…, I recall how they were; or imagine how they might have been (since some of them were already dead when found them, and I’ve never seen them alive). I also imagine their enjoyment in the days they were breathing or prowling; the form of their dead body can also reflect the moment when they are about to die, some left in unwillingness while some left in peace and calm.

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就像是神盾局裡提到的熱力學定律:宇宙中的能量不會被製造也不會被毀滅,這 意味著我們體內蘊含的所有能量、每一個粒子,都會成為別的事物的一部分。我 希望我可以在有生之年過的充實、活到人生的極大值,用我活在現在這個軀體的 時間多挑戰自己,多看看這個地球,讓自己多改變依些東西,即使很渺小。畢竟 有一天我也會死,等我的靈魂離開了現在的人類軀體以後,我也將跟真些我蒐集 的生物碎片一樣了。如果在這齣劇落幕之前我能夠留下些什麼或是完成一些其他 生命體沒有達到的事情,那將會是多麼酷的一件事。 Again, just like what it’s said in the first law of thermodynamics: ever y bit of energy inside us, every particle should, and will, go on to be a part of something else. I wish I can live my life to the fullest, by taking more challenges, by seeing and visiting more places on Earth, also by making as much influence I can. After all, one day I’ll sure die, and I will be no difference from any dead animals or dead insects, but it will be really cool to have played in an interested and remarkable role in this show of life.

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.M/ +886 910 130 124 .E/ justine.dia@gmail.com

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