2014 Jiuntyng Dai Simple Portfolio

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Jiuntyng Dai 2014 simple profilio 戴君庭 / 簡易作品集

[ 學歷 ] 德國科隆應用科技大學設計學院 實踐大學工業產品設計學系 中山女子高級中學創意設計班 福和國民中學美術班 [ 實習經驗 ] 德國紅點博物館 3,co 原品當代陶瓷家飾 後台集創


Jiuntyng Dai

/ 2014 simple profilio

戴 君 庭 / Justine Dai 1991,02,27 +886 910 130 124 justine.dia@gmail.com

[ Education ] Köln International School of Design -Integrated Product Design Shih Chien University -Industrial Product Design Taipei Municipal Zhongshang Girl High School -Creative Design Class Taipei County Fuho Junior High School -Art Class

[ Intern Experience ] Reddot design Museum, ESSEN, GERMANY GR-GreenRoom Ideas Cooperation, TAWIAN 3,co Ceramic, TAIWAN

以快速重建體液來降低戶外救援的 低血壓型休克發生風險。 Lowering the risk of hypovolemic shock by speeding up the transfusion medical treatment in outdoor rescue situation.

[ 救難工具設計 ] survival+ Emergency design INFINI 緊急輸液加速裝置 塑料 / 金屬 / 橡膠 plastic / metal / rubber 10x10x 3.5 cm


Jiuntyng Dai

/ 2014 simple profilio

裝置 INFINI 在輸液迴路上的用途是為了加速點滴輸液行為的液體注入速度,使醫療救命液體的補充速度大於大失血 或脫水時的液體缺失速度,已避免低壓型休克的發生,為更進一步的醫療爭取時間。 The purpose for installing INFINI onto the infusion circuit is to make the liquid input speed on one’s body faster than the output's, thus avoiding hypovolemic shock to happen, saving time for rescuers and for further medication.

一張乘載前平面;乘載時變立體的椅子。 A chair that transform between seat and non-seat; a transformation that happen vbetween a planer and a three-dimension chair.

[ 材料材質實驗 ] Meterial experiment 雙 扭線 Lemniscate 未定 / 金屬 unsettled / metal 100x85x100 cm


Jiuntyng Dai

/ 2014 simple profilio

當上半圓和下半圓的”鬆緊度”不同,在圓的中心點平均施力時,較鬆的那一半便會產生較大的形變量,隨著較緊 的那一半也逐漸形變,在圓面中心便會形成一個垂直於圓本身方向的平面,形成一個小平台。 When the “tightness” of the upper and lower semicircle differs, the less tight side will form a greater deformation. When the tighter part of the semicircle gets enough strength to transform after the less tighter side, a platform in the middle of the planner will gradually appear.

搭配不同的材料,切紋可以製造出堅硬平面上的各種個可能性。 Proper adjustment on the plane surface can result in different possibilities.

以浮石作為砌成材, 遇水前易於搬運、遇水時隨水上浮、遇水後快速乾燥,在必要時作為 乘載重要物品的承載平台和救生工具。 Make pumice stones the materials for furniture Easily moved before flood; Directly float above water when flooding; Dry fast after flooding.

[ 材料實驗設計 ] Material Experiment Salvage Furniture 救難家具設計 pumice stone / pumice stone / pumice stone 浮石 / 水管 / 浮石 120x60x80 cm


Jiuntyng Dai

/ 2014 simple profilio

在台灣,水災常常伴隨著大雨而來。撇開那些因為颱風、海嘯而遇突 如洪水的受災戶,對住在易淹水的地方,每逢雨勢稍大,便要隨時待 命,擔心會不會淹水的居民而言,憂心財產的的損失的心情和緊戒都 是一種折磨人心的心理戰。 ──為那群總要憂心忡忡的居民而設計的砌成材。 Floods often occurs after heavy rain in Taiwan. For the residents that live inside the redline area, the fear of flooding or not can really become a nightmare. They have to stay up late and be on alert in afraid of the water. Actions have to be taken in case the waters really come in. Moving expensive treasures into safety places, moving furniture away from danger, .... Just t h e “f e a r o f fl o o di n g ” c a n b e a s u f f e r a n c e f o r t h e p e o p le liv i n g i n e a s y flooding area. Pumice stones a kind of material used and discover for those worried residents.

直接走進輪椅,降低轉身入坐的風險,減少協助人的負擔。 “Head directly in” instead of turning on your back. Lower the risk of falling, ease the burden for assistance.

[ 弱勢關懷 ] Underpriviledged care 輪椅設計 Wheel Chair redesign 塑料 / 水管 / 壓克力 plastic / pipe / acrylic 100x100x100 cm


Jiuntyng Dai

/ 2014 simple profilio

走進輪椅站至定點之後 , 依序關上門,放下椅面,提起踏板。 改變坐入輪椅的方式, 減少坐進輪以前跌倒的的風險。 正面進入,減少使用者用擔心被對坐入位置準確性 , 增加安全感, 協助人幫忙更容易,小孩也可以輕鬆協助長輩上輪椅。

WALK IN >> CLOSE BACKREST >> SWIPE DOWN THE SEATS >> LIFT UP THE PADDLE A new way to get into the wheel chair. Lower the risk of falling before being protected by the wheel chair. “Head directly in” instead of turning on your back. Lower the risk of falling, ease the burden of assistance, kids are as well able to help easily.

監測運動者身體狀況的安全帽系統。 A health care system for cyclers.

[ 科技運用 / 未來設計 ] Future design 身體狀況監控裝置 health care system 塑膠 / 壓克力 / 身 體感應器 plastic / arcycle / body sensor 28 x 20 x 19 cm


Jiuntyng Dai

/ 2014 simple profilio

Sophronius 是監測運動者身體狀況的安全帽系統。 用更具體的方式隨時了解自己的身體變化,進一步預防可能發生的運動傷害 和提醒可能忽略的體力透支。 Sophronius is a health care system for cyclers. Instead of an alarm that comes too late, Sophronius informs the user their body condition through the whole exercise process. This device prevents cyclers from instant emergency body conditions to a reminder to get some water.

以 RIMOWA 行李箱的品牌理念和工業用電腦做跨品牌領域設計。 Cross branding between RIMOWA suit case and rugged computer. Hoping to implant the characteristic of RIMOWA, this grantee brand on Rugged computer,

[ 跨品牌 ] Cross brading 跨品牌工業用電腦 cross branding rugged computer 塑膠 / 壓克力 / 電腦元件 plastic / arcycle / computer components 32.7x23.65x3.2 cm


Jiuntyng Dai

/ 2014 simple profilio

以一個專為亞洲文化宗教設計的手機應用程式。 An app for Asian-god worshipping

[2011 新世代交叉設計營 ] 2011 Young Designer Workshop iTemple Portable worship app


Jiuntyng Dai

/ 2014 simple profilio

>> what if there is actually NO TEMPLES AT ALL ?? According to statistic from Academia Sinica, the highest academic institution in Taiwan, over 50% of the adherents believe in a religion for the purpose of entrust spiritually and mentally. Combining and moving the temples, gods, ceremonies actually inside our mind and having only the images to display the meaning of worship goods may be a good way to set “Temples” into another form. Under the pasting of time, changes should be made. >> moving the gods right along us? How about… APPs instead!

一個改善香港食物分配不均現象的系統。 A system to reallocate excesses resources; to reduce food waste; to enhance the dignity of food; to awaken the justice of society.

[2013 香港國際設計夏令營 ] 2013 Hong kong World Design Summer camp Qasim - Excess Food Reallocate System


Jiuntyng Dai

/ 2014 simple profilio

一套自體循環的流動廁所系統。 A system of self-cycling portable public toilet.

[2012 荷商派立有限公司設計工作營 ] 2012 Pilotfish Design workshop Power Your Droppings - Energy Saving System


Jiuntyng Dai

/ 2014 simple profilio

For the <Spring Scream> down in Kenting, dancing & singing can be the greatest thing to do in the beach and under the clear tropics sky. However when the problem comes to going to a bathroom, things are often awful...

Going to the bathroom is no doubt a must, however, the memory in going to a bathroom is usually never mentioned, especially going to public bathrooms... If the falling poo & pee ends up brining fashin fun and water saving, how great would it be!!

Thank you https://www.facebook.com/justine.dia.pjiepang https://plus.google.com/u/0/+JustineJolly/posts

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