Dai, jiuntyng 2014 protfolio

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Jiuntyng Dai 2014 simple profilio 戴君庭 / 簡易作品集

"我總想到熱力學第一定律,宇宙中的能量不會被製造也不會被毀滅,這意味著我們體內蘊含的 所有能量、每一個粒子,都會成為別的事物的一部分,或許是海蛾魚,也許是微生物,也許會在 百億年後被超新星燃燒掉。而現在構成我們身體的每個粒子都曾經是別的事物的一分子,可能來 自月亮,積雨雲,或者猛獁象,或者是猴子…。成千上萬美麗的生物就像我們一樣懼怕死亡。" - 潔瑪 ‧ 西蒙斯,神盾局特工 "I like to think about the first law of thermodynamics, that no energy in the universe is created and none is destroyed. That means that ever y bit of energy inside us, ever y particle will go on to be a part of something else, maybe live as a dragon fish, a microbe, maybe burn in a supernova 10 billion years from now. And every part of us now was once a part of some other thing - a moon, a storm cloud, a mammoth. Thousands and thousands of other beautiful things that were just as terrified to die as we are." - jemma simmons, agents of SHIELD

戴 君庭

Jiuntyng Dai

27,02,1991 +886 910 130 124 justine.dia@gmail.com

[ 學歷 ] 德國科隆應用科技大學設計學院 交換生 實踐大學工業產品設計學系 學士 中山女子高級中學創意設計班 福和國民中學美術班 [ 實習經驗 ] 德國紅點博物館 3,co 原品當代陶瓷家飾 後台集創

[ Education ] Kรถln International School of Design (KISD) -Integrated Product Design -Exchange student Shih Chien University -Industrial Product Design -Bachelor Taipei Municipal Zhongshang Girl High School -Creative Design Class Taipei County Fuho Junior High School -Art Class

[ Intern Experience ] Reddot design Museum, ESSEN, GERMANY GR-GreenRoom Ideas Cooperation, TAWIAN 3,co Ceramic, TAIWAN










Easily moved; directly float; fastly dry afterwards. An immediate rescuing equipment during emergencies.





Jiuntyng Dai 2014 profilio


Jiuntyng Dai

/ 2014 simple profilio


情 境 分 析 / Scenario 在地震災難現場、車禍事故發生等等的形況下,救難人員可以 掌控的訊息並不多,諸如患者數量、患者受傷嚴重情況、現場 的安全程度、傷患的救治難易度等等,甚至在隨軍的醫療後勤 所 要 面 對 的 急 救 對 象 和 環 就 也 更 加 的 艱 鉅。 時 間、 人 力、 衛 生…,一切都不如急診室及診療間中的後備完善。可以把救治 對象快速運送出危險環境和維持傷患生命跡象,除了仰賴救護 人員的經驗和專業,可以使戶外救援更有效率的隨身器具格外 的重要。 Outdoor emergency rescues are always regarded as challenges for rescue teams because of all the uncertain information and unpredicted facts that may possibly happen, such as the numbers of injuries or the imminence of the situations. Environment, such as army medical logistic for example, also acts as a pivotal rescue factor for outdoor medical treatment. To bring the injuries out of danger requires not only the experience and profession of the medical teams, but also the assisting tools they have along with them.

救難工具設計 survival+ Emergency design 塑料 / 金屬 / 橡膠 plastic / metal / rubber 10x10x 3.5 cm

在克難的醫療環境中,時間有限、資源有限。傷患在不同情況下所需的緊 急治療也各有不同,不安全的環境也增加了傷患的各種風險。再把傷患移 動到更安全的地方之前,維持生命現象是一個基本的重要前提。


Jiuntyng Dai

/ 2014 simple profilio

Time and resources are specially limited in tough medical situations. The patients are also exposed in all kind of risk within the unsafe out-door environment. Maintaining the sign of life is no doubt a major premise.

戶外醫療環境變數高,大量失血性傷患大多凶多吉少。 The variety of outdoors medical treatments makes gross-blood-loss patient low possibility of surviving.

裝置 INFINI 在輸液迴路上的用途是為了加速點滴輸液行為的液體注入速 度,使醫療救命液體的補充速度大於大失血或脫水時的液體缺失速度,已 避免低壓型休克的發生,為更進一步的醫療爭取時間。 The purpose for installing INFINI onto the infusion circuit is to make the liquid input speed on one’s body faster than the output's, thus avoiding hypovolemic shock to happen, saving time for rescuers and for further medication.

“低血量性休克”通常是嚴重失血和脫水時會伴隨的緊急症 狀。 在戶外急救或醫療資源有限的環境中,這樣的症狀一旦出現就 很容易使患者在短時間失去生命跡象,甚至遺憾的再抵達救護 站進行更進一步治療前就死亡。 在急救的原則下,能夠快速地重建體液是緩和這類危機最有效 的辦法。 Hypovolemic shock is a commonly seen emergency situation caused by hemorrhaging, dehydration etc. In outdoor or tough medical situations, the massive loss of body fluid can cause the patient to die instantly even during rescue or on the way to the hospital. Under these circumstances, an intensive way to regain the amount of body fluid is thus a significant issue for emergency service.

夾上管線後的輸液小幫浦佩戴位置不限,然而在緊急搶救的情況下,考慮 到血管對短時間內大量液體的負荷量,緊急輸液裝的輸液理想血管為大腿 的大靜脈。 一般正常的血液迴路狀態 Regular blood circulation

This small infusion pump can be wore anywhere after attaching the tubing; however, in the case of an emergency rescue, taking the large loading of liquid in a short time into account, the thigh vein is most ideal for installing the emergency infusion device.

以快速重建體液來降低戶外救援的 低血壓型休克發生風險。 低血壓行休克的血液迴路狀態

Lowering the risk of hypovolemic shock by speeding up the transfusion medical treatment in outdoor rescue situation.

Blood circulation with hypovolemic shock


緊急輸液裝置的管線回路夾門關上後,門和幫浦頭之間的機構會把管線夾緊,幫助幫浦運轉時推進液體順暢。也是因為這個作用 原理,輸液端高於注射端不再是必要,大大減少醫護人員的負擔。 The door for installing the tubing is designed to grip the tubing tight and make the liquid transfusion go smoothly after being inserted. Owing to this working principle, transfusion fluid does not need to be hung high during the injection, reducing rescue team's work.

INFINI 參考血液透析的液體輸送原理,以小馬達幫浦式的轉動推進已經 充滿液體的管線為動力。 The small motor of INFINI rotates and pumps the liquid by squeezing the filled tubing.


Jiuntyng Dai

/ 2014 simple profilio

The LED indicator indicates the current velocity of flow and the operating status with different flashing patterns. The accurate flow will be shown on the device. It goes from 50 to 500 ml/min.

INFINI 體積便於攜帶,在山難救援或災害急救現場,配置在救難人員身上。 現場輸液急救時,搭配現有的輸液配備(救命液體袋,輸液管線,注射端針頭等等),此產品可以縮短患者在體液不足這方面達 最基本生命狀態維持基礎的時間。 INFINI is designed in a size easy for carrying along. It forms the function together with the current transfusion set (life saving liquid / transfusion tube). The purpose of this device is to shorten the period of time before meeting the lowest amount of body liquid to stay alive.



Jiuntyng Dai

/ 2014 simple profilio



Jiuntyng Dai

/ 2014 simple profilio

蟲洞,是大致可以解釋為宇宙中「隧道」的一種概念理論。姑且不論蟲洞距離多 長、會通到哪裡、通過後的物體本質會如何轉變;可以在宇宙這無任何向量座標 基準點的空間中放入「方向」的思維,甚至在宇宙這無「平面單位」的黑暗中用 線條的延伸再下陷表現時空…,這些假設假說的「行為」本身的價值總是比起假 說的實質內容來得更令我為之興奮,也是我認為最珍貴的地方。 Wormhole is a theoretical concept that can be roughly explained as a tunnel in the universe. Regardless of all the transformation of time and space and all the cool theory that came out from wormhole, aside from what wormhole may be, the ignition while human being on the earth try to set a “direction” in the non-directional space, and the ignition while people try drawing lines and giving space a simple standard-planner in order to explain a gradual collapse of time is the most exciting part of the wormhole. Among all above ideas, the most valuable and touching for me the most is the “hypothesis” action itself in a theory and thus becomes a real concept.

家具設計 furniture 未定 / 金屬 unsettled / metal 100x85x100 cm


我們需要想像力激發對未知事物的興趣;然後我們需要假設讓一切接 近可能,進而脫離未知。 When facing unfamiliar things, we need imagination to bring in curiosity , and we need some hypothesis to make it realistic.


Jiuntyng Dai

/ 2014 simple profilio

我們從小到大不斷的學習到別人的假設,比如說地球是圓的、宇宙是 大爆炸形成的等等。即使我們不是理論學家,隨著年齡增長,我們會 在 不 明 之 中 吸 收 這 些 假 說 的 靈 魂 ,然 後 我 們 會 把 自 己 平 日 有 的「 想 像 」 加 入 成 立 的 理 由 和 轉 換 中 所 需 要 的 理 性 ,把「 想 像 」升 級 成「 假 設 」; 然後在「假說」不斷的反覆思考和驗證,推演為「可能」。即使在這 樣轉換定義下所謂的「假設」,理論並不完整或內容微不足道,但它 能。 We learn all kinds of theoretical hypothesis along with our learning. Hypothesis such as the earth is a round, yet it is then been proved, and h y p o t h e s i s s u c h a s t h e B i g B a n g t h e o r y, e t c . E v e n t h o u g h w e a r e n o t theorist, we get the spiritual of these assumption through the way we learn, we read, and we think. One day, when we are able to our imagination with reasonable reason, and then find the logic within, “imagination” will turn to “hypothesis”. And after all the thinking and confirm, hypothesis can upgrade to numerous “possibilities”. Even if these “hypothesis” may not be that complete, and even the content itself may be only trivial matters, the idea of thinking out of the box is no longer just an “idea”, and forward to the real world.

假 設 ,我 可 以 賦 予 一 個 堅 硬 的 材 料 柔 軟 的 一 面 。

都 已 經 跳 脫 了 天 馬 行 空 的 原 始 樣 貌 並 更 接 近 現 實, 帶 出 了 更 多 的 可

Suppose, I can give any hard meterial tenderness.

想像 v.s. 假設 v.s. 可能性 Imagination v.s. Hypothesis v.s. Possibility.


[ 基 礎 結 構 / Basic structure ]

每一個 H 型結構中,和中軸相接的左右兩個點是結構中最堅固的點,上下兩端因為沒 有中軸固定之間的距離,分別有一點結構上的通融度。 Every “H” in the structure forms stronger in the middle part of each unit, while each top and bottom part has enough tollerence.

[ 結 構 變 化 / Structure changes ]

同理,在圓形的結構上用同心圓的相互間隔關係,奇偶交錯相連接。控制每圈圓單獨 可活動的方向性來製造堅硬材質上的整體形變。( 為使整體結構均勻受力,實驗測試 以中心點受力操作 ) Likewise, create gaps on a circular planer concentrically, and make them inter connect each other odd and evenly. Make the entire planner felxible by allowing each unit some tolerence in position.

中心受力時 , 每一個接點交替如手拉手般一環接一環展開逐漸的製造出整體變化。 The structure creates a hand-in-hand like strength when a force gains in the center, allowing the entire figure to transform.

利用交錯的支點改變材質的彈性和塑性製造平面中的第三維向之結構 The structure to create the third dimension in planar by using staggered fulcrum to increase elasticity and plasticity of the material.


Jiuntyng Dai

/ 2014 simple profilio

[ 形 變 程 度 測 試 / Flexibility testing ]

隨著肋數變多,形變能力漸差但可承重的強度漸增強 with the growing number of the ribs, the deformation of the surface decrease while the weight capacity increase.

[ 材 質 & 結 構 實 驗 / Metarial & structure testing ]

{ 0.4mm spring steal } {






{ Dupon Tyvek }

{ 2.0mm spring steal }

{ 2.0mmmm spring steal + 3.0mm MDB } {





} { 100p high toughness brown paprt x50 }

透過材料和材質這兩個變因互相搭配製造出不同的形變程度變化。 材料除了可以撐起狀態的硬度外一定的韌性也是必要 ; 結構上隨著整體形狀大小變化 , 交接點的寬幅也變成重要的考量因素。 Create different flexibility by adjusting the material and the carved-pattern. The material requires strength and toughness to make it stay still and at the same time able to withstand transformation. The pattern also reacts differently when the scale of the entire figure changes.

材質+結構,可以混合出承受程度各異各有優點的家具。 A proper structure and metarial can bring to different result.


[ 製 造 方 向 性 和 曲 度 差 / Creating directional and culvitural differences ]




less tighter


different capacity

當上半圓和下半圓的”鬆緊度”不同,在圓的中心點平均施力時,較鬆的那一半便會產生較大的形變量,隨著較緊的那一半也逐漸形變,在圓 面中心便會形成一個垂直於圓本身方向的平面,形成一個小平台。 When the “tightness” of the upper and lower semicircle differs, the less tight side will form a greater deformation. When the tighter part of the semicircle gets enough strength to transform after the less tighter side, a platform in the middle of the planner will gradually appear.

搭配不同的材料,切紋可以製造出堅硬平面上的各種個可能性。 Proper adjustment on the plane surface can result in different possibilities.


Jiuntyng Dai

/ 2014 simple profilio


一張乘載前平面;乘載時變立體的椅子。 A chair that transform between seat and non-seat; a transformation that happen vbetween a planer and a three-dimension chair.


Jiuntyng Dai

/ 2014 simple profilio


奇異果裡面,有一隻隻的瘋狂由向中央卵子的精子,無數個。 他們像瘋狂游動般的被定格在綠色的果肉裡面,無時無刻都在展現生命的無所不在。 Sperms, swimming crazly in the kiwi, acting calm yet energetic. They say: "Life is everywhere, everday." I say: "Hmmm, yeah?"


Jiuntyng Dai

/ 2014 simple profilio


Luminaire 燈具設計 acrylic / silicone / metal 壓克力 / 矽膠 / 金屬 36x36x48 / 60x60x72 cm Apart, gather. Breath in, breath out. Right in between- a harmony and calmest frequency


Jiuntyng Dai

/ 2014 simple profilio


利用變化球在變換過程中的結構視覺效果、在不同光線下影子的變 換和陰影重疊時的濃淡關係,帶出轉變和重新來過在週而復始中被 賦予的意義。 Playing with the thick and thin shadows. During endless restarts, things are still never the same.


Jiuntyng Dai

/ 2014 simple profilio

分、合,聚、散,呼、吸,在之間,末梢點點的光向各自的方向 前進奔馳,用最低調的頻率 拉動著光線和影子的變換。 一如往常,遞嬗更迭,反覆、往來、周而復始,在流動的新、舊連影之間,光影、空氣,不斷重生新生。 Apart, gather; breath in, breath out; right in “between”. The lights in the peak of each directions pulling the lights and the shadows, as a fun game. As usual, changing, repeating, evolving,… non stop. Between the olds and the news, Between the lights and the shadows, things keep on reborning, going on and on.



Jiuntyng Dai

/ 2014 simple profilio

分、合,聚、散,呼、吸,在之間,球體肋與肋末梢點點的光 向各自的方向前進奔馳,牽帶著屬於它們的 影子。 6,是人類在最沉澱、平靜時,每分鐘的 呼吸次數。用這最低調的頻率 拉動著光線和影子的變換,淨化緊張生活中心靈的頻率,利用 光影緩和每天生活中的緊張節奏。 The routine of reversing goes with six, the calmest number to breath per minute. Breathing, waxing and waning, with this humble frequency. Slow down and adjust our busy ever yday starting from breathing through these shadows.



Jiuntyng Dai

/ 2014 simple profilio

鏡面的底座反射著光、反射著球體的變化,也反映著周圍的人。 透過鏡面的球體不但可以看到自己,還有在鏡面中跟著放大視野的周遭環境。 人與人的關係,人與環境的關係,人和自己的關係,所有的一切在之間都有可能是週而復始、一如往常、不間斷的可能、新生。 The mirror like sphere bases, reflecting the changes of the ball, and the people around. Seeing not only yourself but also others, viewing the world through the shining base under. Everything can thus be a non stopable journey, restarting.


rescuing little ants from raindrops is what i do when i happen to see them struggling. yet they may not know.


Jiuntyng Dai

/ 2014 simple profilio


Material Experiment

材質實驗設計 pumice stone / pumice stone / pumice stone

浮石 / 水管 / 浮石 120x60x80 cm Easily moved; directly float; fastly dry afterwards. An immediate rescuing equipment during emergencies.


Jiuntyng Dai

/ 2014 simple profilio


浮石又稱輕石或浮岩,容重小(0.3-0.4)是一種多孔、輕質的玻璃 質酸性火山噴出岩,表面粗糙,顆粒容重為 ,鬆散容重為 250kg/m3 左右,天然浮石孔隙率為 7l.8—81%,因孔隙多、品質輕、容重小於 1g/m3,能浮於水面而得名。它的特點是品質輕、強度高、耐酸堿、 耐 腐 蝕 ,且 無 污 染 、無 放 射 性 等 ,是 理 想 的 天 然 、綠 色 、環 保 的 產 品 。 Pumice stones are light, with small bulk density (0.3-0.4), porous, lightweight glassy acidic volcanic rocks, with rough surface, and bulk density of 450kg/m3, loose bulk density of 250kg/m3. Natural floating pumice porosity 7l.8-81%, due to pores, they are light, with bulk density of less than 1g/m3. Pumice stones can float on water, and characterized by its high quality, high strength, acid-alkali resistance, corrosion resistance, and nonpolluting, non-radioactive, etc., is an ideal natural, green, environmentally friendly products.


Jiuntyng Dai

/ 2014 simple profilio



Jiuntyng Dai

/ 2014 simple profilio

在台灣,水災常常伴隨著大雨而來。撇開那些因為颱風、海嘯而遇突如洪水的受災戶,對住在易淹水的地方,每逢雨勢稍大,便要隨時待命, 擔心會不會淹水的居民而言,憂心財產的的損失的心情和緊戒都是一種折磨人心的心理戰。 ──為那群總要憂心忡忡的居民而設計的砌成材。 Floods often occurs after heavy rain in Taiwan. For the residents that live inside the redline area, the fear of flooding or not can really become a nightmare. They have to stay up late and be on alert in afraid of the water. Actions have to be taken in case the waters really come in. Moving expensive treasures into safety places, moving furniture away from danger, .... Just the “fear of flooding” can be a sufferance for the people living in easy flooding area. Pumice stones a kind of material used and discover for those worried residents.

以浮石作為砌成材, 遇水前易於搬運、遇水時隨水上浮、遇水後快速乾燥,在必要時作為 乘載重要物品的承載平台和救生工具。 Make pumice stones the materials for furniture Easily moved before flood; Directly float above water when flooding; Dry fast after flooding.


讓玻璃在石縫間結晶,取代工業用膠,使之自然接合,也有一番趣味。計畫將整個石器浸釉拿去窯燒,讓玻璃以釉的型態均勻地在整個瓶身包 上一層晶亮的外衣。


Jiuntyng Dai

/ 2014 simple profilio

Make glass cool down between the stones and strength the structure instead of using industrial glue. Making the whole material nature looks even friendlier! Planning to cover the whole body with glaze and send it in the kiln. Have glass cover the entire item as a glazy coat.



Jiuntyng Dai

/ 2014 simple profilio

以浮石作為砌成材, 遇水前易於搬運、遇水時隨水上浮、遇水後快速乾燥,在必要時作為乘載重要物品的承載平台和救生工具。 Pumice stones- a kind of material used and discover for those worried residents. Easily moved before flood; Directly float above water when flooding; Dry fast after flooding. Can even act as a rescuing equipment during emergencies.



Jiuntyng Dai

/ 2014 simple profilio


那天,我跟阿嬤打了一個勾勾。 她說:”這是什麼用途的勾勾啊?” 我說:”沒什麼 :-) ” 然後我給阿嬤抱了一下。 How i wish to let my dear grandma knows she is never a burden for us. I’d agree to rather only be able to walk and sacrifice my ability to jump and run, if this can make me and my grandma once again stroll along the riverbank together. If i could make her this promise.


Jiuntyng Dai

/ 2014 simple profilio


輪椅設計 Wheel Chair redesign

塑料 / 水管 / 壓克力 plastic / pipe / acrylic 100x100x100 cm I’m giving you my hug just as you did when I was young. “no need to be afraid,”i said. no need to turn on your back to sit in, head directly in :-)


Jiuntyng Dai

/ 2014 simple profilio


直接走進輪椅,降低轉身入坐的風險,減少協助人的負擔。 輪椅對需要用之代步的人而言 , 無疑是個重要的生活部份。 對他們而言,輪椅除了是輔具,心靈讓也讓他們感到安全感,有輪椅的保護不必擔心跌倒等等,然而,在成功坐進輪椅前的缺少保護,不 但會使老人家自己心裡擔憂是否跌倒,對協助上輪椅的家人和看護而言也是一大壓力。 傳統的輪以在使用時,為了坐進輪椅,輪椅使用者必須背對輪椅已坐入。 這個過程通常是由協助人直接抱起放入,或者是由輪以使用者再面對輪椅抓住輪椅兩旁扶手站穩後小心轉身以坐進輪椅。

或許是眼睛不好,或許是無法長時間行走,大部分成坐輪椅的人並非完全喪失行動能力。在可以短距步行的前提下,若是可以以這個方式 改良輪椅,減少坐入輪椅時重心不穩的不安感,讓使用這"走進輪椅",甚至"以椅就己"的方式, 不需要再背對輪坐入,減少協助人員負擔,也減少老人心理的恐懼以及不確定感。

改良把輪椅兩半的支撐結構向前延伸至輪椅前方和後端。 椅面可以翻起,椅背可以像門般打開,壓下前方腳踏板,人就可以從後方直接通過。 使使用者在扶著把手向前移動時可以有更多支撐;協助者也只需要幫忙打開靠背,翻開和放下椅面就可以了,不再需要強大的力氣協助輪 椅使用者,小孩也可以幫忙大人上輪椅。


Jiuntyng Dai

/ 2014 simple profilio

“Head directly in” instead of turning on your back. Lower the risk of falling, ease the burden for assistance. For those who rely on wheel chairs in moving, wheel chair is not only an auxiliar y, the feeling of safety mentally is also important for users. They won’t be afraid of falling when sitting in the wheel chair, on the other side, before that, or say when getting in the wheel chair, the concern of falling can not only become a great fear for wheel chair users but also a stress as a burden for assistance. Turning on to you back when sitting in is how traditional wheel chairs are being used. The whole process is either completed by the assistance carrying the user directly in, or by the user them self. They may have to at first face the wheel chair with their hands holding the armrests on the side of the wheel chair and then turn 180 backwards to meet the seat. No matter the sitting process is completed by another person or by the user themselves, this is no doubt a risky chance for accidence to occurs and for the users to get hurt. According to research, wheel chair users are mostly still able to walk. Some m a y ha ve e y e p ro b l e m s t h at gave t h e m diffic u lt y to w alk by l e g s; so m e may have problems in long distance walking due to knee or spine problem. On the premise that wheel chair users can still walk in short distance, the redesign of this wheel chair came up with the new way of “heading directly in”. Instead of turning backwards dangerously and sitting down uncertainly, not only users but also assistance can feel safe and comfortable physically. Improve how the wheel chair is structured. Lower the connection structure between the left and right side of the wheel chair forward on the paddle and backwards to the backrest. When the seat is being flipped open, the backrest is being unlocked to the side, and when the paddle is being lowered, the wheel turns into a pass way. User can slowly move through the pass way and sit down directly when moved to the suitable spot for sitting, instead of turning 180 dangerously when going in the front side. The prolong armrests give users a lot more space to hold on when moving forward. This redesign also makes wheel chair assisting never a job only for those able to carry the weight of the person on the chair. Flip open the seat, open the backrest, lower the paddle. Even kids are able to help adults in using wheel chairs.


走進輪椅站至定點之後 , 依序關上門,放下椅面,提起踏板。 改變坐入輪椅的方式, 減少坐進輪以前跌倒的的風險。 正面進入,減少使用者用擔心被對坐入位置準確性 , 增加安全感, 協助人幫忙更容易,小孩也可以輕鬆協助長輩上輪椅。

WALK IN >> CLOSE BACKREST >> SWIPE DOWN THE SEATS >> LIFT UP THE PADDLE A new way to get into the wheel chair. Lower the risk of falling before being protected by the wheel chair. “Head directly in” instead of turning on your back. Lower the risk of falling, ease the burden of assistance, kids are as well able to help easily.


Jiuntyng Dai

/ 2014 simple profilio

GUIDE : 走進輪椅站至定點之後 , 依序關上門 , 放下椅面。 正面進入 , 使用者用擔心被對坐入位置準確性 , 增加安全感 協助人也更容易幫忙 , 小孩也可以輕鬆協助長輩上輪椅。

STEP 1. 拉起腳踏墊使卡榫切換 , 腳踏著地 腳踏墊為兩段模式,貼地模式&腳踏模式。 貼地模式是為了清空走道讓使用者可以從中間通過,同時穩固輪椅兩 半的結構;踏板底面有止滑功能,可以確保輪椅使用者起時後輪椅為 靜止狀態。 從貼地模式拉起即為腳踏模式,使用者的腳踏板。

STEP 2. 翻開椅面 , 清空走道

STEP 3. 打開靠背 , 準備好走進輪椅




以油壓關節接合,避免夾手,門闔上超過 90 度之後會自動關起。



Jiuntyng Dai

/ 2014 simple profilio



Jiuntyng Dai

/ 2014 simple profilio

†English pronunciation for Sophronius: S as in "see (S.IY)" ; OW as in "oak (OW.K)" ; F as in "fee (F.IY)" ; R as in "race (R.EY.S)" ; N as in "knee (N.IY)" ; I Y as in "eat (IY.T)" ; AH as in "mud (M.AH.D)"


Sophronius 是監測運動者身體狀況的安全帽系統。 利用盔內的頭皮間測器 , 雖時掌控使用者的身體狀況,心跳、血壓、呼吸、體溫,皆會以以數據的方式顯示在前方可下拉的眼鏡片上,與其” 知會”使用者,Sophronius 利用下拉式鏡片的顯示屏幕讓你”看見”自己的狀態,用更具體的方式隨時了解自己的身體變化,進一步預防可 能發生的運動傷害和提醒可能忽略的體力透支。 Sophronius is a health care system for cyclers. It detects user’s body conditions such as heart rate, blood pressure, respiration, body temperature. All the data will be generate and turns into necessary “notifications” on the glasses hidden in the helmet. Instead of an alarm that comes too late, Sophronius informs the user their body condition through the whole exercise process. This device prevents cyclers from instant emergency body conditions to a reminder to get some water.

身體狀況監控裝置 health care system 塑膠 / 壓克力 / 身體感應器 plastic / arcycle / body sensor 28 x 20 x 19 cm


Jiuntyng Dai

/ 2014 simple profilio

帽體外再覆蓋之 1 公厘厚度之 ABS 真空成形薄膜。 安全帽經過撞擊後,一體成型的安全帽可讓使用者輕易在外觀上判別帽體是否已經受損,而且其分散稀釋力量的效果較 佳。 The helmet is covered with a complete 1mm thick vacuumed ABS sheet.The cover made the helmet able to distract the impact when being hit.

遮陽、擋泥、裝飾。 為防止衝撞時,帽簷破裂的碎片傷害騎士臉部,帽簷可活動分開。 The shade in the front of the helmet creates shade under sun and act as a mud flap. It is able to separate from the helmet itself to prevent further damage to the user when being hit.

身體狀況檢測屏幕,同時為保護眼睛所設計的護目鏡。 以深色鏡片藉此來避免紫外線刺激眼部。 The screen for body condition informing. It also act as a protecting goggles. The dark lenses us to avoid irritation from ultraviolet to the eye.

採用 Coolmax 材質,透氣性佳的發泡襯 墊 ,減 少 因 阻 礙 空 氣 流 通 而 造 成 的 不 適 。 Made with Coolmax, the foam liner is good in air permeability. It prevents the uncomfortable feeling caused by airflow obstruction.

中央推進器狀的孔洞有網狀透氣布 , 內 側有 22 個頭部感測器 , 偵測身體狀況。 Meshed-fabric and placed in the propellershaped holes lined in the middle of the helmet. 22 sensors are in the inner side of the helmet, there to take control of the body condition.



Jiuntyng Dai

/ 2014 simple profilio



Jiuntyng Dai

/ 2014 simple profilio


RIMOWA 是德國具國際口碑的行李箱品牌,以及其耐用耐操聞名。 把 RIMOWA 製作行李箱的專業技術運用在需要在極端環境下使用的工業用電腦上(諸如:極地,航海,航空,工地等等),相輔相成的以工 業用電腦之名凸顯此品牌的口碑保證。 專為非一般正常穩定的電腦使用狀態而設計,著重惡劣環境下的系統穩定,如防塵、防水、防靜電、抗壓、耐衝擊、耐高低溫差等。 鋁製外殼內嵌工業橡膠,以 RIMOWA 經典的百褶紋緩衝受力面;邊角、關節、卡榫等細節皆比照 RIMOWA 的細節收尾,把一般市面上形象笨 重的工業電腦帶入另一種使用形象。 Rimowa Industrial Computer is designed to withstand vibration, drops, spills, extreme temperature, and other rough handling. Tests and quality checks are performed during production and all units are subjected to a factory burn-in period. Several independent tests have been conducted to determine the resistance of Rimowa Industrial Com puter to external forces. Rimowa Industrial Computer have also inadvertently served as bulletproof many models, a moisture and dust-resistant LCD, keyboard and touchpad. Rimowa markets the Industrial Computer in several configurations ranging from business and "semi-rugged" to "fully rugged", and in several specialty designs with numerous customizable add-on features.


Jiuntyng Dai

/ 2014 simple profilio

RIMOWA 行李箱的的細節收尾和工業用電腦的防撞矽膠關係做連結討論。 思考如何用 RIMOWA 的作工給一般市面上形象笨重的工業電腦另一種新的使用形象進而創造新的使用族群。 Rimowa Industrial Computer is designed to withstand vibration, drops, spills, extreme temperature, and other rough handling. The transform from the details of RIMOWA suit case to the essential rugged parts on Industrial computer. Hoping to implant the characteristic of RIMOWA, this grantee brand on Rugged computer, more over update the current marketing position of rugged computer to another stander.


作業方式如同一般市面上的工業用電腦,使用者可以因應所要的需求配備該電腦的性能,予以客製化。 Rimowa markets the Industrial Computer in several configurations ranging from business and "semi-rugged" to "fully rugged", and in several specialty designs with numerous customizable add-on features.


Jiuntyng Dai

/ 2014 simple profilio


跨品牌工業用電腦 cross branding rugged computer 塑膠 / 壓克力 / 電腦元件 plastic / arcycle / computer components 32.7x23.65x3.2 cm


Jiuntyng Dai

/ 2014 simple profilio


一個改善香港食物分配不均現象的系統。 A system to reallocate excesses resources; to reduce food waste; to enhance the dignity of food; to awaken the justice of society.


Jiuntyng Dai

/ 2014 simple profilio

[2013 香港國際設計夏令營 ] 2013 Hong kong World Design Summer camp Qasim - Excess Food Reallocate System


World Design Summer Camp 2013 [ 環球設計夏令營 ]

為拓展年輕學子的國際視野並促進文化交流,香港設計中心主辦了為期兩週 的環球設計夏令營,主辦單位以負擔受邀師生會程交通與生活費用的方式邀 請 全 球 包 括 台 灣 實 踐 大 學 在 內 的 十 八 所 設 計 學 院 、共 計 一 百 二 十 名 學 生 參 與 。 兩 週 的 活 動 行 程 區 分 為 兩 大 路 線 :Social Innovation 及 Fashion。 在 預 定 行程結束後,全體參與為期三日的內地參訪,參訪結束後回到香港利用最後 兩天的時間準備閉幕發表的作品。

To broaden the global view of our students and promote cultural exchange, Hong Kong Design Center hosts a two-week global design summer camp, inviting 120 students from eighteen design schools worldwide, including Shih Chien University in Taiwan. In the two weeks, the activities are divided into two courses:” Social Innovation” and “Fashion.” After the arranged schedule is finished in Hong Kong, all participants will have a three-day visit in Mainland China and then come back to Hong Kong preparing for the works to be released at the closing ceremony during the last two days.


Jiuntyng Dai

/ 2014 simple profilio

時間 :102 年 6 月 27 日至 102 年 7 月 11 日 地點 : 香港 / 廣州 / 深圳 Duration:2013/06/27 - 2013/07/11 Place:Hong Kong / Guangzhou/ Shen-Zhen

< Design for Trust > 利用這趟旅行的所見所聞提出的概念產品修復、增強社會上人與人的互信與連結基礎。 They have to explain how the concepts products restore and improve the mutual trust and connection between people in society.

動機 / Motivation 香港以美食聞名,但同時也有很多浪費了的食物。 但在貧富差距卻越來越大的香港,這些食物對很多基層市民、老人家及家庭寶貴的程度 卻越來越諷刺。 在過剩食物不斷被製造的每一天,卻有一些基層人民每天撿拾這些被丟棄的食物維生。 Hong Kong is a city that loves to eat, but prone to waste. Under the serious disparity between the rich and the poor of Hong Kong, excess food is wasted every day, while some people rely on leftovers for a living,


把過剩的資源重新分配以減少食物浪費; 增加貧窮人在大社會環境中求溫飽的基本尊 嚴,重新喚起社會的正義 to reallocate excesses resources, to reduce food waste; to enhance the dignity of poor, to awaken the justice of society.


Jiuntyng Dai

/ 2014 simple profilio

[ 傳遞媒介 ] 一個少人力可自體循環地的資源重新分配平台 現階段香港已有關於實物捐贈的機構正在營運中,然而因為人力資源的需求,使得這樣的機制並 無法常穩定的經營。 每個便利商店或超市皆會透過政府的補助設立 Qasim 機台,透過這個機器建立傳遞過剩食物給 弱勢族群的媒介。每天業者只需要把過剩的食物放入這樣一個機台裡面,有需求的人就可以透過 這樣的機台得到那些原本要被淘汰的食物。 [ Platform ] A platform with very less manpower involved Though some charities in HK are doing food donations, it requires manpower to maintain, thus causing this idea difficult to implement. The Qasim machines are configured to each and every convenience stores and markets by the government. Instead of throwing the excess foods away, foods that are going to expire will be put into this machine every day and be taken by the needs. The Qasim Machine then works as an automatic platform between the excesses and the shortages.

[ 企業 / 社會端 ]

[ 弱勢族群端 ]


以一張 Qasim 卡讓分擔過剩食物的弱勢人可以在過程 中保留自尊、並解決飢餓的問題。

每當該企業即將過期或是過剩的食品透過 Qasim 的資源 重新分配機制分配到需要的人的手中,該企業就會得一



Qasim 愛心卡。這張可片可以依照配額每天從超商的 Qasim 平台中拿取定量的食物。以卡片拿取的方式減少



希望這樣鼓勵企業透過 Qasim 將過剩的資源重新分配, 利用社會的力量帶動良好的循環讓使這樣的機制可以不



[ the Underprivileged ] A simple card to reestablish self-esteem and solve hunger The underprivileged are given a ‘love-card’ for getting the excess supply from the Qasim machine every day. A certain amount of items can be taken per day per person. This way of providing food keeps the underprivileged selfesteem instead of making them feels being charity.


[ the Society / Company ] A virtuous charity action cycle A bonus feedback system is inserted in the information of product bar-code. Whenever an item is being transfer to the needs via Qasim, the company gets a bonus point. Companies and stores increase their positive image by he l p i ng t h e po o r pe o pl e w it h t h e ir e xc e s s e s p r o d u c t . An award will be given every year to accomplish the most bounced company. Positive competition then goes on and on.


以一個專為亞洲文化宗教設計的手機應用程式。 An app for Asian-god worshipping


Jiuntyng Dai

/ 2014 simple profilio

[2011 新世代交叉設計營 ] 2011 Young Designer Workshop iTemple Portable worship app


2011 Experience Design above the XYZ [ 經緯交錯下的體驗設計 ]

時間 :2011 年 10 月 17 日至 10 月 21 日 地點 : 實踐大學工業產品設計系 指導老師 :Hartmut Esslinger 教授 參與 :15 位台灣設計系學生及 16 位國際學生,共 31 位成員 Date : 17th-21st October, 2011 Location : Shih Chien University Dept. of Industrial Design Director : Prof. Dr. Hartmut Esslinger Participant : 31 people composed of 16 international members & 15 Taiwanese members

2011 新世代交叉設計營(The Young Designers Workshop 以下簡稱 YDW)是由經濟部工 業局主辦、台灣創意設計中心及中華民國設計學會共同策劃,一項為青年設計師們所舉辦、藉機鼓 勵他們參與學習與創作的設計工作營,於 10 月 17 至 10 月 21 日展開為期 5 天的創意交鋒。 做為 2011 台北世界設計大會的前奏,YDW 舉辦了 30 個涵蓋不同主題的設計研討會,包含工業 設計、室內設計、視覺設計和傳統工藝等,參與者在過程中透過來自不同文化背景的設計方法,擴 展視野並增加自己的設計廣度。 與實踐工設舉辦的營隊由 15 位台灣學生與 16 位國際學生共同組成,並由德國知名設計公司 Frog Design 之創辦人 Hartmut Esslinger 隨隊指導。 本設計工作營的成果也在 2011 台北世界設計大會和 2011 台北世界設計大展發表。透過此活動, 與國際級大師面對面學習,並與世界各地青年設計師交流切磋,激盪出無限創意!

The Young Designers Workshop is hosted and organised by TDC and the Government of Taiwan and takes place 17-21 October 2011.YDW is a parallel event to the 2011 IDA Congress. An international event especially for young designers all over the world! Encouraging young designers to attend international events, we present you with “2011 Young Designers Workshop (2011YDW ).”YDW, as a prelude to the “2011 International Design Alliance Congress,” comprises 30 workshops, which are designed around specific themes ranging from industrial design, interior design and digital visual design to traditional crafts. Participants of the workshops will broaden their vision and perspective through different design approaches from various cultural backgrounds. The workshop consisted of 15 Taiwanese students and 16 foreign students, which directed by Hartmut Esslinger, the founder of Germany design company Frog Design. Results from the workshops will be displayed at the 2011 Taipei World Design Exhibition and presented during the 2011 IDA Congress, providing a great opportunity to meet designers from around the world and express your unique point of view on design.


Jiuntyng Dai

/ 2014 simple profilio


2011 年 10 月舉辦的新世代交叉設計工作營,屬於「2011 台北世界設計大 會 」(2011 IDA Congress Taipei) 的 一 部 分, 這 次 受 邀 指 導 的 講 師 是 超重量級的國際設計大師艾斯林格教授(Dr. Hartmut Esslinger),艾斯 林格教授曾被譽為高科技設計時代首位超級巨星(美國商業週刊語),代表 性創作不勝枚舉,所創辦的青蛙設計公司(Frog Design Co.)可說是資訊 時 代 最 具 代 表 性 的 設 計 公 司 ,至 今 仍 是 設 計 與 管 理 學 界 爭 相 研 究 的 經 典 案 例 , 他 所 設 計 的 首 部 麥 金 塔 電 腦(Macintosh) 在 1984 年 公 開 發 表 時, 成 為 個 人電腦科技普及化與人性化的設計里程碑,其影響至今不墜,而在台灣,他 為宏碁公司所量身打造第一代 Aspire 個人電腦系列也成功透過設計建立起品 牌的科技形象,使台灣的電腦品牌首次以設計為人所認知,也讓品牌延續至 今 。艾 斯 林 格 教 授 工 作 態 度 極 為 嚴 謹 ,對 於 設 計 的 細 節 與 時 間 掌 握 務 求 精 確 , 言詞犀利直指重點,絕無模糊迴旋空間,無怪乎他與甫過世的蘋果公司總裁 賈 伯 斯(Steve Jobs) 能 成 為 莫 逆 之 交。 與 他 相 處 數 日, 親 炙 其 丰 采, 可 清 楚 感 受 其 成 功 絕 非 偶 然 ,然 而 私 底 下 ,他 也 極 為 健 談 風 趣 ,讓 人 如 沐 春 風 。


Jiuntyng Dai

/ 2014 simple profilio

The YDW2011 held in October 2011, was a part of the 2011 IDA Congress Taipei. The speaker invited was the world-renowned design master Dr. Hartmus Esslinger, who has been said to be the first superstar in the era of high-tech designs (source: Business Week), and every work of his was a fine piece. The Frog Design Co. he founded was considered to be the most representative design company in the Information Age, and is still a classic case for academic research in both the design and management fields. The first Macintosh he designed set a milestone for the popularization and personalization of personal computers, when it was introduced to public in 1984, and the influence has lasted until this day; in Taiwan, the first Aspire PC series he designed for Acer successfully presented a brand image, allowing a Taiwan PC brand to be acknowledged through its designs for the first time, and sustained ever since. Dr. Hartmut Esslinger was extremely strict when it came to work: his details and time control of the design process had to be precise; his words harsh and to the point, leaving no possible grey area; no wonder he would make great friends with the recently passed away Apple CEO Steve Jobs. During the few days he was with us, we not only understood clearly that his success didn’t come from nowhere, but also saw that in private, he was very humorous, and made everyone feel like home.

本次工作營主題為「經緯交錯下的體驗設計」(Experience Design above the XYZ),創作主旨為透過文化觀察尋找新的生活行為,並轉換成為設計創 作,進入人們的生活活動中;我們規劃了台北市的三個著名景點「淡水」、「西門町」、以及「大稻埕」來作為這次設計發想的地方。報名參加此次工作營的 國內外學員共有三十一位,包括來自加拿大、日本、德國、新加坡、馬來西亞、荷蘭等國外學員十六位,國內學員十五位,分成六組進行密集的腦力激盪、討 論與成果創作,各組皆有臺灣與外國學生,藉由彼此相互交流與到當地實際感受,在食衣住行各方面進行經驗的分析、分享與探討, 艾斯林格教授教導學員們 以批判性思考方式,藉由四個階段—研究觀察(Research)、置換選擇(Alternative)、聯想(Association)、挑釁(Provocation),提出最能呈 現當地特色精神或改善環境的設計案,內容包含了智慧型手機的應用程式、虛擬媽祖廟、機車大改造、文字翻譯系統等等,並在短短五天之內,將創作成果匯 總 成 為 完 整 的 展 演 規 劃 ,壓 力 極 大 ,但 成 果 極 為 豐 富 ,最 終 成 果 表 現 讓 艾 斯 林 格 教 授 對 工 設 系 所 師 生 的 表 現 印 象 深 刻 ,直 接 告 訴 我 們:「 你 們 系 所 很 棒 ! 」( Y o u have a wonderful department)

The theme of the workshop was “Experience Design above the XYZ”, which aimed at finding new behaviors in life through cultural observing, transforming which to designs and bringing them to the everyday life activities of human beings. We had chosen three famous spots, “Danshui”, “Ximenting” and “Dadaocheng” as our design development spaces. A total of 31 participated in the workshop, with a total of 16 from Canada, Japan, Germany, Singapore, Malaysia and the Netherlands, and 15 from Taiwan; the participants were put into 6 groups for intensive brainstorm sessions, discussions and work creations. Each group would contain both Taiwanese and foreign students; through interacting with each other and actually arriving at the place to observe and feel, group members were able to share, discuss and analyze experiences of different aspects of life. Professor Esslinger asked the students to think critically, and go through the four steps of Research, Alternative, Association and Provocation, to come up with a design that would best represent the local styles and spirits, or one that could improve the local environment. The designs included apps for smart phones, a virtual Mazu temple, customized motorcycles and word translation systems; within five days, the works were organized into an exhibition plan. Though under extreme pressure, the students still presented amazing results; this impressed deeply Dr. Hartmut Esslinger, who told us directly: “You have a wonderful department!”



Jiuntyng Dai

/ 2014 simple profilio

How this topic came to mind: The conflicts between the old and new are common seen problems for historical place in Taiwan. There are over 50 temples in Tamsui only. Under the restructure and redesign of the city today, they some how became the obstructers to the new policies. Instead of having most of them ends being forgotten in the small alleys, or even unable to find, is there any way to bring them back to life and back to their resplendent days? Is there any way to have even busy people who rarely visit temples to be able to worship a god also when they feel anxious? >> what if there is actually NO TEMPLES AT ALL ?? According to statistic from Academia Sinica, the highest academic institution in Taiwan, over 50% of the adherents believe in a religion for the purpose of entrust spiritually and mentally. Combining and moving the temples, gods, ceremonies actually inside our mind and having only the images to display the meaning of worship goods may be a good way to set “Temples” into another form. Under the pasting of time, changes should be made. >> moving the gods right along us? How about… APPs instead!



Jiuntyng Dai

/ 2014 simple profilio


想要有任何得不一樣,勇於去爭取,勇敢的表現自己的好,這可能只是 再看到有關世界設計大會的工作營公告的時候一個小小的念頭,但很感 謝當時的自己報名並且參加了徵選,不管是自那之後多給自己的那一點 信心和自信,還是因為那之後我多認識的好朋友和多有的很多觀念,或 許,說白了當初只是想要逃避課業、在忙碌的學校生活中有那麼點不同 於以往的活動,但沒想到那些不一樣的漣漪可以迴盪這麼久。 The willing to make a difference in boring school days is probably just an ignition for joining the workshop and participate in the competing of joining. Yet I never thought of the impact such an event can give me, and this, at the end inspire me more than the workshop itself. For us, industrial design students, difference opinions and different perspective in thinking should be something normal, no matter the way to r e organi z e o u r t h o u g h t o r t h e r e f in in g o f a ll t h e c o m p le x in f o r m a ti o n th a t w e c o m e a c r o s s . Ye t a g a i n t h i s “ a b i l i t y ” i s b e i n g a g a i n h i g h l i g h t e d , t h e experience is completely new and exciting.


Jiuntyng Dai

/ 2014 simple profilio

不同的意見,不同的想法,不同的切入角度,對讀工業設計的我們而 言似乎是理所當然應該面對的事,不管是整理我們自己的思緒,還是 整理外來龐大紛雜的資訊。然而這次的工作營”最新鮮”的新學習, 我想莫過於這樣一個”簡單”的招式了吧!從不同語言不同種族的合 作,到重新剖析自己熟悉的台灣、自己以為瞭若指掌的台灣,一切都 重新的排列組合後變得真是有趣,果然,一個腦袋比不上兩個、比不 上三個、比不上經過統整後大家歡笑捧出的結論。 From the team works students from between ages and different countries, to the culture of Taiwan that we, local students, thinks we are familiar with, the reorganize of all of these elements came out to be such a surprise and melody. What can again be confirm is the powerful of team work. And what Yet in such an international workshop, language communication seems to be an essential communication access, however the fun ends up in all the natural body language and picture drawing that we happened to used when coming across information we don’t even know how to present in our own mother language…, much more efforts spent but leaving deeper impression. After so much story sharing of our own culture, what we really founds out in the end is all the happiness that we actually never own. Above the Mother Nature, yet we are all from different countries, born in different places, common can still be easily find when strolling through allies and temples, and more over at the end discover those trivial matters that we find in common. A laughter after a couple seconds of silences



Jiuntyng Dai

/ 2014 simple profilio

雖然這樣一個國際工作營,語言似乎是一個不可避免的溝通條件。但在因為各樣不同民族文 化和各樣不同的生活態度的一個小組,比手畫腳的樂趣所帶了的想像比語言來的更為的多, 以心領神會了解別人辛苦所想要表達的原來可以比你一言我一語的流暢溝通來的有更多的心 情激盪。分享自己國家民族的生活習慣和只有當地人知道的小故事小撇步,這一切在工作營 後才令然恍然大悟,在土地的母親之上的我們,從來都沒有真正擁有過什麼完全屬於自己的 快樂,原來不同地方的人,小至來自南北不同地方的台灣、大至地球不同面的國家的人們, 大家可以在晃蕩於老街、香煙繚繞的廟宇的時候,發現彼此有那麼些相同、那麼一些些相仿, 然後再發現這些小瑣事在你我之間所形成的連結的時候,大家沉默個幾秒,然後相視而笑," 原來我們一樣阿 "! All the allies and streets we visit, all the public transportation and foods we are familiar with, wonder how does it look in the eyes of our foreign friends’. Even the laughers of students walking on the street, the repeating calling of the vendors, or the tempo of the cars and horns on the roads, how does it look? After all, we are used to it, however by this chance we gave up a certain part of our old thoughts, and what came in our mind is those that has been digest. In some way, the whole environment is again new for us.

不知道在那些遠道而來朋友們眼中,我們帶著他們到訪過的大街小巷、我們習以為常的大眾交通工具、我們熟悉的食物,到底是怎樣,甚至是 停在路邊等紅燈時三兩個過路學生的嬉笑、或是那些用喇叭反覆叫賣的小販、甚至車水馬龍的車陣中引擎和喇吧的頻率等等,到的是怎樣的一 個界,畢竟我們習慣了,當然,在帶領他們了解所謂的 " 台灣 " 的時候,企圖以一個非在地人的五感重新了解的時候,不得不承認,我覺得自 己拋棄掉了某些部分的成見,在重新反芻出我的想法的時候,我同時又再次吸收了我所認識的世界了。 To the 20th me, this is no doubt an event that I gave to myself do some difference, yet for the future me, the “different” I now consider is probably not even worth mentioning. However what I can be sure is, as Ms. Esslinger always:” Stop thinking, start working”, even just this quote, I learnt to put everything in the blank of possible, and this, I believe is worth able no matter where. I was taught to be young and as a kid, I was taught to through my creation everywhere and see it fly.


營造出和不同關係人的互動,藉由過程中得到回饋,且吸引其他觀望的潛在消費者。 A coffee verdoring machine that creats feedback druring the buying process to attract other potential consumers.


Jiuntyng Dai

/ 2014 simple profilio

[ 德國福茲堡科技大學國際工作營 ] SCID x FHWS : Service Design COFHEY Interacting coffee vendor machine



SCID x FHWS : Service Design 時間:2013 年 7 月 22 日至 2013 年 7 月 26 日 地點:德國 法蘭克福 / 福茲堡 指導老師:Prof. Erich Schöls, 福茲堡應用科技大學設計學院副院長 丑宛茹 副教授 林柏涵 助理教授 參與學生:實踐大學工業產品設計學系碩士班及大學部 12 位同學 Duration:2013/07/22 - 2013/07/26 Place:Frankfurt/Würzburg, Germany Director:Prof. Erich Schöls, Deputy Dean of the School of Design of Fachhochschule Würzburg Assoc. Prof. Wan-Ru Chou Asst. Prof. Kevin Lin Participant:12 students from SCID


Jiuntyng Dai

/ 2014 simple profilio

工設學系受姊妹校福茲堡應用科技大學 Fachhochschule Würzburg 設計學院邀請,共同執行設計工作營「Service Design Thinking」。

Department of Industrial Design is invited by the School of Design of our sister school,Fachhochschule Würzburg, to cooperate in the design workshop “Service Design Thinking.”

福茲堡應用科技大學設計學院副院長 Prof. Erich Schöls 與工設學系丑宛茹副教授、 林柏涵助理教授共同指導,兩校各有 12 名學生(共 24 人)參與,進行 5 天之設計 工 作 營( 7 / 2 2 - 7 / 2 6 );工 作 營 成 果 並 在 7 / 2 6( 五 )於 福 茲 堡 應 用 科 技 大 學 現 場 發 表; 本工作營可加深與德國姊妹校的交流合作,共同成長,並有助於後續交換學生之申請 與執行。

Deputy Dean of the School of Design of Fachhochschule Würzburg, Prof. Erich Schöl, Associate Professor Chou Wan-Ru, and Assistant Professor Kevin Lin of Department of Industrials co-advise 24 involved students (12 from each) during the five-day workshop (Jul.22-Jul.26). The achievements will be released at Fachhochschule Würzburg on Friday, Jul. 26. This workshop will be a better interaction with the sister school in Germany. Not only do the students learn together, but it also benefits the application and implement of student exchanging in the future.


FHWS 學校是一間著重傳達設計和互動設計的學殿,學校內包含許多不同導向的課程,含攝影、出版界面、影片等等不同面向的課程,且每一個課程都有業界專 業的教師來進行教學。 這次的工作營主題是 café,在同樣的限制條件下對於其服務流程做出創意和設計,期望結合 FHWS 的溝通設計和工設的思考激盪出先的想法,並從中得到新的 思考方式。 我們試著虛構出人物形象,定義出一種能夠理解的性格特質,其中我們讓德國學生虛擬出他們同學的個性,來以達到快速且有效的角色設定。 我們試著增加顧客在消費過程中的樂趣,去營造出和不同關係人 ( 複數 ) 以上的互動,藉由過程中得到回饋,且吸引其他觀望的潛在消費者。 FHWS is a school laying emphasis on communication design and interactive design. It provides courses of different orientations, including photography, press media, and film. In each course, there are professional instructors from the industry, which is different from the educational system in Taiwan. The topic of this workshop is café. We aim to produce the creative design of the service process in limited conditions. It is expected to spark a new way of thinking by combining the communication design of GHWS and our industrial design. We tried to make fictional characters and defined an understandable personality. We also invited the German students to create some so as to achieve the character setting fast and efficiently. We tried to add more fun to the customers’ behavior of consumption to create different characters’ interaction. In the process, we gained the feedback and attracted other potential consumers.

我們假設了整個服務的流程著將其改進和完善,因為設定的服務 是 機 械 提 供 你 咖 啡, 因 為 你 需 要 咖 啡, 相 較 於 一 種 買 賣 行 為, 我 們 希 望 這 可 以 是 一 種 幫 助, 所 以 用 小 費 的 方 式 做 為 獲 利 的 方 法。 在吸引顧客的過程中我們希望讓人工智慧更人性化。 We had an overall presumption of all the process of ser vice and hoped to improve it. In the process of service, a machine provides coffee because the customers need coffee. This can be compared to an act of business. We wanted it to be a kind of help, so tipping would be the way we benefit. In attracting the customers, we hoped to make the artificial intelligence more human. 我 們 做 出 了 四 種 表 情, 並 且 在 思 考 回 答 時 有 扎 眼 的 反 應, 讓 消 費 者了解機械的情況不會感到無所適從,我們以視訊連線和語音轉 換, 讓 我 們 可 以 在 遠 端 觀 察 並 且 代 替 機 械 回 答, 讓 消 費 者 認 為 是 人 工 智 慧 再 與 他 們 對 話。 外 觀 方 面 我 們 尋 找 現 有 的 材 料, 發 現 大 量的瓦愣紙板,藉由桌椅架構出結構,再運用紙板捲起加強強度, 並做出擬人的外貌,和外表的統一性。 Through simulation, we made the customers believe the existence of the artificial intelligence. We made four expressions. In thinking about an answer, the machine would blink, making the consumers understand his situation. As for the appearance, we looked for the existing materials. We found a large amount of corrugated paper and made the structure with a table and chairs. We wrapped the paper to increase its strength and made a human-like appearance to achieve the uniformity of the appearance.


Jiuntyng Dai

/ 2014 simple profilio

我們假設了整個服務的流程著將其改進和完善,因為設定的服務是機械提供你咖啡,因為你需要咖啡,相較於一種買賣行為,我們希望這可以是一種幫助,所以 用小費的方式做為獲利的方法。在吸引顧客的過程中我們希望讓人工智慧更人性化。 We had an overall presumption of all the process of ser vice and hoped to improve it. In the process of ser vice, a machine provides coffee because the customers need coffee. This can be compared to an act of business. We wanted it to be a kind of help, so tipping would be the way we benefit. In attracting the customers, we hoped to make the artificial intelligence more human.

我 們 做 出 了 四 種 表 情, 並 且 在 思 考 回 答 時 有 扎 眼 的 反 應, 讓 消 費 者 了 解 機 械 的 情 況 不 會 感 到 無 所 適 從, 我 們 以 視 訊 連 線 和 語 音 轉 換, 讓 我 們 可 以 在 遠 端 觀 察 並 且 代 替 機 械 回 答, 讓 消 費 者 認 為 是 人 工 智 慧 再 與 他 們 對 話。 外 觀 方 面 我 們 尋 找 現 有 的 材 料, 發 現 大 量 的 瓦 愣 紙 板, 藉 由 桌 椅 架 構 出 結 構, 再 運 用 紙 板 捲 起 加 強 強 度, 並 做 出 擬 人 的 外 貌,和外表的統一性。 Through simulation, we made the customers believe the existence of the artificial i n t e l l i g e n c e . W e m a d e f o u r e x p r e s s i o n s . I n t h i n k i n g a b o u t a n a n s w e r, t h e machine would blink, making the consumers understand his situation. As for the appearance, we looked for the existing materials. We found a large amount of corrugated paper and made the structure with a table and chairs. We wrapped the paper to increase its strength and made a human-like appearance to achieve the uniformity of the appearance.


一套自體循環的流動廁所系統。 A system of self-cycling portable public toilet.


Jiuntyng Dai

/ 2014 simple profilio

[2012 荷商派立有限公司設計工作營 ] 2012 Pilotfish Design workshop Power Your Droppings - Energy Saving System


POWER YOURSELF [ 荷商派立有限公司工作營 ] 時間 :2012 年 1 月 9 日 -1 月 13 日 地點 : 實踐大學 K 棟 指導老師 :Pilotfish 設計公司創辦人 Marc Nagel 及 Harm-Willem Hogenbirk 參與 : 實踐工設系所學生 19 位 Date: 9th-13rd January, 2012 Location: Shih Chien University Building.K Director: Marc Nagel and Harm-Willem Hogenbirk of Pilotfish Design Participant: 19 SCID Students

縱然處於綠色產業當道、環保意識已然滋長在多數先進國家的政策及行動之 中,地球上的汙染問題卻是無法遏止的一天一天惡化。憂心匆匆的人們飽受 能源即將枯竭的念頭折磨,期待著有人能夠挺身阻止這場災難的持續蔓延。 如此強烈的動機促成設計師接下這極具艱難的任務:設計師如何該以有效及 合理的方法,設想出全新的能源生產製造方式以利於全人類?產品的開發勢 在必行,須有利於節約、養護、產生能量,更需要人們從行動上改善,敏銳 感應到地球環境的退化及轉變,為人類初生的下一代負起責任。

Although the green industries are gradually in power and an environmental awareness is starting to be seen in policies and actions of a number of developed countries, the pollution problems around the world are unavoidably getting worse by each day that passes. Tortured by the idea that energy resources are drying up on Earth, the worried are desperately look forward to people who would stand up to the crisis and stop it from further spreading. A strong motivation then drove the designers to accept this extremely difficult mission: how do designers use effective and reasonable ways, to design never before seen ways to produce energy that would benefit all mankind? The development of products is a must. It would have to be beneficial to energy saving, maintaining and energy provision; it would also need people to start changing their behaviors, to sense the minor environmental degradation and changes of the Earth, and to carry responsibility for the next generations to come.


Jiuntyng Dai

/ 2014 simple profilio



Jiuntyng Dai

/ 2014 simple profilio

T h o u g h t b y t h a t t i m e , I ’ m a l r e a d y a j u n i o r, “ p r o f e s s i o n a l ” i s s t i l l something I wonder when talking upon, especially talking about working experience and coming across people who have special talents. Do I have all the knowledge that can give other impression and make down decision that require profession ability? However all the worries seems to be a piece of cake, cause what’s true is, “a tender heart” is found to be the main ingridence in the feast of a touching design. The most tricky thing in joining a workshop is the freedom of a new born concept. Possibilities are always discovered in ideas that seems to be never able to achieve. There is forever never a problem for a certain person, cause under a grouping team work, instead a lots of brain, what we share is a bigger brain, a wider thinking.


For the <Spring Scream> down in Kenting, dancing & singing can be the greatest thing to do in the beach and under the clear tropics sky. However when the problem comes to going to a bathroom, things are often awful...


Jiuntyng Dai

/ 2014 simple profilio

Going to the bathroom is no doubt a must, however, the memory in going to a bathroom is usually never mentioned, especially going to public bathrooms... If the falling poo & pee ends up brining fashin fun and water saving, how great would it be!!



Jiuntyng Dai

/ 2014 simple profilio

Joining in a workshop is like buying a surprise-package. First, you never get to know what will happen before the workshop starts, though reading the text and pinching the package wrapper can give you a guess. Second, even when the workshop starts, anything can happen before it ends, not until the last item is taken from the package, anything can be possible in there. Third, surprise-packages are often said to be a good deal, for workshops, it’s usually a surprise of worth that,mahes you smile.

參加工作營就像在買驚喜包,一來是一張海報背後到底藏了什麼到揭曉前都不會知道,儘管看看文 字細節或是捏捏包裝外袋可以略知一二;二來是儘管活動開始了,在到結束之前什麼可能都有可能 發生,在驚喜包裏眾多的東西最後一樣被拿出來的什麼都有可是什麼都有可能;三來是用來形容驚 喜包的形容詞:”超值”通常真的可以意外的令人會心一笑。 雖然已經大三了,對於所謂”專業”,自己到底有沒有,在看到有工作實戰經驗,或在某些領域有 一番專長的人的時候,都會納悶自己到底底足不足以用我所學的知識和判斷令人驚艷,畢竟工作營 合作下有所貢獻的規則在比自己年長和資深的人面前難免自行慚誨,但是有一樣是我發現可以不受 年齡和專業程度的能力影響的──快樂的心,而這是做一個為人為社會設計不可或缺得一條件。= 對於天馬行空的幻想和不須負實行責任的設計,是參加不管什麼樣的工作營的時候後投機好玩的地 方,每每這樣放開顧忌讓想法和創意彈跳,最後在看似無厘頭只有搞笑成分的想法中發現,其實 也 不 是 那 麼 不 可 能 、或 許 有 可 能 被 辦 到 等 等 ,當 結 論 是 ”什 麼 都 是 有 可 能 ,沒 有 什 麼 不 行 ”的 時 候 , 彷彿回到了在接受”設計教育”之前從不去在乎什麼發想過程,可以肆無忌憚的大放厥詞、天馬行 空地把想到的全拋出來的一種快樂,因為當這是一個合作的團體、你想法中不足的問題就是我的問 題的時候,問題就不存在了,因為總會有人可以提出他資料庫裡的解決方案用”噢 ~ 原來還有這種 解決辦法”的方式解決那些原本只有一個人困擾的問題。結論是:" 三人行必有我師”、”三個臭 皮匠勝過一個諸葛亮”還有”合作愉快”。


Thank you

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