Always Do One More Rep
To See the Whole Video, Go To - Always Do One More Rep Below is a transcription of this video I feel like I do this video every time of day about this time. It’s that one more rep. It’s that time when you don’t know what to do, you don’t have a lot more to do, you’re tired and you don’t really want to do anymore. You just kind of want to throw in the towel for the day. That’s where I am right now. My hand’s freezing. I don’t really know what to talk about. Something has me just push play and create one more rep. It’s funny. I was walking to this place yesterday when I did the last rep, but it’s that last rep that’s digging a little bit deeper.
Think about it, everything that you do that’s extra each day can add on top of each other. If you can only do one rep, that’s one video or one push-up, whatever it is, do one more, do one more badly. Then you’ve got two under your belt, the next day you can do three, the next day you can do four; then you’re doing four amazing ones. That last rep is really the one that makes a difference. You never know the difference is between you and those other people out there who aren’t doing the work and who aren’t going through that. I really implore you to do that last rep. I share that as a story for myself. I’m doing this one, I’m pretty close to the train. I didn’t really have to talk about anything else, didn’t really know what I was going to talk about. I’m still doing that final rep of the day. Thanks a lot for listening. This is Justin, make today an awesome day and make it an awesome life, be out there, be your best self. Be your best self, that’s a funny thing to say. I catch myself saying cheesy things sometimes and I just did catch myself saying cheesy things, which usually comes out when I don’t really know what I want to say in that moment. Thanks a lot for listening, this is Justin, make today a great day. You’re probably going to see a link below this video. This is my calling card. This is how I introduce myself. You’re going to see a link below this video. Click on that link, enter your email address, buckle yourself in, and take the ride of your life. Thanks a lot. It will be up to you after you enter your email address and
see that information that actually gets shared on the other end. Thanks a lot and make it a great day.