Create Your Own Market
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Below is a transcription of this video – This is inside of a project to create 3,000 videos in the next 90 days. It started off as a marketing project. Then it became a personal productivity, personal realization project – can I do it? Now it’s become really about communication, sharing messages, sharing what’s actually going on. Wow, it’s dark here, I’m sorry, probably freaking you out if this is the first video you’re seeing. Most of these things are very unrehearsed. I don’t do a lot of keyword research. I just come up with an intention of what I want to put in the video and wind up shooting it and see.
I’m going to put this stuff out there and see what actually connects. what messages actually connect with people? I expect 90% of these things, nobody will ever see them, will never see the light of day and there won’t be any connection. That’s a beautiful thing. Whatever you’re doing, this is going out to marketers because I focus on the marketers, do it in mass. Create your own case studies. I spend so much time trying to tip-toe into my marketing and doing as little as possible to get it done. I was like *beep* that – I’m not going to cuss on this one because I’m not in a cussing mood. I’m just going to create my own market, I’m going to create my own market research and find out what’s up and what actually people care about, what they connect to. Thanks for listening to this video. I just showed up at Duane Reade. I’ve got to get some formula for my six week old baby because I’m taking the family on a trip. You’ll see down below if you want to connect more. Leave a comment down below this video. Click on the link down below this video. We’re going to share some information with you that I think will be hugely powerful. Make today an awesome day.