Find a Way to Make it Work
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Below is a transcription of this video I’m walking down the street heading towards Time Square in Manhattan. I’m walking on the street because I guess there’s no cars that are allowed to come this way or maybe no cars are actually coming this way. It’s cool. I’m close to one of the biggest streets in the world. It’s Tuesday night at 11 o’clock and I’ve got the whole street to myself. It’s just awesome when you can experience something kind of by yourself, do your work and that’s what I’m doing. I’m doing my work here. I’m training myself.
This is my exercise because this video is being created inside of a commitment to generate 3,000 videos over the next 90 days. The reason I’m doing that is so I can develop myself as an awesome communicator, I can meet some income goals, and I can communicate in a way that inspires action for other people because I think that’s one of the coolest things that you can do in the world. I’m doing this basically as I’m walking to the train. I just dropped a friend off at the train, walking to the train myself, and doing this in experimentation. I don’t actually know what I’m talking about specifically as you can see by the rambling and I’ve got to look up every once in a while to make sure I don’t get hit by a car. Like I say, if you have a dream, if you’ve got a goal, if you’ve got something you want to accomplish, find a way to make it work. I’m a busy person. I’ve got a ton of stuff to do. I’ve got a family. Don’t have a lot of free time, yet find the time to create 3,000 videos because I walk places. All I can do is hold the camcorder up and start talking as I’m walking. You might get a little bit seasick because I might shake it a little bit. I might not be making eye contact with you the whole time because I’m looking a different direction. The fact of the matter is I’m actually doing this and it makes a difference, and you can, too.
If you’re a person who’s got some goals or who’s got some things you might want to accomplish this year, or in the years to come, then click on the link below and share your best email address. You’ll be shared some information about the Empower Network and the opportunity to earn some crazy stupid cash and at the end of it you’ll be invited to take action, which is starting with our blogging [inaudible], which costs a ridiculous $25 a month. That’ll get your ball rolling, get you started, and we’ll connect from there. Thanks a lot for listening and make it an awesome day. Thank you.