Find Your Gateway
To See the Whole Video, Go To - Find Your Gateway Below is a transcription of this video – Let’s talk about gateways real quickly. Like everybody else, working to get healthier in 2013. I was reading the 4 Hour Chef, Timothy Ferris’s new book. I remember he wrote a second book called The 4 Hour Body. He talks about what his dad did to lose weight. I’m not necessarily out here to lose a ton of weight here. I am out to get healthier and definitely not to put on weight.
What his dad did is he had – the only thing that he did, the only thing that he changed out of habit is that he had 30 grams of protein first thing in the morning after he woke up. I took that on a couple of days ago. What I’ve been having is Greek yogurt and eggs first thing in the morning. Now I came up with a little bit of a challenge. I’m going to be traveling, not that big of a deal. I’m going to be traveling. I’m not going to have as easy access to that stuff. I wound up yesterday getting some shakes. I share that because there’s little gateways. There’s little tips and tricks and techniques that I use to actually see if I’m on the right track and doing the right thing. That gives you an indication of what your path is, what track you’re on or whether you’re doing the right thing or not. If you have the right triggers, you can measure. If you’re anything like me, you might have a tendency to beat yourself up when you’re not doing the things that you’re actually doing. Find those little tips and find those little techniques, find those little things that you can do to see that you’re actually on the right track and moving in the right direction. This is Justin. Click on the link down below this video, share your best email address and we’ll see you on the other side. Thanks a lot.