Find Your Right Strategy
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Below is a transcription of this video – Hey this is Justin, and we’ll talk about one of the biggest changes that shifted my business, and it’s not something that you would actually think. What happens on Sunday nights, I’ve got two kids right now and working a full time job, so pretty busy. Sunday nights will be my time to get like four to five hours, just to concentrate on my marketing and figure out the next thing to do. So what I do is take my laptop, I take my wireless router and I go sit some place away from the family and sit by myself for a while. I had four or five hours, and it’s funny, I would get stuff done but at the end of the sections, I always kinda felt dissatisfied with the amount of stuff that got done. I
felt like I have more stuff to do after those sections than if I didn’t do anything at all. I think a lot of you can actually relate to this and what I realize just by chance what I started to do, a couple of years ago as I started walk into the office. The place I live is about nine miles away from my office, I started walking into the office in the morning, that walk took about two hours and twenty minutes, I found out when I was doing that was that it felt like time was actually expanding. I was getting the benefit of doing some exercise, I was getting my head clear before I went into the office and I felt like I had an abundance of time, and that actually carried me though the rest of the day. So I said, what if, I wonder if I can do a lot of my marketing work while I’m actually walking into the office. and that’s when I started recording videos. That’s what I do right now, and its amazing, and yes sir, I still have to sit behind the computer about an hour in a day. You know I still have to do some stuff behind the computer, but I’m slowly weeding those things off that I have to do behind a computer and not being in motion. So its not necessarily the strategy that your doing, it’s not the marketing strategy or the traffic strategy or whatever it is that makes a difference, its doing those things that works for you. And finding those things that works for you, because we all have inside of us the right skill set to get done what we have to get done. It’s just a way of collapsing those skills or contorting to a skill and doing them in a way that actually makes a difference and that’s the beauty. I always thought once I came out with a right strategy, it would be the right thing to do but the facts of the matter is it has nothing to do with that. It has to do with finding those things that work for me personally.
So, thanks a lot for listening to this, this should be of some value to you specially if you’re struggling in your marketing efforts right now. See, click on the link down below of this video or beside this video. If you are looking for an opportunity to make some additional income and to do it, I think, in the most stress free possible, I’m an awesome bet.