How To Deal With Regret
To See the Whole Video, Go To - How To Deal With Regret Below is a transcription of this video I want to record this video on how to deal with regret and it’s funny. My wife is about to get on a plane with my four-month-old and I’m on a plane and got here with my daughter yesterday. Circumstances had us flying on different flights, but now that I’m looking at it I was like we should all be flying together, as a family together so we can support my wife on the first flight with my son. There were a lot of reasons that we didn’t do it that way, but the funny thing is I have a regret.
I feel like maybe I didn’t make the right decision, but the fact of the matter is I can handle this one of two ways. One, the decision is actually already been made, so there’s no point in beating myself up over making the decision this way or second guessing what’s done. I just realized, you make decisions with the best information that you have at any point in time. If you are a person who has good intentions and wants the best for people and in general overall you’re probably going to make good decisions most of the time. Now, if you make a wrong decision or if you make a decision that you think later on that it might not have been the right decision; yeah, it’s the opportunity to correct something for the future. As I started recording this video when I went down the phase of starting to beat myself up for the decision that I actually made, I realized there’s noting I could do about it at this point in time except for learn the lessons for the future. That’s what life is really about, learning the lesson for the future, so we can put them into practice. In business, that’s the same thing. You’re going to make mistakes, you’re going to make a ton of mistakes. Learn from those mistakes, put them into practice, the corrections in the future and you’re going to wind up getting better and better and better. Click on the link down below this video or to the side of this video and we’ll see on the other side.