Learn To Be a Leader
To See the Whole Video, Go To - Learn To Be a Leader Below is a transcription of this video I was thinking about something and I was always trained to be a leader and so we always talked about be a leader, be a leader, be a leader, be a leader. I found something a couple of years ago when I was thrust in leadership positions very early on, some that I was prepared for and some that I wasn’t prepared for. There’s a tremendous value in actually leading people and working towards leading people, but then I had a mindset shift a couple of years ago and just came kind of constant apprentice and constant student. It doesn’t mean not taking on leadership roles. It doesn’t mean not taking on more responsibilities but if you’re constantly looking to learn from other people
and has that student mindset all of the time, then I think that’s really what it takes to actually become one of the most awesome leaders. When I started taking that on and stopped taking on the pressure of having to know it all and the illusion of what I thought a leader was going to be, when I started taking that stuff on and started becoming more aware of myself and constantly in a learning process and really in every situation seeking out to learn and to grow and to train and to develop a little bit more, life got a little bit more exciting. This is a call out to anybody when you’re in a situation, to become the great leaders is to become the top student. I believe in this so much and it pains me when I see people trying to be leaders who aren’t necessarily ready or trying to be something that actually is different as opposed to just being the perennial students and the forever students. I just want to share a little bit of a rant to about 10:30 at night on a Tuesday night and just want to kind of get that out there because I just got out of a meeting that was little bit sparked on. Thanks a lot for listening. This is Justin. Make today a great day. You’re going to see a link down below this video to the side of the video or you might actually be seeing a banner. Click on that link, enter your email address and get it on for a ride of your life. Thanks a lot for watching this message and thanks a lot for granting me the opportunity to actually have somebody hear a little bit of rant. I really am
thankful for that, so have a wonderful day. This is Justin, make it a great one. Thanks a lot.