To See the Whole Video, Go To - Lotto
Below is a transcription of this video – Let’s talk about playing the lotto. I got into somelotto pools a couple of years ago with some coworkers and I think we each kicked in about $10. The experience to me, it was funny because I never expected to win but I was afraid to be out of the game, out of participation, out of the pool or the fear that would happen if we’re not in it. I think that it’s interesting, this lotto. What would happen if the group of ticketswould actually win?
I don’t know if necessarily that I’d be even interested in winning the lotto but being on the outside and seeing somebody so close win is something that makes a difference and I realized, not makes a difference but it’s something that think about and which had you pull in each time. I never really felt good at the end of it. I never felt good off the participation because I was leaving the success really up to external factors and I really had no control of them. I think if I would hit the lottery I think that would be interesting but it’s so much more valuable to actually do the work to develop myself and to learn myself and to grow myself to actually earn into the sort of income that can be lotto sort of income. I just wanted to share that. I hope that had some value to you which we’ll see actually down below this video or to the side of this video, you’ll see a link and click on that link, enter your email address and we’ll be reaching out to you after that. Thanks a lot and make today a great day.