Next Level of Growth
To See the Whole Video, Go To - Next Level of Growth Below is a transcription of this video – I just want to talk about the next level of growth. I share the information because I sat and talked to somebody yesterday. I know him from a past life and this guy was an executive in a company that used to work for. I didn’t know him very well, by I knew him by reputation. He was sharing what he was up to now and the company that he started. He asked me what I did and what I was up to right now. I didn’t share this project.
This is like the biggest thing that I’m right now is the project to create 3,000 videos and I went to my old standby, the thing that I share that I had actually done in the past. So I was like, and I answered so what’s up with that and what to deal with it. It was funny, because I was inside the space where I give up and I wasn’t actually going to do it, but I didn’t share that with him and I don’t know exactly why. I just wanted to give that information a little differently and the other things I wanted to reach out and actually ask to have some mentoring conversation with me because a person I’m actually really impressed with. I was actually going to give up on that too. I wasn’t actually going to do that. It’s just funny to see when we’re doing things and we’re doing big things we don’t necessarily pay so much attention to what we’re doing. We have the ability to diminish the actions that we’re taking, diminish the work that we’re doing. What’s important is we don’t so these things for ourselves, we do these things for other people. If you’re doing it for other people then really it’s a disservice then to actually to not share what we’re up to specifically. Thanks a lot for listening to this lesson and click on the link below, enter your best email address and make today and awesome day. Thanks a lot.