On Joining a Video Marketing Community
To See the Whole Video, Go To - On Joining a Video Marketing Community Below is a transcription of this video Hey, this is Justin. Today is about joining communities and recording this video inside of a commitment to generate three thousand videos over the next ninety days. And there’s something about two weeks to go in a hotel room by myself in Austin, like eighty-four videos and I got into a couple of different phases. I got to a place where it’s like, basically what you do is you create thirty videos a day. This is what about it, right? It’s just kind of me talking in a video, and so I did like eighty four in a hotel room in Austin and I was having a really good time with it. And then I started to do thirty a day, some days it was like a little bit tough and
then I got all the logistics issues and having these things uploaded, it’s hosting, having things in time, logistics comes in. So then I was like “for about a week, figure it out, I did my research and finally yesterday, I joined a community.” It’s a high voltage video community, it’s part of the warrior for and it’s cool, it’s about a hundred and fifty people. We focus on video marketing; well it’s going about that I would be able to introduce the product to a group of people who are actually interested in what I’m doing, specifically not, because they’re interested in me and like their family. They’re just interested in general but they’re interested specifically and that’s a good problem. Really on some little logistics so, I think are we getting more product but cut aside what we do in a day, like kind of get some group fours. I got to be creative and be innovative, that’s the cool thing. Not having a bit less money to speak each and get inside of a community, to be part of a community of people who are doing things that are similar towards what you’re gearing, because that can make a definitely whole big difference in. You get cheerleaders, you get detractors, you got questions, you have all kinds of cool stuff that comes out of that. So, thanks for actually watching this. There’s a link down below this video, click on that link, enter your best email address and we’ll see you on the other side. Thanks a lot!